foto.qsrc 113 KB

  1. # foto
  2. $loc = 'foto'
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. $metka = 'start'
  5. if hour < 2:
  6. menu_off = 1
  7. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  8. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  9. gs 'stat'
  10. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photography studio</font></b></center>'
  11. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  12. 'It''s after midnight and the studio is closing down. You get dressed and leave before you get locked in.'
  13. act'Leave':gt'down'
  14. end
  15. close all
  16. $location_type = 'indoors'
  17. if model = 0:gt'foto','studio'
  18. *clr & cla
  19. $menu_loc = 'foto'
  20. $menu_arg = 'start'
  21. menu_off = 0
  22. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  23. if studio_strip = 0:
  24. 'Apparently there''s a "dress code" here and all models are required to be naked in the studio, even if they never do nude shoots. Supposedly, it''s primarily to save time when dressing up and the wardrobe department has an easier time fitting the clothing properly if you''re already naked. And if it''s a nude shoot, it saves even more time because then you can walk right on set. Makes sense you suppose... Kinda...'
  25. else
  26. 'Entering the studio, you head to the back room to strip down.'
  27. end
  28. special_model = rand(30,1400)
  29. special_skill_model = rand(30,500)
  30. act'Strip down':
  31. cla & *clr
  32. menu_off = 1
  33. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fullstrip.mp4"></video></center>'
  34. studio_strip += 1
  35. inhib_exp += 3
  36. *nl
  37. if pcs_inhib < 20:
  38. 'You squirm with discomfort as you drop the last of your clothing and stand completely naked. You feel cold, your skin tingling with discomfort and your hands immediately covering yourself up as you look around shivering in self-consciousness. You really don''t like being naked like this, especially in front of strangers, but rules are rules. What are you supposed to do about this?'
  39. *nl
  40. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  41. elseif pcs_inhib < 30:
  42. studio_inhib = 2
  43. 'You take a deep breath as you pull off the last of your clothing. Completely naked, you put your belongings in your locker. You can''t help but notice your hardening nipples in response to the cool air and rub your arm in discomfort. You''re getting a little more used to this "dress code" policy, but you still don''t like it.'
  44. *nl
  45. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  46. elseif pcs_inhib < 40 and studio_inhib = 2:
  47. studio_inhib = 3
  48. 'As you bang your locker door closed with your clothes locked behind it, you notice that you don''t feel as much of the apprehension that you used to. You still feel nervous and you still have some suspicions about the motivations of the "no clothes" policy, but you have to admit that it''s been slowly helping you become more confident in yourself and your body. Maybe it''s not such a bad thing after all, you think while another nervous tingle passes through your chest.'
  49. elseif pcs_inhib < 40:
  50. studio_inhib = 3
  51. 'Nervous tingles passing through your body, you remove the last of your clothes and place them in your locker. Being naked in front of other people still makes you shiver but it''s not like you have any other options other than to stop working here.'
  52. *nl
  53. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  54. elseif pcs_inhib < 60 and studio_inhib = 3:
  55. 'You strip out of your clothing and put it in your locker, the skin of your exposed body tingling in contact with the cool air. Uncomfortable as you are, you''re more or less used to the "no-dress code" policy at this point, even if it doesn''t exactly make you happy.'
  56. *nl
  57. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  58. elseif pcs_inhib < 60:
  59. 'You strip out of your clothing and put it in your locker, the skin of your exposed body tingling in contact with the cool air. You''re not terribly happy with this "no-dress code" policy, but it''s not like you''re shy enough to make excuses. You work at a nude modelling agency after all.'
  60. *nl
  61. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  62. elseif studio_inhib = 3:
  63. 'As soon as you walk in the room, your clothes start to come off almost automatically. You''re so used to being naked in the studio that you''ve practically forgotten that you were ever shy about your body or had problems with the studio''s policies.'
  64. *nl
  65. 'Banging the locker door shut, you head out to get to work.'
  66. else
  67. 'You walk into the back room and strip down without hesitation, completely comfortable with your own body.'
  68. *nl
  69. 'You throw your clothes into a locker and bang it shut, heading back into the studio to do some work.'
  70. end
  71. if $pantyworntype ! 'none' and pcs_inhib < 30 and daystart < studio_underwear:
  72. *nl
  73. 'You really wish you had brought panties today...'
  74. end
  75. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  76. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  77. gs 'stat'
  78. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  79. end
  80. if $pantyworntype ! 'none' and pcs_inhib < 60:
  81. if studio_strip_talk < 3:
  82. act'Just strip to your panties':
  83. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  84. cla & *clr
  85. menu_off = 1
  86. inhib_exp += 2
  87. if studio_strip_talk = 0:
  88. gt'foto_events','studio_strip_talk1'
  89. elseif studio_underwear > 0:
  90. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  91. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video></center>'
  92. 'As you drop your clothes into the locker, you can''t help but take small comfort in the warmth of the panties you still wear. It''s not much, but as long as you have time to put this off, you''ll take solace in what little coverage they provide.'
  93. act'Go to the main floor':
  94. if studio_strip_talk = 1 and studio_underwear <= daystart:
  95. gt'foto_events','studio_strip_talk2'
  96. elseif studio_strip_talk = 2 and studio_underwear <= daystart:
  97. gt'foto_events','studio_strip_talk3'
  98. else
  99. gt'foto','studio'
  100. end
  101. end
  102. end
  103. end
  104. end
  105. if studio_strip_talk < 2 and $braworntype ! 'none':
  106. act'Just strip to your underwear':
  107. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  108. gs 'stat'
  109. cla & *clr
  110. menu_off = 1
  111. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip3.mp4"></video></center>'
  112. inhib_exp += 1
  113. if studio_strip_talk = 0:
  114. gt'foto_events','studio_strip_talk1'
  115. else
  116. 'You strip down to your underwear, putting the rest of your belongings into your locker. You know that you need to get over this eventually but you''re still not confident enough yet.'
  117. *nl
  118. 'You bang your locker shut and go to get to work.'
  119. act'Go to the main floor':
  120. if studio_underwear <= daystart:
  121. gt'foto_events','studio_strip_talk2'
  122. else
  123. gt'foto','studio'
  124. end
  125. end
  126. end
  127. end
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end
  131. if $ARGS[0] = 'studio':
  132. $metka = 'studio'
  133. $menu_loc = 'foto'
  134. $menu_arg = 'studio'
  135. menu_off = 0
  136. practice_session = 0
  137. *clr & cla
  138. killvar '$modelopt'
  139. if special_model < min(city_modelling, 700) and modelfoto_nip > 0 and hour < 15 and fame_model_event < daystart:gt 'foto_events','fame'
  140. if special_skill_model < pcs_mdlng and modelfoto_nip > 0 and hour < 15 and skill_model_event < daystart:gt 'foto_events','skill'
  141. minut += 5
  142. gs 'stat'
  143. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  144. if city_modelling >= 200 and city_modelling < 240:
  145. rank = 1
  146. elseif city_modelling >= 240 and city_modelling < 280:
  147. rank = 2
  148. elseif city_modelling >= 280 and city_modelling < 320:
  149. rank = 3
  150. elseif city_modelling >= 320 and city_modelling < 360:
  151. rank = 4
  152. elseif city_modelling >= 360 and city_modelling < 400:
  153. rank = 5
  154. elseif city_modelling >= 400 and city_modelling < 440:
  155. rank = 6
  156. elseif city_modelling >= 440 and city_modelling < 560:
  157. rank = 7
  158. elseif city_modelling >= 560 and city_modelling < 620:
  159. rank = 8
  160. elseif city_modelling >= 620 and city_modelling < 700:
  161. rank = 9
  162. elseif city_modelling >= 700:
  163. rank = 10
  164. end
  165. anastasia_in = rand(0,1)
  166. mari_in = rand(0,1)
  167. krystal_in = rand(0,1)
  168. jeff_in = rand(0,1)
  169. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photography studio</font></b></center>'
  170. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  171. if model = 0:
  172. 'You step into a large warehouse. Scattered throughout, you see large lights brightening a myriad of sets designed to look like different rooms or locations. As you look farther inside, you spot people move between or on the sets. Among them are beautiful women, some wearing fancy dresses or expensive underwear, and shockingly, some of them are nude. Those that stand on sets are surrounded by crews of people wearing black with cameras and other equipment. Strangely, every single woman you see who is not on a set is completely naked.'
  173. 'It appears you are in some kind of photography studio. Just near the door you came in is a reception desk, out of place due to the fact that it simply sits in the middle of the room. A man sits behind it in the light of a desk lamp, doing something on a computer.'
  174. *nl
  175. 'Farther along, you can see what appear to be <a href="exec:gt ''foto_albums'',''model_portraits''">photo albums</a> that sit on a shelf.'
  176. elseif model = 1:
  177. 'You step onto the main floor of the studio, standing amongst the various sets and photographers who are working those sets. Sitting by the door is a <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress_code.jpg''">sign</a> to remind models of the dress code.'
  178. *nl
  179. 'Farther along are the studio''s collection of <a href="exec:gt ''foto_albums'',''model_portraits''">photo albums</a> of their top 10 models. '
  180. *nl
  181. 'In various parts of the studios, you can see some of the other models who work here.'
  182. if anastasia >= 2:
  183. if anastasia_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''anastasia1''">Anastasia</a>'
  184. else
  185. if anastasia_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''anastasia1''">unknown model</a>'
  186. end
  187. if emily >= 2:
  188. if emily_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''emily_1''">Emily</a>'
  189. else
  190. if emily_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''emily_1''">unknown model</a>'
  191. end
  192. if jeff >= 2:
  193. if jeff_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''jeff_1''">Jeff</a>'
  194. else
  195. if jeff_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''jeff_1''">unknown model</a>'
  196. end
  197. if krystal >= 2:
  198. if krystal_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''krystal1''">Krystal</a>'
  199. else
  200. if krystal_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''krystal1''">unknown model</a>'
  201. end
  202. if mari >= 2:
  203. if mari_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''mari_1''">Mari</a>'
  204. else
  205. if mari_in = 1:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_models'',''mari_1''">unknown model</a>'
  206. end
  207. end
  208. if mesec > 0 and isprok = 0 and model = 1: msg'You''ve just realized that you''re walking around naked while on your period. Maybe you should consider using tampons when you model here...'
  209. if artemIzdev = 2 or artemIzdev = 3:
  210. act 'Ask about the microcamera':
  211. menu_off = 1
  212. minut += 5
  213. gs 'stat'
  214. if artemIzdev = 3:'"As I said, I can arrange for a deal for this camera, but it is expensive."'
  215. if artemIzdev = 2:'"Yes, I can get you this, but it is expensive."' & artemIzdev = 3
  216. if money < 70000:
  217. 'You do not the 70,000 rub required.'
  218. else
  219. '"Oh, looks like you have enough cash."'
  220. act 'Buy microcamera':
  221. *clr & cla
  222. minut += 5
  223. money -= 70000
  224. artemIzdev = 4
  225. microcamera = 1
  226. gs 'stat'
  227. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/artem/event/microcam_1.jpg"></center>'
  228. 'You buy the microcamera from the photographer.'
  229. act 'Further':gs 'foto','studio'
  230. end
  231. end
  232. end
  233. end
  234. if pfilmNO = 1:
  235. menu_off = 1
  236. gs 'stat'
  237. '"You''re blacklisted, no decent studio will deal with you, goodbye."'
  238. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  239. end
  240. if model = 1:
  241. act 'Leave':
  242. *clr & cla
  243. menu_off = 1
  244. if studio_underwear_steal > 0:
  245. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  246. gs 'stat'
  247. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  248. 'You go to your locker in the back room and start to throw on your clothes when you suddenly remember that one of the managers took your underwear earlier today. You''ll have to go see him to get it back...'
  249. act'Go see the manager':gt'foto_events','underwear_steal2'
  250. else
  251. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  252. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  253. gs 'stat'
  254. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  255. 'You go into the back room to put on clothes and get ready to go home.'
  256. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  257. end
  258. end
  259. elseif model = 0:
  260. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  261. end
  262. if parkblackmail = 2: act 'Look around for the blackmailer':gt 'foto', 'blackm'
  263. if model = 0:
  264. act 'Ask about working as a glamor model':
  265. cla & *clr
  266. menu_off = 1
  267. minut += 5
  268. gs 'stat'
  269. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  270. if vidage >= 40:
  271. 'You ask about working as a model, but the photographer says to you, "I''m sorry, but you look like a pretty mature woman, we need models with a more youthful appearance." This is his way of telling you that you look too old for this business.'
  272. elseif pcs_skin < 40:
  273. '"Girl, your face is covered in acne unless you improve your appearance there is no chance of working here."'
  274. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  275. elseif bmi_calc >= foto_weight and foto_weight > 0:
  276. 'You walk up to the front desk and find the same man who interviewed you previously. He looks up at you from his computer as you approach and frowns.'
  277. 'Before you can say anything, he sternly says, "Girl, I told you to lose weight, not put it on! Now get out of here until you slim down some!"'
  278. 'The comment turns your face bright red and you stop in your tracks. He stares at you angrily until you slowly start to back up and head towards the door.'
  279. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  280. elseif bmi_calc < foto_weight and foto_weight > 0:
  281. gt'foto','interview2'
  282. elseif fotofakepassport = 1:
  283. 'You walk up to the front desk and find the same man who "interviewed" you previously. He looks up at you from his computer as you approach.'
  284. '"Hello there. Did you find your passport?"'
  285. if fakepassport ! 1:
  286. '"Uhh... no, sorry... I just-"'
  287. '"Alright," he interrupts you. "No problem. Just come back when you have it." He immediately stops paying attention to you and goes back to looking at his computer.'
  288. *nl
  289. act'Continue':
  290. cla
  291. 'You step away from the desk with a sigh. You hoped to work something out but it looks like it''s no use. Damn. You really need to find a fake passport! That or just wait a few years...'
  292. act'Leave':gt'foto','start'
  293. end
  294. act'Come clean and tell the truth':
  295. fotofakepassport = 2
  296. cla
  297. 'You sigh. There''s no point in dragging this out. You''ll never be able to work here at this rate. Leaning over the desk, you whisper to him.'
  298. '"Okay, listen. I''m not really 18. I''m <<age>> and I don''t have a passport that says otherwise, but I still want to work here. Isn''t there some way we can work this out?"'
  299. '"Hmmm..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully, smiling while he looks you up and down. Just the way he stares gives you the impression that he''s undressing you with his eyes, remembering what you look like naked. "Alright. I''m not supposed to do this but I like your tits and I wouldn''t mind seeing more of that around here."'
  300. '<i>He was thinking about me naked! I knew it!</i>'
  301. '"There''s a man who hangs around at the train station in the industrial area. Bald head, sunglasses, real sketchy. If you can come up with 30.000 cash, he can sell you a fake passport that says you''re 18. If you can do that, I can at least have some deniability and you can work here. Deal?"'
  302. '"Deal."'
  303. '"Good. Now don''t come back without that passport. I don''t like having my time wasted."'
  304. 'He shoos you away and you leave the studio, getting ready for the next step.'
  305. if money < 30000:'<i>Great. Now I just need to find 30.000 <b>₽</b> for the fake passport. Just great. Big load of trouble this job is...</i>'
  306. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  307. end
  308. else
  309. '"Yup, I''ve got it right here."'
  310. 'You hand over your fake passport and he inspects it, comparing it to something on his screen and occasionally clacking on his keyboard. You feel nervous that he might be looking for discrepancies and find out it''s fake before you realize he''s looking back and forth because he''s copying the information into the computer. Probably for employee records or something like that. Then he smirks at you, chuckling to himself as he continues to type. You pale when you realize that he knows the passport is fake. Despite this, he doesn''t make any remarks and finishes his typing.'
  311. *nl
  312. '"Alright, your info''s in the database and you''re now registered as one of our models. Head to the back to undress. When you''re ready, speak to a photographer about work. We work on freelance basis. For our lower level models, we can really only afford to pay you for two shoots a week, but you can still come in any time if you want to get some practice to work on your modelling skills. Those photos will be ours to keep and use, but it will help you to build your portfolio. If your popularity increases, we might have some special work and extra jobs for you so it''s not just twice a week."'
  313. 'He hands you back your fake passport, smiling.'
  314. *nl
  315. '"Welcome to Aphrodite."'
  316. model = 1
  317. modelyear = year
  318. act'Leave the studio':gt'down'
  319. act'Head to the back':gt'foto','start'
  320. end
  321. elseif fotofakepassport >= 2:
  322. 'You walk up to the front desk and find the same man who "interviewed" you previously. He looks up from his computer and recognizing you, he gives you a lewd smile and a knowing look.'
  323. '"I see you''re back. Did you, uhh, ''find'' your passport?"'
  324. if fakepassport ! 1:
  325. '"Not yet." He scowls at you.'
  326. '"Then get out and stop wasting our time here."'
  327. act'Leave the studio':gt'down'
  328. elseif fakepassport = 1 and fotofakepassport = 2:
  329. '"Yup," you smile back, handing him your new fake passport.'
  330. ''
  331. 'He takes it from you and begins copying the information onto his computer. As he types he occasionally glances at you, like he can''t wait to see you naked again. Finally, he hits a key on his keyboard with an air of finality and holds up the fake passport one more time to compare the information he just typed in. Satisfied that it has been entered accurately, he nods and clicks a few more times to save the data.'
  332. act 'Continue':gt 'foto', 'gave_passport'
  333. elseif fakepassport = 1 and fotofakepassport = 3:
  334. '"Yup," you smile back, handing him your new fake passport.'
  335. ''
  336. 'He takes it from you and begins copying the information onto his computer. As he types you jitter with excitement and he occasionally glances at you with a look that says he''s staring through your clothing and he can''t wait to see you naked again. You can''t wait for him to see you either! Finally, he hits a key on his keyboard with an air of finality and holds up the fake passport one more time to compare the information he just typed in. Satisfied that it has been entered accurately, he nods and clicks a few more times to save the data.'
  337. act 'Continue':gt 'foto', 'gave_passport'
  338. elseif fakepassport = 1 and fotofakepassport = 4:
  339. 'Not playing along with his game, you flick the passport at his face.'
  340. '"Here, take it pervert. Let''s get this over with so I can make some money."'
  341. ''
  342. 'He picks it from where it fell onto his desk and begins copying the information onto his computer. As he types he occasionally glances at you, like he can''t wait to see you naked again. You roll your eyes and give him the finger which makes him smile more but at least he goes back to focusing on typing. Finally, he hits a key on his keyboard with an air of finality and holds up the fake passport one more time to compare the information he just typed in. Satisfied that it has been entered accurately, he nods and clicks a few more times to save the data.'
  343. act 'Continue':gt 'foto', 'gave_passport'
  344. end
  345. else
  346. gt'foto','interview'
  347. end
  348. end
  349. elseif venera < 3:
  350. act 'Ask for work':
  351. menu_off = 1
  352. if pcs_apprnc < 80:
  353. *clr & cla
  354. menu_off = 1
  355. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photographer</font></b></center>'
  356. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  357. '"I''m sorry but you are going to have to work on your appearance if you want to do a shoot."'
  358. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  359. elseif pcs_sweat >= 20:
  360. '"You''re all sweaty. Go take a shower before asking for work. And don''t forget to do your makeup after."'
  361. act'Go to the showers':gt'foto','showers'
  362. elseif pcs_leghair > 3:
  363. '"Go shave your legs, we''re not running a nature special on gorillas."'
  364. act'Go to the showers':gt'foto','showers'
  365. else
  366. if model_week = (daystart - week) / 7 and model_job_week >= 2:
  367. gt 'foto', 'practicemodel'
  368. else
  369. gt 'foto_shoot','model'
  370. end
  371. end
  372. end
  373. if first_fame_event = 2:
  374. act'Ask if there''s special work available':gt'foto_events','special'
  375. end
  376. !!act'Check auditions':gt'foto_events2','auditions'
  377. else
  378. *nl
  379. 'There is no way anyone is going to want to see pictures of you while your std is so obvious, you should see a doctor.'
  380. end
  381. if model = 1:act 'Go to the showers':gt'foto','showers'
  382. if model = 1:act 'Go to your makeup station':gt'foto','makeup'
  383. end
  384. if $ARGS[0] = 'gave_passport':
  385. *clr & cla
  386. menu_off = 1
  387. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photographer</font></b></center>'
  388. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  389. ''
  390. '"Alright, your info''s in the database and you''re now registered as one of our models. Head to the back to undress. When you''re ready, speak to a photographer about work. We work on freelance basis. For our lower level models, we can really only afford to pay you for two shoots a week, but you can still come in any time if you want to get some practice to work on your modelling skills. Those photos will be ours to keep and use, but it will help you to build your portfolio. If your popularity increases, we might have some special work and extra jobs for you so it''s not just twice a week."'
  391. 'He hands you back your fake passport, smiling.'
  392. *nl
  393. '"Welcome to Aphrodite."'
  394. model = 1
  395. modelyear = year
  396. act'Leave the studio':gt'down'
  397. act'Head to the back':gt'foto','start'
  398. end
  399. if $ARGS[0] = 'interview':
  400. cla & *clr
  401. menu_off = 1
  402. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  403. if foto_anush_referral = 1: 'You walk up to the front desk and say Anushka send you. You only have to wait a few minutes before somebody arrives to interview you.'
  404. '"You want to work here? How old are you?"'
  405. if age >= 18:
  406. act'I''m <<age>>':
  407. howoldareyou = 2
  408. gt'foto','interview2'
  409. end
  410. elseif fakepassport = 1:
  411. act'I''m 18':gt'foto','interview2'
  412. else
  413. howoldareyou = 2
  414. act 'Tell the truth':
  415. age_truth = 1
  416. gt'foto','interview2'
  417. end
  418. act 'Lie':
  419. age_lie = 1
  420. gt'foto','interview2'
  421. end
  422. end
  423. end
  424. if $ARGS[0] = 'interview2':
  425. cla & *clr
  426. menu_off = 1
  427. if pcs_inhib > 40:
  428. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'easy'
  429. elseif pcs_inhib > 20:
  430. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'medium'
  431. else
  432. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'hard'
  433. end
  434. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  435. if bmi_calc < foto_weight:
  436. 'You walk up to the front desk and find the same man who interviewed you previously. He looks up at you from his computer as you approach.'
  437. '"Hmm..." he says appraisingly. "You look like you lost some weight since the last time I saw you."'
  438. '"Yes I did!" You smile brightly at him.'
  439. '"Well, let''s have a look then. Go ahead, undress for me."'
  440. elseif fakepassport = 1 or age_lie = 1:
  441. *nl
  442. '"I''m 18."'
  443. '"I see. Alright, undress. Let me take a look at you."'
  444. elseif age_truth = 1 or age >= 18:
  445. *nl
  446. '"I''m <<age>>."'
  447. '"I see. Alright, undress. Let me take a look at you."'
  448. end
  449. act'I can''t do it':
  450. *clr & cla
  451. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  452. 'Even if it''s just this one time, you can''t do it after all. It''s simply too embarrassing to get naked in front of a total stranger. You blush, apologize, and leave the studio.'
  453. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  454. end
  455. if undress_ask = 0:
  456. act'What? Why?':
  457. undress_ask = 1
  458. *clr
  459. gs'stat'
  460. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  461. '"What?? Why?"'
  462. '"Hmm? This is a modelling studio. That means sometimes we dress our models up in skimpy clothes and lingerie. Our studio is also popular for its nude spreads. You don''t necessarily need to do shoots with nudity, but you need to have your body inspected to make sure you match the criteria for working here."'
  463. end
  464. end
  465. if why_here = 0:
  466. act'Right here?':
  467. why_here = 1
  468. *clr
  469. gs'stat'
  470. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  471. '"Right here?" you ask. "Shouldn''t we be doing this in some kind of interview room or something?"'
  472. '"Might as well be here," he shrugs. "If you want to work here, we have a dress code policy for the models."'
  473. '"So? What does that have to do with me getting naked in the middle of a workplace?"'
  474. '"The policy is that models don''t wear clothes while on the premises. It makes the logistics of dressing and undressing them for shoots easier. Come on. You want to work for a modelling studio that specializes in nude spreads. Don''t get shy about showing your body to a few people here when you might be on a magazine cover showing it to the entire country. Now are you going to undress so I can do my job or are you going to keep wasting my time here?"'
  475. end
  476. end
  477. if pcs_inhib >= 40:
  478. act 'Do as he says':
  479. *clr & cla
  480. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  481. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  482. gs 'stat'
  483. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
  484. if bmi_calc < foto_weight and foto_weight > 0:
  485. foto_weight = bmi_calc
  486. if foto_weight < 25: fotofit = 1
  487. 'You strip off your clothing for the photographer once again, holding your breath and hoping that you''ve slimmed down enough to work here now.'
  488. 'Just like before, he circles you, asks you to adjust your pose for him, carefully inspecting every aspect of your nude body.'
  489. if foto_cupsize > tits:
  490. 'He pauses a moment, staring at your breasts more intently than you remember him looking last time.'
  491. if pcs_inhib < 50:
  492. 'You steel yourself to keep yourself from squirming but can''t keep the blush off your face.'
  493. '"Are your breasts smaller than they were before?"'
  494. '"Erhm, yeah..." you mumble. "I might''ve lost a cupsize or two when I lost the weight... Is that a problem...?" you ask awkwardly.'
  495. else
  496. 'You look down at yourself to see if there''s something on them, or at least a reason he''s staring at them so much other than because he likes them.'
  497. '"Are your breasts smaller than they were before?"'
  498. '"Oh," you say, blinking. "Yeah, they''re a little smaller now. Kind of happened when I lost weight. That''s not a problem is it?"'
  499. end
  500. '"No, not at all," he says, shaking his head. "We don''t tend to discriminate on breast size here. We have plenty of big tit and small tit girls, I was just wondering if it was my imagination or not.'
  501. 'You nod in understanding.'
  502. end
  503. act'Continue':
  504. if bmi_calc < 25 or hotcat >= 6:
  505. gt'foto','job_offer'
  506. else
  507. gt'foto','job_decline'
  508. end
  509. end
  510. else
  511. if undress_ask = 0 and why_here = 0:
  512. 'You unquestioningly take off your clothes and leave them on the floor while the photographer examines you.'
  513. else
  514. 'You take off your clothes and leave them on the floor while the photographer examines you.'
  515. end
  516. 'He circles you slowly, occasionally asking you to adjust your pose slightly, carefully inspecting every aspect of your nude body. Your <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes framed by your <<$pcs_haircol>> hair, your <<$liptalk3>>, your <<$titsize>> breasts, your <<$skin1>> <<$pcs_tan>> skin, your thighs, even your <<$pcdesc_pubes>> pussy...'
  517. 'He spends several minutes doing this without saying anything. Several people walk by while he does, including several beautiful and nude women who glance at you, whispering to each other before moving on.'
  518. act'Continue':
  519. if bmi_calc < 25 or hotcat >= 6:
  520. gt'foto','job_offer'
  521. else
  522. gt'foto','job_decline'
  523. end
  524. end
  525. end
  526. end
  527. elseif will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  528. act'Reluctantly undress (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  529. reluctant_undress = 1
  530. *clr & cla
  531. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  532. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  533. gs 'stat'
  534. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
  535. 'You take a deep breath and begin to take off your clothes. As long as it''s just this one time, you can handle it for now. You leave them on the floor while the photographer examines you.'
  536. !if pcs_inhib <= 20'You instinctively cover up as he steps closer, your hands trying to shield your nipples and pussy.'
  537. 'He circles you slowly, occasionally asking you to adjust your pose slightly, carefully inspecting every aspect of your nude body. Your <<$pcs_eyecol>> eyes framed by your <<$pcs_haircol>> hair, your <<$liptalk3>>, your <<$titsize>> breasts, your <<$skin1>> <<$pcs_tan>> skin, your thighs, even your <<$pcdesc_pubes>> pussy...'
  538. 'He spends several minutes doing this without saying anything. Several people walk by while he does, including several beautiful and nude women who glance at you, whispering to each other before moving on.'
  539. 'You blush furiously at the attention, both his and the other models.'
  540. act'Continue':
  541. if bmi_calc < 25 or hotcat >= 6:
  542. gt'foto','job_offer'
  543. else
  544. gt'foto','job_decline'
  545. end
  546. end
  547. end
  548. end
  549. end
  550. if $ARGS[0] = 'job_decline':
  551. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  552. if foto_weight >= 25:
  553. '"I''m sorry," he says shaking his head. "You did lose weight, I''ll give you that, but it''s not quite enough for our requirements. But you''ve made progress. Give it a few more weeks of effort and come back again. We can still use you if you''re within the limit."'
  554. act'Sigh':
  555. cla & *clr
  556. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  557. 'You sigh in disappointment as you pick your clothes back up and start to get dressed again. Still more weight to lose? Now what are you going to do? Keep trying or give up?'
  558. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  559. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  560. gs 'stat'
  561. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  562. end
  563. else
  564. '"I''m sorry to say, but you are too heavy to work here. We don''t require girls to be stick thin, but it doesn''t make us any money to sell magazines with overweight women in them."'
  565. 'The man''s words sting heavily at your confidence and you cover yourself in shame by instinct. He still continues to eye you up and down and you squirm as his gaze roams your breasts, stomach, and pussy.'
  566. '"That being said, I can still see that you have some potential. So go running, start working out. If you lose some weight, I could see you getting another shot at working here in the future."'
  567. act'React solemnly':
  568. cla & *clr
  569. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  570. 'You glumly pick your clothes up off the floor and get dressed before leaving. As you do, you stop at the door and look back in.'
  571. '<i>Is this it for me? Am I ever going to be able to lose enough weight to work here?</i>'
  572. foto_weight = bmi_calc
  573. foto_cupsize = tits
  574. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  575. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  576. gs 'stat'
  577. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  578. end
  579. act'React determinedly':
  580. cla & *clr
  581. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  582. 'You nod at him, feeling a bit dejected but more determined than ever. You get dressed with purpose and head to the door. As you do, you think to yourself...'
  583. '<i>I will be able to do this! I''ll get in shape and I''ll work here one day! I''m not going to lose my shot at this!</i>'
  584. foto_weight = bmi_calc
  585. foto_cupsize = tits
  586. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  587. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  588. gs 'stat'
  589. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  590. end
  591. end
  592. end
  593. if $ARGS[0] = 'job_offer':
  594. menu_off = 1
  595. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  596. if foto_weight < 25 and foto_weight > 0:
  597. if age_lie = 1 or age >= 18:
  598. '"Well done!" he says, with a smile. "You''ve slimmed down to meet our requirements and you have a beautiful body. Now I just need your passport to confirm your age and put your info into our database, and you can be one of the registered models here at the studio."'
  599. 'He holds out his hand expectantly.'
  600. elseif age_truth = 1:
  601. '"Well done!" he says, with a smile. "You''ve slimmed down to meet our requirements and you have a beautiful body. Unfortunately... how old was it that you said you were again?"'
  602. '"<<age>>," you reply slowly.'
  603. '"Ahuh... Well, you see, legally we can only hire girls 18 years and older, so unfortunately, you aren''t going to be allowed to work here right now.'
  604. end
  605. elseif age >= 18 or fakepassport = 1 or age_lie = 1:
  606. 'When he''s finished, he stands in front of you and says, "You fit the criteria for the kind of images we want to produce. I just need to see your passport to confirm your age and put your info into our database," holding out his hand.'
  607. elseif age_truth = 1:
  608. 'After several minutes, he stands in front of you and says, "You fit the criteria for the kind of images we want to produce. However, you need to be 18 to work here. If you come back then, we''ll be happy to have you." He smiles at you and starts heading back to his computer.'
  609. end
  610. if age >= 18:
  611. act'Show him your passport':
  612. cla
  613. *nl
  614. 'He takes it and studies it for a moment, looking back and forth between you and the document. "Okay, that confirms you''re <<age>> and we''ll put you into the database later."'
  615. '"When you''re ready, speak to a photographer about work. We work on freelance basis. For our lower level models or new hires like you, we can really only afford to pay you for two shoots a week, but you can still come in any time if you want to get some practice to work on your modelling skills. Those photos will be ours to keep and use, but it will help you to build your portfolio. If your popularity increases, we might have some special work and extra jobs for you so it''s not just twice a week."'
  616. 'He hands you back your passport, smiling.'
  617. *nl
  618. '"Welcome to Aphrodite."'
  619. act 'Find a photographer':gt 'foto_shoot','model'
  620. end
  621. elseif fakepassport = 1:
  622. act'Show him your fake passport':
  623. cla
  624. *nl
  625. 'He takes it and studies it for a moment, looking back and forth between you and the document and types your info onto a computer.'
  626. '"When you''re ready, speak to a photographer about work. We work on freelance basis. For our lower level models or new hires like you, we can really only afford to pay you for two shoots a week, but you can still come in any time if you want to get some practice to work on your modelling skills. Those photos will be ours to keep and use, but it will help you to build your portfolio. If your popularity increases, we might have some special work and extra jobs for you so it''s not just twice a week."'
  627. 'He hands you back your fake passport, smiling.'
  628. *nl
  629. '"Welcome to Aphrodite."'
  630. act 'Find a photographer':gt 'foto_shoot','model'
  631. end
  632. elseif age_lie = 1:
  633. act '"Uhh..."':
  634. *clr & cla
  635. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  636. fakepassport = 2
  637. fotofakepassport = 1
  638. '"I... I don''t have it with me..."'
  639. '"That''s fine. Just bring it back when you have time," he says casually.'
  640. act 'Go along with it':
  641. *clr & cla
  642. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  643. '"Umm, yeah! I''ll just have to dig through some boxes and stuff... Uhm, could be a while if I can''t find it!" Awkward laughter escapes your lips and you hope that your smile looks convincing.'
  644. '"Alright, well just bring it back with you when you do," he says as he turns back to his computer.'
  645. '. . .'
  646. '"Great, I can work here. Now all I have to do is find a passport that says I''m 18 instead of <<age>>..." you mutter dejectedly as you get dressed.'
  647. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  648. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  649. gs 'stat'
  650. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  651. end
  652. act 'Tell the truth and tell him how much you need the money':
  653. *clr & cla
  654. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  655. fakepassport = 2
  656. fotofakepassport = 2
  657. 'You take a deep breath and step closer to him to say, "Okay, the truth is that I''m not really 18. I''m <<age>> okay? But I really need the money! Can''t we work something out?"'
  658. if pcs_inhib < 40:
  659. 'He studies you for a moment, still completely naked before him, not a scrap of clothing to hide your naked body. You realize it suddenly, almost as if you had forgotten and you feel your face flush with embarrassment.'
  660. else
  661. 'He studies you for a few more moments, looking up and down your naked body and you find yourself growing impatient with all the waiting around.'
  662. end
  663. act 'Continue':
  664. *clr & cla
  665. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  666. '"Hmmm..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully while continuing to look at your body before saying, "Alright, listen, I''m not supposed to do this but you really do have an exceptional body so I''m going to make an exception."'
  667. 'He leans in close and whispers into your ear, "There''s a man who hangs around at the train station in the industrial area. If you can come up with 30.000 cash, he can sell you a fake passport that says you''re 18. If you can do that, I can at least have some deniability and you can work here. Sound good?"'
  668. 'With wide eyes and a smile of relief, you nod furiously and rush to get dressed before running out.'
  669. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  670. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  671. gs 'stat'
  672. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  673. end
  674. end
  675. if exhibitionist_lvl > 1:
  676. act 'Tell him the truth and tell him how horny this job makes you':
  677. *clr & cla
  678. pcs_horny += 90
  679. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  680. fakepassport = 2
  681. fotofakepassport = 3
  682. '"Oh please!" you shout abruptly. The truth is, I''m only <<age>>. But it just makes me so fucking horny to know that strange men I''ll never meet could be out there looking at pictures of my naked body!"'
  683. 'You stand there trembling with tight muscles before him. You can feel your juices starting to flow from between your legs with a heightened sense of arousal in anticipation.'
  684. *nl
  685. '"Hmmm..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully while continuing to look at your body, especially the fluids that have already begun to leak out of your pussy and slip down your thighs, before saying, "Alright, listen, I''m not supposed to do this but you really do have an exceptional body so I''m going to make an exception. There''s a man who hangs around at the train station in the industrial area. If you can come up with 30.000 cash, he can sell you a fake passport that says you''re 18. If you can do that, I can at least have some deniability and you can work here. Sound good?"'
  686. *nl
  687. 'With wide eyes and an excited cry of relief, you rush forward and bear hug him in your naked form.'
  688. '"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" you shout, your breasts smushing into his chest.'
  689. 'You get dressed as quickly as you can so you can find your fake passport and get started. You barely even notice your girl cum dripping down your legs as you step outside.'
  690. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  691. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  692. gs 'stat'
  693. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  694. end
  695. end
  696. end
  697. elseif age_truth = 1:
  698. if fotofit ! 1:
  699. act '"Oh. Okay..."':
  700. cla & *clr
  701. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  702. 'You put your clothes back on, slightly annoyed as you get ready to leave. If he knew you were underage, why did he have you strip in the first place?!'
  703. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  704. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  705. gs 'stat'
  706. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  707. end
  708. end
  709. act 'Plead':
  710. cla & *clr
  711. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  712. fakepassport = 2
  713. fotofakepassport = 2
  714. *nl
  715. '"Oh please! Isn''t there any way that you can hire me?" you say as you step forward holding your hands together, momentarily forgetting your nakedness in your desperation.'
  716. '"Hmmm..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully while continuing to look at your body before saying, "Alright, listen, I''m not supposed to do this but you really do have an exceptional body so I''m going to make an exception."'
  717. 'He leans in close and whispers into your ear, "There''s a man who hangs around at the train station in the industrial area. If you can come up with 30.000 cash, he can sell you a fake passport that says you''re 18. If you can do that, I can at least have some deniability and you can work here. Sound good?"'
  718. 'With wide eyes and a smile of relief, you nod furiously and rush to get dressed before running out.'
  719. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  720. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  721. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  722. end
  723. act 'Ask for alternatives':
  724. *clr & cla
  725. fakepassport = 2
  726. fotofakepassport = 2
  727. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  728. 'You''ve come this far, you can''t turn back now.'
  729. if fotofit = 1:
  730. '"Okay, so I''m not 18. But I really want to earn some money right now. And worked to lose all that weight, you know what a good employee I''ll be! Isn''t there any way I can still work here?'
  731. else
  732. '"Okay, so I''m not 18. But I really want to earn some money right now. Isn''t there any way I can still work here?'
  733. end
  734. 'He studies you for a moment, still completely naked before him, not a scrap of clothing to hide your naked body. You realize it suddenly, almost as if you had forgotten and you feel your face flush with embarrassment.'
  735. act 'Continue':
  736. *clr & cla
  737. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  738. '"Hmmm..." He rubs his chin thoughtfully while continuing to look at your body before saying, "Alright, listen, I''m not supposed to do this but you have an exceptional body so I''m going to make an exception."'
  739. 'He leans in close and whispers into your ear, "There''s a man who hangs around at the train station in the industrial area. If you can come up with 30.000 cash, he can sell you a fake passport that says you''re 18. If you can do that, I can at least have some deniability and you can work here. Sound good?"'
  740. 'You smile and sigh with relief. "Thanks. I''ll do just that," you say before getting dressed and leaving.'
  741. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  742. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  743. gs 'stat'
  744. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  745. end
  746. end
  747. act 'Get angry':
  748. *clr & cla
  749. fakepassport = 2
  750. fotofakepassport = 4
  751. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  752. if fotofit = 1:
  753. 'Rage fills your eyes as you stomp towards him, oblivious to your beautifully bouncing breasts, practically shouting, "What the fuck?! You knew I was underage but you made me strip anyways?! I worked so hard and lost all that weight and now you''re telling me that I can''t even work here?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! How can you do this?!"'
  754. elseif reluctant_undress = 1:
  755. 'Rage fills your eyes as you stomp towards him, oblivious to your beautifully bouncing breasts, practically shouting, "What the fuck?! You knew I wasn''t eligible for the job and made me get naked even though I didn''t want to?! What the fuck is wrong with you?! How can you do this?!"'
  756. elseif reluctant_undress = 0:
  757. 'Rage fills your eyes as you stomp towards him, oblivious to your beautifully bouncing breasts, practically shouting, "What do you mean I can''t work here?! You knew I was underage but you made me strip anyways?! What''s your fucking problem?! Do you expect me to just take this from you?!"'
  758. end
  759. 'You stand defiantly in front of him, glaring with your hands on your hips.'
  760. *nl
  761. if fotofit = 1:
  762. '"Woah woah woah!" he says, holding up his hands but still infuriatingly smiling. "I didn''t say all your hard work was for nothing. I just said that you wouldn''t legally be allowed to work here. Illegally however..."'
  763. '"What the hell are you talking about?" you growl.'
  764. '"Well you see, after all your effort I feel it would be a shame to lose such a good worker. So I''m going to let you in on a little secret. There''s a guy who hangs around the train station in the industrial area. If you can scrape together 30.000 in cash, he''ll get you a fake passport that says you''re 18 and you can work here. You get to be employed, I get to cover my ass. How does that sound?"'
  765. else
  766. 'He gives a short laugh. "I have to admit kid, you''ve got spunk and that''s real sexy," he says while reaching out his hand to gently fondle your breast before you slap his hand away.'
  767. '"So I''ll tell you what, there''s a guy who hangs around the train station in the industrial area. If you can scrape together 30.000 in cash, he''ll get you a fake passport that says you''re 18 and you can work here. Deal?"'
  768. 'He holds his hand out for a shake.'
  769. end
  770. if fotofit ! 1:
  771. act 'Shake':
  772. cla
  773. *nl
  774. 'You grasp his hand suspiciously and shake when he quickly reaches out and fondles your breast with his free hand.'
  775. 'You tear your hand away and give him a look before moving back over to your clothes and getting dressed before leaving.'
  776. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  777. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  778. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  779. end
  780. else
  781. act'Breathe deeply':
  782. *clr & cla
  783. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  784. 'Holding your hands to your head you bend over to grab your hair in your hands and squeeze tightly, letting out a steaming breath as you do.'
  785. '"After all this, just more fucking work..." you sigh in frustration.'
  786. '"So? How about it?" he asks.'
  787. 'Standing back up, you give him a glare.'
  788. '"Fine. I''ll get the money for that too if that''s what it takes to work here. But don''t expect me to thank you for this!"'
  789. 'You get dressed quickly, trying to shrug off your anger as you do before leaving the studio, practically slamming the door behind you.'
  790. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  791. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  792. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  793. end
  794. end
  795. act 'Tell him to fuck off':
  796. *clr & cla
  797. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  798. *nl
  799. if fotofit ! 1:
  800. 'You slap his hand away and give him the middle finger before walking back towards your clothes.'
  801. '"I''m not going to work for some pervert who forces <<age>> year old girls to get naked and jerk off to them."'
  802. else
  803. '"No, fuck you!" you spit at him. "I''m not going to work for some manipulative ass who gets off on underage girls and leading them on. I''m done here."'
  804. end
  805. 'You angrily pick up your clothes, getting dressed furiously and leave, stomping your way out the door.'
  806. 'He continues to stand there and softly chuckles to himself. "She''ll be back. They always come back."'
  807. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  808. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  809. gs 'stat'
  810. act 'Leave': minut += 1 & gt 'down'
  811. end
  812. end
  813. end
  814. end
  815. if $ARGS[0] = 'bathroom':
  816. $locM = 'foto'
  817. $metkaM = 'bathroom'
  818. $menu_loc = 'foto'
  819. $menu_arg = 'bathroom'
  820. menu_off = 0
  821. gs'stat'
  822. cla & *clr
  823. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/models.jpg"></center>'
  824. 'A gaggle of models crowd the <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirrors</a> and sinks, loudly chatting, giggling, and generally gossiping about life in the city and the studio.'
  825. *nl
  826. 'Why they don''t do their makeup in the back where the mirrors and the lights are better is beyond you. But it can''t be helped you suppose. The bathroom <i>is</i> the traditional place for girls to gossip after all.'
  827. act'Go to the studio floor':gt'foto','studio'
  828. act'Go to the showers':gt'foto','showers'
  829. act'Go to your makeup station':gt'foto','makeup'
  830. act'Listen to the gossip':gt'foto_models','model_chatter'
  831. end
  832. if $ARGS[0] = 'showers':
  833. gs'stat'
  834. cla & *clr
  835. menu_off = 1
  836. shower_sex = rand(1,7)
  837. if shower_sex = 7 and krystal >= 3:gt 'foto','krystalshower'
  838. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/shower.jpg"></center>'
  839. 'In the center of the studio you find the staff shower room. This is where the models go if they need to clean up. There''s no real privacy here. Anybody walking past can see right in, the only modesty being some panes of slightly frosted glass. Still, none of the other models seem to mind very much and sometimes converse or share shower stalls with each other.'
  840. *nl
  841. 'A little bit aways are bathroom stalls with a line of sinks and mirrors on the wall opposite as well as several tampon dispensers.'
  842. act 'Go to the studio floor':gt'foto','studio'
  843. if shampoo > 0:
  844. act 'Take a shower (0:15)':
  845. cla
  846. *clr
  847. minut += 15
  848. pcs_horny += 1
  849. pcs_hairbsh = 0
  850. pcs_makeup = 1
  851. inhib_exp += 1
  852. dynamic $showerdin
  853. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video></center>'
  854. 'You go into a stall and turn on the shower. You lather your body and wash.'
  855. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
  856. if pcs_horny >= 40:
  857. act 'Use the shower head on your pussy':
  858. cla
  859. *clr
  860. gs 'exhibitionism', 1
  861. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash2.mp4"></video></center>'
  862. *nl
  863. 'Despite the openness of the shower area, you can''t help yourself and place the shower head between your legs, massaging your pussy with powerful jets of warm water and fingers. '
  864. if hypnoAddict > 0:
  865. minut += 10
  866. 'You unconsciously avoid spraying water into your vagina.'
  867. act 'Dry off':gt 'foto', 'showers'
  868. else
  869. if pcs_horny >= 70:
  870. if exhibitionist_lvl > 0:
  871. gs 'exhibitionism', 1
  872. pcs_mood += 15
  873. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  874. $orgasm_txt = 'Soon you feel a warm wave spreading over your entire body and you shudder as an orgasm overtakes you. You quickly look around hoping no one noticed your public masturbation session.'
  875. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 10
  876. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  877. act 'Dry off':gt 'foto', 'showers'
  878. else
  879. gs 'exhibitionism', 2
  880. pcs_mood += 15
  881. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  882. $orgasm_txt = 'You loudly groan as you shudder in orgasm, uncaring if anyone notices what you''re up to. In fact, it kind of turns you on and makes you want to keep going...'
  883. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 10
  884. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  885. act 'Dry off':gt 'foto', 'showers'
  886. end
  887. else
  888. pcs_horny += 5
  889. pcs_mood += 10
  890. 'At first it feels very nice, but after a while you become self conscious of how long you''ve been masturbating in the public staff showers. You think maybe it''s time to stop.'
  891. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 10
  892. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  893. act 'Dry off':gt 'foto', 'showers'
  894. end
  895. end
  896. cumspclnt = 8
  897. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  898. end
  899. end
  900. act 'Get out of the shower':gt 'foto', 'showers'
  901. end
  902. else
  903. '<font color="red">You''ve run out of shampoo and will have to buy some more before you can wash yourself.</font>'
  904. end
  905. dynamic $brit
  906. if mesec > 0 and isprok = 0:
  907. act'Use a tampon':
  908. menu_off = 1
  909. modeltampon = rand(1,2)
  910. cla
  911. isprok = 1
  912. minut += 5
  913. if modeltampon = 1:
  914. 'Going to one of the dispensers, you take a tampon from it and tear open the packaging and inserting it into your pussy, carefully tucking the string inside so it won''t be visible from the outside and photographers won''t yell at you.'
  915. 'Your woman''s issue taken care of, you throw the trash away and finish up.'
  916. else
  917. 'You go over to one of the dispensers, cursing when you find it empty. Trying another one, you get your tampon and tear open the packaging and inserting it into your pussy, carefully tucking the string inside so it won''t be visible from the outside and photographers won''t yell at you.'
  918. 'Your woman''s issue taken care of, you throw the trash away and finish up.'
  919. end
  920. act'Finish up':gt'foto','showers'
  921. end
  922. end
  923. act'Go to your makeup station':gt'foto','makeup'
  924. act'Go to the bathroom':gt'foto','bathroom'
  925. end
  926. if $ARGS[0] = 'krystalshower':
  927. menu_off = 1
  928. gs'stat'
  929. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/shower.mp4"></video></center>'
  930. 'You head to the shower area and realize that you can hear passionate moaning from inside. As you enter, you see Krystal in one of the stalls with her boyfriend doing what sounds like an excellent job of eating her pussy out.'
  931. '"Ahh! Yes! Just like that!"'
  932. pcs_horny += 10
  933. act 'Leave':gt'foto','studio'
  934. if shampoo > 0:
  935. act 'Take a shower (0:15)':
  936. cla
  937. *clr
  938. minut += 15
  939. pcs_horny += 15
  940. pcs_hairbsh = 0
  941. pcs_makeup = 1
  942. gs 'exhibitionism', 1
  943. dynamic $showerdin
  944. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/dush.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/kolka/event/shower/broshower.mp4"></video></center>'
  945. 'You step into a stall and turn on the shower, trying your best to ignore what is going on while Krystal starts getting fucked from behind.'
  946. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
  947. if pcs_horny >= 40:
  948. act 'Use the shower head on your pussy':
  949. cla
  950. *clr
  951. gs 'exhibitionism', 2
  952. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/home/bathroom/wash2.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/showerfuck.mp4"></video></center>'
  953. *nl
  954. 'Her boyfriend pushes her against the wall and pulls her leg up to get deep inside her. Krystal''s moans and the sound of cock slamming into her pussy are too much for you and you can''t stop yourself from placing the shower head between your legs, massaging your pussy with powerful jets of warm water and fingers.'
  955. 'Your voices start to sync together, echoing out of the stalls in perfect time with each other.'
  956. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 5
  957. act 'Continue':
  958. cla & *clr
  959. stat['mast'] += 1
  960. if exhibitionist_lvl < 2:
  961. pcs_mood += 15
  962. gs 'exhibitionism', 1
  963. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/showercum.mp4"></video></center>'
  964. 'Her boyfriend pulls out of her and she jacks him off furiously until he spatters her belly with his cum.'
  965. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  966. $orgasm_txt = 'You feel a warm wave spreading over your entire body and orgasm, biting your lip hard to suppress the scream that wants to come out. You can''t believe that you just masturbated in the studio showers to Krystal having shower sex with her boyfriend...'
  967. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 5
  968. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  969. act 'Dry off':
  970. cla & *clr
  971. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/sex/bath_voyer_3.jpg"></center>'
  972. 'You shyly towel off and start to go when you hear Krystal whisper, "Was it good for you too <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
  973. *nl
  974. 'Blushing hard you put your towel in the bin and go back to the main floor of the studio.'
  975. act'Leave':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  976. end
  977. else
  978. pcs_mood += 15
  979. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/showercum.mp4"></video></center>'
  980. 'Her boyfriend pulls out of her and she jacks him off furiously until he spatters her belly with his cum.'
  981. $orgasm_or = 'yes'
  982. $orgasm_txt = 'You loudly groan as you shudder in orgasm, relishing the beautiful image of Krystal''s boyfriend''s cum all over her.'
  983. gs 'arousal','masturbate', 5
  984. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  985. act 'Dry off':
  986. cla & *clr
  987. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vladimir/sex/bath_voyer_2.mp4"></video></center>'
  988. 'You start to towel off, widely smiling at Krystal who is washing the cum off her body.'
  989. 'She smiles back at you. "Maybe you''d like to join us next time?"'
  990. '"Maybe, we''ll see!" you say with a smirk.'
  991. act'Leave':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  992. end
  993. end
  994. cumspclnt = 8
  995. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  996. end
  997. end
  998. end
  999. if exhibitionist_lvl > 1:
  1000. act 'Dry off':
  1001. cla & *clr
  1002. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/showerfuck.mp4"></video></center>'
  1003. 'You start to towel off looking a little enviously at Krystal when her boyfriend pushes her against the wall and starts to take her from the front.'
  1004. *nl
  1005. 'You take one last look with a bit of regret and go back to the main floor of the studio.'
  1006. pcs_horny += 20
  1007. act'Leave':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  1008. end
  1009. else
  1010. act 'Dry off':
  1011. cla & *clr
  1012. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/portraits/krystal_b/showerfuck.mp4"></video></center>'
  1013. 'You shyly towel off, still doing your best to ignore the wild and unashamed sex of your co-worker and her boyfriend, who have now switched positions so Krystal''s back is to the wall with her leg up and his big fat cock now pummelling her from the front.'
  1014. *nl
  1015. 'As you finish drying off you realize how wet between the legs you are. Blushing hard you put your towel in the bin and go back to the main floor of the studio.'
  1016. pcs_horny = 70
  1017. act'Leave':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  1018. end
  1019. end
  1020. end
  1021. else
  1022. '<font color="red">You''ve run out of shampoo and will have to buy some more before you can wash yourself.</font>'
  1023. end
  1024. act'Go to your makeup station':gt'foto','makeup'
  1025. end
  1026. if $ARGS[0] = 'makeup':
  1027. gs'stat'
  1028. *clr & cla
  1029. $locM = 'foto'
  1030. $metkaM = 'makeup'
  1031. $menu_loc = 'foto'
  1032. $menu_arg = 'makeup'
  1033. menu_off = 0
  1034. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1035. 'The backstage area where you and the other girls put on your makeup.'
  1036. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1037. if pcs_hairbsh = 0:
  1038. act'Brush your hair':
  1039. *clr & cla
  1040. menu_off = 1
  1041. if player_avatar = 1:
  1042. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/avatar.jpg"></center>'
  1043. else
  1044. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="<<FUNC(''$face_image'')>>"></center>'
  1045. end
  1046. 'You pick up the brush on the table of your station and work it through your hair until it shines.'
  1047. minut += 1
  1048. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1049. act'View results':gt'foto','makeup'
  1050. end
  1051. end
  1052. if pcs_hairbsh = 0 or pcs_makeup = 1:
  1053. act'Do your own makeup': menu_off = 1 & gt'mirror','start'
  1054. act'Go to the makeup artists (1:00)':
  1055. cla & *clr
  1056. menu_off = 1
  1057. minut += 60
  1058. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1059. pcs_makeup = 5
  1060. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1061. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/makeup.jpg"></center>'
  1062. 'You ask for the makeup artists and they sit you down at your station to do their job.'
  1063. 'Perfectly precise and with deft hands, they work carefully, covering up any and all of your imperfections but also coloring your face in ways that flawlessly compliment the natural hues of your body, eyes, face, and hair. The process takes ages, but you know that it''s worth it. This is a level of makeup that you could never achieve on your own.'
  1064. *nl
  1065. 'Finally, they finish and step back. Looking at yourself in the mirror, it''s strange. Rather than looking dolled up, overdone, and fake, it''s almost like you aren''t even wearing makeup. Unlike some famous models, you still look like a real person. More importantly than that, you still look like you. It''s just the perfect version of you.'
  1066. act'Finish':gt'foto','makeup'
  1067. end
  1068. end
  1069. act 'Go to the showers':gt'foto','showers'
  1070. end
  1071. if $ARGS[0] = 'practicemodel':
  1072. practice_session = 1
  1073. menu_off = 1
  1074. gs'stat'
  1075. *clr & cla
  1076. minut += 5
  1077. if model = 0:model = 1
  1078. gs 'stat'
  1079. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photographer</font></b></center>'
  1080. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1081. if model_week = (daystart - week) / 7 and model_job_week >= 2:
  1082. '"Hello <<$pcs_firstname>>. We''ve already done a paid shoot with you this week, so we can''t do another one. But would you like to get some practice in?"'
  1083. else
  1084. '"Oh, you want to practice today?"'
  1085. end
  1086. act '"Maybe not today"' :gt 'foto','studio'
  1087. act '"Yes, please"':
  1088. cla
  1089. '"What kind of shoot would you like to do today? With nudity or without?"'
  1090. *nl
  1091. '(A "nude shoot" qualifies as any job that explicitly shows genitals. Jobs like bikini or lingerie modelling count as clothed shoots.)'
  1092. act'"I''d like to practice doing clothed shoots"':
  1093. cla & *clr
  1094. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1095. '"Alright, we can do that. What would you like to do?"'
  1096. act 'Fashion':
  1097. cla
  1098. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1099. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1100. *clr & cla
  1101. minut += 120
  1102. modelpayfin = 0
  1103. mdlng_exp += rand(3,5)
  1104. fashionshoot = rand(1,4)
  1105. gs 'stat'
  1106. if fashionshoot <= 2:'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fashion/<<rand(1,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1107. if fashionshoot >= 3 and fashionshoot < 5:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fashion/<<rand(1,14)>>.jpg"></center>'
  1108. if fashionshoot < 5:'You dress up in the latest in fashion wear and spend the next two hours sexily posing for the photographer.'
  1109. if fashionshoot = 5:
  1110. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fashion4.mp4"></video></center>'
  1111. 'You spend two hours putting on various dresses, practicing modelling for the online catalogs of retail clothing stores. Apparently for consistency they want you to have the exact same expression on your face every time, so you spend most of the time practicing that.'
  1112. end
  1113. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1114. act'Continue':
  1115. cla
  1116. *nl
  1117. 'You have fun during the shoot but you can tell from the photographer''s reactions that you''re not doing as well as you should be.'
  1118. '<i>I guess I need to get better at this...</i>'
  1119. act'Continue':
  1120. cla & *clr
  1121. *nl
  1122. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1123. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1124. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1125. end
  1126. end
  1127. else
  1128. act'Continue':
  1129. cla & *clr
  1130. *nl
  1131. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1132. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1133. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1134. end
  1135. end
  1136. end
  1137. end
  1138. !!{act 'Erotic clothed':
  1139. cla
  1140. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1141. if pcs_inhib < 25:
  1142. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1143. *clr & cla
  1144. minut += 120
  1145. modelpayfin = 0
  1146. mdlng_exp += 1
  1147. inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  1148. gs 'stat'
  1149. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/sexy/<<rand(1,12)>>.jpg"></center>'
  1150. 'You''re still not confident to do a shoot like this for real, but you are determined to build up your courage so you can become a better model.'
  1151. 'You dress up in sexy clothes and spend the next two hours posing for the photographer.'
  1152. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1153. act'Continue':
  1154. *nl
  1155. cla
  1156. 'You''re not used to the skimpy clothing and your poses are awkward and uncomfortable. You haven''t really gotten the hang of this modelling thing yet.'
  1157. 'You think that it''s how self conscious you are about your body that''s holding you back and making it hard to focus on learning to be a better model.'
  1158. act'Continue':
  1159. cla & *clr
  1160. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1161. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1162. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1165. else
  1166. act'Continue':
  1167. cla & *clr
  1168. *nl
  1169. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1170. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1171. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1172. end
  1173. end
  1174. end
  1175. else
  1176. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1177. *clr & cla
  1178. minut += 120
  1179. modelpayfin = 0
  1180. mdlng_exp += rand(5,8)
  1181. inhib_exp += 1
  1182. gs 'stat'
  1183. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/sexy/<<rand(1,12)>>.jpg"></center>'
  1184. 'You dress up in sexy clothes and spend the next two hours posing for the photographer.'
  1185. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1186. act'Continue':
  1187. cla
  1188. *nl
  1189. 'You''re not used to the skimpy clothing and your poses are awkward and uncomfortable. You haven''t really gotten the hang of this modelling thing yet.'
  1190. act'Continue':
  1191. cla & *clr
  1192. *nl
  1193. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1194. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1195. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1196. end
  1197. end
  1198. else
  1199. act'Continue':
  1200. cla & *clr
  1201. *nl
  1202. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1203. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1204. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1205. end
  1206. end
  1207. end
  1208. end
  1209. end}
  1210. act 'Bikini modelling':
  1211. cla
  1212. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1213. if pcs_inhib < 20:
  1214. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1215. *clr & cla
  1216. minut += 120
  1217. modelpayfin = 0
  1218. mdlng_exp += 1
  1219. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  1220. gs 'stat'
  1221. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/bikini/<<rand(4,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1222. 'Bikini modelling isn''t too bad, but you''d still be pretty embarrassed if you ever saw someone reading a magazine with pictures of you like this on the cover. Still, you''re determined to work your way up to it and gain more confidence in your body and your modelling skills.'
  1223. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1224. act'Continue':
  1225. cla
  1226. *nl
  1227. 'You do your best, but you still can''t help but be self conscious. Your movements are rigid and awkward and you really just have no idea what kind of expression it is you have on your face. You <i>hope</i> it''s sexy...'
  1228. 'You spend the majority of the practice shoot trying to stay calm and feel more natural about exposing yourself.'
  1229. act'Continue':
  1230. cla & *clr
  1231. *nl
  1232. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1233. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1234. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1235. end
  1236. end
  1237. else
  1238. act'Continue':
  1239. cla & *clr
  1240. *nl
  1241. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1242. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1243. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1244. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1245. else
  1246. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1249. end
  1250. end
  1251. else
  1252. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1253. *clr & cla
  1254. minut += 120
  1255. modelpayfin = 0
  1256. mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
  1257. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += 1
  1258. gs 'stat'
  1259. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/bikini/<<rand(4,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1260. 'You go ahead and put on the bikini that the photographer wants to use and get to posing for him.'
  1261. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1262. act'Continue':
  1263. cla
  1264. *nl
  1265. 'You''re still not used to this whole modelling thing. The poses the photographer wants you in feel strange and unnatural. It kind of feels like writing with your non-dominant hand. It''s good you''re doing this because you clearly need practice.'
  1266. act'Continue':
  1267. cla & *clr
  1268. *nl
  1269. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1270. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1271. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1272. end
  1273. end
  1274. else
  1275. act'Continue':
  1276. cla & *clr
  1277. *nl
  1278. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1279. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1280. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1281. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1282. else
  1283. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1284. end
  1285. end
  1286. end
  1287. end
  1288. end
  1289. end
  1290. act 'Lingerie modelling':
  1291. cla
  1292. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1293. if pcs_inhib < 25:
  1294. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1295. *clr & cla
  1296. minut += 120
  1297. modelpayfin = 0
  1298. mdlng_exp += 1
  1299. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += rand (1,3)
  1300. gs 'stat'
  1301. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/lingerie/<<rand(1,2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1302. 'You''re too embarrassed to do a shoot like this that would be released to the public, but you''re determined to work your way up to it so put on some sexy lingerie and spend the next two hours striking various poses for a photographer.'
  1303. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1304. act'Continue':
  1305. cla
  1306. *nl
  1307. 'Even without explicit nudity, you feel exposed and self conscious. It''s hard to focus on getting it right when all you can think about is how much skin you''re showing.'
  1308. 'You spend the majority of the practice shoot trying to stay calm and feel more natural about exposing yourself.'
  1309. act'Continue':
  1310. cla & *clr
  1311. *nl
  1312. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1313. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1314. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1315. end
  1316. end
  1317. else
  1318. act'Continue':
  1319. cla & *clr
  1320. *nl
  1321. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1322. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1323. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1324. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1325. else
  1326. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1327. end
  1328. end
  1329. end
  1330. end
  1331. else
  1332. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1333. *clr & cla
  1334. minut += 120
  1335. modelpayfin = 0
  1336. mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
  1337. if pcs_inhib < 50:inhib_exp += 2
  1338. gs 'stat'
  1339. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/lingerie/<<rand(1,2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1340. 'You put on some sexy lingerie and spend the next two hours striking various poses for a photographer.'
  1341. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1342. act'Continue':
  1343. cla
  1344. *nl
  1345. 'It''s hard to show off the beauty of the lingerie without just making the shoot all about you and your body''s physical attractiveness instead. Not that you personally mind, but the photographer says it''s important for the companies selling the clothing.'
  1346. act'Continue':
  1347. cla & *clr
  1348. *nl
  1349. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1350. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1351. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1352. end
  1353. end
  1354. else
  1355. act'Continue':
  1356. cla & *clr
  1357. *nl
  1358. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1359. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1360. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1361. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1362. else
  1363. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1364. end
  1365. end
  1366. end
  1367. end
  1368. end
  1369. end
  1370. end
  1371. act'"I''d like to practice doing nude shoots"':
  1372. cla & *clr
  1373. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1374. '"Alright, we can do that. What would you like to do?"'
  1375. act 'Sexy clothing':
  1376. cla
  1377. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1378. if pcs_inhib < 30:
  1379. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1380. *clr & cla
  1381. minut += 120
  1382. modelpayfin = 0
  1383. mdlng_exp += 1
  1384. inhib_exp += rand(1,4)
  1385. gs 'stat'
  1386. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/sexy/<<rand(1,12)>>.jpg"></center>'
  1387. 'Exposing your breasts for the world to see is a step up from just modelling lingerie and it still isn''t something you''re willing to do. But this is practice so it isn''t going to be published anywhere and the photographers are recommending it to you so you can feel more comfortable on set.'
  1388. 'You put on some loose clothing and give it a go. The next two hours are filled with instructions from the photographer and clicks from the camera with your nipples occasionally slipping out.'
  1389. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1390. act'Continue':
  1391. cla
  1392. *nl
  1393. 'You''re having difficulty getting in the poses the photographer wants you in. You know that it''s because you''re subconsciously still trying to hide your breasts when the photographer wants them visible. It''s embarrassing after all...'
  1394. act'Continue':
  1395. *clr & cla
  1396. *nl
  1397. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1398. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1399. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1400. end
  1401. end
  1402. else
  1403. act'Continue':
  1404. *clr & cla
  1405. *nl
  1406. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1407. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1408. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1409. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1410. else
  1411. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1412. end
  1413. end
  1414. end
  1415. end
  1416. else
  1417. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1418. *clr & cla
  1419. minut += 120
  1420. modelpayfin = 0
  1421. mdlng_exp += rand(5,8)
  1422. inhib_exp += 2
  1423. gs 'stat'
  1424. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/sexy/<<rand(1,12)>>.jpg"></center>'
  1425. 'You dressed up in loose clothes and spend the next two hours striking various poses for a photographer, your nipples occasionally slipping out.'
  1426. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1427. act'Continue':
  1428. cla
  1429. *nl
  1430. 'You''re having difficulty getting in the poses the photographer wants you in. You haven''t quite figured out the best methods of subtly exposing your breasts in a way that''s visually appealing and not just a regular nip slip.'
  1431. act'Continue':
  1432. cla & *clr
  1433. *nl
  1434. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1435. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1436. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1437. end
  1438. end
  1439. else
  1440. act'Continue':
  1441. cla & *clr
  1442. *nl
  1443. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1444. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1445. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1446. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1447. else
  1448. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1449. end
  1450. end
  1451. end
  1452. end
  1453. end
  1454. end
  1455. act 'Transparent clothing that exposes your breasts':
  1456. !!already matched the exhibitionism value above
  1457. cla
  1458. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1459. if pcs_inhib < 40:
  1460. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1461. *clr & cla
  1462. minut += 120
  1463. modelpayfin = 0
  1464. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1465. mdlng_exp += 1
  1466. inhib_exp += rand(1,4)
  1467. gs 'stat'
  1468. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/seethru/<<rand(1,9)>>.jpg"><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/seethru2.jpg"></center>'
  1469. 'In one way, this is better than actually showing your bare nipples. In another way, it''s worse because even though the fabric covers them, the thinness of it completely exposes your breasts. Every flash from the camera feels like it pierces through you, highlighting not your body but specifically your breasts, as if you were truly naked.'
  1470. act'Continue':
  1471. *clr & cla
  1472. *nl
  1473. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1474. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1475. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1476. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1477. else
  1478. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1479. end
  1480. end
  1481. end
  1482. else
  1483. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1484. *clr & cla
  1485. minut += 120
  1486. modelpayfin = 0
  1487. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1488. mdlng_exp += 1
  1489. inhib_exp += rand(1,4)
  1490. gs 'stat'
  1491. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/seethru/<<rand(1,9)>>.jpg"><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/seethru2.jpg"></center>'
  1492. 'You feel like practicing something risqué today without being completely nude. You pick out a transparent top and go to the practice set.'
  1493. *nl
  1494. 'You spend two hours posing for the photographer, learning the best ways to make a see-through top work for you and make you look even sexier.'
  1495. act'Continue':
  1496. *clr & cla
  1497. *nl
  1498. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1499. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1500. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1501. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1502. else
  1503. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1504. end
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. end
  1508. end
  1509. act 'Topless':
  1510. cla
  1511. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1512. if pcs_inhib < 50:
  1513. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1514. *clr & cla
  1515. minut += 120
  1516. modelpayfin = 0
  1517. mdlng_exp += 1
  1518. inhib_exp += rand(2,5)
  1519. gs 'stat'
  1520. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/model4.mp4"></video></center>'
  1521. 'A topless shoot without even a bikini or a loose shirt to hide your breasts... Unthinkable that you could ever do it for real! But it''s only a practice shoot right now. You''re not comfortable with it, but if you want to grow as a model, this is what you have to do.'
  1522. *nl
  1523. 'You put on the bottoms the photographer chose for you and omit a top leaving your breasts exposed. You spend two hours striking various poses, covering and uncovering your breasts, and listen to instruction while the photographer takes pictures of you.'
  1524. if pcs_inhib < 20:
  1525. act'Continue':
  1526. cla
  1527. *nl
  1528. 'You try your best to follow the photographers instructions of covering and uncovering your breasts. Covering them you have no problem with, but whenever he wants you to take your hands off, you feel incredibly reluctant and uncomfortable and its affecting your performance. If you even want to consider do a topless shoot, you need to be more bold.'
  1529. act'Continue':
  1530. *clr & cla
  1531. *nl
  1532. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1533. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1534. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1535. end
  1536. end
  1537. else
  1538. act'Continue':
  1539. *clr & cla
  1540. *nl
  1541. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1542. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1543. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1544. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1545. else
  1546. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1547. end
  1548. end
  1549. end
  1550. end
  1551. else
  1552. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1553. *clr & cla
  1554. minut += 120
  1555. modelpayfin = 0
  1556. mdlng_exp += rand(6,10)
  1557. inhib_exp += 3
  1558. gs 'stat'
  1559. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/model4.mp4"></video></center>'
  1560. 'You put on the bottoms the photographer chose for you and omit a top leaving your breasts exposed. You spend two hours striking various poses, covering and uncovering your breasts, and listen to instruction while the photographer takes pictures of you.'
  1561. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1562. act'Continue':
  1563. cla
  1564. *nl
  1565. 'You try your best to follow the photographers instructions but your movements are more than a little stiff. You get the feeling you aren''t being very sexy when you are hiding <i>or</i> revealing your breasts.'
  1566. act'Continue':
  1567. *clr & cla
  1568. *nl
  1569. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1570. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1571. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1572. end
  1573. end
  1574. else
  1575. act'Continue':
  1576. *clr & cla
  1577. *nl
  1578. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1579. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1580. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1581. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1582. else
  1583. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1584. end
  1585. end
  1586. end
  1587. end
  1588. end
  1589. end
  1590. act 'Transparent Lingerie':
  1591. cla
  1592. act 'Not for me':gt 'foto','studio'
  1593. if pcs_inhib < 55:
  1594. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1595. *clr & cla
  1596. minut += 120
  1597. modelpayfin = 0
  1598. mdlng_exp += 1
  1599. inhib_exp += rand(1,2)
  1600. gs 'stat'
  1601. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/ling_trans/<<rand(1,3)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1602. 'It''s okay... It''s just like a normal lingerie shoot... Except that your nipples will be clearly visible. That makes it just like a topless so it''s fine right? Even though the transparent lace feels more exposing than being topless...'
  1603. 'You slip into the lacy underwear and spend the next two hours practicing poses with the photographer.'
  1604. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1605. act'Continue':
  1606. cla
  1607. *nl
  1608. 'Each time the camera clicks, you give a small yelp, shielding your nipples from the flash that threatens to highlight them by turning your back. The sighs of the photographer from behind the camera are very audible.'
  1609. 'You''re going to have to work on your basic confidence as a model if you want to start confronting your confidence in your own body.'
  1610. act'Continue':
  1611. *clr & cla
  1612. *nl
  1613. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1614. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1615. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1616. end
  1617. end
  1618. else
  1619. act'Continue':
  1620. *clr & cla
  1621. *nl
  1622. inhib_exp += rand(1,3)
  1623. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1624. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1625. *nl
  1626. 'You have the discipline to not turn or shy your body away from the camera to hide yourself, but your expressions are very rigid and sometimes awkward. Maybe you need to work more on your confidence in your body before you''ll be able to progress here.'
  1627. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1628. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1629. else
  1630. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1631. end
  1632. end
  1633. end
  1634. end
  1635. else
  1636. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1637. *clr & cla
  1638. minut += 120
  1639. modelpayfin = 0
  1640. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1641. inhib_exp += 4
  1642. gs 'stat'
  1643. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/ling_trans/<<rand(1,3)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  1644. 'You put on some lacy underwear and spend the next two hours practicing poses with the photographer.'
  1645. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1646. act'Continue':
  1647. cla
  1648. *nl
  1649. 'As the shoot progresses, you find it difficult surprisingly difficult to use the lingerie to your advantage. Despite its inherent seductiveness, there are certain poses and postures that you need to be in to fully accentuate what you''re trying to show off underneath. You probably need more practice.'
  1650. act'Continue':
  1651. *clr & cla
  1652. *nl
  1653. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1654. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1655. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1656. end
  1657. end
  1658. else
  1659. act'Continue':
  1660. *clr & cla
  1661. *nl
  1662. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1663. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1664. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1665. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1666. else
  1667. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1668. end
  1669. end
  1670. end
  1671. end
  1672. end
  1673. end
  1674. act 'Nude':
  1675. cla
  1676. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1677. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1678. *clr & cla
  1679. minut += 120
  1680. modelpayfin = 0
  1681. pcs_mood += 5
  1682. if pcs_inhib < 60:
  1683. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1684. 'You start to step onto the set before the photographer stops you.'
  1685. '"Hey, I''ve been watching you from time to time and I couldn''t help but notice that you still seem a little uncomfortable being naked in the studio. I also took the liberty of looking up your past shoots and I noticed you haven''t done any nude shoots yet either.'
  1686. 'You blush hard, cringing a little bit and checking yourself when you unconsciously trying to cover up your exposed nipples and pussy.'
  1687. '"Y-yeah. I guess I''m still not used to this kind of thing. Part of why I''m practicing these kinds of shoots is to get a little more comfortable being naked."'
  1688. 'The photographer nods. "Yeah, I thought as much. With that in mind, I thought we''d do a confidence building exercise instead of a normal practice shoot to help you get used to being on camera. It''ll feel a little silly, but we think you''ll get used to being comfortable in your own body a lot faster. Sound good?"'
  1689. 'You nod and he leads you onto the set, setting up a video camera in front.'
  1690. act'Continue':
  1691. cla & *clr
  1692. mdlng_exp += 1
  1693. gs 'stat'
  1694. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nudepractice2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1695. if pcs_inhib >= 60:
  1696. gs 'sweat', 'add', 20
  1697. pcs_mood += 10
  1698. pcs_stam -= 20
  1699. inhib_exp += 10
  1700. gs'stat'
  1701. 'Loud music starts to pump into the room and over the noise the photographer shouts at you to start jumping up and down and dance in front of the camera.'
  1702. 'You do as he says, getting into it. Though at first you feel a bit dumb, within minutes you''ve almost forgotten your nakedness and start having a surprising amount of fun just jumping up and down and generally being silly.'
  1703. 'The next two hours pass with intervals of resting and dancing and before you know it, your practice is over.'
  1704. *nl
  1705. if pcs_inhib < 60:'You''re tired and you''re sweaty, but you also feel pretty good, and <i>a lot</i> more confident in your body.'
  1706. if pcs_inhib >= 60:'The photographer comes over to you, asking how you feel it went. You start to answer him when you notice how straight you''re standing. As you talk more and more and the discussion turns to how your breasts bounced, you realize you don''t feel any embarrassment talking about your body. In fact, you don''t have any desire to cover yourself up at all. The exercise worked! You''re comfortable being naked!'
  1707. act'End practice':gt'foto','end'
  1708. else
  1709. 'Loud music starts to pump into the room and over the noise the photographer shouts at you to start jumping up and down and dance in front of the camera.'
  1710. 'You do as he says, feeling rather silly, like he said you would. You must have had some kind of expression on your face because he shouts at you again.'
  1711. '"Smile! Laugh! Have a good time!"'
  1712. 'You try your best to comply, breasts bouncing up and down, hair flying all over the place, still feeling dumb.'
  1713. act'Continue':
  1714. cla & *clr
  1715. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nudepractice2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1716. 'As you keep dancing and more and more time passes, you realize... you''re actually starting to enjoy yourself!'
  1717. 'Your dancing continues and you still feel silly but now in a good way. You''re having so much fun that you suddenly realize that you forgot you were naked!'
  1718. act'Continue':
  1719. inhib_exp += 10
  1720. gs'stat'
  1721. cla & *clr
  1722. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1723. 'The music stops abruptly and you lean on your knees, a bit winded. The photographer comes up to you.'
  1724. '"So, how''re you feeling?"'
  1725. 'Face flushed from the jumping, you smile back at him.'
  1726. '"Great! I actually almost forgot I was naked for a minute there! This is really working!" Already, you don''t feel as shy standing in front of him and the rest of the crew.'
  1727. '"Glad to hear it''s working. We''ll take a short break now, alternating between intervals of you dancing and resting. This is just a practice shoot and we can''t reasonably ask you to jump up and down for two hours, so take a breather. We''ll start the music back up soon enough."'
  1728. act'Continue':
  1729. cla & *clr
  1730. gs 'sweat', 'add', 20
  1731. pcs_mood += 10
  1732. pcs_stam -= 20
  1733. gs'stat'
  1734. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nudepractice2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1735. 'You spend the rest of the two hours jumping up and down, laughing, and generally having fun. At the end of it, you''re tired and a bit sweaty, but you also feel a lot more confident about being naked.'
  1736. act'End practice':gt'foto','end'
  1737. end
  1738. end
  1739. end
  1740. end
  1741. end
  1742. else
  1743. mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
  1744. inhib_exp += 2
  1745. gs 'stat'
  1746. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/nudepractice.mp4"></video></center>'
  1747. 'You spend a good portion of the next two hours laughing with the photographer and the rest of the staff, practicing the ridiculous and convoluted poses required for nude modelling.'
  1748. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1749. act'Continue':
  1750. cla
  1751. *nl
  1752. 'Without clothes, the shoot becomes all about posture. You''re very comfortable and confident in your body, but you never realized how much of an advantage clothes were for making yourself sexier on camera and how straining it can be to pose in ways that compensate. This is going to take some getting used to.'
  1753. act'Continue':
  1754. cla & *clr
  1755. *nl
  1756. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1757. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1758. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1759. end
  1760. end
  1761. else
  1762. act'Continue':
  1763. cla & *clr
  1764. *nl
  1765. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1766. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1767. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1768. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1769. else
  1770. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1771. end
  1772. end
  1773. end
  1774. end
  1775. end
  1776. end
  1777. act 'Variety shoot':
  1778. cla
  1779. act 'Maybe not today':gt 'foto','studio'
  1780. if pcs_inhib < 60:
  1781. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1782. *clr & cla
  1783. minut += 120
  1784. modelpayfin = 0
  1785. mdlng_exp += 3
  1786. inhib_exp += rand(4,6)
  1787. gs 'stat'
  1788. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/vmodel.mp4"></video></center>'
  1789. 'It''s still a shoot with full frontal nudity but you have a few different sets of clothing to change through so it''s going to start with clothes but later progress into being fully nude. Not a great comfort, but at least it''s still practice and you won''t spend all two hours in your birthday suit.'
  1790. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1791. act'Continue':
  1792. cla
  1793. *nl
  1794. 'The hours go by in a rush. You never realized how exhausting it could be to have to change in and out of new clothings and by the time it gets to the full nude part of the shoot, you became so accustomed to stripping down that you didn''t feel all that embarrassed. Unlike previous times you''ve done full nude shoots, you might have actually gained more knowledge as a model this time than confidence in your body.'
  1795. act'Continue':
  1796. *clr & cla
  1797. *nl
  1798. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1799. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1800. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1801. end
  1802. end
  1803. else
  1804. act'Continue':
  1805. *clr & cla
  1806. *nl
  1807. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1808. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1809. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1810. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1811. else
  1812. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1813. end
  1814. end
  1815. end
  1816. end
  1817. else
  1818. act 'Practice (2:00)':
  1819. *clr & cla
  1820. minut += 120
  1821. modelpayfin = 0
  1822. mdlng_exp += 10
  1823. inhib_exp += 2
  1824. gs 'stat'
  1825. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/vmodel.mp4"></video></center>'
  1826. 'This kind of shoot is all about stamina. With the vast array of clothings you need to be changing through you need to be able to get through the intermediary phases quickly to maximize shooting time.'
  1827. if pcs_mdlng < 20:
  1828. act'Continue':
  1829. cla
  1830. *nl
  1831. 'You didn''t realize just how difficult this kind of thing would be. It''s hard to remember what to be doing when you move from one clothing set to the next, the tone or context changing while you do. You''re going to need way more practice to get this one done.'
  1832. act'Continue':
  1833. cla & *clr
  1834. *nl
  1835. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1836. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1837. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1838. end
  1839. end
  1840. else
  1841. act'Continue':
  1842. cla & *clr
  1843. *nl
  1844. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/modelbts2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1845. 'The practice shoot ends and he calls you over to his computer to show you what you need to work on.'
  1846. if pcs_mdlng >= 40 and commercial = 0:
  1847. act 'Leave':gt'foto_events','commercial'
  1848. else
  1849. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  1850. end
  1851. end
  1852. end
  1853. end
  1854. end
  1855. end
  1856. end
  1857. end
  1858. end
  1859. if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
  1860. if practice_session = 0:
  1861. model_job_week += 1
  1862. model_week = (daystart - week) / 7
  1863. modelfoto += 1
  1864. money += modelpayfin
  1865. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1866. else
  1867. practice_session = 0
  1868. end
  1869. gt 'foto','studio'
  1870. end
  1871. if $ARGS[0] = 'commercial':
  1872. !!Payment for the foto shoot
  1873. if practice_session = 0:
  1874. model_job_week += 1
  1875. model_week = (daystart - week) / 7
  1876. modelfoto += 1
  1877. money += modelpayfin
  1878. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1879. gt 'foto','studio'
  1880. else
  1881. practice_session = 0
  1882. end
  1883. *clr & cla
  1884. menu_off = 1
  1885. commercial = 1
  1886. gs 'stat'
  1887. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1888. 'As you wrap the shoot, a staffer at the studio walks up to you and grabs your attention.'
  1889. '"Hey, <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m glad I caught you. Listen, we have a special opportunity for you if you''d like to hear about it."'
  1890. act '"Special opportunity?"':
  1891. cla
  1892. '"Yeah. See, you''ve been doing good work here. There are people who are really impressed with your ability to take direction and with the boldness and confidence you have in your body. With that in mind, word has been going around that they want one of our models to be the actress in their commercial. So, I thought I''d ask you."'
  1893. act '"A commercial? You mean I could become an actress?"':
  1894. cla
  1895. *nl
  1896. '"Yes, that''s exactly what we''re saying. This is an opportunity for you to start branching out your career from just modelling and into acting. Would you like to hear more about the job?"'
  1897. act '"Sure, tell me about it"':
  1898. *clr & cla
  1899. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1900. '"The job is for a big time network. The idea for the commercial is they need a pretty girl walking down the street with their logos CGI''d over your breasts and between your thighs and passers-by having their attention drawn to you as you walk."'
  1901. act '"That doesn''t sound too difficult"':
  1902. cla
  1903. *nl
  1904. '"But there''s a catch. See, the marketing team has determined that in order to get the right reactions from people going by, you can''t just wear a strapless bikini. You''re going to have to walk down the street completely naked. That being said, the company is willing to pay you triple our usual nude modelling rate. Are you still willing to do the shoot?"'
  1905. act '"Sure! I''ve always wanted to be an actress!"':
  1906. cla
  1907. *nl
  1908. '"Sure!" you say. "I''ve always wanted to be an actress, I just never thought I''d get a chance like this. When do we shoot?"'
  1909. casting = 3
  1910. if week >= 6:
  1911. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  1912. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1913. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1914. else
  1915. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  1916. if week = 5:
  1917. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1918. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1919. else
  1920. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1921. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1922. end
  1923. end
  1924. end
  1925. act '"Triple rate?! Hell yeah!"':
  1926. casting = 3
  1927. cla
  1928. '"Triple rate?! Hell yeah! Who cares about being naked in public when I''m getting paid that much! I''d let them gangbang me for that kind of money!"'
  1929. *nl
  1930. '"I''m sure they''d be happy to arrange that with you some other time," he says with a shit eating grin.'
  1931. 'You punch him playfully on the arm.'
  1932. act '"So when do we shoot?"':
  1933. cla
  1934. casting = 3
  1935. if week >= 6:
  1936. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  1937. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1938. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1939. else
  1940. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  1941. if week = 5:
  1942. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1943. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1944. else
  1945. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1946. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1947. end
  1948. end
  1949. end
  1950. end
  1951. act '"I have to be naked in public...?"':
  1952. cla
  1953. *nl
  1954. 'You blush imagining being on the set in public on a busy street and embarrassedly ask,'
  1955. '"I''m going to have to walk down the street completely naked in broad daylight...?"'
  1956. '"Yes, I''m afraid so. The producers won''t budge on this. I''ve been promised that they aren''t going to be broadcasting your uncensored body all over television though. So if you accept, you''ll be guaranteed that at least. So, will you do it?"'
  1957. act '"I guess so..."':
  1958. cla
  1959. *nl
  1960. '"I guess so," you say. "Since they''re paying so much, it''s hard to turn down. Besides, it might be worth it to break into acting, right?"'
  1961. casting = 3
  1962. if week >= 6:
  1963. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  1964. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1965. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1966. else
  1967. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  1968. if week = 5:
  1969. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1970. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1971. else
  1972. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  1973. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  1974. end
  1975. end
  1976. end
  1977. act '"No, it''s too much for me"':
  1978. cla
  1979. *nl
  1980. '"No," you say with some regret. "Even with all that money, that''s not the kind of model or actress I want to be known for."'
  1981. '"Ahh, well that''s a shame. Anyways, I''ll let you go now. See you later <<$pcs_firstname>>"'
  1982. act 'Go back to modelling':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  1983. end
  1984. end
  1985. end
  1986. end
  1987. act '"No thanks, I''m happy just being a model"':
  1988. cla
  1989. commercial = 2
  1990. casting = 1
  1991. *nl
  1992. '"Ahh, well that''s a shame. Anyways, you''re here today. Is there something you''d like to work on?"'
  1993. act 'Go back to modelling':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  1994. end
  1995. end
  1996. end
  1997. end
  1998. if $ARGS[0] = 'blackm':
  1999. *clr
  2000. cla
  2001. menu_off = 1
  2002. gs 'stat'
  2003. if parkblackmail = 2:
  2004. 'An unfamiliar man appears and tells you he is Victor. "I pay good money to new actresses when I introduce them to the industry. So you have to work to repay your debt to me."'
  2005. act 'What do you want?':
  2006. cla
  2007. '"Nothing special <<$pcs_nickname>>. Just do what you appear to enjoy." he nods at the pictures.'
  2008. act 'Getting fucked in public?':
  2009. cla
  2010. 'Victor smiled, "Well, yes, and no. You are to get fucked but it''s not in public but on camera." You just stare at him dumbfounded. "Today, is perfect timing, I have everything ready and waiting for a girl who cancelled."'
  2011. '"Today?" You are quite confused, but Victor nods, and his face turns stern. You look at the pictures and stand up. Looks like you''ve got no choice.'
  2012. act 'Go into the room':
  2013. cla
  2014. 'On the back of a chair hangs sexy lingerie and white shirt. Apparently, all of this is meant to you. You dress up and sit on the edge of the bed. Almost immediately two men enter the room - one blond and buff the other slim and brunette.'
  2015. '"OK, a simple scenario." Directs Victor, following them with his camera. "Girl undressing. Sexy but quickly, then you get to know the boys. For the girl the actions will be a surprise." He winks at the guys and you suspect they know full well that you have no idea what to expect.'
  2016. 'You start trying to undress but your hands won''t respond, but after the blond guy starts poking and probing your mental resistance fails. You take off your shirt and undo your bra, by then the guys are already taking matters into their own hands. The blond guy literally ripped the bra off you as the brunette pushes you back on to the bed and swiftly pulls your panties off.'
  2017. 'Foreplay is clearly not part of the scene as the blond guy flips you over on to all fours and abruptly enters you, you have no time to get in the mood and are not ready for it. It hurts, but he seems to have used a little lube as he is able to fuck you deeply with little resistance. his hands roughly grope at your chest and you feel sore and violated.'
  2018. 'The other guy having undress kneels in front of you and presents his erect cock to your mouth. You stare at it and your lack of action earns you a hard slap in the face, tears gush from your eyes with the pain.'
  2019. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Brunette', rand(19,45)
  2020. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated, 'a'
  2021. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'blond', rand(19,45)
  2022. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated, 'b'
  2023. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 5, 'rough'
  2024. act 'Open your mouth':
  2025. cla
  2026. *clr
  2027. guy += 2
  2028. gang += 1
  2029. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2030. spafinloc = 12
  2031. gs 'cum_manage'
  2032. gs 'boyStat', $boy2
  2033. gs 'cum_manage'
  2034. swallow += 1
  2035. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/studia.jpg"></center>'
  2036. 'You open your mouth, and he shoves his cock in as far as it will reach. You begin to choke, but you can''t move and he just holds you there by the back of your head. Eventually he pulls back his penis trailing strings of your saliva as you gasp for breath.'
  2037. 'They settle in to a rhythm and fuck you together, all the while Victor walks around the three of you, shooting his film, shoot, shoot. In his hand was a lovely big camcorder.'
  2038. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2039. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'rough'
  2040. gs 'boyStat', $boy2
  2041. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 15, 'rough'
  2042. *nl
  2043. 'They finish together. The blonde guy pouring everything into your uterus, while brunette forces you to swallow everything he has. You fall onto the bed.'
  2044. gs 'stat'
  2045. act 'Begin to cry':
  2046. cla
  2047. *clr
  2048. 'You lie on the bed weeping.'
  2049. '"Not bad, tears always look cool." says Victor having finally finished filming you and with the camcorder by his side. "You should clean yourself up <<$pcs_nickname>>, the boys really enjoyed themselves."'
  2050. act 'To the shower':
  2051. cla
  2052. 'You follow Victor to a large shower room and clean yourself quickly. He then directs you to another room. As you walk in you see the two guys standing naked by a bed waiting for you.'
  2053. '"This too much I''ve done what you asked." You say turning back to Victor who is blocking the doorway.'
  2054. '"That is for me to decide and right now I think you''ve mange one third of you debt." he grins as you realise this is only the second of three scenes.'
  2055. act 'No!':
  2056. cla
  2057. *clr
  2058. noShampoo = 1
  2059. dynamic $showerdin
  2060. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2061. spafinloc = 3
  2062. gs 'cum_manage'
  2063. gs 'boyStat', $boy2
  2064. spafinloc = 12
  2065. sexvolume = 5
  2066. gs 'cum_manage'
  2067. spafinloc = 11
  2068. sexvolume = 35
  2069. gs 'cum_manage'
  2070. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/studia2.jpg"></center>'
  2071. 'You shout, "No!"'
  2072. '"Yelling will not help you, good soundproofing here and even if someone hears you they will think it is part of a scene."'
  2073. '"For this scene you''ll be getting your arse fucked, so do not fidget and try to relax."'
  2074. 'The brunette is already pushing two fingers in your butt. You start sobbing again as you are forced to suck the blonde guy. Three fingers.'
  2075. 'At that moment, with the blonde guy pumping quicker in your mouth and was ready to cum, the brunette placed his tip against your ring and abruptly entered. You yell again, but the blonde guy quickly plugs your mouth with his sperm shouting "Swallow, swallow, bitch"'
  2076. gs 'boyStat', $boy2
  2077. gs 'arousal', 'bj', 15, 'rough'
  2078. 'When he finally finishes, the brunette pins you to the bed and starts to roughly fuck you in the ass. It is just crazy sick - no lubrication and hurting a great deal, but he does not finish inside you.'
  2079. 'He pulls out entirely, then abruptly enters again, the pain doubles. He carries on like this speeding up your ass feeling like it''s on fire, until eventually his semen fills your rectum. You could not imagine anything worse.'
  2080. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2081. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 15, 'rough'
  2082. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the shower.'
  2083. gs 'stat'
  2084. act 'Finally':
  2085. cla
  2086. *clr
  2087. noShampoo = 1
  2088. dynamic $showerdin
  2089. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2090. gs 'cum_manage'
  2091. gs 'boyStat', $boy2
  2092. spafinloc = 3
  2093. gs 'cum_manage'
  2094. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/studio/sex/studia3.jpg"></center>'
  2095. 'After another shower you hope that Victor will let you go, it turns out that Victor has not yet finished.'
  2096. 'The guys start fingering you, a little thin dildo fucking your ass. It seemed just a trifle compared with the rough anal sex you were just subjected to.'
  2097. 'The brunette pulls you on top of him and guides his penis to your vagina. His strong arms lift you up and down making you fuck him.'
  2098. 'The blonde guy removes the dildo from your butt and replaces it with his cock. Your pain is such that you don''t feel any more, instead you just feel the fullness of both members inside you.'
  2099. 'You can feel the rubbing of the thin layers between their penises and think this must be what is like to be a whore.'
  2100. 'You no longer have the will to fight, even your mental block has slipped and you begrudgingly enjoy the sensations not even wanting to stop when they both cum at more or less the same time pumping their seed in both of your holes.'
  2101. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 15, 'rough'
  2102. gs 'boyStat', $boy1
  2103. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 15, 'rough'
  2104. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  2105. gs 'stat'
  2106. parkblackmail = 4
  2107. studiaday = 7
  2108. '"You can keep your presents from the guys." says Victor as he quickly makes you dress and leads you to the exit.'
  2109. '"I hope you''ve learned your lesson. I will be here to teach stupid girls like you that you cannot get away with such behaviour and if needed I will put you through this all over again."'
  2110. act 'Leave':
  2111. minut += 1
  2112. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  2113. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  2114. gt 'down'
  2115. end
  2116. end
  2117. end
  2118. end
  2119. end
  2120. end
  2121. end
  2122. end
  2123. end
  2124. end
  2125. end
  2126. --- foto ---------------------------------