Ver código fonte

Clean Up After Update

Stephan Fuchs 10 meses atrás

+ 0 - 397

@@ -1,397 +0,0 @@
-:: AppearanceSystem
-<<set $here = 'AppearanceSystem'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<<set $this = 'AppearanceSystem'>>
-<<if !$location_var[$here][0]>>
-	<!-- !{
-	PC's appearance is updated regularly in stat.qsrc.
-	Note: A huge part of PC's appearance is from base appearance, which is updated once a day. Because it's
-	a global variable, it does not show in this function in particular, but it's used in 'CalcAppearance'
-	} -->
-	<<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 6 and getvar("$bimbolevel") >= 2>>
-		<<set $extra_supnatvnesh = 2 * $bimbolevel - 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- !STD check. STD will make appearance automatically -10-->
-	<<if getvar("$Gerpes") >= 3 or getvar("$Sifilis") >= 21 or getvar("$Triper") > 2>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_apprnc = -10>>
-		<<set $pc.hotcat = -1>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $clothingBonus = func($this, 'CalcClothingBonus')>>
-		<<set $accessoriesBonus = func($this, 'CalcAccessoriesBonus', bonusZ, PShoQuality)>>
-		<<set $groomingBonus = func($this, 'CalcGroomingBonus')>>
-		<<set $groomingPenalty = func($this, 'CalcGroomingPenalty')>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_apprnc = func($this, 'CalcAppearance', ($supnatvnesh + $extra_supnatvnesh))>>
-		<<set $Hotcat = func($this, 'ConvertToHotcat')>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $clothingBonus to null>>
-	<<set $accessoriesBonus to null>>
-	<<set $groomingBonus to null>>
-	<<set $groomingPenalty to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'UpdateBaseAppearnce'>>
-	<!-- !{
-	Base Appearance is updated once a day at midnight and called from cikl
-	Base Appearance is calculated from:
-	vidage, skin, body shape (fat and strength), attributes (endurance and agility)
-	} -->
-	<<set $attributeBonus = func($this, 'CalcAttributeBonus')>>
-	<<set $skinBonus = $pc.pcs_skin / 10>>
-	<<set $pc.bodyShapeBonus = func($this, 'SetBodyShapeBonus')>>
-	<<set $visibleAgePenalty = func($this, 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty')>>
-	<<set $pc.teethPenalty = func($this, 'CalcTeethPenalty')>>
-	<!-- ! Calculte base appearance-->
-	<<set $pc.pcs_apprncbase = $skinBonus + $pc.bodyShapeBonus + $attributeBonus - $visibleAgePenalty - $pc.teethPenalty + $supnatvnesh>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcFaceBonus'>>
-	<!-- !!	Setting Eyelashes bonus-->
-	<<if $pc.eyelashes <= 0>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 0>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyelashes == 1>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 1>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyelashes == 2>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 3>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyelashes == 3>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 4>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyelashes == 4>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 5>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyelashes == 5>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 6>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $eyelashesBonus = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $eyelashesBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', eyelashesBonus)>>
-	<!-- !!	Setting Eye Size bonus-->
-	<<if $pc.eyesize == 1>>
-		<<set $eyeSizeBonus = 1>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyesize == 2>>
-		<<set $eyeSizeBonus = 3>>
-	<<elseif $pc.eyesize == 3>>
-		<<set $eyeSizeBonus = 2>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $eyeSizeBonus = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $eyeSizeBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', eyeSizeBonus)>>
-	<!-- !!	Setting the Lip size bonus-->
-	<<if $pc.lip_size == 0>>
-		<<set $lipBonus = -2>>
-	<<elseif $pc.lip_size == 1>>
-		<<set $lipBonus = 0>>
-	<<elseif $pc.lip_size == 2>>
-		<<set $lipBonus = 1>>
-	<<elseif $pc.lip_size == 3>>
-		<<set $lipBonus = 3>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $lipBonus = 3>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $lipBonus = FUNC($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', lipBonus)>>
-	<<set $result = $eyelashesBonus + $eyeSizeBonus + $lipBonus>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcAttributeBonus'>>
-	<<set $tempAttributeBonus = ($pc.skillLevel("agility") / 5) + ($pc.pcs_vital / 5)>>
-	<<set $result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributeBonus)>>
-	<<set $tempAttributeBonus to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcVisibleAgePenalty'>>
-	<<if $pc.visualAge < 20>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty = func('shortgs','round_divide', (5 * (20 - $pc.visualAge)), 2)>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)>>
-	<<set $tempAttributePenalty to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcTeethPenalty'>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_teeth > 0>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty = 10 * $pc.pcs_teeth>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_teeth == 0>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty = 5>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_missing_teeth > 0>>
-		<<set $tempAttributePenalty += 10 * $pc.pcs_missing_teeth>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempAttributePenalty)>>
-	<<set $tempAttributePenalty to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'SetBodyShapeBonus'>>
-	<!-- ! Magic uses a different calculation-->
-	<<if getvar("$dounspell") == 1>>
-		<<set $pc.bodytipe = $pc.pcs_hips - $pc.pcs_waist>>
-		<<if getvar("$pc.bodytipe") < 20>>
-			<<set $result = 0>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$pc.bodytipe") >= 20 and getvar("$pc.bodytipe") < 25>>
-			<<set $result = 2>>
-		<<elseif (getvar("$pc.bodytipe") >= 25 and getvar("$pc.bodytipe") < 30) or getvar("$pc.bodytipe") >= 35>>
-			<<set $result = 4>>
-		<<elseif getvar("$pc.bodytipe") >= 30 and getvar("$pc.bodytipe") < 35>>
-			<<set $result = 8>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!-- !!Setting the pcs_apprnc bonus based on fat and strength-->
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $pc.pcs_bmi < 16>>
-			<!-- !! severely underweight-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = -10>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 19>>
-			<!-- !! underweight-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = 25>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 25>>
-			<!-- !! healthy weight-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = 50>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 30>>
-			<!-- !! overweight-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = 25>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 35>>
-			<!-- !! moderately obese-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = 10>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 40>>
-			<!-- !! severely obese-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = -15>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 45>>
-			<!-- !! very severely obese-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = -40>>
-		<<else>>
-			<!-- !! morbidly obese-->
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus = -80>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getvar("$succubusflag") == 1>>
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus += 10>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $pc.muscularity > 190>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 130>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity > 180>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 100>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity > 170>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 75>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity > 160>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 60>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity > 150>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 45>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 5 or $pc.muscularity > 140>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 30>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 10>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 20>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 15 or $pc.muscularity > 130>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 15>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 25>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 10>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 35 or $pc.muscularity > 120>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 5>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 50 or $pc.muscularity > 110>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus += 0>>
-			<<elseif $pc.muscularity <= 70 or $pc.muscularity > 100>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus += 5>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus += 10>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!-- !!This modifies bodykoef for high or low salo values-->
-		<<if $pc.salocatnow == 0 or $pc.salocatnow >= 7>>
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 8>>
-		<<elseif $pc.salocatnow == 1 or $pc.salocatnow == 6>>
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= 4>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getvar("$vofat") > 0>>
-			<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus -= $vofat>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $result = $tempBodyShapeBonus>>
-		<<set $tempBodyShapeBonus to null>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcClothingBonus'>>
-	<<if $wardrobe.clothingworntype == 'nude'>>
-		<<if $pc.pcs_bmi >= 19 and $pc.pcs_bmi < 30>>
-			<!-- ! Healthy and overweight-->
-			<<set $tempRevealing = 405>>
-			<<set $wardrobe.PCloQuality = 3>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set $tempRevealing = 0>>
-			<<set $wardrobe.PCloQuality = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $pc.pcs_bmi < 19>>
-			<!-- !Skinny and severely skinny-->
-			<<set $tempRevealing = ((400 - $wardrobe.PXCloThinness) + (500 - $wardrobe.PXCloTopCut) + (400 - $wardrobe.PXCloBottomShortness)) / 2>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi >= 19 and $pc.pcs_bmi < 30>>
-			<!-- !Healthy and overweight-->
-			<<set $tempRevealing = ($wardrobe.PXCloThinness + $wardrobe.PXCloTopCut + $wardrobe.PXCloBottomShortness) / 2>>
-		<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi >= 30>>
-			<!-- !Moderately overweight and above-->
-			<<set $tempRevealing = ((400 - $wardrobe.PXCloThinness) + (500 - $wardrobe.PXCloTopCut) + (400 - $wardrobe.PXCloBottomShortness)) * 3 / 4>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = $tempRevealing / 76 * $wardrobe.PCloQuality>>
-	<<set $tempRevealing to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcAccessoriesBonus'>>
-	<<set $coatQualityBonus = $ARGS[1]>> 
-	<<set $shoesQualityBonus = $ARGS[2]>> 
-	<!-- !!bonuses for certain underwear-->
-	<<if $wardrobe.pantyworntype == 'lusso'>>
-		<<set $pantyBonus = 4>>
-	<<elseif $wardrobe.pantyworntype == 'fashionista'>>
-		<<set $pantyBonus = 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $wardrobe.braworntype == 'lusso'>>
-		<<set $braBonus = 4>>
-	<<elseif $wardrobe.braworntype == 'fashionista'>>
-		<<set $braBonus = 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = $coatQualityBonus + $shoesQualityBonus + $pantyBonus + $braBonus>>
-	<<set $coatQualityBonus to null>>
-	<<set $shoesQualityBonus to null>>
-	<<set $pantyBonus to null>>
-	<<set $braBonus to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcGroomingBonus'>>
-	<<set $makeupBonus = $pc.skillLevel("makeup") / 5 - 5>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 0>>
-		<<set $makeupBonus = -5>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 1>>
-		<<set $makeupBonus = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_makeup == 5>>
-		<<set $makeupBonus = 30>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $breathBonus = $pc.pcs_breath * 5>>
-	<<set $tempGroomingBonus = $makeupBonus + $breathBonus>>
-	<!-- !result = tempGroomingBonus-->
-	<<set $result = func($this, 'AdjustFromBMI', tempGroomingBonus)>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcGroomingPenalty'>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_lipbalm > 0>>
-		<<set $lipBalmPenalty = 0>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $lipBalmPenalty = 5>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $hairPenalty = (1 - $pc.pcs_hairbsh) * 10>>
-	<!-- !! buzzcut penalty to pcs_apprnc-->
-	<<if $pc.pcs_hairlng < 10>>
-		<<set $buzzCutPenalty = 10>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $buzzCutPenalty = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- !!Small penalty for not wearing deodorant, if pcs_sweat is low enough-->
-	<<if $pc.deodorant_on == 0 or $pc.pcs_sweat >= 20>>
-		<<set $deodorantPenalty = 5>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_sweat < 22>>
-		<<set $sweatPenalty = 0>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$temppcs_sweat") < 38>>
-		<<set $sweatPenalty = ($pc.pcs_sweat - 10) / 4>>
-	<<elseif getvar("$temppcs_sweat") < 54>>
-		<<set $sweatPenalty = ($pc.pcs_sweat - 10) / 2>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $sweatPenalty = 3 * ($pc.pcs_sweat - 10) / 4>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- !Glasses Penalty-->
-	<<if $ >= 2 or $ == 0>>
-		<<set $pc.glassesPenalty = 0>>
-	<<elseif $ == 1>>
-		<<set $pc.glassesPenalty = 10>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- !hair color fade penalty-->
-	<<if $pc.hairColor != $pc.hairColorNatural>>
-		<<if $pc.hairDyeFade > 0 and $pc.hairDyeFade < 7>>
-			<<set $hairDyePenalty = 5>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $pc.hairDyeFade == 0>>
-			<<set $hairDyePenalty = 15>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- ! Leg hair penalty-->
-	<<if $pc.legHair <= 0>>
-		<<set $legPenalty = 0>>
-	<<elseif $pc.legHair <= 3>>
-		<<set $legPenalty = 3>>
-	<<elseif $pc.legHair <= 6>>
-		<<set $legPenalty = 6>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $legPenalty = 9>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = $sweatPenalty + $pc.glassesPenalty + $hairDyePenalty + $buzzCutPenalty + $legPenalty + $lipBalmPenalty + $hairPenalty + $deodorantPenalty>>
-	<<set $buzzCutPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $deodorantPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $pc.glassesPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $hairDyePenalty to null>>
-	<<set $hairPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $legPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $lipBalmPenalty to null>>
-	<<set $sweatPenalty to null>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'CalcAppearance'>>
-	<<set $superNaturalBonus = $ARGS[1]>> 
-	<<set $temp_apprnc = $pc.pcs_apprncbase + $clothingBonus + $accessoriesBonus + $groomingBonus - $groomingPenalty>>
-	<<if getvar("$temp_apprnc") >= 200>>
-		<<set $temp_apprnc = 200>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getvar("$temp_apprnc") < 0>>
-		<<set $temp_apprnc = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<!-- !Any super natural bonuses are allowed to go above the max scale-->
-	<<set $result = $temp_apprnc + $superNaturalBonus>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'ConvertToHotcat'>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 40>>
-		<<set $result = 1>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 60>>
-		<<set $result = 2>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 80>>
-		<<set $result = 3>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 100>>
-		<<set $result = 4>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 125>>
-		<<set $result = 5>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 150>>
-		<<set $result = 6>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 165>>
-		<<set $result = 7>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 180>>
-		<<set $result = 8>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_apprnc <= 199>>
-		<<set $result = 9>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $result = 10>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $location_var[$here][0] == 'AdjustFromBMI'>>
-	<<set $tempValue = $ARGS[1]>> 
-	<<if $pc.pcs_bmi < 16>>
-		<!-- !! severely underweight-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 50 / 100>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 19>>
-		<!-- !! underweight-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 95 / 100>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 25>>
-		<!-- !! healthy weight-->
-		<!-- !! normal bonus-->
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 30>>
-		<!-- !! overweight-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 95 / 100>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 35>>
-		<!-- !! moderately obese-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 80 / 100>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 40>>
-		<!-- !! severely obese-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 55 / 100>>
-	<<elseif $pc.pcs_bmi < 45>>
-		<!-- !! very severely obese-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 50 / 100>>
-	<<else>>
-		<!-- !!morbidly obese-->
-		<<set $tempValue = $tempValue * 40 / 100>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $result = $tempValue>>
-	<<set $tempValue to null>>

+ 0 - 98

@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-:: pushkin
-<<set $here = 'pushkin'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<!-- !!2021/05/14-->
-<<gs 'shortgs' 'setloc' 'pushkin' $location_var[$here][0]>>
-<<set $region = 'pushkin'>>
-<<set $menu_off = 0>>
-<<if getvar("$sound") == 0>>
-<center><B>Pushkin Town Center</B></center>
-<<if $time.month >= 11 or $time.month <= 3>>
-	<<if $time.hour >= 8 and $time.hour <= 21>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/townwinter.jpg">>
-	<<else>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/townwinternight.jpg">>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $time.hour >= 8 and $time.hour <= 21>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/liam.jpg">>
-	<<else>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/townnight.jpg">>
-	<</if>>
-This historic region, sometimes called Old Town was originally the village of Pushkin and that name is still used to this day.
-Later, the rich bought the land off the poor and knocked down the wooden shacks and farm houses to build large estates. The town began to grow rapidly, and it became a desirable suburb.
-Since then, even the old houses have been improved, extended, and modernized. The old buildings and beautiful park made it popular with tourists, and expansion has lead to the boarders between itself and Pavlovsk being merged.
-'Not far from here is the <<link 'Okhlopkov Square'>><<setn $time.minutes += 5>><<gt  'pushkin_sq'>><</link>> with its boutique shops.'
-Close by is a narrow street leading to a <<link "vacant house">><<gt 'dvor' 'start'>><</link>>.
-You can also see a <<link "passage">><<gt 'ugol' 'start'>><</link>> between the houses leading to a courtyard.
-<<if getvar("$car") > 0 and getvar("$cardrive") == 14>>
-		'<a href="exec:gs ''carF'',''start''">Your <<$car>></a> is parked at the curb.'
-	-----
-		<<set ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """'<a href""" = ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """"exec:gs ''carF''""" , ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """''start''">Your $car<""" / ERROR: FAILED TO CONVERT LITERAL: """a> is parked at the curb.'""">>
-	-->
-	<<warn "CONVERSION ERROR 1a8b8aa1d5ffbd366c5758f6420c230b">>
-<<if $time.hour >= 13 and $time.hour <= 15 and getvar("$bodimodel") == 1 and getvar("$arts") == 0 and getvar("$tusa") == 1>>
-	<<if rand(1,100) >= 90>>
-		<<set $time.minutes += 5>>
-		<<gs 'dibodi'>>
-		<<image "characters/pushkin/marinka/marinka.jpg">>
-		You notice a girl from the local hangout, Marinka, standing in a doorway nearby.
-		<<actCLA 'Ask Marinka about the art studio'>>
-			<<gt 'dibodi' 'sptusa'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</if>>
-<!-- !!this location does not exist-->
-<!-- !!if arts = 1:'<<link "Marinka''s Apartment">><<gt 'Marin' 'start'>><</link>>'-->
-<<actCLA 'Walk to Okhlopkov Square (0:05)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 5>> <<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the highway (0:05)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 5>> <<set $nroad = 19>> <<gt 'road'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the park (0:10)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 10>> <<gt 'pav_park' 'start'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the train station (0:15)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 15>> <<gt 'pav_train_hall'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Market (0:20)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 20>> <<gt 'pav_market'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Commercial area (0:25)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 25>> <<gt 'pav_commercial'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Residential area (0:30)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 30>> <<gt 'pav_residential'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Industrial region (0:30)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 30>> <<gt 'pav_industrial'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Five Eight estate (0:30)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 30>> <<gt 'pav_complex' 'start'>>
-<<if $pushkin_walk_day != $time.daystart>>
-	<<actCLA 'Take a walk (1:00)'>>
-		<<set $time.minutes += 60>>
-		<<set $pc.mood += 10>>
-		<<set $pc.pcs_willpwr += 1>>
-		<<set $pushkin_walk_day = $time.daystart>>
-		You breathe in the fresh air and slowly walk along the narrow streets of the Old Town, admiring the beautiful architecture.
-		<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-			<<gt 'pushkin'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<actCLA 'Wait'>>
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'wait'>>
-<!-- !-- Random prostitution solicitation check -------------------------->
-<<if getvar("$prostitute['blocked']") == 0>>
-	<<gs 'prostitution_functions' 'check_solicitation_event'>>

+ 0 - 173

@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-:: pushkin_sq
-<<set $here = 'pushkin_sq'>>
-<<set $ARGS = $location_var[$here]>>
-<!-- !!2021/05/14-->
-<<gs 'shortgs' 'setloc' 'pushkin_sq' $location_var[$here][0]>>
-<<set $region = 'pushkin'>>
-<<set $location_type = 'public_outdoors'>>
-<<set $menu_off = 0>>
-<center><B>Okhlopkov Square</B></center>
-<<image "locations/pushkin/liames.jpg">>
-Okhlopkov Square serves as the main intersection of several smaller streets.
-There are many small cafes and shops also a flourishing nightlife and entertainment activities.
-'Another street runs straight back to the <<link 'Pushkin Town Center'>><<setn $time.minutes += 5>><<gt  'pushkin'>><</link>>.'
-'Okhlopkov Square itself leads to the <<link 'Pushkin Park'>><<setn $time.minutes += 5>><<gt  'parks' 'start'>><</link>>.'
-<<if $time.hour >= 8 and $time.hour <= 20>>
-	A small <<link "grocery store">><<gt 'larek' 'start'>><</link>> is currently open.
-	<p>There is a small whole foods store that is open from 8:00 - 20:00 everyday. It is currently closed.</p>
-<<if $time.hour >= 10 and $time.hour <= 22>>
-	A quaint little restaurant has put a sign outside of its door, reading, "<<link "Liamel Cafe">><<gt 'pushkin_cafe' 'start'>><</link>>."
-	<p>Liamel Cafe is current closed, it is open every day 10:00 - 22:00</p>
-<<if $time.weekday < 7 and $time.hour >= 9 and $time.hour <= 17>>
-	The long standing alternative clothing shop <<link "Tsar Bomba">><<gt 'shop_tsar_bomba' 'start'>><</link>> is unmistakable amongst the tourist shops on the main square.
-	Clothing for younger women is catered for in <<link "Flamingos">><<gt 'shop_flamingos' 'start'>><</link>>.
-	Catering for the burlesque club here there is the <<link "Fancy Pancy">><<gt 'shop_fancy_pancy' 'start'>><</link>> boutique clothing store.
-	<p>Tsar Bomba, Flamingos and Fansy Pansy are all current closed, they are open open Mon - Sat day 9:00 - 18:00</p>
-<<if getvar("$exhibitionQW") > 3>>
-	<<if $time.weekday < 7 and $time.hour >= 8 and $time.hour <= 17>>
-		<<link "Simply Salacious">><<gt 'exhibitionistshop' 'start'>><</link>> is just down a small side street from here.
-	<<else>>
-		<p><b>Simply Salacious,</b> is open Mon - Sat, 8:00 - 18:00</p>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $time.hour >= 12 or $time.hour < 2>>
-	<<if $pc.pcs_inhib > 30>>
-		Club <<link "Rasputin">><<gt 'Rasputin_entrance'>><</link>> provides both burlesque and exotic variety shows every evening except on Mondays.
-		The new members of the Pushkin Burlesque Troupe also perform there to hone their skills.
-	<<else>>
-		There is a burlesque club in an old theatre here. Such perversion is unhealthy and you cannot bring yourself to go there.
-	<</if>>
-	<p>The old theatre that houses a burlesque club is closed now. It is open every day 18:00 - 23:00</p>
-<<if func('homes_properties', 'is_property_of_status', 'rented', 'old_town_apartment')>>
-	<<actCLA '<b>Go home</b>'>>
-	<<gt 'korr2x'>>
-<<actCLA 'Walk to the Town Center (0:05)'>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 5>> <<gt 'pushkin'>>
-<<if $time.hour >= 8 and $time.hour <= 17 and getvar("$exhibitionQW") == 3>>
-	<<actCLA 'Search for the shop on the card from Kseniya'>>
-	<<gt 'exhibitionistshop' 'start'>>
-<<actCLA 'wait'>>
-	<<gs 'obj_din' 'wait'>>
-<<if $home['current'] == 'old_town_apartment'>>
-	<<if $vladimirday == $time.daystart and getvar("$vladimirQW") == 30 and $time.hour >= 16 and $time.weekday == 6>>
-		<<link "There''s an Audi parked in front of your apartment, and standing beside it, you notice Vladimir">><<gt 'qwmeet' '2'>><</link>>.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $vladimirday == $time.daystart and getvar("$vladimirQW") == 40 and $time.hour >= 16 and $time.weekday == 6>>
-		<<link "There''s an Audi parked in front of your apartment, and standing beside it, you notice Vladimir">><<gt 'qwmeet' '3'>><</link>>.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $time.hour == $meethour[0]>>
-		<<if $svidanie[0] == 1>>
-			<b><a href="exec:lover_number = 0 & gt ''lover_meet'', ''start''"><<$loverdesc[0]>></a> is waiting at the entrance to your apartment building.</b>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $time.hour == $meethour[1]>>
-		<<if $svidanie[1] == 1>>
-			<b><a href="exec:lover_number = 1 & gt ''lover_meet'', ''start''"><<$loverdesc[1]>></a> is waiting at the entrance to your apartment building.</b>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $time.hour == $meethour[2]>>
-		<<if $svidanie[2] == 1>>
-			<b><a href="exec:lover_number = 2 & gt ''lover_meet'', ''start''"><<$loverdesc[2]>></a> is waiting at the entrance to your apartment building.</b>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if rand(0,50) == 50 and $fame['event_day'] != $time.daystart and $time.hour > 8 and $time.hour < 21>>
-	<<gs 'fame_events' 'select' 'pushkin'>>
-<<if rand(0,100) >= 60 and getvar("$pcs_lover") < 3 and rand(0,1200) <= $pc.pcs_apprnc>>
-	<<gs 'boy'>>
-	<p>To you came $boybody $boybod $boyface. It $boyClo</p>
-	<p>The guy introduced himself as $boydesc and asks you for your telephone number.</p>
-	<<actCLA 'Walk away'>>
-		<<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Tell him your telephone number.'>>
-		<<gs 'boyfrend' 'start'>>
-		<<set $stopboy = 0>>
-		<p>$boydesc saved your phone number and left.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-			<<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if rand(1,100) >= 95>>
-	<<set $time.minutes += 5>>
-	<<image "locations/pushkin/liamhud1.jpg">>
-	Making your way down Okhlopkov Square, you see a woman waiting patiently while an artist paints her portrait.
-	<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-		<<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<gs 'music_actions' 'music_icon'>>
-<<if $time.hour >= 15 and $time.hour <= 22 and getvar("$tusa") == 0>>
-	<<actCLA 'Go to the local hangout'>>
-		<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-		<<set $time.minutes += 20>>
-		<<set $tusa = 1>>
-		<<gs 'dibodi'>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/photo.jpg">>
-		<p>Local youth get-together.</p>
-		<<actCLA 'Explore it'>>
-			<<gt 'dibodi' 'sgtusa'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<elseif $time.hour >= 15 and $time.hour <= 22 and getvar("$tusa") == 1 and $tusnyakday != $time.daystart>>
-	<<actCLA 'Go to the local hangout'>>
-		<<set $menu_off = 1>>
-		<<set $time.minutes += 20>>
-		<<gs 'dibodi'>>
-		<<image "locations/pushkin/photo.jpg">>
-		The girls and boys at the local hangout happily greet you.
-		<<actCLA 'Leave'>>
-			<<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-		<<if $wardrobe.pantyworntype == 'none' and getvar("$sttan") == 0>>
-			<p>"Hey guys, $pc.name_nick is going commando," one of the boys says.</p>
-			<<actCLA 'Continue'>>
-				<<gt 'dibodi' 'sotusa'>>
-			<</actCLA>>
-		<</if>>
-		<!-- !!		if sttan = 1 and $wardrobe.pantyworntype = 'none':-->
-		<!-- !!			'- <<$pc.name_nick>>, and again without panties, - said one of the boys - Pussy pokezh?'-->
-		<!-- !!			'- And yet to show? - you said - How do I want and go.'-->
-		<!-- !!			act 'Further':gt'etoexhib','pos2'-->
-		<!-- !!		end-->
-		<!-- !!		if sttan = 1 and $wardrobe.pantyworntype ! 'none':-->
-		<!-- !!			'- Vav <<$pc.name_nick>> truselya put.'-->
-		<!-- !!			act 'Answer':gt'etoexhib','pos3'-->
-		<!-- !!		end-->
-	<</actCLA>>
-<<if getvar("$stallionQ") == 3>>
-	There is a rumbling in your stomach, you need to use the restroom. There appears to be a public restroom tucked into the corner of a building. Unfortunately, the female one has a sign reading, "Out of order."
-	<<actCLA 'Hold it' undefined `{willpower:['misc','resist','easy']}`>>
-			<<set $stallionQ = 1>>
-			<<gt 'pushkin_sq'>>
-		<</actCLA>>
-	<<actCLA 'Use the Men`s Restroom'>>
-		<<gt 'stallion' 'start'>>
-	<</actCLA>>

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 :: pav_complex[hasEvents outdoors residential public car]
-	<<gs 'rolanapt' 'rolanroute'>>
+	/*<<gs 'rolanapt' 'rolanroute'>>*/
 	<h2>Five Eight Estate</h2>
 	<<if $time.isWinter>>
 		<<imageDayNight "locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/complexw#.jpg" "" "n">>
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@
 		<<gt 'pav_aptcourtev' 'bench'>>
-	<<gs 'camera' 'check_location'>>
+	/*<<gs 'camera' 'check_location'>>
 	<!-- !-- Random prostitution solicitation check -------------------------->
 	<<if getvar("$prostitute['blocked']") == 0>>
 		<<gs 'prostitution_functions' 'check_solicitation_event'>>
-	<</if>>
+	<</if>>*/
 :: pav_complex_events[events]

+ 2 - 5

@@ -240,10 +240,7 @@
 <!-- !-- Random prostitution solicitation check -------------------------->
 <<if getvar("$prostitute['blocked']") == 0>>
 	<<gs 'prostitution_functions' 'check_solicitation_event'>>
@@ -251,7 +248,7 @@
 <!-- <<gs 'booty_call' 'home_links'>> -->
+ */
 :: pav_residential_events[events]
 	<<if $streetevent_hour + 2 < $time.hour>>
 		<<gt 'street_event' 'pav_residential' 'main'>>