Bläddra i källkod

Small improvement to ``. See guide.

netuttki 1 år sedan
1 ändrade filer med 277 tillägg och 59 borttagningar
  1. 277 59

+ 277 - 59

@@ -8,125 +8,343 @@ import sys
 import re
 import io
 import time
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+idir = ''
 callList = []
 locationCallList = []
+neverCalledLocations = []
+callFileList = []
+calledFileList = []
+validate = 'all'
+def loadValidationList(validationListFile):
+    result = []
+    try:
+        tree = ET.parse(validationListFile)
+        root = tree.getroot()
+        for file in root.iter('File'):
+            result.append(join(file.attrib['folder'], file.attrib['name']))
+            return result
+    except:
+        pass
+    #endtry
+    try: 
+        with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
+            lines = ifile.readlines()
+            index = 1
+            for line in lines:
+                temp = line.strip(" \r\n\t").split(";")
+                file = temp[0].strip(" \t")
+                folder = idir
+                if ".qsrc" not in file:
+                    raise SyntaxError("Incorrect file content: '<filename>[; <folder>] expected, found %s." % (index, line),(validationListFile, index, 1, 'if ".qsrc" not in temp[0].strip(" \t"):', index, len(line)))
+                if len(temp) == 2:
+                    folder = temp[1].strip(" \t")
+                result.append(join(folder,file))
+                index += 1
+            return result
+    except SyntaxError as e:
+        raise SystemExit("Invalid list filed: %s" % e.msg)
+#        except Exception as e:
+#            raise SystemExit()
+    #endtry
 def functionEmptyOrNamed(callArray):
-    if len(callArray) == 1:
-        return None
+    if len(callArray) < 3:
+        return ''
-        return callArray[1].strip(" \t\n").lower()
+        return callArray[2].strip(" \t\n")
-def processLines(lines):
-    pattern = "(gt|gs|xgt|xgs)\s*('|\")\w+('|\")(,\s*('|\")\w+('|\"))?"
-    locationCalls = {"calllocation": lines[0].strip(' #\n').lower(), "callIds": []}
+def processLines(lines, fileName):
+    findPattern = "(gt|gs|xgt|xgs)\s*('|\")\w+('|\")(,\s*('|\")\w+('|\"))?"
+    blockEndPattern = "[^}]*}$"
+    commentBlock = False
+    lineNo = 0
+    locationCalls = {"calllocation": lines[0].strip(' #\n'), "fileName": fileName, "calls": []}
     for line in lines:
-        if not line.strip(" \t").startswith("!"): 
-            match =, line)
+        line = line.strip(" \t\n")  
+        if (not commentBlock) and line.strip("!").startswith("{"):
+            commentBlock = True
+        if commentBlock and (line == '}' or, line) != None):
+            commentBlock = False
+        if not commentBlock and not line.startswith("!"): 
+            match =, line)
             if match != None:
-                temp ='xgst\t\n').replace('"','').replace("'", "").replace(" ","").split(",")
-                loc = temp[0].lower()
-                fun = functionEmptyOrNamed(temp)
-                call = {"location": loc, "function": fun, "valid": 0}
-                if call not in callList:
-                    callList.append(call)
-                    locationCalls['callIds'].append(len(callList)-1) 
-                elif callList.index(call) not in locationCalls['callIds']:
-                    locationCalls['callIds'].append(callList.index(call))
+                temp ='\t', '').replace(' ', '').replace("','","|").replace('","','|').strip(" '\n").replace("'","|").replace('"','|').split('|')
+                temp = [t.strip(" '\"") for t in temp]
+                if temp[1].lower() not in ['boystat', 'exp_gain']:
+                    calltype = temp[0]
+                    loc = temp[1]
+                    fun = functionEmptyOrNamed(temp)
+                    if ("%s.qsrc" % loc) not in calledFileList:
+                        calledFileList.append("%s.qsrc" % loc)
+                    calledLocation = {"location": loc, "function": fun, "valid": 0, "reason": "%s.qsrc doesn't exist." % loc}
+                    callLine = {"callId": 0, "calltype": calltype, "call": "%s '%s', '%s'" % (calltype, loc, fun), "lineNo": lineNo} 
+                    if calledLocation not in callList:
+                        callList.append(calledLocation)
+                    callLine['callId'] = callList.index(calledLocation)    
+                    locationCalls['calls'].append(callLine) 
+        lineNo += 1
 def validateCalls(lines):
-    calls = [c for c in callList if c['location'] == lines[0].strip(' #\n').lower()]
+    calls = [c for c in callList if c['location'].lower() == lines[0].strip(' #\n').lower()]
+    if validate == 'all' and (calls == None or len(calls) == 0):
+        neverCalledLocations.append(lines[0].strip(' #\n').lower())
     for call in calls:
-        if call['function'] == None or call['function'] == 'start' or call['function'] == '':
+        if call['function'] == 'start' or call['function'] == 'Start' or call['function'] == '':
             call['valid'] = 1
+            call['reason'] = ""
-            findString = "if$args[0]='%s'" % call['function'].lower()
-            findString2 = "if$args[i]='%s'" % call['function'].lower()
-            targets = [line.replace(" ", "").lower().strip(' \n\t') for line in lines if findString in line.replace(" ", "").lower() or findString2 in line.replace(" ", "").lower()]
-            for t in targets:
-                if t.startswith("if$args[") or t.startswith("elseif$args["):
+            call['reason'] = "No $ARGS[0] or ARGS[i] expecting '%s'" % call['function']
+            findPattern = "\$*(args|ARGS)\[(0|i)\]\s*=\s*('|\")%s('|\")" % call['function']
+            for line in lines:
+                match =, line)
+                if match != None:
                     call['valid'] = 1
-                    break;
-                #endif
+                    call['reason'] = ''
+                    break
-assert len(sys.argv) == 2, "usage:\ <src_input_dir>"
+assert (len(sys.argv) == 2 or len(sys.argv) == 3 or len(sys.argv) == 4), "usage:\ source=<src_input_dir> [file=<filename> | list=<listfilename>] [folder=<folder>]"
+idir = str(sys.argv[1].replace("source=", ""))
+if len(sys.argv) == 4:
+    vdir = str(sys.argv[3].replace("folder=", ""))
+    vdir = idir
+validationTarget = ''
-idir = str(sys.argv[1])
+if len(sys.argv) > 2 and "file=" in str(sys.argv[2]):
+    validationTarget = sys.argv[2].replace("file=", "")
+    callFileList = [join(vdir, sys.argv[2].replace("file=", ""))]
+    validate = 'file'
+if len(sys.argv) > 2 and "list=" in str(sys.argv[2]):
+    validationTarget = sys.argv[2].replace("list=", "")
+    callFileList = loadValidationList(join(sys.argv[3].replace("folder=", ""), sys.argv[2].replace("list=", "")))
+    validate = 'list'
+if validate == 'all':
+    validationTarget = idir
+    callFileList = [join(idir,f) for f in listdir(idir) if ".qsrc" in f]
 print("Start building call list: %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
 # grab the location files
-filelist = [f for f in listdir(idir) if ".qsrc" in f]
 buildlist_start = time.time()
 # build a list of all the calls happening
-for file in filelist:
-    with, file), 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
+for file in callFileList:
+    with, 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
         lines = ifile.readlines()
-        processLines(lines)
+        processLines(lines,
+    #endwith
+for call in callList:
+        call['callId'] = callList.index(call)
 print("Finished building call list: %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
 # validating that all the calls are for valid locations
-for file in filelist:
-    with, file), 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
-        lines = ifile.readlines()
-        validateCalls(lines)
+for file in calledFileList:
+    if file not in ['boyStat.qsrc', 'exp_gain.qsrc']:
+        try:
+            with, file), 'rt', encoding='utf-8') as ifile:
+                lines = ifile.readlines()
+                validateCalls(lines)
+        except IOError:
+            pass
+        #endwith
+    #endif
 print("Finished validation %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
 # create the call validity file and a list of files that call invalid locations
-oname = "call_validity.txt"
+timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
+txtname = 'call_validity [%s] - %s.txt' % (validationTarget, time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime()))
+htmlname = 'call_validity [%s] - %s.html' % (validationTarget, time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S', time.localtime()))
+callheads = []
+callIds = []
+invalidCalls = []
+noInvLoc = 0
+noNonExistingLoc = 0
+noInvFun = 0
+noInvCall = 0
+noLocNeverCalled = len(neverCalledLocations)
+currLoc = ''
+for call in callList:
+    if call['valid'] == 0:
+        if currLoc != call['location']:
+            noInvLoc += 1
+            if ".qsrc doesn't exist" in call['reason']:
+                noNonExistingLoc += 1
+        callIds.append(call['callId'])
+        invalidCalls.append(call)
+    #enfif
+invalidCalls = sorted(invalidCalls, key=lambda k: (k['location'].lower(), k['function'].lower()))
+noInvFun = len(invalidCalls)
+for locationCall in locationCallList:
+    calls = locationCall['calls']
+    Ids = [call['callId'] for call in calls] 
+    if any(x in Ids for x in callIds):
+        callheads.append(locationCall)
+    #endfor
+callheads = sorted(callheads, key=lambda k: (k['calllocation'].lower()))
+noInvCall = len(callheads)
+location = ''
+txtInvalidLines = []
+#htmlInvalidLines = []
+for call in invalidCalls:
+    if location != '' and location.lower() != call['location'].lower():
+        txtInvalidLines.append('\n')
+#    if location == '' or location.lower() != call['location'].lower():
+#        htmlInvalidLines.append('\t\t\t<tr><td span="3"><h3>%s</td></tr>\n' % call['location'])
+    txtInvalidLines.append("    '%s', '%s' : %s\n" % (call['location'], call['function'], call['reason']))
+#    htmlInvalidLines.append('\t\t\t<tr><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">\'%s\'</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">%s</td></tr>\n' % (call['function'], call['reason']))
+    location = call['location']
+txtLocationLines = []
+#htmlLocationLines = []
+for head in callheads:            
+    txtLocationLines.append("  ---- %s [%s]:\n" % (head["calllocation"], head["fileName"]))
+#    htmlLocationLines.append("\t\t<h3>%s</h3>\n" % head["calllocation"])
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t<table style="border: 2px solid black;>\n')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t<thead>\n')
+##    htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t\t<tr><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">Line</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">Call</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">Reason</td></tr>')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t</thead>\n')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t<tbody>\n')
+    for call in head['calls']:
+        if call['callId'] in callIds:
+            target = callList[call['callId']]
+            txtLocationLines.append("    invalid call on line %04d: %s '%s', '%s'\t: %s\n" % (call['lineNo'], call['calltype'], target['location'], target['function'], target['reason']))
+ #           htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t\t<tr><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">%d</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">%s \'%s\', \'%s\'</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">%s</td></tr>\n' % (call['lineNo'], call['calltype'], target['location'], target['function'], target['reason']) )    
+        #endif
+    #endfor
+    txtLocationLines.append('\n')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t\t</tbody>\n')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('\t</table>\n')
+#    htmlLocationLines.append('<br/>')
-    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: 
-        ofile.write("----- List of Invalid calls -----\n")
+    with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ofile: 
+        ofile.write("----- Summary -----\n")
+        ofile.write("  Locations called incorrectly    : %03d\n" % noInvLoc)
+        ofile.write("  Non-existing locations called   : %03d\n" % noNonExistingLoc)
+        ofile.write("  Number of incorrect calls       : %03d\n" % noInvFun)
+        ofile.write("  Locations making incorrect calls: %03d\n" % noInvCall)
+        if validate == 'all':
+            ofile.write("  Locations never called          : %03d\n" % noLocNeverCalled)
+        if validate == 'list':
+            ofile.write("----- Validated files -----\n")
+            if len(callFileList) > 10:
+                ofile.write("  The list contains %d files. Please see the list in %s.\n" % (len(callFileList), validationTarget))
+            else:                
+                for file in callFileList:
+                    ofile.write("  %s\n" % file)
+            #endif
+            ofile.write('\n')
+        #endif
-        for call in callList:
-            if call['valid'] == 0:
-                ofile.write("\t\t '%s', '%s' : invalid call\n" % (call['location'], call['function']) )
-        #endfor
+        ofile.write("----- List of Invalid calls -----\n")
+        ofile.write("\n")
+        for line in txtInvalidLines:
+            ofile.write(line)
         ofile.write("----- List of Locations and invalid calls they make -----\n")
-        for locationCall in locationCallList:
-            headWritten = 0 
-            for callId in locationCall["callIds"]:
-                call = callList[callId]
-                if call["valid"] == 0:
-                    if headWritten == 0:
-                        ofile.write("\t---- %s:\n" % locationCall["calllocation"])
-                        headWritten = 1
-                    ofile.write("\t\t '%s', '%s' : invalid call\n" % (call['location'], call['function']) )
-            #endfor
-            if headWritten != 0:
-                ofile.write("\n")
-        #endfor
-    #endwith
+        for line in txtLocationLines:
+            ofile.write(line)
+        if validate == 'all':
+            ofile.write("----- List of Locations that are never called -----\n")
+            for line in neverCalledLocations:
+                ofile.write("%s\n" % line)                    
+    #endwith
 except IOError as e:
     raise SystemExit("ERROR: call validity file was not created! REASON: %s" % e.strerror)
-print("File saved finish: %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
+print("File saved finish: %s" % time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime()))
+#### Create HTML
+"""     with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as hfile:         
+        hfile.write('<!DOCTYPE html>\n')
+        hfile.write('<html lang="en">\n')
+        hfile.write('\t<head>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t\t<title>Invalid Call Report</title>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t</head>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t<body>\n')
+        hfile.write("\t\t<h2>List of Invalid calls</h2>\n")
+        hfile.write('<br/>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t<table style="border: 2px solid black;>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t\t<thead>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t\t\t<tr><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">Function</td><td style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 5px;">Reason</td></tr>')
+        hfile.write('\t\t</thead>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t\t<tbody>\n')
+        for line in htmlInvalidLines: 
+            hfile.write(line)
+        hfile.write('\t\t</tbody>\n')
+        hfile.write('\t\t</table>\n')
+        hfile.write('<br/>\n')
+        hfile.write("<h2>List of Locations and invalid calls they make</h2>\n")
+        hfile.write('<br/>\n')
+        for line in htmlLocationLines:
+            hfile.write(line)
+        hfile.write('\t</body>\n')
+        hfile.write('</html>\n') """
+    #endwith