pavtrainhall_events.qsrc 49 KB

  1. # pavtrainhall_events
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'manager':
  3. cls
  4. gs 'stat'
  5. 'When you walk past the station manager''s office, you notice a sign next to the door:'
  6. '"Cleaner wanted! 2 hours per day at any time, salary 130 <b>₽</b>. Ask inside for more info."'
  7. '"Office opening hours: 08:00 - 17:00"'
  8. act 'Return to the train station':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  9. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 16:
  10. act 'Enter the office':
  11. cls
  12. gs 'stat'
  13. 'You knock on the door and enter the station manager''s office. An elderly man looks up from the papers on his desk and says, "Can I help you?"'
  14. act 'Apologize and leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  15. if vokzalVork = 0:
  16. act 'Apply for the cleaning job':
  17. cls
  18. vokzalVork = 1
  19. minut += 15
  20. gs 'stat'
  21. 'You give him a friendly nod: "Hello sir, I would like to apply for the cleaning job."'
  22. 'He''s delighted, and somewhat surprised that he actually has a candidate at such low wages. "Excellent, come on in! Take a seat."'
  23. 'He explains what you have to do while he takes your details: "Your job would be to wash the station floor, and clean both the restrooms. You can come work on any day you like, and can skip any day you don''t want to work."'
  24. '"You have to clean all three areas before the end of the day, otherwise we have to hire someone else finish it. If you have only cleaned part of the rooms, you do not get paid at all." In conclusion he shows you the maintenance closet where the cleaning supplies are stored and shakes your hand, before returning to his work.'
  25. act 'Leave the office':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. end
  30. end
  31. if $ARGS[0] = 'wallet1':
  32. cls
  33. gs 'stat'
  34. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk train station interior</h4></center>'
  35. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
  36. 'As you reach for the wallet, a foot steps on it just before you can pick it up. You look up, straight into the eyes of a slim girl. She looks around quickly and then softly asks: "Want to share?"'
  37. act 'Keep it all for yourself':
  38. cls
  39. gs 'stat'
  40. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk train station interior</h4></center>'
  41. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
  42. 'You tell the girl to get lost, and quickly push her away and snag the wallet before she can protest. As you remove the money from it and stuff it in your pocket, you feel a hand firmly grasping your shoulder. It''s the man who the wallet belongs to... that girl must have ratted you out!'
  43. 'You sigh and give him the empty wallet back, hoping he won''t check. Unfortunately for you, he checks. He bellows: "Young lady, you have 5 seconds to give me my money back or we''re going to the police station!"'
  44. act 'Give him back the money you stole': gt 'pavtrainhall_events', 'wallet2'
  45. end
  46. act 'Let her have the wallet and leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  47. act 'Share the money':
  48. cls
  49. gs 'stat'
  50. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk train station interior</h4></center>'
  51. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
  52. 'You pick up the wallet and drag the girl off to the side. Making sure you are not being watched, you quickly split the money in two even piles and give her half. She quickly walks away while you put your share in your pocket. Suddenly, you feel a hand firmly grasping your shoulder. It''s the man who the wallet belongs to...'
  53. 'You sigh and give him the empty wallet back, hoping he won''t check. Unfortunately for you, he checks. He bellows: "Young lady, you have 5 seconds to give me my money back or we''re going to the police station!"'
  54. act 'Give him back the money you stole': gt 'pavtrainhall_events', 'wallet2'
  55. end
  56. end
  57. if $ARGS[0] = 'wallet2':
  58. cls
  59. gs 'stat'
  60. 'You give back the money you took from his wallet, but he acts insulted: "That''s not all of it! I had much more in my wallet, where is it!? I want it back now or we''re going to the police station! This is your last chance!"'
  61. act 'Give him your money':
  62. cls
  63. money = 0
  64. podbros = 1
  65. gs 'stat'
  66. '<center><h4>Pavlovsk train station interior</h4></center>'
  67. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/vokzal.jpg"></center>'
  68. 'You don''t want a scandal. Who knows what could happen if you get arrested for theft? Hoping to placate him with a few bills of your own money, you decide to get your wallet. You pull out your own money, and start to count some of it out. Before you can finish, he pulls the entire pile out of your hands: "There it is! You''re lucky, girl... I''ll leave it at this, for just this once."'
  69. 'Before you can object, he walks away with all of your money.'
  70. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  71. end
  72. end
  73. if $ARGS[0] = 'vera':
  74. verarand = rand(0, 1)
  75. if verakassir = 3 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and verarand = 0:
  76. 'Vera is enjoying a cigarette during a slow moment at the ticket office. She beckons you to come over and have a chat.'
  77. act 'Chat with Vera':
  78. *clr & cla
  79. !verakassir = 3
  80. minut += 5
  81. gs 'stat'
  82. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  83. if npc_rel['A27'] > 0:
  84. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  85. 'You walk up to Vera and greet her. You talk for a few minutes about your day.'
  86. veratalkrand = rand(0, 3)
  87. if veratalkrand = 0:
  88. 'Suddenly she asks you: "Do you think I''m still attractive? Anatoly doesn''t seem interested in me any more. I bet it''s all those sluts in his classes, in those short school uniforms! Stupid tramps, stealing my husband from me..."'
  89. act 'Come to Anatoly''s defense':
  90. *clr & cla
  91. pcs_dom += 1
  92. minut += 5
  93. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  94. gs 'stat'
  95. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  96. 'You quickly rush to Anatoly''s defense, saying you have several classes with him and that he''s not like that at all.'
  97. 'Vera looks at you suspiciously: "Really? That''s exactly what those school sluts would say, defending him like that..."'
  98. 'She shakes her head and waves you away so she can get back to work, giving you a mistrusting look as you leave.'
  99. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  100. end
  101. act 'Suck up to Vera':
  102. *clr & cla
  103. sub += 1
  104. minut += 5
  105. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  106. gs 'stat'
  107. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  108. 'You can see she needs some encouragement, and decide to placate her: "You''re still very attractive, Vera! Anatoly doesn''t know what he''s missing!"'
  109. 'She gives you an appreciative nod. After another minute of trash-talking the girls in school just like you, she realizes she has to get back to work. She waves you goodbye as you gather your things and get ready to leave. You''re not quite sure whether she was just insulting you or not.'
  110. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  111. end
  112. exit
  113. end
  114. if npc_rel['A27'] >= 40:
  115. if veratalkrand = 1:
  116. pcs_horny += 10
  117. 'Vera smiles, saying she sold a lot of train tickets today. Then she begins to talk about the guys she has been with, before she met her husband.'
  118. if npc_rel['A27'] >= 50:
  119. act 'Ask for details':
  120. *clr & cla
  121. minut += 5
  122. pcs_horny += 10
  123. gs 'stat'
  124. if veraendtalker = 1:
  125. veraboyrand += 1
  126. if veraboyrand >= 9:veraendtalker = 2
  127. elseif veraendtalker = 0:
  128. veraendtalker = 1
  129. veraboyrand = 0
  130. elseif veraendtalker = 2:
  131. veraboyrand = rand(0, 8)
  132. end
  133. if veraboyrand > 8:
  134. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  135. 'Vera lets out a wistful sigh, and shrugs: "I don''t know... there''s not much to tell. I live with Anatoly now, and I slowly feel my virginity coming back to me. We never do anything together any more."'
  136. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt'pavtrainhall'
  137. elseif veraboyrand <0:
  138. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  139. 'Vera lets out a wistful sigh and shrugs: "I don''t know <<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t feel like talking more about the past right now."'
  140. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt'pavtrainhall'
  141. end
  142. if veraboyrand = 0:
  143. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk0.jpg"></center>'
  144. 'Vera nods and begins: "My first time was with an adult man, when I was only 14 years old. I grew up in Gadukino, where basically everyone knows one another and shares everything, so I never dated the local guys. Then one guy, a handsome older man came to the village, in his expensive car. He invited me over to his place, to have some martinis.'
  145. 'I felt really attracted to him, so I let him take me to his place. He kept offering me more martinis until I was really drunk. He took off his shirt and I became a bit giddy, licking his chest. It was really nice. And then suddenly, bam! He threw me on my back, ripped my clothes away and stuck his cock inside me. It hurt... it wasn''t unbearable, but I had never had sex before so I was shocked!'
  146. 'I was just laying there with my legs spread, under his sweaty body, while he was pounding me. Then he pulls out and shoots his sperm all over my stomach. So there I was, on my back... all covered in semen, my pussy all bloody, and what do you think he said!? He said I was like a log... he complained how he had to do all the work! That jerk didn''t even realize he robbed me of my innocence!'
  147. 'I got angry and left immediately, and never saw him again after that. At least no one in the village found out... I was so ashamed! For a month, I hid from everyone and didn''t even go for a walk, I couldn''t look anyone in the eye after losing my virginity like that."'
  148. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  149. elseif veraboyrand = 1:
  150. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk1.jpg"></center>'
  151. 'Vera gets ready to continue her story: "After that first experience, I was done with guys. Until one day at college... I met Oleg there, while I was working towards my undergraduate degree. He was a very bulky and muscular guy, and great at cycling. I bet he could bend a bicycle, if he wanted to... he was that strong. To my surprise he invited me for a drink one day. We went to a local cafe, and had a great time. He was such a nice guy!'
  152. 'After a few drinks, he suggested going back to his place. We had such a nice time, I agreed. At his place we had some champagne, and soon after we were kissing on the sofa. He kept touching my boobs through my shirt... it made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.'
  153. 'Before I even knew what got into me, I put my hands on his groin and was groping his cock through his pants. Then I pulled his pants down and took his dick in my mouth, for the first time in my life. I sat there, on my haunches, sucking his cock while I was caressing myself between my legs. It just felt... right, you know? He was feeling good, I was feeling good, that was all that mattered."'
  154. act '"What happened next?"':
  155. *clr & cla
  156. minut += 5
  157. pcs_horny += 10
  158. gs 'stat'
  159. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk11.jpg"></center>'
  160. 'With a dreamy look in her eyes, Vera continues: "Then suddenly, Oleg turned me around and made me lean over. He took off my skirt, pulled my panties to the side and entered me. Unlike my first time, it felt so good! I squealed with delight while he fingered my ass as he was fucking me. I had an orgasm that was so strong, I almost fainted... good thing he kept me standing, my legs felt like pudding! When I finally recovered, Oleg had already came and my ass was covered with his sperm. I quickly washed up, and he took me back to the hostel like a gentleman."'
  161. 'Vera looks sad when she finishes the story: "However, after that he didn''t want to see me any more. I tried to ask him out again, but he always just waved me off saying he was busy. Later I learned from his friends that he thought I was a whore. I guess I can''t blame him... I sucked his cock on the first day we met, and came uncontrollably hard when he fucked me..."'
  162. act 'Tell her she is indeed the one to blame':
  163. *clr & cla
  164. pcs_dom += 1
  165. minut += 5
  166. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  167. gs 'stat'
  168. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  169. 'You can''t argue with that, and nod: "I guess that is kind of a slutty thing to do... I can see where he''s coming from."'
  170. 'Vera shakes her head in disappointment, still stuck in her own thoughts: "Though I don''t know... didn''t he do the exact same thing, taking me home and fucking me on the very first day we met? Why is it always the girl''s fault?"'
  171. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  172. end
  173. act 'Tell her he was wrong to ignore her':
  174. *clr & cla
  175. sub += 1
  176. minut += 5
  177. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  178. gs 'stat'
  179. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  180. 'You notice Vera is sad and try to cheer her up: "He shouldn''t have treated you like that! He was just as happy to take you home the first day you met!"'
  181. 'She gives you a weak smile as she sighs: "I know, right? Why is the girl always at fault, when the guys do the same thing? It''s not fair..."'
  182. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  183. end
  184. end
  185. elseif veraboyrand = 2:
  186. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk2.jpg"></center>'
  187. 'Vera grimaces as she tells her next story: "After Oleg I met Leszek... he was a cool guy, playing guitar in a band. He lived in the same dorm as me. We often walked together, but he never seemed interested in me. Until we came home from a concert, late one night. He didn''t even ask, without warning he threw me down on his bed and forced my clothes off, while keeping me down on my stomach. He went straight for my ass... he was quite rough about it, too. I knew he was too strong for me to fight off, so I just lay there, clutching the sheets while he was fucking my ass mercilessly. It was a strange experience... mixing pain and pleasure. In a way it felt kind of nice to just have him treat me like a piece of meat, skewering me like that. Then the bastard finished inside me, and fell asleep... right on my back! After a while I managed to struggle my way out from underneath him, and quickly put my clothes on and left. I hated him after that."'
  188. act '"I thought you liked it?"':
  189. *clr & cla
  190. pcs_dom += 1
  191. minut += 5
  192. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  193. gs 'stat'
  194. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  195. 'You indignantly say: "You hated him... why? I thought you liked being treated like a piece of meat?"'
  196. 'Vera shakes her head wearily: "Maybe, but that doesn''t give him the right to just fuck my ass like that, with no concern for my feelings!"'
  197. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  198. end
  199. act '"Understandable"':
  200. *clr & cla
  201. sub += 1
  202. minut += 5
  203. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  204. gs 'stat'
  205. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  206. 'You nod understandingly, saying he had no right to treat Vera like that.'
  207. 'Vera sighs sadly: "You know, secretly I actually kind of liked him. But it was really wrong of him to take advantage of a defenseless girl like that. And besides... who knows how many other girls he treated like that before me?"'
  208. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  209. end
  210. elseif veraboyrand = 3:
  211. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk3.jpg"></center>'
  212. 'Vera tells another story: "For a while, I ignored Leszek after he sodomized me that one night. One night soon after, I went to a night club and met another guy... I don''t remember his name. I was trying to get drunk, to forget about Leszek... but I couldn''t get him out of my mind. Until this guy came along."'
  213. 'Vera smiles as she continues:" He had a cute face, and he started groping and kissing me on the dance floor. Then he suggested I come with him to the restrooms and I thought... why not? So I went into a toilet stall, and sucked him off while I was fondling my pussy. When he began to cum in my mouth I orgasmed as well, it felt really good. When I opened my eyes again he had already left the stall, though. I was sitting there by myself, with his cum slowly dribbling out of my half-open mouth. Several more globs landed on my face as well, I looked like a mess! I was very ashamed when I realized what I had done."'
  214. 'She then gives you a serious look as she asks: "What do you think... does that make me a slut?"'
  215. act '"Of course!"':
  216. *clr & cla
  217. pcs_dom += 1
  218. minut += 5
  219. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  220. gs 'stat'
  221. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  222. 'You snark: "Of course it does! Giving some random guy you had never met until 10 minutes ago a blowjob in the toilet stalls, and letting him cum all over your face... if that''s not slutty, I don''t know what is!"'
  223. 'Faith tries to defend herself, unhappy you''re calling her out: "Hey come on, it''s not like I was doing it just for him! I had an orgasm as well, and I really needed that... is that so wrong?"'
  224. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  225. end
  226. act '"No way, you were just having fun!"':
  227. *clr & cla
  228. sub += 1
  229. minut += 5
  230. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  231. gs 'stat'
  232. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  233. 'You give her a knowing smile as you shake your head: "No way! You were both consenting adults, and you both had an orgasm..."'
  234. 'She smiles when she notices you''re not judging her: "Exactly! We were just having some fun, not doing anyone any harm... there''s nothing wrong with that!"'
  235. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  236. end
  237. elseif veraboyrand = 4:
  238. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/apartment/shulginhome/bigroom/gopsex/sex/anal/dog2.jpg"></center>'
  239. 'Vera continues her sex stories: "After the incident in the club, I didn''t talk to Leszek for a while. I couldn''t stay mad at him forever, though. He''s a really good-natured and funny guy, and when it came to sex he''s an animal. He was insatiable, and soon enough we were having sex almost every day. I could tell he had a thing for my ass, he was often rubbing his fingers against my asshole, sometimes even fingering it while he was fucking me."'
  240. '"One day I couldn''t stop him any longer, and he pinned me down on the bed before shoving his dick up my butt. It hurt at first, but soon enough that''s all he wanted: he''d fuck my ass every day, and I got used to it really fast. I couldn''t get pregnant that way, that helped me relax a lot. It was also a good way to keep having sex while I was on my period. Soon enough I was even having orgasms while he was fucking my ass, while I touched myself. They''re the best orgasms a girl can have, so intense!"'
  241. act '"Anal sex? Eww, that''s disgusting!"':
  242. *clr & cla
  243. pcs_dom += 1
  244. minut += 5
  245. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  246. gs 'stat'
  247. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  248. 'You can''t hide your disgust, and exclaim: "Anal sex? Urgh! That''s disgusting!"'
  249. 'Vera just gives you a disappointed look as she grins: "Oh dear... <<$pcs_nickname>>, you''re such a prude!"'
  250. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  251. end
  252. act '"Wow, that sounds hot!"':
  253. *clr & cla
  254. sub += 1
  255. minut += 5
  256. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  257. gs 'stat'
  258. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  259. 'You give Vera a knowing grin: "Wow, anal every day... that sounds so hot!"'
  260. 'She smiles at you: "After some practise, it was really easy to relax my ass enough to take his dick in without any pain. And the orgasms... wow, they were heavenly!"'
  261. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  262. end
  263. elseif veraboyrand = 5:
  264. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk5.jpg"></center>'
  265. 'Vera tells another story: "So, one time I was having some drinks with Leszek in his room... except he also invited his neighbor. I was already anticipating to have sex with Leszek like I did every day, so I was disappointed that he invited his friend over. Then, after about half an hour, he asked me to suck his dick. Right in front of his friend! I thought he was joking, but his face was very serious... he even pulled his dick out of his pants, with his friend right there in the room."'
  266. 'Vera gets a slight blush on her face as she continues: "I... did what I always did for Leszek, I dropped to my knees and took it in my mouth like he wanted me to. I pretended his friend wasn''t there with us, and just focused on making Leszek feel good. His friend watched for a moment, and then asked if he could join. Leszek told him it was okay, and without even asking me his friend pulled his pants down and pushes his dick against my lips, telling me to suck him too."'
  267. '"I did. It felt strange having two dicks in my mouth at once, but Leszek liked it and kept encouraging me, telling me what a great little slut I was for him. Then we did all sorts of positions... first Leszek put me on my hands and knees and fucked my ass like he always did, while I was sucking his friend... then they double penetrated me, and after that they both put their dicks in my ass at once! When they both ended on my face, Leszek told me to leave it there for a minute. He told me what a huge whore I was, and that I shouldn''t fight my true nature and just embrace it."'
  268. '"They continued fucking me throughout that whole night, it was 4AM by the time they were spent. Leszek liked it so much, that he kept inviting his friend over from then on. The following years Leszek would invite him more and more often, and they''d both fuck me any way they pleased. Towards the end, they were spitroasting and double penetrating me every day."'
  269. 'Vera almost tears up when she says: "Then that bastard graduated! Leszek was one year ahead of me. He went to the United Kingdom, without even saying goodbye when he left the country! I haven''t seen him since. I felt so alone... Leszek was the love of my life, I couldn''t believe he would just abandon me like that."'
  270. act '"Two guys at once? You slut!"':
  271. *clr & cla
  272. pcs_dom += 1
  273. minut += 5
  274. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  275. gs 'stat'
  276. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  277. 'You shake your head in disbelief when you say: "Two at once!? I know you liked Leszek, but wow! That''s so slutty! And for so long, too! He must''ve just thought of you as a piece of meat, that whole time."'
  278. 'Vera doesn''t like your tone, and tries to defend herself: "Hey, Leszek was my boyfriend, and I know he loved me too! I really loved him... I just pretended his friend wasn''t really there, I only did it to make Leszek happy!"'
  279. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  280. end
  281. act '"Two guys at once? Good for you!"':
  282. *clr & cla
  283. sub += 1
  284. minut += 5
  285. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  286. gs 'stat'
  287. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  288. 'You grin at Vera: "Two guys at once, whenever you wanted! Wow, that sounds like it could be fun! You''re so lucky, Vera!"'
  289. 'She nods at you, fondly remembering that time even though she won''t admit it: "Oh yes... two guys at once is definitely an interesting experience, but if you ask me it''s still better to be able to devote all your attention to one person."'
  290. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  291. end
  292. elseif veraboyrand = 6:
  293. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk6.jpg"></center>'
  294. 'Vera continues her story: "After Leszek left, I didn''t know what to do. I cried myself to sleep at night, and I was considering going to the UK, hoping to find him again. I''m not even sure why, but I loved him so much. Nevertheless... after a while I realized I had to move on. I decided to find a new guy, and I did. His name was Lesko, he was a firefighter... a good guy, with a nice future ahead of him. We dated for a while, but he was taking things really slow. When we finally had sex I begged him to fuck my ass already!"'
  295. '"I was so used to that, it''s all Leszek ever did! With some reluctance, he did... and after he came, I enthusiastically licked his dick clean and sucked him off a little. Somehow, that scared him. He was expecting a cute young wallflower, not someone with the sexual experience that I had. It intimidated him a lot, and he wondered what the hell I had done to be that experienced already, at that point in my life. We had a talk about it, but I could already tell he did not see a future with me in it. Without ever even getting into a fight about it, that was it really. He left, and I never saw him again."'
  296. act '"You''re such a whore, Vera!"':
  297. *clr & cla
  298. pcs_dom += 1
  299. minut += 5
  300. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  301. gs 'stat'
  302. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  303. 'You listen to her story covering your mouth with your hand, and when she finishes you exclaim: "No way, that poor guy! He must''ve thought you were a huge whore, I can''t believe you did that on your first time!"'
  304. 'Vera just shrugs, unhappy you''re taking his side: "Hey, you don''t know what it''s like! When your former boyfriend fucked you together with his friend almost daily for years on end, you can''t just go back to boring vanilla sex! Lesko just wasn''t ready for me, I bet he regrets it now..."'
  305. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  306. end
  307. act '"He just wasn''t right for you!"':
  308. *clr & cla
  309. sub += 1
  310. minut += 5
  311. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  312. gs 'stat'
  313. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  314. 'You encourage her: "He doesn''t know what he''s missing, Vera! I can understand he''d be a bit surprised at first, but after a while a lot of men would love to have a girl who''s a bit more experienced and open to trying other things!"'
  315. 'Vera smiles at you as she nods: "It was a big step back, from getting fucked daily by two guys for several years in all my holes! I was just used to getting satisfied like that. I wonder if he regrets walking out on me now... I bet I would''ve satisfied him in more ways than any other girl ever could!"'
  316. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  317. end
  318. elseif veraboyrand = 7:
  319. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk7.jpg"></center>'
  320. 'Vera tells another chapter of her story: "After I screwed up my relationship with the firefighter, I decided to not make that mistake again. I took it slow with my new boyfriend, Sasha. I behaved like an innocent girl, who would only have sex in the missionary position. And you know what... it worked! Sasha was so pround when he finally ''convinced'' me to give him a blowjob!"'
  321. '"I honestly felt like I was acting, pretending to be a naive girl who he had to convince to swallow his semen. When I finished college, Sasha asked me to marry him... and you know what? I refused. I got so tired of pretending to be a good girl. I just wanted to get fucked! I knew he wouldn''t be able to offer me that, so I broke it off."'
  322. act '"Wow... just when you finally met a good guy!"':
  323. *clr & cla
  324. pcs_dom += 1
  325. minut += 5
  326. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  327. gs 'stat'
  328. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  329. 'You shake your head in disbelief, and say: "Wow... it sounds like you finally met a good guy. I can''t believe you let him go!"'
  330. 'She haughtily replied: "Hardly. In bed he never lasted long, he''d get on top of me and finish within 30 seconds! The few times I got him to lick me, he never even got close to my asshole... he pretended it wasn''t even there! There were so many times I just wanted to beg him to fuck my ass hard and make me cum! You''ll see what I mean, <<$pcs_nickname>>. If your man doesn''t want to try things, you''ll remember this conversation, and you''ll realize that I''m right. Life is too short to spend with a man who doesn''t satisfy you."'
  331. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  332. end
  333. act '"He wasn''t right for you either!"':
  334. *clr & cla
  335. sub += 1
  336. minut += 5
  337. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  338. gs 'stat'
  339. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  340. 'You nod understandingly and say: "That sounds awful! He sounds so boring... there are so many things you can do with your body, if you''re open to the idea of trying new things!"'
  341. 'She grins: "Exactly! With the experience I had, getting fucked by two guys at once almost daily, there''s no way I could see myself spend the rest of my days like that! And I knew he wouldn''t change... so I had to let him go."'
  342. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  343. end
  344. elseif veraboyrand = 8:
  345. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/bvtalk8.jpg"></center>'
  346. 'Vera tells you the last part of her sexual history. You can tell she''s not proud of it, but nevertheless she begins: "After I graduated from college and broke up with Sasha, I had to make a choice: return to the village and tend to some boring cows until I die, or somehow make it in the city. I decided to do the one thing I was good at: have sex. For money. Yeah, you heard me right... I became a prostitute."'
  347. '"I figured I would only do it for a little while, earn some money to find my own place and get a good job, and stop there. That''s not what happened though. I ended up in an illegal brothel, the owner had taken my passport and wouldn''t even let me out to buy cigarettes. Several people would come to fuck me every day. The Saturdays were the worst... he''d rent me out to a group of criminals regularly, who would fuck me all night and stick beer bottles in my pussy and anus by the end of the night, when they no longer wanted me. It was hell, <<$pcs_nickname>>!"'
  348. '"I don''t know what would''ve happened to me if the police didn''t raid the brothel that one night, about a year after I got there. I might''ve ended up dead in a ditch somewhere. I spent a few weeks in prison, but after that the court only gave me a fine and released me. With the money I had saved up, I was able to return to Gadukino and buy a home. Then I met Anatoly, and settled down with him. It''s not the life I had in mind for myself, but you know... it wasn''t so bad, after all I''d been through."'
  349. act '"Prostitution!? That''s fucked up!"':
  350. *clr & cla
  351. pcs_dom += 1
  352. minut += 5
  353. npc_rel['A27'] -= 1
  354. gs 'stat'
  355. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  356. 'You look at Vera in disbelief, never having expected this end to her story: "Prostitution!? That''s terrible Vera, how could you!?"'
  357. 'She hangs her head in shame for a moment, but then rebounds: "I was just a young naive girl <<$pcs_nickname>>, who thought her pussy could conquer the world. It was foolish of me, but I''ve paid my dues and ended up just fine. Things could''ve been a lot worse."'
  358. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  359. end
  360. act '"At least you ended up doing okay!"':
  361. *clr & cla
  362. sub += 1
  363. minut += 5
  364. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  365. gs 'stat'
  366. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  367. 'You put your hand on her shoulder and try to cheer her up: "Hey, everyone makes mistakes! At least you ended up okay!"'
  368. 'Vera gives you a bittersweet smile: "Yea... I guess I did. Anatoly doesn''t satisfy me in the slightest, but life with him is still better than some of the other things I''ve seen. I guess I should be grateful for that."'
  369. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  370. end
  371. end
  372. end
  373. end
  374. elseif veratalkrand = 2:
  375. pcs_horny += 10
  376. 'To your surprise, Vera told you that she also had a lesbian experience in the university hostel.'
  377. if npc_rel['A27'] >= 50:
  378. act '"Wow, really? Tell me more!"':
  379. *clr & cla
  380. minut += 5
  381. pcs_horny += 10
  382. gs 'stat'
  383. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/sex/lvtalk.jpg"></center>'
  384. 'Vera smirks, noticing your sudden interest. She tells you the story without much enthusiasm: "There was a girl in college, we got along just fine. Then one night when we got a bit drunk, she started to kiss me! Before I knew it, her head was between my legs... she sure knew what she was doing. It felt nice, but I couldn''t quite reach an orgasm... the thought of having a girl between my legs was just too weird. We tried a few more times, playing with each other''s boobs and pussy, I licked her asshole too. It just wasn''t for me. Nothing beats a hard cock to ride and stretch all your holes out with <<$pcs_nickname>>, trust me."'
  385. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  386. end
  387. end
  388. elseif veratalkrand = 3:
  389. pcs_horny += 10
  390. 'Today, Vera tells you about her sexual adventures with Anatoly.'
  391. if npc_rel['A27'] >= 50:
  392. act 'Ask for details':
  393. *clr & cla
  394. minut += 5
  395. pcs_horny += 10
  396. gs 'stat'
  397. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  398. 'You''re not sure whether you want her to tell you about your teacher''s sex life, but ask anyway. Vera doesn''t give it a second thought, and says: "I guess it''s the classic story. During the honeymoon phase, everything is great. He was always ready to go, and open to try new things. We fucked a lot, those first months. Every day, all night long, in my ass while I was on my period... we just never stopped. But now, he barely even notices me any more. I wonder if he''s fucking any of those sluts in his classes... it''s not fair <<$pcs_nickname>>, how do I compete with those girls?"'
  399. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  400. end
  401. end
  402. end
  403. end
  404. killvar 'veratalkrand'
  405. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  406. elseif npc_rel['A27'] <= 0:
  407. 'You approach Vera, happy to have another chat to break the monotony of the day. She''ll have none of it though, and waves you away: "Leave me alone <<$pcs_nickname>>, I don''t want to talk to you."'
  408. act 'Apologize to Vera':
  409. *clr & cla
  410. sub += 1
  411. minut += 5
  412. npc_rel['A27'] += 1
  413. gs 'stat'
  414. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  415. 'You apologize to Vera, admitting that maybe she was right after all and that you were too quick to judge.'
  416. if npc_rel['A27'] <= 0:
  417. 'However, Vera is not interested in your apology and tells you to get lost. Maybe she''ll be in a better mood tomorrow.'
  418. elseif npc_rel['A27'] > 0:
  419. 'Vera nods: "Thanks <<$pcs_nickname>>, I appreciate the apology. I guess I should forgive you."'
  420. end
  421. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  422. end
  423. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  424. end
  425. end
  426. elseif verakassir = 2 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and verarand = 0:
  427. 'Vera is enjoying a cigarette during a slow moment at the ticket office. You could go and have a chat.'
  428. act 'Chat with Vera':
  429. *clr & cla
  430. verakassir = 3
  431. minut += 5
  432. npc_rel['A27'] += 10
  433. gs 'stat'
  434. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  435. 'You put your cleaning supplies aside and go have a chat with Vera while no one is looking to buy a ticket anyway. After a while, the topic ends up being her sex life. Vera complains how her husband doesn''t satisfy her in bed.'
  436. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  437. end
  438. elseif verakassir = 1 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20 and verarand = 0:
  439. 'The cashier in the ticket office is having a cigarette break, you could go have a chat. You know her name is Vera.'
  440. act 'Chat with Vera':
  441. *clr & cla
  442. verakassir = 2
  443. minut += 5
  444. npc_rel['A27'] += 10
  445. gs 'stat'
  446. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  447. 'You go and chat for a few minutes with Vera while she smokes her cigarette, exchanging stories of how your days have been. During your talk, you learn that Vera is married and has a child. It turns out she''s the mother of Valeria Tsarev, the girl in your class you know as Lera. That means her husband must be Anatoly E. Tsarev, one of the teachers at school.'
  448. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  449. end
  450. elseif verakassir = 0 and hour >= 8 and hour <= 20:
  451. 'While you''re on your way to clean the ladies'' room, you see the cashier in the ticket office look at you. She gives you a friendly nod while she smokes a cigarette, and you decide you could go for a quick break and have a chat if you feel like it.'
  452. act 'Chat with the cashier':
  453. *clr & cla
  454. verakassir = 1
  455. minut += 5
  456. npc_rel['A27'] += 10
  457. gs 'stat'
  458. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/vera/verasmoke.jpg"></center>'
  459. 'You approach the cashier and, not sure how to start the conversation, you ask her how long she''s been working at the Pavlovsk station.'
  460. 'She smiles as she replies: "Oh... a few years now. What about you, girl? Why are you working as a cleaner here?"'
  461. 'You look sad for a moment and tell her about your lack of money: "Times are tough, you know... working here doesn''t pay very well, but in this economy I have to take what I can get."'
  462. 'She nods, fully understanding your problem. Then her eyes light up: "Oh! You know how there are long-distance trains arriving at the station at 11:00 and 18:00 every day? The station is always packed with tourists then, I bet you could make some good money selling trinkets and baubles to them!"'
  463. 'When she notices your interest she continues: "There is a warehouse terminal in the city industrial district, you can buy items there that tourists will like. You can sell them at the station for a good profit... just make sure the police don''t see you, they don''t like it when you sell things without a permit!"'
  464. 'This sounds interesting! You thank her: "Thanks for the tip, maybe I will! By the way, my name is <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
  465. 'She smiles as she replies: "Vera Tsarev, pleased to meet you. I have to get back to work now, I''ll be seeing you around!"'
  466. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  467. end
  468. end
  469. killvar 'verarand'
  470. if $d_vokzal_vera_talk <> '': killvar '$d_vokzal_vera_talk' & npc_rel['A27'] = verafrend & killvar 'verafrend' &! this line can be removed after 2017/11
  471. end
  472. if $ARGS[0] = 'toilet_event':
  473. startevtoirand = rand(0, 1)
  474. if startevtoirand = 0:
  475. vokmantoitipev = rand(0, 3)
  476. if vokmantoitipev = 0:
  477. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 9:gloryholeVokzal = 10 & ''
  478. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 8:gloryholeVokzal = 9 & ''
  479. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 6:gloryholeVokzal = 7 & ''
  480. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 5:gloryholeVokzal = 6 & ''
  481. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 4:gloryholeVokzal = 5 & ''
  482. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 3:gloryholeVokzal = 4 & ''
  483. !!if gloryholeVokzal = 2:gloryholeVokzal = 3 & ''
  484. if gloryholeVokzal = 1:gloryholeVokzal = 2 & 'You notice that there is a puddle of a strange white liquid on the floor, near the hole in the wall between two stalls. When you take a piece of cloth and attempt to clean it, you realize it''s sperm. Suddenly the hole in the wall makes sense to you.'
  485. if gloryholeVokzal = 0:gloryholeVokzal = 1 & 'You notice that in the wall between two of the toilet stalls, there is a circular hole around waist height. The edges of the hole are smooth. You shrug and keep cleaning, not thinking anything of it.'
  486. elseif vokmantoitipev = 1:
  487. 'The station manager walks over to one of the urinals while you work, and lowers his pants just enough to pull his dick out. At least you think so, you can''t actually see.'
  488. if pcs_horny >= 50:
  489. act 'Try to sneak a peek':
  490. cls
  491. minut += 1
  492. seepeenach += 1
  493. tot_seepee += 1
  494. if tot_seepee > 5:pcs_horny += 5
  495. gs 'stat'
  496. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/event/seepee.jpg"></center>'
  497. 'You try and sneak a glance at his penis and succeed. It''s flacid, and a stream of urine is steadily flowing from it. When he''s done, he washes his hands before he leaves.'
  498. 'You wash the floor in the men''s room, and ponder whether you should move out for a minute when you hear a man loudly evacuate his bowels. You decide against it and just focus on finishing your cleaning work as fast as you can, doing your best to ignore the smell.'
  499. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
  500. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  501. gs 'stat'
  502. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall', 'work'
  503. end
  504. end
  505. elseif vokmantoitipev = 2:
  506. 'The police captain, Katalkin, walks over to one of the urinals while you work. He lowers his pants just enough to pull his dick out and you can hear the clattering of urine against the urinal porcelain.'
  507. if pcs_horny >= 50:
  508. act 'Try to sneak a peek':
  509. cls
  510. minut += 1
  511. seepeecop += 1
  512. tot_seepee += 1
  513. if tot_seepee > 5:pcs_horny += 5
  514. gs 'stat'
  515. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/event/seepee.jpg"></center>'
  516. 'You try and sneak a glance at his penis and succeed. It''s flacid, and a stream of urine is steadily flowing from it. He doesn''t wash his hands when he leaves... gross!'
  517. 'You wash the floor in the men''s room, and ponder whether you should move out for a minute when you hear a man loudly evacuate his bowels. You decide against it and just focus on finishing your cleaning work as fast as you can, doing your best to ignore the smell.'
  518. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
  519. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  520. gs 'stat'
  521. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall', 'work'
  522. end
  523. end
  524. elseif vokmantoitipev = 3:
  525. 'A random passenger walks over to one of the urinals while you work. He lowers his pants just enough to pull his dick out and you can hear the clattering of urine against the urinal porcelain.'
  526. if pcs_horny >= 50:
  527. act 'Try to sneak a peek':
  528. cls
  529. minut += 1
  530. seepeeman += 1
  531. tot_seepee += 1
  532. if tot_seepee > 5:pcs_horny += 5
  533. gs 'stat'
  534. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/trainstation/event/seepee.jpg"></center>'
  535. 'You try and sneak a glance at his penis and succeed. It''s flacid, and a stream of urine is steadily flowing from it. He doesn''t wash his hands when he leaves.'
  536. 'You wash the floor in the men''s room, and ponder whether you should move out for a minute when you hear a man loudly evacuate his bowels. You decide against it and just focus on finishing your cleaning work as fast as you can, doing your best to ignore the smell.'
  537. gs 'arousal', 'voyeur', 3
  538. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  539. gs 'stat'
  540. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall', 'work'
  541. end
  542. end
  543. end
  544. elseif startevtoirand > 0:
  545. 'You wash the floor in the men''s room, and ponder whether you should move out for a minute when you hear a man loudly evacuate his bowels. You decide against it and just focus on finishing your cleaning work as fast as you can, doing your best to ignore the smell.'
  546. end
  547. end
  548. if $ARGS[0] = 'trinkets':
  549. cls
  550. minut += 30
  551. prodskill = pcs_apprnc/4 + pcs_sprt + pcs_dom
  552. if prodskill < 20:prodskill = 20
  553. if prodskill > 150:minimumtov = 3
  554. if prodskill > 100 and prodskill <= 150:minimumtov = 2
  555. if prodskill < 100:minimumtov = 1
  556. tovarand = rand(minimumtov, prodskill / 10)
  557. if tovarand > tovarL:tovarand = tovarL
  558. tovpay = tovarand * 300
  559. money += tovpay
  560. tovarL -= tovarand
  561. sprt_exp += rand(0, 1)
  562. TorgVokzalTimes += 1
  563. pcs_dom += 1
  564. gs 'stat'
  565. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/market/peron.jpg"></center>'
  566. 'You manage to sell <<tovarand>> trinkets to passengers today, while earning <<tovpay>> <b>₽</b>.'
  567. act 'Leave':
  568. cls
  569. gs 'stat'
  570. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/katalkin/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  571. if pcs_intel + pcs_prcptn > 80 and rand(0,5) = 5:
  572. 'Two police officers had been keeping an eye on you while you were trying to sell your goods, and when you move to leave the platform they move to intercept you, but you time your leaving with a large group of students and hide yourself amongst them. The police officers get caught up in the crowd and your route clear opens up.'
  573. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  574. exit
  575. else
  576. 'Two police officers had been keeping an eye on you while you were trying to sell your goods, and when you move to leave the platform they approach you. Captain Katalkin says: "Excuse me miss, we saw you were attempting to sell items to passengers. Do you have the proper permits for that? We need to see your papers."'
  577. end
  578. if money >= 500:
  579. act 'Bribe them (500 <b>₽</b>)':
  580. cls
  581. money -= 500
  582. gs 'stat'
  583. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/katalkin/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  584. 'You smile at them: "Permits, officer? Of course I have the permits, one moment..."'
  585. 'You look around and, when you''re sure the coast is clear, stick out your hand with a 500 <b>₽</b> note in it.'
  586. 'The police officers smile at you and quickly take the money before they walk away: "I see everything''s in order. Have a nice day, miss."'
  587. act 'Leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  588. end
  589. end
  590. act 'Beg him to forgive you':
  591. cls
  592. gs 'stat'
  593. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/katalkin/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  594. 'You show him your best innocent face and say: "Please sir, times are tough! I''ll get the permit, I''m sorry! Please let me go, I promise it won''t happen again!"'
  595. if katalkinSexOnce = 0:
  596. schtraf = 500
  597. 'Captain Katalkin grins at you: "We''ll see... come with me to the police station, we''ll have to have a little chat about this."'
  598. act 'Go to the police station':minut += 5 & katalkinNoexit = 1 & gt 'katalkin'
  599. else
  600. if katalkinSexDay+7 >= daystart:
  601. 'Captain Katalkin recognizes you and grins, remembering his recent adventures with you: "You again? Well okay, go on then, run along."'
  602. act 'Thank him and leave':minut += 1 & gt 'pavtrainhall'
  603. elseif katalkinSexDay + 7 < daystart:
  604. 'Captain Katalkin suddenly recognizes you and frowns: "<<$pcs_nickname>>? You haven''t come to see me in a long time... I thought we had an agreement. Are you avoiding me?"'
  605. act 'No you haven''t!':
  606. cls
  607. gs 'stat'
  608. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/katalkin/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  609. 'You blurt out a mixture of protests and apologies: "No sir! I''ve just been busy, that''s all... I''m sorry."'
  610. 'Captain Katalkin''s face brightens: "We can fix that. You''re coming with me to the police station now. I think I need to perform a thorough cavity search, to make sure you''re not smuggling anything."'
  611. 'He firmly puts his hand on your shoulder, and begins to walk towards the police station.'
  612. act 'Blush and let him guide you':minut += 5 & katalkinNoexit = 1 & gt 'katalkin'
  613. end
  614. end
  615. end
  616. end
  617. act 'Admit you have no permit':
  618. cls
  619. money = 0
  620. tovarL = 0
  621. minut += 120
  622. pcs_mood = 5
  623. gs'stat'
  624. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/katalkin/katalkin.jpg"></center>'
  625. 'You decide to come clean to them, and admit you don''t have the required papers. The policemen do what you expected. They take you to the police station and confiscate all of your money and items, even the money that you didn''t earn by selling souvenirs. You try to object, but they don''t listen and tell you you''re lucky to not end up in jail for this. After two hours and a stern talking-to about the importance of permits, you''re free to go. You feel terrible.'
  626. act 'Leave the police station':minut += 1 & gt'pavtrainhall'
  627. end
  628. end
  629. end
  630. --- pavtrainhall_events ---------------------------------