shortgs.qsrc 25 KB

  1. # shortgs
  2. !! following function counts the number of guys which PC slept with.
  3. !! use func('shortgs','guy') or func('shortgs','guy',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC')
  4. if $ARGS[0] = 'guy':
  5. r_sht=0
  6. if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1]
  7. :loop_shtty
  8. $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1)
  9. $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1)
  10. s_sht=0
  11. :loop_shya
  12. if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"):
  13. s_sht += 1
  14. if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><<s_sht>>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><<s_sht>>'] = 0,1,0)
  15. jump 'loop_shya'
  16. end
  17. if len($temptask) > 0:jump 'loop_shtty'
  18. result = r_sht
  19. killvar 'r_sht'
  20. killvar '$temptask'
  21. killvar '$temptaskchar'
  22. killvar 's_sht'
  23. end &! --- guy ---
  24. !! following function counts the number of girls which PC slept with.
  25. !! use func('shortgs','girl') or func('shortgs','girl',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC')
  26. if $ARGS[0] = 'girl':
  27. r_sht=0
  28. if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1]
  29. :loop_shttl
  30. $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1)
  31. $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1)
  32. s_sht=0
  33. :loop_shl
  34. if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"):
  35. s_sht += 1
  36. if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><<s_sht>>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><<s_sht>>'] = 1,1,0)
  37. jump 'loop_shl'
  38. end
  39. if len($temptask) > 0: jump 'loop_shttl'
  40. result = r_sht
  41. killvar 'r_sht'
  42. killvar '$temptask'
  43. killvar '$temptaskchar'
  44. killvar 's_sht'
  45. end &! --- girl ---
  46. !! following procedure should be used when PC gets naked, but it should be paired with the reverse procedure
  47. !! use gs 'shortgs','undress'
  48. if $ARGS[0] = 'undress':
  49. gs 'clothing','strip'
  50. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  51. end &! --- undress ---
  52. !! reverse procedure, it can be modified for lose or stolen panties later.
  53. !! use gs 'shortgs','dress'
  54. if $ARGS[0] = 'dress':
  55. gs 'clothing','wear_last_worn'
  56. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  57. end &! --- dress ---
  58. !! procedure, which prevents PC to leave a room naked.
  59. !! use gs 'shortgs','checkdress',' <<$loc>>,<<$metka>> ' or equivalent
  60. if $ARGS[0] = 'checkdress':
  61. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  62. msg '<b><font color="red">You need to get dressed before going out.</font></b>'
  63. dynamic 'gt <<$ARGS[1]>>'
  64. end
  65. end &! --- checkdress ---
  66. !! this is an integer sqrt function
  67. !! call func('shortgs','sqrt', n)
  68. if $ARGS[0] = 'sqrt':
  69. sqrtnum = ARGS[1]
  70. if sqrtnum = 0: result = 0 & exit
  71. sqrtn = sqrtnum/2 + 1
  72. sqrtn1 = (sqrtn + sqrtnum / sqrtn) / 2
  73. :sqrtloop
  74. if sqrtn1 < sqrtn:
  75. sqrtn = sqrtn1
  76. sqrtn1 = (sqrtn + sqrtnum / sqrtn) / 2
  77. jump 'sqrtloop'
  78. end
  79. result = sqrtn
  80. end
  81. !! this function calculates modul of given arguments as it was coordinates in cartezian systeme
  82. !! use func('shortgs','modul',n1,n2,..n8)
  83. if $ARGS[0] = 'modul':
  84. modul_sum = ARGS[1]*ARGS[1]+ARGS[2]*ARGS[2]+ARGS[3]*ARGS[3]+ARGS[4]*ARGS[4]+ARGS[5]*ARGS[5]+ARGS[6]*ARGS[6]+ARGS[7]*ARGS[7]+ARGS[8]*ARGS[8]
  85. result = func('shortgs','sqrt',modul_sum)
  86. killvar 'modul_sum'
  87. end
  88. !! day of week 1 - Monday .. 7 - Sunday
  89. if $ARGS[0] = 'dow':
  90. if ARGS[1]=0:
  91. D_dow = day
  92. M_dow = month
  93. Y_dow = year
  94. else
  95. D_dow = ARGS[3]
  96. M_dow = ARGS[2]
  97. Y_dow = ARGS[1]
  98. end
  99. dow_a = (14 - M_dow) / 12
  100. dow_Y = Y_dow - dow_a
  101. dow_M = M_dow + 12*dow_a - 2
  102. dummy = (D_dow + dow_y + dow_y/4 - dow_y/100 + dow_y/400 + (31*dow_m)/12) mod 7
  103. if dummy = 0: dummy = 7
  104. result = dummy
  105. end
  106. !! day of year
  107. !! use xdoy = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,day)
  108. if $ARGS[0] = 'doy':
  109. doy_N1 = 275 * ARGS[2] / 9
  110. doy_N2 = (ARGS[2] + 9) / 12
  111. doy_N3 = 1 + (ARGS[1] - 4 * (ARGS[1] / 4) + 2) / 3
  112. result = doy_N1 - (doy_N2 * doy_N3) + ARGS[3] - 30
  113. end
  114. if $ARGS[0] = 'mk1':
  115. gs 'saveposition'
  116. *clr & cla
  117. $mk_subst['0'] = 'M' & $mk_subst['1'] = 'F' & $mk_subst['2'] = 'O' & $mk_subst['3'] = 'L' & $mk_subst['4'] = 'R' & $mk_subst['5'] = 'P'
  118. '<center><font face="courier" size=1>'
  119. '<table border = 1>'
  120. '<tr><th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wen</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th><th>Sun</th><th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wen</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th><th>Sun</th>
  121. <th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wen</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th><th>Sun</th><th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wen</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th><th>Sun</th></tr>'
  122. i = ArrSize('$MenCal')
  123. empty0 = week + 29 - i - 1
  124. empty1 = min(28,empty0)
  125. full1 = max(0,28 - empty0)
  126. empty2 = max(0,empty0-28)
  127. full2 = i - full1
  128. empty3 = 28 - empty2 - full2
  129. count=0
  130. $tabmc = '<tr>'
  131. :tabmcl1
  132. if empty1 > 0: empty1 -=1 & $tabmc +='<td>&nbsp</td>' & jump 'tabmcl1'
  133. :tabmcl2
  134. if full1 > 0:
  135. full1 -=1
  136. if $MenCal[count]='0': $tabmc +='<td bgcolor="red"><<$mk_subst[$MenCal[count]]>></td>' else $tabmc +='<td><<$mk_subst[$MenCal[count]]>></td>'
  137. count +=1
  138. jump 'tabmcl1'
  139. end
  140. $tabmc += '</tr><tr>'
  141. :tabmcl3
  142. if empty2 > 0: empty2 -=1 & $tabmc +='<td>&nbsp</td>' & jump 'tabmcl3'
  143. :tabmcl4
  144. if full2 > 0:
  145. full2 -=1
  146. if $MenCal[count]='0': $tabmc +='<td bgcolor="red"><<$mk_subst[$MenCal[count]]>></td>' else $tabmc +='<td><<$mk_subst[$MenCal[count]]>></td>'
  147. count +=1
  148. jump 'tabmcl4'
  149. end
  150. :tabmcl5
  151. if empty3 > 0: empty3 -=1 & $tabmc +='<td></td>' & jump 'tabmcl5'
  152. $tabmc += '</tr><table></font></center>'
  153. $tabmc
  154. act 'Back': gt 'restoreposition'
  155. end
  156. !! use gs 'shortgs','mk'
  157. if $ARGS[0] = 'mk':
  158. gs 'saveposition'
  159. *clr & cla
  160. copyarr '$MenCalCopy','$MenCal'
  161. length_of_month_field = arrsize('$MenCalCopy')
  162. if daystart - firstmens > 40:
  163. mensnotfound = 1
  164. i = 0
  165. :tabmcfm
  166. if $MenCalCopy[length_of_month_field-i] = '0' and $MenCalCopy[length_of_month_field-i-1] = '3': mensnotfound = 0
  167. i += 1
  168. if i < length_of_month_field and mensnotfound = 1: jump 'tabmcfm'
  169. if mensnotfound = 0:
  170. firstmens = daystart - i + 1
  171. end
  172. end
  173. i=1
  174. :tabmcc1
  175. if daystart - firstmens < 40:
  176. if (daystart - firstmens + i) = 28:
  177. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df2020"'
  178. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 29:
  179. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df3030"'
  180. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 30:
  181. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#df4040"'
  182. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 12:
  183. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d8ff00"'
  184. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 13:
  185. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"'
  186. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 14:
  187. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c8ff00"'
  188. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 15:
  189. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"'
  190. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 16:
  191. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"'
  192. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 12+28:
  193. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d8ff00"'
  194. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 13+28:
  195. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"'
  196. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 14+28:
  197. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c8ff00"'
  198. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 15+28:
  199. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"'
  200. elseif (daystart - firstmens + i) = 16+28:
  201. $MenCalCopy[] = ' bgcolor="#d0ff00"'
  202. else
  203. $MenCalCopy[] = ''
  204. end
  205. i += 1
  206. if i < 40: jump 'tabmcc1'
  207. end
  208. i = length_of_month_field
  209. :tabmcc2
  210. if i > 0:
  211. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and i = 1 : $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"'
  212. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and $MenCalCopy[i-2] = '2': $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"'
  213. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '2' and $MenCalCopy[i-2] = '1': $MenCalCopy[i-1] = ' bgcolor="#80ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-2] = ' bgcolor="#90ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-3] = ' bgcolor="#a0ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-4] = ' bgcolor="#b0ff00"' & $MenCalCopy[i-5] = ' bgcolor="#c0ff00"'
  214. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) < 12: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  215. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 12: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#b0ff00"'
  216. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 13: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#a0ff00"'
  217. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 14: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#90ff00"'
  218. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) = 15: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#80ff00"'
  219. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '1' and (daystart - firstmens - length_of_month_field + i) > 15: $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  220. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '0': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =' bgcolor="#df2020"'
  221. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '3': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  222. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '4': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  223. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '5': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  224. if $MenCalCopy[i-1] = '6': $MenCalCopy[i-1] =''
  225. i -= 1
  226. jump 'tabmcc2'
  227. end
  228. cur_day_doy = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,day)
  229. if month = 1:
  230. dif_days = cur_day_doy + 30
  231. prev_month = 12
  232. prev_month_length = 31
  233. else
  234. prev_month = month - 1
  235. dif_days = cur_day_doy - func('shortgs','doy',year,prev_month,1)
  236. prev_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,prev_month,1)
  237. end
  238. first_month_first_day_week = week - (dif_days mod 7)
  239. first_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days
  240. r = first_month_first_day_index
  241. if first_month_first_day_week < 1: first_month_first_day_week += 7
  242. i = 42
  243. :tabmc21
  244. $mk1_mdays[] = '&nbsp' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc21'
  245. i = 0
  246. :tabmc21a
  247. $mk1_mdays[i+first_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1)
  248. i += 1
  249. if i < prev_month_length: jump 'tabmc21a'
  250. $prev_month_name = $mid($monthName[prev_month],1,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[prev_month],2,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[prev_month],3,1)
  251. k = 0
  252. $tabmc ='<center><font face="courier" size=5>'
  253. $tabmc +='<table border = 1 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">'
  254. $tabmc +='<tr><th>Month</th><th>Mon</th><th>Tue</th><th>Wen</th><th>Thu</th><th>Fri</th><th>Sat</th><th>Sun</th></tr>'
  255. month_weeks = (first_month_first_day_week + prev_month_length + 5)/7 - 1
  256. i = month_weeks
  257. :tabmc22
  258. $tabmc +='<tr>'
  259. j = 7
  260. if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='<td rowspan="<<month_weeks+1>>" align = "center"><<$prev_month_name>></td>'
  261. :tabmc23
  262. if j > 0:
  263. j -=1
  264. if $mk1_mdays[k]='&nbsp':
  265. $tabmc +='<td><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  266. else
  267. $tabmc +='<td<<$MenCalCopy[r]>> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  268. r +=1
  269. end
  270. k +=1
  271. jump 'tabmc23' & !<<$MenCalCopy[r]>>
  272. end
  273. if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='</tr>' & jump 'tabmc22'
  274. killvar '$mk1_mdays'
  275. killvar '$mk1_mdays_color'
  276. !! current month
  277. if month = 12:
  278. dif_days = day - 1
  279. cur_month = month
  280. cur_month_length = 31
  281. else
  282. dif_days = day - 1
  283. cur_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month+1,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,month,1)
  284. end
  285. second_month_first_day_week = week - (dif_days mod 7)
  286. second_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days
  287. if second_month_first_day_week < 1: second_month_first_day_week += 7
  288. i = 42
  289. :tabmc31
  290. $mk1_mdays[] = '&nbsp' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc31'
  291. i = 0
  292. :tabmc31a
  293. $mk1_mdays[i+second_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1)
  294. i += 1
  295. if i < cur_month_length: jump 'tabmc31a'
  296. $cur_month_name = $mid($monthName[month],1,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[month],2,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[month],3,1)
  297. k = 0
  298. month_weeks = (second_month_first_day_week + cur_month_length + 5)/7 - 1
  299. i = month_weeks
  300. :tabmc32
  301. $tabmc +='<tr>'
  302. j = 7
  303. if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='<td rowspan="<<month_weeks+1>>" align = "center"><<$cur_month_name>></td>'
  304. :tabmc33
  305. if j > 0:
  306. j -=1
  307. if $mk1_mdays[k]='&nbsp':
  308. $tabmc +='<td><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  309. else
  310. if day + second_month_first_day_week - 2 = k: $tabmc +='<td<<$MenCalCopy[r]>> ><u><b><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></b></u></td>' else $tabmc +='<td<<$MenCalCopy[r]>> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  311. r +=1
  312. end
  313. k +=1
  314. jump 'tabmc33'
  315. end
  316. if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='</tr>' & jump 'tabmc32'
  317. killvar '$mk1_mdays'
  318. killvar '$mk1_mdays_color'
  319. !! next month
  320. if month = 12:
  321. dif_days = 31 - day + 1
  322. next_month = 1
  323. next_month_length = 31
  324. elseif month = 11:
  325. dif_days = 30 - day + 1
  326. next_month = 12
  327. next_month_length = 31
  328. else
  329. next_month = month + 1
  330. dif_days = cur_month_length - day + 1
  331. next_month_length = func('shortgs','doy',year,month+2,1) - func('shortgs','doy',year,month+1,1)
  332. end
  333. next_month_first_day_week = week + (dif_days mod 7)
  334. next_month_first_day_index = length_of_month_field -1 - dif_days
  335. if next_month_first_day_week < 1: next_month_first_day_week += 7
  336. i = 35
  337. :tabmc41
  338. $mk1_mdays[] = '&nbsp' & i -= 1 & if i > 0: jump 'tabmc41'
  339. i = 0
  340. :tabmc41a
  341. $mk1_mdays[i+next_month_first_day_week-1] = $str(i+1)
  342. !! if next_month_first_day_index + i >= 0: $mk1_mdays[i+next_month_first_day_week-1] += $mk_subst[$MenCal[second_month_first_day_index + i]]
  343. i += 1
  344. if i < next_month_length: jump 'tabmc41a'
  345. $next_month_name = $mid($monthName[next_month],1,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[next_month],2,1) + '<br>' + $mid($monthName[next_month],3,1)
  346. k = 0
  347. month_weeks = (next_month_first_day_week + next_month_length + 5)/7 - 1
  348. i = month_weeks
  349. :tabmc42
  350. $tabmc +='<tr>'
  351. j = 7
  352. if i = month_weeks:$tabmc +='<td rowspan="<<month_weeks+1>>" align = "center"><<$next_month_name>></td>'
  353. :tabmc43
  354. if j > 0:
  355. j -=1
  356. if $mk1_mdays[k]='&nbsp':
  357. $tabmc +='<td><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  358. else
  359. $tabmc +='<td<<$MenCalCopy[r]>> ><<$mk1_mdays[k]>></td>'
  360. r +=1
  361. end
  362. k +=1
  363. jump 'tabmc43'
  364. end
  365. if i > 0: i -=1 & $tabmc +='</tr>' & jump 'tabmc42'
  366. killvar '$mk1_mdays'
  367. $tabmc += '</tr><table></font></center>'
  368. $tabmc
  369. act 'Back': gt 'restoreposition'
  370. end
  371. !! gs 'shortgs','fonts'
  372. if $ARGS[0] = 'fonts':
  373. if $ARGS[1] = 'refresh':
  374. jump 'fontsloop'
  375. else
  376. $dynamicreturn = $ARGS[1]
  377. $OpenPhraseSave = $ARGS[2]
  378. $ClosePhraseSave = $ARGS[3]
  379. end
  380. gs 'saveposition'
  381. $fontlist[] = 'Lucida' & $fontlist[] = 'Ariel' & $fontlist[] = 'Tahoma' & $fontlist[] = 'Verdana' & $fontlist[] = 'Courier New' & $fontlist[] = 'Courier' & $fontlist[] = 'Georgia' & $fontlist[] = 'Times New Roman' & $fontlist[] = 'Garamond' & $fontlist[] = 'Bookman' & $fontlist[] = 'Times New Roman' & $fontlist[] = 'Times' & $fontlist[] = 'Comic Sans MS' & $fontlist[] = 'Trebuchet MS' & $fontlist[] = 'Impact' & $fontlist[] = 'BankGothic'
  382. $fontcolor[] = 'aqua' & $fontcolor[] = 'black' & $fontcolor[] = 'blue' & $fontcolor[] = 'fuchsia' & $fontcolor[] = 'green' & $fontcolor[] = 'gray' & $fontcolor[] = 'lime' & $fontcolor[] = 'maroon' & $fontcolor[] = 'navy' & $fontcolor[] = 'olive' & $fontcolor[] = 'purple' & $fontcolor[] = 'red' & $fontcolor[] = 'silver' & $fontcolor[] = 'teal' & $fontcolor[] = 'white' & $fontcolor[] = 'yellow'
  383. i = 15
  384. :fontsloop0
  385. if $CurFont = $fontlist[i]: curfont = i
  386. if $CurColor = $fontcolor[i]: curcolor = i
  387. i -= 1
  388. if i > 0: jump 'fontsloop0'
  389. jump 'fontsloop1'
  390. :fontsloop
  391. $OpenPhrase = '<font size="<<CurFontSize>>" color="<<$CurColor>>" face="<<$CurFont>>" >'+$CurBold+$CurItalic
  392. $ClosePhrase = $CurItalicBack+$CurBoldBack+'</font>'
  393. :fontsloop1
  394. *clr & cla
  395. $OpenPhrase+'Current font is <<$CurFont>> Size <<CurFontSize>>, the color is <<$CurColor>>, the Bold is <<iif($CurBold = ''<b>'',''On'',''Off'')>> and Italic is <<iif($CurItalic = ''<i>'',''On'',''Off'')>>'+$ClosePhrase
  396. '<a href="exec: curfont = (curfont + 1) mod 16 & $CurFont = $fontlist[curfont] & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Change the Font</a>'
  397. '<a href="exec: curcolor = (curcolor + 1) mod 16 & $CurColor = $fontcolor[curcolor] & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Change the Color</a>'
  398. '<a href="exec:$CurBold = iif($CurBold ! ''<b>'',''<b>'','' '') & $CurBoldBack = iif($CurBold = ''<b>'',''</b>'','' '') & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Change the BoldState</a>'
  399. '<a href="exec:$CurItalic = iif($CurItalic ! ''<i>'',''<i>'','' '') & $CurItalicBack = iif($CurItalic = ''<i>'',''</i>'','' '') & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Change the ItalicState</a>'
  400. '<a href="exec:CurfontSize -= 1 & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Decrease the Font</a>&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp<a href="exec:CurfontSize += 1 & gs ''shortgs'',''fonts'',''refresh'' ">Increase the font</a>'
  401. act 'Back':
  402. killvar '$fontlist'
  403. killvar '$fontcolor'
  404. dynamic '<<$OpenPhraseSave>> = $OpenPhrase'
  405. dynamic '<<$ClosePhraseSave>> = $ClosePhrase'
  406. if $dynamicreturn ! '': dynamic 'dynamic <<$dynamicreturn>>'
  407. gt 'restoreposition'
  408. end
  409. end
  410. !! use gs 'shortgs','ncp_update'
  411. if $ARGS[0] = 'ncp_update':
  412. copyarr 'copy_npc_QW','npc_QW'
  413. copyarr 'copy_npc_rel','npc_rel'
  414. copyarr 'copy_npc_love','npc_love'
  415. copyarr '$copy_npc_usedname','$npc_usedname'
  416. gs 'npcstatic1'
  417. gs 'npcstatic2'
  418. gs 'npcstatic3'
  419. gs 'npcstatic4'
  420. gs 'npcstatic5'
  421. i = arrsize('copy_npc_QW')
  422. j = 1
  423. :loopnpcupdate
  424. $boy = 'A<<j>>'
  425. npc_QW[$boy] = copy_npc_QW[$boy]
  426. npc_rel[$boy] = copy_npc_rel[$boy]
  427. npc_love[$boy] = copy_npc_love[$boy]
  428. $npc_usedname[$boy] = $copy_npc_usedname[$boy]
  429. j += 1
  430. if j <= i: jump 'loopnpcupdate'
  431. killvar 'copy_npc_QW'
  432. killvar 'copy_npc_rel'
  433. killvar 'copy_npc_love'
  434. killvar '$copy_npc_usedname'
  435. end
  436. !! this function returns the numeric index of the array element which is indexed by string value.
  437. !! call func('shortgs', 'get_me_index', 'name of array','string index')
  438. !! the array can be both numeric or string: Be aware, for the search is used the value 'SearchTag' for string arrays and -999 for numeric arrays.
  439. !! if the array consists such value, the fuction can mess the array content and return wrong value
  440. if $ARGS[0] = 'get_me_index':
  441. $test = '<<$ARGS[1]>>[''<<$ARGS[2]>>'']'
  442. testas0 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>')
  443. if $mid($test,1,1)='$':
  444. $temp=dyneval('$result=<<$test>>')
  445. dynamic '<<$test>> = ''SearchTag'' '
  446. testas1 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>')
  447. if testas0 = testas1:
  448. if Enable_Android = 1:
  449. res = dyneval('result = arrpos(''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',''SearchTag'',0)')
  450. else
  451. res = dyneval('result = arrpos(0,''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',''SearchTag'')')
  452. end
  453. dynamic '<<$test>> = ''<<$temp>>'' '
  454. else
  455. res = -1
  456. killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',testas0
  457. end
  458. else
  459. temp=dyneval('result=<<$test>>')
  460. dynamic '<<$test>> = -999'
  461. testas1 = arrsize('<<$ARGS[1]>>')
  462. if testas0 = testas1:
  463. if Enable_Android = 1:
  464. res = dyneval('result = arrpos(''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',-999,0)')
  465. else
  466. res = dyneval('result = arrpos(0,''<<$ARGS[1]>>'',-999)')
  467. end
  468. dynamic '<<$test>> = <<temp>>'
  469. else
  470. res = -1
  471. killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',testas0
  472. end
  473. end
  474. result = res
  475. end
  476. !! call gs 'shortgs', 'remove_array_element', 'name of array','string index'
  477. if $ARGS[0] = 'remove_array_element':
  478. i = func('shortgs', 'get_me_index', $ARGS[1],$ARGS[2])
  479. killvar '<<$ARGS[1]>>',i
  480. end
  481. if $ARGS[0] = 'testsize':
  482. arrsize('$npc_cur_rel')
  483. arrsize('$npc_dad')
  484. arrsize('$npc_dna')
  485. arrsize('$npc_firstname')
  486. arrsize('$npc_firstpart')
  487. arrsize('$npc_kidpater')
  488. arrsize('$npc_lastname')
  489. arrsize('$npc_lastpart')
  490. arrsize('$npc_mom')
  491. arrsize('$npc_nickname')
  492. arrsize('$npc_notes')
  493. arrsize('$npc_orgasm_txt')
  494. arrsize('$npc_PersType')
  495. arrsize('$npc_pic')
  496. arrsize('$npc_rel')
  497. arrsize('$npc_thdick')
  498. arrsize('$npc_usedname')
  499. arrsize('npc_agil')
  500. arrsize('npc_apprnc')
  501. arrsize('npc_ass')
  502. arrsize('npc_bodyhair')
  503. arrsize('npc_breath')
  504. arrsize('npc_bust')
  505. arrsize('npc_cloc')
  506. arrsize('npc_clothpref')
  507. arrsize('npc_cyc')
  508. arrsize('npc_dance')
  509. arrsize('npc_danceero')
  510. arrsize('npc_def')
  511. arrsize('npc_dick')
  512. arrsize('npc_dnc')
  513. arrsize('npc_dob')
  514. arrsize('npc_dom')
  515. arrsize('npc_drunk')
  516. arrsize('npc_dye')
  517. arrsize('npc_erodnc')
  518. arrsize('npc_eyecol')
  519. arrsize('npc_eyesize')
  520. arrsize('npc_fat')
  521. arrsize('npc_fert')
  522. arrsize('npc_gender')
  523. arrsize('npc_genwart')
  524. arrsize('npc_glasses')
  525. arrsize('npc_Godrep')
  526. arrsize('npc_gon')
  527. arrsize('npc_grades')
  528. arrsize('npc_hairbsh')
  529. arrsize('npc_haircol')
  530. arrsize('npc_haircurl')
  531. arrsize('npc_hairlng')
  532. arrsize('npc_herpes')
  533. arrsize('npc_hgt')
  534. arrsize('npc_hipcurv')
  535. arrsize('npc_Hiv')
  536. arrsize('npc_horny')
  537. arrsize('npc_hymen')
  538. arrsize('npc_chem')
  539. arrsize('npc_chess')
  540. arrsize('npc_chlam')
  541. arrsize('npc_intel')
  542. arrsize('npc_jab')
  543. arrsize('npc_job')
  544. arrsize('npc_kick')
  545. arrsize('npc_lashes')
  546. arrsize('npc_lip')
  547. arrsize('npc_lipbalm')
  548. arrsize('npc_love')
  549. arrsize('npc_magik')
  550. arrsize('npc_makeup')
  551. arrsize('npc_malen')
  552. arrsize('npc_nerd')
  553. arrsize('npc_nips')
  554. arrsize('npc_orgasm_txt')
  555. arrsize('npc_pantys')
  556. arrsize('npc_Pavrep')
  557. arrsize('npc_pubes')
  558. arrsize('npc_punch')
  559. arrsize('npc_Qstlvl')
  560. arrsize('npc_QW')
  561. arrsize('npc_rel')
  562. arrsize('npc_run')
  563. arrsize('npc_serving')
  564. arrsize('npc_sewing')
  565. arrsize('npc_sex')
  566. arrsize('npc_sexskill')
  567. arrsize('npc_shoot')
  568. arrsize('npc_skin')
  569. arrsize('npc_spermpot')
  570. arrsize('npc_sprt')
  571. arrsize('npc_stren')
  572. arrsize('npc_sub')
  573. arrsize('npc_sweat')
  574. arrsize('npc_syth')
  575. arrsize('npc_tan')
  576. arrsize('npc_teach')
  577. arrsize('npc_thrush')
  578. arrsize('npc_vag')
  579. arrsize('npc_vball')
  580. arrsize('npc_vital')
  581. arrsize('npc_vokal')
  582. arrsize('npcbrokehymen')
  583. end
  584. if $ARGS[0] = 'replace header':
  585. wait(ARGS[1])
  586. RH_Count = ARGS[2]
  587. $RH_temp = $MAINTXT
  588. :RH_label
  589. RH_temp_lenght = LEN($RH_temp)
  590. RH_temp_LFpos = STRPOS($RH_temp,'\n')
  591. $RH_temp = $MID($RH_temp, RH_temp_LFpos+1, RH_temp_lenght - RH_temp_LFpos)
  592. RH_Count -=1
  593. if RH_Count > 0: jump 'RH_label'
  594. *clr
  595. $ARGS[3] & $ARGS[4] & $ARGS[5] & $ARGS[6] & $ARGS[7]
  596. $RH_temp
  597. killvar '$RH_temp'
  598. killvar 'RH_Count'
  599. killvar 'RH_temp_lenght'
  600. killvar 'RH_temp_LFpos'
  601. end
  602. if $ARGS[0]='img msg':
  603. $shortgstemp = '<center><img height=280 src="<<$ARGS[1]>>"></center>'
  604. msg $shortgstemp
  605. killvar '$shortgstemp'
  606. end
  607. !! Used for dividing with accurate rounding up/down
  608. if $ARGS[0] = 'round_divide':
  609. !! ARGS[1] = value you want divided
  610. !! ARGS[2] = divider
  611. !! func('shortgs','round_divide', number, divider)
  612. !! func('shortgs','round_divide', 12345, 7)
  613. if ARGS[2] ! 0:
  614. temp_number = ARGS[1]/ARGS[2]
  615. if (ARGS[2] mod 2 ! 0 and ARGS[1] mod ARGS[2] > ARGS[2]/2) or (ARGS[2] mod 2 = 0 and ARGS[1] mod ARGS[2] >= ARGS[2]/2): temp_number += 1
  616. result = temp_number
  617. killvar 'temp_number'
  618. else
  619. msg '<b>Error: No dividing by 0! You trying to make the universe disappear?</b>'
  620. end
  621. end
  622. !! Used for rounding numbers to the nearest multiple of ARGS[2]
  623. if $ARGS[0] = 'round_tool':
  624. !! ARGS[1] = value you want rounded
  625. !! ARGS[2] = nearest multiple to round to
  626. !! func('shortgs','round_tool', number, multiple)
  627. !! func('shortgs','round_tool', 12345, 10)
  628. if ARGS[2] ! 0:
  629. temp_multiple = ARGS[2]
  630. result = func('shortgs','round_divide', ARGS[1], ARGS[2]) * temp_multiple
  631. killvar 'temp_multiple'
  632. else
  633. msg '<b>Error: Can''t round to 0!</b>'
  634. end
  635. end
  636. !! Randomly picks one of the items plugged in
  637. !!
  638. !! Option 1: (has 6 input limit)
  639. !! $ARGS[1] = 'string' or 'number' to specify what youre plugging in (can also be blank for numbers)
  640. !! $ARGS[2-7] = strings or numbers to pick from, limited to 6
  641. !! Example 1: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'string', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'delta', 'epsilon', 'zeta')
  642. !! Example 2: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', '', 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13)
  643. !!
  644. !! Option 2: (no limitations, has to be delimited)
  645. !! $ARGS[1] = 'delimit' - used for larger numbers of items to pick from
  646. !! $ARGS[2] = 'string' or 'number' to specify what youre plugging in (can also be blank for numbers)
  647. !! $ARGS[3] = Delimited string to parse
  648. !! $ARGS[4] = Delimiter used (Default = '|' pipe)
  649. !! Example 1: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', 'string', 'alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta')
  650. !! Example 2: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', 'number', '1-12-123-1234-12345-123456', '-')
  651. !! Example 3: func('shortgs', 'rand_pick', 'delimit', '', '', '.')
  652. if $ARGS[0] = 'rand_pick':
  653. if $ARGS[1] = 'delimit':
  654. if $ARGS[2] = 'string':
  655. gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', '$rand_pick_temp', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4]
  656. $result = $rand_pick_temp[rand(0, arrsize('$rand_pick_temp')-1)]
  657. killvar '$rand_pick_temp'
  658. else
  659. gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', 'rand_pick_temp', $ARGS[3], $ARGS[4]
  660. result = rand_pick_temp[rand(0, arrsize('rand_pick_temp')-1)]
  661. killvar 'rand_pick_temp'
  662. end
  663. else
  664. if arrsize('ARGS') > 2:
  665. if $ARGS[1] = 'string':
  666. $result = $ARGS[rand(2, arrsize('$ARGS')-1)]
  667. else
  668. result = ARGS[rand(2, arrsize('ARGS')-1)]
  669. end
  670. else
  671. msg '<b>Error: ''rand_pick'' is missing ARGS</b>'
  672. end
  673. end
  674. end
  675. !! Parse delimited string into an array
  676. !! $ARGS[1] = ArrayName (has to include $ for string values)
  677. !! $ARGS[2] = Delimited string to parse
  678. !! $ARGS[3] = Delimiter used (Default = '|' pipe)
  679. !! Example 1: gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', '$my_array', 'alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta'
  680. !! Example 2: gs 'shortgs', 'parse_string', 'my_array', '1-12-123-1234-12345-123456', '-'
  681. if $ARGS[0] = 'parse_string':
  682. !! Some failsafes (blank array name, blank string or no delimiters in string)
  683. if $ARGS[1] ! '':
  684. if $ARGS[2] ! '' and instr($ARGS[2],iif($ARGS[3] = '', '|', $ARGS[3])) > 0:
  685. !! Set delimiter with default if needed
  686. if $ARGS[3] = '':
  687. $ParserTmpDelim = '|'
  688. else
  689. $ParserTmpDelim = $ARGS[3]
  690. end
  691. !! Clear temp array if needed
  692. killvar 'ParserTmpArr' & killvar '$ParserTmpArr'
  693. $ParserTmpStr = $ARGS[2]
  694. !! Loop through string until no more delimiters found
  695. :StringParser01
  696. ParserTmpIdx = instr($ParserTmpStr, $ParserTmpDelim)
  697. if ParserTmpIdx > 0:
  698. if mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = '$':
  699. $ParserTmpArr[] = mid($ParserTmpStr, 1, ParserTmpIdx-1)
  700. $ParserTmpStr = mid($ParserTmpStr, ParserTmpIdx+1)
  701. else
  702. ParserTmpArr[] = mid($ParserTmpStr, 1, ParserTmpIdx-1)
  703. $ParserTmpStr = mid($ParserTmpStr, ParserTmpIdx+1)
  704. end
  705. jump 'StringParser01'
  706. !! Get last part since no more delimiters were found and copy to the final array
  707. elseif mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = '$':
  708. $ParserTmpArr[] = $ParserTmpStr
  709. copyarr $ARGS[1], '$ParserTmpArr'
  710. else
  711. ParserTmpArr[] = $ParserTmpStr
  712. copyarr $ARGS[1], 'ParserTmpArr'
  713. end
  714. killvar '$ParserTmpDelim'
  715. killvar '$ParserTmpStr'
  716. killvar 'ParserTmpIdx'
  717. killvar 'ParserTmpArr' & killvar '$ParserTmpArr'
  718. else
  719. msg '<b>Error: No delimited string found!</b>'
  720. end
  721. else
  722. msg '<b>Error: No array name found!</b>'
  723. end
  724. end
  725. --- shortgs ---------------------------------