kuhrPar.qsrc 13 KB

  1. # kuhrPar
  3. *clr & cla
  4. if fullmorrout = 1:
  5. minut += 2
  6. act '<font color = maroon><b>Leave the apartment and go outside</b></font>':
  7. minut +=1
  8. killvar 'fullmorrout'
  9. gs 'korrPar'
  10. gt'pav_residential'
  11. end
  12. end
  13. act 'Return to the hallway':
  14. killvar 'fullmorrout'
  15. gt 'korrPar'
  16. end
  17. $loc = 'kuhrPar'
  18. $loc_arg = ''
  19. $locclass = 'kitr'
  20. $menu_loc = 'kuhrPar'
  21. $menu_arg = ''
  22. menu_off = 0
  23. minut += 1
  24. gs 'stat'
  25. gs 'kit_din'
  26. gs 'themes', 'indoors'
  27. gs 'family_schedule'
  28. !! ballet career
  29. gs 'core_library', 'init'
  30. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Kitchen</font></b></center>'
  31. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/kuhrpar.jpg"></center>'
  32. if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here'):
  33. if locat['Mother'] = 4:
  34. if locat['Mom_kitchen_action'] = 1:
  35. 'You <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> is here, busy making breakfast.'
  36. elseif locat['Mom_kitchen_action'] = 2:
  37. npc_rel['A29'] += 1
  38. cla & *clr
  39. minut += 5
  40. gs'stat'
  41. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/gotovka.jpg"></center>'
  42. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> turns to you. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, please set the table for breakfast." You sigh and grab the dishes.'
  43. act 'Set the table for breakfast': gt 'kuhrPar'
  44. exit
  45. elseif locat['Mom_kitchen_action'] = 4:
  46. $mombreak = ''
  47. 'Your <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> is here clearing away the breakfast dishes.'
  48. else
  49. $mombreak = ', <a href="exec:gt''mother''">mother</a>'
  50. end
  51. end
  52. if ((hour = 6 and minut >= 45) or (hour = 7 and minut <= 15)) and week < 6 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
  53. '<a href="exec:gt''father''">Your stepfather</a><<$mombreak>>, <a href="exec:gt ''sister_chat'', ''talking''">Anya</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''brother'', ''start''">Kolka</a> are sitting at the table eating breakfast. You could sit down and join them for breakfast or just grab something and go.'
  54. elseif ((hour = 6 and minut >= 45) or (hour = 7 and minut <= 15)) and week > 5 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
  55. '<a href="exec:gt''father''">Your stepfather</a><<$mombreak>>, and <a href="exec:gt ''brother'', ''start''">Kolka</a> are sitting at the table eating breakfast. It seems your sister is sleeping in again. You could sit down and join them for breakfast or just grab something and go.'
  56. elseif hour = 18 and minut <= 30 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0 and locat['Anya'] = 12:
  57. '<a href="exec:gt''father''">Your stepfather</a>, <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a>, <a href="exec:gt ''sister_chat'', ''talking''">Anya</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''brother'', ''start''">Kolka</a> are sitting at the table eating dinner. You could sit down and join them for dinner or just grab something and go.'
  58. elseif hour = 18 and minut <= 30 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
  59. '<a href="exec:gt''father''">Your stepfather</a>, <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> and <a href="exec:gt ''brother'', ''start''">Kolka</a> are sitting at the table eating dinner. You could sit down and join them for dinner or just grab something and go.'
  60. else
  61. 'The kitchen is not very impressive, but it has everything your family needs. Since everyone can''t always join for family meals, your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> usually pre-cooks some meals and stores them in the fridge. Of course, you could also just have a snack if you''re not that hungry.'
  62. end
  63. end
  64. if locat['Mother'] = 11: 'Your <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> is here making diner.'
  65. if locat['Mother'] = 13 and locat['Anya'] = 23:
  66. 'Your <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> is here cleaning up after dinner with <a href="exec:gt ''sister_chat'', ''talking''">Anya</a> helping her. '
  67. elseif locat['Mother'] = 13:
  68. 'Your <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> is here cleaning up after dinner.'
  69. end
  70. if locat['Mother'] = 23: 'Your <a href="exec:gt''mother''"><<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>></a> is here cleaning.'
  71. !! Clean up of code to ensure stepdad doesn''t warp you to the living room
  72. killvar 'kit_dad'
  73. if locat['Stepdad'] = 4: '<a href="exec:gt''father'',''kit''">Your stepfather</a> is here reading the paper.'
  74. if locat['Stepdad'] = 7: '<a href="exec:gt''father'',''kit''">Your stepfather</a> is here setting the table for dinner.'
  75. if week = 6 and locat['Fam_set_month_inGad'] = 1 and grandmaQW['block'] = 0 and hour > 9 and hour < 12 and func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here'):'Your parents are getting ready to go to <a href="exec:gt ''gadhouse'', ''to_gadukino''">Gadukino</a> to visit your great grandparents. You can go with them if you want, or stay home like Anya usually does.'
  76. if func('homes_properties', 'can_live_here'):
  77. if ((hour = 6 and minut >= 45) or (hour = 7 and minut < 15)) and breakfast_day ! daystart and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
  78. if cumloc[11] = 1 or cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1:
  79. act 'Eat breakfast with your family':
  80. *clr & cla
  81. gs 'stat'
  82. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/prost6.jpg"></center>'
  83. 'Your <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> catches you just before you sit down.'
  84. 'Your Mum glares at you and you realize you haven''t washed the cum stains off which makes you feel terrible.'
  85. '"I''m so ashamed of you! Go and clean it off now! Get out of my sight you whore!"'
  86. 'Knowing there is nothing you can say to make it better right now, you simply mumble an apology and leave quickly and head to the bathroom.'
  87. act 'Go to bathroom': gt 'vanrPar'
  88. end
  89. elseif PCloswimwear ! 1 and $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  90. act 'Eat breakfast with your family (0:20)':
  91. *clr & cla
  92. gs 'food', 'family_meals', 'breakfast'
  93. npc_rel['A29'] += 1
  94. breakfast_day = daystart
  95. gs 'stat'
  96. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/breakfasthome.jpg"></center>'
  97. 'As you sit down and join your family for breakfast, your stepfather engages you in conversation. "How are you doing in school <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
  98. if kanikuli = 0 and mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and $home['current'] = 'parents_home' and SchoolBlock = 0:
  99. if class['school_grade_average'] >= 80:
  100. 'You smile at him. "Really great. We were just learning something interesting the other day." You go on to talk about some of the stuff you have learned recently in school. He just nods, while your mother gives you a proud smile and Kolka rolls his eyes.'
  101. 'The rest of breakfast is taken up with some small talk about what everyone has been up to of late. You thoroughly enjoy your breakfast with your family.'
  102. else
  103. 'You glance at him. "Um okay, I guess..." You notice your mother frowning at you, so you quickly try to change the subject, but they won''t let you. You do your best to make them think you''re doing better than you are, but they don''t buy it. Kolka snickers at you getting grilled.'
  104. 'The rest of breakfast is taken up talking about how Kolka is doing in school. He seems to be doing better than you and is showered with praise from your mother and stepfather. The food is good, even if the conversation wasn''t the best. You quickly finish your meal.'
  105. end
  106. else
  107. if kanikuli ! 0:
  108. 'You smile at him. "I''m enjoying some time away from school hanging out with my friends. It''s nice to just relax for a change."'
  109. 'Your mother speaks up. "It wouldn''t hurt to study your school books and get ahead of your courses to get better grades." You roll your eyes, but before you can respond, your stepfather lays his hand on your mother''s. "Let her enjoy herself. This is her last year before she goes to university after all." he says with a little emphasis. You just sigh and nod as you both know that is what your mother wants.'
  110. else
  111. 'Vladamir looks over at you. "So have you found a cute boy that is head over heels in love with you, wanting to take you out on dates and buy you stuff yet?" he says in a slightly teasing tone and your mother smacks his arm. "She''s too young for that! She needs to focus on school."'
  112. 'You are about to answer, but Kolka chimes in. "Like any boy would want to be seen with her!" This earns him a playful punch on the arm from you and before long, you are all bantering at the table.'
  113. end
  114. end
  115. act 'Get up from the table': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  116. end
  117. else
  118. act 'Eat breakfast with your family':
  119. *clr & cla
  120. gs 'stat'
  121. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/breakfasthome.jpg"></center>'
  122. 'Everyone stares at you as you sit down for breakfast. "What?" you exclaim.'
  123. *nl
  124. 'Your mother stands up from her seat, nearly knocking her chair over in the process. "What on God''s earth are you doing <<$pcs_nickname>>?! Have you have no shame? Get dressed immediately young lady!"'
  125. act 'Leave':
  126. killvar 'fullmorrout'
  127. gt 'korrPar'
  128. end
  129. end
  130. end
  131. elseif hour = 18 and minut <= 30 and dinner_day ! daystart and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 0:
  132. if PCloswimwear ! 1 and $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  133. act 'Eat dinner with your family (0:20)':
  134. *clr & cla
  135. gs 'food', 'family_meals', 'dinner'
  136. npc_rel['A29'] += 1
  137. dinner_day = daystart
  138. gs 'stat'
  139. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/dinnerhome.jpg"></center>'
  140. 'You sit down and join your family for dinner and your stepfather starts teasing you. "So, do you have a boyfriend yet <<$pcs_nickname>>?"'
  141. if fame['pav_slut'] > 150 and motherKnowSpravka = 0:
  142. 'You''re about to respond when your mother interrupts you. "Of course not! She''s still too young to be thinking about boys!"'
  143. 'Kolka then chimes in. "Like any boy would date her when she sucks them all off anyways."'
  144. 'Your mother turns towards Kolka. "That''s not funny! Apologize to your sister right now! Right now!"'
  145. if locat['Anya'] = 12:
  146. 'Anya smirks as Kolka freezes in place and decides he doesn''t want to be the one to tell her about your reputation and just apologizes to you.'
  147. else
  148. 'Kolka freezes in place and decides he doesn''t want to be the one to tell her about your reputation and just apologizes to you.'
  149. end
  150. 'Your stepfather clears his throat and quickly changes the subject, talking about how his work went. After that, you have a fairly enjoyable dinner.'
  151. elseif fame['pav_slut'] > 150:
  152. 'You''re about to respond when your mother interrupts you. "She''s too young to worry about that and... we talked about it." She gives you a meaningful glance and you shut your mouth.'
  153. 'Kolka then chimes in. "Like any boy would date her when she sucks them all off anyways."'
  154. 'Your mother turns towards Kolka. "That''s not funny!" She then glances at you. "She might have made some mistakes, but she''s trying to be a better girl now. Now apologize to your sister right now!"'
  155. if locat['Anya'] = 12:
  156. 'Anya just smirks as Kolka freezes in place and then apologizes to you.'
  157. else
  158. 'Startled, Kolka freezes in place and then apologizes to you.'
  159. end
  160. 'Your stepfather clears his throat and quickly changes the subject, talking about how his work went. After that, you have a fairly enjoyable dinner.'
  161. else
  162. 'You''re about to respond when your mother interrupts you. "Of course not! She''s still too young to be thinking about boys!"'
  163. 'Your stepfather sighs. "She''s old enough to start dating, dear."'
  164. 'Your mother gives him a hard stare. "No, she isn''t. She needs to focus on school and then university before she can start thinking about boys."'
  165. 'Your stepfather decides to drop it and start talking about some of the stuff that happened at his work. All and all, you have a fairly enjoyable dinner.'
  166. end
  167. act 'Get up from the table': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  168. end
  169. else
  170. act 'Eat dinner with your family':
  171. *clr & cla
  172. gs 'stat'
  173. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/home/dinnerhome.jpg"></center>'
  174. 'Everyone stares at you as you sit down for dinner. "What?" you exclaim.'
  175. *nl
  176. 'Your mother stands up from her seat, nearly knocking her chair over in the process. "What on God''s earth are you doing <<$pcs_nickname>>?! Have you have no shame? Get dressed immediately young lady!"'
  177. act 'Leave':
  178. killvar 'fullmorrout'
  179. gt 'korrPar'
  180. end
  181. end
  182. end
  183. else
  184. if (hour = 8 or (hour = 7 and locat['Fam_inGad'] = 1)) and breakfast_day ! daystart:
  185. act 'Eat breakfast alone (0:20)':
  186. *clr & cla
  187. menu_off = 1
  188. breakfast_day = daystart
  189. gs 'food', 'family_meals', 'breakfast'
  190. gs 'stat'
  191. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/food/breakfast_'+rand(0,1)+'.jpg"></center>'
  192. 'You enjoy a quiet breakfast by yourself. The portions were moderate and <<$mtxt>>. You accompany it with a mug of tea.'
  193. act 'Get up from the table': gt $loc, $loc_arg
  194. end
  195. end
  196. act 'Eat a hearty meal (0:20)':gs 'food', 'l_meal'
  197. act 'Eat a normal meal (0:15)':gs 'food', 'm_meal'
  198. act 'Eat a light meal (0:10)':gs 'food', 's_meal'
  199. end
  200. dynamic $edasnack
  201. dynamic $sandwich
  202. dynamic $driwater
  203. dynamic $dritea
  204. dynamic $fill_bottle
  205. dynamic $edaD
  206. dynamic $pranik
  207. dynamic $fatdel
  208. dynamic $lekarstvo
  209. dynamic $vitamin
  210. end
  211. --- kuhrPar ---------------------------------