sbReksHome.qsrc 12 KB

  1. # sbReksHome
  2. if indorf = 0 and (sisboyparty_day + 2 = daystart or hour > 21):
  3. cls
  4. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Rex''s Apartment</font></b></center>'
  5. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/sisboyqwparty_6_' + rand(1,5) + '.jpg"></center>'
  6. *nl 'Drunk and disheveled, Anya bursts into the room. You noticed that her hair, and all over her clothes she is smeared in sticky sperm. Anya stopped you and said:'
  7. '"We should move our asses and go home <<$pcs_nickname>>, or mother will kill us both, if you don''t come home tonight."'
  8. if Rex_save = 1 and Rex_Love = 0: 'As you leave the apartment, you gently kiss Rex on the cheek, thanking for the evening.'
  9. if Rex_Love = 1: 'As you leave the apartment, you passionate kiss Rex on the lips, "Thank you for a lovely evening."'
  10. if party_boys_in >= 1: 'As you leave the apartment, some drunk guys tell you they will miss you and sleep well, while laughing to each other.'
  11. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  12. gs 'stat'
  13. act 'Go home': minut += 15 & gt 'bedrPar'
  14. end
  15. if $ARGS[0] = 'party':
  17. $location_type = 'event'
  18. gs 'dinParty'
  19. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  20. $metka = 'party'
  21. $loc = 'sbReksHome'
  22. $menu_loc = 'sbReksHome'
  23. $menu_arg = 'party'
  24. menu_off = 0
  25. cls
  26. sisterQW['partycount'] += 1
  27. sisterQW['party'] = 2
  28. minut += 15
  29. sisboyparty = 1
  30. sisboypartyQW += 1
  31. alkoParty = 0
  32. party_girls_talk = 0
  33. girls_smoke = 0
  34. party_dj = 0
  35. dj_beer = 0
  36. dj_thank = 0
  37. dj_bad = 0
  38. dj_boobs = 0
  39. party_boys_drink = 0
  40. Rex_save = 0
  41. party_boys_in = 0
  42. rex_talk = 0
  43. rex_sex = 0
  44. drunk_sveta = 0
  45. iralenasleep = 0
  46. sister_party_dom = 0
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_1_' + rand(1,5) + '.jpg"></center>'
  49. 'You arrive at Rex''s apartment, for the weekend party. Going inside with the others, the loud music drowned out any noise from outside. As soon as you are inside several boys immediately start offering you drinks.'
  50. act 'Drink':
  51. cls
  52. minut += 5
  53. alkoParty += 1
  54. gs 'drugs ', 'alcohol', 'vodka'
  55. gs 'stat'
  56. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_2_' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg"></center>'
  57. 'In all this mess you are unable to find a clean cup and are handed a full bottle of booze. Clinking glasses with the bottle, you put your lips to the mouth of the bottle and turn it up, gulping down several swigs of strong drink, noticing the effects almost at once.'
  58. 'The party has just begun, you can still walk through the apartment and find something to do.'
  59. act 'Move away': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_home'
  60. end
  61. end
  62. !room Rex
  63. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_home':
  64. $metka = 'party_home'
  65. $loc = 'sbReksHome'
  66. killvar '$locclass'
  67. cls
  68. minut += 5
  69. gs 'stat'
  70. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Rex''s Room</font></b></center>'
  71. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_1_' + rand(1,5) + '.jpg"></center>'
  72. 'Sitting at a table and drinking with your friends, sitting to one side of you sharing a bottle as always is <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''lena''">Lena</a> who is always fun, her slightly more reserved friend <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''ira''">Ira</a>, and always up beat <a href="exec: gt ''reks'', ''party''">Rex</a>.'
  73. 'To your other side sits your sister <a href="exec: gt ''sister_party'', ''sister_party''">Anya</a> drinking already and <a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''roma''">Roma</a>, whom himself sits just a bit away looking more serious than normal, plus lots of <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''party_girls''">girls</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''party_boys'', ''party_boys''">guys</a> you barely know.'
  74. if alko < 3:'One of the guys offers you a bottle to <a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''party_drink''">drink</a> from as they say "A little more to set the mood."'
  75. !You''re drunk
  76. if alko >= 3:
  77. *clr
  78. gs 'stat'
  79. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Rex''s Room</font></b></center>'
  80. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_party_home_1_' + rand(1,5) + '.jpg"></center>'
  81. 'After awhile everyone gets up to go dance and drink. Only a few <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''party_girls''">girls</a>, are left in the room, who are fun to hang out and gossip with.'
  82. iif(party_girls_talk >= 2,'You <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''talk''">chat</a> and gossip with them. One of the girls pulls out some marijuana and invites all of you to <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''smoke''">have a smoke</a>.', 'You <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''talk''">chat</a> and gossip with them.')
  83. if pcs_mood = 100 and pcs_horny >= 50 and girls_smoke > 1:
  84. 'All the girls are in a good mood, and several of them excited pull you with them to have some <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''fun''">fun</a>.'
  85. end
  86. end
  87. act 'Go to the living room': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_gost'
  88. end
  89. if $ARGS[0] = 'roma':
  90. cls
  91. minut += 5
  92. gs 'stat'
  93. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Roma</font></b></center>'
  94. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/roma/roma.jpg"></center>'
  95. 'Red-haired skinny guy named Roma'
  96. act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka
  97. end
  98. !Drink
  99. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_drink':
  100. cls
  101. minut += 5
  102. alkoParty += 1
  103. gs 'drugs ', 'alcohol', 'vodka'
  104. gs 'stat'
  105. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_2_' + rand(1,4) + '.jpg"></center>'
  106. 'Someone hands you a half full bottle of booze, putting your lips to the mouth of the bottle, you turn it up and gulp down several swigs of strong drink, noticing the effects almost at once.'
  107. 'The party has just begun, you can still walk through the apartment and find something to do.'
  108. act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka
  109. end
  110. !Rex Lounge
  111. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_gost':
  112. $metka = 'party_gost'
  113. $loc = 'sbReksHome'
  114. $locclass = 'livingr'
  115. cls
  116. minut += 5
  117. gs 'stat'
  118. if alko < 3:
  119. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Living room</font></b></center>'
  120. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_3.jpg"></center>'
  121. 'This is a large living room, hardly anyone is here, most are all still sitting in the other room talking and drinking. Only one <a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''party_boy''">guy</a> is in here tinkering with a turntable.'
  122. elseif alko >= 3:
  123. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/reksparty_4_' + rand(1,8) + '.jpg"></center>'
  124. 'The party is in full swing. In one corner a <a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''party_boy''">guy</a> the party DJ is spinning the beats at the turntable. You want to give it a try and <a href="exec: gt ''dinParty'', ''dance''">spin some beats</a>.'
  125. '<a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''roma''">Roma</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''sister_party'', ''sister_party''">Anya</a> are locked together having fun dancing.'
  126. if Rex_Love = 0:'<a href="exec: gt ''reks'', ''party''">Rex</a> is having fun dancing with some <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''party_girls''">girls</a>.'
  127. if Rex_Love = 1:'You are dancing with some <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''party_girls''">girls</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''reks'', ''party''">Rex</a>, who looks at you with loving eyes.'
  128. '<a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''lena''">Lena</a> and <a href="exec: gt ''party_girls'', ''ira''">Ira</a> are having fun in the company of drunken <a href="exec: gt ''party_boys'', ''party_boys''">guys</a>.'
  129. end
  130. act 'Go to the Rex''s room': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_home'
  131. act 'Go to the kitchen': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_kuh'
  132. act 'Go to the bathroom': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_toilet'
  133. act 'Leave Rex''s home': gt 'pavCommercial'
  134. end
  135. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_boy':
  136. *clr & cla
  137. minut += 5
  138. menu_off = 1
  139. party_dj = 1
  140. gs'stat'
  141. if party_dj = 1 and dj_beer < 1:
  142. '<center><b><font color = maroon>DJ</font></b></center>'
  143. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_boy.jpg"></center>'
  144. 'The guy messes with the soundboard and makes the sound even louder. "Hello, <<$pcs_nickname>>, get me a beer. You can find all the booze in the kitchen."'
  145. elseif dj_beer = 1 and dj_thank < 1:
  146. '<center><b><font color = maroon>DJ</font></b></center>'
  147. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_boy.jpg"></center>'
  148. 'The guy messes with the soundboard and makes the sound even louder. "Well, <<$pcs_nickname>>, where is our beer?" You go into the kitchen, get two bottles of beer and <a href="exec:gt ''dinParty'', ''dj_beer''">bring</a> it to the guys.'
  149. elseif dj_thank = 1 and dj_bad < 1:
  150. '<center><b><font color = maroon>DJ</font></b></center>'
  151. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_boy.jpg"></center>'
  152. 'The guy messes with the soundboard and makes the sound even louder. You are allowed to <a href="exec:gt ''dinParty'', ''dj_thank''">twist</a> some knobs on the turntable.'
  153. elseif dj_bad = 1 and dj_boobs < 1:
  154. '<center><b><font color = maroon>DJ</font></b></center>'
  155. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_boy.jpg"></center>'
  156. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you won''t get a turn. Don''t even try this time.'
  157. elseif dj_boobs = 1:
  158. '<center><b><font color = maroon>DJ</font></b></center>'
  159. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/party_boy.jpg"></center>'
  160. 'The guy messes with the soundboard and makes the sound even louder. You are again allowed to <a href="exec:gt ''dinParty'', ''dj_cock''">twist</a> some knobs on the turntable.'
  161. end
  162. act 'Move away': gt $loc, $metka
  163. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'self', 'medium'
  164. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  165. act 'Flash boobs (<<will_cost>> Willpower)': gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'self' & gt 'dinParty', 'dj_boobs'
  166. else
  167. act 'Flash boobs (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  168. end
  169. end
  170. !Kitchen Rex
  171. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_kuh':
  172. $metka = 'party_kuh'
  173. $loc = 'sbReksHome'
  174. $locclass = 'kitr'
  175. cls
  176. minut += 5
  177. gs 'stat'
  178. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  179. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/party/kuh.jpg"></center>'
  180. 'The kitchen is spacious, but kinda dirty. The kitchen table is covered in cans and bottles of beer as well as 5th''s of booze. You can grab any bottle you want and <a href="exec: gt ''sbReksHome'', ''party_drink''">drink</a>.'
  181. if party_dj =1 and dj_beer < 1:'You grab two bottles and <a href="exec: gt ''dinParty'', ''dj''">take</a> them for the DJ.'
  182. if alko >= 3: 'Some <a href="exec: gt ''party_boys'', ''party_boys''">guys</a> bang their empty drinks down on the table, refilling they offer a cup to you and try to get you to <a href="exec: gt ''party_boys'', ''drink''">drink</a> with them.'
  183. act 'Go to the living room': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_gost'
  184. end
  185. !Toilet Rex
  186. if $ARGS[0] = 'party_toilet':
  187. $metka = 'party_toilet'
  188. $loc = 'sbReksHome'
  189. $metkaM = 'party_toilet'
  190. $locM = 'sbReksHome'
  191. killvar '$locclass'
  192. cls
  193. minut += 5
  194. gs 'stat'
  195. if alko > 3 and rand(1,100) <= 30: gt 'dinParty', 'party_toilet_event'
  196. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Toilet</font></b></center>'
  197. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/rekshome/toilet.jpg"></center>'
  198. 'Here you can wash your face, freshen up or touch up your make up at <a href="exec: gt ''mirror'', ''start''">mirrors</a>.'
  199. if pcs_horny > 50:'Feeling yourself ready to burst with desire, you can''t take it anymore and begin to <a href="exec: gt ''dinParty'', ''toilet_mast''">masturbate</a>.'
  200. act 'Go to the living room': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_gost'
  201. if cumloc[11] = 1 or cumloc[12] = 1:
  202. act 'Clean the sperm from your face (0:10)':
  203. cla
  204. *clr
  205. pcs_makeup = 1
  206. cumspclnt = 9
  207. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  208. cumspclnt = 13
  209. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  210. if pcs_sweat > 19 : pcs_sweat -= 5
  211. minut += 10
  212. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/home/bathroom/facesp.jpg"></center>'
  213. *nl
  214. 'You clean your face and get rid of any trace of cum.'
  215. act 'Move away': gt 'sbReksHome', 'party_toilet'
  216. end
  217. end
  218. end
  219. --- sbReksHome ---------------------------------