Jelajahi Sumber

[fixed] message about leaving needed to be after choosing to leave

Kevin_Smarts 7 bulan lalu
1 mengubah file dengan 14 tambahan dan 13 penghapusan
  1. 14 13

+ 14 - 13

@@ -68,19 +68,20 @@ else
 		minut += 5
-	if hour < 5 and motherWorry = 0 and age < 18 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
-		'<font color=red>Are you sure? Your mother will worry.</b></font>'
-		cla
-		act '<font color=red><b>Yes, go outside</b></font>': 
-			minut += 5 
-			!! Reset vars - temp until other parts of game migrated
-			killvar '$default_img_path'
-			killvar '$mother_img_path'
-			gt'pav_complex', 'start'
-		end
-		act 'No, stay inside':gt 'korrPar'
-	else
-		act '<b>Leave and go to the courtyard</b>':
+	act '<b>Leave and go to the courtyard</b>':
+		if hour < 5 and motherWorry = 0 and age < 18 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
+			*nl
+			'<font color=red>Are you sure? Your mother will worry.</b></font>'
+			cla
+			act '<font color=red><b>Yes, go outside</b></font>': 
+				minut += 5 
+				!! Reset vars - temp until other parts of game migrated
+				killvar '$default_img_path'
+				killvar '$mother_img_path'
+				gt'pav_complex', 'start'
+			end
+			act 'No, stay inside':gt 'korrPar'
+		else
 			minut += 5
 			!! Reset vars - temp until other parts of game migrated
 			killvar '$default_img_path'