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[Rewrite] First meeting with Tamara(Vicky's Path)

Derryth_Love 9 months ago
1 changed files with 40 additions and 27 deletions
  1. 40 27

+ 40 - 27

@@ -31,21 +31,19 @@ if $args[0] = 'first_meet':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Tamara Meynold</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/headshots_main/big257.jpg"></center>'
+	'You ring the bell for the Meynold residence and the door quickly opens. You can see Vicky and Vanya standing there with their mother.'
+	'The first thing you notice is "Mom''s" firey mane. The twins definitely got their red locks from her. Taking in the rest of her, you realize she is a very attractive woman in her 40''s; busty and tastefully dressed, even at home.'
+	'Their mother eagerly welcomes you inside:'
 	if katjaQW['QWstage'] >= 2:
-		'You ring on the bell to the Meynold residence. The door opens and you can see Katja and Vicky standing there with their mother. The girls'' mother is a very attractive woman just under "fifty" years old, busty and tastefully dressed even at home, and just like the twins, also a redhead.'
-		'Looking at the mothers'' huge bust, you begin wondering: "Too bad that the twins haven''t inherited their mothers'' biggest asset. It''s a shame having such small breasts instead of having huge breasts as their mother."'
-		'The mother eagerly welcomes you:'
-		'"Hello guys! Hi, Vanya. Oh hello <<$pcs_nickname>>, nice to see you again."'
-		'Come in, come in, don''t be shy! I didn''t know you were friends with Vicky as well. such a wonderful surprise. Well, I won''t disturb you further. I''ll be in the kitchen having some tea."'
+		'"Hello guys, Vanya! Oh, and hello <<$pcs_nickname>>, nice to see you again."'
+		'Come in, come in, don''t be shy! I did not know you were friends with Vicky as well, what a wonderful surprise! I will be in the kitchen having some tea, if anyone would care to join me."'
-		'You ring on the bell to the Meynold residence. The door opens and you can see Katja and Vicky standing there with their mother. The girls'' mother is a very attractive woman just under "fifty" years old, busty and tastefully dressed even at home, and just like the twins, also a redhead.'
-		'Looking at the mothers'' huge bust, you begin wondering: "Too bad that the twins haven''t inherited their mothers'' biggest asset. It''s a shame having such small breasts instead of having huge breasts as their mother."'
-		'The mother eagerly welcomes you:'
-		'"Hello guys! Hi, Vanya."'
-		'"Vicky, would you like to introduce your girlfriend?"'
-		'You stand there a bit shyly, while Vicky introduces you two. Vicky''s mother smiles warmly and replies:'
-		'"I''m Tamara Meynold. Come in, come in, don''t be shy! Vicky doesn''t invite her friends over very often, so I''m always wondering who her friends are. Well, I won''t disturb you further, I''ll be in the kitchen having some tea."'
+		'"Hello guys, Vanya! And would you like to introduce your girlfriend, Vicky?"'
+		'You stand there a bit shyly, while Vicky introduces you to her mother.'
+		'Vicky''s mother smiles warmly before replying: "I''m Tamara Meynold. Come in, come in, don''t be shy! Vicky does not invite her friends over very often, so it is very nice to meet you! I will be in the kitchen having some tea if you would like to join me."'
+	'Vicky looks at you and nods, "I need to tidy my room a bit before we get to our ''homework'' anyways, it shouldn''t take long." She leaves you with Tamara and grabs Vanya''s hand before heading down the hall and disappears into a side room.'
+	'Tamara smiles at you and leads you into the kitchen.'
 	act 'In the kitchen (1:00)':
@@ -55,21 +53,36 @@ if $args[0] = 'first_meet':
 		gs 'stat'
 		'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Tamara Meynold</font></h4></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/resident/meynolds/tamara_first_meet_tea.jpg"></center>'
-		'You enter the kitchen seeing Tamara drinking tea by herself. She notices you and calls you over to join her. You sit down next to her and she pours you a cup of tea and begins talking continuously:'
-		'"I divorced my husband, he liked to drink, and when drunk, he always became aggressive and wanted to fight. He kept on drinking after our divorce, until he crossed paths with an other drunk and they started arguing ending in my ex-husband stabbing this person to death. They put him away for a long time. And since he didn''t know how to handle himself in prison, he got stabbed to death. And all I can say is, good riddance, he was a bad man that deserved what he got."'
-		'"The first time after getting divorced was extremely hard, myself with my two precious girls! Well, since I couldn''t rely on anyone I started studying, settling in the city and started working at the bank. The working hours are rough, but the pay is good, so I can''t complain that much. As I started to climb the corporate ladder, I bought a car, built this house and raised the girls, all by myself. The time flew by and my girls have grown up so they barely have time for me! They come from school, eat lunch, and run away somewhere! So I rarely talk to anyone..."'
-		'"Why didn''t you remarry?"'
-		'"Sighing, she replies:"'
-		'"After the experience I had with my ex-husband, all the desire went away for getting into a new relationship. And there was no time either, I had to earn money and raise my daughters. There was never time to treat myself I was always sacrificing so my daughters could live a good life! Who would want me now, an old battered woman with a rusty roof?"'
-		'You start objecting:'
-		'"What are you saying Ms. Meynold, there is nothing called too old! You are a beautiful and a successful woman in your prime age. The men would be running head over heels for you!"'
-		'"Thank you for the kind words. You don''t need to be so formal, <<$pcs_nickname>>. We''re not at work. You can call me Aunt Tamara."'
-		'"Vicky, your girlfriend is wonderful! You should invite <<$pcs_nickname>> here more often!"'
-		'Vicky interrupts your conversation:'
-		'"Mother, you talk too much! You always scare away my friends with your talk."'
-		'Tamara pretends sighing and says:'
-		'"That''s what I get for raising you! Don''t worry about your lonely mother, just go on and play with your friend!"'
+		'You enter the kichen as Tamara busies herself with collecting a couple cups and pours some tea in each one, "Do you like sugar or cream with your tea?", she asks.'
+		'"No cream, but I''ll take a little sugar, thanks." You reply as you sit down on a stool at the breakfast bar seperating the kitchen from the lounge. You watch her as she meticulously sets up the cups on saucers with a couple biscuits and adds a slice of lemon to the lip of each cup. She then brings them all over and slides one towards you.'
+		'You busy yourself with your tea; adding sugar from the bowl Tamara set between you and squeezing a bit of lemon in to finish it.'
+		'Tamara settles in across the bar from you and silently fixes her own, before smiling at you over her cup of tea and blowing a few breaths over it to cool it down. "So you go to school with my darling carrots? Do you share any classes with them?"'
+		'You take a sip of your tea and nod, "Yeah, a couple classes, but I see them around all the time, Kind of hard not two see the twins." you smile.'
+		'Yes, I imagine those two turn more than a few heads, But what about your own classes? Are you doing well?'
+		if class['school_grade_average'] < 60:
+			'You giggle and shake your head, "Not very good at all I''m afraid; failing most my classes. I''m not even sure it''s worth showing up this point. But nobody in my familiy has gone to college, and they''re all doing alright."'
+			'Tamara purses her lips and shakes her head in that dissaproving manner all mothers seem to share. "Classes are important, even if nobody in your familily has gone to college, just think of how proud your parents would be if you do better than they did. My son, Roma had such an opportunity, but ultimately chose not to go to college. That choice might have caused him to leave the house, after I... well let us just say, I may have had more than a few words with him about it.'
+			'Right now he is working small jobs, getting paid minimum wage and, last I heard, was dating some trollop who works at a local grocery store barely making ends meet; and, as far as I can tell, has no plans for his future.'
+			if npc_QW['A33'] >= 2: 'You try very hard not to giggle, when she mentions Anya. You breifly wonder how Tamara would feel if she knew she was talking to that ''trollop''s'' little sister.'
+			'You nod thoughtfully towards Tamara and take a final sip from your tea before pushing it foreward. "I''ll think about it, Ms. Meynold." is all you can think of to say.'
+		elseif class['school_grade_average'] < 80:
+			'You shake your head and lower it slightly, "I''m passing my classes, but only just barely. I still have a ways to go if I hope to go to college."'
+			'"It is good that you are at least passing, but yes, you will have to do better if you want to get into college. Vicky had some issues keeping her grades up as well, but lately she has been catching up.'
+			'She recently decided she wanted to get into a medical career. And even though she has not yet decided on any particular feild of study, it was enough to motivate her to work harder at school. Maybe if you think hard on what your own goals are, that could help motivate you as well." Tamara beams you a motherly smile as she talks.' 
+			'Your own <<$npc_nickname[''A29'']>> could take some parenting lessons from this lady. All she ever did was yell and complain about how Anya isn''t doing anything worthwhile; holding her up as a poster child of failure, in an attempt to ''scare'' you into doing better.'
+			'"Thanks Ms. Meynold, that''s very good advice." you reply, while nodding thoughtfully...'
+			'What are your goals? Who are you? Who do you want to be? ... You can''t help but think it over as you finish the last bit of your tea.'
+		else
+			'You straighten up and smile, "Oh, I''m doing pretty well! I''m top of my class in a few subjects, and I''m already getting acceptance letters to several colleges. I''m probably just going to go to our local University though."
+			"That sounds wonderful! I am glad you''re doing so well. Katja is also doing extremely well in her studies, and I am so proud of her! I think she wants to be a Teacher, which doesn''t pay very well... but her passion for it is easy to see, so I am supporting her dicision as best as I can!'
+			'However, just because you are doing well now, you still need to follow through to the end, so don''t start slacking off now!" Tamara says as you finish your cup of tea.
+			"I''m trying my best Ms. Meynold! I''m not about to let anything stand in the way of my future!" You say with conviction.'
+		end
+		'Tamara smiles and shakes her head, "You don''t need to be so formal, <<$pcs_nickname>>. We''re not at work here, so you can just call me Tamara."'
+		'As if on cue, Vicky walks back into the kichen, "Room is all tidied, if you two are done talking."'
+		'"Vicky, your girlfriend is wonderful! You should invite <<$pcs_nickname>> over more often!"'
+		'"But Mom, you always talk so much, it scares all my friends off."'
+		'Tamara pretend sighs and says: "So that is what I get for all that time I spent raising you?! Fine, do not worry about your lonely mother; just go play with your friend!"'
 		act 'Go with Vicky': gs 'mey_vika_events', 'first_visit'