# pavtrain_market !{change log March 31, 2016 Added rice wine quest April 20, 2016 Fixed Rice wine event } $location_type = 'public_outdoors' if $ARGS[0] = 'start': $metka = 'start' $loc = 'pavtrain_market' $menu_loc = 'pavtrain_market' $menu_arg = 'start' menu_off = 0 CLOSE ALL if sound = 0: if month >=11 and month <= 12 or month >=1 and month <=3: if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/rynok.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7: PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/zima.mp3',30 else if hour >= 8 and hour <= 23: PLAY 'sound/rynok.mp3',30 & PLAY 'sound/street_leto.mp3',30 if hour >= 0 and hour <= 7:PLAY 'sound/street_night.mp3',30 end end clr gs 'stat' '


' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/grinokw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/grinok.jpg">
' end 'This small open air market is located near the train station.' if arturQW = 1 and (week = 6 or week = 7) and hour < 12: act 'Wait for Aurel to arrive':hour = 12 & gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end if hour >= 8 and hour <= 18: 'In the market the sellers of goods are beckoning shoppers.' if pav_slut >= 50 and rand(0,9) = 0: 'An Armenian man comes up to you and in broken Russian says, "You girl who like men, no? Come meet real men have good time."' act 'Go with him':gt 'gevent', '3' act 'Reject him': menu_off = 1 cla 'You pretend not to understand what he is saying.' act 'Return':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end exit end act 'Wander through the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' act 'Go back to the station': minut += 3 & gt 'pavtrain' !expand market events from 1.2.4 if arturKnow = 1 and arturQW = 0: act 'Look for Aurel':gt 'arturRinok', 'start' elseif arturQW = 1 and (week = 6 or week = 7): if hour = 12 or hour = 13: act 'Look for Aurel':gt 'arturRinok', 'work_1' end elseif arturQW = 2: if hour = 16 and minut <= 30: act 'Look for Aurel':gt 'arturRinok', 'work_2' elseif hour < 16: act 'Wait for Aurel to arrive':hour = 16 & minut = 0 & gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if gobelen > 0 and gobQW = 0: act'Sell ​​tapestry': menu_off = 1 cls gobQW = 1 minut += 15 gs'stat' 'You stand quietly by the entrance to the market, waiting for customers and displaying your tapestries. Shortly buyers start to gather, but a large, muscular man approaches you and says, "It is illegal to trade in the market without a trader''s license, but I may be interesting in buying your tapestries, 1000 apiece. Come and see me at my stall."' 'Not wanting to get into trouble, you pack your stuff away. The man was already gone, but you saw which direction he went and he should be easy to find.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if gobelen > 0 and gobQW >= 1: act'Sell ​​tapestry': menu_off = 1 cls minut += 15 gs'stat' 'You go to the man who offered to buy your tapestries for 1000 . You find him by his stall, smiling.' if gobQW = 2: 'Roman welcomes you. He is interested and businesslike as he asks what you have for sale.' end if gobQW = 1: gobQW = 2 minute + 5 'The man greets you and introduces himself as Roman, you tell him that your name is <<$pcs_nickname>>. After a brief chat Roman says that he is interested in seeing what you have for sale.' end act'Show your tapestry': cls gobelen -= 1 money += 1000 gs'stat' 'You show your tapestry to Roman and he gives you five hundred for it. You take the money and give him the tapestry.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end if gobelen > 1: act'Sell all of your tapestries': cls kolgob = gobelen gobelen = 0 moneyGob = kolgob*1000 money += moneyGob gs'stat' 'You show Roman your tapestries and he gives you <> for them. You take the money and give him the tapestries.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if ShowerIvan = 5 and porndeal = 0 and rand(1,10) <= 4 and lookwine ! daystart: *clr cla gs 'stat' minut += 20 menu_off = 1 lookwine = daystart '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/chinese_stall01.jpg">
' 'You were looking through the market when you came upon a stall selling Chinese foods. On a shelf behind the old woman minding the stall there are a number of bottles.' act 'Ask about huangjiu': cla 'You asked the old woman if she has any rice wine to sell. She smiles at you and points to a basket filled with rice.' '"Onry 2 kopec, hundred glam." she said in badly accented Russian, "You buy?"' '"No," you replied, "I need rice wine, rice wine."' 'She looked at you in confusion for a moment then suddenly brightened, "Ah!" she exclaimed, "Come, come!"' 'The old woman hurried to the other side of the stall and you followed her to where a number of smoked piglets hung in a row.' '"Here," the old woman crowed handing you one of r the pigs, "Nice swine, vely nice swine."' '"No, not nice swine," you cried in dispair, "Rice. Wine."' '"Yes, yes," the woman countered, "Nice swine, only 5 lubles."' 'Just as you were about to give up, a young Chinese boy about your brother''s age arrived.' '"I am sorry, my grandmother does not speak much Russian." he said as he stepped up beside the old woman who started to speak rapidly to him in what you assumed was Chinese.' '"My grandmother asks why you don''t like the piglets." he translated as the old woman stopped speaking.' '"I don''t want a pig," you replied in relief as his Russian is quite good, "I am looking for rice wine, wang-goo."' '"Ah, huangjiu!" he said in understanding then spoke to his grandmother in Chinese.' 'The old woman glared at you then hung the smoked pig back on its hook. She shuffled over to the shelf with the bottles and peered short-sightedly at the labels. She finally picked up one of them and brought it over to you.' '"Why you not say wanted lice wine." she asked in aggrieved tones, "500 lubles."' if money >= 500: act 'Buy the wine': cla money -= 500 ricewine = 1 'You hand the woman the money and she gives you the wine.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end else 'You are astonished by the price and realize that you cannot afford the wine. You apologize and turn away.' act 'Leave the market': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Continue browsing the market': *clr cla gs 'stat' minut += 15 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/market_boy01.jpg">
' 'You continued to wander through the market for another 15 minutes when the boy from the Chinese stall came up to you.' '"Hey, you really want that rice wine?" he asked after checking to make sure no one was watching.' '"Yes," you answered him, "But it costs too much. I can''t afford it."' '"I''ll make a deal with you." he said, "Go to the porn dealer and buy me a porn magazine and I''ll get you the wine."' if pornmarkonce = 0: pornmarkonce = 1 & '"Where is the porn dealer?" you asked and he gives you directions.' act 'Agree': porndeal = 1 & gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 act 'Refuse': 'You declined his offer and he shrugged and walked away.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end end elseif ShowerIvan = 5 and lookwine ! daystart: cla *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' lookwine = daystart if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/grinokw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/grinok.jpg">
' end 'You look around the market, but the Chinese vendors don''t seem to be here today.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end if porndeal = 1 and porndealday ! daystart: *clr cla menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' porndealday = daystart lookboy = 0 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/market_boy01.jpg">
' 'The boy from the Chinese stall comes up to you as you entered the market.' '"Do you have it?" he asked eagerly.' if haveporn = 1: porndeal = 2 & ! to close the ricewine event ricewine = 1 '"Do you have the wine?" you countered.' 'He pulls the bottle out of his backpack and you trade items.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' else 'You told him you didn''t have his magazine yet but you were working on it.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if porndeal = 1 and porndealday = daystart and lookboy = 0: cls cla menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' lookboy = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/chinese_stall01.jpg">
' 'You look around the market for the boy from the Chinese stall, but you can''t find him. You decide to look for him another day.' act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end else act 'Wander through the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' act 'Go back to the station': minut += 3 & gt 'pavtrain' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'events': cls cla '


' minut += 10 menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' rinevrand = rand(1,19) act 'Wander around the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' act 'Stop wandering': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' if rand(0,3) ! 0: gs 'pavtrain_market', rinevrand else $pavtrain_market_text[3]='you pass a stall, it is selling children''s clothes.' $pavtrain_market_text[4]='you see a woman looking for underwear.' $pavtrain_market_text[5]='you notice a half-naked girl trying on clothes.' $pavtrain_market_text[6]='you look away as a woman tries on a bra' $pavtrain_market_text[7]='you don''t see anything unusual, just the usual vegetables and tasteless clothes.' $pavtrain_market_text[8]='you just see old women in dressing gowns and slippers. Stupid crappy market.' $pavtrain_market_text[9]='you don''t find anything interesting' $pavtrain_market_text[10]='you just see cheap Chinese goods and nothing more.' $pavtrain_market_text[11]='you see all the usual stuff. People with bags scurrying back and forth, children begging for toys from their parents and vociferous traders.' $pavtrain_market_text[12]='you have to be careful as its so busy. The hustle and bustle makes it hard to find anything worthwhile.' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/brodit'+rand(1,8)+'.jpg">
' 'As you are strolling through the market, ' + $pavtrain_market_text[rand(3,12)] killvar '$pavtrain_market_text' end end if ARGS[0] = 1: cla *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/poproshaika1.jpg">
' 'You are strolling through the market when a beggar asks you for some change.' act 'Don''t give money': cla *clr gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/poproshaika2.jpg">
' 'You ignore the begger and pretend not to hear him.' act 'Wander around the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' end act 'Give some money': cla *clr money -= rand(3,20) pcs_willpwr += 5 pcs_mood += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/podaet.jpg">
' 'You give the beggar a few rubles' act 'Wander around the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' end end if ARGS[0] = 2: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/dedgitara.jpg">
' 'You see an old man playing the guitar.' end if ARGS[0] = 3: cls menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' if month >= 11 or month <= 3: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/bookw.jpg">
' else '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/book.jpg">
' end 'You find a stall selling various books, there are fantasy books, science fiction and romance novels, all of which costs only 350 each.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' if money >= 350: act 'Buy a fantasy book (350 )': cls minut += 15 money -= 350 f_book += 1 gs 'stat' 'You bought a fantasy book for 350 .' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if money >= 350: act 'Buy a science fiction book (350 )': cls minut += 15 money -= 350 f_book += 1 gs 'stat' 'You bought a science ficiton book for 350 .' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if money >= 350: act 'Buy a romance novel (350 )': cls minut += 15 money -= 350 w_book += 1 gs 'stat' 'You bought a romance novel for 350 .' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end if ARGS[0] = 4: cla *clr menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You find a small stall that has many shelves with a large variety of porn magazines, a pack of brand new porn playing cards, and you can see several sex toys just behind the counter. The salesman watches over his stall with shifty eyes.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' if money >= 699 and card < 2: act 'Buy cards (699 )': cls minut += 5 money -= 699 card = 2 TimesBuyPorno += 1 delact 'Buy cards' gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You tried not to look into the eyes of the porn dealer as you counted out the money. You took the cards and quickly put them in your purse.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end if porndeal = 1: if money >= 400: act 'Buy a porn magazine for the Chinese boy (400 )': cls minut += 5 money -= 400 haveporn = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You tried not to look into the eyes of the porn dealer as you counted out the money. You took the magazine and quickly hid it.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end else act 'Browse the porn magazines': cls pcs_horny += 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 if TimesBuyPorno = 0: 'You look over the covers of the magazines, covered in images of half-naked girls on them. Many of them appear to be near your own age. The porn dealer noticed your interest and looks at you expectantly.' act 'Look through a magazine': cla 'You pick up one of the magazines and flip through the pages. Inside the magazines, you see men with large erect penis engaging in sexual acts with women who are either half-naked or fully naked, most of them look close to your own age. You feel yourself getting aroused looking at the images.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 act 'Ask for the price': cls minut += 5 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'Blushing profusely right down to your roots, you approach the porn dealer and stammeringly ask him the price on the magazines. The porn dealer smiles at you and says, "All magazines are 400 each."' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 if money >= 400: act 'Buy magazine (400 )': cls minut += 5 money -= 400 pornMagazine = 40 TimesBuyPorno += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You try not to look into the porn dealers eyes as you hand him the money. You take the magazine and quickly hide it under your shirt.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end end end elseif TimesBuyPorno > 0 and TimesBuyPorno < 5: 'The porn dealer notices you coming over and asks, "Looking to buy a magazine? They''re only 400 each."' act 'Look through a magazine': cla 'You pick up one of the magazines and flip through the pages. Inside the magazines, you see men with large erect penis engaging in sexual acts with women who are either half-naked or fully naked, most of them look close to your own age. You feel yourself getting aroused looking at the images.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 if money >= 400: act 'Buy magazine': cls minut += 5 money -= 400 pornMagazine = 40 TimesBuyPorno += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You try not to look into the porn dealers eyes as you hand him the money. You take the magazine and quickly hide it under your shirt.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end end elseif TimesBuyPorno >= 5: 'The porn dealer see you approaching. "Ah, my best customer!"' act 'Look through a magazine': cla 'You pick up one of the magazines and flip through the pages. Inside the magazines, you see men with large erect penis engaging in sexual acts with women who are either half-naked or fully naked, most of them look close to your own age. You feel yourself getting aroused looking at the images.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 if money >= 400: act 'Buy magazine': cls minut += 5 money -= 400 pornMagazine = 40 TimesBuyPorno += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pornmag.jpg">
' 'You try not to look into the porn dealers eyes as you hand him the money. You take the magazine and quickly hide it under your shirt.' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end end end end end act 'Ask to see the sex toys': cls gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/sextoys.jpg">
' 'He lets you step behind the counter so you can get a better look, as you do he says. "Take a look and let me know what you would like." You see several 15cm dildos. Each with a tag, "Only 700 each." You also see a small selection of vibrators in various colors, mostly pink. "Only 700 each." To one side you see many butt plugs, rubber and metal. "Only 700 each." Near the bottom is several strapon harnesses. "Only 1000 each."' act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Look for something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 act 'Buy dildo (700 )': cla if money >= 700 and dildo = 0: minut += 5 dildo = 1 money -= 700 pcs_horny += 10 TimesBuyPorno += 1 if pcs_horny >= 50 and pav_slut < 75: 'You buy a dildo and hastily hid it, while your face blushes your embarrassment.' else 'You buy a dildo and calmly hide it.' end end act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end act 'Buy vibrator (700 )': cla if money >= 700 and vibrator = 0: minut += 5 vibrator = 1 money -= 700 pcs_horny += 10 TimesBuyPorno += 1 if pcs_horny >= 50 and pav_slut < 75: 'You buy a vibrator and hastily hid it, while your face blushes your embarrassment.' else 'You buy a vibrator and calmly hide it.' end end act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end act 'Buy butt plug (700 )': cla if money >= 700 and analplug = 0: minut += 5 money -= 700 analplug = 1 pcs_horny += 10 TimesBuyPorno += 1 if pcs_horny >= 50 and pav_slut < 75: 'You buy a butt plug and hastily hid it, while your face blushesd your embarrassment.' else 'You buy a butt plug and calmly hide it.' end end act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end act 'Buy strapon harness (1000 )': cla if money >= 1000 and strapon = 0: minut += 5 strapon = 1 money -= 1000 pcs_horny += 10 TimesBuyPorno += 1 if pcs_horny >= 50 and pav_slut < 75: 'You buy a strapon harness and hastily hid it, while your face blushes your embarrassment.' else 'You buy a strapon harness and calmly hide it.' end end act 'Leave':gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' act 'Buy something else':gt 'pavtrain_market', 4 end end end if ARGS[0] = 5: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/dedgitara.jpg">
' 'You see an old man playing the guitar.' end if ARGS[0] = 6: menu_off = 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/nenavizublyadcigan.jpg">
' 'You meet a Gypsy woman. She offers to tell your fortune.' act 'Agree': cla *clr minut += 5 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/gadaet'+rand(1,2)+'.jpg">
' 'You agree and Gypsy takes your hand before she predicts you will have great happiness and lots of money. Afterwards, she promptly walks away.' act 'Something''s wrong': cla *clr money = 0 pcs_mood -= 50 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pusto.jpg">
' 'With a sneaking suspicion you start looking through your stuff. Your wallet is nowhere to be found!' act 'Find the Gypsy': cla *clr '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/okliknut.jpg">
' 'You search the area hoping to find the thief, but she has already disappeared into the crowd.' act 'Back': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end end if ARGS[0] = 7: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/kosmetic.jpg">
' tovpay = 800 'You see some cosmetics on sale for <> .' if money >= tovpay: act 'Buy': cls minut += 15 money -= tovpay kosmetica += 50 gs 'stat' gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end if ARGS[0] = 8: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/vitaminki.jpg">
' tovpay = 105 'You see some vitamins on sale for <> .' if money >= tovpay: act 'Buy': cls minut += 15 vitamin += 20 money -= tovpay gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end if ARGS[0] = 9: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/condoms.jpg">
' tovpay = 80 'You see a booth selling condoms for <> .' if money >= tovpay: act 'Buy': cls minut += 15 prezik += 5 i = 5 :cndmlp if rand(0,49)-6*(8-tovpay/10) <= 0:badprezik += 1 if i > 0: i-= 1 & jump 'cndmlp' killvar 'i' money -= tovpay gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end if ARGS[0] = 10: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/balzam.jpg">
' tovpay = 100 'There is lip balm on sale for <> .' if money >= tovpay: act 'Buy': cls minut += 15 lipbalm += 30 money -= tovpay gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end if ARGS[0] = 11: menu_off = 1 if arturKnow = 0: 'Someone suddenly calls out to you, "Hey pretty girl, do you want a fresh, juicy tangerine?"' act 'Look': gt 'arturRinok','start' else 'Someone suddenly calls out to you, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>>, do you want a fresh, juicy tangerine?"' act 'Go and see Aurel': gt 'arturRinok','start' end end if ARGS[0] = 12: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/cheburek.jpg">
' 'Walking through the market, you came across a old woman selling pies.' if pcs_energy <= 80: act 'Buy a pie for 20 ': cla *clr fat+=3 frost = 0 pcs_health += 5 pcs_mood += 5 pcs_hydra -= 5 pcs_energy+=5 money-=20 minut+=10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/eat.jpg">
' 'You ate a delicious pie with pleasure.' act 'Continue walking through the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' end else *p ', But you are not hungry right now.' end end if ARGS[0] = 13: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/dropwallet.jpg">
' 'You see woman ahead of you drop her purse.' cla act 'Tell her': cla *clr minut += 2 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/vernutwallet.jpg">
' 'You call to the woman and hold out her wallet. She looks at you and releasing she gratefully takes her wallet back and walks away.' act 'Continue walking through the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' end act 'Look through the purse': cla *clr minut += 5 i = rand(40,200) '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/zaglanut.jpg">
' 'In the purse is <> ' act 'Take the money and throw away the wallet': cla *clr money += i pcs_mood += 10 gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end act 'Catch up with the woman and return her purse': cla *clr pcs_mood += 5 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/proverka.jpg">
' 'You catch up with the woman and telling her she dropped something you hand her the purse. The woman checks her money is still there and seeing that everything is in place, she thanks you and walked away.' act 'Continue walking through the market': gt 'pavtrain_market','events' end end end if ARGS[0] = 14: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/rebenok.jpg">
' 'You see a young mother and her crying baby.' end if ARGS[0] = 15: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/rezba.jpg">
' 'You find a stall with beautiful things carved out of wood and metal.' end if ARGS[0] = 16: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/gruzchik.jpg">
' 'Looking around, you almost collided with a man pulling a small cart.' end if ARGS[0] = 17: '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/meatlavka.jpg">
' 'You wandered past a the meet seller and see a butcher working with an axe.' end if ARGS[0] = 18: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/dirka.jpg">
' 'As you walk past a stall you notice a small hole torn in the canvas.' act 'Look through the hole': cla *clr if girl > 1: pcs_horny += 5 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/pereodev'+rand(1,15)+'.jpg">
' 'You look inside the tent and see ' + $pavtrain_marketrandtext[rand(3,7)] act 'Leave': gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end if ARGS[0] = 19: menu_off = 1 '
> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/birthcontrolpills.jpg">
' tovpay = 1500 'You see a booth selling birth control pills for <> .' if money >= tovpay: act 'Buy': cls minut += 15 tabletki += 1 if rand(0,49) - (6*(8-tovpay/50)) <= 0: temp = rand(0,3) if temp = 0: tabletkiold += 1 & !Pills are expired and less effective elseif temp = 1: tabletkifake += 1 & !Pills are counterfeit and useless elseif temp = 2: tabletkirej += 1 & !Pills are factory rejects with variable strength else !Pills were tampered with if rand(0,100) = 0: tabletkifert += 1 & ! pills were replaced with fertility hormones else tabletkisug += 1 & ! pills were all replaced with sugar pills end end end money -= tovpay gt 'pavtrain_market', 'start' end end end --- pavtrain_market ---------------------------------