vokzaltorg 2.5 KB

  1. # vokzaltorg
  2. cls
  3. minut += 30
  4. prodskill = vnesh + will + dom
  5. if prodskill < 20:prodskill = 20
  6. if prodskill > 150:minimumtov = 3
  7. if prodskill > 100 and prodskill <= 150:minimumtov = 2
  8. if prodskill < 100:minimumtov = 1
  9. tovarand = rand(minimumtov, prodskill / 10)
  10. if tovarand > tovarL:tovarand = tovarL
  11. tovpay = tovarand * 300
  12. money += tovpay
  13. tovarL -= tovarand
  14. will += rand(0, 1)
  15. TorgVokzalTimes += 1
  16. dom += 1
  17. gs 'stat'
  18. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/peron.jpg"></center>'
  19. 'You managed vtyuhat <<tovarand>> units of product, while earning <<tovpay>> rubles.'
  20. act 'Leave':
  21. cls
  22. gs 'stat'
  23. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  24. 'Near the platform you are already waiting for the police. "breach? Trade without proper papers?"'
  25. if money >= 500:
  26. act 'Pay (500 rubles)':
  27. cls
  28. money -= 500
  29. gs 'stat'
  30. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  31. 'you paid 500 rubles police. He took the money and immediately lost interest to you.'
  32. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'vokzalGin'
  33. end
  34. end
  35. act 'Persuade to forgive':
  36. cls
  37. gs 'stat'
  38. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  39. 'You started to persuade police captain forgive you and release.'
  40. if katalkinSexOnce = 0:
  41. schtraf = 500
  42. 'Captain grinned "Come then now the Department. there shall understand."'
  43. act 'Go to the police':minut += 5 & katalkinNoexit = 1 & gt 'katalkin'
  44. else
  45. if katalkinSexDay+7 >= daystart:
  46. 'captain grinned "Well."'
  47. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'vokzalGin'
  48. elseif katalkinSexDay + 7 < daystart:
  49. 'The captain frowned "You long ago to me did not come, avoiding?"'
  50. act 'No, what do you, simply no':
  51. cls
  52. gs 'stat'
  53. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  54. 'You started arguing opravdyvatsya, that you just do not have enough time. captain grinned "Come then now the Department. Carry out bodily searches."'
  55. act 'Go to the police':minut += 5 & katalkinNoexit = 1 & gt 'katalkin'
  56. end
  57. end
  58. end
  59. end
  60. act 'Swing right':
  61. cls
  62. money = 0
  63. tovarL = 0
  64. minut += 120
  65. manna = 0
  66. gs 'stat'
  67. '<center><img src="images/qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'You have decided to shake their rights, Police responded to what is to be expected, dragged you to the department, money seized and confiscated goods. Once you promuryzhili two c''clock, you still released.'
  69. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'vokzalGin'
  70. end
  71. end
  72. --- vokzaltorg ---------------------------------