# beforeFW $endurdin={ Ken=(musle/100)*Kus/100 if ken<=0:ken=1 Kene=(musle[i]/100)*Kuse/100 if kene<=0:kene=1 KoefUder=RAND(Uder*20/100,Uder) KoefUderE=RAND(Udere*20/100,Udere) KoefBros=RAND(Brosok*20/100,Brosok) KoefBrosE=RAND(Brosoke*20/100,Brosoke) KoefProt=RAND(Zash*20/100,Zash) KoefProtE=RAND(Zashe*20/100,Zashe) } $uderdin={ Kus=5 Kuse=10 dynamic $endurdin endur-=ken endurE-=kene Aktiv=(strenw/2)+agilw+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefUder Aktiv=Aktiv*endur/endurMax Passiv=(((strenwE+(agilwE/2))*koefE)/100)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefProtE Passiv=Passiv*endurE/endurMaxE } $uderdinE={ Kus=10 Kuse=5 dynamic $endurdin endur-=ken endurE-=kene Aktiv=(strenwE/2)+agilwE+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefUdere Aktiv=Aktiv*endurE/endurMaxE Passiv=(((strenw+(agilw/2))*koef)/100)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefProt Passiv=Passiv*endur/endurMaxE } $brosdin={ Kus=10 Kuse=10 dynamic $endurdin endur-=ken endurE-=kene Aktiv=strenw+(agilw/2)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefBros Aktiv=Aktiv*endur/endurMax Passiv=(((strenwE/2)+agilwE)*koefE/100)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefProtE Passiv=Passiv*endurE/endurMaxE } $brosdinE={ Kus=10 Kuse=10 dynamic $endurdin endur-=ken endurE-=kene Aktiv=strenwE+(agilwE/2)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefBrosE Aktiv=Aktiv*endurE/endurMaxE Passiv=(((strenw/2)+agilw)*koef/100)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefProt Passiv=Passiv*endur/endurMax } !power, throws !flexibility, protection, !speed, initiative !equipment, !endurance a=1 point=0 pointE=0 $nameE=$nikname[i] $nameA=$nikname[a] strenw=musle[1]/10 strenwE=musle[i]/10 agilw=flex[1]/10 agilwE=flex[i]/10 lustMax=wipo[1] lustMaxE=wipo[i] lustw=lustMax lustwe=lustMaxe Brosok=Bteh[1]/10 BrosokE=Bteh[i]/10 Uder=Uteh[1]/10 Udere=Uteh[i]/10 Zash=Zteh[1]/10 Zashe=Zteh[i]/10 resultFight=0 endurMax=stamina[1]/10 endurMaxE=stamina[i]/10 endur=endurMax endurE=endurMaxE croonce=0 round=1 rMin=8 <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW stoper = 0 Ku = 0 Kb = 0 Kz = 0 KuE = 0 KbE = 0 KzE = 0 ======= stoper=0 Ku=0 Kb=0 Kz=0 KuE=0 KbE=0 KzE=0 >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW !minus the endurance of fat !force depends on the endurance !speed depends on the endurance <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW if Formula = 0: Formula = 3 end ======= if Formula=0:Formula=3 >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW '
before round
' <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW '
' ======= '
' >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW 'you and <<$nameE>> greeted each other.' 'Referee required to start a fight on his hands.' !picture <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW act 'Fight on his hands': cls !picture '
' if strenw > strenwE: point + =1 lustw + =1 $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.' 'You won the fight on his hands.' crouch = 1 end if strenw < strenwE: pointE += 1 lustwE += 1 $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.' 'You lost the battle on his hands.' crouch = 0 end if strenw = strenwE: 'Quest on hand ended in a draw. The referee tossed the coin, that would determine the winner.' varrand = rand(0, 1) end if varrand = 0: crouch = 1 & $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.' end if varrand = 1: crouch = 0 & $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.' end 'Refferi stopped you and commanded <<$text>>' act 'Follow the instructions referees': gt 'FightCrouch' end end ======= act 'Fight on his hands': cls !picture '
' if strenw>strenwE: point+=1 lustw+=1 $text='Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.' 'You won the fight on his hands.' crouch=1 end if strenw>' act 'Follow the instructions referees': gt'FightCrouch' end end --- beforeFW --------------------------------- >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW