module Check = Make_checkTest.M (Qsp_syntax.Dup_test) let _position = (Lexing.dummy_pos, Lexing.dummy_pos) let _test_instruction : string -> Qsp_syntax.Report.t list -> unit = Check._test_instruction (** Two differents test shall not report error *) let ok () = _test_instruction {| if 1: 0 elseif 2: 0 end if 3: 0 end |} [] (** The rnd function can generate different result, this is not a warning *) let ok_rnd () = _test_instruction {| if rnd: 0 elseif rnd: 0 end |} [] (** The same test in two differents block shall be considered as a duplicate. *) let ok_act () = _test_instruction {| act "action": if 1: 0 end end act "action": if 1: 0 end end |} [] let duplicate_case () = _test_instruction {| if 0 = '1': 0 elseif 0 = '1': 0 end |} [ { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "This case is duplicated line(s) 5"; }; ] let duplicate_root_test () = _test_instruction {| if args[0] = 1: 0 end if args[0] = 1: 0 elseif 1: 0 end |} [ { level = Error; loc = _position; message = "This case is duplicated line(s) 6"; }; ] let duplicate_nonroot_test () = _test_instruction {| act 0: if 1: 0 end if 1: 0 end end if 0: if 1: 0 end if 1: 0 end else if 1: 0 end if 1: 0 end end |} [] let test = ( "Duplicates predicates checker", [ Alcotest.test_case "Ok" `Quick ok; Alcotest.test_case "Ok rnd" `Quick ok_rnd; Alcotest.test_case "Ok_act" `Quick ok_act; Alcotest.test_case "duplicate_cases" `Quick duplicate_case; Alcotest.test_case "duplicate_root" `Quick duplicate_root_test; Alcotest.test_case "duplicate_nonroottest" `Quick duplicate_nonroot_test; ] )