# avt2 *PL 'Game rules are very simple: toss a coin 100 rubles and you pull the lever. Jackpot million rubles.' *P '
' ACT 'Pull the lever': if money >= 100: x_10 = rand(1,1000) money = money - 100 if x_10 = 1000: set money += 1000000 msg 'You won the jackpot! Congratulations!' end if x_10 < 1000 and x_10 > 850: set money += 200 msg 'Congratulations, you won 200 rubles' end if x_10 > 500 and x_10 <= 850: set money += 100 msg 'Congratulations, you have won 100 rubles' end if x_10 <= 500: msg 'Alas, you lost, try again' end clr gt 'avt2' else msg 'And how are you going to play without money? Come back when you find the necessary amount' gt 'avt2' end END ACT 'Back to the Hall': gt 'igravt' END clr gs 'stat' set minut += 10 --- avt2 ---------------------------------