beforeFW.qsrc 4.0 KB

  1. # beforeFW
  2. $endurdin = {
  3. Ken = (musle / 100) * Kus / 100
  4. if ken <= 0:ken = 1
  5. Kene = (musle[i] / 100) * Kuse / 100
  6. if kene <= 0:kene = 1
  7. KoefUder = rand(Uder * 20 / 100, Uder)
  8. KoefUderE = rand(Udere * 20 / 100, Udere)
  9. KoefBros = rand(Brosok * 20 / 100, Brosok)
  10. KoefBrosE = rand(Brosoke * 20 / 100, Brosoke)
  11. KoefProt = rand(Zash * 20 / 100, Zash)
  12. KoefProtE = rand(Zashe*20 / 100, Zashe)
  13. }
  14. $uderdin = {
  15. Kus = 5
  16. Kuse = 10
  17. dynamic $endurdin
  18. endur -= ken
  19. endurE -= kene
  20. Aktiv = (strenw / 2) + agilw + rand(0, lustw) + KoefUder
  21. Aktiv = Aktiv * endur / endurMax
  22. Passiv = (((strenwE + (agilwE / 2)) * koefE) / 100) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefProtE
  23. Passiv = Passiv * endurE / endurMaxE
  24. }
  25. $uderdinE = {
  26. Kus = 10
  27. Kuse = 5
  28. dynamic $endurdin
  29. endur -= ken
  30. endurE -= kene
  31. Aktiv = (strenwE / 2) + agilwE + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefUdere
  32. Aktiv = Aktiv * endurE / endurMaxE
  33. Passiv = (((strenw + (agilw / 2)) * koef) / 100) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefProt
  34. Passiv = Passiv * endur / endurMaxE
  35. }
  36. $brosdin = {
  37. Kus = 10
  38. Kuse = 10
  39. dynamic $endurdin
  40. endur -= ken
  41. endurE -= kene
  42. Aktiv = strenw + (agilw / 2) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefBros
  43. Aktiv = Aktiv * endur / endurMax
  44. Passiv = (((strenwE / 2) + agilwE) * koefE / 100) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefProtE
  45. Passiv = Passiv * endurE / endurMaxE
  46. }
  47. $brosdinE = {
  48. Kus = 10
  49. Kuse = 10
  50. dynamic $endurdin
  51. endur -= ken
  52. endurE -= kene
  53. Aktiv = strenwE + (agilwE / 2) + rand(0, lustwE) + KoefBrosE
  54. Aktiv = Aktiv * endurE / endurMaxE
  55. Passiv = (((strenw / 2) + agilw) * koef / 100) + rand(0, lustw) + KoefProt
  56. Passiv = Passiv * endur / endurMax
  57. }
  58. !!power, throws
  59. !!flexibility, protection,
  60. !!speed, initiative
  61. !!equipment,
  62. !!endurance
  63. a = 1
  64. point = 0
  65. pointE = 0
  66. $pcs_firstnameE = $nikname[i]
  67. $pcs_firstnameA = $nikname[a]
  68. strenw = musle[1] / 10
  69. strenwE = musle[i] / 10
  70. agilw = flex[1] / 10
  71. agilwE = flex[i] / 10
  72. lustMax = wipo[1]
  73. lustMaxE = wipo[i]
  74. lustw = lustMax
  75. lustwe = lustMaxe
  76. Brosok = Bteh[1] / 10
  77. BrosokE = Bteh[i] / 10
  78. Uder = Uteh[1] / 10
  79. Udere = Uteh[i] / 10
  80. Zash = Zteh[1] / 10
  81. Zashe = Zteh[i] / 10
  82. resultFight = 0
  83. endurMax = stamina[1] / 10
  84. endurMaxE = stamina[i] / 10
  85. endur = endurMax
  86. endurE = endurMaxE
  87. croonce = 0
  88. round = 1
  89. rMin = 8
  90. stoper = 0
  91. Ku = 0
  92. Kb = 0
  93. Kz = 0
  94. KuE = 0
  95. KbE = 0
  96. KzE = 0
  97. !!minus the endurance of fat
  98. !!force depends on the endurance
  99. !!speed depends on the endurance
  100. menu_off = 1
  101. if Formula = 0:Formula = 3
  102. '<center><b>before round</b></center>'
  103. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/gym/kickboxing/bef.jpg"></center>'
  104. 'The referee has the two of you meet in the middle of the ring explaining the rules before the fight, "Before we decide who gets advantage you need to arm wrestle. Let''s have a clean fight and now greet each other." she says.'
  105. 'You and <<$pcs_firstnameE>> nod and greet each other and move towards the middle to decide who gets the advantage.'
  106. act 'Arm wrestle':
  107. cls
  108. !!picture
  109. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/city/citycenter/gym/kickboxing/arm.jpg"></center>'
  110. 'The two of you begin tugging back and forward. Both you and your opponent are giving you best as you want the advantage...'
  111. if strenw > strenwE:
  112. point += 1
  113. lustw += 1
  114. crouch = 1
  115. 'You''ve won the arm wrestle and the referee has your opponent get down on all fours, as you position yourself behind her.'
  116. elseif strenw < strenwE:
  117. pointE += 1
  118. lustwE += 1
  119. crouch = 0
  120. 'You''ve lost the arm wrestle and the referee has you get down on all fours, and the opponent position herself behind you.'
  121. elseif strenw = strenwE:
  122. varrand = rand(0, 1)
  123. 'No one seems to be able to win the arm wrestle so the referee stops and tells you that they would use a coin instead that would determine who wins.'
  124. if varrand = 0:crouch = 1
  125. 'The referee has your opponent get down on all fours, as you position yourself behind her.'
  126. if varrand = 1:crouch = 0
  127. 'The referee has you get down on all fours, and the opponent position herself behind you.'
  128. end
  129. act 'Follow the referees instruction':gt 'FightCrouch'
  130. end
  131. --- beforeFW ---------------------------------