foto_events.qsrc 129 KB

  1. # foto_events
  2. menu_off = 1
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'fame':
  4. *clr & cla
  5. special_model = 2000
  6. special_skill_model = 2000
  7. fame_model_event = daystart
  8. if first_fame_event <= 1:gt'foto_events','topless1'
  9. mdlng_fame_event = rand(1,3)
  10. if mdlng_fame_event = 1:gt'foto_events','topless1'
  11. if mdlng_fame_event = 2:gt'foto_events','pool1'
  12. if mdlng_fame_event = 3 and pcs_agil < 40:mdlng_fame_event = rand(1,2)
  13. if mdlng_fame_event = 3 and pcs_agil >= 40:gt'foto_events','tennis'
  14. end
  15. if $ARGS[0] = 'skill':
  16. special_model = 2000
  17. special_skill_model = 2000
  18. skill_model_event = daystart
  19. *clr & cla
  20. mdlng_skill_event = rand(1,5)
  21. if mdlng_skill_event = 1:gt'foto_events','topless2'
  22. if mdlng_skill_event = 2:gt'foto_events','beach2'
  23. if mdlng_skill_event = 3:gt'foto_events','pool2'
  24. if mdlng_skill_event = 4:gt'foto_events','runway2'
  25. if mdlng_skill_event = 5:gt'foto_events','wet'
  26. end
  27. !!------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Events ------------------------------------------------------------------
  28. if $ARGS[0] = 'studio_strip_talk1':
  29. cla & *clr
  30. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip3.mp4"></video></center>'
  31. 'After pulling off the rest of your clothes, you thumb your underwear for a moment before realizing that you can''t strip all the way. You just don''t have enough confidence in yourself. But you''re still in your underwear right? You''re new here, surely they''ll understand won''t they?'
  32. *nl
  33. if $braworntype = 'none':'Still, feeling your nipples harden in the cool air, you cross your arms to cover them. You really wish you had worn a bra today...'
  34. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  35. act'Go back to the main floor':
  36. cla & *clr
  37. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  38. 'No sooner do you take your third step out of the back room than you hear someone shouting at you.'
  39. '"Hey! What are you doing? Why are you still wearing your underwear?"'
  40. act'Turn':
  41. cla & *clr
  42. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  43. 'Turning to the sound, you see a manager briskly walking towards you.'
  44. '"Well? Why are you still dressed? Take that off and put it in your locker before you come back out onto the floor."'
  45. act'Blush and do as he says':
  46. studio_strip_talk = 3
  47. cla & *clr
  48. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
  49. 'Embarrassed that you were caught breaking the rules and scolded for it so quickly, you blush and stammer an apology, retreating into the back room to reluctantly change into your full birthday suit. So much for that. Guess you''re just going to have to deal with your discomfort with nudity if you want to keep working here.'
  50. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  51. end
  52. act'Try to explain yourself':
  53. cla & *clr
  54. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  55. '"Oh, well, it''s just that I''m new here," you say. "I''m not really used to this whole ''dress code'' thing and I thought that maybe I could just wear my underwear for a little while and-"'
  56. 'The manager holds up his hand to stop you, cutting you off mid sentence.'
  57. '"Nope. Sorry miss, rules are rules. If you want to work here then you have to wear the uniform. Now take off your underwear."'
  58. act'Do as he says':
  59. cla & *clr
  60. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  61. '"Sorry..." you say, starting to head towards the back room again.'
  62. '"Hey, where are you going?" Confused, you turn back around.'
  63. '"What do you mean? You said to take it off so I''m just...?" you gesture towards the back room with a shrug.'
  64. '"No," the manager replies. "I want to make sure you don''t just walk in and wait till I leave and not change. Take it off here."'
  65. act'Do as he says and strip':gt'foto_events','underwear_steal'
  66. end
  67. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'hard'
  68. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  69. act'Plead (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  70. cla & *clr
  71. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'hard'
  72. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  73. gs 'stat'
  74. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  75. '"Oh please!" you cry. "I''m just not ready for this. Maybe we can work something out? Can''t I just do this for a little while to get used to working here? I just need a while to adjust. Please can''t I do that?"'
  76. '"Hmmm..." The manager rubs his chin, considering your request. "Okay, I''ll give you two weeks. But after that I expect to see you naked at all times unless you''re doing a shoot. Do you understand?"'
  77. 'You nod vigorously in response.'
  78. '"Okay, good. Remember: Two weeks. Work on it."'
  79. 'As he walks away you sigh in relief. Two weeks isn''t a lot, but at least you''ll have a bit more time to get used to this whole "being naked" thing.'
  80. studio_strip_talk = 1
  81. studio_underwear = daystart + 14
  82. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  83. end
  84. else
  85. act'Plead (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. if $ARGS[0] = 'studio_strip_talk2':
  92. cla & *clr
  93. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  94. 'You step out into the studio and you hear someone calling your name.'
  95. '"Hey! <<$pcs_firstname>>! It''s been two weeks, what are you still doing in your underwear? We had a deal, now take that off. Right now!"'
  96. act'Do as he says and strip':gt'foto_events','underwear_steal'
  97. if pcs_inhib < 30:
  98. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'hard'
  99. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  100. act'Try to bargain again (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  101. studio_strip_talk = 2
  102. studio_underwear = daystart + 7
  103. cla & *clr
  104. if $braworntype ! 'none':
  105. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"><center>'
  106. '"No! Please!" you cry. "I''m still not ready! I need more time! What if I just keep my panties for a little longer? Just go topless instead of full nude?"'
  107. gs'bras','remove'
  108. gs'stat'
  109. 'In your desperation, you throw off your bra as fast as you can. You don''t feel confident enough to be doing this but even this is better than having to take off your panties and show your pussy too. Once your bra is on the floor, the manager glances up and down, back and forth between your breasts and your increasingly red face.'
  110. else
  111. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  112. '"No! Please!" you cry. "I''m still not ready! I need more time! What if I just keep my panties for a little longer? Just go topless instead of full nude?"'
  113. 'The manager looks at your already breasts with obvious confusion and resist the urge to cover them up with your hands with great difficulty.'
  114. '"But you''re already topless."'
  115. '"Exactly!" you say, trying to cover yourself with excuses. "I, uhh, purposely didn''t wear a bra today. I''m still not ready but I took the initiative to help myself get more used to it. That has to count for something right?"'
  116. end
  117. '"Fine, fine," he grumbles. "I''ll give you one more week. But that''s it! At the end of this week I expect those panties to come off! Now get to work!"'
  118. 'The manager turns around and walks away and you heave a sigh of relief at his departure. It''s not exactly what you want, but you still have one more week now...'
  119. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  120. end
  121. else
  122. act'Try to bargain again (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  123. end
  124. end
  125. end
  126. if $ARGS[0] = 'studio_strip_talk3':
  127. cla & *clr
  128. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  129. 'You step out into the studio and you hear shouting again.'
  130. '"What the fuck! It''s been another week and you''re still wearing panties!"'
  131. 'Turning apprehensively, you see the same floor manager again stomping towards you.'
  132. '"I''ve had enough of this bullshit <<$pcs_firstname>>. Now bend down and take those panties off right this second!"'
  133. act'Do as he says and strip':gt'foto_events','underwear_steal'
  134. end
  135. if $ARGS[0] = 'underwear_steal':
  136. cla & *clr
  137. studio_strip_talk = 3
  138. if $braworntype ! 'none':
  139. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  140. gs 'stat'
  141. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip1.mp4"></video><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
  142. if pcs_inhib < 30:
  143. 'Blushing hard, you nervously do as he says. As hot as your face feels from removing your bra in front of him and exposing your breasts, it somehow manages to burn even hotter when your panties come down after exposing your pussy. Clutching your underwear to your body, you stand back up to see the manager holding out his hand.'
  144. else
  145. 'You blush hard but do as he says. As you slide down your panties you have to admit to yourself that even if you aren''t fully comfortable with this, you''re also not shy enough to make it a big deal. You don''t have any more excuses not to comply with the dress code. Picking your underwear back up, you turn towards the locker room but stop when you see the manager holding out his hand.'
  146. end
  147. '"What?"'
  148. '"Give me your underwear."'
  149. '"What?!"'
  150. '"I don''t want you changing back into this after I leave. You can collect it from me when you''re ready to leave for the day, now give it to me." Reluctantly, you slowly extend your arm before he snatches your panties and bra from your grasp. "Thank you. And remember: unless you''re doing a shoot, I''m not going to see you wearing anything but your birthday suit in this studio again. Now get to work." He walks away without a second glance at you, leaving you shivering naked in the middle of the studio.'
  151. studio_underwear_steal = 2
  152. act'Continue':gt'foto','studio'
  153. else
  154. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  155. gs 'stat'
  156. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/strip2.mp4"></video></center>'
  157. if pcs_inhib < 30:
  158. 'Blushing hard, you nervously do as he says, face burning hot as you slip your panties down around your legs, keenly aware of your now visible pussy. Clutching your underwear to your body, you stand back up to see the manager holding out his hand.'
  159. else
  160. 'You blush hard but do as he says. As you slide down your panties you have to admit to yourself that even if you aren''t fully comfortable with this, you''re also not shy enough to make it a big deal. You don''t have any more excuses not to comply with the dress code. Picking your underwear back up, you turn towards the locker room but stop when you see the manager holding out his hand.'
  161. end
  162. '"What?"'
  163. '"Give me your underwear."'
  164. '"What?!"'
  165. '"I don''t want you changing back into this after I leave. You can collect it from me when you''re ready to leave for the day, now give me your panties." Reluctantly, you slowly extend your arm before he snatches your panties from your grasp. "Thank you. And remember: unless you''re doing a shoot, I''m not going to see you wearing anything but your birthday suit in this studio again. Now get to work." He walks away without a second glance at you, leaving you shivering naked in the middle of the studio.'
  166. studio_underwear_steal = 1
  167. act'Continue':gt'foto','studio'
  168. end
  169. end
  170. if $ARGS[0] = 'underwear_steal2':
  171. cla & *clr
  172. underwear_steal = 0
  173. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  174. minut += 2
  175. 'Walking through the studio you find the manager you''re looking for. He sits at a desk flipping through a magazine that looks to be produced by the studio. Is that a new copy? Is he proof reading or something? Stepping up to him, you awkwardly clear your throat and he looks up at you.'
  176. '"Hey... It''s me. I''m here for, my... you know..."'
  177. '"Your... what?" He gives you a dry look. "I can''t give you what you want if I don''t know what it is."'
  178. if studio_underwear_steal = 1:'"My... panties..." you force out with some effort, heat flushing through your face.'
  179. if studio_underwear_steal = 2:'"My... underwear..." you force out with some effort, heat flushing through your face.'
  180. '"Ahh, those!" he says, face brightening with false understanding. He reaches down behind his desk and pulls out your unmentionables, dangling them in front of you.'
  181. '"Thank you..." you mutter bashfully as you take your belongings back from him. Suddenly you realize that you got dressed without remembering you had to put these on anyways. The manager looks back at you noticing the same thing.'
  182. '"So, were you planning to put that back on now or were you planning on just carrying those home?"'
  183. if PCloSkirt > 0:
  184. 'You blush at the thought of walking home without panties in a skirt.'
  185. if studio_underwear_steal = 2:'A bra is one thing but your panties...'
  186. 'But also, doing that here in front of him? He already forced you to undress, you suppose. Getting dressed can''t be worse than that right?'
  187. act'Go to the back room and re-dress':gt'foto_events','re-dress'
  188. act'Just put your panties on under your skirt':
  189. cla & *clr
  190. gs 'panties','wear'
  191. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/panties.mp4"></video></center>'
  192. 'Well, you''re wearing a skirt today right? It wouldn''t be too difficult to just slip your panties on that way right?'
  193. if studio_underwear_steal = 2:'Going home without a bra isn''t nearly as bad as going home without your panties.'
  194. 'As you bend down you suddenly realize you were completely wrong. Putting your legs through your panties, you feel the manager leering at you as you pull them up around your legs. Despite having been nude in front of him, somehow pulling your panties up under your skirt is more shameful.'
  195. 'After standing back up, you see the manager still looking at you expectantly.'
  196. '"What?"'
  197. '"Don''t you have something to promise me?" he says, nodding at the <a href="exec:gs ''shortgs'',''img msg'',''images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress_code.jpg''">sign</a> by the door.'
  198. act'Make your promise':
  199. cla & *clr
  200. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  201. 'Sighing deeply, you stammer out what he wants you to say.'
  202. '"I promise that from now I will always be completely naked in the studio unless it''s for a shoot."'
  203. '"Good. Feel free to go home now. Hope to see you again soon."'
  204. 'With your underwear returned and safely covering your hips, you awkwardly make your exit.'
  205. studio_underwear_steal = 0
  206. act'Leave':gt 'down'
  207. end
  208. end
  209. act'Leave':
  210. cla & *clr
  211. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  212. 'Your brain freezing in panic, you just walk away and leave the studio, blushing furiously at the cool air flowing between your legs under your skirt.'
  213. act'Continue':gt 'down'
  214. end
  215. else
  216. 'You''re wearing pants today so if you wanted to put your panties back on you''d have to take everything off again.'
  217. if studio_underwear_steal = 2:'Not to mention taking your top off to put on your bra...'
  218. 'But also, doing that here in front of him? He already forced you to undress, you suppose. Getting dressed can''t be worse than that right?'
  219. act'Go to the back room and re-dress':gt'foto_events','re-dress'
  220. act'Leave':
  221. cla & *clr
  222. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  223. 'Your brain freezing in panic, you just walk away and leave the studio, blushing furiously at the fabric of your pants rubbing raw against your uncovered pussy.'
  224. act'Continue':gt 'down'
  225. end
  226. end
  227. end
  228. if $ARGS[0] = 're-dress':
  229. cla & *clr
  230. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  231. minut += 10
  232. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  233. gs 'stat'
  234. 'Unable to do it in front of the manager, you go all the way back to the back room to completely undress and re-dress to get your underwear in place before leaving again. It takes a lot more time than you''d like but it''s at least less shameful than doing it in front of the manager...'
  235. studio_underwear_steal = 0
  236. act'Leave':gt 'down'
  237. end
  238. if $ARGS[0] = 'commercial':
  239. !!Payment for the foto shoot
  240. if practice_session = 0:
  241. model_job_week += 1
  242. model_week = (daystart - week) / 7
  243. modelfoto += 1
  244. money += modelpayfin
  245. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  246. gt 'foto','studio'
  247. else
  248. practice_session = 0
  249. end
  250. *clr & cla
  251. menu_off = 1
  252. commercial = 1
  253. gs 'stat'
  254. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  255. 'As you wrap the shoot, a staffer at the studio walks up to you and grabs your attention.'
  256. '"Hey, <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''m glad I caught you. Listen, we have a special opportunity for you if you''d like to hear about it."'
  257. act '"Special opportunity?"':
  258. cla
  259. '"Yeah. See, you''ve been doing good work here. There are people who are really impressed with your ability to take direction and with the boldness and confidence you have in your body. With that in mind, word has been going around that they want one of our models to be the actress in their commercial. So, I thought I''d ask you."'
  260. act '"A commercial? You mean I could become an actress?"':
  261. cla
  262. *nl
  263. '"Yes, that''s exactly what we''re saying. This is an opportunity for you to start branching out your career from just modelling and into acting. Would you like to hear more about the job?"'
  264. act '"Sure, tell me about it"':
  265. *clr & cla
  266. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  267. '"The job is for a big time network. The idea for the commercial is they need a pretty girl walking down the street with their logos CGI''d over your breasts and between your thighs and passers-by having their attention drawn to you as you walk."'
  268. act '"That doesn''t sound too difficult"':
  269. cla
  270. *nl
  271. '"But there''s a catch. See, the marketing team has determined that in order to get the right reactions from people going by, you can''t just wear a strapless bikini. You''re going to have to walk down the street completely naked. That being said, the studio is willing to pay you triple our usual nude modelling rate. Are you still willing to do the shoot?"'
  272. act '"Sure! I''ve always wanted to be an actress!"':
  273. cla
  274. *nl
  275. '"Sure!" you say. "I''ve always wanted to be an actress, I just never thought I''d get a chance like this. When do we shoot?"'
  276. casting = 3
  277. if week >= 6:
  278. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  279. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  280. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  281. else
  282. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  283. if week = 5:
  284. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  285. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  286. else
  287. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  288. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  289. end
  290. end
  291. end
  292. act '"Triple rate?! Hell yeah!"':
  293. casting = 3
  294. cla
  295. '"Triple rate?! Hell yeah! Who cares about being naked in public when I''m getting paid that much! I''d let them gangbang me for that kind of money!"'
  296. *nl
  297. '"I''m sure they''d be happy to arrange that with you some other time," he says with a shit eating grin.'
  298. 'You punch him playfully on the arm.'
  299. act '"So when do we shoot?"':
  300. cla
  301. casting = 3
  302. if week >= 6:
  303. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  304. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  305. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  306. else
  307. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  308. if week = 5:
  309. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  310. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  311. else
  312. 'He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  313. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  314. end
  315. end
  316. end
  317. end
  318. act '"I have to be naked in public...?"':
  319. cla
  320. *nl
  321. 'You blush imagining being on the set in public on a busy street and embarrassedly ask,'
  322. '"I''m going to have to walk down the street completely naked in broad daylight...?"'
  323. '"Yes, I''m afraid so. The producers won''t budge on this. I''ve been promised that they aren''t going to be broadcasting your uncensored body all over television though. So if you accept, you''ll be guaranteed that at least. So, will you do it?"'
  324. act '"I guess so..."':
  325. cla
  326. *nl
  327. '"I guess so," you say. "Since they''re paying so much, it''s hard to turn down. Besides, it might be worth it to break into acting, right?"'
  328. casting = 3
  329. if week >= 6:
  330. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 13
  331. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here next Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  332. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  333. else
  334. SMTV_commercial = daystart - week + 6
  335. if week = 5:
  336. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here tomorrow at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  337. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  338. else
  339. '"If it means anything to you, I think you''re making the right choice for your career." He hands you a business card for a talent agency in the city center. "Be here on Saturday at 10:00, this is where they said they were going to set up the shoot."'
  340. act 'Thank him and go':gt 'foto','studio'
  341. end
  342. end
  343. end
  344. act '"No, it''s too much for me"':
  345. cla
  346. *nl
  347. '"No," you say with some regret. "Even with all that money, that''s not the kind of model or actress I want to be known for."'
  348. '"Ahh, well that''s a shame. Anyways, I''ll let you go now. See you later <<$pcs_firstname>>"'
  349. act 'Go back to modelling':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  350. end
  351. end
  352. end
  353. end
  354. act '"No thanks, I''m happy just being a model"':
  355. cla
  356. commercial = 2
  357. casting = 1
  358. *nl
  359. '"Ahh, well that''s a shame. Anyways, you''re here today. Is there something you''d like to work on?"'
  360. act 'Go back to modelling':gt 'foto', 'studio'
  361. end
  362. end
  363. end
  364. end
  365. !!------------------------------------------------------------------- Persuasion Events ------------------------------------------------------------------
  366. if $ARGS[0] = 'fashion_persuasion':
  367. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  368. '"I''d like to do a catalogue shoot," you say.'
  369. if foto_persuade = 0:
  370. 'The manager twists his mouth as he considers.'
  371. '"Listen, <<$pcs_firstname>>, you''ve been here a while, you''ve done quite a few catalogue jobs for us and your skills have really improved since you first started."'
  372. '"Oh. Uhh, thanks."'
  373. '"Some of the staff around here have been talking and we really think that you''re ready to up your game. How about we do a full fashion shoot instead of cataloguing swimsuits or dresses? You can make a bit more money doing a fashion shoot instead of a catalogue one."'
  374. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  375. '"You know, that offer to do a fashion shoot is still open you know. We really think you have what it takes! Want to give it a try?"'
  376. end
  377. act'No thanks':
  378. cla & *clr
  379. foto_persuade = 1
  380. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  381. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''d be more comfortable just sticking to the catalogues for now."'
  382. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  383. 'The manager seems disappointed by your answer.'
  384. '"So clothing or swimsuits today?"'
  385. act'Clothing':
  386. modelfoto_catalog += 1
  387. cla & *clr
  388. mdlng_exp += rand(2,5)
  389. minut += 120
  390. money += 450
  391. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fashion3.mp4"></video></center>'
  392. 'You spend two hours modelling for the online catalogs of retail clothing stores, wearing various different dresses but the same expression. It''s boring but it still gets you paid.'
  393. *nl
  394. 'You recieve 450 <b>₽</b> for the job.'
  395. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  396. end
  397. act'Swimsuits':
  398. modelfoto_catalog += 1
  399. cla & *clr
  400. mdlng_exp += rand(2,5)
  401. minut += 120
  402. money += 450
  403. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/bikini<<rand(3,5)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
  404. bikinicatalog += 1
  405. 'You change in and out of various different bikinis, modelling them with the same pose and expression for use in online and department store catalogs.'
  406. *nl
  407. 'You recieve 450 <b>₽</b> for the job.'
  408. act 'Leave':gt 'foto', 'end'
  409. end
  410. end
  411. act'Yes':
  412. cla & *clr
  413. foto_persuade = 2
  414. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  415. '"That sounds really good actually! I''ll do it!"'
  416. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  417. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  418. act'Do the fashion shoot':gt'foto_shoot','fashion'
  419. end
  420. end
  421. if $ARGS[0] = 'lingerie_persuasion':
  422. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  423. '"I''d like to do a fashion shoot," you say.'
  424. if foto_persuade = 0:
  425. 'By the way <<$pcs_firstname>>, you''ve been here a while, you''ve done quite a few fashion jobs for us and your work for us has been great!"'
  426. '"Oh! Thanks!"'
  427. '"But we also think that you could take it a step farther, show off more of your beautiful body. How would you feel about doing a lingerie shoot? The exposure is about the same but the pay is a little bit better. What do you say?"'
  428. elseif foto_persuade = 2:
  429. '"By the way <<$pcs_firstname>>, the staff have been talking again. You remember how we originally had to ask you to give fashion shoots a try? We were thinking that it might be time for you to take another step and try out a lingerie shoot? The exposure is about the same but lingerie shoots pay a little bit more than fashion. What do you say? Give it a try?"'
  430. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  431. '"We can do a fashion shoot today if you like, but the studio would still really love to see you do that lingerie shoot. What do you say?"'
  432. end
  433. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist'
  434. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  435. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  436. cla & *clr
  437. foto_persuade = 1
  438. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  439. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''ll keep on doing regular fashion shoots for now."'
  440. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  441. act'Do the fashion shoot':gt'foto_shoot','fashion'
  442. end
  443. else
  444. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  445. end
  446. if foto_persuade = 2 and pcs_inhib < 20:
  447. act'I guess so':
  448. cla & *clr
  449. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  450. '"Well... I guess it turned out well last time..."'
  451. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  452. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  453. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','lingerie'
  454. end
  455. else
  456. act'Yes':
  457. cla & *clr
  458. foto_persuade = 2
  459. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  460. '"That sounds really good actually! I''ll do it!"'
  461. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  462. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  463. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','lingerie'
  464. end
  465. end
  466. end
  467. if $ARGS[0] = 'glamour_persuasion':
  468. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  469. if foto_persuade = 0:
  470. 'The manager twists his mouth as he considers.'
  471. '"Listen, <<$pcs_firstname>>, you''ve been here a while, you''ve done really great fashion work for us while modelling here."'
  472. '"Oh! Thanks!"'
  473. '"But we also think that you could take it a step farther, show off more of your beautiful body. You''ve never done a glamour shoot yet, what do you say to giving that a try?"'
  474. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  475. '"We can do a lingerie shoot today if you like, but the studio would still really love to see you do that glamour shoot. What do you say?"'
  476. elseif foto_persuade = 2:
  477. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, the staff have been talking again. You want to try upgrading shoots again? We were wondering if you''d consider trying a glamour shoot today?"'
  478. elseif foto_persuade = 3:
  479. '"Hey I''m sorry to bother you like this again, but we would still really love to see you do that glamour shoot. What do you say? Willing to give it a try today?"'
  480. end
  481. if foto_persuade = 3:
  482. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist'
  483. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  484. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  485. cla & *clr
  486. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  487. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''ll stick to the lingerie shoot today."'
  488. '"Oh. Okay."'
  489. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','lingerie'
  490. end
  491. else
  492. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  493. end
  494. if pcs_inhib < 45:
  495. act'I guess I could try it...':
  496. cla & *clr
  497. foto_persuade = 2
  498. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  499. '"I guess I could try it..."'
  500. '"Great! Thank you so much <<$pcs_firstname>>! Just go to this set and we''ll set somebody up for you."'
  501. act'Do the transparent clothing shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  502. end
  503. else
  504. act'Yes, I''m ready':
  505. cla & *clr
  506. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  507. '"You know what? Yeah, I think I''ll give it a try today. I think I''m ready."'
  508. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  509. '"Great! Then go to this set here and a photographer will be ready for you."'
  510. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','fashion'
  511. end
  512. end
  513. else
  514. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist'
  515. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  516. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  517. cla & *clr
  518. foto_persuade = 1
  519. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  520. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''ll stick to the lingerie shoot today."'
  521. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  522. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','lingerie'
  523. end
  524. else
  525. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  526. end
  527. act'What kind of glamour shoot?':
  528. cla & *clr
  529. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  530. '"Well... maybe..." you say slowly. "What kind of shoot were you thinking?"'
  531. '"Well how about a fashion shoot with transparent clothing? You''ve never shown your breasts before yet, have you?"'
  532. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  533. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  534. act'No way! (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  535. cla
  536. *nl
  537. '"What?! No way! I''m not showing my breasts on camera!"'
  538. '"Oh, well, maybe that is actually a step too far right now. Well, what about just some sexy clothing? Something a little skimpy but not totally revealing? How does that sound?"'
  539. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist', 'hard'
  540. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  541. act'No (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  542. cla & *clr
  543. foto_persuade = 3
  544. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  545. '"No, I''m not doing anything like that. I''m just going to stick to my lingerie shoot today."'
  546. '"Oh, okay. That''s fine <<$pcs_firstname>>. Maybe another time."'
  547. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','lingerie'
  548. end
  549. else
  550. act'No (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  551. end
  552. act'That''s not so bad...':
  553. cla & *clr
  554. foto_persuade = 4
  555. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  556. '"That''s not so bad I guess... I''m already doing lingerie so that''s not much of a difference."'
  557. '"Yes, exactly! Think of it just like that. Thanks for this <<$pcs_firstname>>. Just go to this set and we''ll set somebody up for you."'
  558. act'Do the glamour shoot':gt'foto_shoot','skimpy_clo'
  559. end
  560. end
  561. else
  562. act'No way! (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  563. end
  564. if foto_persuade = 2 and pcs_inhib < 45:
  565. act'I guess so':
  566. cla & *clr
  567. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  568. '"Well... I guess it turned out well last time... I could give it a try..."'
  569. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  570. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  571. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','fashion'
  572. end
  573. elseif pcs_inhib < 45 or foto_persuade = 3:
  574. act'I guess I could try it...':
  575. cla & *clr
  576. foto_persuade = 2
  577. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  578. '"I guess I could try it..."'
  579. '"Great! Thank you so much <<$pcs_firstname>>! Just go to this set and we''ll set somebody up for you."'
  580. act'Do the transparent clothing shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  581. end
  582. else
  583. act'Yes':
  584. cla & *clr
  585. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  586. '"That sounds really good actually! I''ll do it!"'
  587. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  588. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  589. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','fashion'
  590. end
  591. end
  592. end
  593. end
  594. end
  595. if $ARGS[0] = 'trans_persuasion':
  596. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  597. if foto_persuade = 0:
  598. '"Hey, <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just wanted to say, the studio has really been loving your work lately."'
  599. '"Oh! Thanks!"'
  600. '"But we also think that you could take it a step farther, be a bit bolder. You''ve never done a transparent top shoot yet, what do you say to giving that a try?"'
  601. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  602. '"Hey, I know I asked before and we can do another basic glamour shoot today if you like, but the studio would still really love to see you do a transparent shoot. Do you think you might be up for it today?"'
  603. elseif foto_persuade = 2:
  604. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, the staff have been talking again. You remember how we got you to upgrade from catalogue shoots to fashion shoots? We were thinking that it might be time for you to take another step and try doing some lingerie shoots? The exposure is about the same but lingerie shoots pay a little bit more than fashion. What do you say? Give it a try?"'
  605. elseif foto_persuade = 3:
  606. '"Hey I''m sorry to bother you like this again, but we would still really love to see you do a basic glamour shoot. What do you say? Willing to give it a try today?"'
  607. elseif foto_persuade = 4:
  608. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, the staff have been talking again. I know I asked before, but I was wondering if you might be more comfortable now. Is it possible that you might consider doing a transparent clothing shoot today instead of a basic glamour one? No pressure if not, but I just wanted to check and see if you''re ready."'
  609. end
  610. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist'
  611. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  612. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  613. cla & *clr
  614. foto_persuade = 1
  615. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  616. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''ll stick to the basic glamour shoot today."'
  617. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  618. act'Do the glamour shoot':gt'foto_shoot','skimpy_clo'
  619. end
  620. else
  621. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  622. end
  623. if foto_persuade > 1 and foto_persuade < 4 and pcs_inhib < 45:
  624. act'I guess so':
  625. cla & *clr
  626. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  627. '"Well... I guess it turned out well last time..."'
  628. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  629. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  630. foto_persuade = 2
  631. act'Do the transparent shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  632. end
  633. elseif foto_persuade = 1 or foto_persuade = 4:
  634. act'Yes, I''m ready':
  635. cla & *clr
  636. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  637. '"You know what? I think I <i>am</i> ready. I''ll give it a try."'
  638. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  639. '"Great! Then go to this set here and a photographer will be ready for you."'
  640. foto_persuade = 2
  641. act'Do the transparent shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  642. end
  643. else
  644. act'Yes':
  645. cla & *clr
  646. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  647. '"That sounds really good actually! I''ll do it!"'
  648. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  649. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  650. foto_persuade = 2
  651. act'Do the transparent shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  652. end
  653. end
  654. end
  655. if $ARGS[0] = 'topless_persuasion':
  656. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  657. if foto_persuade = 0:
  658. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just wanted to say, the studio has really been loving your work lately."'
  659. '"Oh! Thanks!"'
  660. '"But we also think that with your looks and your talent, you could take it a step farther, be a bit bolder. You''ve never done a topless shoot before, have you? You''ve already been doing the transparent stuff, what do you say to taking the whole thing off today?"'
  661. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  662. '"We can do another transparent shoot today if you like, but the studio would still really love to see you do a topless shoot. What do you say?"'
  663. elseif foto_persuade = 2:
  664. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, you seem to be doing really well with the transparent shoots, just like we thought. I know that initially took some convincing, but we got here didn''t we? Now, I was wondering if you''d like to try go a step further just like before and take the whole top off? You''ve never done a topless shoot and it isn''t much different from what we''re doing now. Our rates for topless shoots are better and you''ll get a lot more exposure than what you''re doing now. Want to try it?"'
  665. end
  666. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist'
  667. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  668. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  669. cla & *clr
  670. foto_persuade = 1
  671. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  672. '"Thanks for the offer, but I think I''ll stick to what I''m doing for now."'
  673. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  674. if shoot_type = trans_ling:
  675. act'Do the lingerie shoot':gt'foto_shoot','trans_ling'
  676. else
  677. act'Do the transparent shoot':gt'foto_shoot','transparent'
  678. end
  679. end
  680. else
  681. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  682. end
  683. if foto_persuade = 2 and pcs_inhib < 50:
  684. act'I guess so':
  685. cla & *clr
  686. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  687. '"Well... I guess you''re right, it isn''t that much different. I suppose I can give it a shot..."'
  688. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  689. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  690. foto_persuade = 2
  691. act'Do the topless shoot':gt'foto_shoot','topless'
  692. end
  693. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  694. act'Yes, I''m ready':
  695. cla & *clr
  696. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  697. '"You know what? Yeah, I think I''ll give it a try today. I think I <i>am</i> ready!"'
  698. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  699. '"Great! Then go to this set here and a photographer will be ready for you."'
  700. foto_persuade = 2
  701. act'Do the topless shoot':gt'foto_shoot','topless'
  702. end
  703. else
  704. act'Yes':
  705. cla & *clr
  706. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  707. '"That sounds really good actually! Let''s do it!"'
  708. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  709. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  710. foto_persuade = 2
  711. act'Do the topless shoot':gt'foto_shoot','topless'
  712. end
  713. end
  714. end
  715. if $ARGS[0] = 'nude_persuasion':
  716. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  717. if foto_persuade = 0:
  718. '"Hey, <<$pcs_firstname>>, I just wanted to say, your work has been stunning lately! Really fantastic!"'
  719. '"Oh! Uhh, thanks!"'
  720. '"Your work is so great, we would love to show everything you''ve got to offer. Now, feel free to say no, but what do you say to a full frontal nude shoot? I know it might be a little explicit, but the studio and our readers would love it. We''re even willing to throw in a bonus and double your pay for your full nude debut. What do you say?"'
  721. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  722. '"Hey, that''s cool <<$pcs_firstname>>. But I just want you to know that the studio''s nude offer with bonus pay is still on the table if you want to do that instead."'
  723. elseif foto_persuade = 2:
  724. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, I''ve got a new offer from the studio for you. They''ve really loved your willingness to try new things like with the past shoots and all and they wanted to know if you would like to step it up to the final level. Would you be willing to do a full frontal nude shoot with us? As a special bonus, the studio said they''re willing to double your pay for your full debut. I have to say, this is a great offer. What do you think of it?"'
  725. end
  726. gs 'willpower', 'skill', 'pcs_inhib', 'resist', 'hard'
  727. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  728. act'No thanks (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  729. cla & *clr
  730. foto_persuade = 1
  731. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  732. '"Thanks for the offer, that''s really kind, but I think I''ll stick to what I''m doing for now."'
  733. '"Oh. Okay..."'
  734. if shoot_type = topless:
  735. act'Do the topless shoot':gt'foto_shoot','topless'
  736. elseif shoot_type = taste_nude:
  737. act'Do the tasteful nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','tasteful'
  738. elseif shoot_type = top_nude:
  739. act'Do the topless nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','topless_nude'
  740. end
  741. end
  742. else
  743. act'No thanks (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  744. end
  745. if foto_persuade = 2 and pcs_inhib < 60:
  746. act'Wow! I... I guess I''ll take it':
  747. cla & *clr
  748. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  749. '"Wow! That''s a really amazing offer! I mean... well to be honest, I''m not sure if I''m ready for that but... I guess, I''ll do it if the studio really believes in me so much."'
  750. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  751. '"The special bonus doesn''t hurt either," you smile back shyly.'
  752. 'The manager laughs showing you his clipboard. "Go to this set here and everything is already set up for you."'
  753. foto_persuade = 5
  754. act'Do the nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','nude'
  755. end
  756. elseif foto_persuade = 1 and pcs_inhib < 60:
  757. act'Well... I guess':
  758. cla & *clr
  759. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  760. '"Well..." You mull it over a little bit more, still unsure of yourself. "I mean, I... I guess I can give it a try."'
  761. 'The manager smiles wide at you. "Thank you so much for your courage <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
  762. '"The special bonus doesn''t hurt either," you smile back shyly.'
  763. 'The manager laughs showing you his clipboard. "Go to this set here and everything is already set up for you."'
  764. foto_persuade = 5
  765. act'Do the nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','nude'
  766. end
  767. elseif foto_persuade = 1:
  768. act'Yes, I''m ready':
  769. cla & *clr
  770. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  771. '"You know what? I think I''m ready to do it today! I''ll do the nude shoot," you say, smiling. "And I''ll take the bonus."'
  772. 'The manager laughs showing you his clipboard. "Go to this set here and everything is already set up for you."'
  773. foto_persuade = 5
  774. act'Do the nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','nude'
  775. end
  776. else
  777. act'Wow! Yes!':
  778. cla & *clr
  779. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  780. '"Wow! That''s a really amazing offer! That''s so generous! Yes! I''ll absolutely do it!"'
  781. 'The manager smiles wide at you.'
  782. '"Great! Then go to this set here and the photographer will be ready for you."'
  783. foto_persuade = 5
  784. act'Do the nude shoot':gt'foto_shoot','nude'
  785. end
  786. end
  787. end
  788. !!------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Modelling Jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------
  789. if $ARGS[0] = 'special':
  790. modelpay = (pcs_mdlng/2 * 25) + (func('shortgs','sqrt', min(city_modelling, 700)) * 50) + pcs_apprnc
  791. if specialmodelrequest ! daystart:
  792. specialmodelrequest = daystart
  793. specialjob1 = rand(1,100)
  794. specialjob2 = rand(1,100)
  795. specialjob3 = rand(1,100)
  796. specialjob4 = rand(1,100)
  797. specialjob5 = rand(1,100)
  798. specialjob6 = rand(1,100)
  799. !! specialjob7 = rand(1,100)
  800. !! specialjob8 = rand(1,100)
  801. !! specialjob9 = rand(1,100)
  802. end
  803. cla & *clr
  804. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Photographer</font></b></center>'
  805. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  806. '"Hey!" you call out to one of the studio managers. "Looking for some more work, any special jobs still available today?"'
  807. act'Return to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  808. if specialjob1 < 95 and specialjob2 < 95 and specialjob3 < 95 and specialjob4 < 95 and specialjob5 < 95 and specialjob6 < 95 and specialjob7 < 95 and specialjob8 < 95 and specialjob9 < 95:
  809. no_job_reason = rand(1,2)
  810. if no_job_reason = 1:
  811. '"Sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, we don''t have anything today. Check in again tomorrow, maybe there''ll be something for you."'
  812. else
  813. '"Sorry <<$pcs_firstname>>, we already assigned all the requests we had today to other girls. Got none left for you. Check in again tomorrow, maybe there''ll be something for you."'
  814. end
  815. else
  816. '"Sure, we have a few today. Come take a look at the list, tell me if you''re interested in doing something."'
  817. act'Look at the list':gt 'foto_events','list'
  818. end
  819. end
  820. if $ARGS[0] = 'list':
  821. act'Nothing interesting':
  822. cla & *clr
  823. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  824. '"Hmm. Sorry, I don''t think I want to do any of these today."'
  825. '"Alright, no problem <<$pcs_firstname>>. See you later."'
  826. 'You wave goodbye as you walk back to the main floor.'
  827. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  828. end
  829. if specialjob1 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''high_fasion''"> High Fashion</a>'
  830. if specialjob2 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''fine_art''"> Fine Art Project(sex)</a>'
  831. if specialjob3 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''modern_art''"> Modern Art Project(69)</a>'
  832. if specialjob4 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''aphrodite_advert''"> Aphrodite Advert</a>'
  833. if specialjob5 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''independent_art''"> Independent Art Project</a>'
  834. !!if specialjob5 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''independent_art''"> Independent Art Project</a>'
  835. if specialjob6 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''designer_wedding''"> Designer Wedding Dress</a>'
  836. !! if specialjob8 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''model_portraits''">photo albums</a>'
  837. !! if specialjob9 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''model_portraits''">photo albums</a>'
  838. !! if specialjob6 >= 95:'<a href="exec:gt ''foto_events'',''documentary''"> Documentary</a>'
  839. end
  840. if $ARGS[0] = 'high_fasion':
  841. cla & *clr
  842. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  843. '"High fashion?" you ask. "What''s this one about?"'
  844. '"Some fashion designer sent us some clothes, asked us to snap some pictures of someone wearing them to see if her ideas are on the right track. It''s one of those things that only shows up at fashion shows that don''t feature anything practical. I''ve seen some of the pieces and let me tell you, they''re definitely not suited for everyday use."'
  845. '"Hmmm..."'
  846. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  847. act'I''d like to do this one':
  848. cla
  849. *nl
  850. specialjob1 = 0
  851. '"I''d like to do this one."'
  852. '"Great! Go to set 14 and tell the photographer that you''ve got the job. They''ll dress you up there."'
  853. act'Do the shoot':
  854. cla & *clr
  855. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art3.jpg"></center>'
  856. minut += 120
  857. modelpayfin = 1800 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  858. modelfoto_pussy += 1
  859. mdlng_exp += rand(1,2)
  860. city_modelling += rand(5,25)
  861. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/6
  862. gs 'exhibitionism', 1
  863. money += modelpayfin
  864. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  865. 'You spend the duration of the shoot changing in and out of designer bodices, corsets, and other tops, all of which conspicuously lack any kind of bottom, leaving your pussy exposed.'
  866. *nl
  867. 'Your manager was right. <i>Definitely</i> not suited for every day use.'
  868. *nl
  869. 'Two hours later, you''ve modelled and been photographed in every item of clothing requested by the client and are handed <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> in payment for the job.'
  870. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  871. end
  872. end
  873. end
  874. if $ARGS[0] = 'fine_art':
  875. cla & *clr
  876. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  877. '"Fine art?" you ask. "What''s this one about?"'
  878. '"One of those famous modern artist people wants to use a model as reference for his ''erotic masterpiece.'' Says that he knows exactly what the subject of his next piece should be but he doesn''t know what medium he wants it in. So your job would be to hold the position she wants with the male model she''s bringing and we''ll take photos while she sketches you. She''s also said something about a sculpture so we''re also setting up equipment to get a digital 3D model of you too. She''s the real eccentric and crazy type, but the money''s pretty good."'
  879. '"Hmmm..."'
  880. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  881. act'I''d like to do this one':
  882. cla
  883. *nl
  884. specialjob2 = 0
  885. '"I''d like to do this one."'
  886. '"Great! Go to set 32, the client is waiting for you there. Just tell him you''re the model he''ll be working with today and follow his instructions.'
  887. act'Go to set 32':
  888. cla & *clr
  889. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  890. 'You go to set 32 and find a short woman wearing a black turtleneck and a soft flat-crowned hat. Standing next to him is lean but muscular young man, who is naked like you and is the owner a large flaccid cock hanging between his legs.'
  891. '<i>Really? A beret? Talk about cliché.</i>'
  892. 'Walking up to the woman, you introduce yourself. "Hello ma''am, I''m <<$pcs_firstname>>. I''ll be your model for today."'
  893. '"Ahh! Zer yu are! I haff been waiting for almost five minutes! Zis is almost unacceptable!" You''re immediately taken aback by her words, both because of the clearly foreign accent and the rudeness that accompanies it.'
  894. '"I''m sorry, I only jus-"'
  895. '"Enough talk! We vazte time! Quickly! Get on zis and kneel down!"'
  896. act'Do as she says':
  897. cla & *clr
  898. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  899. 'You step up onto a platform which is really a large mattress with a cover on it. Doing as she instructs, you get down onto your knees, leaning forward and supporting your weight with your hand. The young naked man kneels behind you and holds you by the shoulder, pressing his hips into yours. Despite being in such a sexual position, you feel the man''s cock is still flaccid, hanging down and bouncing lightly between your thighs.'
  900. 'The woman circles around you for several minutes, hand on her chin, judging your pose. She crawls onto the mattress beneath you, looking up between your legs at your pussy, her assistant''s still flaccid cock pressing awkwardly against it. You blush at her straightforward nature, feeling a tingling between your legs where her gaze wanders.'
  901. 'At the same time, you can''t help but think to yourself, <i>Really? He''s still soft after all this? I mean, damn! Kind of makes me feel bad about myself to be honest... Am I not hot enough to get a guy hard when his dick is practically rubbing up against my pussy?</i>'
  902. '"No!"'
  903. 'The woman''s shout snaps you back to attention, wondering what is wrong. "Zis is not good enough! Not passionate enough! I cannot produce mah mazterpiece like zis! I shall require full penetration! Alexhandar! Please put your penis inside her."'
  904. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  905. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  906. act'What?! (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  907. cla & *clr
  908. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  909. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  910. gs 'stat'
  911. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  912. '"What?!" you shriek.'
  913. 'At the woman''s command, you feel the man''s cock immediately stiffen, going from flaccid to rock hard and rubbing against your abdomen in two seconds flat. He starts to pull back and you feel his tip scraping backwards over the top of your stomach.'
  914. act'Wait! Wait! Wait!':
  915. cla
  916. *nl
  917. '"Wait! Wait! Wait!" you shout. Alexander pauses behind you, the tip of his member poised, hovering, right in front of the entrance to your pussy.'
  918. 'Hands on her hips, the woman leans forward, frowning at you with obvious displeasure.'
  919. '"Vell? Vhat are we waiting for?"'
  920. '"You can''t do this!"'
  921. '"And vhy not?"'
  922. if stat['vaginal'] = 0:
  923. act'I''m a virgin!':
  924. cla & *clr
  925. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  926. '"I''m a virgin! I''ve never had sex before! I can''t lose my virginity like this to some guy I''ve never met before in the middle of some modelling job!"'
  927. 'The woman''s eyes widen as you say this.'
  928. '"You are a... virgin?" she asks, slowly'
  929. '"Yes! You understand now, right?"'
  930. 'The woman begins laughing and jumping up and down with excitement. You stare at her in confusion, your mouth agape.'
  931. '"Yez! Yez! A virgin! That''s what this piece was truly missing! Vhy did I not think of zis before? Yez! Zis is the key to my mazterpiece! I shall call it, ''Ze Final Flowher.'' No, vait, perhaps, ''Torn Petal.'' It iz perfhect!"'
  932. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  933. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  934. act'Yell at her (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  935. cla & *clr
  936. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist'
  937. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  938. gs 'stat'
  939. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  940. '"Hey! ... HEY!!" you yell at her.'
  941. 'She stops her maniacal laughing and finally looks back at you.'
  942. '"That''s not the point! The point is that I don''t want to lose my virginity right now!" The woman frowns at you, this time with disappointment.'
  943. '"And vhy not? Iz it becauze you have not found ze right man? Not to worry, Alexhandar iz great man. I know. He iz my zon. Zatisfies many girls. He vill-"'
  944. '"NOOOO!!!" you yell at her again to stop her ranting. "I''m saying I don''t want to lose my virginity right now and in this way! Besides, I didn''t sign up for this! I thought I was just supposed to be posing as an art model, WITHOUT HAVING SEX WITH ANYONE!" you scream the last part, anticipating her objection that you can still be posing with a dick up your ass.'
  945. 'She stares at you flatly. "Okay, how about zis? I vill pay you an extra 30,000 <b>₽</b> on top of ze already agreed upon fee if you do zis for me. Not an inzignificant amount of money, but we muzt make zacrifices for great art! I vill zacrifice my money to you, if you zacrifice your virginity for me. Do ve have a deal?"'
  946. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  947. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  948. act'No, I''m not losing my virginity (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  949. cla & *clr
  950. gs 'willpower', 'sex', 'resist', 'hard'
  951. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  952. gs 'stat'
  953. fine_art_deal = 3
  954. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  955. '"No," you say, standing firm. "I''m not about to lose my virginity just for a modelling job. You''ll have to make do with that, or get another model who''s willing to <b>whore herself</b> out for your art."'
  956. '"Ugh," she rolls her eyes and waves her hand dismissively. "Vine, vine. I vill not take your virginity. Ve are vasting too much time. But Alexhandar, maintain your erection. I cannot have a flaccid penis in a piece that iz zat iz zupposed to exude <i>lust</i> and <i>eroticism!</i>"'
  957. 'You breathe out a sigh of relief and resume the pose she wants, waiting for further instruction.'
  958. act'Continue':gt'foto_events','fine_art2'
  959. end
  960. else
  961. act'No, I''m not losing my virginity (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  962. end
  963. act'Take the deal':
  964. cla & *clr
  965. fine_art_deal = 1
  966. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  967. 'You gulp. 30,000<b>₽</b>... That''s a lot of money...'
  968. '"I''ll take the deal."'
  969. 'The woman grins widely.'
  970. '"Exzellent." She pulls you back into the posture she wants you in, and giving you new instructions, Alexander''s cock still hovering outside your entrance. "Do not hide your feelingz. Let them bubble to ze top. Let your emotions be vizible and zelf-evident. But maintain ze posture and hold still, or ze 3D scanner vill not capture you accurately. You vill not be paid if I do not get vhat I am here for. Do you underztand?"'
  971. 'You nod, swallowing one more time. The woman moves off to the side, and making sure all the equipment is set, she picks up a small device. Some kind of remote camera switch, you guess.'
  972. '"And... now!"'
  973. act'"AHH!!"':gt'foto_events','fine_art2'
  974. end
  975. end
  976. else
  977. act'Yell at her (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  978. end
  979. act'Resign yourself to your fate':
  980. fine_art_deal = 2
  981. cla & *clr
  982. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art1.jpg"></center>'
  983. 'You look on in horror with the realization that there is nothing you can do to convince this woman to change her mind. Her obsession with art is too great.'
  984. 'She excitedly shouts instructions at you and her assistant.'
  985. '"Do not hide your feelingz! Let them bubble to ze top! Let your emotions be vizible and zelf-evident! But maintain ze posture and hold still, or ze 3D scanner vill not capture you accurately. Are ve ready? Good! Do it! Do it now Alexhandar!"'
  986. 'And he thrusts his cock inside you.'
  987. act'"AHH!!"':gt'foto_events','fine_art2'
  988. end
  989. end
  990. end
  991. act'I''m not about to get fucked just because you asked':
  992. cla & *clr
  993. fine_art_deal = 3
  994. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  995. '"Because I''m not about to let some guy shove his dick in me just because you told him to!"'
  996. 'The woman sniffs in indignation. "He iz not just ''zome man.'' He iz my zon. Very good man."'
  997. '"I don''t care who he is, he''s not putting his dick inside me! Either deal with that or get yourself a new model."'
  998. '"Ugh," she rolls her eyes and waves her hand dismissively. "Vine, vine. Ve are vasting too much time. But Alexhandar, maintain your erection. I cannot have a flaccid penis in a piece that iz zat iz zupposed to exude <i>lust</i> and <i><eroticism!</i>"'
  999. 'You huff in annoyance, but the matter resolved, you resume the pose she wants and wait for further instruction.'
  1000. act'Continue':gt'foto_events','fine_art2'
  1001. end
  1002. end
  1003. end
  1004. else
  1005. act'What?! (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1006. end
  1007. if pcs_vag > 0:
  1008. act'Say nothing, do as instructed':
  1009. fine_art_deal = 4
  1010. gt'foto_events','fine_art2'
  1011. end
  1012. end
  1013. end
  1014. end
  1015. end
  1016. end
  1017. if $ARGS[0] = 'fine_art2':
  1018. cla & *clr
  1019. gs 'npcgeneratec', 0, 'Alexander', 27
  1020. gs 'boyStat', $npclastgenerated
  1021. dick = 34
  1022. modelpayfin = 2000 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1023. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1024. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1025. modelfoto_nude += 1
  1026. modelfoto_pussy += 1
  1027. mdlng_exp += rand(10,20)
  1028. city_modelling += rand(1,20)
  1029. if fine_art_deal = 1 or fine_art_deal = 2:
  1030. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 1
  1031. gs 'stat'
  1032. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art1.jpg"></center>'
  1033. '"AHH!!!"'
  1034. 'You shriek in pain as Alexander thrusts his enormous 34 cm cock inside you. Far too big for your virgin pussy, only about half of his length fits inside you. The woman shakes her head. '
  1035. '"No, no, Alexhandar. It iz no good like zat. All ze way inside." He immediately does as instructed, gripping your shoulder and he pulling you back while simultaneously pushing his hips forward. You gasp for breath, eyes watering, as he slowly drives the entire length of his cock inside your pussy centimeter by centimeter, stretching you to a breaking point. When his cock is fully enveloped and balls are brushing up against your clit, you hear the woman again.'
  1036. '"Yez! Yez! Just like zat! Now hold zat pozition just like zat!" In the corner of your tear-blurred vision, you see her click the remote and a ring of cameras flash around you, snapping simultaneously. Then, a red laser begin to scan you from bottom to top. The scanner works at an excruciatingly slow pace. It takes all of your willpower not to cry out, quiver, or scream in pain. You bite down hard on your lip, tears streaming down your face as it the only facial expression you can bear to maintain without moving.'
  1037. 'The scan continues but at the edge of your hearing you can perceive a faint scratching sound. After a few minutes, you sink into despair when you realize that it''s the sound of drawing. She expects you to hold this position, hold this monstrously huge cock in your pussy without flinching. You want to whimper but fearing retribution you just bite down on your lip harder.'
  1038. act'Continue':
  1039. modelfoto += 1
  1040. if fine_art_deal = 1:money += modelpayfin + 30000
  1041. if art_resign = 1:money += modelpayfin
  1042. if fine_art_deal = 1:modelfotomoney += modelpayfin + 30000
  1043. if art_resign = 1:modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1044. minut += 90
  1045. pcs_mood -= 5
  1046. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  1047. cla & *clr
  1048. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art1.jpg"></center>'
  1049. 'You spend the next ninety minutes holding the position for the artist woman. The scan finishes in the first 15 minutes but the client insists on her models continuing to stand stock still until her drawing is completed.'
  1050. '"You cannot zubstitute a perzon for pictures once you have already begun with a living creature. Art iz about <i>life</i>. Without ze proper reference, you cannot truly capture life''s essence." Alexander, the perfect model, literally allows you no wiggle room. His grip is like iron, holding you tight against him, maintaining his pose with perfect posture. Even his cock is unflinching, neither throbbing nor softening even for a single second. For all 90 minutes it maintains peak hardness, like a sword stabbing into you, threatening to tear you in half at any moment.'
  1051. 'Finally, she calls for a stop and allows you to be released from your position. You lean forward, easing yourself off of Alexander''s enormous cock. Your pussy releases it with a pop and you feel hollow, an enormous aching void between your legs. You feel something leaking out and looking back, you see the red drops of your virgin blood, running down your thighs, staining the sheet beneath you. Alexander''s cock is coated in it as well, glistening crimson. Looking to the side, you see the woman studying her drawing and looking back to a computer screen, comparing the two.'
  1052. '"I think I shall make zis into a sculpture. This piece must be chiseled from marble to truly encapsulate ze glory of zis zubject!" She snaps her fingers twice and staff come out to begin collecting the equipment and putting it away. The woman herself walks over and reaches into her purse.'
  1053. if fine_art_deal = 1:'"Zis is for ze job," she says, placing wad of <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> into your hand. "And zis, is for your contribution to art!" she says, placing in your other hand a large stack of bills equaling to 30,000 <b>₽</b>. "Zis vill be a famous piece to go down in the history of ze world! Do not forget and take pride in your part of what began here today!"'
  1054. if fine_art_deal = 2:'"Zis is for ze job," she says, placing wad of <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> into your hand. "And be proud," she says, placing her other hand on your shoulder. "Zis vill be a famous piece to go down in the history of ze world! One day, vhen you see ze statue, remember and be proud of ze young woman whose loss of virtue vas immortalized in stone. Remember and <i>be proud.</i>"'
  1055. act'Continue':
  1056. cla
  1057. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1058. 'As the people around you pack up the equipment and depart, the artist and Alexander disappearing with them, you stand there, feeling the throbbing ache between your legs and the blood still dripping down your thighs. While you stand, all you can do is stare at the stacks of cash you have been given; the money that bought your virginity. And while you stand and stare, you think to yourself...'
  1059. *nl
  1060. '<i>Is this what my virginity was worth?</i>'
  1061. act'Leave':
  1062. fine_art_deal = 0
  1063. gt'foto','studio'
  1064. end
  1065. end
  1066. end
  1067. elseif fine_art_deal = 3:
  1068. money += modelpayfin
  1069. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1070. minut += 90
  1071. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art1.jpg"></center>'
  1072. 'You hold the position with Alexander, feeling his thick cock extending out under you, brushing against your thighs and stomach. The woman clicks a button and cameras flash all around you and the red line of scanners begin to slowly ascend your body from bottom to top. As the scanner moves, you see her sit down in front of an easel from the corner of your eye and begin to draw.'
  1073. *nl
  1074. '90 minutes pass before she is finished sketching. When she is finished, she compares her sketch to a nearby computer screen, still trying to decide which form she wants her art to take. Shaking her head, she calls an end to the shoot and you are allowed to break from your position, stretching your stiff muscles.'
  1075. 'The woman steps forward, reaching into her purse to pull out <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b>, which she places in your hand.'
  1076. '"I am disappointed with your commitment," she says. "Great people should be willing to sacrifice for the sake of great art. I vish you vere one of those people." She shakes her head and walks away, snapping her fingers twice and causing her crew to start packing up equipment.'
  1077. *nl
  1078. if pcs_vag = 0:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand and your virginity still intact.'
  1079. if pcs_vag > 0:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand and your dignity still intact.'
  1080. act'Leave':
  1081. fine_art_deal = 0
  1082. gt'foto','studio'
  1083. end
  1084. elseif fine_art_deal = 4:
  1085. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 1
  1086. gs 'stat'
  1087. money += modelpayfin + 2000
  1088. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin + 2000
  1089. minut += 90
  1090. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art1.jpg"></center>'
  1091. if pcs_vag <= 10:
  1092. 'Alexander pushes himself inside you. You can''t help but release a small grunt of discomfort as his 34 cm cock stretches your <<$pcdesc_pussy>> pussy. It takes a few tries to get his exceptional length and girth all the way inside before settling back into the exact posture you were instructed to hold. The woman clicks a button and cameras flash all around you and the red line of scanners begin to slowly ascend your body from bottom to top. As the scanner moves, you see her sit down in front of an easel from the corner of your eye and begin to draw.'
  1093. *nl
  1094. '90 minutes pass before she is finished sketching, your pussy more than a little bit uncomfortable from being overstuffed with Alexander''s enormous cock. When she is finished, she compares her sketch to a nearby computer screen, still trying to decide which form she wants her art to take. Clapping her hands, she calls an end to the shoot and you are allowed to break from your position, stretching your stiff muscles and sliding off of Alexander''s cock. Its absence leaves you feeling quite empty.'
  1095. elseif pcs_vag > 10 and pcs_vag <= 15:
  1096. 'Alexander pushes himself inside you. You exhale slowly, relaxing to accommodate the enormous 34 cm cock sliding your <<$pcdesc_pussy>> pussy. You give yourself a moment to adjust to his sizable length and girth before settling back into the exact posture you were instructed to hold. The woman clicks a button and cameras flash all around you and the red line of scanners begin to slowly ascend your body from bottom to top. As the scanner moves, you see her sit down in front of an easel from the corner of your eye and begin to draw.'
  1097. *nl
  1098. '90 minutes pass before she is finished sketching, your pussy snuggly filled by Alexander''s cock for the duration. When she is finished, she compares her sketch to a nearby computer screen, still trying to decide which form she wants her art to take. Clapping her hands, she calls an end to the shoot and you are allowed to break from your position, stretching your stiff muscles and sliding off of Alexander''s cock. Its absence leaves you feeling quite empty.'
  1099. elseif pcs_vag > 15 and pcs_vag <= 25:
  1100. 'Alexander pushes himself inside you. You relax, letting the enormous 34 cm cock slide into your <<$pcdesc_pussy>> pussy with relative ease. You check your position, making sure you can feel his balls against your clit and that he''s all the way inside before settling back into the exact posture you were instructed to hold. The woman clicks a button and cameras flash all around you and the red line of scanners begin to slowly ascend your body from bottom to top. As the scanner moves, you see her sit down in front of an easel from the corner of your eye and begin to draw.'
  1101. *nl
  1102. '90 minutes pass before she is finished sketching, your pussy comfortably filled by Alexander''s cock for the duration. When she is finished, she compares her sketch to a nearby computer screen, still trying to decide which form she wants her art to take. Clapping her hands, she calls an end to the shoot and you are allowed to break from your position, stretching your stiff muscles and sliding off of Alexander''s cock. Its absence leaves you feeling quite empty.'
  1103. else
  1104. 'Alexander pushes himself inside you. His enormous 34 cm cock slides into you easily, your <<$pcdesc_pussy>> pussy readily stretching to accommodate his sizable length and girth. You check your position, making sure you can feel his balls against your clit and that he''s all the way inside before settling back into the exact posture you were instructed to hold. The woman clicks a button and cameras flash all around you and the red line of scanners begin to slowly ascend your body from bottom to top. As the scanner moves, you see her sit down in front of an easel from the corner of your eye and begin to draw.'
  1105. *nl
  1106. '90 minutes pass before she is finished sketching, your pussy satisfyingly filled by Alexander''s cock for the duration. When she is finished, she compares her sketch to a nearby computer screen, still trying to decide which form she wants her art to take. Clapping her hands, she calls an end to the shoot and you are allowed to break from your position, stretching your stiff muscles and sliding off of Alexander''s cock. Its absence leaves you feeling quite empty.'
  1107. end
  1108. '"Zis is for ze job," she says, placing wad of <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> into your hand. "And zis, is for your contribution to art!," she says, placing another 2,000 <b>₽</b> on top. "It iz always so much better to be able to work with models who do as instructed. Zo many do not understand ze nature of art. Take zis with my compliments." With that, she snaps her fingers twice and her crew immediately starts packing up equipment.'
  1109. *nl
  1110. if pcs_vag <= 10:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand, feeling good about the day''s work. Though your pussy is a bit sore.'
  1111. if pcs_vag > 10 and pcs_vag <= 15:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand, feeling good about the day''s work. Though your pussy does feel a bit stretched now.'
  1112. if pcs_vag > 15 and pcs_vag <= 25:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand, feeling good about the day''s work. Though your pussy does feel a bit empty now.'
  1113. if pcs_vag > 25:'You watch them leave, the money from the job in hand, feeling good about the day''s work. Though your pussy does feel a bit empty now. It''s not often you get filled by such a magnificent cock.'
  1114. act'Leave':
  1115. fine_art_deal = 0
  1116. gt'foto','studio'
  1117. end
  1118. end
  1119. end
  1120. if $ARGS[0] = 'modern_art':
  1121. cla & *clr
  1122. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1123. '"Modern art project?" you ask. "What''s this one about?"'
  1124. '"Some rich university student wants to use some of our girls as the subject of her art classes'' next exhibition. The way she worded included a lot of elaborate and confusing artsy nonsense words but to cut to the chase, she basically wants you and another girl to sixty-nine each other. You don''t actually have to eat each other out for real obviously but fair warning that if you take the job, your face is going to be close to another girl''s muff and someone else''s is going to be close to yours."'
  1125. '"Hmmm..."'
  1126. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  1127. act'I''d like to do this one':
  1128. cla
  1129. *nl
  1130. specialjob3 = 0
  1131. '"I''d like to do this one."'
  1132. '"Great! Go to set 17. The client will meet you there."'
  1133. act'Go to set 17':
  1134. cla & *clr
  1135. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1136. 'You go to set 17 as instructed and find a pretty teenage girl standing with one of the other models who works here. You can tell the first girl isn''t a model here as she''s still fully dressed in casual but expensive looking clothing, not the kind that anybody models here. As you approach, you hear her talking.'
  1137. '"...''s fine that they don''t let you wear clothes here. I wouldn''t either if I were surrounded by pretty girls all day. Give me something good to look at while I work, know what I''m sayin''? But damn! Would it kill them to turn up the heat in here? I mean, do you <i>see</i> my nips right now? They feel like could rip through my shirt at any moment! And yours look hard enough to take my eye out! But, oh em gee. I love your nails. Where did you get that polish? Oh! You''re here!" she says, interrupting herself when she finally sees you coming. "Are you the other model I asked for?"'
  1138. '"Yeah, that''s me!"'
  1139. '"Cool! Guess we''ll get started then. Now, if the two of you could just get up on this platform together..."'
  1140. act'Do the shoot':
  1141. cla & *clr
  1142. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art2.jpg"></center>'
  1143. minut += 90
  1144. modelpayfin = 2000 + (50+rand(1,9)*rand(0,7))
  1145. money += modelpayfin
  1146. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1147. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1148. modelfoto_nude += 1
  1149. mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
  1150. city_modelling += rand(1,21)
  1151. gs 'exhibitionism', 4
  1152. modern_art_projet = 1
  1153. pcs_horny += 20
  1154. 'The girl has you and the other model lie down on your sides and then wrap your legs your heads, both of you grabbing the other''s foot with your hand in a way that allows you to perfectly mirror each other''s position. At the client''s insistence, you bury your face between the other girl''s legs. The aroma of her sex fills your nostrils and you can feel her breath on your own pussy as well.'
  1155. '"Cool!" the client squeals excitedly. "Now sit just like that and let me get my camera!"'
  1156. 'She starts moving about all around you, taking pictures from various angles and moving stands around, changing the lighting scheme. At one point, you hear a snapshot that sounds more like a phone sound effect than a DSLR and you think that she might have just taken a selfie on set with you. Other than that, the next hour and a half passes relatively uneventfully for you. But being stuck in a sexual position for so long takes its toll on you. The tingling of breathing on your pussy is tantalizing, and you feel an uncontrollable heat emanating from between your legs. Flushing with embarrassment, you hope the other model doesn''t notice your arousal but judging by the glistening wetness on the pussy lips in front of you, you don''t think that''s very likely.'
  1157. *nl
  1158. 'The shoot finally ends and you and the other model untangle each other from one another, stretching to ease your cramped muscles. The two of you briefly share a look together, before blushing hard and both looking away.'
  1159. '"Thanks guys! You two were great! I''m like, totally gonna get an A from my professor for this." The shoot over, the client departs and you collect your money from the manager with the other model. Holding your cash, you glance at each other one more time before blushing again and both making excuses about needing to be elsewhere in the studio. This isn''t something that''s going to be forgotten any time soon...'
  1160. *nl
  1161. 'You earned <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for this job.'
  1162. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  1163. end
  1164. end
  1165. end
  1166. end
  1167. if $ARGS[0] = 'aphrodite_advert':
  1168. cla & *clr
  1169. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1170. '"Aphrodite Advert?" you ask. "Aphrodite like ''this studio'' Aphrodite?"'
  1171. '"Actually, Aphrodite is just a modelling agency. Though most of you never leave the studio, Aphrodite''s main business is renting you girls out to people who want young, beautiful models for their projects. This building and the non-models who work here are actually a distinct sub-entity. People pay us for access to our girls and then for a little extra, we offer them the studio as a location to shoot in as well. If they shoot in the studio, they can purchase a special add-on and we''ll even provide a full camera crew. For such convenience, people rarely say no. Lets us make our money coming <i>and</i> going. Anyways, about the job, it''s always good to keep updating our adverts to let potential clients. And since you girls pretty much <i>are</i> the business, we advertise by taking group pictures of you. Having only one model on a banner ad or billboard or poster is wasting space. Doesn''t show the diverse options the agency has to offer. So we take group photos instead. Anyways, what do you think? Being featured in one of these ads is likely to increase your profile pretty well. People outside the city might even recognize you."'
  1172. '"Hmmm..."'
  1173. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  1174. act'I''d like to do this one':
  1175. cla
  1176. *nl
  1177. specialjob4 = 0
  1178. '"I''d like to do this one."'
  1179. '"Great! Go to set 23 and join the other girls. The head photographer will tell you what to do from there."'
  1180. act'Do the shoot':
  1181. minut += 120
  1182. modelpayfin = 1000
  1183. money += modelpayfin
  1184. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1185. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1186. modelfoto_nude += 1
  1187. mdlng_exp += rand(1,10)
  1188. city_modelling += rand(40,60)
  1189. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/4
  1190. cla & *clr
  1191. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/group.jpg"></center>'
  1192. 'You go to the designated set and find the other girls waiting there, idling chatting to each other and gossiping. You join them and when the head photographer shows up, he begins to give you all instructions.'
  1193. *nl
  1194. 'The next two hours are spent being posed, positioned, and re-positioned into various arrangements and groupings, ensuring that the advertising department has a diverse set of options to work with.'
  1195. 'When the shoot ends, a manager calls for all you girls to line up, handing each of you an envelope of cash as you walk by him.'
  1196. *nl
  1197. 'You are paid <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for the job today, which isn''t very much as far as the usual payment goes at the studio. But the manager did tell you up front, this job doesn''t pay out so much in money for you as it does for publicity.'
  1198. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  1199. end
  1200. end
  1201. end
  1202. if $ARGS[0] = 'independent_art':
  1203. cla & *clr
  1204. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1205. '"Independent art project?" you ask. "What''s this one about?"'
  1206. '"Some independent photographer wants to use some of our girls in some kind of fancy time or art piece or something like that, something he''s been commissioned to do I think. Anyways, he wants to do the direction yourself so I don''t know the nitty gritty details. As far as I know, it''s mostly just you putting your hair up and wearing some kind of fancy dresses while he -I believe the request reads- ''elegantly poses'' you."'
  1207. '"Hmmm..."'
  1208. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  1209. act'I''d like to do this one':
  1210. cla
  1211. *nl
  1212. specialjob5 = 0
  1213. '"I''d like to do this one."'
  1214. '"Great! Go to set 8. The client will be waiting for you there with some other girls. Just do as he says and come see me for the payment after."'
  1215. act'Do the shoot':
  1216. hpingripw = 1
  1217. minut += 120
  1218. minut += 120
  1219. gs'stat'
  1220. modelpayfin = 1600 + (modelpay) + (35*rand(0,5))
  1221. money += modelpayfin
  1222. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1223. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1224. mdlng_exp += rand(2,8)
  1225. city_modelling += rand(12,16)
  1226. cla & *clr
  1227. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/art3.jpg"></center>'
  1228. 'You go to the designated set where you find several other girls dressed in graceful and sophisticated clothing that is also completely sheer. At your approach, you are directed to put on one of these outfits yourself and get your hair done by the team of the makeup artists present.'
  1229. *nl
  1230. 'The next two hours after that are spent being posed quite elegantly, as promised by the request. The shoot ends and you go back to the manager who pays you <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for the job.'
  1231. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  1232. end
  1233. end
  1234. end
  1235. if $ARGS[0] = 'designer_wedding':
  1236. cla & *clr
  1237. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1238. '"Designer wedding dress?" you ask. "We do this kind of work?"'
  1239. '"When it''s this kind of designer we do. It''s another one of those high fashion type things, taking a look at the bridal fashion, looking to make it more dramatic, more exciting, more sexual. Anyways, bottom line, I wouldn''t call this a ''dress.'' I''d barely call it clothing actually. It''s pretty much just gloves, stockings, and lingerie. I guess it''s a little bit like a wedding dress in that it has a veil. Anyways, that''s the request. Wear the stuff, show some skin, including pussy and tits (I don''t know why), we take the pictures to send to her so she can share them with her designer friends. So, what do you say?"'
  1240. act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  1241. act'I''d like to do this one':
  1242. cla
  1243. *nl
  1244. specialjob6 = 0
  1245. '"Great! Go to set 12. The client will be waiting for you there with some other girls. Just do as he says and come see me for the payment after."'
  1246. act'':
  1247. minut += 60
  1248. gs'stat'
  1249. modelpayfin = 1200 + (modelpay) + (35*rand(0,5))
  1250. money += modelpayfin
  1251. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1252. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1253. modelfoto_pussy += 1
  1254. mdlng_exp += rand(2,4)
  1255. city_modelling += rand(8,16)
  1256. cla & *clr
  1257. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/wedding.jpg"></center>'
  1258. 'You go to set 12 where you put on the "dress" which really <i>is</i> just stockings, gloves, and a veil. You and the photographer spend about an hour in a few poses, including a few that have pulled back the bra and panties before wrapping up.'
  1259. *nl
  1260. 'The shoot ends and you go back to the manager who pays you <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for the job.'
  1261. act'Go back to the main floor':gt'foto','studio'
  1262. end
  1263. end
  1264. end
  1265. !!if $ARGS[0] = 'documentary':
  1266. !! cla & *clr
  1267. !! '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1268. !! '"Documentary?" you ask. "What do you mean documentary? What''s this about?"'
  1269. !! '"It''s not a modelling job, but someone''s going around asking about life as a model and in the industry. They want to interview some of the models here. Point a camera at them, ask them a few questions, put it on the internet and stuff. The pay is about that of a standard nude shoot but it''s also likely to increase your profile more than the average nude shoot, how many people who''ve seen your face, know your name. Could be good for increasing your reputation or popularity."'
  1270. !! '"Hmmm..."'
  1271. !! act'Back to the list':gt'foto_events','list'
  1272. !! act'I''d like to do this one':
  1273. !! cla
  1274. !! *nl
  1275. !! specialjob7 = 0
  1276. !!
  1277. !!end
  1278. !!--------------------------------------- Fame events ----------------------------------------------
  1279. if $ARGS[0] = 'topless1':
  1280. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1281. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1282. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1283. act'Turn around':
  1284. *clr & cla
  1285. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1286. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1287. '"I''ve been looking for you."'
  1288. act'"What''s up?"':
  1289. *clr & cla
  1290. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1291. '"What''s up?"'
  1292. '"You''re starting to make a name for yourself around here <<$pcs_firstname>>. I''m here to talk to you about a special offer."'
  1293. if casting > 0 and first_fame_event = 0:
  1294. '"Special offer? Like another commercial?"'
  1295. '"No, no. Not quite like that. We''ve been getting a lot of positive feedback about your work. One of the higher ups in the studio asked us to put out a special issue that features exclusively you if you''re up for it. We wanted to do something special so the plan is to do it outside the studio in a place with more natural light. It''ll just be a topless shoot and will take a bit longer than usual to get there and set up, but we''ll pay you for it in addition to your normal once a week contract. What do you say? Are you in?"'
  1296. if first_fame_event = 0:first_fame_event = 1
  1297. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1298. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1299. act'"No thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1300. *clr & cla
  1301. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1302. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1303. gs 'stat'
  1304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1305. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m happy just doing what I''m doing if that''s alright."'
  1306. '"That''s a shame. Well, maybe some other time then. I''ll tell the producer you said no."'
  1307. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1308. end
  1309. else
  1310. act '"No thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1311. end
  1312. act'"Yeah! Let''s do it!"':
  1313. first_fame_event = 2
  1314. *clr & cla
  1315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1316. '"Yeah! Let''s do it!" you say excitedly.'
  1317. '"Great! Do your makeup and put your clothes back on, we''ll leave as soon as you''re ready.'
  1318. act'Continue':gt'foto_events','topless1.1'
  1319. end
  1320. else
  1321. '"What kind of offer?"'
  1322. 'We''ve been getting a lot of positive feedback from subscribers about your work so a producer asked us to put out a special issue that features exclusively you. We wanted to do something special so the plan is to do it outside the studio in a place with more natural light. It''ll just be a topless shoot and will take a bit longer than usual to get there and set up, but we''ll pay you for it in addition to your normal once a week contract. What do you say? Are you in?"'
  1323. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1324. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1325. act'"No thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1326. *clr & cla
  1327. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1328. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1329. gs 'stat'
  1330. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1331. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m happy just doing what I''m doing if that''s alright."'
  1332. '"That''s a shame. Well, maybe some other time then. I''ll tell the producer you said no."'
  1333. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1334. end
  1335. else
  1336. act '"No thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1337. end
  1338. act'"Yeah! Let''s do it!"':
  1339. *clr & cla
  1340. first_fame_event = 2
  1341. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1342. '"Yeah! Let''s do it!" you say excitedly.'
  1343. '"Great! Do your makeup and put your clothes back on, we''ll leave as soon as you''re ready.'
  1344. act'Continue':gt'foto_events','topless1.1'
  1345. end
  1346. end
  1347. end
  1348. end
  1349. end
  1350. if $ARGS[0] = 'topless1.1':
  1351. *clr & cla
  1352. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1353. pcs_makeup = 2
  1354. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1355. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1356. gs 'stat'
  1357. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1358. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  1359. 'You run to your makeup station and get your makeup straighted out before running back to the dressing room and throwing your clothes on.'
  1360. act'Continue':
  1361. *clr & cla
  1362. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1363. minut += 60
  1364. 'You hop in the van they have prepared and drive to a house with large windows. You get in the clothes they want you to and begin the photo shoot.'
  1365. act'Continue':
  1366. *clr & cla
  1367. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  1368. gs 'underwear', 'remove'
  1369. gs 'stat'
  1370. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/fametopless1.mp4"></video></center>'
  1371. 'They have you start in an oversized hoodie, teasing the camera with your breasts until you finally pull it all the way off and bare your shoulders.'
  1372. act'Continue':
  1373. *clr & cla
  1374. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/fametopless2.mp4"></video></center>'
  1375. 'The photographer has you play with some of the pillows on the furniture and then in a moment of spontaneous glee you drop kick it across the room.'
  1376. act'Continue':
  1377. *clr & cla
  1378. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/fametopless3.mp4"></video></center>'
  1379. 'Afterwards, you drop back down on the sofa, basking in the warmth of the sun.'
  1380. act'Continue':
  1381. *clr & cla
  1382. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/fametopless4.mp4"></video></center>'
  1383. 'To end the shoot, you wiggle around on your back, letting gravity do the work as your breasts jiggle enticingly.'
  1384. act'Continue':
  1385. *clr & cla
  1386. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/fametopless5.mp4"></video></center>'
  1387. minut += 120
  1388. '"Okay we''re all done here," the photographer says. "Did you have fun?"'
  1389. 'You laugh hysterically for a moment and smile at him. You <i>did</i> have a lot of fun. "Even though I''ve been a model for a little while, I''m not sure I''ve ever done anything like this."'
  1390. '"Like what?" the photographer asks, confused.'
  1391. '"Like this!" you laugh as you move your shoulders back and forth and make your breasts jiggle again.'
  1392. act'Finish up and go back':
  1393. *clr & cla
  1394. modelpayfin = 2500 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1395. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1396. gs 'stat'
  1397. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1398. minut += 60
  1399. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1400. 'You get dressed again while they load everything back into the van and then you all drive back to the studio. They drop you on the curb with your pay of <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for today''s work. You can see there''s even a little extra!'
  1401. money += modelpayfin
  1402. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1403. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1404. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1405. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1406. city_modelling += 20
  1407. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/10
  1408. act'Leave':
  1409. msg'You''ve shown the studio that you''re willing to go above and beyond what is normally asked of you and that you''re willing to capitalize on your popularity as a model. The photographers might come to you for more off-site shoots like this in the future. Additionally, you are now considered a viable candidate for special requests that might be asked of the studio. Each day there may or may not be such work available for you. Check with the photographers if you want to supplement your income with these specialized jobs.'
  1410. gt'down'
  1411. end
  1412. end
  1413. end
  1414. end
  1415. end
  1416. end
  1417. end
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1420. if $ARGS[0] = 'pool1':
  1421. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1422. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1423. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1424. act'Turn around':
  1425. *clr & cla
  1426. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1427. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1428. '"I''ve been looking for you."'
  1429. act'"What''s up?"':
  1430. *clr & cla
  1431. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1432. '"What''s up?"'
  1433. if city_modelling < 100:
  1434. '"We''ve been hearing good things about you lately. Even though you''re pretty new to the industry, we keep hearing your name pop up. Must mean that you''re starting to get recognized and asked for. So that being said, we''d like to do an offsite shoot today to feature you in an upcoming special issue."'
  1435. elseif city_modelling >= 100 and city_modelling < 200:
  1436. '"You''re really starting to make a name for yourself. We''ve even had a few journalists come to the studio asking about you. So that being said, we''d like to do an offsite shoot today so we can feature you in an upcoming special issue.""'
  1437. elseif city_modelling >= 200:
  1438. '"I was hoping to get you for a shoot today. We have an upcoming special issue and we wanted you to feature in it so we can put your name on the cover to increase sales."'
  1439. end
  1440. '"What kind of shoot?"'
  1441. if city_modelling < 200:
  1442. '"A nude pool shoot with you and a few of the other name girls we have here. You''ll all have equal part in it but you''ll all also get your own exclusive sections within the spread. This won''t count as your weekly shoot so you''ll get paid for it and it''s sure to give you a bump of fame as well. How about it?"'
  1443. elseif city_modelling >= 200:
  1444. '"A nude pool shoot with you and a few rising girls. We''re hoping that the people who read the issue for you will help get exposure to these other girls, increase their profile. Even so, it''ll still be good publicity for you too. You''ve been working with us long enough that you know the drill and you''ll get paid for this. Are you in?"'
  1445. end
  1446. if city_modelling < 100:
  1447. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1448. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1449. act'"I''m not interested in getting famous" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1450. *clr & cla
  1451. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1452. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1453. gs 'stat'
  1454. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1455. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m not that interested in getting famous. I''m really only in this for the money and I don''t want my name being spread around too much."'
  1456. '"Okay. I understand. Maybe next time."'
  1457. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1458. end
  1459. else
  1460. act'"I''m not interested in getting famous" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1461. end
  1462. end
  1463. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1464. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1465. act'"Sorry, I had other plans" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1466. *clr & cla
  1467. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1468. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1469. gs 'stat'
  1470. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1471. '"Sorry, I was planning to do some other kinds of shoots today. I just don''t want to today. Maybe next time?"'
  1472. '"Okay, I understand. Maybe next time."'
  1473. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1474. end
  1475. else
  1476. act'"Sorry, I had other plans" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1477. end
  1478. act'"I''d be happy to help"':
  1479. *clr & cla
  1480. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1481. '"I''d be happy to feature in the special issue."'
  1482. '"Okay, great! I''ll be going ahead to set up but when you''re ready you can get in the shuttle that''s taking the other girls. I suspect when you get there we''ll start shooting immediately so put your makeup on now."'
  1483. act'Continue':
  1484. *clr & cla
  1485. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1486. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1487. pcs_makeup = 2
  1488. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1489. 'You go over to your station and touch up your makeup, make sure it''s perfect. You see a few of the other girls who are participating in the shoot doing the same. Soon, everyone is ready and you all pile into a shuttle and drive to the shooting location.'
  1490. 'As promised, as soon as you all arrive, they''re ready to start.'
  1491. act'Continue':
  1492. *clr & cla
  1493. minut += 180
  1494. modelpayfin = 3000 + modelpay + (50*rand(0,7))
  1495. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1496. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1497. modelfoto_nude += 1
  1498. mdlng_exp += 10
  1499. city_modelling += 35
  1500. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/4
  1501. pcs_mood += 5
  1502. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/pool.mp4"></video></center>'
  1503. 'You spend various portions of the next few hours in and around the pool. Sometimes by yourself, sometimes with the other girls in the background. Eventually your portion of the shoot is over and you spend the rest of the time lazing on a chaise lounge while the other girls finish up. It''s so comfortable, you couldn''t care less when the photographers decide to snap a few more pictures of you and your invitingly exposed ass.'
  1504. act'Continue':
  1505. *clr & cla
  1506. money += modelpayfin
  1507. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1508. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1509. gs 'stat'
  1510. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1511. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1512. 'When it''s all over, the shuttle takes you and the other models back to the studio and drop you on the curb with your <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> earnings.'
  1513. act'Leave':gt'down'
  1514. end
  1515. end
  1516. end
  1517. end
  1518. end
  1519. end
  1520. end
  1521. if $ARGS[0] = 'tennis':
  1522. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1523. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1524. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1525. act'Turn around':
  1526. *clr & cla
  1527. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1528. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1529. '"I''ve been looking for you."'
  1530. act'"What''s up?"':
  1531. *clr & cla
  1532. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1533. '"What''s up?"'
  1534. if city_modelling < 100:
  1535. '"You''re pretty athletic right? We wanted a girl to help us with a sports issue. Your name has been coming up more and more often so we thought you''d be a good choice."'
  1536. '"What would I be doing? What sport?"'
  1537. '"Tennis. We''re doing a bit of video for this shoot and you''d be doing tennis swings in slow motion. The thing is, we really do want someone who looks like they know what they''re doing, so that''s why we''d like to have you over someone else. Think you''re up for it? I think it would really increase your exposure and your profile."'
  1538. elseif city_modelling >= 100:
  1539. '"You like tennis right? Some other magazines were talking about how much you liked the sport so we thought it''d be good put out some special material featuring you doing some tennis swings. We''re talking photography and video here. We think it''d be good publicity for you. What do you think? Want to do it?"'
  1540. end
  1541. if city_modelling < 100:
  1542. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1543. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1544. act'"I''m not actually that into tennis..." (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1545. *clr & cla
  1546. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1547. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1548. gs 'stat'
  1549. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1550. '"I''m not actually that into tennis... I wouldn''t really feel comfortable doing this."'
  1551. '"Oh. Okay. Our mistake. Maybe we can do something else today."'
  1552. '"Yeah. Maybe something else," you say as you walk into the main part of the studio with him.'
  1553. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1554. end
  1555. else
  1556. act'"I''m not actually that into tennis..." (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1557. end
  1558. end
  1559. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1560. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1561. act'"Not today" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1562. *clr & cla
  1563. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1564. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1565. gs 'stat'
  1566. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1567. '"Sorry, but I don''t really want to do this today. I know you have to get the issue out so we can''t really postpone it but maybe next issue?"'
  1568. '"Yeah... Maybe next issue..."'
  1569. 'He seems really disappointed. You honestly feel kind of bad about it.'
  1570. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1571. end
  1572. else
  1573. act'"I''m not interested in getting famous" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1574. end
  1575. act'"Sure, that sounds like fun"':
  1576. *clr & cla
  1577. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1578. '"Sure, that sounds like fun!"'
  1579. '"Great!" he says. "If you go to your makeup station, we left you the stuff you need for the shoot. Meet at the white screen?"'
  1580. '"Okay! See you there!"'
  1581. act'Continue':
  1582. *clr & cla
  1583. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1584. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1585. pcs_makeup = 2
  1586. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1587. 'You go over to your station and see what they left for you. You see sneakers and a skirt, a visor and a sweat band, and a racket. There is a noticable lack of top or underwear. They didn''t tell you this was going to be a topless shoot, but you guess you shouldn''t be that surprised.'
  1588. 'You pull up the skirt and put on your makeup before heading over to the set.'
  1589. 'You do some practice swings while they''re setting up a high speed camera to capture you in slow motion. Soon enough, they''re ready to begin.'
  1590. act'Continue':
  1591. *clr & cla
  1592. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fame/tennis.mp4"></video></center>'
  1593. 'You give it your all and put in some vicious swings while one camera records and the other rapidly clicks.'
  1594. 'As you make your strokes, you feel your fluid and free-moving breasts follow through with them, reminding you why you usually wear a sports bra for this kind of thing.'
  1595. '<i>And why they didn''t give me one for this shoot...</i> you think to yourself.'
  1596. act'Continue':
  1597. *clr & cla
  1598. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1599. minut += 120
  1600. modelpayfin = 2500 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1601. money += modelpayfin
  1602. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1603. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1604. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1605. mdlng_exp += 8
  1606. city_modelling += 35
  1607. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/4
  1608. 'Eventually the shoot is over and they thank you for agreeing to do the shoot for them. They thank you even more when they play it back in slow motion. After they''re done time warp ogling your bouncing breasts, they pay you <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> and thank you one more time when they play the recordings back again.'
  1609. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. end
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. end
  1616. end
  1617. !!-------------------------------------Skill Events ------------------------------------------------
  1618. if $ARGS[0] = 'topless2':
  1619. *clr & cla
  1620. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1621. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1622. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1623. act'Turn around':
  1624. *clr & cla
  1625. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1626. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1627. '"I''ve been looking for you."'
  1628. act'"What''s up?"':
  1629. *clr & cla
  1630. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1631. '"You''ve been doing well around here lately. We were going to do a sunny penthouse topless pool shoot off site. Wanted to know if you wanted to be our girl and get paid for an job this week? It''ll take an extra hour though so if you''re busy we can always grab one of the other girls. How ''bout it? You want in?"'
  1632. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1633. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1634. act'"No thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1635. *clr & cla
  1636. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1637. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1638. gs 'stat'
  1639. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1640. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m happy with my schedule for today. You can ask one of the other girls."'
  1641. '"Alright, I''ll see you around <<$pcs_firstname>>."'
  1642. 'You wave goodbye as he goes off to find another girl.'
  1643. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1644. end
  1645. else
  1646. act'"No thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1647. end
  1648. act'"Sure, why not?"':
  1649. *clr & cla
  1650. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1651. '"Sure, why not?"'
  1652. '"Okay, great. Get changed and get ready, I''ll meet you in the van."'
  1653. act'"Alright, meet you there."':
  1654. *clr & cla
  1655. minut += 30
  1656. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1657. pcs_makeup = 2
  1658. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1659. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1660. 'You head over to your makeup station to get yourself sorted out before getting changed and jumping in the van with the rest of the crew.'
  1661. 'When you get to the set, you strip down and get ready for the shoot.'
  1662. act'Do your job':
  1663. *clr & cla
  1664. minut += 120
  1665. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/skill/skill_topless.mp4"></video></center>'
  1666. 'You spend two hours walking around, posing, and generally looking sexy for the camera on the sunny penthouse pool balcony.'
  1667. act'Continue':
  1668. *clr & cla
  1669. minut += 30
  1670. modelpayfin = 2000 + (modelpay * 2) + (35*rand(0,5))
  1671. money += modelpayfin
  1672. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1673. city_modelling += 15
  1674. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1675. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1676. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1677. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1678. gs 'stat'
  1679. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1680. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1681. 'The shoot is over and you get dressed while the rest of the crew packs up. Since it looks like they''ll be a while, you tell them you can just find you way back from here and you''ll see them later.'
  1682. 'Just before you leave, a staff member comes over and pays you <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> for the day''s work.'
  1683. act'Leave':gt'down'
  1684. end
  1685. end
  1686. end
  1687. end
  1688. end
  1689. end
  1690. end
  1691. if $ARGS[0] = 'beach2':
  1692. *clr & cla
  1693. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1694. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1695. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1696. act'Turn around':
  1697. *clr & cla
  1698. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1699. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1700. act'"What''s up?"':
  1701. *clr & cla
  1702. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1703. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, Looking to get an extra job in this week? We were planning on doing a topless beach shoot today. It''s a five hour job if you include the travel time but we''ll pay you extra on top of what you''d normally get as a bit of compensation. So, do you want it?'
  1704. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1705. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1706. act'"No thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1707. *clr & cla
  1708. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1709. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1710. gs 'stat'
  1711. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1712. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m happy with my schedule for today. Five hours <i>is</i> kind of a long time."'
  1713. '"Yeah, it''s fine. Maybe next time."'
  1714. 'You wave goodbye as he goes off to find another girl.'
  1715. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1716. end
  1717. else
  1718. act'"No thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1719. end
  1720. act'"Sure, sounds fun!"':
  1721. *clr & cla
  1722. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1723. '"Sure, sounds fun!" you say. "After all, when else is a girl going to get paid to have some fun in the sun?"'
  1724. '"Okay, I''ll let the crew know you''re in. I''ll meet you in the car. Get your makeup on and everything, we''ve got the stuff for you to wear for the shoot."'
  1725. act'Get ready and go':
  1726. *clr & cla
  1727. minut += 30
  1728. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1729. pcs_makeup = 2
  1730. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1731. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1732. gs 'stat'
  1733. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1734. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/lake/lake2.jpg"></center>'
  1735. 'You do the works at your makeup station throw your clothes on and jump in the car which immediately speeds off to the lake.'
  1736. act'Continue':
  1737. cla
  1738. minut += 30
  1739. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  1740. gs 'stat'
  1741. 'While the crew sets up, you strip back down and trade your panties out for a bikini bottom before waiting on the crew to start.'
  1742. act'Start the shoot':
  1743. *clr & cla
  1744. minut += 180
  1745. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/skill/skill_beach.mp4"></video></center>'
  1746. 'You have a great time spending the next three hours posing and playing in the water with your breasts exposed. There''s one moment when a particularly big wave almost knocks your bottoms off and you end up mooning the crew for a couple seconds.'
  1747. 'As the sun is setting, the shoot is finally finished and you all get ready to pack up and leave.'
  1748. act'Continue':
  1749. *clr & cla
  1750. minut += 60
  1751. modelpayfin = 2500 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1752. money += modelpayfin + 1000
  1753. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin + 1000
  1754. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1755. city_modelling += 15
  1756. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1757. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1758. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1759. gs 'stat'
  1760. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1761. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1762. 'It''s an hour later by the time you get back to the studio. The rest of the crew still has to unload but you''re free to go as soon as you get paid.'
  1763. 'The one of the staff counts out your <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> and you happily pocket it along with the additional 1000 <b>₽</b> you got as a bonus.'
  1764. act'Leave':gt'down'
  1765. end
  1766. end
  1767. end
  1768. end
  1769. end
  1770. end
  1771. end
  1772. end
  1773. if $ARGS[0] = 'pool2':
  1774. *clr & cla
  1775. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1776. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1777. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1778. act'Turn around':
  1779. *clr & cla
  1780. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1781. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1782. act'"What''s up?"':
  1783. *clr & cla
  1784. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1785. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, we were thinking about doing a topless pool shoot. It''s offsite so it''ll be an extra hour or two but it''s also an extra payday if you want it. So? Do you want it?'
  1786. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1787. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1788. act'"No thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1789. *clr & cla
  1790. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1791. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1792. gs 'stat'
  1793. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1794. '"Thanks for the offer but I''m happy with my schedule for today. Maybe next time."'
  1795. '"Yeah, it''s fine. I''ll go ask Katherine. She''s usually likes pool shoots."'
  1796. 'You point him in the direction of the last place you saw her.'
  1797. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1798. end
  1799. else
  1800. act'"No thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1801. end
  1802. act'"Sure"':
  1803. *clr & cla
  1804. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1805. pcs_makeup = 2
  1806. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1807. minut += 30
  1808. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1809. '"Yeah sure, why not? Gimme a minute to get ready and I''ll meet you in the car?"'
  1810. '"Sounds good." He gives you the thumbs up and you both turn to get ready. As he walks out the door, you go to your station and make sure your makeup is right. Afterwards, you jump in the car and drive out to some fancy mansion with it''s fancy stone pool and start the shoot.'
  1811. act'Do the shoot':
  1812. minut += 120
  1813. *clr & cla
  1814. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/skill/skill_pool.mp4"></video></center>'
  1815. 'You spend two hours in and around the pool, dealing with and laughing about the struggles of water physics.'
  1816. act'Continue':
  1817. *clr & cla
  1818. minut += 30
  1819. modelpayfin = 2500 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1820. money += modelpayfin
  1821. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1822. city_modelling += 15
  1823. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1824. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1825. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1826. gs 'underwear', 'wear'
  1827. gs 'stat'
  1828. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  1829. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/down.jpg"></center>'
  1830. 'After the shoot, they drop you back outside the studio while they unload.'
  1831. 'The photographer pays you out <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> and once the money is in your hand, you''re free to go.'
  1832. act'Leave':gt'down'
  1833. end
  1834. end
  1835. end
  1836. end
  1837. end
  1838. end
  1839. if $ARGS[0] = 'runway2':
  1840. *clr & cla
  1841. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1842. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1843. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1844. act'Turn around':
  1845. *clr & cla
  1846. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1847. 'As you turn you see a photographer running towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1848. act'"What''s up?"':
  1849. *clr & cla
  1850. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1851. 'Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, listen. We have an emergency situation and we''re looking for whoever is available. A clothing studio we sometimes shoot for is having a fashion show tonight but for some reason something''s gone wrong and they''re missing models."'
  1852. '"Missing models?" you gasp. "You mean like they''ve disappeared or something?"'
  1853. 'He looks confused for a second and says, "What? No! Just for whatever reason, they don''t have enough models for tonight. I don''t know if it''s because some of them got sick or had an accident or if they just planned poorly and were supposed to have more than they hired. In any case, we need people to jump in tonight. It''s going to be an all day thing though. We can''t have anymore hiccups so if you agree you''ll have to stay here until the show starts and then the show itself runs until 22:00 tonight. We know it''s a big commitment so if you do we''re willing to shell out a ton of money to make this work. We''re talking a three grand bonus on top of your normal variety shoot rate. Can we count on you for tonight?"'
  1854. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1855. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1856. act'"I''m sorry, I can''t be out that late" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1857. *clr & cla
  1858. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist', 'easy'
  1859. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1860. gs 'stat'
  1861. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1862. '"I''m really sorry but I have to say no. I can''t be out that late or my <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>>- er, for, uhh... reasons...."'
  1863. '"Yeah, yeah, it''s fine, whatever," he says a bit more harshly than he needed to but you understand he''s under a lot of stress right now so you let it pass. At that moment, Anasasia passes by and the photographer''s attention is immediately diverted. "Anastasia! We need you! It''s an emergency!"'
  1864. '"Of course darling! What do you need?" As they frantically chatter away, you leave them be and go back to the main studio.'
  1865. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1866. end
  1867. else
  1868. act'"I''m sorry, I can''t be out that late" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1869. end
  1870. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1871. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1872. act'"I''m sorry, I can''t, I had plans for today" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1873. *clr & cla
  1874. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1875. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1876. gs 'stat'
  1877. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1878. '"I''m really sorry but I have to say no. I had important plans for today and I can''t miss it. I''m <i>really</i> sorry!"'
  1879. '"Yeah, yeah, it''s fine, whatever," he says a bit more harshly than he needed to but you understand he''s under a lot of stress right now so you let it pass. At that moment, Anasasia passes by and the photographer''s attention is immediately diverted. "Anastasia! We need you! It''s an emergency!"'
  1880. '"Of course darling! What do you need?" As they frantically chatter away, you leave them be and go back to the main studio.'
  1881. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1882. end
  1883. else
  1884. act'"I''m sorry, I can''t, I had plans for today" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1885. end
  1886. act'"Yes! Of course!"':
  1887. *clr & cla
  1888. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1889. '"Yes of course I can be there! If the studio need me to be there, I''m there."'
  1890. '<i>The money doesn''t hurt either...</i> you think to yourself.'
  1891. 'The photographer heaves a sigh of relief and says, "Great! Okay, stick around, I''m going to see who else is around for me to round up, okay?" With that, he rushes off and you find a place to hang out until it all starts.'
  1892. act'Continue':
  1893. *clr & cla
  1894. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/runway_waiting.mp4"></video></center>'
  1895. 'Eventually the photographer succeeds in rounding up as many models including one really new girl who looks like it might have been her first day here when the photographer found her. You''re all sat down on a line of chairs and told to wait for the studio to do your makeup and wardrobe.'
  1896. act'Continue':
  1897. *clr & cla
  1898. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/mirrors.jpg"></center>'
  1899. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1900. pcs_makeup = 4
  1901. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1902. hour = 19
  1903. 'The runway crew shows up and immediately moves you to the makeup station to get your hair and everything done. They really shovel it on for this. A bit different to the subtle makeup you normally put on for modelling.'
  1904. 'They put you into the clothes that they''ve decided you''re going to be modelling and you wait for the show to begin.'
  1905. act'Continue':
  1906. hour = 20
  1907. modelpayfin = 6000 + (modelpay * 3) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1908. city_modelling += 30
  1909. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/5
  1910. mdlng_exp += rand(8,10)
  1911. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1912. *clr & cla
  1913. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/skill/skill_runway.mp4"></video></center>'
  1914. 'As soon as they send you down the runway you realize something''s gone wrong. The loose cleavage of the dress you''re wearing is too loose. With the kind of purposeful steps you''re taking and your breasts jiggling underneath, the fabric falls to the sides and your breasts are left completely exposed. You try your best to recover but the dress is just too loose and skimpy and no matter what you do your breasts end up coming loose.'
  1915. 'With nothing left to it and not wanting to make a big deal out of it and ruin the show, you put on your best model smile and just get through the rest of your walk.'
  1916. act'Continue':
  1917. *clr & cla
  1918. hour = 22
  1919. money += modelpayfin
  1920. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1921. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1922. if StoryLine = 1 and age < 18:
  1923. 'Two hours later, the show is over and you''re left naked in the studio, counting the <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> you''ve been paid and musing over the happenings of the night. Your fame has almost certainly increased by a large margin thanks to your professional composure during the wardrobe malfunction and that''s great. But at the same time, this kind of thing has the tendency to circle around and you <i>really</i> hope nobody in Pavlovsky hears about this...'
  1924. act'Back in the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1925. else
  1926. 'Two hours later, the show is over and you''re left naked in the studio, counting the <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b> you''ve been paid and musing over the happenings of the night. Your fame has almost certainly increased by a large margin thanks to your professional composure. You''re proud of yourself that you held it together like that and you''re excited to see what opportunities this added fame might bring.'
  1927. act'Back in the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1928. end
  1929. end
  1930. end
  1931. end
  1932. end
  1933. end
  1934. end
  1935. end
  1936. end
  1937. if $ARGS[0] = 'wet':
  1938. *clr & cla
  1939. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/foto.jpg"></center>'
  1940. '"<<$pcs_firstname>>!"'
  1941. 'As you walk out of the changing room you hear someone call your name.'
  1942. act'Turn around':
  1943. *clr & cla
  1944. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1945. 'As you turn you see a photographer walking towards you, waving you over. You walk over to talk to him.'
  1946. act'"What''s up?"':
  1947. *clr & cla
  1948. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1949. '"Hey <<$pcs_firstname>>, we were thinking about doing a special shoot and since you''ve shown you''re willing to go the extra mile around here, we hoped you might like to do it.'
  1950. 'You regard him somewhat suspiciously as he never actually says what the shoot is.'
  1951. act'"And the shoot is...?"':
  1952. *clr & cla
  1953. '"And the shoot is...?" you ask leadingly.'
  1954. 'He looks awkward like he doesn''t know what to say for a moment until he finally explains, "Well, it''s a shoot here in the studio but we need you to be wet for it. So we''re going to need you to get on set naked and then we''ll take a hose and spray you for the duration of the shoot. Most girls say no when we tell them what we''re going to do because they find it unpleasent. So? How about it? We''ll pay you for it and it won''t count as your weekly job."'
  1955. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1956. if will_cost <= pcs_willpwr:
  1957. act'"Thanks but no thanks" (<<will_cost>> Willpower)':
  1958. *clr & cla
  1959. gs 'willpower', 'exhib', 'resist'
  1960. gs 'willpower', 'pay', 'resist'
  1961. gs 'stat'
  1962. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1963. '"Thanks but no thanks. I don''t want to get sprayed with a hose for two hours just for some extra money."'
  1964. '"Yeah..." he sighs. "That''s what I thought you''d say. Dammit! Why won''t any of the girls agree to this anymore?!"'
  1965. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1966. end
  1967. else
  1968. act'"Thanks but no thanks" (<font color="red"><<will_cost>> Willpower</font>)': '<br><font color="red">You don''t have enough willpower to use this action.</font>'
  1969. end
  1970. act'"Sure! Why not?"':
  1971. *clr & cla
  1972. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/fotograph.jpg"></center>'
  1973. '"Sure! Why not? I don''t mind getting a little wet."'
  1974. '"Really?" he pipes up. "Wow! I didn''t think you''d actually say yes. Alright! Let''s do it then!"'
  1975. act'Continue':
  1976. *clr & cla
  1977. minut += 120
  1978. pcs_hairbsh = 1
  1979. pcs_makeup = 2
  1980. pcs_lipbalm += 8
  1981. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/special/wet.mp4"></video></center>'
  1982. 'You put on your makeup and follow him over to the water proof set in the studio and spend the next two hours shrieking and giggling as you get blasted with water while photographed nude.'
  1983. 'He wasn''t kidding! That water is cold!'
  1984. act'Continue':
  1985. cla
  1986. modelpayfin = 3000 + (modelpay * 2) + (50*rand(0,7))
  1987. modelfoto_nip += 1
  1988. modelfoto_topless += 1
  1989. modelfoto_nude += 1
  1990. mdlng_exp += rand(9,10)
  1991. city_modelling += rand(18,21)
  1992. pav_modelling += rand(0,city_modelling)/4
  1993. gs 'exhibitionism', 4
  1994. money += modelpayfin
  1995. modelfotomoney += modelpayfin
  1996. 'Eventually, the shoot is over and they leave you cold, shivering, and with really hard nipples. But at least you''ve also got a dry wad of cash that counts out to <<modelpayfin>> <b>₽</b>.'
  1997. act'Back to the studio':gt'foto','studio'
  1998. end
  1999. end
  2000. end
  2001. end
  2002. end
  2003. end
  2004. end
  2005. --- foto_events ---------------------------------