# anushaptbr if $ARGS[0] = 'brotherroom': $menu_loc = 'anushaptbr' $menu_arg = 'brotherroom' menu_off = 0 CLOSE ALL *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
Anushka''s brother''s room
' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'The room is disorganized and untidy. It is fairly messy with a lot of clothes scattered about in varies piles. There are two beds crammed into the room on each side. There is a small TV on a stand in the room, with a Playstation console laying partially hidden under some clothes in front of it.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' if AnushkaLoc = 3 and maksimQW = 0: maksimQW = 1 menu_off = 1 minut += 5 gs 'stat' 'The two of you enter her brothers'' room. They immediately stop doing what they were doing and look towards you in fear and anger. The older one is maybe a year or two younger than Kolka, just at that age when boys start paying attention to girls and the other a year or two younger than that.' 'The older one gathers some courage; "What do you want? Get out of our room!"' *nl 'Anushka quickly replies; "Calm down. I just wanted to see what you were up to, cause I know you little shitheads are always up to something."' '"What do you care what we do? Shouldn''t you be off with your band or sucking some cock?"' 'Anushka reaches out and slaps him in the back of the head. "Watch what you say or I''ll beat your little ass."' *nl 'He rubs the back of his head. "That''s what mother always says."' 'Anushka fumes a bit. "Fuck that bitch, don''t listen to her, listen to dad you little asshole."' 'He just rolls his eyes and ignores her and looks at you now. "Don''t tell me, is this one of the famous groupies we''ve heard so many stories about?"' act 'Excuse me?': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
Anushka''s brother''s room
' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"What do you mean?" you ask.' '"We heard a lot of great stories about the band and the groupies from Radomir." Maksim answers.' '"Don''t listen to what he says. He''s making up most of that stuff just to impress you." answers an irritated Anushka.' '"Well, at least lets hope this groupie is better than Alyona."' act 'Why''s that?': *clr & cla minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
Anushka''s brother''s room
' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"Well, she''s really mean to us. She always beats me up and won''t play games with us." the old brother says while looking at you sadly and the younger one nods in agreement.' '"If you weren''t trying to film her while she is taking a shower, maybe she wouldn''t be kicking your ass, you little pervert." Anushka answers.' '"Your brothers are really something else. But I guess even boys at this age think with their other head." you say.' *nl 'Anushka nods in agreement, "Yeah, most of them are slaves to their lust, even if these are to young to even understand it yet."' 'Maksim puffs up. "I''m not too young."' 'Anushka laughs at him and turns to you, "Maybe I should tell my dad what they''re up to."' act 'Laugh': *clr & cla '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'The brothers are looking at the two of you in total fear. Anushka continues on, "Look at them, they''re scared shitless."' 'Maksim is fuming with anger and starts yelling, "Get out of our room!"' 'You and Anushka keep on laughing while the brothers are pushing you out their room.' act 'Leave':AnushkaLoc=2>'anushapt','hallway' end end end elseif AnushkaLoc = 3 and (maksimQW = 1 or maksimQW = 2): if maksimQW = 1: maksimQW = 2 menu_off = 1 minut += 3 gs 'stat' 'The two of you enter her brothers room. They immediately stop doing what they were doing. The older one gathers some courage; "What do you want?" Then he notices you and starts staring at your tits. "I see you brought you groupie with you again."' 'Anushka quickly replies; "Calm down. I just wanted to see if you were up for a match" indicating the gaming console in their room.' 'Maksim glances at his brother a moment then back to Anushka. "All of us?"' *nl 'She nods. "That''s the plan, the two of us against the two of you."' 'Both of them get excited at that. "You''re friend better be great. We''ve been practicing really hard. We''ll definitely beat you this time."' 'Anushka quickly replies smiling, "You really think you can beat me this time? You got your asses handed to you the last time."' 'The boys nod at each other, "This time will be different. We''re sure we will win."' act 'What''s this all about?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"Oh, don''t worry. Sometimes I sit and play video games with them and always beat their ass."' '"Not this time!" Maksim looks at the two of you determined.' act 'Sit down and play': *clr & cla minut += 15 pcs_gaming_exp =+ rand(1,3) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' 'The brothers turn away from you and start whispering, they must be planning something.' '"Let''s play." Timofey says smiling.' 'The four of you are playing for several minutes, you don''t really know what''s happening, it is some shooter game you have never played before, but Anushka does her best to explain as you play.' act 'Finish': *clr & cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' if pcs_gaming <= 20: 'The game is pretty much over, all of them are better players than you are. Anushka does what she can, but the brothers fairly easily manage to win back to back matches. Both brothers jump up and do some weird little victory dance. "Ha ha we win and you lose." Maksim taunts.' 'Anushka rolls her eyes at their antics. "You just got lucky is all."' '"You suck, you suck!" Maksim chants and Timofey quickly joins in. "Losers, losers!"' 'Anushka gets up and shakes her head. "Come on lets go, they''re not going to stop acting like jackass''s anytime soon." You get up and follow her out.' elseif pcs_gaming <= 40: 'The game is pretty much a draw, with no one getting the upper hand. All of a sudden you make a mistake and the brothers are about to win. Just as they''re about to grab their victory, Anushka uses her foot to push Maksim off the bed. Which allows her to secure the win while he is trying to recover.' 'He begins to yell, "Not fair, you''re cheating. You always do this when you''re about to lose." The younger one joins in. "Anushka''s a cheater."' '"Don''t be such a crybaby I thought you said you were prepared this time?" she says teasing him, but with a smile on her face, despite her brother looking mad.' *nl 'The comment only makes the situation worse and things escalate. The brothers are now yelling at Anushka obviously taking it way too serious, after a bit Anushka gets fed up with them and starts yelling back at them.' 'All of a sudden the door opens and their dad is standing there and bellows. "Knock it off!" Anushka and the older of her two brothers shut up at once, they obviously know better than to test their dad.' '"But dad! She cheated again." Timofey pleads with him.' '"But dad nothing, weren''t you supposed to be studying?" Eduard asks.' *nl '"Y-Yes..." both of them answer. "Well get to it" He says to them and then turns to Anushka and you. "You two get out of their room and Nush stop tormenting your brothers." he says he holds the door open ''til you both leave then he pulls it shut hard.' 'Anushka starts to respond. "I wasn''t..." but her dad interrupts her. "I don''t care, leave them alone so they can study. Take your friend to your room." With that he turns and goes back to the living room, while Anushka goes back to her room.' else 'The game is pretty much over you, Anushka and you are able to win, not by a lot but enough the brothers come close but fall a little short in both matches.' 'Maksim throws down his controller and turns on Timofey. "Why are you so bad, we could have beat them if you didn''t suck so much."' 'Timofey tries to defend himself. "It''s not my fault, Nush is just to good."' 'Before Maksim can respond Anushka cuts it. "It''s not Timos fault. I killed you three times when you kept trying to go through that courtyard. Your just mad cause you got beat by a girl... again." She says in a tease tone and sticks her tongue out at him.' 'Maksim eyes flare at Anushka. "GO SUCK A DICK SLUT, THATS ALL YOU ARE GOOD AT!" He screams at Anushka.' 'Anushka eyes narrow. "Watch your mouth you little shit, it''s just a game."' 'Before anyone can say more the door suddenly opens and their dad is standing there and bellows. "Knock it off!" Everyone shuts up.' 'Then he looks at Maksim. "Did I just hear you call your sister a slut and tell her to suck a dick?" His voice is low and full of anger. Maksim visably shrinks under his dads gaze.' '"She was teasing me." He weakly tries to defend himself, obviously knowing he is in trouble.' 'He turns and glares at Anushka. "Stop teasing your brothers, go to you room." When she starts to open her mouth, he cuts her off. "I don''t want to hear it, go to your room." With that she gets up in a huff and heads back to her room.' 'As you leave just before the door closes you hear Ed say to Maksim. "What have I told you about calling your sister a slut?"' 'Maksim voices cracks. "I''m sorry." The door closes before you can hear more, now you just hear the muffled sounds behind the door.' end act 'Go to Anushka''s room':AnushkaLoc=2>'anushapt','anushroom' end end end elseif AnushkaLoc ! 3: brotherroom = rand(1,6) menu_off = 1 if brotherroom = 1: minut += 2 gs 'stat' 'You open the door and look in the brothers'' room. You see the boys sitting there talking about something. The older one is maybe a year or two younger than Kolka, just at that age when boys start paying attention to girls and the other a year or two younger than that.' act 'What are you up to?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/brothers.jpg">
' '"Nothing much really. We were just discussing what kind of band we were going to have when we get older." Maksim responds.' '"Oh? So you want to be like your big sister and be in a band too?" You ask them.' 'Maksim shakes his head. "I don''t want to be like her, I want to be like Radomir. Be the band leader and get all the bitches for free. He''s the best."' 'Before you can respond Timofey cuts in. "Arkadi is the best or maybe Valentin, they give us stuff."' act 'What does Valentin give you?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"He''s pretty cool, gives us his old video games sometimes. He also has a bike like dad and spends a lot of time with our dad." Timofey answers.' '"Does he ever let you sit on his bike?" you ask.' '"Yeah, he lets us ride with him sometimes, it''s so awesome." says Timofey.' '"But at the same time he doesn''t let us drink..." says Maksim.' act 'Who lets you drink?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"Arkadi!" they both shout. "But don''t tell our dad or he will get mad."' '"Don''t worry I won''t tell your dad." you reassure them.' act 'What about Radomir?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"He''s pretty cool. I want to be like him when I grow up." Maksim confidently says.' '"Because he''s a good musician?" you ask.' '"No because he''s a pussy magnet! He can get any girl he wants." Maksim answers, giving you his best seductive grin which is laughable at best.' *nl '"That was way too much information for me. I think it''s time for me to head out. I''m feeling a bit nauseous."' 'With a disappointed look on his face Maksim says, then he turns to his brother as you are walking out and you over hear him say. "Bitches are a ruble a dozen, as Radomir says." Just as you close the door you hear the little brother agreeing, though likely have no idea what he is agreeing to.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end end end end elseif brotherroom = 2: gs 'stat' 'You open the door and look in the brothers'' room. You see the two brothers fighting on the bed. They immediately stop as they see you.' act 'What are you doing?': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/browrestle.jpg">
' '"What are you boys up too?" You ask them.' 'Maksim looks at you, blushing, "N-Nothing. G-Get out of our room."' 'You look around the bed and see a porn magazine laying on the bed.' 'Timofey starts teasing him, "Ha-ha. You got caught by one of Anushka''s friends looking at the magazine."' '"Shut up. You''re just a little kid what do you know..."' act 'Grab the magazine': *clr & cla minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'You walk up to them and grab the magazine. Maksim tries his hardest to stop you but you easily manage to push him away.' '"Give it back, it''s mine!" Maksim says dejected. "It''s all your fault!" he says as he turns to his brother. "If you could only keep your mouth shut. I can''t wait to get my own room."' 'Timofey just keeps on sneering at his brother.' act 'Calm down': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' '"It doesn''t have to be all bad." you say. "I share a room with my sister."' '"Wow. Two girls in one room... That is so hot." says Maksim. "Our sister is the only one with her own room, that''s so unfair."' '"She is a girl after all. Wouldn''t it be awkward if she shared a room with you?." you try to explain.' '"I guess... but she could sleep in the living room and then we could each have our own room." he says as if that was totally fair.' 'You looks through the magazine and the boy has some kinky tastes, you wonder who might have bought it for him. Then you throw the magazine back on the bed saying, "I won''t tell anyone your secret, but try to be nice to each other at least."' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end end end elseif brotherroom = 3 and maksimQW = 2: gs 'stat' 'You open the door and look in the brothers'' room. You see Maksim in there alone playing some first person shooter on the play station.' act 'Ask where Timofey is': *clr & cla minut += 2 gs 'stat' '
' '"Where''s your brother?" You ask him.' 'Maksim gives you a annoyed look. "Why do you care? He is likely outside playing in the dirt like a stupid kid."' 'You smile at that and ask. "Why arn''t you playing with him?"' '"I''m not a little kid, am practically a grown man." He tells you.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' act 'Ask if he wants to play': *clr & cla minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'You nod at that and try not to smile. "Oh I see, so do you want to play a game with me then?"' if pcs_gaming <= 40: 'It looks like he is about to say no and then he smiles. "Ok but only if we make interesting."' '"Interesting how?" You ask him.' 'He grins. "If I win you have to show me your boobs, if you win I will tell you a secret about Nush that you don''t know."' act 'No, I don''t think so': *clr & cla minut += 3 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'You shake your head. "No I don''t think so." You tell him.' 'He frowns. "Fine then get out of my room, get out!"' 'You back out of the doorway. "Ok ok I''m going."' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end act 'Deal': *clr & cla minut += 20 pcs_gaming_exp =+ rand(1,3) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/maksimplay.jpg">
' 'The two of you start playing, it quickly becomes obvious he has played this game a lot and is very good at it. You try but you just are unable to keep up with him. A couple of times you come close but often you are just outmatched. After a couple of matches he pauses the game and looks at you with a lustful grin. "Ha Ha, you lost, now show me your boobs."' gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist' if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr: act 'Refuse to show him your boobs (<> Willpower)': *clr & cla gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist' gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' 'You shake your head. "No I don''t think so, you''re to young anyways."' 'His eyes flash, he is obviously furious with you. "You promised!"' 'You shrug. "I lied."' '"GET OUT! Get out of my room!" He yells at you.' 'Not wanting anyone to come find out what is going on you quickly get up and leave.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end else act 'Refuse to show him your boobs (<> Willpower)': '
You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.' end act 'Show him your boobs': *clr & cla gs 'exhibitionism', 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/maksimshow.jpg">
' 'Well you did agree and he did win. You stand up and then pull your top aside to expose your breasts to him. His eyes get huge as he starts at your tits. Before either of you can say anything you hear the front door slam and Timofey yelling and running down the hall. "Maksim, Maksim, come see, come see."' *nl 'You pull your top back in place just before he bursts in the room, Maksim gives him a dirty look. "Why do you have to always ruin everything!"' 'Timofey stops obviously not understanding what is going on and looks between the two of you completely confused. "I just wanted to show you something." You use that time to slip out of the room and close the door behind you, leaving the two of them behind to argue.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end end else 'He shrugs. "Sure I guess."' 'You walk over and take a seat next to him and pick up the other controller.' act 'Play': *clr & cla minut += 20 pcs_gaming_exp =+ rand(1,3) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/maksimplay.jpg">
' 'You play a game with him, he is pretty good but you are better and you manage to beat him, he just isn''t good enough to beat you and after a bit he seems to get annoyed by the fact he keeps losing and switches games. "I''m bored with that game." He switches to a single player game. You smile knowing he only switched games because he couldn''t win.' act 'Leave':gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end end end end else 'You open the door and look in the brothers'' room. You see Maksim and Timofey are here, doing whatever it is that boys do. Maksim stares at your tits for a couple of moments, before saying. "Get lost."' 'Timofey looks over and adds. "Yeah get lost, no girls allowed." After that they just ignore you.' act 'Leave': gt 'anushapt', 'hallway' end killvar 'brotherroom' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'rematch': $menu_loc = 'anushaptbr' $menu_arg = 'rematch' menu_off = 0 CLOSE ALL *clr & cla minut += 1 gs 'stat' '
Anushka''s brother''s room
' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/broroom.jpg">
' if rand(1,2) = 1: 'The two of you enter her brothers room. They immediately stop doing what they were doing. The older one gathers some courage; "What do you want?" Then he notices you and starts staring at your tits. "I see you brought you groupie with you again."' 'Anushka quickly replies; "I just wanted to see if you were up for a rematch" indicating the gaming console in their room.' 'Maksim glances at his brother a moment then back to Anushka. "Ok fine."' *nl 'Both of them get excited at that. "You''re friend better be great. We''ve been practicing really hard. We''ll definitely beat you this time."' 'Anushka quickly replies smiling, "You really think you can beat me this time?"' 'The boys nod at each other, "We''re sure we will win."' act 'Sit down and play': *clr & cla minut += 15 pcs_gaming_exp =+ rand(1, 3) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' 'The brothers turn away from you and start whispering, they must be planning something.' '"Let''s play." Timofey says smiling.' 'The four of you are playing for several minutes, you don''t really know what''s happening, it is some shooter game you have never played before, but Anushka does her best to explain as you play.' act 'Finish': *clr & cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' if pcs_gaming <= 20: 'The game is pretty much over, all of them are still better players than you are. Anushka does what she can again, but the brothers fairly easily manage to win back to back matches. Both brothers jump up and do some weird little victory dance. "Ha ha we win and you lose." Maksim taunts.' 'Anushka rolls her eyes at their antics. "Yeah yeah yeah, you won." Then she reaches over and ruffles Timofey''s hair, which he tries and fails to dodge. "Good job kiddo."' '"Pfft I won it, Timo almost caused us to lose if I didn''t carry his sorry ass." Maksim says.' 'Timofey pulls away from his sister. "Nuh-uh, I almost scored as good you as you did!" Which quickly turns into them arguing over who did better.' 'Anushka gets up and shakes her head. "Come on lets go, they''re not going to stop acting like brat''s anytime soon." You get up and follow her out.' elseif pcs_gaming <= 40: 'The game is pretty much a draw, with no one getting the upper hand. Until Anushka starts to... well cheat. She uses her foot to keep jarring Maksim, or cover up Timofey''s eyes with her hand at a critical moment. The brothers try and return the favor to her and soon the three of them are more interested in wrestling and fighting trying to screw each other up than actually win the game. Which leaves you to take advantage of their distractions and win the match.' 'Maksim begins to yell, "Not fair, you''re cheating. You always do this when you''re about to lose." The younger one joins in. "Anushka''s a cheater."' '"You was doing the same to me. So you were cheating too." she says teasing him, but with a smile on her face, despite her brother looking mad.' *nl 'Maksim obviously doesn''t see it that way. "You started it and your groupie took advantage."' 'Anushka laughs at that. "Well who''s fault is that? If you wasn''t consumed with trying to get back at me you would have noticed what she was doing and maybe won, though unlikely."' 'Maksim responds by yelling. "Shut up..."' 'Anushka interjects before he can say more. "Be quiet, you want dad to come back in here again?"' 'That makes him shut his mouth and glance at the door, as if expecting their dad to burst in any moment. When a moment passes and he doesn''t, Maksim jumps on Anushka. "Cheater!" He is loud but not to loud.' *nl 'Anushka and Maksim start to wrestle and she quickly starts to get the upper hand, he just isn''t old enough or big enough yet to beat his older sister. Once it becomes clear she is about to pin Maksim down, Timofey jumps on her back. The three of them wrestle around, Anushka managing to pin one of them but not the other a times, only for the first one to get lose as she tries to pin them both. They come close a few times to pinnng her down but in the end they all just give up. All panting and out of breath, laying in a heap.' 'Finally Anushka gets up and untangles herself from them. "Come on lets go back to my room." She says to you out of breath. As you follow her out of the room the brothers start to play another game and Makism says. "Next time will win." Just as Anushka closes the door on them.' else 'The game is pretty much over you, Anushka and you are able to win, not by a lot but enough the brothers come close but fall a little short in both matches.' 'Maksim throws down his controller and turns on Timofey. "Why are you so bad, we could have beat them if you didn''t suck so much."' 'Timofey tries to defend himself. "It''s not my fault, Nush and <<$pcs_nickname>> are just to good."' 'Before Maksim can respond Anushka cuts it. "It''s not Timos fault and you know it. When you fall behind you get to aggressive like always and make it easier for me to kill you. Your just mad cause you got beat by a girl... again." She says in a tease tone and sticks her tongue out at him.' 'Maksim eyes flare at Anushka and it looks like he about to scream at her again. When she interjects, "Calm down, we don''t want dad in here again." With that he shuts his mouth and glances at the door and then glares at Anushka.' *nl '"Get out, get out of our room." He says to Anushka as he pushes on her trying to push her off the bed.' 'Anushka gets up. "Oh my god you are such a baby, I don''t even know why I bother playing with you."' 'He pushes her towards the door after she gets up. "Good then don''t, get out!"' 'Anushka sounds exasperated. "Fine then, you little brat."' 'Then she turns towards you. "Come on lets go before this little shit starts to cry."' 'Makism starts to yell but catches himself and while still loud doesn''t manage to yell. "Fuck you bitch, get out of our room!"' 'Then Timofey. Runs up to his sister. "No come back and play with us." He asks in a somewhat pleading tone.' 'Instantly Anushka tenses and angry seems to melt away. "Some other time squirt." She says to him with a smile and ruffles his hair much to his annoyance.' 'As she closes the door and leave, you hear Makism berating his brother for being a pussy and pleading with their sister to play games with them.' end act 'Go to Anushka''s room':AnushkaLoc=2>'anushapt','anushroom' end end else 'The two of you walk down the hall and enter her brothers'' room. They immediately stop doing what they were doing. The older one visibly gathers up his courage; "What is it? What do you want?" Then he notices you and starts staring at your tits. "I see you brought your groupie along again."' 'Anushka quickly replies; "Calm down. I just wanted to see if you were up for a rematch" indicating the gaming console in their room.' 'Both of them get excited at that. "Yeah and this time we will beat you."' 'Anushka quickly replies smiling, "You really think you can beat us this time?."' 'The boys nod at each other, "This time will be different. We''re sure we will win."' 'Anushka laughs. "Nah I don''t think so, maybe you boys just like getting beat by girls."' 'Maksim looks mad at that. "Shut up and play!" Anushka just laughs again and mimics what he said in a mutter taunting him.' act 'Play': *clr & cla pcs_gaming_exp =+ rand(1,3) minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' '"Come on guys lets just have fun." You tell them.' '"We will win this time!" Maksim looks at the two of you determined.' '"Let''s play." Timofey says smiling.' 'The four of you are playing for several minutes, you are a lot better since last time. You learned a lot and you are helping out more than you did before. Enough that you and Anushka start to get the upper hand.' act 'Finish': *clr & cla minut += 15 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/anushapt/playgamebro.jpg">
' if pcs_gaming <= 20: 'The game is pretty much over, all of them are still better players than you are. Anushka does what she can again, but the brothers fairly easily manage to win back to back matches. Both brothers jump up and do some weird little victory dance. "Ha ha we win and you lose." Maksim taunts.' 'Anushka rolls her eyes at their antics. "Yeah yeah yeah, you won." Then she reaches over and ruffles Timofey''s hair, which he tries and fails to dodge. "Good job kiddo."' '"Pfft I won it, Timo almost caused us to lose if I didn''t carry his sorry ass." Maksim says.' 'Timofey pulls away from his sister. "Nuh-uh, I almost scored as good you as you did!" Which quickly turns into them arguing over who did better.' 'Anushka gets up and shakes her head. "Come on lets go, they''re not going to stop acting like brat''s anytime soon." You get up and follow her out.' elseif pcs_gaming <= 40: 'The two of you are just slightly better than they are and after some time you come out on top. Maksim gets mad and throws the controller down. "Fuck!" Then turns on his brother. "It''s your fault we lost, God you''re so stupid."' 'Timofey shakes his head. "You''re stupid, and you''re why we lost. You always have to try and be the hero and Nush tricks you every time."' 'Maksim suddenly leaps on top of his brother. "Shut your mouth you little shit, she doesn''t trick me." He yells as he starts wailing on his little brother. Before you can even react Anushka grabs Maksim by the back of his collar and yanks him off Timofey. "Leave him alone, he''s right. I baited you out and then <<$pcs_nickname>> killed you. It''s not his fault."' 'Maksim gets back up and pushes Anushka. "Get out of my room, get out or I''ll tell dad you''re picking on us again."' 'Anushka just shakes her head and goes for the door. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, lets get out of here." Just as you start to go out, Anushka stops and looks back in. "Maksim, you better leave him alone or I''ll come back in here and beat your ass." Maksim rushes across the room and pushes the two of you the rest of the way out and slams the door closed. Anushka angrily goes back to her room.' else 'The game is pretty much over you, Anushka and you are able to win, not by a lot but enough the brothers come close but fall a little short in both matches.' 'Maksim throws down his controller. "Fuck!" Then turns on his brother. "Why are you so bad, we could have beat them if you didn''t suck so much."' 'Timofey tries to defend himself. "It''s not my fault, Nush and <<$pcs_nickname>> are just to good."' 'Before Maksim can respond Anushka cuts it. "It''s not Timos fault and you know it. When you fall behind you get to aggressive and don''t work with Timofey, just trying to win it on your own. Your just mad cause you got beat by a girl... again." She says in a tease tone and sticks her tongue out at him.' 'Maksim eyes flare at Anushka and it looks like he about to scream at her again. When she interjects, "Calm down, we don''t want dad in here again." With that he shuts his mouth and glances at the door and then glares at Anushka.' *nl '"Get out, get out of our room." He says to Anushka as he pushes on her trying to push her off the bed.' 'Anushka gets up. "Oh my god you are such a baby, I don''t even know why I bother playing with you."' 'He pushes her towards the door after she gets up. "You only play with us to bully us. I don''t want to play with you anymore."' 'Anushka sounds exasperated. "Fine then, you little brat, I won''t." Then she turns towards you. "Come on lets go before this little shit starts to cry."' 'Makism starts to yell but catches himself and while still loud doesn''t manage to yell. "Go suck a cock or something."' 'Then Timofey, runs up to his sister. "You will play with us again won''t you?" He asks in a somewhat pleading tone.' 'Instantly Anushka tenses and angry seems to melt away. "Some other time squirt." She says to him with a smile and ruffles his hair much to his annoyance.' 'As she closes the door and leave, you hear Makism berating his brother for being a pussy and pleading with their sister to play games with them.' end act 'Go to Anushka''s room':AnushkaLoc=2>'anushapt','anushroom' end end end end --- anushaptbr ---------------------------------