# annafrends <<<<<<< 215_annafrends gs 'stat' 'Around the house drinking beer culture your sister Anna, Lena, Ira, Rex and Roman.' dialogstartrand = rand(0,4) if dialogstartrand = 0: !аня 'Anya outraged polutoralitrovogo grasping a bottle of beer "Guys! Well you pour beer today or not?"' tipDSrand = rand(0,1) if tipDSrand = 0: 'Rex took poltorashku hands of Ani.' tipDSrand2 = rand(0,4) if tipDSrand2 = 0: *nl '"And why not to shout! now pour!"' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya giggles "I have not yet started to yell, if I start, you oglohnesh."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with jumps!"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Anya sprinkles in cam "And then put him on a chain."' end end if tipDSrand2 = 1: *nl '"Well, you always like to be late for the train. Relax rolls. Now everything will be."' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya giggles, "I have not started to scream if I start, you oglohnesh."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a jump of dog shit, with a jump!"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Roma giggles "Here and stinks. And if she rolls relax, we run the risk of suffocation!"' tipDSrand4 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand4 = 0: 'Anya quips, "You´re so forever remain a virgin, Roma."' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Roma grins "It was an offer?"' tipDSrand5 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand5 = 0: 'Anya laughs "Dream on, saffron."' end if tipDSrand5 = 1: 'Anya laughs "Only in your dreams, saffron."' end if tipDSrand5 = 2: 'Anya laughs "Yeah, schazz. Hear the tramp? Already ran to give."' end end end if tipDSrand4 = 1: 'Anya quips "And you udivlyaeshsya that you girls do not give Roma."' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Rex grins "Yeah, our eternal virgin Roma is able to enliven the conversation on the topic of anal gases."' end if tipDSrand4 = 2: 'Anya quips "It´s from you is the smell."' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Roma grins "Yes, no, it sobachatiny bears."' end end end if tipDSrand2 = 2: *nl '"Che, unscrew the plug does not have a hand?"' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya giggles "And then what for you need?"' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Rex with mock indignation "Around one operation."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "You talk like a girl?"' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Rex with mock indignation "In Russian, I speak with her."' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Ira smiling "not outraged, Reksik."' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Anya sprinkles in cam "And then on the chain to plant."' end end if tipDSrand2 = 3: *nl '"Let me be undermined, madam."' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya giggles "Cleared, monsieur."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Anya with mock indignation says "Do not Madame and Mademoiselle!"' tipDSrandA = rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Rex bowing gallantly "Miles sorry mademoiselle."' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Anya says impatiently "Pour already a clown."' end end if tipDSrand2 = 4: *nl '"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."' end end end if tipDSrand = 1: 'Roma took the bottle out of the hands polutoralitrovogo Ani and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2 = 0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2 = 1: 'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"' end if tipDSrand2 = 2: 'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."' end tipDSrandA = rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."' end end end end if dialogstartrand = 1: !Лена 'Lena indignantly, "We came to drink beer or admire it?"' dialogstartrand = rand(3,4) end if dialogstartrand = 2: !Ира 'Ira flirting eyes and flapping "Boys, and today we are going to drink beer?"' dialogstartrand = rand(3,4) end if dialogstartrand = 3: !Рекс tipDSrand = rand(0,1) if tipDSrand = 0: 'Rex took poltorashku beer and unscrew the plug.' tipDSrand2 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2 = 0: *nl '"Shit! Where cups? Are we not buy them?"' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Anya takes cups "Here they are, blind monster."' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Roma says "Rex, you did them in the store took, all memory is that it is not?"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."' end end if tipDSrand2 = 1: *nl '"Roman, cups hold this while I pour."' end end if tipDSrand = 1: 'Rex took poltorashku beer and handed it to Roma. "Pour, then froze."' 'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2 = 0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2 = 1: 'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"' end if tipDSrand2 = 2: 'Ira took cups "Pour already grief onion."' end tipDSrandA = rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the land.' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."' end end end end if dialogstartrand = 4: !Рома Мейнольд 'Roma took polutoralitrovogo beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2 = 0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2 = 1: 'Rex took the cups "That same armless horseradish. Itself can not what?"' end if tipDSrand2 = 2: 'Ira took cups "Pour already onion grief."' end tipDSrandA = rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA = 0: 'Fracture of beer cups and flooded the ground.' tipDSrand3 = rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3 = 0: 'Rex was outraged. "That thou armless hell! Nothing can trust you!"' end if tipDSrand3 = 1: 'Rex was outraged. "No, well, how not to spill it?"' end if tipDSrand3 = 2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, make sure you will pour."' end end end 'Finally turned into beer cups and you also gave a plastic cup with a cold beer. Are you drunk with all beer.' act 'further': SiSonWork = 0 & SiSgdk = 0 & gt 'annafrends2' ======= gs'stat' 'Around the house drinking beer culture your sister Anya, Lena, Ira, Rex and Roman.' dialogstartrand=rand(0,4) if dialogstartrand=0: !Anya 'Anya outraged polutoralitrovye grabbing a bottle of beer "boys! Well you pour beer today or not?"' tipDSrand=rand(0,1) if tipDSrand=0: 'Rex took poltorashku from the hands of Ani.' tipDSrand2=rand(0,4) if tipDSrand2=0: *nl'"And why not to shout! now pour!"' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya giggles "I have not yet started to yell, if I start, you oglohnesh."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a hop dog shit, with a hop!"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Ira smiling "not perturbed, Reksik."' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Anya sprinkles in cam "And then put him on a chain."' end end if tipDSrand2=1: *nl'"Well. Relax rolls. Now everything will be."' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya giggles "I have not yet started to yell, if I start, you oglohnesh."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "Hurry! And with a hop dog shit, with a hop!"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Roma giggles "Here and so it stinks. And if it rolls and relax, we run the risk of suffocation!"' tipDSrand4=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand4=0: 'Anya quips "You will forever remain a virgin, Roma."' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0: 'Roma grins "It was an offer?"' tipDSrand5=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand5=0: 'Anya laughs "dream on, saffron_milk_cap."' end if tipDSrand5=1: 'Anya laughs "Only in your dreams, saffron_milk_cap."' end if tipDSrand5=2: 'Anya laughs "Yup, schazz. hear the tramp? Already ran to give."' end end end if tipDSrand4=1: 'Anya quips "And you udivlyaeshsya, what do you girls do not give Roma."' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Rex grins "Yeah, our eternal virgin Roma is able to revive the conversation on the topic of anal gases."' end if tipDSrand4=2: 'Anya quips "It`s the smell of you."' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Roma grins "yes no, it is sobachatiny."' end end end if tipDSrand2=2: *nl'"Th, hand unscrew the cork no?"' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya giggles "And then what for you need?"' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Rex with mock indignation "Around one operation."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Lena resounding slaps on the shoulder Rex "You`re like a girl talking?"' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Rex with mock indignation "According to Russian I talking to her."' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Ira smiling "not perturbed, Reksik."' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Anya sprinkles in cam "And then put him on a chain."' end end if tipDSrand2=3: *nl'"Let blown, madam."' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya giggles "authorize, monsieur."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Anya with mock indignation says "not Madame, and Mademoiselle!"' tipDSrandA=rand(0,10) if tipDSrandA=0:'Rex bowing gallantly "Miles sorry Mademoiselle."' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Anya says impatiently "pour already, clown."' end end if tipDSrand2=4: *nl'"shit!!! where cups? We did not buy their?"' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya takes cups "Here they are, blind beast."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Roma notices "Rex, you yourself would take them in the store, absolutely no memory or something?"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."' end end end if tipDSrand=1: 'Roma took the bottle out of the hands polutoralitrovye Ani and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2=0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2=1: 'Rex took cups "That`s the same armless horseradish. Itself can not or something?"' end if tipDSrand2=2: 'Ira took cups "pour already, Mount onion."' end tipDSrandA=rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA=0: 'Beer spilling from a cup and rushed to the ground.' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Rex protested. "Here are you armless horseradish! Nothing can you trust!"' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Rex protested. "No, Well?"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, be sure to spill."' end end end end if dialogstartrand=1: !Lena 'Lena indignantly "We came to drink beer or enjoy them?"' dialogstartrand=rand(3,4) end if dialogstartrand=2: !Ira 'Ira flirting and clapping eyes "Boys, and today we are going to drink beer?"' dialogstartrand=rand(3,4) end if dialogstartrand=3: !Rex tipDSrand=rand(0,1) if tipDSrand=0: 'Rex took poltorashku beer and unscrewed the cap.' tipDSrand2=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2=0: *nl'"shit!!! where cups? We did not buy their?"' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Anya takes cups "Here they are, blind beast."' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Roma notices "Rex, you yourself would take them in the store, absolutely no memory or something?"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Lena enough cups "Rex, do not pull the rubber."' end end if tipDSrand2=1: *nl'"Romka, Hold cups, while I pour."' end end if tipDSrand=1: 'Rex took poltorashku beer and handed it to Roma. "pour, which froze."' 'Roma took polutoralitrovye beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2=0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2=1: 'Rex took cups "That`s the same armless horseradish. Itself can not or something?"' end if tipDSrand2=2: 'Ira took cups "pour already, Mount onion."' end tipDSrandA=rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA=0: 'Beer spilling from a cup and rushed to the ground.' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Rex protested. "Here are you armless horseradish! Nothing can you trust!"' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Rex protested. "No, Well?"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, be sure to spill."' end end end end if dialogstartrand=4: !Roma Meynold 'Roma took polutoralitrovye beer bottle and began to print. "Hold somebody cups."' tipDSrand2=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand2=0: 'Rex took the cups and Roma began to pour beer on plastic glasses.' end if tipDSrand2=1: 'Rex took cups "That`s the same armless horseradish. Itself can not or something?"' end if tipDSrand2=2: 'Ira took cups "pour already, Mount onion."' end tipDSrandA=rand(0,3) if tipDSrandA=0: 'Beer spilling from a cup and rushed to the ground.' tipDSrand3=rand(0,2) if tipDSrand3=0: 'Rex protested. "Here are you armless horseradish! Nothing can you trust!"' end if tipDSrand3=1: 'Rex protested. "No, Well?"' end if tipDSrand3=2: 'Anya was indignant. "Always the same, if saffron pours, be sure to spill."' end end end 'Finally. You drank beer together with all.' act 'further':SiSonWork=0&SiSgdk=0> 'annafrends2' >>>>>>> 215_annafrends --- annafrends ---------------------------------