gadfield.qsrc 20 KB

  1. # gadfield
  2. !MiraLoc tells us where Mira is Located
  3. !----------------------------------------------
  4. !MiraLoc = 0 (Mira at home)
  5. !MiraLoc = 1 (Mira at river)
  6. !MiraLoc = 2 (Mira at meadow)
  7. !MiraLoc = 3 (Mira at forest)
  8. !MiraLoc = 4 (Mira at field)
  9. !MiraLoc = 5 (Mira with gop)
  10. !---------------------------------------------
  11. if $ARGS[0] = 'field':
  12. $loc = 'gadfield'
  13. $metka = 'field'
  14. $location_type = 'secluded'
  15. $menu_loc = 'gadfield'
  16. $menu_arg = 'field'
  17. menu_off = 0
  18. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  19. gs'stat'
  20. '<center><H4>Field</H4></center>'
  21. if month >= 4 and month <= 10:
  22. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  23. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/gadfield.jpg"></center>'
  24. else
  25. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/gadfield_night.jpg"></center>'
  26. end
  27. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 17 and npc_qw['A221'] = 0 and storyline = 1: gs 'grigory', 'meet' & exit
  28. else
  29. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  30. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/gadfield_winter.jpg"></center>'
  31. else
  32. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/gadfield_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  33. end
  34. end
  35. 'A field outside the village.'
  36. if grigory_flower > 0 and grigory_flower < 10: gt 'grigory', 'flower5'
  37. if flowerday ! daystart and grigory_flower = 10: gt 'grigory', 'flower6'
  38. if flowerday ! daystart and grigory_flower > 10: gt 'grigory', 'flower8'
  39. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 19 and week < 6:'Grandfather''s horse <a href="exec: gt ''gadfield'',''horse''">Desperado</a> is grazing the field.'
  40. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 19 and grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 0:'You notice a large <a href="exec: gt ''gadfield'',''cow''">herd of cows</a> in the middle of the field.'
  41. if hour >= 6 and hour <= 20 and grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1:'You see the <a href="exec: gt ''gadfield'',''cow''">herd of cows</a> out in the middle of the field.'
  42. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 20 and grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 1:'You see a crowd of people working on the field.'
  43. act 'Head back to the road':minut += 10 & gt'gadroad'
  44. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 13 and grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 1:
  45. act 'Spend the day helping to bale hay (6:00)':
  46. gs 'food', 'm_meal'
  47. *clr & cla
  48. menu_off = 1
  49. if npc_rel['A60'] >= 15:
  50. npc_rel['A60'] += 1
  51. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/haying_time_mira.jpg"></center>'
  52. 'Most of the village has shown up to help out with the hay. Mira is there too, and you both partake in the activities. You are really enjoying yourself, and working alongside Mira makes the day fly by. By the end of the day, you are both exhausted, but smiling.'
  53. else
  54. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/haying_time.jpg"></center>'
  55. 'Almost all of the villagers have shown up to help out with the fresh cut hay. You spend most of the day working hard and sweating as you help gather the fresh-cut hay. It is difficult, but you get a great workout and end the day feeling exhausted, but quite satisfied.'
  56. end
  57. gs 'exercise', 'tier1', 360, 'stren_exp', 'vital_exp'
  58. if sunWeather = 1:pcs_tan += 1
  59. grandpaQW['chore_bale_hay'] = 2
  60. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,8)
  61. gs 'stat'
  62. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','field'
  63. end
  64. end
  65. end
  66. if $ARGS[0] = 'horse':
  67. $loc = 'gadfield'
  68. $metka = 'horse'
  69. $location_type = 'public_outdoors'
  70. $menu_loc = 'gadfield'
  71. $menu_arg = 'horse'
  72. menu_off = 0
  73. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  74. gs'stat'
  75. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/horse.jpg"></center>'
  76. 'Your grandfather''s horse Desperado.'
  77. act 'Go back to the field':gt'gadfield','field'
  78. if hour = 19:
  79. act 'Lead the horse home (1:00)':
  80. *clr & cla
  81. menu_off = 1
  82. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/horse_field.jpg"></center>'
  83. 'You spot your grandfather''s horse wandering loose in the field and decide to help out by taking Desperado home. Reaching for the bridle, you start leading Desperado towards the village.'
  84. minut += 60
  85. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += rand(0,1)
  86. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  87. gs 'stat'
  88. act 'To your grandparent''s barn':gt'gadsarai'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  92. if $ARGS[0] = 'cow':
  93. $loc = 'gadfield'
  94. $metka = 'cow'
  95. $location_type = 'secluded'
  96. $menu_loc = 'gadfield'
  97. $menu_arg = 'cow'
  98. menu_off = 0
  99. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  100. gs'stat'
  101. temp = rand(1,5)
  102. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow.jpg"></center>'
  103. 'The cattle herd is standing in the middle of the field. Some of the cows are munching on grass, others are just staring idly around.'
  104. if mira = 1: MiraLoc = 41 & '<a href="exec: gt ''miroslava'', ''Start''">Mira</a> is standing next to you.'
  105. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 0:act 'Leave them be':gt'gadfield','field'
  106. if hour = 19 and grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 0:
  107. act 'Lead the cows home (1:00)':
  108. *clr & cla
  109. menu_off = 1
  110. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_field.jpg"></center>'
  111. 'Seeing the cow herd on the field, you decide to help your grandfather bring the cows home...'
  112. minut += 60
  113. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  114. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  115. gs 'stat'
  116. act 'To your grandparent''s barn':gt'gadsarai'
  117. end
  118. end
  119. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1:
  120. if hour < 10:
  121. act 'Wait until the herd is gathered':
  122. *clr & cla
  123. menu_off = 1
  124. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_wait.jpg"></center>'
  125. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] = 0:'Some time flies by while waiting for the locals to finish bringing their cows to the field.'
  126. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] = 1:'Some time flies by while waiting for the locals and their children to finish bringing their cows to the field.'
  127. if hour >= 9:minut += 20
  128. if hour < 9:minut += 60
  129. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,4)
  130. gs 'stat'
  131. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  132. end
  133. end
  134. if hour >= 10 and hour < 13:
  135. act 'Herd cows with your grandfather (1:00)':
  136. *clr & cla
  137. menu_off = 1
  138. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  139. 'You spend an hour herding the cows, watching out for any stragglers and driving them back to the herd. Instead of letting your grandfather do all the work, you roll up the sleeves and try to do most of the work yourself.'
  140. minut += 60
  141. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  142. pcs_hydra -= 12
  143. pcs_stam -= 8
  144. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  145. else
  146. pcs_hydra -= 6
  147. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  148. pcs_stam -= 5
  149. end
  150. grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] = 1
  151. if rand(0,1) = 1:grandmaQW['help_amount'] += rand(0,1)
  152. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  153. gs 'stat'
  154. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  155. end
  156. if mira = 0:
  157. act 'Take a run on the field (1:00)':
  158. *clr & cla
  159. menu_off = 1
  160. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_run.jpg"></center>'
  161. 'Since the cows are all behaving, you decide to spend some time jogging around the field.'
  162. frost = 0
  163. minut += 60
  164. fat -= 5
  165. run_exp += 1
  166. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  167. pcs_mood += 5
  168. pcs_stam -= 8
  169. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  170. pcs_hydra -= 24
  171. gs 'sweat', 'add', 12
  172. else
  173. pcs_hydra -= 18
  174. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  175. end
  176. gs 'stat'
  177. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  178. end
  179. end
  180. if temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and mira = 0:
  181. act 'Tan (1:00)':
  182. *clr & cla
  183. menu_off = 1
  184. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_sun.jpg"></center>'
  185. 'It''s sunny and warm outside, and since the cows are behaving, you decide to work on your tan for an hour.'
  186. minut += 60
  187. pcs_mood += 10
  188. pcs_tan += 1
  189. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  190. gs 'stat'
  191. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  192. end
  193. if pcs_sleep < 40:
  194. act 'Take a nap (1:00)':
  195. *clr & cla
  196. menu_off = 1
  197. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_lying.jpg"></center>'
  198. 'You feel drowsy watching the cows stand around, so you lie down on the grass. You doze off and wake up about an hour later.'
  199. minut += 60
  200. pcs_mood += 10
  201. pcs_sleep+= 9
  202. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:pcs_hydra -= 12
  203. gs 'stat'
  204. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  205. end
  206. end
  207. act 'Pick flowers (1:00)':
  208. *clr & cla
  209. menu_off = 1
  210. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_flowers.jpg"></center>'
  211. 'Keeping one eyes on the cattle, you spend an hour wandering the field, picking flowers.'
  212. minut += 60
  213. pcs_mood += 20
  214. pcs_stam -= 4
  215. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  216. pcs_hydra -= 8
  217. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  218. else
  219. pcs_hydra -= 5
  220. gs 'sweat', 'add', 3
  221. end
  222. gs 'stat'
  223. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  224. end
  225. act 'Read a book (1:00)':
  226. *clr & cla
  227. menu_off = 1
  228. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_book'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  229. minut += 60
  230. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:pcs_hydra -= 6
  231. if pcs_nerd > 0:
  232. lastread = totminut
  233. lastreadday = daystart
  234. pcs_nerd += 1
  235. blizoruk += 1
  236. pcs_mood = 100
  237. if pcs_stren > 1: stren_deg -= 1
  238. if pcs_vital > 5: vital_deg -= 1
  239. 'You start reading a book you brought with you. You are so engrossed in the story you forget about the time.'
  240. else
  241. blizoruk += 1
  242. pcs_mood += 10
  243. 'While reading the book, time flies by cause you are really engaged in the books'' plot.'
  244. end
  245. gs 'stat'
  246. act 'Close the book':gt $loc, $metka
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  250. if hour >= 13 and hour < 16:
  251. *clr & cla
  252. menu_off = 1
  253. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_go.jpg"></center>'
  254. 'Looking at his watch, Grandpa turns to you and says, "It''s about lunchtime, which means it''s time to take the herd to the watering hole." You begin to gather the cows and lead them to the river.'
  255. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  256. pcs_hydra -= 12
  257. pcs_stam -= 8
  258. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  259. else
  260. pcs_hydra -= 6
  261. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  262. pcs_stam -= 5
  263. end
  264. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 1
  265. minut += 60
  266. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  267. gs 'stat'
  268. act 'Herd the cows to the river':gt'gadfield','cow2'
  269. end
  270. end
  271. end
  272. !MiaLoc tells us where Mira is Located
  273. !----------------------------------------------
  274. !MiraLoc = 0 (Mira at home)
  275. !MiraLoc = 1 (Mira at river)
  276. !MiraLoc = 2 (Mira at meadow)
  277. !MiraLoc = 3 (Mira at forest)
  278. !MiraLoc = 4 (Mira at field)
  279. !MiraLoc = 5 (Mira with gop)
  280. !---------------------------------------------
  281. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1 and npc_rel['A60'] >= 15 and mira = 0 and sunWeather = 1 and hour >= 10 and temp = 1 and Mira_no = 0 and(npc_QW['A63'] < 13 or npc_QW['A60'] >= 10 or mirasex > 1):
  282. *clr & cla
  283. menu_off = 1
  284. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/village/mira/mira2.jpg"></center>'
  285. 'While keeping an eye on the cow herd, you see Mira in the distance, approaching. You happily wave to her.'
  286. '"Hi, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I wanted to visit you and brought water with me," she says nearing you. "Have you missed me?"'
  287. minut += 5
  288. npc_rel['A60'] += 1
  289. mira = 1
  290. gs 'stat'
  291. act 'Continue':pcs_hydra +=40 & gt'gadfield','cow'
  292. end
  293. if $ARGS[0] = 'cow2':
  294. $loc = 'gadfield'
  295. $metka = 'cow2'
  296. $location_type = 'secluded'
  297. $menu_loc = 'gadfield'
  298. $menu_arg = 'cow2'
  299. menu_off = 0
  300. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  301. gs'stat'
  302. '<center><H4>River</H4></center>'
  303. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_river.jpg"></center>'
  304. 'The cattle herd is near the river. Some of the cows are munching on grass, some are drinking from the river, and some are just standing or lying around.'
  305. if mira = 1: MiraLoc = 42 & '<a href="exec: gt ''miroslava'', ''Start''">Mira</a> is sitting next to you.'
  306. if temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1:'"You can go for a swim if you want, <<$pcs_nickname>>. I''ll keep an eye on the herd," says your grandfather.'
  307. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1:
  308. if hour < 16:
  309. act 'Herd cows with your grandfather (1:00)':
  310. *clr & cla
  311. menu_off = 1
  312. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  313. 'You spend an hour herding the cows, watching out for any stragglers and driving them back to the herd. Instead of letting your grandfather do all the work, you roll up the sleeves and try to do most of the work yourself.'
  314. minut += 60
  315. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  316. pcs_hydra -= 12
  317. pcs_stam -= 8
  318. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  319. else
  320. pcs_hydra -= 6
  321. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  322. pcs_stam -= 5
  323. end
  324. grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] = 1
  325. if rand(0,1) = 1:grandmaQW['help_amount'] += rand(0,1)
  326. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  327. gs 'stat'
  328. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow2'
  329. end
  330. if temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and mira = 0:
  331. act 'Swim (0:15)':
  332. *clr & cla
  333. menu_off = 1
  334. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_river.jpg"></center>'
  335. 'You spend a few minutes spashing around in the river, which feels cool and refreshing.'
  336. if deodorant_on = 1: gs 'sweat', 'remove_deo' & '<br>Your deodorant gets washed away in the water.'
  337. minut += 15
  338. cumspclnt = 4 & gs 'cum_cleanup'
  339. pcs_stam -= 3
  340. pcs_mood += 5
  341. if willday_swim ! daystart: willday_swim = daystart & pcs_willpwr += 1
  342. if pcs_stren < 30:stren_exp += 1
  343. gs 'stat'
  344. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow2'
  345. end
  346. act 'Tan (0:30)':
  347. *clr & cla
  348. menu_off = 1
  349. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_sun.jpg"></center>'
  350. 'You lie down to sunbathe by the river, while Grandpa looks after the herd.'
  351. minut += 30
  352. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  353. pcs_mood += 5
  354. pcs_tan += 1
  355. gs 'stat'
  356. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow2'
  357. end
  358. act 'Read a book (1:00)':
  359. *clr & cla
  360. menu_off = 1
  361. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_book'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  362. minut += 60
  363. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:pcs_hydra -= 12
  364. if pcs_nerd > 0:
  365. lastread = totminut
  366. lastreadday = daystart
  367. pcs_nerd += 1
  368. blizoruk += 1
  369. pcs_mood = 100
  370. if pcs_stren > 1: stren_deg -= 1
  371. if pcs_vital > 5: vital_deg -= 1
  372. 'You start reading a book you brought with you. You are so engrossed in the story you forget about the time.'
  373. else
  374. blizoruk += 1
  375. pcs_mood += 10
  376. 'While reading the book, time flies by cause you are really engaged in the books'' plot.'
  377. end
  378. gs 'stat'
  379. act 'Close the book':gt $loc, $metka
  380. end
  381. end
  382. end
  383. if hour >= 16 and hour < 19:
  384. *clr & cla
  385. menu_off = 1
  386. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_go.jpg"></center>'
  387. 'Looking at his watch, Grandpa says that it''s time to drive the herd over near the forest. The two of you begin to gather the herd and drive them toward the forest.'
  388. minut += 60
  389. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  390. pcs_hydra -= 12
  391. pcs_stam -= 8
  392. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  393. else
  394. pcs_hydra -= 6
  395. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  396. pcs_stam -= 5
  397. end
  398. if rand(0,1) = 1:grandmaQW['help_amount'] += rand(0,1)
  399. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  400. gs 'stat'
  401. act 'Herd the cows to the forest':gt'gadfield','cow3'
  402. end
  403. end
  404. end
  405. if $ARGS[0] = 'cow3':
  406. $loc = 'gadfield'
  407. $metka = 'cow3'
  408. $location_type = 'secluded'
  409. $menu_loc = 'gadfield'
  410. $menu_arg = 'cow3'
  411. menu_off = 0
  412. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  413. gs'stat'
  414. '<center><H4>Field near the forest</H4></center>'
  415. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_forest.jpg"></center>'
  416. 'The cattle herd is grazing in a field near the forest.'
  417. if mira = 1: MiraLoc = 43 & '<a href="exec: gt ''miroslava'', ''Start''">Mira</a> is sitting next to you.'
  418. if grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 1:
  419. if hour < 19:
  420. act 'Herd cows with your grandfather (1:00)':
  421. *clr & cla
  422. menu_off = 1
  423. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
  424. 'You spend an hour herding the cows, watching out for any stragglers and driving them back to the herd. Instead of letting your grandfather do all the work, you roll up the sleeves and try to do most of the work yourself.'
  425. minut += 60
  426. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  427. pcs_hydra -= 12
  428. pcs_stam -= 8
  429. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  430. else
  431. pcs_hydra -= 6
  432. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  433. pcs_stam -= 5
  434. end
  435. grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle_experience'] = 1
  436. if rand(0,1) = 1:grandmaQW['help_amount'] += rand(0,1)
  437. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  438. gs 'stat'
  439. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow3'
  440. end
  441. if mira = 0:
  442. act 'Take a run on the field (1:00)':
  443. *clr & cla
  444. menu_off = 1
  445. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_run.jpg"></center>'
  446. 'Since the cows are all behaving, you decide to spend some time jogging around the field.'
  447. frost = 0
  448. minut += 60
  449. fat -= 5
  450. run_exp += 1
  451. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  452. pcs_mood += 5
  453. pcs_stam -= 8
  454. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  455. pcs_hydra -= 24
  456. gs 'sweat', 'add', 12
  457. else
  458. pcs_hydra -= 18
  459. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  460. end
  461. gs 'stat'
  462. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  463. end
  464. end
  465. if temper >= 15 and sunWeather = 1 and mira = 0:
  466. act 'Tan (1:00)':
  467. *clr & cla
  468. menu_off = 1
  469. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_sun.jpg"></center>'
  470. 'It''s sunny and warm outside, and since the cows are behaving, you decide to work on your tan for an hour.'
  471. minut += 60
  472. pcs_mood += 10
  473. pcs_tan += 1
  474. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  475. gs 'stat'
  476. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  477. end
  478. if pcs_sleep < 40:
  479. act 'Take a nap (1:00)':
  480. *clr & cla
  481. menu_off = 1
  482. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_lying.jpg"></center>'
  483. 'You feel drowsy watching the cows stand around, so you lie down on the grass. You doze off and wake up about an hour later.'
  484. minut += 60
  485. pcs_mood += 10
  486. pcs_sleep+= 9
  487. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:pcs_hydra -= 12
  488. gs 'stat'
  489. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  490. end
  491. end
  492. act 'Pick flowers (1:00)':
  493. *clr & cla
  494. menu_off = 1
  495. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_flowers.jpg"></center>'
  496. 'Keeping one eyes on the cattle, you spend an hour wandering the field, picking flowers.'
  497. minut += 60
  498. pcs_mood += 20
  499. pcs_stam -= 4
  500. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  501. pcs_hydra -= 8
  502. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  503. else
  504. pcs_hydra -= 5
  505. gs 'sweat', 'add', 3
  506. end
  507. gs 'stat'
  508. act 'Continue':gt'gadfield','cow'
  509. end
  510. act 'Read a book (1:00)':
  511. *clr & cla
  512. menu_off = 1
  513. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/graze_cow_book'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg"></center>'
  514. minut += 60
  515. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:pcs_hydra -= 6
  516. if pcs_nerd > 0:
  517. lastread = totminut
  518. lastreadday = daystart
  519. pcs_nerd += 1
  520. blizoruk += 1
  521. pcs_mood = 100
  522. if pcs_stren > 1: stren_deg -= 1
  523. if pcs_vital > 5: vital_deg -= 1
  524. 'You start reading a book you brought with you. You are so engrossed in the story you forget about the time.'
  525. else
  526. blizoruk += 1
  527. pcs_mood += 10
  528. 'While reading the book, time flies by cause you are really engaged in the books'' plot.'
  529. end
  530. gs 'stat'
  531. act 'Close the book':gt $loc, $metka
  532. end
  533. end
  534. end
  535. if hour >= 19:
  536. *clr & cla
  537. menu_off = 1
  538. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/village/cow_go_home.jpg"></center>'
  539. 'As sunset approaches, Grandpa says that it is late and time to drive the herd home. You hurry and gather up the cows and drive them back towards the village.'
  540. if temper >= 25 and sunWeather = 1:
  541. pcs_hydra -= 12
  542. pcs_stam -= 8
  543. gs 'sweat', 'add', 10
  544. else
  545. pcs_hydra -= 6
  546. gs 'sweat', 'add', 5
  547. pcs_stam -= 5
  548. end
  549. minut += 60
  550. mira = 0
  551. grandpaQW['chore_herd_cattle'] = 0
  552. grandmaQW['help_amount'] += 2
  553. hndiwrk_exp += rand(0,3)
  554. gs 'stat'
  555. act 'Back to the village':gt'gadukino'
  556. end
  557. end
  558. end
  559. --- gadfield ---------------------------------