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[changed] Instructions for updating version number and how we manage it updated and yet another version number change!

Kevin_Smarts 8 месяцев назад
1 измененных файлов с 8 добавлено и 6 удалено
  1. 8 6

+ 8 - 6

@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 # saveupdater
 !! This file is for updating save game when one variable have been replaced by another.
+!! The version number is updated for releases and when it is required because we cannot run checks to block repeated updating
-!! If you have replaced a variable for another, then you should first go to saveg.gsrc and update the version number as instructed there.
-!! Then at the bottom of this file just after the last end add the following line:
+!! The version number is in saveg.gsrc should only be updated by the person preparing the release, if it needs to be done outside of releases then inform the person in charge of releases to ensure correct number change is made.
+!! When updating the version number: at the bottom of this file just after the last end add the following line:
 !! if ((100*version_major +version_minor)*100+version_revision)*100+version_patch  < "new version number":
-!! where "new version number" should be as instructed in the start of saveg.qsrc
-!! Then add you replacement of variables after this line. You can see how this is done by looking through this file.
+!! where "new version number" should either match that in saveg.qsrc or be for the next minor increment
+!! Then add any replacement variables after this line. You can see how this is done by looking through this file.
-!! When you do this you should always commit this file and saveg.qsrc at the same time.
+!! When changing version number you must commit this file and saveg.qsrc at the same time.
 temp_current_save_version = ( (100*version_major + version_minor) * 100 + version_revision ) * 100 + version_patch
@@ -2668,7 +2670,7 @@ end
-if temp_current_save_version < 00090300:
+if temp_current_save_version < 000900204:
 	!! Drugs variable migration
 	if NarkImmune				> 0:	drugVars['cheat_immune']			= NarkImmune			& killvar 'NarkImmune'
 	if SNarkPriton				> 0:	drugVars['city_drugden']			= SNarkPriton			& killvar 'SNarkPriton'