# preTG !!The TG Story Elements cls if night_mode = 1: fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) else fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) end if $ARGS[0] = 'roomPRE': '
' '
> src="images/pre/tg/room.jpg">
' 'You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock. You hear Luda, your wife, mumbling next to you, "Don''t want to, it''s too early." She pulls her blanket up and rolls over. You reach over and turn the clock off.' *nl 'There are days when I just want to keep on sleeping, you think to yourself. But I can''t, not today.' act 'Go to the bathroom': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/self.jpg">
' 'Quietly, so that you don''t wake up your daughter, you go to the bathroom and take care of your morning routine.' act 'Leave the apartment': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/carpre1.jpg">
' 'In a parking lot near your house sits your car. You unlock it with the remote key and climb in.' act 'Go to work': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/carpre.jpg">
' 'You turn the key and the engine roars to life. As you drive to work the roads are filled with traffic, but it''s the morning rush hour, so it''s no surprise. You drive for what feels like an eternity, give or take an hour, but you eventually reach the office. The music on the radio was pleasant, at least.' act 'Park at the office': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/officepre.jpg">
' 'You pull into a parking lot near the building and manage to find a good spot. You greet the security guard on your way in to the building, and then go upstairs to your office. Shortly after you sit down at your desk and boot up your computer, your boss''s secretary comes in and hands you a folder with several travel documents.' *nl '"Am I going on a business trip or something?" you ask her.' *nl '"Yes, the director said it had something to do with a construction project, out in the middle of nowhere, but that''s pretty much all I know," Oksana says.' *nl 'After she leaves, you read over the travel documents and fill them out. Time to go to the director.' act 'Go and see your boss': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/man.jpg">
' 'You head into the directors'' office, greet him and hand him the papers to sign. The director, Roman Gromov, scans through the text before signing off on it with a broad, sweeping stroke.' *nl '"Ms. Glavbukh is in her office. Go get some travel money while I make a few calls. We''ll discuss your trip when you get back."' act 'Go to the chief accountant': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/glavbuh.jpg">
' 'Marina is indeed already in her office. After filing your signed travel documents, she grumbles about antiquated systems as she counts out the money.' act 'Return to the director': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/man.jpg">
' 'Roman is busy talking on the phone when you re-enter the his office, he gestures for you to sit down on one of the chairs across from him.' *nl '"Yes, I understand... yes. I will send Michael over ASAP, he''ll represent me. ... Yes... Tell your men to work on some other parts of the project in the meantime. Have Igor guard the pit and let no one make any fuss, and make sure nobody gets wind of this and, you know, try to halt the construction. ...Okay, we''ll keep in touch."' *nl 'Roman hangs up and turns to you.' *nl '"Last night, while excavating for the foundations, the workers stumbled upon something; one of the excavators dug into a hollow space of some sort. Luckily Igor was on site and he halted the excavation.' *nl '"It''s not clear what exactly it is, yet. Maybe an abandoned bunker or a cave. But in any case, if there are any more chambers under the foundation, we might not be able to build on the land. So what I want you to do, is to go to the construction site, figure out exactly what the problem is and solve this whole mess as quickly as possible."' act 'Remind him of the correct procedures': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/man.jpg">
' '"Firstly we need to talk to..." you start to say, but are quickly interrupted by your boss.' *nl '"Michael, do you realize what''s at stake here? We''re near the end of our credit line, we still have unfinalized agreements on the project''s contract, and we already have guys digging the pit. If there is a too big hole under the foundation, and we can''t build on the site, that could bankrupt the company. So this mysterious structure must be addressed immediately and I have to hold the fort here and keep a lid on things."' act 'Doesn''t look like you have a choice': gt 'preTG', 'roadPRE' end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'roadPRE': '
> src="images/pre/tg/carpre.jpg">
' 'You leave the office and from your car phone your wife Luda. You explain the situation to her and as soon as you finish the call, you drive off to the construction site.' act 'Drive': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/kotpre.jpg">
' 'You''ve been on the highway for hours before you arrive at the town near the site, leaving you feeling tired. But before you can check into a hotel and get some sleep, you need to get an understanding of the magnitude of the problem you''re dealing with. You follow the directions to the site. Igor calls on the way and tells you that you won''t have to go through a security check.' *nl 'You arrive and park your car at the site. You see Igor waving at you from a distance and you walk up to him.' act 'Greet Igor': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/igor.jpg">
' 'Igor greets you. He is obviously concerned about the situation and without delay leads you to the pit''s fenced-off entrance. It rained earlier so the ground is all muddy, you''re going to have to clean your shoes when you get back to the hotel.' *nl '"The ladder''s over there," Igor informs you, while pointing to your left.' *nl 'You reach the hole in the ground and peek inside using the small flashlight from your keychain. "There seems to be a floor about 5 meters down."' *nl '"Well, what do you think Michael? Shall we go down?" Igor says with a faint glimmer of adventure in his eyes.' act 'Descend': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/dunpre.jpg">
' 'Igor hands you a powerful flashlight and tells the guard to get the ladder over here. Igor is the first one to go down, once he reaches the bottom, he holds the ladder so you can safely climb down as well.' *nl 'The cave smells musty and looks all gloomy, but you can breathe freely and the light from your flashlight illuminates the walls. You shoot a beam of light into the corridor and in the distance see something that resembles a door.' *nl '"Damn. If any historians hear about this, they''ll be all over this construction site." Igor mutters.' *nl 'You walk up to the door and see drawings on it. Most of them resemble people, but with other stick figures as well.' act 'Open the door': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/dunpre1.jpg">
' 'You lean against the door, it''s stiff but you manage to push it open.' *nl '"Oh shit!... Take a look over there. Human bones." Igor says nervously.' *nl 'You take a look at what Igor is pointing at and see a pile of human bones with a skull on top.' *nl '"A tomb, I suppose." Igor mutters looking apprehensive.' *nl '"Probably", you nod. "We can''t rule anything out just yet."' act 'Go further': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/dunpre2.jpg">
' 'Further into the cave, you reach a room that resembles some kind of archive, filled with dozens of old, dusty scrolls inside of racks built into the walls.' *nl 'Igor takes one of the scrolls and carefully unrolls it. "What the hell? Look at this, it must be some kind of ancient language," Igor says. "I''ll take one with me, and see what I can find out about these, maybe I can get it deciphered. So we''ll know what we are dealing with."' *nl 'Looking around, you notice another door on the other side of the chamber, you walk over and open it.' act 'Enter the room': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/dunpre3.jpg">
' 'There''s an altar in the center of the room, on it there are various pots, several gold amulets and even some stone figures. You continue looking around the room curiously, trying to figure out what it''s purpose was.' *nl 'Looking closely at the altar, you notice a strange little amulet placed at the very top.' act 'Examine the amulet': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/amuletpre.jpg">
' 'You pick up the strange amulet and examine it. This is clearly very old, you think to yourself.' *nl 'While holding the amulet, you realize that it''s getting warm, almost hot. Suddenly you feel heat coursing through your entire body. You feel a surge of strength inside you. It''s like you just finished a long jog, but without the fatigue.' *nl 'Igor enters the room with one of the scrolls in his hands. "Huh. Interesting little room.", he says, glancing over the altar. "Well, we have to make a decision: either we fill the catacombs up to the brink with cement or we let someone into these rooms. Who knows what all this stuff is, maybe it''s worth more than it looks."' act 'Consult you boss': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/dunpre3.jpg">
' '"I''ve got to think about it and consult the director before we do anything." You reply and without thinking about it, you put the small amulet into your pocket.' *nl '"Well, one thing''s for sure, you won''t get reception down here. Let''s go outside." Igor tells you.' act 'Go back to the surface': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/kotpre.jpg">
' 'You walk together with Igor out of the strange chambers and up the ladder, back to the surface.' *nl '"We must have been down there longer than I thought, its already late. There will only be security on site now so there''s nothing we can do here until the morning, you should go to the hotel." Igor says.' *nl 'With a hasty goodbye to Igor, you make your way back to your car.' 'Damn, you think, tomorrow''s going to be a stressful day.' act 'Go to the hotel': gt 'preTG', 'otelPRE' end end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'otelPRE': '
> src="images/pre/tg/otelpre.jpg">
' 'Your trip to the hotel is quite uneventful compared to your tomb raiding adventure.' *nl 'You park your car and go to the receptionist to get a room. There are only double rooms available, but its going on the company card, so that just means you''ll get a bigger room. You swipe your company card and take your room key.' act 'Head upstairs to your room': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/otelpre1.jpg">
' 'Lying down on one of the beds, you start to wonder just who built that crypt and what it''s purpose was. Your thoughts drift to that amulet you found. The way that thing you touched half an hour ago is still making you feel wonderful baffles you.' act 'Call the director': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/otelpre1.jpg">
' 'You dial Romans'' number and after a few rings, he picks up. You report to him the details of what you found at the site with Igor: an ancient tomb, human bones, scrolls in a mysterious language and the altar in that room.' *nl 'The director stays silent while you give your report. A few moments later, he decides that it would be best to stop the construction. He tells you to stay and keep watch over the site until further notice.' *nl 'You put the phone away. Looks like this trip is going to last longer than expected, you think to yourself.' act 'Go to bed': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/otelpre1.jpg">
' 'It doesn''t take you long to drift off to sleep' *nl 'Images begin to form in your mind and you soon find yourself in a middle of a dream. The amulet stands before you and out of it comes a ghost of some sort. Before you even realize what you are doing, you find yourself staring deep into the ghost''s eyes which then turn into two planet earths.' *nl '"Looking at the world most just see the mundane, but there is more to it, much more and now you see that too. You have the potential to shape it all, but first, you have company."' *nl 'Suddenly your senses return and you are aware of the hotel room around you, you can tell you are not alone.' act 'Open your eyes': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/reinholdpre.jpg">
' 'As you open your eyes, you see a man standing in your room. He is wearing a long black coat and his face looks weary; he is unshaven and reminds you of most police detectives in Hollywood films.' *nl '"Where is the amulet?" he approaches you.' act 'Ask who he is': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/reinholdpre.jpg">
' '"Who are you?" you ask puzzledly. The man''s sudden appearance and a sense you never knew you had tell you something about him, that he is not of the world you know.' *nl '"Listen, don''t cause any problems now. Give me the amulet, close the construction site, and all will be fine. After all that place belongs to us," he says in a firm voice.' *nl 'Belongs to us? His response leaves you bewildered, wondering who he is and what this is all about.' *nl '"Well, how about I give you a small taste of my power." the man says, and out of nowhere comes a burning desire to give him the amulet.' act 'Give him the amulet': cls '
> src="images/pre/tg/otelpre1.jpg">
' 'You get out of the bed and give him the stone figure you had put in your pocket earlier. The man takes it, steps back, and without warning, something in his eyes begins to spin like a whirlwind, causing your own eyes to blur as if he was hypnotizing you. A few seconds later your vision clears with the man having somehow disappeared into thin air.' *nl 'You rub your eyes, "What the hell is going on here? Was that a dream?. No, it can''t be. I wouldn''t walk around in a dream. I think." You say to no one in particular then check your pocket, the amulet is indeed gone. You sit down on the bed trying to make sense of what just happened.' *nl 'While lost in thought, you hear a knock on the door. You get up to open the door, not even thinking why you would have visitors this late at night.' '"...Who''s there?", you ask, still confused.' *nl 'A woman''s voice responds that she''s the hotel receptionist and that she needs to talk to you on an urgent matter.' act 'Answer the door': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' 'You open the door, but don''t recall the woman in front of you being at the reception desk; the woman from earlier didn''t have red hair and glasses. After entering the room she quickly examines the place, before locking her eyes on you.' *nl '"Michael, right?" You nod.' *nl '"Last night you went to a certain place and took out something very valuable and powerful." the woman speaks to you.' act 'Another one?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' 'Again?' *nl 'You sigh, irritated that not only have you been disturbed in the middle of the night, but these idiots apparently cannot even agree among themselves which one of them should disturb you.' *nl '"Listen, you''re starting to bother me. That other guy already showed up asking for the damn amulet."' *nl 'She looks at you with surprise. "What? Someone already came here? Who was it?"' act 'Tell her': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"It was some man in a navy cloak with ginger hair and a light beard, he didn''t tell me his name. He already took the amulet." You answer.' *nl 'The girl''s face drops. "Damn it!" She looks into your eyes. "Okay... Michael, we have to go somewhere else, there are too many people that might get hurt here. Gustav, come here!" The girl calls out to the corridor.' *nl 'A tall man enters the room' StoryLine = 0 MagikDostup = 0 $pcs_firstname = 'Michael' $pcs_lastname = 'Kuznetsov' age = 35 vidage = 35 year = 2016 month = 5 week = 1 hour = 7 day = 25 !! body pcs_hgt = 186 dick = 0 pcs_energy = 60 water = 60 pcs_sleep = 70 !! stats pcs_stren = 160 pcs_agil = 50 pcs_vital = 160 pcs_intel = 50 pcs_sprt = 100 pcs_react = 50 pcs_health = pcs_vital * 10 pcs_willpwr = pcs_intel * 5 + pcs_sprt * 5 pcs_manna = (pcs_intel * pcs_magik) + pcs_vital * 5 birthday = 1 birthmonth = 4 birthyear = 1983 pcs_dob = 19830401 act 'Prepare to fight': cls '
> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg">
' 'The man has a large tattoo across the left side of his face. He too has red hair' $boy = 'Gustav' !!stats strenV = 600 speedV = 60 agilV = 60 reactV = 50 vitalV = 200 intelV = 50 willV = 50 !!skills magikV = 100 boxingV = 100 shootV = 100 !!parameters healthV = vitalV * 10 + strenV * 5 mannaV = intelV * 10 + magikV * 10 willpowerV = willV * 10 BonusAtakV = 0 BonusDefV = 0 !!Programme of Action program = 0 jugoFight = 1 act 'Fight': gt 'fight', 'start' end end end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'tatianaPRE': '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' 'You wake up in in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is the same red-haired girl that entered your hotel room.' *nl '"Ah, you''re awake," she chirps. "I told this jerk Gustav that he should have treated you more carefully, but he''s bad at listening. As a result I had to use some magic to stabilize you, he almost knocked you out permanently."' *nl '"While you were unconscious I did some research on you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you. Must have happened when you touched it. Unfortunately, Reinhold, the guy in your room, he''s probably realized by now that the amulet no longer has the power and now he''s out to hunt you down."' act 'What''s going on?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you''re tied to the bed.' *nl '"Um, okay, I''ll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Ages ago the world was not the same, the fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance but the succubus were free to breed with whom ever they wished."' *nl '"They breed with humans with that human magicians were born. The Sidhe as the most powerful of the fae feared the increasing numbers of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them, this prevented either from being able to reproduce without the other."' *nl '"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in there bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."' *nl 'The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignore magic or are protected from it by magic''s natural desire to remain hidden."' *nl '"But last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search, that source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."' *nl 'She stops for a few seconds for you process that information. It seems really far fetched.' *nl '"As you can figure out, Reinhold wanted to prevent the amulet being misused, but he was not very thorough and didn''t check you over."' act 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don''t see it, or convince ourselves it didn''t happen?" You ask.' *nl 'The girl nods. "Yes. You''re a quick study. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet, all this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can''t process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."' *nl '"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists, spontaneous combustion, are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can not cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven crazy and then no one believes them."' act 'And who are you?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"And who are you?" you ask.' *nl 'The girl smiled. "Me? I''m Tatiana, a young mage with an keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He''s a Mutant, his mutation is due to magical exposure and it gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."' *nl '"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."' act 'What do you want form me?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"What do you want form me?" you ask.' *nl '"Hmm, well... the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study but Reinhold got to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless anyway, as its power passed on to you."' *nl '"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulets'' power, you can do anything. But in reality, you''re helpless without the skill to use it. Reinhold easily overpowered your will and forced you to obey, and Gustav beat you like a puppy."' act 'What is this amulet? Where did it come from?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.' 'Tatiana thinks about it for a few moments. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died, he taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."' *nl '"Great. So I''ve been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on I''m not a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"' *nl '"It seems that its long time underground has caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body. The bad news is it is far too powerful and will kill you." At this you are filled with fear and start to struggle against your bindings.' *nl '"You are lucky Reinhold didn''t realize this, he would have stopped you from accidentally wielding the power and killing yourself and who knows how many others by killing you in that hotel room. I have another way to save you, but you''re not going to like it."' *nl 'You don''t say anything, so she continues, "I can feel the aura of power emanating from you, by drawing from that I can perform a powerful magic spell that will transform you into someone who is protected from the masculine alignment of the power."' act 'Uh, I do not understand, what are you suggesting?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"Uh, I do not understand, what are you suggesting?" you ask her.' *nl 'Tatiana runs a hand through her hair and giggles. "I''ll make you a pretty, young girl and the power will lie dormant saving you from blowing up a city or something."' *nl 'Your eyes widen in shock.' *nl '"Well, there is another way, I can just stop your heart and let your power dissolve into nature, but you will die. I''m not Reinhold, I can take this risk and I don''t want to kill you. Maybe with more time doing research I can work out another solution, but I cannot leave you like this."' act 'What about your family?': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"Hey, I do not want to be a woman. I have a family, a wife, a daughter", you tell her, afraid.' *nl 'Tatiana smiles. "Well the choice is simple, either you die or live without a penis for the time being."' *nl '"As for your family, not to worry. I''ll arrange everything. We will fabricate your death to get Reinhold off your back. To make your transition easier I''ll cover your memory of the family, they will only be ghostly memories, you won''t even remember where you lived. Don''t worry, I won''t erase your entire memory and leave you a useless vegetable."' act 'There must be another way!': cls '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"There must be another way!" you panic. You tug at the restraints on the bed.' *nl 'Tatiana''s face becomes serious. "Do not argue. It is the only way available to me. You will need a to use a new name, think it over in your dreams and tell me when you wake up, otherwise I will give you a pretty name. Now go to sleep." Says Tatiana as she puts her hand on your chest. Your vision immediately fades.' act 'Sleep': gt 'preCUST', 'TGStart' end end end end end end end end end if $ARGS[0] = 'sleepPRE': killobj $pcs_firstname = 'Svetlana' $pcs_lastname = 'Lebedev' $pcs_nickname = 'Sveta' '
> src="images/pre/shared/karinpre.jpg">
' '"You''re awake?." Tatiana says looking into your eyes.' act 'Look at yourself': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/pre/tg/povpre.jpg">
' '"Fuck," you say and immediately shut your mouth again. Your voice ... it''s so feminine. Tatiana giggles.' *nl '"This is the first time I changed the gender of a person, therefore I just HAD to see your reaction. Totally worth it. But you turned out beautiful. For a first try that is of course. I miscalculated something, for example due to sharp hormonal change you have bad acme on your face and I failed to change your eyes and lips. On the bright side, your body will change much faster than one of a natural born woman. That means it will be easier to gain and lose weight and change facial features. All in all you turned quite well. By the way, your new ''equipment'' down there is fully functional, so if you don''t want to be a mommy, you should think about using contraceptives."' *nl 'You angrily look at Tatiana, "So you think I''m a complete woman? On the outside I''ll look like one, but guess what, I''m still the 34-years-old me."' *nl '"Well, yes. I won''t argue about that." Tatiana agrees. "It''s your life and you decide what you do with it, but for the time being, you cannot go back to your old life, so deal with it. On a side note, I already took care of an alibi. Today Michael crashed his car into the pit and died, it''s on the news." With these words, Tatiana picked up the remote and turned on the TV.' $pcs_firstname = input("What is your first name? (Leave blank for default)") if $pcs_firstname = '': $pcs_firstname = 'Svetlana' $pcs_lastname = input("What is your last name? (Leave blank for default)") if $pcs_lastname = '': $pcs_lastname = 'Lebedev' $pcs_nickname = input("What is your nickname? (Note: If you chose a custom name, you have to enter something here!)") if $pcs_nickname = '': $pcs_nickname = 'Sveta' act 'Watch TV': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/pre/tg/car2.jpg">
' 'On TV there is a news report about about a businessman, who drove his car into a hole at a construction site. The man died later in hospital without regaining consciousness.' *nl 'You look at Tatiana, with a bewildered look. She has an enigmatic smile, "Well, I''m still a magician and that''s something that I can do. Reinhold has definitely lost the trail. The body that ''died'' behind the wheel of the BMW was a perfect copy of your old self, from your absorbed amulet energy down to the placement of every single hair."' *nl '"Anyways, here are your new legal documents, including a new passport. Starting today, you are <<$pcs_nickname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>, 18 years old, female and live in the city. Nobody knows you, but you at least have an apartment to call home. This is a gift to you from Gustav. Here are the keys to it. Now get up, you''ve got to go to your new home and start a new life."' *nl 'Gustav, the redhead with a tattoo on his face enters the room. He looks at you and says, "I''ll take you."' act 'Go with Gustav': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/characters/city/jugo/jugopre.jpg">
' 'Gustav silently takes you to the garage and you enter the black jeep. Gustav gets behind the wheel and drives you into the city. You silently speculate about what to do now.' *nl 'After a few minutes, while keeping his eyes on the road, Gustav speaks. "I''m sorry I beat you up. I have trouble controlling myself during a fight. You had a large build and for a second I thought you might be dangerous for me, so I ended up hitting you with my full force."' *nl 'You look at him. "Forget it. Listen Gustav... what do I do now?"' *nl 'Gustav nods and says, "Well, I would advise you to start by buying food, all sorts of washing powders, laundry detergents and dishes. There are very few supplies already in the apartment, but they''ll only last you a day or two. There''s no TV either. Then get a job. Not far from your new home is a small café, if I remember correctly there was a vacant waitress position not too long ago. You should talk to the owner of the café about the job. Don''t forget to monitor your health, keep your mood up and have a clear mind."' *nl '"Now your mind is very weak, if you don''t take care of yourself you will go crazy. You need to eat well, sleep regularly, have fun, do not generally become depressive or else you end up in a madhouse. Don''t go looking for Tatiana, you will not find her anyway, and secondly, if we need to contact you, we will find you."' *nl 'You arrived at some five-story Khrushchev era buildings. Gustav stops the car and points a finger at the entrance. "Your apartment number 69, Tatiana already gave you the key. Now go. Remember don''t just give up, not everyone gets an entirely new chance at life. Tatiana and me will keep an eye out for you."' *nl 'Also, you might want to steer clear of those Gopnik, they might just look like petty criminals having a drink, but they have connections and you''re just a pretty young girl now.' act 'Out of the car': cla showstat 1 showobjs 1 if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end cla *clr '
> src="images/system/transgender.jpg">
' 'Welcome to the Transgender version! You may have lost your masculinity and your old life, but numerous new possibilities are opening up before you, not least aided in your newfound knowledge of the magical nature of the world!' act 'Begin': gt 'street' end end end end end --- preTG ---------------------------------