# body_din !! Medical procedures, such as abortions, are located at medical_din !! Determines whether a NPC sees that another character is pregnant. !! If ARGS 1-3 are not set the observed character is the player character (Sveta) !! Usage: visible = FUNC('body_din','pregnancyVisibility') !! Return values: !! 0: Has no reason to believe Sveta is pregnant !! 1: Believes Sveta is pregnant !! Parameters: !! ARGS[1]; The current pregnancy state (default: pregchem) !! $ARGS[2]: The worn clothing type (default $clothingworntype) !! ARGS[3]: The worn clothing numer (default: clothingwornnumber) if $ARGS[0] = 'pregnancyVisibility': RESULT = 0 pregchemTemp = iif(ARGS[1] = 0,pregchem,ARGS[1]) $clothingworntypeTemp = iif(ARGS[2] = '',$clothingworntype,ARGS[2]) clothingwornnumberTemp = iif(ARGS[3] = 0,clothingwornnumber,ARGS[3]) gs 'clothing_attributes',$clothingworntypeTemp,clothingwornnumberTemp if (CloThinness >= 5 or $clothingworntypeTemp = 'nude') and pregchemTemp > 2000: RESULT = 1 elseif CloThinness = 4 and pregchemTemp > 3460: RESULT = 1 elseif CloThinness = 3 and pregchemTemp > 3990: RESULT = 1 elseif CloThinness = 2 and pregchemTemp > 4200: RESULT = 1 elseif pregchemTemp > 5200: RESULT = 1 end killvar 'pregchemTemp' killvar '$clothingworntypeTemp' killvar 'clothingwornnumberTemp' end --- body_din ---------------------------------