# Snpc gs 'dinnpc' gs 'stat' !!$static_num = $school_static_num[numnpc] $static_num = 'A<>' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' '<<$npc_notes[''A<>'']>>' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 5:'<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> is an outcast in school, and often gets picked on at school.' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 6:'' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 3:'<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> is a nerd, and is often found around the rest of the nerds doing homework or a their game night.' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 2:'<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> is part of the athletic clique in your school.' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 1:'<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> is popular, and spends time with the other popular kids usually.' if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 4:'<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> is a Gopnik, and spends a lot of time doing what Gopniks usually do: be loud, and drink beer.' if npc_rel['A<>'] < 20:'They really don''t like you.' if npc_rel['A<>'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A<>'] < 40:'They are fairly indifferent to you.' if npc_rel['A<>'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A<>'] < 60:'The two of you get along together fairly well together, more of casual friends.' if npc_rel['A<>'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A<>'] < 80:'You get along great with them, they are one of your friends.' if npc_rel['A<>'] >= 80:'They are one of your best friends.' if numnpc = 14 and KatjaOTN > 0: if KatjaHorny < 20:'Katja looks calm and stoic.' if KatjaHorny >= 20 and KatjaHorny < 40:'You see a naughty twinkle in Katja''s eyes.' if KatjaHorny >= 40 and KatjaHorny < 60:'Katja has a faint blush on her cheeks and she looks at you mischievously.' if KatjaHorny >= 60 and KatjaHorny < 80:'Katja is blushing fairly obviously, and looks at you longingly.' if KatjaHorny >= 80:'Katja is as red as a lobster, and her chest is heaving from her heavy breaths. She''s idly rubbing her thighs against one another while you talk.' end '' '' !!act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka gs 'cumreaction' !!option to mock outcasts if grupTipe[numnpc] = 5 and grupTipe ! 5: gs 'willpower', 'humiliation', 'force', 'easy' if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr: if pav_slut < 50: act 'Mock (<> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'force' cls menu_off = 1 npc_rel[$static_num] -= 5 gs 'stat' 'You mocked the school outcast, as the other students laugh at them.' if $loc ! 'gdkin':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' if $loc = 'gdkin':act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end else act 'Mock (<> Willpower)': cls menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' 'You began to mock them, but <<$npc_firstname[$static_num]>> answered you. "You''re one to talk cocksucker, everyone knows your the easiest fuck in town." Everyone started laughing at you. You were shocked and confused by everyone turning on you, you hurry away as the others start to talk about you.' if $loc ! 'gdkin':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' if $loc = 'gdkin':act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end else act 'Mock (<> Willpower)': '
You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.' end end gs 'krutishi' if numnpc = 9:gs 'kotovtalker' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!Niko Volkov!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if numnpc = 189 and $loc ! 'gdkin' and NikoBreakup = 1: gt 'NikoEv', 'Lunch Breakup' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc = 'gdkin' and NikoBreakup = 1: gt 'NikoEv', 'Disco Breakup' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc = 'gdkin' and NikoBreakupDay = daystart: gt 'NikoEv', 'Disco Breakup 2' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc ! 'gdkin' and NikoIntro = 0: gt 'NikoEv', 'Lunch Intro' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc ! 'gdkin' and NikoIntro = 1: gt 'NikoEv', 'Lunch Chat' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc = 'gdkin' and NikoIntro = 0: gt 'NikoEv', 'Disco Intro' elseif numnpc = 189 and $loc = 'gdkin' and NikoIntro = 1: gt 'NikoEv', 'Disco Chat' end !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!gopniks!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!! if npc_grupTipe['A<>'] = 4: if $loc = 'gdkin': if pav_slut < 150: if numnpc ! 9: if npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> offers you a beer and says: "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! Let''s drink some beer and have some fun!"' else '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> offers you a beer and says: "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>! Let''s drink some beer and have some fun!"' end act 'Decline':npc_rel['A<>'] -= 5 & gt $loc, $metka act 'Drink the beer': *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 5 gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'beer', 1 gs 'stat' 'You happily take the beer, and drink it in <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>''s company.' act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end elseif pav_slut >= 150: if npc_gender['A<>'] = 0: '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> looks at you wearily: "What do you want? Looking for a dick to suck on or something?"' else '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> wrinkles her nose as she looks at you: "Hey cocksucker, get away from me! I don''t want to be seen talking to you."' end act 'Move away':npc_rel['A<>'] -= 5 & gt $loc, $metka end exit end end if numnpc = 144: if $loc ! 'gdkin' and npc_rel['A<>'] > 50 and (Anush_sex > 0 or hotcat >= 7) and rand(0,4) = 0: act 'You''re looking flushed': *clr & cla if Anush_lunch = 0: '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' '"Hey Anush you feeling ok? You kinda look flush, is something wrong? Would you like to talk about it?"' 'She leans in close and tries to kiss you, while one hand reaches down and squeezes your butt. You turn your head and pull away. "What are you doing? I was only seeing if you were ok."' 'She crowds you a bit and leans in close. "You talk to much, I can think of better things you can do with that tongue of yours."' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism' minut -= 5 gs 'stat' act 'Um that''s not what I meant': gt 'Snpc', 'anushnottoday' act 'Kiss her back.': gt 'Snpc', 'kissback' else '
' 'Noticing she is looking fairly turned on today, well more so than usual, you say to her. "You ok? You are looking pretty flush again today."' 'You barely even have time to get the words out when she is leaning in and kissing you, her hands reach around to squeeze your butt.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism' minut -= 5 gs 'stat' act 'Not today': gt 'Snpc', 'anushnottoday' act 'Kiss her back.': gt 'Snpc', 'kissback' end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'kissback': *clr & cla Anush_lunch = 1 npc_rel['A144'] += 1 pav_sex +=1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You kiss her back. Your hands are roaming each others bodies, several of the other gopniks are checking the two of you out, especially the guys. Several of them starting hooting, hollering or whistling as the two of you make out hard right in front of them. After a couple of minutes she grabs you by the hands and says "Come on lets go some place more private to continue this.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism' minut -= 5 gs 'stat' act 'Not today': gt 'Snpc', 'anushnottoday' act 'Go with it': *clr & cla Anush_lunch = 1 pcs_horny += 10 npc_rel['A144'] += 1 grupvalue[4] +=1 pav_sex +=1 gs 'stat' '
' 'You breath heavily feeling yourself turned on. "Ok, where?"' 'Her hand slides up your skirt and rubs your clit. "Come with me, I know just the place." With that she takes you by the hand and the two of your head off, with the whistles and cat calls of the other gopniks behind you.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism' minut -= 5 gs 'stat' act 'Go somewhere private': gt 'gschool_sex', 'Anush_private' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'anushnottoday': *clr & cla npc_rel['A144'] -= 2 '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/anushka/nomake.jpg">
' 'You place your hand on her shoulders and gentle push her away. "No I don''t want to."' 'She rolls her eyes. "Fine what ever, if you don''t want to have a little fun, I will find someone that does." With that she turns and walks off, leaving you unsure what just happened.' act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' end !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!Albina Barlovskaya!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if numnpc = 23: if albinaQWdance > 0 and AlbinaBlokDance = 0 and ZvezdEnd = 0: 'Albina offers you a friendly smile and says: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re progressing very well in your training. Don''t forget to keep attending!"' if pav_slut >= 125:'By the way, some people are telling some pretty disgusting rumours about you.' end if artemIzdev = 1: act 'Ask about a tiny camera': minut += 5 artemIzdev = 2 'You ask Albina if she knows where you could get a tiny camera, saying it''s for a prank you''re pulling on your parents. Albina smiles and nods: "There''s a photo studio in the city, they''ll have that you need!"' 'You thank her for the help. Maybe now you''ll finally be able to get out of this hell.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end if AlbFrend = 1: AlbFrend = 2 npc_rel['A23'] = 100 'Albina smiles gratefully at you as she says: "Thank you <<$pcs_nickname>>! Like they say... a friend in need is a friend indeed. Your timely warning saved me, I had just enough time to get rid of all the evidence! Unfortunately we do have to stop with Albina''s Starlets, to keep ourselves out of trouble."' elseif AlbFather = 2 and AlbEnemy = 0: npc_rel['A23'] = 0 AlbEnemy = 1 'Albina angrily glares at you as she talks: "Cut the crap, bitch... I know what you did. You''ll regret this!"' end end !!Chat if narkoman = 1 and numnpc = 1 and npc_rel['A1'] >= 100: 'You don''t want to but the you feel miserable and everything hurts, you crave the rush that you''ve come to enjoy so much' '"Please Dimka, can I have some pale lady?"' if dimaRevenge = 0: 'Dimka grins. Sure, why don''t we go somewhere queieter...' 'Resolved to do anything to make the pain go away and feel happy again, you mentally sigh and follow him' end end if $loc ! 'gdkin': act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end !!Chat act 'Chat': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' if numnpc = 1 and npc_rel['A<>'] = 0: cla 'Dimka doesn''t try to hide his disdain for you: "Get away from me, you pimply pig."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end exit end if $loc ! 'gdkin': gs 'nogorslut' gs 'yesgorslut' act 'Continue': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else gs 'nogorslut' gs 'yesgorslut' act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka end end !!Lariska if numnpc = 13 and lariskaHelp = -1: 'She looks at you rejectedly, and softly says: "Leave me alone, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I want nothing to do with you any more."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end !!Artem CHEBOTAREV if numnpc = 2: if (npc_rel['A2'] >= 50 or grupTipe = 3) and artemLernQW = 0: act '"Could you help me out a bit in school?"': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 5 if pav_slut < 125: artemLernQW = 1 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' if pav_slut < 125:'You approach Artem and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use his help studying. Artem is a bit surprised: "What... you want my help? Well, okay I guess. Come meet me at my place if you want to do homework together."' if pav_slut >= 125:'You approach Artem and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use his help studying. Artem is outraged: "Bah... the school whore needs my help? I don''t think so."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end end !!Ivan Prokhorov if numnpc = 3:gt 'IvanEv', 'School Chat' !!Vitek Kotov if numnpc = 9 and kotovloveqw > 0 and $loc ! 'gdkin' and NikoPayback = 2:act 'Tell him about Niko':gt 'NikoPayback', 'Vitek Help' !!Fedor Kozlov if numnpc = 5 and $loc ! 'gdkin' and FedorLove < 0: gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Hate' elseif numnpc = 5 and $loc ! 'gdkin': gt 'FedorMisc', 'Fedor Chat' end !!JULIA milova if numnpc = 12: if (npc_rel['A12'] >= 50 or grupTipe = 3) and JuliaMilLernQW = 0 and npc_rel['A<>'] >= 80: act '"Could you help me out a bit in school?"': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 5 JuliaMilLernQW = 1 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' if pav_slut < 125:'You approach Julia and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use his help studying. She thinks it over for a second, but happily agrees: "Sure <<$pcs_nickname>>, that could be fun!"' if pav_slut >= 125:'You approach Julia and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use his help studying. She makes some comments about your lousy reputation in school, but at the same time doesn''t seem to care too much about it and agrees to help you anyway. As long as you don''t tell anyone.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': act' Leave': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end end !!Katja MEYNOLD if numnpc = 14: if meynoldQW = 1: act 'Thank Katja for taking you home from the disco': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 5 meynoldQW = 2 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'You approach Katja and thank her for taking you home from the disco when you were drunk, the other night. Katja gives you a knowing smile and says: "Don''t mention it, <<$pcs_nickname>>! You really shouldn''t get that drunk at the disco though, that could end badly. Some of the guys there are real pigs..."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end if rand(1,3) = 1 and npc_sex['A14'] = 1 and $pantyworntype = 'none' and PCloSkirt > 1 and tangaday ! daystart: gt 'Katja_tanga', 'start' if rand(1,2) = 1 and katschoolsex = 1 and pcs_horny > 40: *clr if $loc = 'gdkin': '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss1.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss.jpg">
' end minut += 1 gs'stat' 'Katja slowly leans in towards you, almost closing her eyes and slowly opening her mouth. Unable to resist, you lean in and meet her with a kiss.' gs 'katjaEv', 'kiss_events' elseif meynoldQW > 1 and pcs_makeup <= 1: 'Katja looks at you with a smile: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I bet you would look great with a little make-up on you! What do you say?"' act 'Let her put makeup on you': *clr & cla pcs_hairbsh = 1 if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'Katja happily grins as she quickly straightens your hair: "What do you want? A light touch-up, some normal make-up or shall I just shovel it on?"' act 'Light touch-up': cla pcs_makeup = 2 'Katja subtly applies some neutral tones, with a light application of makeup to bring out your natural beauty.' if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes, and blushes.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Normal make-up': cla pcs_makeup = 3 'Katja applies some mildly vibrate tones and colors of makeup to cover your minor imperfections and enhance your best features.' if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes, and blushes.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Heavy make-up': cla pcs_makeup = 4 'Katja applies some deeper, richer shades of makeup, thick enough to cover most imperfections, while drawing attention to your eyes and lips.' if KatjaOTN > 0:KatjaHorny += 10 & 'Katja suddenly becomes aware that she is staring into your eyes and blushes.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end end if (npc_rel['A<>'] > 60) and (KatjaOTN > 0) and (KatjaLust > 15) : !!new Katja stuff not sure where you want to put it. It should be an option when you talk to her at school or the dance where it says Chat, but add this as an option. act 'Kiss Katja': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin': '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss1.jpg">
' elseif $loc ! 'gdkin': '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/katja/tanga_kiss.jpg">
' end minut += 1 gs'stat' 'You lean in to kiss Katja' if Katjahorny < 30: 'She pulls away from you as you try and kiss her, she looks around to see if anyone seen. "Not here and not now."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end else *clr & cla gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'You slowly lean in towards Katja to kiss her. Unable to resist, Katja almost closing her eyes, slowly opening her mouth, leans in and meets your kiss.' gs 'katjaEv', 'kiss_events' end end end if apmeet = 3 and artemIzdev = 0: act 'Ask how to stop Artem and Petka''s blackmail': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 artemIzdev = 1 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'You make sure no one else is paying attention, and tell Katja about what Artem and Petka are doing to you on Mondays. At first she doesn''t believe you. After a while, all of the nasty details you''re sharing convince her that there is no way you''re making this up. Katja is shocked!' 'You tell her that the only way you have thought of to get rid of their blackmailing, is to get blackmailing material of your own. Katja nods and says: "That makes sense, actually... if you could somehow make it look violent, I bet it would work even better! I don''t know where you would be able to find a tiny camera though... maybe Albina can help you?"' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end if meynoldQW > 1 and pcs_makeup > 1: if $loc ! 'gdkin': !!school !!if KatjaHorny >= 50:end !!if KatjaHorny < 50:end end if $loc = 'gdkin': !!at the disco !!if KatjaHorny >= 50:end !!if KatjaHorny < 50:end end end end !!Natasha Belova Botha if numnpc = 16: if npc_rel['A16'] >= 50 and NatbelQW['QWstage'] = 0 and npc_rel['A<>'] >= 80: act '"Could you help me out a bit in school?"': *clr & cla if $loc = 'gdkin':minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 5 NatbelQW['QWstage'] = 1 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' if pav_slut < 125:'You approach Natasha and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use her help studying. She thinks it over for a second, but happily agrees: "Sure <<$pcs_nickname>>, that could be fun!"' if pav_slut >= 125:'You approach Natasha and explain how you''re struggling in school and could really use her help studying. She makes some comments about your lousy reputation in school, but at the same time doesn''t seem to care too much about it and agrees to help you anyway. As long as you don''t tell anyone.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end if NatbelQW['QWstage'] >= 8 and NatbelQW['Debt'] > 0: act 'Come to the bathroom with me': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
Girls Bathroom
' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/bathroom/girlsbathroom.jpg">
' 'You grab Natasha by the hand and pull her along with you as you tell her. "Come to the bathroom with me."' 'She looks at you questioningly but doesn''t protest, as you pull her into the bathroom, past a few girls using the mirrors. You take her into a stall with you. You sit down on the toilet and pull down your panties, then spread you legs and tell her. "Down on your knees, time to pay off a little debt."' 'She looks a little shocked at first but then gets down on her knees and lowers her face to your crotch.' act 'Further': *clr & cla minut += 15 NatbelQW['Debt'] -= 500 if npc_Sex['A16'] = 0: npc_Sex['A16'] = 1 & girl += 1 NatbelQW['lesbian'] += 1 lesbian += 1 pcs_horny = 0 orgasm += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/natasha/sex/school/natschoolowe.jpg">
' 'Her tongue starts to lick your clit, you bite your lip to try and keep from moaning to loudly. You lean back and relax, as you let Natasha pleasure you with her tongue. She is getting a lot better at this and if your not mistaken she is starting to like it a lot.' 'She starts using her fingers on you as well and is really getting into it, you start to pant and moan. Clamping a hand over your own mouth to keep yourself from crying out, it doesn''t her long to bring you to a climax.' 'Your whole body shudders as the orgasm rocks your body, you grind your pussy against her face as it does. Once the sensation has passed you look down and see Natasha smiling up at you, obviously pleased with herself. You lean down and give her a long slow passionate kiss, tasting your own pussy juices. A few moments later the bell rings and you both hurry to class.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end end end !!Lizaveta Petrov if numnpc = 31: act 'Latest gossip': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' '"So Lizaveta hear any good gossip of late?"' 'As you ask that her face lights up and she leans in close like she has the best secret in the world to share with you. "Oh my god yes! I was... well it doesn''t matter what I was doing but I overheard some others talking and they said..."' gs 'gschool_gossip', 'Lizaveta' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end !!Aleksandra Kirilenko if numnpc = 231: if npc_rel['A<>'] >= 100 and grupTipe = 3 and npc_QW['A<>'] = 0 and temper >= 15: act 'Ask to join at library after school': *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_QW['A<>'] = 1 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' '"Hi <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>! I just finished my last book at home and I''m not sure what I should read next. Can I join you at the library this afternoon so that you can help me find another good one to read?"' '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>''s face quickly shifts from a smile to confusion. You can tell she''s not sure how to respond and there is a long pause as a result. Finally after about 30 seconds of thought she responds "Sure, that should be alright. Do you mind going home with me first so that I can change out of our uniform?"' '"That is no problem at all" you reply. "I''ll meet you outside of school after our last period, and then we can head to your house together."' '"Sounds good <<$pcs_nickname>>. See you then" <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> replies as she heads off.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end elseif npc_rel['A<>'] >= 100 and grupTipe = 3 and npc_QW['A<>'] = 2 and schoolprogul > 0: act 'Ask to study at her house after school': *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_QW['A<>'] = 3 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' '"Hi <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>! I ended up missing school the other day because I was sick. Would it be alright with you if we went to your house after school so that you can help me catch up?"' '<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> replies "Sure <<$pcs_nickname>>, just as long as you aren''t sick anymore. I don''t want to get sick with whatever you had and miss school as well."' 'You giggle a little bit and reply "Nah, I got over my sickness so you should be fine. I''ll meet you outside of school after our last period, and then we can head to your house together."' '"Sounds good <<$pcs_nickname>>. See you then" <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> replies as she heads off.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end elseif npc_rel['A<>'] >= 100 and npc_QW['A<>'] = 4: act 'Serious talk': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' npc_QW['A231'] = 5 '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'As you walk to up <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>, you feel your stomach drop to the floor due to how awkward the situation is. However you''re not about to let what happened end your friendship without at least clearing the air.' 'After about a minute or so of eye contact, you finally develop enough courage to speak first.' '"Hi <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>>...." You say in a nervous and defeated voice.' '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>...." she replies in an equally nervous voice.' 'After taking a couple more seconds to fully collect your thoughs, you say "Look, I think we need to talk about what happened last time at your house. Given the subject, it would be best to do so privately. Can we meet after school to talk about it?"' '<<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>> doesn''t respond, and almost looks like she''s about to start crying. She finally wimpers "Are you mad at me or are you sickened by me?"' 'Not completely surprised by what she said, you hold firm in making sure to wait until the two of you are alone. "I don''t wan''t to discuss things here. Meet me after school so we can talk about this more. I promise I''m not going to hurt you if that is what you''re afraid of."' 'Looking a little releaved, <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> nods her head in a slow manner and sheds a couple of tears. You walk away without either of you saying another word."' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end act 'Chicken Out': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' '
> src="images/pc/npc_headshots/big<>.jpg">
' 'As you see <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>, you feel your stomach drop to the floor due to how awkward the situation is. You don''t have enough courage to bring up what happened the last time you were at <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>>''s house, so you pretend to not see her and carry on your way.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end elseif npc_QW['A<>'] > 5: 'Ever since you asked <<$npc_nickname[''A<>'']>> to be your girlfriend, she has come out of her shell a bit more. She even kisses you while at school!' act 'Kiss her': *clr & cla minut += 5 npc_rel['A<>'] += 10 npc_love['A<>'] += 5 npc_horny['A<>'] += 15 gs 'arousal', 'kiss', '5', 'futa' gs 'stat' '
<<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A<>'']>>
' !!Image needed '
> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/aleksandra/school_kiss.jpg">
' 'You lean in to kiss <<$npc_firstname[''A<>'']>> and you both close your eyes as your lips meet. You don''t really care what anyone else thinks, you both just enjoy the moment.' 'You eventually break off the kiss and say "See you later cutie" and head on your way.' if $loc ! 'gdkin': xgt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break', 'nopict' else act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka end end end end --- Snpc ---------------------------------