mother 74 KB

  1. # mother
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. !!Model Olga Kabaeva
  4. motherAge = year - ((npc_dob['A29'] - (npc_dob['A29'] mod 10000)) / 10000)
  5. if momslut >= 2 and npc_rel['A29'] < 40:npc_rel['A29'] = 40
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. gs'motherQW'
  8. gs'dinmother'
  9. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  10. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  11. 'Your mother Natasha is still quite young and attractive. She''s only <<motherAge>> years. She works at the station cafe.'
  12. if (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and npc_QW['A29'] = 0:npc_QW['A29'] = 1
  13. if npc_QW['A29'] = 1 and npc_rel['A29'] > 40:npc_rel['A29'] = 40
  14. if npc_rel['A29'] < 20:'Your relationship with your mom is terrible.'
  15. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A29'] < 40:'Your relationship with your mom is tense.'
  16. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A29'] < 60:'You have a normal relationship with your mother.'
  17. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] < 80:'You have a good relationship with your mother.'
  18. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 80:'You have a great relationship with your mother.'
  19. act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
  20. if motherWorry = 1 and indorf = 0:
  21. motherWorry = 0
  22. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  23. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  24. if $loc = 'gkafe':
  25. 'Your mother looks at you from across the cafe counter, "<<$pcs_firstname>> <<$pcs_lastname>>, Where the hell have you been! I have been worried sick!" You mother then looks around the small cafe and says with a frown, "We will talk about this when we get home."'
  26. else
  27. 'Your mother is still awake, waiting for you to come home. Hearing the front door, she comes to the hallway and scolds you: "Where the hell have you been <<$pcs_nickname>>? You shouldn''t be out this late!"'
  28. end
  29. elseif motherWorry = 1 and indorf > 0:
  30. motherWorry = 0
  31. end
  32. !!while at work at the train station cafe
  33. if $loc = 'gkafe':
  34. cla
  35. 'Your mom sees you and frowns: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, how many times have I told you: don''t come visit me at work! I have no time for you right now, and there is nothing to do here for young girls like you."'
  36. act 'Move away from her':gt 'gkafe'
  37. exit
  38. end
  39. !check hair color
  40. if hcolfronce=0:
  41. hcolmotherremember=pcs_haircol
  42. hcolfronce=1
  43. end
  44. if hcolmotherremember!pcs_haircol:
  45. if pcs_haircol = nathcol:
  46. $texthcol = 'Or, rather, un-dyed your hair. Good, you decided to go back to your natural color!'
  47. elseif pcs_haircol=0:
  48. $texthcol='I see you decided to go back to go with black hair?'
  49. elseif pcs_haircol=1:
  50. $texthcol='I see you decided to become a brunette?'
  51. elseif pcs_haircol=2:
  52. $texthcol='I see you decided to become a redhead?'
  53. elseif pcs_haircol=3:
  54. $texthcol='I see you decided to go blonde?'
  55. elseif pcs_haircol >=4:
  56. npc_rel['A29'] -= 25
  57. $texthcol='What were you thinking? Do you think you''ll get into university with hair like that!'
  58. end
  59. if pcs_haircol ! nathcol and pcs_haircol <= 3 and npc_rel['A29'] < 60:
  60. $texthcol2 = 'says with a frown, "You should concentrate on your studies, not on how you look."'
  61. elseif pcs_haircol ! nathcol and pcs_haircol > 3 and npc_rel['A29'] < 60:
  62. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  63. $texthcol2 = 'then angrily grabs a handful of your hair. She holds it tightly but doesn''t quite pull it. "What a fool you are. Do you want to throw away your future? Get out of my sight!"'
  64. else
  65. $texthcol2 = 'says with a smile, "It looks nice on you. I''m sure the boys will like it too. Just make sure you keep your grades up."'
  66. end
  67. 'Your mother immediately notices you dyed your hair and says: "Wait a minute, you dyed your hair! <<$texthcol>>"'
  68. 'She fingers your hair and <<$texthcol2>>'
  69. hcolmotherremember=pcs_haircol
  70. end
  71. $mother_clothes[1] = {
  72. if motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and npc_QW['A29'] = 0:
  73. if momslut < 2:
  74. 'Your mother looks at you, here eyes open wide in shock:'
  75. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, people live here! Aren''t you ashamed, walking around naked like that? Go get dressed right now!"'
  76. else
  77. 'Your mother sees you walking around naked and shakes her head sadly:'
  78. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, come on... everyone will know you''re a whore if they see you like this."'
  79. end
  80. elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and npc_QW['A29'] = 1:
  81. if momslut < 2:
  82. 'Your mother looks angrily at you:'
  83. '"Even at home, my whore of a daughter doesn''t have the decency to get dressed when people are around! <<$pcs_nickname>>, you better go get dressed right now, I never want to see this again!"'
  84. else
  85. 'Your mother sees you walking around naked and shakes her head sadly:'
  86. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, come on... everyone will know you''re a whore if they see you like this."'
  87. end
  88. elseif npc_QW['A29'] >= 2:
  89. 'Your mother looks sternly at your naked figure:'
  90. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least put some clothes on while you''re at home? If you want to impress some fancy man, go do it at his place."'
  91. end
  92. }
  93. $mother_clothes[2] = {
  94. if motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and npc_QW['A29'] = 0:
  95. if momslut < 2:
  96. 'Your mother looks at you, here eyes open wide in shock:'
  97. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, people live here! Aren''t you ashamed, walking around naked like that? Go get dressed right now!"'
  98. else
  99. 'Your mother shakes her head sadly.'
  100. '"You could at least dress at home, do you want the whole family to know that you''re a whore?"'
  101. end
  102. elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and npc_QW['A29'] = 1:
  103. if momslut < 2:
  104. 'Your mother looks angrily at you:'
  105. '"Even at home, my whore of a daughter doesn''t have the decency to get dressed when people are around! <<$pcs_nickname>>, you better go get dressed right now, I never want to see this again!"'
  106. else
  107. 'Your mother shakes her head sadly.'
  108. '"You could at least dress at home, do you want the whole family to know that you''re a whore?"'
  109. end
  110. elseif npc_QW['A29'] >= 2:
  111. 'Your mother looks at you sternly.'
  112. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I certainly understand it all, but could you at least put some clothes on while you''re at home? If you want to impress some fancy man, go do it at his place."'
  113. end
  114. }
  115. if $clothingworntype = 'nude' and towel = 1 and $pantyworntype = 'none':
  116. npc_rel['A29'] -= 2
  117. ''
  118. dynamic $mother_clothes[1]
  119. elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  120. npc_rel['A29'] -= 2
  121. ''
  122. dynamic $mother_clothes[2]
  123. end
  124. if pirsA > 0 and pirsA < 10000 and pirsAmother=0 and motherpirsadaytalk!daystart:
  125. !mother tongue piercing notes
  126. pirseerand=rand(1,100)
  127. motherpirsadaytalk=daystart
  128. if pirseerand>=75:
  129. 'Your mother sees the glimmer of metal in your mouth and asks: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, what''s that in your mouth? I thought I saw something shiny..."'
  130. act'Nothing!':
  131. cla
  132. 'You shake my head: "N-nothing mom! Just a piece of gum I guess, I accidentally swallowed it". You quickly turn and walk away, before your mother has time to second guess you.'
  133. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  134. end
  135. act'Show her your pierced tongue':
  136. cls
  137. pirsAmother=1
  138. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  139. gs'stat'
  140. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/piercings/pirsa.jpg" ></center>'
  141. 'You open your mouth and stick out your tongue, showing her your shiny new piercing.'
  142. 'Your mother clearly disapproves, and shakes her head "Oh <<$pcs_nickname>>, you know those things are only worn by slutty women, who serve men with their mouths..."'
  143. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  144. end
  145. end
  146. end
  147. if pirsB > 0 and pirsB < 10000 and pirsBmother=0 and motherpirsbdaytalk!daystart:
  148. !!mother says lip piercing
  149. motherpirsadbytalk=daystart
  150. 'Your mother looks at your lips, noticing your new lip piercing. She doesn''t seem very happy about it. "And this is why?"'
  151. act'I just think it looks pretty':
  152. cls
  153. pirsBmother=1
  154. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  155. gs'stat'
  156. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/body/piercings/b.jpg" ></center>'
  157. 'You shrug and answer with a sweet smile on your face: "I like it, I think it looks cute. Don''t you agree?"'
  158. 'She clearly doesn''t, and walks away without even bothering to answer.'
  159. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  160. end
  161. end
  162. if pirsC > 0 and pirsC < 10000 and pirsCmother=0:
  163. !mother notices earrings
  164. pirsCmother=1
  165. 'Your mother is looking at your ears, noticing your new earrings. She seems to like them and smiles at you: "I see you decided to wear earrings? They''re nice, they look very cute on you."'
  166. end
  167. if pirsD > 0 and pirsD < 10000 and pirsDmother=0:
  168. !!mother notices a nose ring
  169. pirsDmother=1
  170. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  171. 'Your mother looks a bit shocked at your nose ring: "Jesus, <<$pcs_nickname>>, what is- why?! I understand putting a ring in a bull''s nose to lead them by, but on a person? There''s no reason to do that!"'
  172. end
  173. if pirsE > 0 and pirsE < 10000 and pirsEmother=0:
  174. !!mother notices eyebrow piercing
  175. pirsEmother=1
  176. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  177. 'Your mother doesn''t understand why you go an eyebrow piercing: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, why would you want that thing in your eyebrow?" She shakes her head in exasperation. "Kids these days..."'
  178. ''
  179. end
  180. if npc_rel['A29'] > 65 and mesec > 0 and preg = 0 and tampon = 0 and sanpad = 0:
  181. act 'Ask for a tampon':
  182. cla
  183. sanpad += 3
  184. npc_rel['A29'] -= 15
  185. minut += 3
  186. 'You tell your mother you''re menstruating and ran out of tampons, but really need one right now. She looks at you knowingly, gives you three sanitary pads from her own supply and sternly tells you to next time take care of this in advance.'
  187. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  188. exit
  189. end
  190. end
  191. act 'Chat':
  192. cls
  193. minut+=rand(10,15)
  194. npc_rel['A29']+=1
  195. gs'stat'
  196. '<center><b><font color = maroon>Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  197. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  198. 'Your mother Natasha is still quite young and attractive. She''s only <<motherAge>> years. She works at the station cafe.'
  199. if npc_rel['A29']<20:'Your mother can''t stand you, and she avoids you as much as she can.'
  200. if npc_rel['A29']>=20 and npc_rel['A29']<40:'You and mom have a tense relationship.'
  201. if npc_rel['A29']>=40 and npc_rel['A29']<60:'You have a normal relationship with your mother.'
  202. if npc_rel['A29']>=60 and npc_rel['A29']<80:'You have a good relationship with your mother.'
  203. if npc_rel['A29']>=80:'You have a great relationship with your mother.'
  204. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  205. if npc_rel['A29']<20:
  206. dynamic $d_mother[1]
  207. exit
  208. elseif npc_rel['A29']>=20 and npc_rel['A29']<40:
  209. dynamic $d_mother[2]
  210. exit
  211. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >=40:
  212. dynamic $d_mother[3]
  213. end
  214. end
  215. if SchoolAtestat = 1 and SAtestatGift = 0:
  216. SAtestatGift = 1
  217. money += 5000
  218. gs 'stat'
  219. 'Your mother is delighted you graduated. "I''m so happy right now <<$pcs_nickname>>! All I want to do is see you succeed in life, and graduating from high school is a very important step. Please, take these 5000 <b>₽</b>. Go buy yourself something nice, you''ve earned it." You thank her and give her a hug.'
  220. end
  221. if hour > 5:
  222. if unintendedabort = 1 and pregTalkFamily = 1:
  223. pregTalkFamily = 2
  224. npc_rel['A29'] += 20
  225. '<br>'
  226. 'Your mother looks at you in shock. " <<$pcs_nickname>>, Did you get an abortion ?"'
  227. 'You break down crying and tell your mother you had a miscarriage.'
  228. 'She takes you in her arms and tries to console you'
  229. '"Don''t worry child, everything will be ok"'
  230. end
  231. if abort = 1 and pregTalkFamily = 1:
  232. pregTalkFamily = 2
  233. npc_rel['A29'] = 0
  234. 'Your mother looks at you through teary eyes, stricken with sadness. "You are such a fool, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Getting an abortion... what if you can''t have any more children? Do you think you''ll be young and healthy forever? You''re going to regret this, I just know it..."'
  235. end
  236. if momslut = 1:
  237. act 'Tell her you saw her fucking her boss':
  238. cls
  239. minut += 5
  240. momslut = 2
  241. gs 'stat'
  242. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  243. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  244. 'You tell your mother about the time you saw her in the back room of the cafe with her boss. Your mother got noticeably pale and sat down on a stool. With her head cast down in shame, she softly asks: "And what exactly did you see?", hoping you didn''t see anything too bad.'
  245. 'You tell her about how you saw her on her knees deepthroating her boss, and then getting roughly fucked from behind. You decide to leave out the part about how she willingly licked him clean and seemed to be very much into it, when you notice the distraught look on her face. Your mother sits on the stool, speechless. After carefully mulling over her words at least a dozen times in her mind, she confesses: "Well yes, I sleep with Slava. Times are tough, you know? I really need that job and he likes me. But please <<$pcs_nickname>>, don''t try to blackmail me. If any of this comes out, it would destroy our family."'
  246. 'You''ve never seen your mother this devastated before. She''s really afraid of the consequences. You understand and nod reassuringly: "Don''t worry Mom, your secret is safe with me." She smiles at you gratefully and returns to what she was doing.'
  247. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  248. end
  249. end
  250. act 'Ask for some money':
  251. cls
  252. minut += 5
  253. gs 'stat'
  254. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  255. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  256. 'You ask your mother for some money.'
  257. if SchoolAtestat = 0:
  258. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 80:
  259. if motherPayDay = daystart:
  260. 'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
  261. else
  262. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  263. motherPayDay = daystart
  264. if pcs_grades >= 70:
  265. if pcs_grades < 90:
  266. money += 150
  267. 'Your mother reluctantly gives you 150 <b>₽</b>: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
  268. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  269. exit
  270. else
  271. money += 300
  272. 'Your mother smiles and gives you 300 <b>₽</b>: "Okay <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
  273. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  274. exit
  275. end
  276. else
  277. 'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$pcs_nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
  278. end
  279. end
  280. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] < 80:
  281. if motherPayDay = daystart:
  282. 'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
  283. else
  284. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  285. motherPayDay = daystart
  286. if pcs_grades >= 70:
  287. if pcs_grades < 90:
  288. money += 100
  289. 'Your mother reluctantly gives you 100 <b>₽</b>: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
  290. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  291. exit
  292. else
  293. money += 250
  294. 'Your mother smiles and gives you 250 <b>₽</b>: "Okay <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
  295. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  296. exit
  297. end
  298. else
  299. 'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$pcs_nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
  300. end
  301. end
  302. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A29'] < 60:
  303. if motherPayDay = daystart:
  304. 'Your mother frowns: "Again, <<$pcs_nickname>>? Did you forget I already gave you money today? Don''t be greedy!"'
  305. elseif motherPayDay ! daystart:
  306. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  307. motherPayDay = daystart
  308. if pcs_grades >= 70:
  309. if pcs_grades < 90:
  310. money += 50
  311. 'Your mother reluctantly gives you 50 <b>₽</b>: "When you do better in school, I will give you more. In the meantime, this is all you deserve!"'
  312. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  313. else
  314. money += 200
  315. 'Your mother smiles and gives you 200 <b>₽</b>: "Okay <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''ve earned it. I''m glad you''re doing such a good job in school."'
  316. act 'Thank her and move away':gt $loc, $metka
  317. end
  318. else
  319. 'Your mother scoffs, and shakes her head: "Money? No way, <<$pcs_nickname>>. With how poorly you are doing in school, the only thing you deserve is the belt. You can have some money when you improve your grades, until then you get nothing."'
  320. end
  321. end
  322. elseif npc_rel['A29'] < 40 and motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0:
  323. 'Your mother scowls, shaking her head: "Why should I give you anything? Go get a job, you''ll get nothing from me." She really doesn''t like you very much.'
  324. elseif (motherKnowWhore >= 1 or motherKnowSpravka >= 1) and npc_rel['A29'] < 40:
  325. 'Your mother can''t believe you would even ask, and shouts angrily: "Whores don''t get money from me! Get out of here, run to your stud and go ask him!"'
  326. end
  327. elseif SchoolAtestat > 0:
  328. 'Your mother shakes her head: "You are old enough to earn your own money <<$pcs_nickname>>, you can''t keep depending on me forever. Get a job."'
  329. end
  330. act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
  331. end
  332. act 'Ask about your biological father':
  333. cls
  334. minut += 5
  335. gs 'stat'
  336. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  337. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  338. if npc_rel['A29'] < 80:
  339. 'You barely have any memories of your real father, and are curious about him. When you see your mother in the kitchen you decide to ask: "Mom... about my real father... what was he like? What happened between you two?"'
  340. 'You seem to have struck a sore spot. Your mother''s face saddens, and after a few seconds she replies: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t want to talk about him, it brings back too many bad memories. Just know that Vladimir, your stepfather, raised you and Anya as if they were his own daughters."'
  341. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 80:
  342. 'You barely have any memories of your real father, and are curious about him. When you see your mother in the kitchen you decide to ask: "Mom... about my real father... what was he like? What happened between you two?"'
  343. 'You seem to have struck a sore spot. Your mother''s face saddens, and after a few seconds she replies: "I have no idea where Mikhail is and what he does now, I haven''t seen him in many years. We went to the same school when we were young, and were dating back then... nothing serious. Things weren''t great between us, but then I got pregnant with your sister Anya. Our parents forced us to get married. We tried to make the most of it, and for a while things didn''t seem so bad. A few months after I had you, we got into a huge argument though. We decided we couldn''t live together any more, and got divorced." You can''t help but notice she won''t tell you what the argument was about, but you don''t interrupt her. It''s rare enough to get her to talk about your real father as it is.'
  344. '"A year later I married Vladimir, your stepfather. We had Kolka together, but Vladimir always treated you and Anya as if they were his own daughters too. He looked after you, bathed you, told you stories at night and took you for walks whenever he could." Those memories seem to have cheered her up, and she has a serene smile on her face. "Vladimir really is a wonderful man..." she adds, while you thank her for the story and let her get back to what she was doing.'
  345. end
  346. act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
  347. end
  348. act 'Ask for some new clothes':
  349. cls
  350. minut += 5
  351. gs 'stat'
  352. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  353. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  354. 'You wait until your mother is in a good mood, and then quickly swoop in: "Mom, I have nothing nice to wear. Can I please have some new clothes?"'
  355. if pav_slut >= 150:
  356. 'Your mother is outraged by the suggestion. "Really <<$pcs_nickname>>? You have lots of customers, and you''re still asking me for clothes? You should have plenty of whore money, you can afford them yourself. Besides, I don''t know where to buy clothes for a whore."'
  357. act 'Move away from her':gt $loc, $metka
  358. end
  359. if SchoolAtestat = 0:
  360. if npc_rel['A29'] >= 80:
  361. if motherClotheMonth ! month:
  362. 'Your mother lets out an exasperated sigh, and throws her hands in the air. "Here we go again... "Mommy, I have nothing to wear!"" he says, mocking your voice in a high pitch. You both laugh. "Alright then <<$pcs_nickname>>, let''s go see if we can find something."'
  363. act 'Go to the store':
  364. cls
  365. npc_rel['A29'] = 70
  366. motherClotheMonth = month
  367. minut += 30
  368. gs 'stat'
  369. 'Going clothes shopping with your mother is always an interesting experience. You never get to pick your own clothes, but she brings you clothes that she thinks would suit you and lets you try them on. You would argue but her taste in clothing is actually very good, always picking out cute outfits for you to wear that are quite trendy too. You directly go towards the changing booths, wondering what she''ll bring you this time.'
  370. act 'Try on the clothes she brings you':
  371. cls
  372. gs 'stat'
  373. loop_counter = 0
  374. :markbuyclomother
  375. loop_counter += 1
  376. if loop_counter = 300:
  377. 'After 30 minutes of trying on various outfits you are unable to find any that you either don''t already own or that you are willing to wear.'
  378. else
  379. numrand = rand(1, 413)
  380. gs 'clothing_attributes', 'cheap', numrand
  381. !!not prostitute
  382. if CloStyle = 4:jump 'markbuyclomother'
  383. !!Sveta can wear it and not too revealing
  384. if CloExhibit > pcs_exhibition or CloExhibit > 30:jump 'markbuyclomother'
  385. if cheap[numrand] = 0:
  386. cheap[numrand] = 1
  387. cheapH[numrand] = 50
  388. cheapB[numrand] = pcs_hips
  389. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/clothing/1cheap/<<numrand>>.jpg"></center>'
  390. else
  391. jump 'markbuyclomother'
  392. end
  393. end
  394. 'You enter a changing booth and spend 30 minutes trying on various outfits: short ones, long ones, light ones, dark ones... Then finally her eyes light up, and she beams: "This one! This one is perfect!" She buys the outfit for you, and you go back home together. You thank your mother and give her a hug.'
  395. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  396. end
  397. end
  398. else
  399. 'Your mother sadly shakes her head: I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, our budget is limited and we already went clothes shopping this month. You''ll have to manage with what you have in your closet for a little while, maybe we can go again next month."'
  400. end
  401. else
  402. 'Your mother shakes her head: "I''m sorry <<$pcs_nickname>>, money is tight. We just can''t afford it right now."'
  403. end
  404. else
  405. 'Your mother shakes her head: "No <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re old enough to earn your own money and buy your own clothes. Get a job if you want new clothes."'
  406. end
  407. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  408. end
  409. end
  410. if $loc = 'kuhrPar':
  411. gs 'mother', 'pregreact'
  412. act 'Offer to help around the house':
  413. cls
  414. minut += 60
  415. npc_rel['A29'] += rand(1, 5)
  416. pcs_mood -= 10
  417. delin_beh -= 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  418. TotalMomPom += 1
  419. MomPom += 1
  420. gs 'stat'
  421. 'You offer to help your mother out around the house.'
  422. if MomPom = 1:
  423. 'Your mother asks you to do the dishes. You spend an hour washing the dishes in the kitchen.'
  424. elseif MomPom = 2:
  425. 'Your mother asks you to peel potatoes for tonight''s meals. You spend an hour in the kitchen peeling potatoes.'
  426. elseif MomPom = 3:
  427. 'Your mother asks you to clean the floor. You spend an hour scubbing the floors of the apartment.'
  428. elseif MomPom = 4:
  429. 'Your mother asks you to do a load of laundry. You spend an hour washing clothes in the bathroom.'
  430. elseif MomPom = 5:
  431. 'Your mother asks you to iron some clothes. You spend an hour in the hallway ironing clothes.'
  432. elseif MomPom = 6:
  433. sdacharand = rand(10, 50)
  434. money += sdacharand
  435. gs 'stat'
  436. 'Your mother asks you to run to the store, and buy some groceries. You head to the store and purchase the food, hauling the heavy bags home. The groceries cost you <<sdacharand>> <b>₽</b>, and she gives you the money back when you return home.'
  437. elseif MomPom = 7:
  438. 'Your mother asks you to go to the pharmacy, to get some medicine. Your mother''s sister, Lyudmila, works there and always gives your family the medicine you need for free. Your mother gave you a list of the items you need, and when you enter the pharmacy you see your aunt Luda behind the counter as always. She smiles when she recognizes you. "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>! How are you? I hope everything is okay?"'
  439. '"Hello aunt!" You greet her back, and have a chat with her before you give her list your mother made. Aunt Luda quickly gathers the items your mother wrote down, gathers them in a paper bag and hands the bag over to you. "Here you go, <<$pcs_nickname>>! Have a nice day, tell your mother I said hi!"'
  440. 'You say you will and wave her goodbye. When you come home, you give your mother the bag. After a few minutes you realize you forgot to pass on aunt Luda''s regards to your mom, but decide to not bother now.'
  441. elseif MomPom = 8:
  442. MomPom = 1
  443. end
  444. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  445. end
  446. end
  447. if SchoolAtestat = 0:
  448. if GspravkaT = 0 and GspravkaTimes >= 3 and hour >= 6 and hour <= 21:
  449. cla
  450. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  451. 'Your mother frowns and gets her handbag: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, why haven''t you been to the gynaecologist like I asked you to? You don''t have anything to hide, do you? Come on, we''re going there right now." Your mother takes you by the hand and leads you to the clinic, ushering you into the gynaecologist''s office.'
  452. act 'Get a referral from the gynaecologist':
  453. cla
  454. minut += 15
  455. 'You lie on the examination table and spread your legs. The gynaecologist examines your vagina.'
  456. if pcs_vag > 0:
  457. Gspravka = 7
  458. GspravkaT = 2
  459. 'The gynaecologist notices you are not a virgin any more, and gives you a written referral to give to your mother.'
  460. else
  461. Gspravka = 7
  462. GspravkaT = 1
  463. 'The gynaecologist verifies you are a virgin and gives you a written referral to give to your mother.'
  464. end
  465. act 'Leave the office':gt $loc, $metka
  466. end
  467. elseif GspravkaT = 0 and GspravkaTimes < 3:
  468. GspravkaTimes += 1
  469. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, you need to go to the clinic. We need a written referral from the gynaecologist for school."'
  470. elseif GspravkaT = 2 and motherKnowSpravka = 0:
  471. cla
  472. if motherKnowWhore = 0:
  473. npc_rel['A29'] = 0
  474. motherKnowSpravka = 1
  475. if npc_QW['A29'] = 0:npc_QW['A29'] = 1
  476. if momslut < 2:
  477. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  478. 'Your mother is furious and grabs you by the ear, pulling you out of the clinic and onto the street. "Oh, you slut! Your father and I worked so hard to raise you as a decent person, hoping you would find a good husband some day... and now it turns out you''re a whore who has already put her pussy to work. Get out of my sight!" She storms off, leaving you to find your own way home. When you return home, you make sure you do it quietly so she can''t give you another earful.'
  479. else
  480. 'Your mother shakes her head sadly when she reads the referral. "Well... I guess I shouldn''t be surprised."'
  481. end
  482. elseif motherKnowWhore > 0 and npc_QW['A29'] < 2:
  483. npc_rel['A29'] -= 10
  484. motherKnowSpravka = 1
  485. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  486. if npc_QW['A29'] = 0:npc_QW['A29'] = 1
  487. 'Your mother reads the referral and closes her eyes for a second, trying to suppress her anger. "To be honest, it''s not even a surprise to me. Don''t think that I haven''t seen you sneaking around the house at weird times, and all the guys loitering near our apartment."'
  488. elseif npc_QW['A29'] >= 2:
  489. motherKnowSpravka = 2
  490. '"Why are you showing me this, <<$pcs_nickname>>, do you think this is funny? Are you trying to rub it in my face? Even if you made photocopies of it and handed them out at school, I doubt it would change your reputation at all... everyone already knows." your mother says coldly.'
  491. end
  492. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  493. end
  494. end
  495. if npc_QW['A29'] = 1 and npc_rel['A29'] >= 20 and $loc = 'kuhrPar':
  496. act 'Try to reconcile':
  497. cls
  498. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  499. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  500. mqwtRand = rand(1, 10)
  501. if mqwtRand <= 2:
  502. npc_rel['A29'] -= rand(1, 5)
  503. minut += 30
  504. 'You try to have a talk with your mother, to hopefully patch up your horrible relationship. You''re not sure whether you said something wrong, or whether she''s just in a bad mood, but your attempt to reconcile backfired horribly; within moments the conversation turns into a screaming contest, and your mother ends up disliking you even more.'
  505. act 'Leave her be for now':gt $loc, $metka
  506. elseif mqwtRand > 2 and mqwtRand <= 8:
  507. npc_rel['A29'] += rand(0, 1)
  508. minut += 30
  509. 'You try to have a talk with your mother, to try and patch up your horrible relationship. Despite your best efforts, the whole half-hour conversation consists mainly of a fairly aggressive monologue from your mother about morality, diseases and what awaits you in the future, if you do not change your ways. Still, there is some improvement in your relationship.'
  510. act 'Leave her be for now':gt $loc, $metka
  511. elseif mqwtRand > 8:
  512. gt'motherQW','motherQW_2'
  513. end
  514. end
  515. end
  516. if alko > 0 and alkomday ! daystart:
  517. alkomday = daystart
  518. npc_rel['A29'] -= 1
  519. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  520. 'Your mother can smell you have been drinking alcohol, and gives you a lecture: "<<$pcs_nickname>>, why do you smell of alcohol? You''re still too young to drink, you could get into all sorts of trouble!"'
  521. end
  522. if (cumloc[11] = 1 or (cumloc[6] = 1 or cumloc[7] = 1)) and whoremday ! daystart:
  523. cla
  524. whoremday = daystart
  525. if motherKnowWhore = 0 and motherKnowSpravka = 0 and npc_QW['A29'] = 0:
  526. npc_rel['A29'] = 0
  527. if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
  528. if momslut < 2:
  529. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  530. 'When you approach her, your mother looks concerned at you and then sighs exasperatedly, rolling her eyes in disgust. When you look down to see what got her so angry, you realize you forgot about the cum stains on your face. They''re quite large, and very recognizable as such.'
  531. '"I tell everyone my daughter is decent, and meanwhile it turns out she fucks around like a common whore and then proudly displays the stains for the whole town to see. Slut! Get out of my sight!" You can tell your mother is struggling to resist the urge to slap you.'
  532. 'You try to calm her down and tell her that''s not true, but she''s too upset right now and not interested in listening to you.'
  533. else
  534. 'When you approach her, your mother looks concerned at you and quickly pulls you to the side, giving you a wet washcloth. "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, if you don''t even wipe the sperm off your face, the whole town might find out you''re a whore. At least be a little discrete about your sexual activities, will you?"'
  535. 'Deeply embarrassed, you apologize to your mother and scrub yourself with the washcloth until the stains are no longer visible.'
  536. cumspclnt = 6
  537. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  538. cumspclnt = 9
  539. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  540. cumspclnt = 13
  541. gs 'cum_cleanup'
  542. minut += 5
  543. end
  544. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  545. elseif (motherKnowWhore > 0 or motherKnowSpravka > 0) and npc_QW['A29'] = 1:
  546. npc_rel['A29'] -= 20
  547. if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
  548. if momslut < 2:
  549. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  550. 'Your mother glares at you. You realize she must have noticed the cum stains on your face, and feel terrible.'
  551. '"Again, you fucking little whore? I was already so ashamed of you! Get out of my sight!"'
  552. 'Knowing there is nothing you can say to make it better right now, you simply mumble an apology and leave quickly.'
  553. else
  554. 'Your mother shakes her head sadly and says: "Come on <<$pcs_nickname>>, we''ve talked about this. The whole town will know you''re a whore if you don''t even bother washing the sperm off you. Have some decency, I''m begging you."'
  555. end
  556. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  557. elseif npc_QW['A29'] >= 2:
  558. npc_rel['A29'] -= 10
  559. if motherKnowWhore = 0:motherKnowWhore = 1
  560. 'Your mother notices the sperm you''re wearing on your face, and looks at you with a tinge of concern.'
  561. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, I can certainly understand that you want to keep your man happy. Believe me, I do, but you should at least clean up his mess after he finishes on your face, before you go out the door. Quickly, go wash up in the bathroom, hopefully no one has seen you like this!'
  562. 'Your face turns beet red, and you quietly nod and mumble an apology as you head for the bathroom.'
  563. act 'Go to the bathroom':gt 'vanrPar'
  564. end
  565. end
  566. if ($clothingworntype = 'formal' or $clothingworntype = 'expensive') and hour > 9:'Your mother looks a bit puzzled at your fancy clothes: "Well well, look at you... why are you so dressed up? Big plans today?"'
  567. if week = 5 and dostupindorf = 1:
  568. if hour > 9:'While your mother is working on some meals in the kitchen, she remembers something and looks at you: "Oh <<$pcs_nickname>>, while you''re here... we''re going to visit your grandparents in Gadyukino tomorrow. We leave at noon (12:00) tomorrow, so if you want to come along you should meet me in the kitchen before then."'
  569. elseif week = 6 and dostupindorf = 1:
  570. if hour > 9 and hour < 12:
  571. 'Your mother is finishing up on some meals before leaving for Gadyukino and puts down her work for a second. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, well? Do you want to come with us to Gadyukino or would you rather stay home with Anya?"'
  572. act 'Go to Gadyukino':hour = 12 & minut = 0 & indorf = 1 & gt 'famdorfride'
  573. end
  574. end
  575. end
  576. if $ARGS[0] = 'pregreact':
  577. *nl
  578. if pregTalkFamily = 0 and pregtalkmom = 0 and kid = 0:
  579. if ($clothingworntype = 'nude' and pregtime > 90) or ($clothingworntype ! 'nude' and pregtime > 150):
  580. cla
  581. gs 'stat'
  582. minut += 5
  583. 'Your mother looks at your belly, which is clearly visible now. She''s upset, but supportive: "Oh no <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re pregnant? How far along are you? I know this is a difficult time for you, but please don''t have an abortion okay? We''ll figure this out."'
  584. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  585. '"I do want to know who the father is, though."'
  586. act 'Tell her':pregTalkFamily = 1 & pregTalkMom = 1 & gt 'mother', 'pregreact1'
  587. elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  588. '"And go put on some clothes and then come back to talk to me. I need you to tell me who the father is"'
  589. act 'Go get dressed':pregTalkFamily = 1 & pregTalkMom = 1 & gt 'mother', 'pregreactnude'
  590. end
  591. elseif knowpreg = 1 and $clothingworntype ! 'nude' and pregtime <= 150:
  592. act 'Tell your mother you are pregnant':
  593. *clr & cla
  594. minut += 5
  595. npc_rel['A29'] -= 20
  596. pregTalkFamily = 1
  597. pregtalkmom = 1
  598. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  599. if motherKnowSpravka = 0:motherKnowSpravka = 1
  600. gs 'stat'
  601. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  602. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  603. 'You tell your mother you''re pregnant. Your mother gasps and nearly falls on the ground, managing to sit down on a stool right on time. Tears are slowly forming in her eyes. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, oh no... I was afraid this would happen... Why did this happen..."'
  604. 'She stares at you for a good ten seconds through her tears, trying to think of what to say next. She then realizes that you need her to be on your side, and remembered how difficult it was for her when she was in your situation. "I know it will be difficult, but you must have this child <<$pcs_nickname>>. If you have an abortion now, it will be much more difficult to have children in the future. You can''t risk ending up barren, do you understand?"'
  605. 'You''re not quite sure about that just yet, but you see the concern on her face and figure the best thing you can do right now is just nod and give her a hug. "I understand, Mom... is it okay if I come to you for advice from time to time?"'
  606. '"Of course you can sweetie, we''ll get through this together", she reassures you, returning your hug. Despite her supportive attitude, you can tell she''s very disappointed in you. You''ll have to put in some work if you want to get back on her good side.'
  607. '"So, who''s the father?"'
  608. act 'Tell her':pregTalkFamily = 1 & pregTalkMom = 1 & gt 'mother', 'pregreact1'
  609. end
  610. elseif knowpreg = 1 and $clothingworntype = 'nude' and pregtime <= 90:
  611. act 'Tell your mother you are pregnant':
  612. *clr & cla
  613. minut += 5
  614. npc_rel['A29'] -= 20
  615. pregTalkFamily = 1
  616. pregtalkmom = 1
  617. delin_beh += 1 &!counter for getting sent to Gadyukino for the summer
  618. if motherKnowSpravka = 0:motherKnowSpravka = 1
  619. gs 'stat'
  620. '<center><b><font color="maroon">Your mother, Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>></font></b></center>'
  621. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/mom/mother.jpg"></center>'
  622. 'You tell your mother you''re pregnant. Your mother gasps and nearly falls on the ground, managing to sit down on a stool right on time. Tears are slowly forming in her eyes. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, oh no... I was afraid this would happen... Why did this happen..."'
  623. 'She stares at you for a good ten seconds through her tears, trying to think of what to say next. She then realizes that you need her to be on your side, and remembered how difficult it was for her when she was in your situation. "I know it will be difficult, but you must have this child <<$pcs_nickname>>. If you have an abortion now, it will be much more difficult to have children in the future. You can''t risk ending up barren, do you understand?"'
  624. 'You''re not quite sure about that just yet, but you see the concern on her face and figure the best thing you can do right now is just nod and give her a hug. "I understand, Mom... is it okay if I come to you for advice from time to time?"'
  625. '"Of course you can sweetie, we''ll get through this together", she reassures you, returning your hug. Despite her supportive attitude, you can tell she''s very disappointed in you. You''ll have to put in some work if you want to get back on her good side.'
  626. '"And go put on some clothes and then come back to talk to me. I need you to tell me who the father is"'
  627. act 'Go get dressed':pregTalkFamily = 1 & pregTalkMom = 1 & gt 'mother', 'pregreactnude'
  628. end
  629. end
  630. end
  631. end
  632. if $ARGS[0] = 'pregreactnude':
  633. gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn'
  634. minut += 5
  635. 'You put on some clothes before returning to your mother.'
  636. act 'Return to mother':gt 'mother', 'pregreact1'
  637. end
  638. !!Mom should have more pregnancy reactions than other characters.
  639. !!Add shorter reactions inside this array. If longer, link to another array in the format of 'pregreactbrother'
  640. if $ARGS[0] = 'pregreact1':
  641. *nl
  642. if $wombthfath = 'Kolka' and npc_rel['A34'] > 50 and brotherSecret = 1 and momKnowsKolka = 0:
  643. '"I... I don''t actually know. I was," you stammer as you struggle to get the next word out. "I was raped."'
  644. '"What? Are you okay? Why did''t you tell me sooner?"'
  645. '"I was scared and ashamed and I didn''t know how you would react." Your lip quivers as tears begin to flow down your face. "I''m sorry. I should have said something."'
  646. '"No, it''s not your fault." Your mother tries her best to comfort you, giving you a hug and speaking in the most calming voice she can manage. "I know it''s difficult, but please try to tell me what happened."'
  647. 'You do your best to make up a convincing story while also trying to act convincingly. You can''t seem to keep all of the details of your story consistent, but your mother seems to write off your mistakes as the result of stress. You also manage to make most of your crying convincing, secretly thinking to yourself that your show would make trained actors jealous.'
  648. '"Oh sweetheart, I''m so sorry. I''m right here with you. We''ll get through this together," she says as she wipes your fake tears from your eyes.'
  649. if brotherSecret = 1 and pcs_intel >= 60:
  650. cla
  651. '"Thank you. I''m so glad I can always count on you." The two of you then share a warm embrace as you run a victory lap in your head over your successful ruse.'
  652. act 'Continue':gt 'kuhrPar'
  653. elseif brotherSecret = 1 and pcs_intel < 60:
  654. cla
  655. '"Wow, thank God that worked. I thought for sure you would figure out I was lying and I would have to tell you that Kolka is really the father."'
  656. 'You see the stunned look on her face and realize your mistake. "I mean... that was a joke. Shit."'
  657. act 'Continue':gt 'mother', 'pregreactbrother'
  658. end
  659. elseif $wombthfath = 'Kolka' and npc_rel['A34'] > 50 and brotherSecret = 0 and momKnowsKolka = 0:
  660. gt 'mother', 'pregreactbrother'
  661. elseif $wombthfath = 'Vladimir' and npc_rel['28'] > 50 and stepdadSecret = 1 and momKnowsVladimir = 0:
  662. '"I... I don''t actually know. I was," you stammer as you struggle to get the next word out. "I got jumped one night, I tried to fight back but they were too strong. They raped me..."'
  663. '"What? Are you okay? Why did''t you tell me sooner?"'
  664. '"I was scared and ashamed and I didn''t know how you would react." Your lip quivers as tears begin to flow down your face. "I''m sorry. I should have said something earlier."'
  665. '"No, it''s not your fault." Your mother tries her best to comfort you, giving you a hug and speaking in the most calming voice she can manage. "I know it''s difficult, but please try to tell me what happened."'
  666. 'You do your best to make up a convincing story while also trying to act convincingly. You can''t seem to keep all of the details of your story consistent, but your mother seems to write off your mistakes as the result of stress. You also manage to make most of your crying convincing, secretly thinking to yourself that your show would make trained actors jealous.'
  667. '"Oh sweetheart, I''m so sorry. Don''t worry, I''ll stand right by your side. We''ll get through this together." she says as she wipes your fake tears from your eyes.'
  668. if stepdadSecret = 1 and pcs_intel >= 60:
  669. cla
  670. 'You continue on with your successful act, "Thank you. I''m so glad you didn''t get mad at me." The two of you then share a warm embrace as you''re doing a victory dance inside your head over your successful ruse.'
  671. act 'Continue':gt 'kuhrPar'
  672. elseif stepdadSecret = 1 and pcs_intel < 60:
  673. cla
  674. '"Wow, I can''t believe that worked. I was for certain that you would figure out I was lying and I would have to tell you that Vladimir''s the true father."'
  675. 'Your mother stops in her tracks and looks at you stunned as you realize your mistake. "I was only... I was only joking mom." Your mother is not moving an inch and is still looking at you with wide-opened eyes. "Shit." you mumble under your breath.'
  676. act 'Continue':gt 'mother', 'pregreactstepdad'
  677. end
  678. elseif $wombthfath = 'Vladimir' and npc_rel['A28'] > 50 and stepdadSecret = 0 and momKnowsVladimir = 0:
  679. gt 'mother', 'pregreactstepdad'
  680. elseif $wombthfath = '':
  681. cla
  682. if rape > 0:
  683. '"I... I don''t actually know. I was...," you stammer as you struggle to get the next word out. "I was raped."'
  684. '"What? Are you okay? Why did''t you tell me sooner?"'
  685. '"I was scared and ashamed and I didn''t know how you would react." Your lip quivers as tears begin to flow down your face. "I''m sorry. I should have said something."'
  686. '"No, it''s not your fault." Your mother tries her best to comfort you, giving you a hug and speaking in the most calming voice she can manage. "I know it''s difficult, but please try to tell me what happened."'
  687. '"Through your tears you recount the events of your rape to your mother, stopping several times as your sobbing prevented you from speaking. Every time you paused your mother did her best to comfort you before encouraging to continue. After some time, you finally manage to finish your story.'
  688. '"Oh sweetheart, I''m so sorry. I''m right here with you. We''ll get through this together," she says as she wipes the tears from your eyes.'
  689. '"Thank you. I''m so glad I can always count on you." The two of you then share a warm embrace.'
  690. elseif stat['vaginal'] > 0:
  691. '"I do not know! I mean, I did have sex, but nobody come inside me! It is not possible for me to be pregnant!" you say, looking at your mother begging.'
  692. '"Oh honey, you can be pregnant a lot of different ways. It can happen. Maybe I should have taught you better. This is my fault," whispers your mother hugging you tightly. "I''ll help you, you know. You are not alone in this."'
  693. else
  694. '"I don''t know!", you wail, freaking out a bit. "I did not have sex, ever!"'
  695. 'Your mother looks at you skeptically, but seeing as you are actually freaking out, she quickly hugs you.'
  696. '"It will be all rigt, pumpkin, we will figure it out." She hugs you a bit, then pushes you back a bit and asks you with a frown.'
  697. '"Did any of the boys... released on you? On your tummy or pussy?"'
  698. '"MOM!!!" You yell, with a bit of histerical laugh in your voice.'
  699. '"All right, I had to ask," she says, hugging you again. A bit later she whispers in your ear. "You know, it will not be that bad. You will be still young when your child grows up. You can even go to parties with her. Or him. Whatever. And I will be the awesome hot grandma."'
  700. 'The image conjured by that thought makes you giggle a bit. Maybe it will not be that bad.'
  701. end
  702. act 'Continue':gt 'kuhrPar'
  703. else
  704. 'You tell her that the father is <<$wombthfath>> and give her some brief details about how you met and the events that led up to your pregnancy. She reassuers you that she will help you get through this.'
  705. act 'Continue':gt 'kuhrPar'
  706. end
  707. end
  708. !!When Sveta has another place to stay in Pav, there will be a follow-up to this conversation that restores access to the family apartment, if mom relationship is high enough.
  709. if $ARGS[0] = 'pregreactbrother':
  710. if npc_rel['A29'] < 60 and pregtalkbrother = 1 and brothersecret = 0:
  711. 'As soon as your brother''s name crosses your lips, your mother''s face visibly reddens. Her mouth curls into a snarl and she reaches up and grips you by your hair. '
  712. '"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she screams in your face. "I knew you were a worthless whore, but this? Even I didn''t think you’d go so far as to try corrupting your brother, too."'
  713. 'Kolka tries to speak up. "Mom, <<$pcs_nickname>>-"'
  714. 'Your mother quickly cuts him off. "Kolka, shut the fuck up and go to the living room. I''ll deal with you later."'
  715. 'He shuffles out of the room, stopping in the doorway for a moment to look at you sympathetically.'
  716. 'Your mother releases your hair as tears begin to stream down your face.'
  717. '"Mom, I''m s-"'
  718. 'She slaps you hard across the face before you can finish the sentence.'
  719. '"No, I don''t want to hear it. I can''t deal with you anymore. You need to leave this apartment right now! I don''t ever want to see you here again!"'
  720. 'She can''t really just toss you out, can she?'
  721. '"But"'
  722. '"Get. Out."'
  723. 'You run out of the apartment and slump to the floor as soon as you''re outside. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  724. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face.'
  725. if hour < 19:
  726. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  727. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  728. else
  729. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  730. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  731. end
  732. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] <= 80 and pregtalkbrother = 1 and brothersecret = 0:
  733. 'Before you can even finish the second syllable of your brother''s name, you see the rage building in your mother''s face. She balls her fists and visibly shakes, making it clear that she is using all of her strength to stop herself from transferring that strength from her open palm to your face.. '
  734. 'When she finally speaks, it''s through gritted teeth, and she just says "Get out."'
  735. 'You stare at her dumbfounded, unsure where she expects you to go.'
  736. 'Your brother tries to speak up in your defense, but as the first letter rolls off his tongue, a quick glare from your mother shuts him down. She shifts her gaze back from your brother to you before growling'
  737. '"Why are you still here?"'
  738. '"Where am I supposed to go?" you manage to ask through quivering lips, tears welling in your eyes.'
  739. '"I don''t care, just get out of my sight. You''re not welcome here anymore."'
  740. 'Once you''re out of the apartment, the door slams behind you. You slump to the floor. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  741. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face.'
  742. if hour < 19:
  743. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  744. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  745. else
  746. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  747. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  748. end
  749. elseif npc_rel['A29'] > 80 and pregtalkbrother = 1 and brothersecret = 0:
  750. 'Your mother stares in stunned silence as you utter Kolka''s name. Her knees seem to give out, and she barely manages to hold herself up by leaning on the counter.'
  751. 'After several moments of silence that feel like an eternity, your mother says "Please tell me I just misheard you. Did you really just say your brother''s name?"'
  752. 'You stare at the floor, only giving your mother the smallest nod you can manage as a reply.'
  753. 'Kolka follows your example.'
  754. '"How could you?" She gasps. "What were you thinking?"'
  755. 'You start to reply before you mother cuts you off.'
  756. '"It doesn''t matter; you can''t stay here. You have to leave."'
  757. 'Your brother grabs your hand before rising to your defense. "Mom, that''s not fair. You can’t just kick <<$pcs_nickname>> out."'
  758. '"Kolka, sweetheart. Let go of your sister''s hand right now and shut up. Now is not the time."'
  759. 'Your brother reluctantly releases your hand, and in that moment you want nothing more than to feel the warmth of his skin against yours again. His hand''s departure from your own makes you feel more alone and terrified than you ever have.'
  760. 'Still, you can''t fault Kolka for that. There isn''t much else he could have done in that situation. If you survive this, you fully intend to reward your brother for his moment of bravery.'
  761. 'Your eyes well with tears that begin to stream down past your quivering lips.'
  762. '"Where am I supposed to go?"'
  763. '"I don''t know, but you can''t stay here?"'
  764. '"Why not?" You barely feel the words leave your mouth.'
  765. '"Why not?" Your mother repeats indignantly, anger rising in her voice.'
  766. '"Because you fucked your own brother and that is unacceptable. I can''t believe I''m even having to explain this. Now leave, before things get worse for you."'
  767. 'You reluctantly leave the apartment, closing the door behind you. You slump to the floor. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  768. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face.'
  769. if hour < 19:
  770. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  771. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  772. else
  773. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  774. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  775. end
  776. elseif npc_rel['A29'] < 60 and (pregtalkbrother = 0 or brothersecret = 1):
  777. 'As soon as your brother''s name crosses your lips, your mother''s face visibly reddens. Her mouth curls into a snarl and she reaches up and grips you by your hair. '
  778. '"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she screams in your face. "I knew you were a worthless whore, but this? Even I didn''t think you’d go so far as to try corrupting your brother, too."'
  779. 'Your mother releases your hair as tears begin to stream down your face.'
  780. '"Mom, I''m s-"'
  781. 'She slaps you hard across the face before you can finish the sentence.'
  782. '"No, I don''t want to hear it. I can''t deal with you anymore. You need to leave this apartment right now! I don''t ever want to see you here again!"'
  783. 'She can''t really just toss you out, can she?'
  784. '"But"'
  785. '"Get. Out."'
  786. 'You run out of the apartment and slump to the floor as soon as you''re outside. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  787. 'Eventually, you get up, wipe your face.'
  788. if hour < 19:
  789. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  790. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  791. else
  792. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  793. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  794. end
  795. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] <= 80 and (pregtalkbrother = 0 or brothersecret = 1):
  796. 'Before you can even finish the second syllable of your brother''s name, you see the rage building in your mother''s face. She balls her fists and visibly shakes, making it clear that she is using all of her strength to stop herself from transferring that strength from her open palm to your face.. '
  797. 'When she finally speaks, it''s through gritted teeth, and she just says "Get out."'
  798. 'You stare at her dumbfounded, unsure where she expects you to go.'
  799. '"Why are you still here?"'
  800. '"Where am I supposed to go?" you manage to ask through quivering lips, tears welling in your eyes.'
  801. '"I don''t care, just get out of my sight. You''re not welcome here anymore."'
  802. 'Once you''re out of the apartment, the door slams behind you. You slump to the floor. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  803. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face.'
  804. if hour < 19:
  805. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  806. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  807. else
  808. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  809. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  810. end
  811. elseif npc_rel['A29'] > 80 and (pregtalkbrother = 0 or brothersecret = 1):
  812. 'Your mother stares in stunned silence as you utter Kolka''s name. Her knees seem to give out, and she barely manages to hold herself up by leaning on the counter.'
  813. 'After several moments of silence that feel like an eternity, your mother says "Please tell me I just misheard you. Did you really just say your brother''s name?"'
  814. 'You stare at the floor, only giving your mother the smallest nod you can manage as a reply.'
  815. '"How could you?" She gasps. "What were you thinking?"'
  816. 'You start to reply before you mother cuts you off.'
  817. '"It doesn''t matter; you can''t stay here. You have to leave."'
  818. 'Your eyes well with tears that begin to stream down past your quivering lips.'
  819. '"Where am I supposed to go?"'
  820. '"I don''t know, but you can''t stay here?"'
  821. '"Why not?" You barely feel the words leave your mouth.'
  822. '"Why not?" Your mother repeats indignantly, anger rising in her voice.'
  823. '"Because you fucked your own brother and that is unacceptable. I can''t believe I''m even having to explain this. Now leave, before things get worse for you."'
  824. 'You reluctantly leave the apartment, closing the door behind you. You slump to the floor. What are you going to do now? Can you even afford your own apartment? You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else was around.'
  825. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face.'
  826. if hour < 19:
  827. 'You decide to go apartment hunting.'
  828. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  829. else
  830. 'You decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, you’ll need to go apartment shopping.'
  831. act 'Continue':momKnowsKolka = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  832. end
  833. end
  834. end
  835. !!When Sveta has another place to stay in Pav, there will be a follow-up to this conversation that restores access to the family apartment, if mom relationship is high enough.
  836. if $ARGS[0] = 'pregreactstepdad':
  837. if npc_rel['A29'] < 60 and pregtalkstepdad = 1 and stepdadSecret = 0:
  838. 'As soon as your step-father''s name crosses your lips, your mother''s face visibly reddens. Her mouth curls into a snarl and she reaches up and grips you by your hair and starts draging you around.'
  839. '"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she screams in your face. "I know you are a worthless whore, but this? Even I didn''t think you''d stoop this low as seducting your own step-father... What kind of sick people are you two?"'
  840. 'Vladimir begins clearing his throat, "Honey, <<$pcs_nickname>> and I-"'
  841. 'Your mother furiously cuts him off. "Vladimir, shut the fuck up right now... You''re already on a thin line, I can''t even look at you right now... I don''t care where you go, but you need to leave before I hurt the both of you... I''ll deal with you later."'
  842. 'Knowing he''s in deep trouble, he hurries out of the room, only to stop by the doorway as he looks at you sympathetically for a moment...'
  843. 'Your mother lets go of your hair as tears begin to stream down your face.'
  844. *nl
  845. '"Mom, I''m s-"'
  846. 'You feel a hard slap across the face before you even begin explaining yourself.'
  847. '"I don''t care what you have to say, there''s nothing that makes this okay. I... I can''t deal with you anymore. I want you out of this apartment right now! I don''t ever want to see you or that filthy child you''re bearing ever here again!"'
  848. 'You panic a little as you think that she won''t go through it, throwing you to fend on your own.'
  849. *nl
  850. 'You try to reason with her, "But..."'
  851. '"Get! Out!" she abruptly cuts you off.'
  852. 'You quickly run out of the apartment with tears running down your face and as soon you''re outside you slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  853. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  854. if hour < 19:
  855. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  856. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  857. else
  858. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  859. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  860. end
  861. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] <= 80 and pregtalkbrother = 1 and brothersecret = 0:
  862. 'Before you''re able to finish the second syllable of your step-father''s name, you see the rage building in your mother''s face. She tightens her fist and is visibly shaking, making it clear that she is using all of her might to hinder herself from attacking you...'
  863. 'When she finally manages to speak up, through gritted teeth, only saying, "Get out!"'
  864. 'You stare at her dumbfounded, unsure where she expects you to go.'
  865. 'Vladimir tries to speak up in your defense, but as the first word rolls off his tongue, a quick glare from your mother shuts him down. She shifts her gaze back from your step-father to you before she begins yelling...'
  866. *nl
  867. '"Why the fuck are you still here? Am I speaking another language? Get the hell out!"'
  868. '"Where am I supposed to go?" you ask through quivering lips, tears welling in your eyes...'
  869. '"I don''t care, you should have thought about that before fucking your step-father. Just get out of my sight. You''re not welcome here anymore..."'
  870. 'Once you''re out of the apartment, she door slams behind you. You slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  871. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  872. if hour < 19:
  873. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  874. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  875. else
  876. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  877. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  878. end
  879. elseif npc_rel['A29'] > 80 and pregtalkstepdad = 1 and stepdadSecret = 0:
  880. 'Your mother stares at you in stunned silence as you utter Vladimir''s name. Her knees seem to give out, as she barely manages to hold herself up by leaning on the counter.'
  881. 'After long period of silence that feels like an eternity, your mother finally manages to speak up, "Please tell me I just misheard you. Did I really hear you just say your step-father''s name?"'
  882. 'You stare shamefully at the floor, only giving your mother the smallest nod you can manage as a reply.'
  883. 'Vladimir is quickly following your example... He dejectengly stares on the floor as if he''s admitting that you''re telling the truth...'
  884. *nl
  885. '"How could you both do this?" she gasps. "What the hell were you thinking?" she angrily asks.'
  886. 'As you begin to reply, your mother cuts you off.'
  887. '"It doesn''t matter what the reason is. You had sex with your own step-father. If this comes out I''ll be the laughing stock of the town... There''s no way I''m letting you stay here. You have to move out."'
  888. 'Vladimir grabs your hand before rising to your defense, "Honey, that''s not fair. You can’t just kick <<$pcs_nickname>> out. We''ll figure out something..."'
  889. '"Vladimir, you dipshit. You''re close to getting thrown out yourself, so I suggest you let go of <<$pcs_nickname>>''s hand right now and shut the fuck up. I still haven''t decided what to do with your sorry ass..."'
  890. *nl
  891. 'Vladimir reluctantly lets go of your hand, and in that moment you want nothing more than to feel the warmth of his skin against yours. Without his re-assuring touch, you feel more alone and terrified than you''ve ever been in your life.'
  892. 'Still, you can''t fault your step-father from backing down. There isn''t much else he could have done in this situation as he himself isn''t aware of his fate. If you somehow manage to pull through this, you fully intend to reward your step-father for this small moment of bravery...'
  893. 'Your eyes are filled with tears and not before long they begins to trickle down past your quivering lips... "W-Where am I supposed to go?"'
  894. 'Your mother shurgs her shoulders, "I don''t know and to be honest I don''t really care. All I know is that you can''t stay here..."'
  895. *nl
  896. '"Why can''t I stay?" you respond without thinking.'
  897. '"Why you can''t stay?" your mother repeats indignantly, and you feel her getting annoyed by your stupid question.'
  898. '"You''re really asking me that? Maybe it''s because you fucked your step-father, a man that raised you since you were this small!" she points and pauses staring angrily at you. "I can''t believe I''m even having to explain why I want you out of this house. Now leave, before things get worse for you."'
  899. 'Dejected, you reluctantly leave the apartment, closing the door behind you. You slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  900. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  901. if hour < 19:
  902. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  903. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  904. else
  905. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  906. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  907. end
  908. elseif npc_rel['A29'] < 60 and (pregtalkstepdad = 0 or stepdadSecret = 1):
  909. 'As soon as your step-father''s name crosses your lips, your mother''s face visibly reddens. Her mouth curls into a snarl and she reaches up and grips you by your hair and starts draging you around.'
  910. '"What the fuck is wrong with you?" she screams in your face. "I know you are a worthless whore, but this? Even I didn''t think you''d stoop this low as seducting your own step-father... What kind of sick people are you two?"'
  911. 'Vladimir begins clearing his throat, "Honey, <<$pcs_nickname>> and I-"'
  912. 'Your mother furiously cuts him off. "Vladimir, shut the fuck up right now... You''re already on a thin line, I can''t even look at you right now... I don''t care where you go, but you need to leave before I hurt the both of you... I''ll deal with you later."'
  913. 'Knowing he''s in deep trouble, he hurries out of the room, only to stop by the doorway as he looks at you sympathetically for a moment...'
  914. 'Your mother lets go of your hair as tears begin to stream down your face.'
  915. *nl
  916. '"Mom, I''m s-"'
  917. 'You feel a hard slap across the face before you even begin explaining yourself.'
  918. '"I don''t care what you have to say, there''s nothing that makes this okay. I... I can''t deal with you anymore. I want you out of this apartment right now! I don''t ever want to see you or that filthy child you''re bearing ever here again!"'
  919. 'You panic a little as you think that she won''t go through it, throwing you to fend on your own.'
  920. *nl
  921. 'You try to reason with her, "But..."'
  922. '"Get! Out!" she abruptly cuts you off.'
  923. 'You quickly run out of the apartment with tears running down your face and as soon you''re outside you slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  924. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  925. if hour < 19:
  926. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  927. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  928. else
  929. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  930. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  931. end
  932. elseif npc_rel['A29'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A29'] <= 80 and (pregtalkstepdad = 0 or stepdadSecret = 1):
  933. 'Before you''re able to finish the second syllable of your step-father''s name, you see the rage building in your mother''s face. She tightens her fist and is visibly shaking, making it clear that she is using all of her might to hinder herself from attacking you...'
  934. 'When she finally manages to speak up, through gritted teeth, only saying, "Get out!"'
  935. 'You stare at her dumbfounded, unsure where she expects you to go.'
  936. 'Vladimir tries to speak up in your defense, but as the first word rolls off his tongue, a quick glare from your mother shuts him down. She shifts her gaze back from your step-father to you before she begins yelling...'
  937. *nl
  938. '"Why the fuck are you still here? Am I speaking another language? Get the hell out!"'
  939. '"Where am I supposed to go?" you ask through quivering lips, tears welling in your eyes...'
  940. '"I don''t care, you should have thought about that before fucking your step-father. Just get out of my sight. You''re not welcome here anymore..."'
  941. 'Once you''re out of the apartment, she door slams behind you. You slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  942. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  943. if hour < 19:
  944. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  945. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  946. else
  947. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  948. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  949. end
  950. elseif npc_rel['A29'] > 80 and (pregtalkstepdad = 0 or stepdadSecret = 1):
  951. 'Your mother stares at you in stunned silence as you utter Vladimir''s name. Her knees seem to give out, as she barely manages to hold herself up by leaning on the counter.'
  952. 'After long period of silence that feels like an eternity, your mother finally manages to speak up, "Please tell me I just misheard you. Did I really hear you just say your step-father''s name?"'
  953. 'You stare shamefully at the floor, only giving your mother the smallest nod you can manage as a reply.'
  954. 'Vladimir is quickly following your example... He dejectengly stares on the floor as if he''s admitting that you''re telling the truth...'
  955. *nl
  956. '"How could you both do this?" she gasps. "What the hell were you thinking?" she angrily asks.'
  957. 'As you begin to reply, your mother cuts you off.'
  958. '"It doesn''t matter what the reason is. You had sex with your own step-father. If this comes out I''ll be the laughing stock of the town... There''s no way I''m letting you stay here. You have to move out."'
  959. 'Vladimir grabs your hand before rising to your defense, "Honey, that''s not fair. You can’t just kick <<$pcs_nickname>> out. We''ll figure out something..."'
  960. '"Vladimir, you dipshit. You''re close to getting thrown out yourself, so I suggest you let go of <<$pcs_nickname>>''s hand right now and shut the fuck up. I still haven''t decided what to do with your sorry ass..."'
  961. *nl
  962. 'Vladimir reluctantly lets go of your hand, and in that moment you want nothing more than to feel the warmth of his skin against yours. Without his re-assuring touch, you feel more alone and terrified than you''ve ever been in your life.'
  963. 'Still, you can''t fault your step-father from backing down. There isn''t much else he could have done in this situation as he himself isn''t aware of his fate. If you somehow manage to pull through this, you fully intend to reward your step-father for this small moment of bravery...'
  964. 'Your eyes are filled with tears and not before long they begins to trickle down past your quivering lips... "W-Where am I supposed to go?"'
  965. 'Your mother shurgs her shoulders, "I don''t know and to be honest I don''t really care. All I know is that you can''t stay here..."'
  966. *nl
  967. '"Why can''t I stay?" you respond without thinking.'
  968. '"Why you can''t stay?" your mother repeats indignantly, and you feel her getting annoyed by your stupid question.'
  969. '"You''re really asking me that? Maybe it''s because you fucked your step-father, a man that raised you since you were this small!" she points and pauses staring angrily at you. "I can''t believe I''m even having to explain why I want you out of this house. Now leave, before things get worse for you."'
  970. 'Dejected, you reluctantly leave the apartment, closing the door behind you. You slump to the floor. <i>What are you going to do now, where will you go? Can you even afford your own apartment?</i> You continue to sob in the same position for several minutes, too distraught to even notice if anyone else is around.'
  971. 'Eventually, you get up and wipe your face. You have no choice but to fend for yourself now.'
  972. if hour < 19:
  973. 'As there is still some time left of the day you decide to go apartment hunting. You need to find somewhere to stay as soon as possible.'
  974. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  975. else
  976. 'It''s too late to look for an apartment today. Instead you decide to look for a place to sleep tonight. You''ll need to go apartment hunting first thing tomorrow.'
  977. act 'Continue':momKnowsVladimir = 1 & ParHomeBlock = 1 & minut += 15 & gt 'pod_ezd', 'etaj_2'
  978. end
  979. end
  980. end
  981. --- mother ---------------------------------