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A guide to the ``. URL in description
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+ 158 - 0

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+## Call Validator Readme
+The `` is a simple python script that tries to find out whether a call (`gt 'location', :p`) is valid or not.
+A call is valid if the `location` exists and there is at least one `if $ARGS[0] = :p` or `if ARGS[0] = :p` or similar code present in the `location`’s code. In other words, the call won’t result in a `“Location doesn’t exist”` error.
+As QSP doesn’t provide a standard way to handle these calls - `$ARGS[0]` can used simple as `$value = $ARGS[0]` - there is no way to make this 100% correct.  
+Nonetheless I tried to cover as many scenarios as I could.
+Even with this currently two files are skipped: `boyStat.qsrc` and `exp_gain.qsrc` as there is no easy to decide whether a value passed in `$ARGS[0]` or `ARGS[0]` is valid or not.
+### Running the script
+The script can be run with `python soure=<folder> [file=<filename> | list=<listfilename>] [folder=<folder>]`
+1. Calling `python source=locations` will run the validator on every `.qsrc` file in the `locations` folder.
+2. Calling `python source=locations file=albina_wine_event.qsrc` will run the validator against the `albina_wine_event.qsrc` file and because no `folder=<folder>` parameter is specified it will assume that the file is in the folder specified by `source=locations`.
+3. Calling `python source=locations file=albina_wine_event.qsrc folder=workfolder` will look for the `albina_wine_event.qsrc` file in the `workfolder` folder and will check the calls made in the file against the files in the `locations` folder.
+4. Calling `python source=locations list=listoffiles.txt` will read the `listoffiles.txt` file and will validate every file that is listed. If the `folder` parameter is not passed, it will for `listoffiles.txt` in the folder defined by `source`, i.e. in the `locations` folder. If the `folder` parameter is passed, then the validator will look for `listoffiles.txt` in that folder.
+5. the `file=` and `list=` parameters can’t be used at the same time (at the moment).
+### File list files
+The files that can be passed in the `list=<listfilename>` have to conform to one of two forms:
+#### Simple text file
+The simplest is a simple text file  
+Just add the file names (one per line) and optionally the folder, separated by `;`
+If the validator finds any lines that don’t match this expectation it will quit with an error.  
+The validator can’t check whether the filename or the folder name is valid and if it receives something like
+It will simply blow up.  
+I will add some checks to avoid this, but right now it will just exit with an error.
+#### XML File
+The XML file is a bit more complicated, and know the same:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+	<Structure>
+		<File name="alexandriaEv.qsrc" folder="locations"/>
+		<File name="albina_wine_event.qsrc" folder="locations"/>
+		<File name="alex.qsrc" folder="locations"/>
+		<File name="dimaEv.qsrc" folder="locations"/>
+	</Structure>
+Every file goes into a `<File>` tag with two attributes: `name` and `folder`.  
+In the XML file both are mandatory, so the `folder` must be specified unlike in the text file.
+### Interpreting the output
+----- Summary -----
+  Locations called incorrectly    : 010 // The number of invalid 'location', :p pairs that don't exist
+  Non-existing locations called   : 002 // The location called doesn't exists
+  Number of incorrect calls       : 019 // The total number of incorrect calls made to invalid 
+                                        // 'location', :p pairs 
+  Locations making incorrect calls: 003 // The number of locations calling invalid 'location', :p pairs  
+  Locations never called          : 000 // Only shows up when the whole locations folder is checked,
+                                        // the number of locations that do exist, but no one calls them. 
+----- Validated files ----- 
+//the list of files that were validated. 
+//Only shown when the validator is run with a validation list file as the input.
+  locations\alexandriaEv.qsrc
+  locations\albina_wine_event.qsrc
+  locations\alex.qsrc
+  locations\dimaEv.qsrc
+  locations\uni_dorm.qsrc
+  locations\volleyball.qsrc
+----- List of Invalid calls -----  
+// a list of all the invalid 'location', :p pairs that were called.
+// the structure is: 'location', :p  : the reason the pair is invalid.
+  'albina_dorm', 'start' : albina_dorm.qsrc doesn't exist.
+  'albina_wine_event', 'shave_answer3' : No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'shave_answer3'
+  'defeat', ''	: defeat.qsrc doesn't exist.
+  'victory', ''	: victory.qsrc doesn't exist.
+  'volleyball', 'collapse'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'collapse'
+  'volleyball', 'drive_back'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'drive_back'
+  'volleyball', 'fake_spike'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'fake_spike'
+  'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+  'volleyball', 'receive1'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'receive1'
+  'volleyball', 'recieve_practice'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'recieve_practice'
+----- List of Locations and invalid calls they make  
+// All the locations that made invalid calls, with a list of the calls they made.
+// The structure is
+// ---- location name [the file of the location]:  In case the same location name is used in more than one file
+//   line number, type of call 'location', :p : the reason the pair is invalid.
+  ---- albina_wine_event [locations\albina_wine_event.qsrc]:
+    invalid call on line 0176: gs 'albina_wine_event', 'shave_answer3'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'shave_answer3
+  ---- uni_dorm [locations\uni_dorm.qsrc]:
+    invalid call on line 0222: gs 'albina_uni_schedule', ''	: albina_uni_schedule.qsrc doesn't exist.
+    invalid call on line 0236: gt 'albina_dorm', 'start'	: albina_dorm.qsrc doesn't exist.
+  ---- volleyball [locations\volleyball.qsrc]: 
+    invalid call on line 0136: gt 'volleyball', 'recieve_practice'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'recieve_practice'
+    invalid call on line 0230: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0250: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0260: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0264: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0270: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0310: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0334: gt 'volleyball', 'practice_end2'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'practice_end2'
+    invalid call on line 0372: gt 'volleyball', 'receive1'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'receive1'
+    invalid call on line 0430: gt 'victory', ''	: victory.qsrc doesn't exist.
+    invalid call on line 0432: gt 'defeat', ''	: defeat.qsrc doesn't exist.
+    invalid call on line 0434: gt 'volleyball', 'player_substitution'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'player_substitution'
+    invalid call on line 0436: gt 'volleyball', 'collapse'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'collapse'
+    invalid call on line 0481: gt 'volleyball', 'drive_back'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'drive_back'
+    invalid call on line 0494: gt 'volleyball', 'drive_back'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'drive_back'
+    invalid call on line 0642: gs 'volleyball', 'fake_spike'	: No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting 'fake_spike'
+----- List of Locations that are never called -----
+//  A list of all the locations that do exist, but no call is made to them. 
+//  Only shows up when a whole folder is checked, not when a single file or a list of files is passed.
+### How does it work
+It is fairly rudimentary at the moment.  
+The validator loads the files that we want to validate (every file in the folder, the files defined in the list or the file that was passed as a parameter), and finds every `gs|gt|xgs|xgt 'location', :p` occurrence, and builds a list of files to check - `location.qsrc`.
+>One issue with this currently is that if there is a `location` where the related file is not `location.qsrc` but `somethingelse.qsrc` then it won’t be checked.
+In the next step it loads every file from the list.  
+If a file doesn’t exist then every call to that `location` will be marked `<location>.qsrc doesn't exist.`  
+If the file exists the validator checks if there are any lines containing `args[0]=:p`, `$if$args[0]=:p`, `args[i]=:p` or `$args[0]=:p` .  
+If a line is found, and the line starts with `if $args`, `if args`, `elseif args` or `elseif $args` it will mark the call as valid.  
+Lines starting with `!`, i.e. comment lines, are ignored, and lines that are placed `!{` and `}`, i.e. block comments, are ignored too.  
+Any call where the `location` exists, but no lines are found in the above step will be marked with `No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting :p`
+Finally, the validator generates a report file, naming following the pattern of `call_validity [<folder>|<file>|<listfile>] - YYYYMMDDhhmmss`, for example: `call_validity [filesToValidate.txt] - 20230622135554.txt`