wardrobe.qsrc 17 KB

  1. # wardrobe
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. PShoQuality = ShoQuality
  4. PShoHeels = ShoHeels
  5. PShoCut = ShoCut
  6. PShoStyle = ShoStyle
  7. $wloc = 'wardrobe'
  8. if ward_img_hgt = 0:ward_img_hgt = 150
  9. '<h3><center><b><font color="maroon">Wardrobe overview</b></h3><br><center><font color="maroon">These are the clothes you are currently wearing - Click on an item to change it</font></center>'
  10. '<br><center><table border=0 cellspacing=<<ward_img_hgt/25>> cellpadding=5>'
  11. *p '<TH>Bra worn</TH><TH>Outfit worn</TH><TH>Coat (only worn outside when cold)</TH>'
  12. *P '<TR><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''bras'', ''view_bra_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''bra'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''clothing_QV'', ''list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt * 2>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''clothes'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center>'
  13. if defaultcoat = 0:
  14. '<a href="exec:gt ''cloakroom'', ''view_coat_list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt * 2>> src="images/pc/noitemdh.png"></a>'
  15. else
  16. '<a href="exec:gt ''cloakroom'', ''view_coat_list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt * 2>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'', ''coat'')>>"></a>'
  17. end
  18. '</center></TD>'
  19. '<TR><TD><center>'
  20. if $braworntype ! 'none':
  21. '<a href="exec:gs ''bras'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  22. else
  23. 'Remove'
  24. end
  25. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  26. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  27. '<a href="exec:gs ''clothing'', ''strip'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  28. else
  29. 'Remove'
  30. end
  31. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  32. if defaultcoat ! 0:
  33. '<a href="exec:defaultcoat_warmth = 0 & defaultcoat = 0 & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  34. else
  35. 'Remove'
  36. end
  37. '</center></TD>'
  38. *p '<TR><TH>Panties worn</TH><TH>Shoes (Only worn outside)</TH><TH>Purse worn</TH>'
  39. *P '<TR><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''panties'', ''view_panty_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'',''panties'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center><a href="exec:gt ''shoes'', ''view_shoe_list'', ''wardrobe''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$body_image'', ''shoes'')>>"></a></center></TD><TD><center>'
  40. if bag = 1:
  41. '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="<<FUNC(''$purse_image'', $currentpursetype, currentpursenumber)>>"></a>'
  42. else
  43. '<a href="exec:gt ''purses'', ''view_purse_list''"><img Height = <<ward_img_hgt>> src="images/pc/noitem.png"></a>'
  44. end
  45. '</center></TD>'
  46. '<TR><TD><center>'
  47. if $pantyworntype ! 'none':
  48. '<a href="exec:gs ''panties'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  49. else
  50. 'Remove'
  51. end
  52. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  53. if $shoeworntype ! 'none':
  54. '<a href="exec:gs ''shoes'', ''strip'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  55. else
  56. 'Remove'
  57. end
  58. '</center></TD><TD><center>'
  59. if bag = 1:
  60. '<a href="exec:gs ''purses'', ''remove'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove</a>'
  61. else
  62. 'Remove'
  63. end
  64. '</center></TD>'
  65. '<TR><TD><TD><center>'
  66. if ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and (defaultcoat > 0 or bag > 0)) or (defaultcoat > 0 and bag > 0):
  67. '<a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''removeall'' & gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">Remove all items</a>'
  68. else
  69. 'Remove all items'
  70. end
  71. '</center></TD>'
  72. '</table></center>'
  73. act 'Close wardrobe': killvar '$wloc' & gt $loc, $metka
  74. act 'Strip all clothing':
  75. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  76. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  77. gs 'panties', 'remove'
  78. gs 'shoes', 'strip'
  79. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  80. end
  81. act 'Set a default outfit': gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set'
  82. act 'Choose a default outfit': gt 'wardrobe', 'default'
  83. act 'Organise stored clothing': org_loc = 1 & gt 'clothing', 'view_clothing_list', 'wardrobe'
  84. act 'Set image size for this view':
  85. ward_img_hgt = input("Enter height in pixels you want for images on this page <br>(Default 150, min 50, max 500)")
  86. if ward_img_hgt < 50:
  87. ward_img_hgt = 50
  88. elseif ward_img_hgt > 500:
  89. ward_img_hgt = 500
  90. end
  91. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  92. end
  93. end
  94. if $ARGS[0] = 'removeall':
  95. gs 'bras', 'remove'
  96. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  97. gs 'panties', 'remove'
  98. gs 'shoes', 'strip'
  99. gs 'purses', 'remove'
  100. defaultcoat = 0
  101. end
  102. !!---------------------------Oufit stuff----------------------------------
  103. if $ARGS[0] = 'default':
  104. gs 'stat'
  105. 'Default sports outfit <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''sports_entry_wear''">Wear this default outfit</a>'
  106. if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') > 0:
  107. i = 0
  108. :loopdefclothing
  109. '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>> <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_wear'', <<i>>">Wear this default outfit</a> <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_delete'', <<i>>">Delete this default outfit</a>'
  110. i += 1
  111. if i < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'loopdefclothing'
  112. end
  113. *nl
  114. 'Note: When selecting an outfit you will see the bonus for your shoes applied, this will be removed when you leave and only added when outside.'
  115. act 'Return': gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  116. end
  117. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_wear':
  118. default_entry = ARGS[1]
  119. gs 'clothing_attributes', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry]
  120. gs 'clothing', 'wear', $defclothingtype[default_entry], defclothingnumber[default_entry]
  121. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defbratype[default_entry]>>_bras[<<defbranumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0: $defbratype[default_entry] = 'none' & defbranumber[default_entry] = 0
  122. gs 'bras', 'wear', $defbratype[default_entry], defbranumber[default_entry]
  123. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpantytype[default_entry]>>_panties[<<defpantynumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0: $defpantytype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpantynumber[default_entry] = 0
  124. gs 'panties', 'wear', $defpantytype[default_entry], defpantynumber[default_entry]
  125. if dyneval('RESULT = s<<$defshoetype[default_entry]>>[<<defshoenumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0: $defshoetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defshoenumber[default_entry] = 0
  126. gs 'shoes', 'wear', $defshoetype[default_entry], defshoenumber[default_entry]
  127. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$defpursetype[default_entry]>>_purses[<<defpursenumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  128. $defpursetype[default_entry] = 'none' & defpursenumber[default_entry]
  129. end
  130. $currentpursetype = $defpursetype[default_entry]
  131. currentpursenumber = defpursenumber[default_entry]
  132. if $currentpursetype = 'none':
  133. bag = 0
  134. else
  135. bag = 1
  136. end
  137. if dyneval('RESULT = coat[<<defcoat[default_entry]>>]') = 0: defcoat[default_entry] = 0
  138. defaultcoat = defcoat[default_entry]
  139. !! default school girl uniform is always allowed to be worn if still in school
  140. if StoryLine = 1 and SchoolAtestat = 0 and SchoolBlock = 0 and $defclothingtype[default_entry] = 'school' and defclothingnumber[default_entry] = 6:
  141. cls
  142. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  143. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  144. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  145. killvar 'default_entry'
  146. gs 'stat'
  147. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  148. end
  149. !! do not own this clothing anymore
  150. elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]') = 0:
  151. cls
  152. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/strip/strip2.jpg"></center>'
  153. 'As you go to pull your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit out of your wardrobe you remember you don''t own that piece of clothing anymore. Maybe you should buy it again? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  154. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  155. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  156. killvar 'default_entry'
  157. gs 'stat'
  158. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  159. end
  160. !! strength of clothing is less than or equal to 0
  161. elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>H[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]') <= 0:
  162. cls
  163. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/vika_game_strip16.mp4"></video></center>'
  164. 'Your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit has worn out and can''t be used anymore. Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  165. act 'Strip out of worn out clothing':
  166. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  167. killvar 'default_entry'
  168. gs 'stat'
  169. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  170. end
  171. !! clothing exhibition is greater than player exhibition
  172. elseif CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  173. cls
  174. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/bimbo.strip6.mp4"></video></center>'
  175. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit. Maybe you will be confident enough in the future? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  176. act 'Strip out of revealing clothing':
  177. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  178. killvar 'default_entry'
  179. gs 'stat'
  180. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  181. end
  182. !! not exercise clothing, not coat, and not loose fitting
  183. elseif $defclothingtype[default_entry] ! 'exercise' and $defclothingtype[default_entry] ! 'coat' and CloStyle ! 5:
  184. !! check for if the hipsize is too far from your hipsize
  185. dynamic 'RESULT = <<$defclothingtype[default_entry]>>B[<<defclothingnumber[default_entry]>>]'
  186. if RESULT < pcs_hips - 8 or RESULT > pcs_hips + 8:
  187. cls
  188. iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/dressup.mp4"></video></center>','<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/stripping1.mp4"></video></center>')
  189. 'As you put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit you notice it doesn''t fit correctly anymore. It''s ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'unbearably tight and uncomfortable to wear.','extremely loose and won''t stay in place no matter how hard you try.') + ' You must have ' + iif(RESULT < pcs_hips - 8,'gained','lost') + ' some weight since this was purchased or last tailored. You will have to get this clothing resized before you can wear it again.'
  190. act 'Strip out of ill-fitting clothing':
  191. gs 'clothing', 'strip'
  192. killvar 'default_entry'
  193. gs 'stat'
  194. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  195. end
  196. !! clothing ok to wear after passing hip check
  197. else
  198. cls
  199. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  200. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  201. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  202. killvar 'default_entry'
  203. gs 'stat'
  204. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  205. end
  206. end
  207. !! clothing ok to wear without needing hip check and passing all other checks
  208. else
  209. cls
  210. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  211. 'Your put on your <<$def_clothing_name[default_entry]>> outfit without any problems.'
  212. act 'Return to wardrobe':
  213. killvar 'default_entry'
  214. gs 'stat'
  215. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  216. end
  217. end
  218. end
  219. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_set':
  220. gs 'stat'
  221. 'sports outfit <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''sports_entry_set'', <<i>>">Overwrite this</a>'
  222. if ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber') ! 0:
  223. i = 0
  224. :loopdefclothing_set
  225. '<<$def_clothing_name[i]>> <a href="exec:gs ''wardrobe'', ''default_entry_set'', <<i>>">Overwrite this</a>'
  226. i += 1
  227. if i < ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber'):jump 'loopdefclothing_set'
  228. end
  229. act 'Add as new default': gt 'wardrobe', 'default_entry_set', ARRSIZE('defclothingnumber')
  230. act 'Return': gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  231. end
  232. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_set':
  233. gs 'stat'
  234. i = ARGS[1]
  235. $defclothingtype[i] = $clothingworntype
  236. defclothingnumber[i] = clothingwornnumber
  237. $defbratype[i] = $braworntype
  238. defbranumber[i] = brawornnumber
  239. $defpantytype[i] = $pantyworntype
  240. defpantynumber[i] = pantywornnumber
  241. $defshoetype[i] = $shoeworntype
  242. defshoenumber[i] = shoewornnumber
  243. $defpursetype[i] = $currentpursetype
  244. defpursenumber[i] = currentpursenumber
  245. defcoat[i] = defaultcoat
  246. $def_clothing_name[i] = input ('Enter name for for this outfit (Leave blank for default)')
  247. if $def_clothing_name[i] = '': $def_clothing_name[i] = 'default <<i>>'
  248. gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set'
  249. end
  250. if $ARGS[0] = 'default_entry_delete':
  251. gs 'stat'
  252. i = ARGS[1]
  253. killvar 'defclothingtype', i
  254. killvar 'defclothingnumber', i
  255. killvar 'defbratype', i
  256. killvar 'defbranumber', i
  257. killvar 'defpantytype', i
  258. killvar 'defpantynumber', i
  259. killvar 'defshoetype', i
  260. killvar 'defshoenumber', i
  261. killvar 'defpursetype', i
  262. killvar 'defpursenumber', i
  263. killvar 'defcoat', i
  264. killvar 'def_clothing_name', i
  265. gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set'
  266. end
  267. !!-- sports outfit stuff
  268. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_entry_wear':
  269. gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set'
  270. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'exercise', sportsclothingnumber
  271. gs 'clothing', 'wear', 'exercise', sportsclothingnumber
  272. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$sportsbratype>>_bras[<<sportsbranumber>>]') = 0: $sportsbratype = 'none' & sportsbranumber = 0
  273. gs 'bras', 'wear', $sportsbratype, sportsbranumber
  274. if dyneval('RESULT = <<$sportspantytype>>_panties[<<sportspantynumber>>]') = 0: $sportspantytype = 'none' & sportspantynumber = 0
  275. gs 'panties', 'wear', $sportspantytype, sportspantynumber
  276. gs 'shoes', 'wear', 'trainers', sportsshoenumber
  277. if $sportspursetype = '' AND sportspursenumber = 0:
  278. $sportspursetype = 'none' & sportspursenumber = 0
  279. elseif dyneval('RESULT = <<$sportspursetype>>_purses[<<sportspursenumber>>]') = 0:
  280. $sportspursetype = 'none' & sportspursenumber = 0
  281. end
  282. $currentpursetype = $sportspursetype
  283. currentpursenumber = sportspursenumber
  284. if $currentpursetype = 'none':
  285. bag = 0
  286. else
  287. bag = 1
  288. end
  289. if dyneval('RESULT = coat[<<sportscoat>>]') = 0: sportscoat = 0
  290. defaultcoat = sportscoat
  291. minut += 2
  292. gs 'stat'
  293. !! do not own this clothing anymore
  294. if dyneval('RESULT = exercise[<<sportsclothingnumber>>]') = 0:
  295. cls
  296. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/school/strip/strip2.jpg"></center>'
  297. 'As you go to pull your sports outfit out of your wardrobe you remember you don''t own that piece of clothing anymore. Maybe you should buy it again? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  298. gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set'
  299. !! strength of clothing is less than or equal to 0
  300. elseif dyneval('RESULT = exerciseH[<<sportsclothingnumber>>]') <= 0:
  301. cls
  302. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/girl/vicky/event/vika_game_strip16.mp4"></video></center>'
  303. 'Your sports outfit has worn out and can''t be used anymore. Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  304. gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set'
  305. !! clothing exhibition is greater than player exhibition
  306. elseif CloInhibit > pcs_inhib:
  307. cls
  308. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/bimbo.strip6.mp4"></video></center>'
  309. 'You don''t feel daring enough to wear your sports outfit. Maybe you will be confident enough in the future? Guess you will have to find something else to wear.'
  310. gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_set'
  311. !! clothing ok to wear without needing hip check and passing all other checks
  312. else
  313. cls
  314. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  315. 'You put on your sports outfit without any problems.'
  316. end
  317. act 'Return':
  318. if $wloc = 'wardrobe':
  319. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  320. elseif $wloc = 'workout':
  321. gt 'exercise', 'workout'
  322. else
  323. gt $loc, $metka
  324. end
  325. end
  326. end
  327. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_entry_set':
  328. if $clothingworntype ! 'exercise' OR $shoeworntype ! 'trainers':
  329. MSG 'The sports outfit needs to include exercise clothes and training shoes'
  330. act 'Return to wardrobe': gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  331. else
  332. gs 'stat'
  333. sportsclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber
  334. $sportsbratype = $braworntype
  335. sportsbranumber = brawornnumber
  336. $sportspantytype = $pantyworntype
  337. sportspantynumber = pantywornnumber
  338. sportsshoenumber = shoewornnumber
  339. $sportspursetype = $currentpursetype
  340. sportspursenumber = currentpursenumber
  341. sportscoat = defaultcoat
  342. gt 'wardrobe', 'default_set'
  343. end
  344. end
  345. if $ARGS[0] = 'prev_entry_set':
  346. $prevsportsclothingtype = $clothingworntype
  347. prevsportsclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber
  348. $prevsportsbratype = $braworntype
  349. prevsportsbranumber = brawornnumber
  350. $prevsportspantytype = $pantyworntype
  351. prevsportspantynumber = pantywornnumber
  352. $prevsportsshoetype = $shoeworntype
  353. prevsportsshoenumber = shoewornnumber
  354. $prevsportspursetype = $currentpursetype
  355. prevsportspursenumber = currentpursenumber
  356. prevsportscoat = defaultcoat
  357. end
  358. if $ARGS[0] = 'prev_entry_wear':
  359. cls
  360. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/city/citycenter/photo/dress.mp4"></video></center>'
  361. 'You take off your sports outfit and put on the previous clothes'
  362. $clothingworntype = $prevsportsclothingtype
  363. clothingwornnumber = prevsportsclothingnumber
  364. $braworntype = $prevsportsbratype
  365. brawornnumber = prevsportsbranumber
  366. $pantyworntype = $prevsportspantytype
  367. pantywornnumber = prevsportspantynumber
  368. $shoeworntype = $prevsportsshoetype
  369. shoewornnumber = prevsportsshoenumber
  370. $currentpursetype = $prevsportspursetype
  371. currentpursenumber = prevsportspursenumber
  372. defaultcoat = prevsportscoat
  373. minut += 2
  374. gs 'stat'
  375. act 'Return':
  376. if $wloc = 'wardrobe':
  377. gt 'wardrobe', 'start'
  378. elseif $wloc = 'workout':
  379. gt 'exercise', 'workout'
  380. else
  381. gt $loc, $metka
  382. end
  383. end
  384. end
  385. if $ARGS[0] = 'sports_outfit_option':
  386. if $ARGS[1] = 'workout':
  387. $wloc = 'workout'
  388. else
  389. killvar '$wloc'
  390. end
  391. if $clothingworntype = 'exercise' AND $shoeworntype = 'trainers' AND sportsclothingnumber = clothingwornnumber AND $sportsbratype = $braworntype AND sportsbranumber = brawornnumber AND $sportspantytype = $pantyworntype AND sportspantynumber = pantywornnumber AND sportsshoenumber = shoewornnumber:
  392. act 'Wear previous outfit': gs 'wardrobe', 'prev_entry_wear'
  393. else
  394. act 'Wear sports outfit': gs 'wardrobe', 'sports_entry_wear'
  395. end
  396. end
  397. --- wardrobe ---------------------------------