clener.qsrc 15 KB

  1. # clener
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. cla
  4. *clr
  6. if sound = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour < 17:PLAY 'sound/office.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/office2.mp3',30
  7. clr
  8. gs 'stat'
  9. if night_mode = 1:
  10. fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  11. bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  12. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  13. else
  14. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  15. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  16. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  17. end
  18. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Office building</font></b></center>'
  19. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener.jpg"></center>'
  20. 'You notice several ads on one of the walls. As you look through them you see a notice that someone is searching for cleaners.'
  21. if svQW >= 1:
  22. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and week < 6:
  23. 'The door to the<a href="exec:gt ''torgpred''">Trade Mission</a> is open.'
  24. else
  25. 'The door of the trade mission is closed. There''s a note on the door, Open hours: Saturday and Sunday 8:00--16:00'
  26. end
  27. end
  28. if jouryQwNo = 1 and hour = 17:
  29. 'You see Yuri walking down the corridor, you remember him making a move on you but you refused him. He looks at you, smiles and approaches you.'
  30. act 'Talk to Yuri':
  31. cla
  32. minut += 15
  33. gs 'stat'
  34. 'Still smiling he says, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, want to grab a cup of coffee?"'
  35. act 'Decline':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  36. act 'Accept':
  37. cls
  38. minut += 30
  39. gs 'stat'
  40. 'You nod and the two of you head off to the café, where Yuri orders coffee. You sit down at the table and begin to sip on your coffee. Yuri is painfully quiet, he has no sense of humor and is very stiff.'
  41. 'It''s pretty clear that he likes you, but he does not know how to put a move on you. As you finish the coffee Yuri finally suggests if you want to follow him to his home.'
  42. act 'No':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  43. act 'Go with Yuri':gt 'youry', 'quest'
  44. end
  45. end
  46. end
  47. if borodachQW > 0 and borodachSex = 0 and hour >= 19:'The security guard, Sasha, greets you.'
  48. if borodachQW > 0 and borodachSex > 0 and hour >= 19:'The security guard, Sasha, smiles and says, "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
  49. if borodachQW > 0 and hour >= 19:
  50. act 'Approach Sasha':
  51. cls
  52. minut += 5
  53. gs 'stat'
  54. if borodachSexDay = daystart:'You approach the security guard and greet him. You chat with him for a while. After some time Sasha tells you that he has to go on patrol and hurries off.'
  55. if borodachSexDay ! daystart:
  56. 'You approach the security guard and greet him. He winks at you, "I stashed a bottle here, I''m sure we''ve both earnt a little break."'
  57. act 'Join him':
  58. cla
  59. minut += 5
  60. gs 'stat'
  61. 'Sasha takes you to his cubbyhole and pulls out a bottle of vodka from under the table. He then reaches into a drawer and pulls out a piece of liver sausage and some cheese. He pours some of the vodka out into two glasses.'
  62. act 'Have a drink':
  63. cla
  64. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  65. pcs_hydra -= 5
  66. else
  67. pcs_hydra -= 10
  68. end
  69. 'You drink the shitty vodka and it burns your throat. Your throat is on fire and you quickly grab some cheese to help soothe it. Sasha casually downs the glass and doesn''t even blink. "Ah, good one."'
  70. 'While you are leaning over to eat the sausage, you feel a light touch as the guard pats you on the buttocks.'
  71. act 'Smile':
  72. cla
  73. minut += 15
  74. pcs_horny += 10
  75. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  76. pcs_hydra -= 5
  77. else
  78. pcs_hydra -= 10
  79. end
  80. gs 'stat'
  81. 'You smile and Sasha pours more vodka, not stopping his caressing of your buttocks.'
  82. if pcs_horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo2
  83. dynamic $borodachDrink
  84. end
  85. act 'Put your hand on his pants':
  86. cls
  87. borodachTimes += 1
  88. gs 'stat'
  89. picrand = rand(0, 2)
  90. if picrand = 0:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/sex/guard/hj.jpg"></center>'
  91. if picrand = 1:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/sex/guard/hj1.jpg"></center>'
  92. if picrand = 2:'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/sex/guard/hj2.jpg"></center>'
  93. 'You put your hand on his crotch and feel his erection harden. Your thin fingers slide over his hardon and find the zipper. You unzip him and get his cock out of his pants. Sasha relaxes on the couch waiting for you to continue what you started.'
  94. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 15
  95. gs 'stat'
  96. dynamic $ohrhj
  97. dynamic $ohrbj
  98. end
  99. end
  100. end
  101. end
  102. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  103. gs 'stat'
  104. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  105. end
  106. end
  107. if clenerT >= 3 and borodachQW = 0 and hour >= 19:
  108. 'You see a crossword placed on a chair in front of the guard as he''s deeply sighs. He looks up to you and asks, "I''m looking for another word for pleasure, the second letter is u."'
  109. act 'Reply':
  110. cls
  111. borodachQW = 1
  112. '"Fulfilment?" you reply.'
  113. 'The guard smiles, "You''re right, the only word that came up in my head was fucking."'
  114. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  115. act 'Laugh out loud':
  116. cla
  117. borodachQW = 2
  118. 'You laugh at him, he smiles and puts aside the crossword. "You must be new, I haven''t seen you before. Are you the new cleaning lady?"'
  119. 'You nod, "Yes, the pay is pretty bad but I need the job..."'
  120. '"By the way, I''m Sasha, and you''re?"'
  121. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>." you politely answer.'
  122. '"Nice name... I was just thinking about heading on a break, would you like to join me?"'
  123. act 'Sorry, I have to go':gt 'clener', 'start'
  124. act 'Why not':
  125. cla
  126. minut += 5
  127. gs 'stat'
  128. 'Sasha takes you into his cubbyhole and takes out a bottle of vodka from under the table, at the same he reaches into the drawer and pulls out a piece of liver sausage and some cheese. He pours some of the vodka out into two glasses.'
  129. act 'Have a drink':
  130. cla
  131. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  132. pcs_hydra -= 5
  133. else
  134. pcs_hydra -= 10
  135. end
  136. 'You drink the shitty vodka and it burns your throat. Your throat is on fire and you quickly grab some cheese to help soothe it. Sasha casually downs the glass and doesn''t even blink. "Ah, good one."'
  137. 'While you are leaning over to eat the sausage, you feel a light touch as the guard pats you on the buttocks.'
  138. act 'React':
  139. cla
  140. minut += 15
  141. pcs_horny += 10
  142. gs 'stat'
  143. '"Hey! What are you doing?" you ask.'
  144. '"Relax, it was merely an accident." Sasha starts muttering as he pours another shot, "Let''s have a drink."'
  145. if pcs_horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo
  146. dynamic $borodachDrink
  147. end
  148. act 'Pretend not to notice':
  149. cla
  150. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  151. pcs_hydra -= 5
  152. else
  153. pcs_hydra -= 10
  154. end
  155. minut += 15
  156. pcs_horny += 15 + SUB
  157. gs 'stat'
  158. 'You continue on as usual, trying not to pay attention to it, since it was only a casual touch. Sasha pours more vodka and says, "The second shot always tastes better." as he takes another quaff.'
  159. if pcs_horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo
  160. dynamic $borodachDrink
  161. end
  162. end
  163. end
  164. end
  165. end
  166. end
  167. if clener >= 10 and clenerT = 0:
  168. act 'Ask for more work':
  169. cla
  170. 'You ask Boris Ivanovich whether he has more work for you. He says that he needs a cleaner to clean the toilets. You''ll be almost able to work every day. Cleaning toilets for an hour earns you 65 <b>₽</b> upfront.'
  171. act 'Refuse and leave': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
  172. act 'Accept':
  173. cla
  174. clenerT = 1
  175. 'You agree to work as a cleaner.'
  176. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  177. end
  178. end
  179. end
  180. if clener = 1:
  181. act 'Ask about available jobs':
  182. cla
  183. 'You head into the office that advertised the job. You see a large man in a jacket sitting there. He tells you can clean the Office for 65 <b>₽</b> per hour, payed upfront.'
  184. act 'Refuse and leave': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
  185. act 'Accept':
  186. cla
  187. clener = 2
  188. 'You agree to work as a cleaner.'
  189. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  190. end
  191. end
  192. end
  193. if clener > 1 and clenday ! daystart:
  194. act 'Mop the floor in the office for 65 <b>₽</b> (1:00)':
  195. cla
  196. *clr
  197. clenday = daystart
  198. minut += 60
  199. clener += 1
  200. pcs_mood -= 15
  201. money += 65
  202. pcs_sweat += 20
  203. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener1.jpg"></center>'
  204. if clener < 5:
  205. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor.'
  206. elseif clener >= 5 and clener < 10:
  207. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  208. jouryQw += 1
  209. 'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. One of the office workers, a man with blond hair and a red face looks at you and tries to hide it, but you can feel his burning gaze.'
  210. end
  211. elseif clener >= 10:
  212. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jouryQw < 7:
  213. jouryQw += 1
  214. 'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. One of the office workers, a man with blond hair and a red face looks at you and tries to hide it, but you can feel his burning gaze.'
  215. elseif jouryQw = 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  216. cls
  217. gs 'stat'
  218. jouryQw += 1
  219. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener1.jpg"></center>'
  220. 'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. All the staff are out of the office, except for a red faced blond man. He walks up to you visibly nervous and quietly says, "Hi. My name Yuri. And I think I''m in love with you... Can we meet and do something after work?"'
  221. act 'No':
  222. cla
  223. jouryQwNo = 1
  224. 'You look angerly at him, "No, I don''t mix business with pleasure..." Yuri looks dejected as he moves away from you.'
  225. 'As you''ve finished, you head over to Boris Ivanovich''s office. He gives you 65 <b>₽</b> for the work.'
  226. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  227. end
  228. act 'Yes':
  229. cla
  230. minut += 15
  231. gs 'stat'
  232. 'You smile and nod. Yuri says that he''s just about to finish and will meet you at the entrance of the building.'
  233. 'As you''ve finished, you head over to Boris Ivanovich''s office. He gives you 65 <b>₽</b> for the work.'
  234. 'As you leave, you notice Yuri awiting you. He''s pretty nervous and it seems as if he doesn''t know what to do. Not knowing what to say, he blurts out, "How about we head over to my place, watch some movies, drink champagne and talk."'
  235. act 'No':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  236. act 'Go with Yuri':gt 'youry', 'quest'
  237. end
  238. exit
  239. end
  240. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex = 0:'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. Yuri looks at you studying every inch of your figure.'
  241. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex > 0:'You fill a bucket of water and head over to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. Yuri pretends not to notice you in the office.'
  242. end
  243. if hour < 9 or hour > 16:'The office is empty of people, you quietly wash the floor and wipe the floor in the office.'
  244. 'As you''ve finished, you head over to Boris Ivanovich''s office. He gives you 65 <b>₽</b> for the work.'
  245. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  246. end
  247. end
  248. if clenerT >= 1 and clendayT ! daystart:
  249. act 'Clean toilets for 65 <b>₽</b> (1:00)':
  250. cla
  251. *clr
  252. clendayT = daystart
  253. minut += 60
  254. clenerT += 1
  255. pcs_mood -= 25
  256. money += 65
  257. pcs_sweat += 30
  258. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  259. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex > 0 and jouryResult = 0:
  260. 'You enter a booth and begin scrubbing the toilet bowl. The toilet door slams as somebody comes in, you turn around and see Yuri standing there. He, quickly comes over to you, "<<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t approach me at the office, well, you know, I don''t want the rest of the office to gossip about me seeing the cleaner."'
  261. act 'You''re ashamed of me?':
  262. cla
  263. 'You let go off your cleaning stuff and look straight into Yuri''s eyes, asking him, "Are you ashamed of me?"'
  264. 'Yuri stammers, "I-I''m not embarrassed by you being a cleaner, but you must understand, I''m a manager, and you''re the cleaning lady. We must not be seen together. But I want you to keep seeing you. You know where I live, come by my place after 16:00."'
  265. act 'Fuck you':
  266. cla
  267. pcs_dom += 1
  268. jouryResult = 1
  269. 'You''re offended by his behaviour and without any hesitation you tell Yuri to go to hell. He quickly turns and walks away.'
  270. 'You continue on by mopping the floor and polish the toilets and urinals. You are given 65 <b>₽</b> for your work.'
  271. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  272. end
  273. act 'Okay.':
  274. cla
  275. sub += 1
  276. jouryResult = 10
  277. 'Yuri only sees you as a simple fuck whore. But you''re willing to put up with it and agree to visit him afterwards. Yuri nods in satisfaction and leaves the toilet.'
  278. 'You continue on by mopping the floor and polish the toilets and urinals. You are given 65 <b>₽</b> for your work.'
  279. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  280. end
  281. end
  282. exit
  283. end
  284. if StasikValera > 0 and SVqw = 0:
  285. 'You clean the toilet and all of a sudden you hear the toilet door as someone walks in, as you turn around you see a man. To your surprise, it is Stasik, with him is his friend Valera that you''ve met at the beach. Stasik also apparently recognizes you, walking up to you, "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>, you work here as a cleaner?"'
  286. act 'Explain':
  287. cls
  288. gs 'stat'
  289. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  290. 'Shrugging, you say, "I need the money. So I''ll do whatever it takes."'
  291. 'Stasik smiles, "Well, an attractive girl as you shouldn''t work a job like this, I can find a decent part-time job instead."'
  292. act 'Further':
  293. cls
  294. SVqw = 1
  295. gs 'stat'
  296. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  297. 'You ask him about the details. Stasik tells you, "It''s very simple. In the northern, central and residential areas there are supermarkets. You come to our office to find out what your assignment is, then you visit all the three stores and arrange our products there, making changes according to the assignment. At the checkout you take a receipt confirming that you''ve been to work."'
  298. '"Afterwards, you head back to our office and we will pay you. How does 500 <b>₽</b> sound for a few hours work? No hard labour, what do you say?"'
  299. act 'Not interested':gt 'clener', 'start'
  300. act 'Accept':
  301. cls
  302. SVqw = 2
  303. gs 'stat'
  304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/residential/office/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  305. 'You grin and nod acceptingly, Stas nods confirming the deal, and after that walks out of the toilet.'
  306. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  307. end
  308. end
  309. end
  310. exit
  311. end
  312. 'You wash the floor and polish all the booths and urinals. You are given 65 <b>₽</b> for your work.'
  313. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  314. end
  315. end
  316. act 'Leave': minut += 5 & gt 'street'
  317. end
  318. --- clener ---------------------------------