korr.qsrc 23 KB

  1. # korr
  2. music_loop = 0
  4. $loc = 'korr'
  5. $metka = ''
  6. $locM = 'korr'
  7. $metkaM = ''
  8. $menu_loc = 'korr'
  9. $menu_arg = ''
  10. menu_off = 0
  11. $location_type = 'private'
  12. killvar '$locclass'
  13. if sound = 0:PLAY 'sound/korr.mp3',30
  14. if courtletter_date <= daystart and courtletter_date ! 0: gt 'sentence', 'letter'
  15. if lesbiday + 14 <= daystart and lesbiQW >= 11 and hour >= 19 and santehnikDolg = 0:
  16. if RAND(0,100) > 82 and husband = 0:
  17. gt 'lesbimistress','mistvisit'
  18. else
  19. lesbiday += 1
  20. end
  21. end
  22. act '</b>Go to the stairwell</b>':
  23. *clr & cla
  24. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  25. '<b><font color="red">You need to get dressed before going out.</font></b>'
  26. xgt $curloc
  27. elseif sick > 72:
  28. '<b><font color="red">You''re too sick to walk around in the streets.</font></b>'
  29. xgt $curloc
  30. else
  31. xgt 'etoexhib', 'pos51'
  32. end
  33. end
  34. act '<b>Go to the street</b>':
  35. *clr & cla
  36. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  37. '<b><font color="red">You need to get dressed before going out.</font></b>'
  38. xgt $curloc
  39. elseif sick > 72:
  40. '<b><font color="red">You''re too sick to walk around in the streets.</font></b>'
  41. xgt $curloc
  42. else
  43. minut += 2
  44. xgt 'street', 'start'
  45. end
  46. end
  47. act 'The bedroom':gt 'bedr'
  48. act 'The bathroom':gt 'vanr'
  49. act 'The kitchen':gt 'kuhr'
  50. act 'The living room':gt 'sitr'
  51. popolaini = 0
  52. saunaYouRoom = 0
  53. boycherdaksex = 0
  54. bonusZ = 0
  55. minut += 1
  56. housrA = 1
  57. housrMir = 0
  58. elektro += 1
  59. curr_home = 3
  60. gs 'stat'
  61. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  62. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Corridor</font></b></center>'
  63. if remkorr = 0:
  64. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/korr.jpg"></center>'
  65. 'In the hallway wallpaper which where moved away from the walls, and has long faded. A <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a> hangs on the wall.'
  66. else
  67. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/korr2.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'Modern hall with stylish furniture, a wall-mounted <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirror</a>.'
  69. end
  70. if umbrella > 0:'On a hook hangs an umbrella.'
  71. if krolik = 1:'Resting on the floor your rabbit <a href="exec:gt ''krol'', ''start''"><<$namekrol>></a>.'
  72. if popugai = 1:'In the cage sits your parrot <a href="exec:gt ''popu'', ''start''"><<$namepopu>></a>.'
  73. if parkday ! daystart and parkblackmail = 1:
  74. parkblackmail = 2
  75. parkday = daystart
  76. 'A heavy envelope has arrived in the mail. When you open it you can see pictures in it. Damn, it''s pictures of you where you are giving blowjobs to two guys in the park.'
  77. 'Small note says:'
  78. 'If you do not want to have these pictures posted on your porch and sent to your work, come to this address (address listed is a Studio)'
  79. 'PS, if you do not come today, these pictures will be hanging in your entryway tomorrow.'
  80. elseif parkday ! daystart and parkblackmail = 2:
  81. parkblackmail = 0
  82. fotoyousuck = 1
  83. 'Damn, your photos with sperm on your face and two dicks in your mouth are plastered around porch.'
  84. end
  85. !!if rand (0,2) ! 0:gs 'din_bad' & dynamic $mobile_check
  86. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 20 and santehnikDolg > 0 and money >= santehnikDolg:
  87. '<b><font color="red">, the doorbell rings</font></b>'
  88. act 'Go to the door':
  89. *clr & cla
  90. gs 'stat'
  91. 'You go to the door and look through the peephole. You see a dark male figure. Apparently the man heard you and says through the door. "It''s me. Plumber Grisha. You owe me money, remember?"'
  92. act 'Answer the door':
  93. *clr & cla
  94. money -= santehnikDolg
  95. santehnikDolg = 0
  96. gs 'stat'
  97. 'You open the door and Gregory smiles. "I thought you were hiding from me now. Well? Do you have my money?" You nod and pay him the 1,500 rubles.'
  98. act 'Close the door':gt $curloc
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
  102. if IvanPodstavaQW = 3 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 20:
  103. *clr & cla
  104. IvanPodstavaQW = 4
  105. if DolgRS <= moneySUM:
  106. money = moneySUM - 650000
  107. karta = 0
  108. stolmoney = 0
  109. minut += 120
  110. 'For you police patrol arrived and took you to court. You have managed to pay off its debt and you were released to reconcile the parties.'
  111. act 'Get out of the courthouse':gt 'down'
  112. else
  113. DolgRS = 650000 - moneySUM - 60000
  114. money = 0
  115. karta = 0
  116. stolmoney = 0
  117. vidage += 7
  118. year += 5
  119. age = year - ((pcs_dob - (pcs_dob mod 10000)) / 10000)
  120. money = 2000
  121. 'For you police patrol arrived and took you to court. At trial, you were given five years of general regime, is obliged to pay debt <<DolgRS>>.'
  122. act 'Sit on the area':
  123. *clr & cla
  124. srok_kolvo = 1
  125. srok_otsidki += 5
  126. salo = 10
  127. fat = 10
  128. if defcurly = 0:
  129. curly = 0
  130. else
  131. curly = 2147483647
  132. end
  133. straight = 0
  134. pcs_makeup = 1
  135. pcs_skin = 0
  136. pcs_tan = 0
  137. pcs_leghair = 12
  138. pcs_pubes = 30
  139. bfa = 0
  140. narkoman = 0
  141. nark = 0
  142. SLomka = 0
  143. work = 0
  144. workKafe = 0
  145. workhosp =0
  146. worksalon =0
  147. tanwork =0
  148. workSec =0
  149. stipuha =0
  150. preg = 0
  151. young_shop_work = 0
  152. student = 0
  153. kurs = 0
  154. semestr = 0
  155. abiturient = 0
  156. stipuha = 0
  157. lektor = 0
  158. gs 'stat'
  159. 'Time dragged on too long. Your life and work was tedious and monotonous. You sewed quilted five years, had dinner in the dining room and went to sleep in the barracks surrounded by other women inmates. With your salary of 2, 000 <b>₽</b> per month in 1000 listed on the debt repayment. But time does not stand still and still came an end to your suffering. You let go and gave 2,000 <b>₽</b>. You took the train and came back to the city.'
  160. act 'Get off the train': gt 'nordtrain', 'outside'
  161. end
  162. end
  163. exit
  164. end
  165. if IvanPodstavaDay ! daystart and IvanPodstavaQW = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
  166. '<b><font color="red">The doorbell rings</font></b>'
  167. act 'Come to the door':
  168. *clr & cla
  169. gs 'stat'
  170. 'You came to the door and looked through the peephole. On the site you saw a few men. In the darkness you have seen them on their caps. One of the men said to you through the door. <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>> open, police.'
  171. act 'Answer the door':
  172. *clr & cla
  173. minut += 60
  174. IvanPodstavaQW = 2
  175. gs 'stat'
  176. 'You opened the door to police wondering what they need from you. In the room were several men in uniform and with them several men in civilian clothes. Lean and skinny guy with stubble week and a pistol in a holster on a belt tied armpit said. "Understood, take your seats. Who will search in the apartment of the citizen who is accused of stealing." The investigator turned to you. "That''s a warrant for your arrest, this, this search warrant. Could you read it." Policemen full searched your apartment. Soon, one of them came out and said. Here are found the keys, according to the description it is just the keys to the office and the safe where the money was stolen. Witnesses signed the protocol that gave them the investigator. He frowned at you and nodded policeman, who started your hands behind your back and your wrists snap handcuffs.'
  177. act 'Go with the police':
  178. *clr & cla
  179. minut += 60
  180. gs 'stat'
  181. 'Brought you out of the house in handcuffs and put in a police UAZ. After, steel doors slam and UAZ car started shaking and growling at each bump. Finally you have arrived somewhere and you taking from UAZ performed in the office to have a friend you investigator. He took off the handcuffs and offered you a seat. You took a hard and uncomfortable chair, and an investigator in the meantime turned on the TV and put a video cassette. On the screen was a picture of a security camera in bystroeshke. There was visible corridor. Soon appeared in the corridor you. You came to the door and opened it entered the office. After a while, the door opened and you are out of the office with a thick envelope. Investigator turned a VCR tape and pulled, after which he put another tape. On the next cabinet drawer was Anatoly Chubais. The front door opened and it included you, holding keys in hand. You went to the safe and opened it with the key. Got envelope. <<$burgerIvanText>>. Investigator turned the TV off and pulled out a plastic bag with table keys. He threw them on the table, and finally spoke. "Tests showed it really the keys to the office and the safe owner bystroezhki. During the search they were found in your apartment. Surveillance cameras on the record clearly shows how you entered the office and stole 650 thousand." He took out the protocol and taking pen in hand began to write. Filled a slate floor, he raised his dark eyes on you and said. "Confession will help you in court. All the same, it is the first time and provided that you return the money, you may be given a suspended sentence, if you admit your guilt."'
  182. act 'Sign confession':
  183. *clr & cla
  184. minut += 60
  185. gs 'stat'
  186. 'You sign a confession and an investigator barked "duty." Policeman entered the room. The investigator nodded showing him you get her.'
  187. act 'Go':gt 'kameraKPZ'
  188. end
  189. act 'Tell how it was':
  190. *clr & cla
  191. minut += 60
  192. gs 'stat'
  193. 'You were telling the investigator how everything was. As a manager Ivan Framed you. But the investigator listened to you in half an ear. Finally, he slammed his fist on the table and yelled at you, "I was not born yesterday, that would feed me such nonsense:If you will not cooperate, I''ll rot!" Policeman entered the room. The investigator nodded showing him you get her.'
  194. act 'Go':gt 'kameraKPZ'
  195. end
  196. end
  197. end
  198. end
  199. exit
  200. end
  201. if gopstop > 30:gt 'police', '1'
  202. if sick > 0 and doktorday ! daystart:
  203. !!act 'Call a doctor':
  204. !! cla
  205. !! *clr
  206. !! minut += 15
  207. !! doktorday = daystart
  208. !! sick -= 5
  209. !! if sick < 1:sick = 1
  210. !! if sickstage = 1:sicktimer += 5
  211. !! 'Has come to you from the clinic and the doctor examined you. After examination, the doctor made a shot and you will become easier.'
  212. !! act 'Move away':gt 'korr'
  213. !!end
  214. act 'Call a doctor':doktorday = daystart & dynamic $polidin
  215. end
  216. $ninel0 = {
  217. cla
  218. *clr
  219. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/ninel00.jpg"></center>'
  220. 'You open the door. Standing on the threshold is a pretty young girl with a doctors bag in her hand.'
  221. 'You greet her.'
  222. '"Hello. My name is Ninel P. - I do the home visits for the clinic. Where is the patient?"'
  223. '"That would be me ... kha-kha-kha."'
  224. '"Understood. First we need to get you back into bed."'
  225. act 'Pursue a doctorate in the bedroom and lay down':
  226. cla
  227. *clr
  228. ninelmet = 1
  229. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom0.jpg"></center>'
  230. 'The doctor sat on the edge of your bed and sprsil:'
  231. '(Doctor) - On that complain of <<$pcs_nickname>>? Can I call you that?'
  232. '(You) - Of course ... Ahem, ahem, ahem ... Oh, Doctor, perhaps I have the flu - cough just kills and very sore throat. And the temperature is high.'
  233. '(Doctor) - Runny nose is? Headaches? Aching bones?'
  234. '(You) - Yes. Aachoo and!'
  235. '(Doctor) - Now I will examine you. Undress.'
  236. act 'Undress':
  237. cla
  238. *clr
  239. minut += 5
  240. pcs_horny += 10
  241. clr
  242. gs 'stat'
  243. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom1.jpg"></center>'
  244. 'You undressed and the doctor listened to your lungs for a long time. Her hands are cool and gentle touch and caress like a stethoscope ...'
  245. '(Doctor) - Yes, wheezing ... Now open your mouth. That''s because - "ah-ah-ah" ...'
  246. act 'A-a-a':
  247. cla
  248. *clr
  249. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/ninel03.jpg"></center>'
  250. 'You opened your mouth and the doctor examined your sore throat'
  251. '(Doctor) - Hmmm ... throat strongly reddened and inflamed ... Now we need to measure the temperature.'
  252. act 'Stick a thermometer in her mouth':
  253. cla
  254. *clr
  255. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/ninel04.jpg"></center>'
  256. '(Dr.) No, not so. Temperature should be measured rectally.'
  257. '(You) - Uh-uh ...'
  258. '(Doctor) - Do not be afraid, <<$pcs_nickname>>, is not painful.'
  259. '(You) - Well if you''re sure ...'
  260. '(Doctor) - I''m sure. Come on - lie down on his stomach and spread your hands buttocks.'
  261. act 'Substitute ass':
  262. cla
  263. *clr
  264. clr
  265. gs 'stat'
  266. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom2.jpg"></center>'
  267. 'You obediently roll over and substitute ass. Dr. lubricates your anus lubricated and deftly introduces a thermometer. You flinch, but not from pain and pleasure. Doctor leaves just stick a thermometer in your ass and slowly moves it back and forth and it''s very nice. You feel the growing excitement.'
  268. gs 'arousal', 'anal_dildo', 10
  269. gs 'stat'
  270. if pcs_horny >= 50:
  271. act 'Moan with pleasure':
  272. cla
  273. *clr
  274. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom3.jpg"></center>'
  275. 'Doctor takes the thermometer out of your buttocks and checks'
  276. '(Dr.) 39.2 ... Very bad. Please turn on your back - you need to palpate the lymph nodes.'
  277. act 'Roll over on his back':
  278. cla
  279. *clr
  280. clr
  281. gs 'stat'
  282. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom5.jpg"></center>'
  283. 'The doctor began to stroke and knead your stomach and thighs. You are not sure that this is a medical procedure - too long and tenderly she delalet, but you are very nice and you did not object.'
  284. 'Excitement, meanwhile, is growing all, you feel like your pussy moistened and begins to whine sweet ...'
  285. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 15
  286. gs 'stat'
  287. act 'A blush of embarrassment':
  288. cla
  289. *clr
  290. clr
  291. gs 'stat'
  292. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom6.jpg"></center>'
  293. 'You blush with embarrassment, but then fall below the hands of the doctor and she begins to caress your pussy'
  294. '(You) - Doctor, what are you doing! - At the same time embarrassed, outraged and frightened screams you.'
  295. '(Doctor) - Flying you, silly. I feel the magic in you, which means you''re one of us, and I can use his power quietly.'
  296. '(You) - So you''re a magician, too?'
  297. '(Doctor) - Yes, only my special magic - Tantric. Heard of it?'
  298. '(You) - No, I do not remember ...'
  299. '(Doctor) - It''s magic, based on sensuality and sex. Roughly speaking, I can cast only when having sex.'
  300. '(You) - So ..?'
  301. '(Doctor) - That is, if we have sex with you - I heal you. Do you agree?'
  302. '(You) - And what in return?'
  303. '(Doctor) - Nothing - I''m doing it solely for my own satisfaction. I see you, have orgasms only if conjure.'
  304. '(You) - Then of course - I agree.'
  305. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 15
  306. gs 'stat'
  307. act 'Surrender to the gentle hands Ninel':gt 'housecall', 'ninel2'
  308. end
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. act 'Indignant':
  313. cla
  314. *clr
  315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom3.jpg"></center>'
  316. '(You) - Doctor, what are you doing?'
  317. 'Doctor takes the thermometer out of your buttocks and calmly replied:'
  318. '(Doctor) - measures your temperature. 39.2 - very bad.'
  319. act 'Doctor, what with me?':
  320. cla
  321. '(You scared) - Doctor, what with me?'
  322. '(Dr.) Do you really flu. Now I''ll give you an injection of antibiotic and antipyretic, and you will feel better.'
  323. act 'Lie on your stomach and bare ass':
  324. cla
  325. *clr
  326. minut += 10
  327. sick -= 2
  328. lekar += 3
  329. clr
  330. gs 'stat'
  331. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom4.jpg"></center>'
  332. 'The doctor did give you a shot in the ass - you cried'
  333. '(Doctor) - Just about everything, everything is. You prescribe bed rest, hot drinks, antibiotics, nose drops and a balanced diet. When the temperature drops - the clinic appointment.'
  334. '(You) - Thank you, Doctor - is necessary.'
  335. 'Doctor said goodbye and left.'
  336. act 'Back to bed':gt 'bedr'
  337. end
  338. end
  339. end
  340. act 'Doctor, what with me?':
  341. cla
  342. '(You scared) - Doctor, what with me?'
  343. '(Doctor) - I''m afraid that you have angina, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I would advise you to inpatient treatment'
  344. '(You) - What''s that - in the hospital, or what?'
  345. '(Doctor) - Yes'
  346. act 'Refuse':
  347. cla
  348. *clr
  349. '(You sobbing) - Oh, Doctor, I do not want to the hospital ...'
  350. '(Doctor, thoughtfully) - Well ... I guess it is still possible. Then I''ll give you a couple of shots - to start ...'
  351. '(You) - Oh, thank you, doctor!'
  352. act 'Lie on your stomach and bare ass':
  353. cla
  354. clr
  355. gs 'stat'
  356. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/nadom9.jpg"></center>'
  357. 'The doctor made a few jabs you in the ass, and you suddenly enveloped incredible sexual arousal. Between her thighs you like the fire started, sweet pussy ached and flowed, grew heavy chest, nipples harden and solidify ...'
  358. '(You) - Doctor, what''s happening? - Screams frightened and embarrassed you, but your voice treacherously breaks on voluptuous moan'
  359. '(Doctor) - Yeah! I knew it - I can feel the magic in you, which means you''re one of us, and I can use his power quietly.'
  360. '(You) - So you''re a magician too!.'
  361. '(Doctor) - Yes, only my special magic - Tantric. Heard of it?'
  362. '(You) - No, I do not remember ...'
  363. '(Doctor) - It''s magic, based on sensuality and sex. Roughly speaking, I can cast only when having sex.'
  364. '(You) - So ..?'
  365. '(Doctor) - That is, if we have sex with you - I heal you. Do you agree?'
  366. '(You) - And what in return?'
  367. '(Doctor) - Nothing - I''m doing it solely for my own satisfaction. I see you, have orgasms only if conjure.'
  368. '(You) - Then of course - I agree.'
  369. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 15
  370. gs 'stat'
  371. act 'Surrender to the gentle hands Ninel':gt 'housecall', 'ninel2'
  372. end
  373. end
  374. end
  375. end
  376. end
  377. end
  378. end
  379. end
  380. }
  381. $drPP = {
  382. cla
  383. *clr
  384. 'You open the door. Standing in the doorway of an elderly bald man with a suitcase in hand meitsinskim.'
  385. '(You) - Kha-kha ... Hello, Doctor'
  386. '(Doctor) - Hello, sick - I''m Peter, your local therapist. Go back to bed - do not stand in the draft.'
  387. act 'Hold a doctorate in the bedroom.':
  388. cla
  389. *clr
  390. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp1.jpg"></center>'
  391. 'You have returned to the bedroom with a doctor. He sat on the edge of the bed and felt your forehead'
  392. '(Doctor) - Well, the patient, to complain that?'
  393. '(You) - Ahem, ahem, ahem ... Oh, Doctor, perhaps, I have a sore throat - very sore throat and high temperature.'
  394. '(Doctor) - And cough, as I see it. And judging by your voice, you have a nose, sick, laid.'
  395. '(You) - Yes. Aachoo!'
  396. '(Doctor) - Well, the sick, you hear Dwight. Undress.'
  397. act 'Undress':
  398. cla
  399. *clr
  400. minut += 5
  401. clr
  402. gs 'stat'
  403. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp2.jpg"></center>'
  404. 'You undressed and Dr. vysnushival long your lungs '
  405. '(Doctor) - So, sir. Now let''s look at the neck. Open your mouth wide and say "Ah-ah"'
  406. act 'A-a-a':
  407. cla
  408. *clr
  409. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp3.jpg"></center>'
  410. 'You opened your mouth and your doctor looked red sore throat'
  411. '(Doctor) - Ay-ay-ay ... How is it you do that? Should be tempered, ill - tempered. Well, let''s measure your temperature.'
  412. act 'Put the thermometer armpit':
  413. cla
  414. *clr
  415. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp4.jpg"></center>'
  416. 'The doctor looked at the thermometer and shook his head'
  417. act 'Doctor, what with me?':
  418. cla
  419. '(Dr.) Do you have the flu, sick. Do not worry - I''ll give you a shot and you''ll feel better soon. Soak a couple of days in bed, drinketh drugs, and it becomes easier - to see me'
  420. act 'Substitute ass':
  421. cla
  422. *clr
  423. minut += 10
  424. sick -= 2
  425. lekarstvo += 3
  426. gs 'stat'
  427. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/drpp5.jpg"></center>'
  428. 'The doctor did give you a shot in the ass - you cried'
  429. '(Doctor) - Well, well, sick, do not worry. And remember - bed rest, regular meals and medication. And do not forget to come to the reception.'
  430. '(You) - Thank you, Doctor - is necessary.'
  431. 'Doctor said goodbye and left, and you venules in bed.'
  432. act 'Back to bed':gt 'bedr'
  433. end
  434. end
  435. end
  436. end
  437. end
  438. end
  439. }
  440. $polidin = {
  441. cla
  442. *clr
  443. minut += 15
  444. callrand = rand(1, 3)
  445. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/housecall<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  446. 'You dial the number several times clinics - there all the time busy.'
  447. act 'Call again and again':
  448. cla
  449. 'Finally, you''ve reached. Tired voice tube nurse replied:'
  450. '(Nurse) - Hello - reception ...'
  451. act 'Hello ...':
  452. cla
  453. '(You) - Hello. Cough-cough ... Can I call a doctor to the house?'
  454. '(Nurse) - Your name and address?'
  455. act 'Introduce':
  456. cla
  457. '(You) - Mi ... Kha-kha! Sorry ... <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>. Park Street apartment house 4 69 ... Aa-and-pchhi!'
  458. '(Nurse) - It''s okay. Wait a minute.'
  459. act 'Wait':
  460. cla
  461. minut += 5
  462. clr
  463. gs 'stat'
  464. 'You wait five minutes, occasionally coughing into the phone and finally hear:'
  465. '(Nurse) - So - <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>. here is your card ... What are you worried?'
  466. '(You) - Kha-kha-kha ... I''m sorry ... I have a fever and sore throat very. And cough and runny nose.'
  467. '(Nurse) - high temperature?'
  468. '(You) - Yes, very - 39.2 ... Aa-pchhi!'
  469. '(Nurse) - Right. Wait - the doctor will come to you.'
  470. '(You) - A soon?'
  471. '(Nurse) - As soon as he can. Your challenge - not unique.'
  472. '(You) - Save ... Kha-kha! Thank you ... ...'
  473. if ninelsex = 1:
  474. act 'Is it possible to cause Ninel Pavlovna?':
  475. cla
  476. '(You) - Is it possible to cause Ninel Pavlovna? She regularly osmatrivat me.'
  477. '(Nurse) - I''ll see if she is free.'
  478. '(You) - Once again, thank you.'
  479. act 'Continue':gt 'housecall', 'ninel3'
  480. end
  481. end
  482. act 'Back to bed':
  483. cla
  484. *clr
  485. picrand = rand(21, 27)
  486. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/shared/apartment/event/sick/sick<<picrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  487. timerand = rand(1, 6)
  488. minut += timerand * 30
  489. 'You are lying in bed, shivering in the chill and wrapped in a blanket. Time passes excruciatingly slow - you can not tell how much time passed before the doorbell rang.'
  490. ! WD: Uninitialised ~ 'ninel' use 'ninelmet'
  491. act 'Answer the door':
  492. if ninelmet > 0 and sick <= 50:
  493. gt 'housecall', 'ninel1'
  494. elseif ninelmet = 0 or sick > 50:
  495. doctrnd = rand(0, 1)
  496. if doctrnd = 0:dynamic $drPP
  497. if doctrnd = 1:gt 'housecall', 'ninel0'
  498. end
  499. end
  500. end
  501. end
  502. end
  503. end
  504. end
  505. }
  506. --- korr ---------------------------------