# SergeiHanter gs 'boyStat', 'A174' harakBoy = 1 boyage = year - ((npc_dob['A174'] - (npc_dob['A174'] mod 10000)) / 10000) gs'stat' '
' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/sergeihanter.jpg">
' 'Sergey is a friend of Andrew and Igor, and one of the familiar hunters. He <> years. He is married and lives in the Center..' if hantersSergeiQw < 0:'You and him had a bad relationship, he seems to hold on you some offense.' if hantersSergeiQw >= 0 and hantersSergeiQw < 10:'You have a normal relationship with him.' if hantersSergeiQw >= 10 and hantersSergeiQw < 20:'You have friendly relations with him.' if hantersSergeiQw >= 20 and hantersSergeiQw < 25:'It looks like you simpatiziruet.' if hantersSergeiQw >= 25 and hantersSergeiQw < 30:'It looks like he`s in love with you.' if hantersSergeiQw >= 30 and hantersSergeiQw <= 35:'It looks like he you love him.' if hantersSergeiQw > 35 :'You love him.' if hantersSergeiLove = 1:'You two love each other.' act 'Chat': cls minut += 60 if hantersSergeiQw < 10:hantersSergeiQw += 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/talk1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg">
' if hantersIgorQw >= 0:'You have chatted with Sergei, listening to interesting stories from his life, and telling your.' if hantersIgorQw < 0:'You talk to Igor. He frowns and behaves not very friendly, but still supports the conversation.' act'Further':gt $loc, $metka end if hantersSergeiQw >= 10: if hantersSergeiLove = 0: act 'Flirt': cls if hantersSergeiQw <= 35 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersSergeiQw += 1 if hantersIgorQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersIgorQw -= 1 if hantersAndreiQw >= 10 and hantersKnowSlut = 0:hantersAndreiQw -= 1 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt1.'+rand(1,3)+'.jpg">
' 'You spread with Sergei playful attitudes and vengeance flirting. He is glad of your company, and once you notice it wandering a clear view.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120 gs 'stat' if hantersSergeiLove = 0 and hantersSergeiQw >= 30 and hantersKnowSlut = 0 and pcs_apprnc >= 60: cls gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss1.jpg">
' 'You smile sweetly at Sergey and flirt with him. Suddenly he takes your face in his hands and brings his lips to your lips.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5 gs 'stat' act 'Answer kiss': cls hantersSergeiLove = 1 hantersSergeiQw += 1 pcs_mood = 100 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss2.jpg">
' 'Your lips touch, you heart stops and breathing. <<$boydesc>> kisses you and you answer him, clinging harder to his lips.' gs 'arousal', 'kiss', 5 gs 'stat' if pcs_horny >= 40: act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you, - whispered in your ear <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. Seeing that you don`t mind <<$boydesc>> gently took you by the hand and led him.' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end else act'Further': cls minut += 5 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterkiss3.jpg">
' '- It was great <<$pcs_nickname>>, - told you <<$boydesc>>, when your lips finally parted. You are happy seeing his happy look and a smile.' act'Further':gt $loc, $metka end end end act 'To remove the face': cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiQw -= 50 gs'stat' '
> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg">
' ' - No, <<$boydesc>>, don`t need this, you said, and trying not to look at the guy left.' act'Go':gt $loc, $metka end else act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka end end else act 'Spend time together': cls hantersSergeiQw += 1 if hantersIgorLove > 0 or hantersAndreiLove > 0:hanterslut += 1 if hantersIgorLove = 0 and hantersAndreiLove = 0:hanterslut -= 1 pcs_mood = 100 gs'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.'+rand(1,4)+'.jpg">
' 'You spend with Sergey time together, kisses and hugs. He is glad of your company, you can`t help but notice his happy look, and it makes you very very glad.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 120 gs 'stat' act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka end end end if hantersSergeiLove > 0 and pcs_horny >= 60: act 'Stick': cls hantersSergeiQw += 1 hantersSergeisex += rand(9,30) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(1,6)+'.jpg">
' 'You absolutely insolently wink Sergei, languid sigh, swiping a tongue across the lips and <<$boydesc>>, all knowing, takes you by the hand and leads.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10 gs 'stat' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end end if hantersSergeiLove > 0 and pcs_horny <= 60 and hantersSergeiQw >= 10 and temp = 1 and hantersSergeisex = 0: cls hantersSergeisex += rand(9,30) gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterlove1.4.jpg">
' 'You went to Sergei to spend time together, but instead he passionately bites into your lips.' '- <<$pcs_nickname>>, I want you, " he whispered after the kiss.' gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5 gs 'stat' act 'Agree': cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiQw += 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterflirt2.'+rand(4,6)+'.jpg">
' 'Smiling you wink Sergei. He, all knowing, takes you by the hand and leads.' act 'Go':gt'HanterLoveSex' end act 'Decline': cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiQw -= 1 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/pc/speak_to_the_hand.jpg">
' ' - No, <<$boydesc>>, not now, you said, and trying not to look at the guy left.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end end if hantersSergeiLove > 0: act 'Part with a guy': cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiLove = 0 hantersSergeiQw -= 100 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosila.jpg">
' ' - <<$boydesc>>, I decided that our relationship had no future, and we must part, you said, and trying not to look at rasteryalsya guy left.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end end act'Depart':gt $loc, $metka if hantersSergeiQw < 10 and hantersSergeiLove > 0: cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiLove = 0 hantersSergeiQw -= 10 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosil.jpg">
' 'You wanted to talk to Sergei, but he beat you, not having to tell you to say nislova.' ' - <<$pcs_nickname>>, I realized that our relationship had no future, and we need to leave, " he said, and trying not to look in your direction, resolutely walked away.' ' - Well , maybe it`s for the best, " you thought, going in the other direction.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end if hantersSergeiQw > 50 and hantersSergeiLove > 0: cls minut += 5 hantersSergeiLove = 0 hantersSergeiQw -= 50 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/brosil.jpg">
' 'You wanted to talk to Sergei, but he beat you, not having to tell you to say nislova.' ' - <<$pcs_nickname>>, I realized that our relationship had no future. You`re a good girl, but I really appreciate my family, to risk continuing the relationship with you, " he said, and trying not to look in your direction, resolutely walked away.' ' - Well, how is it? Although it may be better thought upset you, going the other way.' act 'Go':gt $loc, $metka end --- SergeiHanter ---------------------------------