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'barn_story_by_rypperdoc.txt' löschen

sandra_schulz 5 rokov pred
1 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 0 pridanie a 240 odobranie
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-I am glad I am not good enough with coding to even try. Just getting the text for varied encounters is a hand full and a change.
-So here is my latest rewrite of my contribution . Feel free to edit, chop, or discard as you see fit.
-First time
-As you approach the barn to milk the cow like your grandpa has asked you to do, you hear her low for attention. First thing in the morning, the cow's udder is uncomfortably heavy with milk. Eager for relief, the docile animal accepts being lead over in to the stall set up as a milking station. You perform a quick inspection of the milking equipment before turning it on. After cleaning the cow's teats you apply one of the long cups to each one. The cow contentedly eats from the pile of hay in front of her as the machine draws out her milk.
-Listening to the rhythmic pumping, you watch as bursts of milk are sucked from the cow's teats over and over again. With little to do at the moment but supervise the milking process, your mind wanders, remembering the feeling of your own milk being drawn out by your small hand-pump. It isn't as satisfying as when someone sucks on your nipple, but it still feels good. A part of you wonders how it would feel to be serviced by the powerful milking machine in front of you.
-With a start, you realize that you have begun massaging your breasts while daydreaming. You give yourself a shake and turn your attention to the milking machine. A piece of farm equipment is old but reliable. You inspect the hoses and fittings as it runs, making sure there are no leaks. Once the milking is finished for the morning, and your Grandpa has taken the cow out to the pasture, you take the machine apart to clean the cups and hoses.
-Second time
-As you approach the barn to milk the cow like your grandpa has asked you to do, you hear her low for attention. First thing in the morning, the cow's udder is uncomfortably heavy with milk. Eager for relief, the docile animal accepts being lead over to the old milking station. You perform a quick inspection of the milking equipment before turning it on. After cleaning the cow's teats you apply one of the long cups to each one. The cow contentedly eats from the pile of hay in front of her as the machine draws out her milk.
-The repetitive pumping is almost hypnotic to watch and listen to in the otherwise quiet barn. You find your mind drifting once more to thoughts of being milked by the pumping machine. You are distantly aware of your hands massaging your breasts, but what you are doing doesn't really register until you feel your milk starting to flow. Your face grows hot with embarrassment as you realize what has happened and you look around anxiously, making sure nobody saw you.
-Seeing that you are alone and unobserved, you decide to do something about the urgency you are feeling. You expose your breasts and lean forward, letting them hang free more a moment. You then begin to use your hands to express your milk. Your milk drips and sprays from your nipples to the floor of the barn even as you experience a pleasurable thrill from the experience. Once you have released enough milk to feel some relief, you straighten out your clothing and compose yourself, hiding your increased arousal from what you have done.
-After your father has taken the cow out to the pasture, you clean up in the barn. You break down the milker and clean it. While finishing the chore, you keep looking back to the fading wet spot of your milk on the ground.
-Third time
-As you approach the barn to milk the cow like your grandpa has asked you to do, you hear her low for attention. First thing in the morning, the cow's udder is uncomfortably heavy with milk. Eager for relief, the docile animal accepts being lead over to the old milking station. You perform a quick inspection of the milking equipment before turning it on. After cleaning the cow's teats you apply one of the long cups to each one. The cow contentedly eats from the pile of hay in front of her as the machine draws out her milk.
-Once the milking process up and running smoothly, you quickly look around to make sure nobody is near to or approaching the barn. You can already feel your body growing warm with excitement as you expose your breasts in the privacy of the barn. You begin massaging your breasts and pulling at your nipples. You continue to milk yourself as your watch the rhythmic pumping of the cow's teats. You milk soon lets down, falling to the floor from your breasts. A pleasurable moan escapes you, sounding not too unlike the low of a cow, as you enjoy the naughty thrill of what you are doing.
-Your hands are nowhere as efficient as the milking machine, so it takes almost as long to empty your breasts of milk as it does for the cow's udder to be empty. You hurry to redress yourself before your grandpa can come to the barn to take the cow out to graze. Once he is gone, you clean up the milking station, taking long looks at where your milk was spilled out, and think about what it would be like to be milked like a cow.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn.
-First time after third milking chore scene...
-You enter the barn, feeling your body tight with nervousness about what you are planning. While helping your grandparents, you have gotten to know the ins and outs of their small farm, including the old milking machine in the barn. You know that they are busy and won't be coming out to the barn, so you have decided now is the perfect time to do what you have been thinking about.
-You quickly make your way over to the milking station and get it set up. You adjust the vacume settings down, and from the available equipment you choose of hoses and milking cups for milking a goat. You expose your breasts and turn on the machine, pausing for a moment as you make sure nobody is going to investigate the sound. Once you are sure nobody can hear the machine, and trying not to think too much about what you are doing, you press the milking cups to your nipples.
-The strong suction at your nipples makes you tremble with pleasure as the cups become secure in place. The rhythmic sucking doesn't hurt, but it is stronger than you had anticipated, and you almost drop to your knees from the sensation. You are so caught up in the sensations of being milked by the machine you almost don't notice when your milk starts flowing into the cups. How naughty what you are doing is just adds to the excitement and the physical pleasure of the moment.
-In almost no time, your breasts are emptied of their milk. You were so caught up in how good the experience felt that you didn't notice when the flow form your nipples had ended. You almost don't want to reach out to turn off the machine, savoring a last minute of it's stimulation, before turning it off with a sigh. The cups fall away, leaving your nipples puffy and too tender to do that again today.
-After relaxing for a moment, you start to clean up. Cleaning and resetting the machine to hide the evidence of what you have done. You decide to drink your milk that the machine collected, rather than letting it all go down the drain, to further hide what you have been up to.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn.
-Second time
-You enter the barn with a sense of nervous excitement. You know that your grandparents are to busy to notice what you are up to. You quickly set up the milking machine again, looking forward to another pleasurable session. You undress down to your panties and hang your clothes on a nail so they will stay clean while you are being milked. After turning on the machine, you take a deep breath to steady yourself, then press the cups to your nipples.
-You feel your milk let down almost immediately as a wave of pleasure washes over you. Without even realizing it, you close your eyes, listening to the rhythmic pumping as you savor the stimulating suction on you nipples. Being milked feels so good, the whole experience just makes you want to surrender to process.
-As pleasurable as the milking process is, the weight of the cups pulls at your nipples as you stand, and threaten to come free. Bending forward so that gravity is pulling the cups straight down you find makes the milking session more comfortable for your breasts, allowing you to better enjoy being milked.
-In almost no time, your breasts are emptied of their milk. You were so caught up in how good the experience felt that you didn't notice when the flow form your nipples had ended. You almost don't want to reach out to turn off the machine, savoring a last minute of it's stimulation, before turning it off with a sigh. The cups fall away, leaving your nipples puffy and too tender to do that again today.
-After relaxing for a moment, you start to clean up. Cleaning and resetting the machine to hide the evidence of what you have done. You decide to drink your milk that the machine collected, rather than letting it all go down the drain, to further hide what you have been up to.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn.
-third time, Milking path, 1st interruption human or bandit event 1
-You enter the barn with a sense of nervous excitement. You know that your grandparents are to busy to notice what you are up to. You quickly set up the milking machine again, looking forward to another pleasurable session. Finally, you get yourself ready for milking by...
-Choice A) Simply get enough clothes off or out of the way to bare your breasts...
-Choice B) Undress down to your panties and hang your clothes on a nail so they will stay clean while you are being milked.
-Choice A) You have realized quickly the the weight of the collection equipment pulls down on your breasts in n uncomfortable way, but by bending forward, so that gravity pulls it all straight down, you are better able to enjoy the milking process. That is why you turn to the low wall that is the side of the milking stall.
-The wall is almost chest high to you. Resting your elbows and forearms on the low wall and locking your knees, lets you bend at the waist and let your upper body and head just relax loosely. In this position, you can comfortably watch the collection cups sucking at your breasts as you enjoy the sensation of being drained of milk. But soon the hypnotic rhythm of the pumping and the sensual pleasure of being milked has you relaxed and slipping into a stupor.
-Your relaxed mood is suddenly broken by the sound of a man's voice outside the barn greeting Bandit. Your eyes shoot wide with fright at the thought of being caught. You quickly stand and turn off the machine, letting the cups become loose on your breasts. You pull them free and rush to get your clothes back in place. Next, you turn your attention to the milking machine, taking apart the connections to hide what you had it set up to do. You hear someone coming closer as you work, your mind racing.
-“Sveta?” You hear Gregory question you. “What are you doing?”
-“I forgot to clean the milker this morning,” You lie to him, not looking in his direction. “I rushed out here as soon as I remembered.” Proud of your believable story, you go through the process of cleaning up the equipment, hoping he thinks you are hurrying through the work because you are behind schedule, and not because you are nervous.
-“I see,” He says. After a long pause, he leaves you and goes about his own work.
-Once he moves away, you give a quiet sigh of relief. You want to finish cleaning up the evidence of what you were doing and get away from the barn. Your sensitive nipples inside your milk-wet clothing is making you hyper aware of your own body in both good and bad ways.
-Choice B) Since you started using the milking machine, you have noticed that your nipples and breasts have become much more sensitive, in an arousing way, your your milk production has increased. The milking machine leaves your nipples very tender, but using the much smaller hand pump doesn't have the same suction. You wonder how much milk you will eventually produce if you keep training your breasts this way.
-You give yourself a shake, returning to the moment, and putting such thoughts aside for another time. After turning on the machine, you take a deep breath to steady yourself, then press the cups to your nipples. With a shiver of pleasure and a happy sigh, you let yourself sink to your knees as you enjoy the sensation of being milked.
-You have learned that by bending forward, the weight of the milking equipment pulls more evenly at your breasts, making the process more comfortable. Already on your knees, you lean forward, putting your hands on the ground. You lock your elbows and surrender to the pleasure of the moment.
-The rhythmic pumping of the milking machine almost completely drowns out the sound of movement in the barn. Your vision comes in to focus and you turn your head just in time to see Bandit coming your way. Before you can decide to do anything, you feel his cold, wet nose press into your butt....
-Choice... A.) do nothing and let it happen. - leads to Badit event 2
-Or B.) Quickly move to stop Bandit. Blocks bandit event 2, may repeat event 1
->>Choice A)
-You want to protest, but the sudden feel of his tongue between your thighs takes your voice away.
-You were aroused before, but now Bandit's tongue is licking the crotch of your panties and soaking them through. It is too much for you to resist, making you groan in pleasure from the attention. Between the cups sucking at your nipples and Bandit's agile tongue, you are hit with a powerful orgasm that leaves you gasping for breath and seeing stars.
-The pleasure continues to come in waves, until the suction on your nipples becomes too painful to enjoy. With a supreme effort, you manage to move your body to turn off the milking machine. From the collection bottle, you take a deep drink of your own milk to restore yourself, before giving the rest to Bandit. The milk successfully distracts the dog long enough for you regain some strength and clean up and get dressed.
->> Choice B)
-With an awkward croak of protest, you swing your hips to escape the dog's nose even as you reach to push him away from you. The sudden movement pulls one of the cups from your nipple in an unpleasant way, while the other pulls at you uncomfortably. The mood is ruined and your fun spoiled by the dog's interruption. You clean up and get dressed, and tell yourself that if you do this again, to make sure to close all the barn doors.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn
-2nd bandit event.
-You enter the barn with a sense of nervous excitement. You know that your grandparents are to busy to notice what you are up to. You quickly set up the milking machine again, looking forward to another pleasurable session. Remembering what happened last time, before you undress you decide to...
-A) make sure the barn doors are closed – leads to repeat of milking event 2
-B) get yourself ready like before – leads to repeat of milking event 2 or bandit event 1
-C) take off your panties with everything else – Bandit 2nd event, repeatable
-Choice C)
-With a naught grin, you get completely naked and hang your things up out of the way. You take the collection cups in hand, turn on the machine, and kneel on the floor, your body flush from anticipation. You hold the collection cups to your nipples until the suction has a firm hold, then lean forward and put your hands on the ground, letting the machine and gravity drain your milk and fill you with pleasure.
-You feel the thrill of what you are doing turn you on, and know that the scent of your arousal is spreading. Soon, you hear Bandit coming your way. You realize you are rocking side to side as you are getting milked, waving your exposed hips back and forth. It is more than enough invitation for Bandit to once again stick his nose between your legs. His tongue soon follows, making you gasp. Before you can do anything else, Bandit mounts you.
-You moan in pleasure as Bandit pulls himself in tight to your hips, his hot erection prodding you as he blindly searches for an opening to penetrate.
-(( variable chance of anal or vaginal penetration – if butt plug is worn, only vaginal penetration))
-You gasp as he hits his mark, his hard cock thrusting into your (ass/pussy.) It is all you can do to just hold yourself in place as he fucks you like an animal. The dog pounds in to you hard and quick as you are milked. You moan in pleasure from all the sensations crashing through your body, blanking out the ability to think clearly.
-The increased pressure at your opening with every thrust gives you only a brief warning. You realize what is about to happen, but you are helpless to prevent it, even if you were note too lost in pleasure to care. Bandit's knot pushes in to you as he claims you as his bitch. The feeling of his hot seed spilling into your (ass/pussy) sets off your own body shaking orgasm.
-You ride out the waves of pleasure, savoring the feeling of everything that is happening to your body. You finally start to come back to yourself when Bandit dismounts, pulling his deflating knot from your used (ass/pussy.) Like a typical male of any species, he got what he wanted and is wiling to just leave you wet, used, and exposed. You allow yourself to remain in that position as you catch your breath until the milking is finished.
-Staggering like a drunk, you manage to climb to your feet and clean up the barn. Your powerful orgasm, and the tenderness of your body, leave you walking a little funny even after you manage to dress yourself. When you leave the barn, you cannot stop smiling to yourself.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn.
-2nd human scene
-You enter the barn with a sense of nervous excitement. You know that your grandparents are to busy to notice what you are up to. You quickly set up the milking machine again, looking forward to another pleasurable session. Finally, you get yourself ready for milking by by baring your breasts. You turn on the machine and attach the cups to your breasts, then turn to the side wall of the stall to settle into your milking position. You let yourself surrender to the pleasure of being milked and relax in place, tuning out the world to better focus on the sensations coming from your breasts.
-You almost instantly lose your sense of time. You don't know how long you have been enjoying the milking, but you feel your alertness returning and try to identify why. After a moment you lift your head and look around, only to feel a blazing flash of embarrassment when you see Gregory standing in the doorway of the barn, watching you.
-“Eep!” You duck your head to hide your brightly blushing face while stand otherwise frozen, desperately trying to think of a way to explain why you are milking yourself like a farm animal. For a long minute the only sound in the barn comes from the milking machine. Then you hear his footsteps as he walks towards you.
-(I would suspect coding would go here to reflect Sveta's level of exhibitionist tendencies)
-Medium exhibition level
---- You wait, frozen in place, filled with burning shame
-Medium exhibition level
---- You wait, knowing how well you explain yourself is the only chance you have to keep your family from finding out about this.
-Medium exhibition level
---- You feel his eyes upon you in your vulnerable pose, with your breasts exposed, and feel your body grow warm with arousal.
-“Sveta?” He questions you in a low voice.
-(more exhibitionist coding??)
-Low exhibition level
---- “It's not what it looks like,” You try to explain in a cracking, embarrassed voice.
-“I started lactating a while ago,” You explain, with your head down and your eyes tightly closed, even as you hear him come close to you. “And it gets painful if I don't drain my breasts. But I forgot to bring my pump with me. I could milk myself by hand, but that takes a lot of time, and I thought that this seemed like a good idea...”
-Medium exhibition level
---- “Please don't tell anyone,” You answer as you try to get your embarrassment under control.
-“I started lactating a while ago,” You explain calmly while looking down at the boots now standing beside you. “And it gets painful if I don't drain my breasts. But I forgot to bring my pump with me. I could milk myself by hand, but that takes a lot of time, and this seemed like an easier way to do it.”
-High exhibition level
---- “I'm sorry you saw me like this,” You say as you look up to give him a small smile.
-“I started lactating a while ago,” You explain in a voice made a little husky from your growing arousal. “And it gets painful if I don't drain my breasts. But I forgot to bring my pump with me. I could milk myself by hand, but that takes a lot of time, but then I thought it would be fun to try doing it this way.”
-“I see,” He says slowly. “Is it working?”
-Low exhibition level
---- Fighting your embarrassment, you nod without speaking, knowing he must be looking at your breasts being milked.
-Medium exhibition level
---- “Yes,” You answer, blushing. The milking of your breasts is still stimulating your body, and you cannot help but be aware of how exposed you are to the man standing beside you.
-High exhibition level
---- “Oh, yes,” You tell him, trying not to moan. Your body is hot with arousal, and you are wet between your legs, keenly aware of his eyes upon you.
-Low exhibition level
-“Sveta, would you like a hand?” He asks almost casually.
---- You are too overcome by embarrassment answer. You may have given a nod of your head, but you are not sure. You hear his movements beside you, but you still cannot bring yourself to open your eyes. You almost jump in surprise when he gently puts his hand on your shoulder. You do feel your body shiver in response to his touch.
-You realize Gregory is a practiced farm hand. He must be able to read how nervous you are from the tension in your body, because he starts petting your shoulder while making soft shushing sounds. He is acting like you are a skittish farm animal that needs to be calmed down. Before you realize it, his actions are actually working on you. You start to relax under his attention and enjoy his touch as your milking continues towards its conclusion.
-Gregory moves around you, but always keeping a hand on your body. He pets your head, shoulders, or back while making quiet sounds with his voice. When he turns off the milking machine, the barn seems deafeningly quiet for a moment.
-“There there, Sveta,” He says soothingly. “We're almost finished. Just be a good cow for a little bit longer.”
-The situation feels a little unreal to you. In spite of your own small fantasy about being milked, having him call you a cow is a surprise. But it kind of makes sense in a way. You realize he must be a little uncomfortable at the awkwardness of the situation, so calling you a cow and acting the same way he would around a new cow that wasn't used to him would make it easier to deal with.
-You give a small gasp as he removes the collection cups, breaking the suction with small tugs. He takes a cloth and gently wipes down your breasts and sensitive nipples. A small moan of pleasure from the stimulation escapes you lips. You realize that he heard you when, after a short pause, he continues to fondle your breasts under the excuse of drying them.
-His hand at your breast is soothing, at the same time that the cloth he is using is stimulating as it gently rubs your nipples. The feel of his hand sliding down your back almost escapes your notice, until he cups your bottom. You gasp as he gives you a squeeze.
-Do you?
-A) Flinch away.
-B) Hold still and enjoy it.
-A) Seeing your reaction, he calmly stops what he is doing. A moment later he stops touching you all together. He moves over to the pumping equipment, and a quick look shows that he has his back to you as he starts cleaning up. Without saying anything, you quickly fix your clothes and leave the barn.
-B) Not getting any resistance from you, he continues to massage and rub your bottom. You feel his strong hands exploring you and bite your lip as you try to contain your growing excitement. When his fingers slide between your legs, you cannot help but let out a soft moan on pleasure.
-That was what he was waiting for, and all the encouragement he needed. He stops paying attention to your breasts and moves to stand behind you. His hands are confident as he removes your obstructing clothing. When you feel him reaching between your legs next, his fingers quickly find your naked and wet pussy. Pleasure and anticipation has melted away any desire to resist what you suspect, and even hope is coming next.
-Gregory steps up behind you. You can feel him there, one hand between your hips and his. The head of his cock hits your inner thighs before moving up to rub against your pussy. When the head of his cock presses against your opening, you reflexively push back. With a small grunt, he pushes his cock into you.
-What happens next can only be called mating. He is taking you from behind like two animals in heat. Neither of you are talking as he thrusts into you over and over again. You can only hold your position and take it, moaning in pleasure as you build to orgasm. Behind you, his breathing heavy as he works his hips, thrusting increasingly harder and faster.
-You mind blanks out as you orgasm. You body shudders and you moan loudly in your moment of release. Your arms on the sidewall of the stall, and his grip on your hips are all the support that is keeping you from sinking to the floor.
-A deep groan and one final thrust that buries his cock deep in your pussy is the only warning. He holds himself tightly in place inside of you as he cums. You feel his cock pulse, and the pressure of his seed splashing inside of you. It is almost enough to send you over the edge once more. Together, you hold that position as he empties his load into your pussy.
-When he is finished, he steps back from you. You cannot help but notice the emptiness in your pussy now that his cock is gone. The air is cool on your hot, wet, and used pussy. You can feel some of his cum, mixed with your own juices, starting to dribble out of you.
-“Good girl,” Gregory says as he lightly caresses your butt. Without another word, moves over to the pumping equipment, and a quick look shows that he has his back to you as he starts cleaning up. Without saying anything, you quickly fix your clothes and leave the barn.
-Medium exhibition level
-“Sveta, would you like a hand?” He asks almost casually.
----- You nod, blushing furiously. Gregory steps up beside you, moving slowly. You realize Gregory is a practiced farm hand. He must be able to read how nervous you are from the tension in your body, because he starts petting your shoulder while making soft shushing sounds. He is acting like you are a skittish farm animal that needs to be calmed down. Before you realize it, his actions are actually working on you. You start to relax under his attention and enjoy his touch as your milking continues towards its conclusion.
-Gregory moves around you, but always keeping a hand on your body. He pets your head, shoulders, or back while making quiet sounds with his voice. When he turns off the milking machine, the barn seems deafeningly quiet for a moment.
-“There there, Sveta,” He says soothingly. “We're almost finished. Just be a good cow for a little bit longer.”
-The situation feels a little unreal to you. In spite of your own small fantasy about being milked, having him call you a cow is a surprise. But it kind of makes sense in a way. You realize he must be a little uncomfortable at the awkwardness of the situation, so calling you a cow and acting the same way he would around a new cow that wasn't used to him would make it easier to deal with. You decide to play along, hoping you will feel less embarrassed if you can make it more like a game of pretend.
-“Mooo,” You give your best low.
-Gregory smiles and gives a low chuckle of amusement.
-You give a small gasp as he removes the collection cups, breaking the suction with small tugs. He takes a cloth and gently wipes down your breasts and sensitive nipples. A small moan of pleasure from the stimulation escapes you lips. You realize that he heard you when, after a short pause, he continues to fondle your breasts under the excuse of drying them.
-His hand at your breast is soothing, at the same time that the cloth he is using is stimulating as it gently rubs your nipples. The feel of his hand sliding down your back almost escapes your notice, until he cups your bottom. You gasp as he gives you a squeeze.
-Do you?
-A) Flinch away.
-B) Hold still and enjoy it.
-A) Seeing your reaction, he calmly stops what he is doing. A moment later he stops touching you all together. He moves over to the pumping equipment, and a quick look shows that he has his back to you as he starts cleaning up. You quickly fix your clothes while he is busy.
-“Thank you,” You manage to say without your voice shaking.
-Gregory only waves over his shoulder at you as he continues working. Without another word, you leave the barn. A part of you is wondering if you should have held still and let things continue.
-B) Not getting any resistance from you, he continues to grope your bottom. You feel his strong hands exploring you and bite your lip as you try to contain your growing excitement. When his fingers slide between your legs, you hide a soft moan on pleasure by turning it into another bovine low.
-That was all the encouragement he needed to take things further. He stops paying attention to your breasts and moves to stand behind you. His hands are confident as he removes your obstructing clothing. When you feel him reaching between your legs next, his fingers quickly find your naked and wet pussy. Pleasure and anticipation has melted away any desire to resist what you suspect, and even hope is coming next.
-Gregory steps up behind you. You can feel him there, one hand between your hips and his. The head of his cock hits your inner thighs before moving up to rub against your pussy. When the head of his cock presses against your opening, you reflexively push back. With a small grunt, he pushes his cock into you.
-What happens next can only be called mating. He is taking you from behind, a cow being mounted by a bull. Neither of you are talking as he thrusts into you over and over again. You can only hold your position and take it, moaning in pleasure as you build to orgasm. Behind you, his breathing heavy as he works his hips, thrusting increasingly harder and faster.
-You mind blanks out as you orgasm. You body shudders.
-“Mooo,” You moan, lowing like a cow, in your moment of release. Your arms on the sidewall of the stall, and his grip on your hips are all the support that is keeping you from sinking to the floor.
-A deep groan and one final thrust that buries his cock deep in your pussy is the only warning. He holds himself tightly in place inside of you as he cums. You feel his cock pulse, and the pressure of his seed splashing inside of you. It is almost enough to send you over the edge once more. Together, you hold that position as he empties his load into your pussy.
-When he is finished, he steps back from you. You cannot help but notice the emptiness in your pussy now that his cock is gone. The air is cool on your hot, wet, and used pussy. You can feel some of his cum, mixed with your own juices, starting to dribble out of you.
-“Good cow,” Gregory says as he lightly caresses your butt.
-“Moo..,” You try to keep the game going, but your low ends in a girlish giggle.
-He gives another amused chucked as he moves over to the pumping equipment. A quick look in his direction shows that he has his back to you as he starts cleaning up. You quickly fix your clothes while he is busy.
-“Thank you,” You say to him as you give him a quick hug from behind. The feel of your sensitive breasts pressed against his back makes you smile.
-“Any time,” He replies with a small wave and a smile over his shoulder.
-Without another word you leave the barn, hoping for a next time.
-High exhibition level
-“Sveta, would you like a hand?” He asks almost casually.
---- “Hmmm,” You give him a sensual smile. “Yes, please.”
-He smiles back as he moves close to you. He takes a moment to inspect the equipment to make sure it is set up correctly, including how the collection cups are snug against your breasts around your nipples.
-“You did a good job setting everything up,” He nods. “Good cow.”
-“Moo,” You respond with a wink, earning an amused chuckle in response.
-“As long as the cow is holding still to be milked, I should do an inspection, to make sure she is healthy.” He says this as he steps in close and starts running his hands over your body.
-You stand, bent over and leaning against the side wall of the milking stall, accepting his touch. It is clear that he is enjoying the opportunity to feel you up. Following his directing touches, you shift your weight so he can remove your clothes. Soon, you are naked in the stall for him to see and touch as much as he wants.
-You let out several small moans as his hands explore your naked body. His fingertips trace along your labia and around your anus, teasing you and making your pussy wet with anticipation. You give another moan of pleasure. It comes out of you sounding like a bovine low.
-“You're such a good cow, Sveta,” He says with a smile.
-The touching and teasing goes on for what seems like a long time. When he stops, you are left struggling with your arousal while you try to find your voice to ask him why. But then he turns off the milking pump. You had not even realized that your breasts had been drained, so lost in the moment you that you were.
-“Good cow,” He says as he starts removing the collection cups. “Just wait right there.”
-Naked and on display for him, you do as you are told. He carefully makes sure the hoses and cups are out of the way, then he returns to you, opening the front of his pants and pulling out his hard cock.. He steps behind you and takes hold of your hips without any hesitation.
-“And now I am going to breed you,” He declares as he pushes his cock forward, rubbing it against your exposed, wet, and ready pussy. “You ready, Cow?”
-“Yes,” You moan. “Be my bull and mount me.”
-“Good cow,” He says one more time as the head of his cock finds its way into your pussy.
-Without any more time wasted, he starts thrusting his cock into you. It is a pure, animal like, mating session. He is behind you, f***ing you, using your body in the same direct way that animals breed. He is thrusting in to you hard and fast, causing you to give voice to a long bovine low of pleasure as you orgasm.
-You are reduced to being just an animal, a cow mounted by a bull. You are panting heavily between climaxes, and each time he pushes you over the edge, you give out a long, low moan that sounds a lot like the moo from a cow. The ridiculousness, the humiliation of it just adds to the excited fire within yourself.
-When Gregory starts thrusting harder, almost pushing you down if not for his grip on your hips, you realize he is almost at his limit. You do your best to push back, wanting to feel him as deep inside you as possible. He starts to grunt with every thrust, then, with a long groan, he forces his cock as deep into your pussy as he can get it, holding it there as you feel his hot cum splashing into you.
-For a long moment you both stay locked together at the hips as he empties his seed into your pussy. Both of you are riding out the waves of pleasure from the fast, hard breeding. All too soon it comes to an end.
-He pulls his softening cock out of your pussy, letting the cool air flow over your wet, used flesh. You shiver from the sensation, hardly noticing him zipping up his pants. Much to your disappointment, he starts to walk away.
-“I need to get back to work,” Gregory tells you. “Let me know when you are ready to get milked again.”
-He leaves you alone in the barn, naked, wet, and used. You remain in place for several long minutes while you gather your strength. The crude way he used you and left is making you feel aroused even while you are gathering yourself together.
-Finally, you manage to recover your strength and coordination. You dress yourself, and then clean up the equipment so nobody will suspect that something has been going on. When you leave the barn, you are composed and smiling, hoping you will find another opportunity for a milking session like that again.
-Lactating, poking around in the barn.
-third time, Milking path decision repeated.
-You enter the barn with a sense of nervous excitement. You know that your grandparents are to busy to notice what you are up to. You quickly set up the milking machine again, looking forward to another pleasurable session. Finally, you get yourself ready for milking by...
-Choice A) Simply get enough clothes off or out of the way to bare your breasts... (if not first time, continue to appropriate human scene. If first time, go to first human interruption scene)
-Choice B) Undress down to your panties and hang your clothes on a nail so they will stay clean while you are being milked. (if not first time, go to appropriate Bandit scene. If first time, go to Bandit interruption scene.)