# preALT cls if night_mode = 1: fcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) bcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) else fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0) bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255) lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205) end !!School Girl Specific Story elements if $ARGS[0] = 'One': '
> src="images/pre/ALT/altstart.jpg">
' 'You are <<$pcs_firstname>> "<<$pcs_nickname>>" <<$pcs_lastname>>' 'You were born in <>. You have a older sister, Anya, who is 2 years older than you.' 'Your mother is Natasha <<$pcs_lastname>>. You don''t know much about your biological father... your mother never wants to talk about him, or why he left you and Anya with her.' 'Your mother meet another man not too long after her and your biological father got divorced, Vladimir Mikhailovich Scriabin. Together they had your little brother Kolka. Even though he''s not your real father, Vladimir always treated you and Anya as if they were his own children.' act 'Continue': gt 'preALT', 'Two' end if $ARGS[0] = 'Two': '
> src="images/pre/ALT/altstart1.jpg">
' 'You had a pleasant, undisturbed childhood when you were young. Although you don''t remember much from kindergarten, you do remember going to elementary school when you were 7 years old.' '' act 'Continue': gt 'preALT', 'Three' end if $ARGS[0] = 'Three': '
> src="images/pre/ALT/altstart2.jpg">
' if yearlefttemp = 1: 'Your 13th year began like it did for most other girls in your class: you occasionally got sick, you started to grow breasts, armpit and pubic hair. Your skin became very greasy and you have a pretty bad case of acne. You did your best in school, and managed to get very decent results. Only one more year of school left before you graduate!' 'But first: it''s time for a well-deserved holiday!' else 'As with all girls, you reached the milestone of puberty two years ago. Like it does for most girls, it started for you when you were 13 years old. You had your first period, which sucked... but that was the start of your changes.' *nl 'Your chest then felt strange and you discovered your breasts were growing! This excited you: how big will they be when you grow up? Hair also began to grow in at your armpits and pubic area, and at the same time you felt... things, intimate things. Over time you learned to appreciate these feelings, and how to manage your developing body. Your troublesome skin complexion remains an issue though.' *nl 'When you finished 9th grade, you decided to continue with your secondary education. Two more years of school to go, but first: it''s time for the summer holiday!' end killvar 'yearlefttemp' if MagikDostup = 1: showstat 1 showobjs 1 if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end act 'Begin': music_on = 0 & gt 'bedrPar' else act 'Continue': music_on = 0 & gt 'preALT', 'Cursed Schoolgirl Start' end act 'Restart': cls 'This will reset everything and take you back to the begining.' 'Are you very sure you want to start from the begining again?' act 'No, I hit the wrong option!': gt 'preALT', 'Three' act 'Yes, I''m sure, start over.': killall & gt 'start' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'Cursed Schoolgirl Start': '
> src="images/pre/ALT/gadukino.jpg">
' 'You are on summer holiday with your parents and have been stuck here weeks. Good thing this evening you are finally going home, there is nothing to do here but watch animals graze.' act 'Take a walk': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/ALT/woodspre.jpg">
' 'While taking a walk, you was playing with your phone. When you look up you realize you got lost!' act 'Find a way back': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/ALT/ruinpre.jpg">
' 'You try to find your way back but the only thing you manage to do is get more lost. After hours of wandering around you come across an old ruin.' act 'Take a break': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/ALT/tunnel1pre.jpg">
' 'You sit down on a large stone in the ruins and take a breather. You are starting to get hungry. If its not one thing its another. You stomp with your foot. Naturally, the floor gives way and you fall down down a hole. You feel slightly dazed but after a quick check you seem to be uninjured. You seem to be in an underground chamber of some sort. Looking up you see that climbing out is not an option, there is an old gate here but its either locked or rusted shut. Looks like the only way out is the tunnel on the other side of the chamber.' act 'Follow the tunnel': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/ALT/tunnel2pre.jpg">
' 'Tunnel goes on for what feels like miles. You start to worry you phone battery will die.' act 'Further': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/shared/dunpre3.jpg">
' 'At the end of the tunnel you find a dead end. Or at least it seems so. You can see light coming through the cracks in the wall so you do your best to knock it down. Suddenly the wall crumbles and you find yourself in another chamber. Lots of old pottery and baubles. Another tunnel. Hopefully it leads out. In the center of the room is an altar and on it is what seems to be centerpiece of this room, a strange amulet.' act 'Examine amulet': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/shared/amuletpre.jpg">
' 'You take the amulet in your hands and notice its much lighter than it looks and unusually warm for a piece of metal. Its shaped like an antique oil lamp and... is that a penis? As you are about to pocket it, the amulet grows even hotter and zaps you. Oww. You drop it. Screw this, you are out of here.' act 'Find a way out': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/shared/kotpre.jpg">
' 'You follow the passage and find yourself in a construction site. There are several keep out signs visible from here. Shit.' act 'Sneak out': *clr cla '
> src="images/pre/ALT/road.jpg">
' 'The workers shift was over so that made sneaking out much easier. And you found a road! You hope you can make it back before your mother starts freaking out. As you start walking back you feel a sudden rush of heat and find yourself falling...' act 'Continue': gt 'preALT','Cursed Schoolgirl Start 2' end end end end end end end end act 'Skip intro': hour = 18 showstat 1 showobjs 1 if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end gt 'pavResidential' end end if $ARGS[0] = 'Cursed Schoolgirl Start 2': clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' 'You wake up in in an unfamiliar room. Standing near you is the a red-haired girl.' '"Ah, you woke up," she chirped. "We found you half-dead, you know. You almost didnt make it. You shouldn''t be fondling ancient amulets you know nothing about."' '"I did some research on what happened to you. Turns out the Amulet of Power passed to you, which should only happen if touched by a male mage. Unfortunately, I got some bad news for you. Reinhold, this really powerful mage. He''s been tracking down this amulet for a while now and if he realizes that the amulet''s power has passed to you he might think you pose a risk."' act 'What''s going on?': cla *clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"What the hell is going on?" you respond. You try to move your hands, but you''re tied to the bed.' '"Um, okay, I''ll start from the beginning," the girl says. "Magic exists and is real. Ages ago the world was not the same, the fae creatures who possess natural magic lived in balance but the succubus were free to breed with whom ever they wished."' '"They breed with humans with that human magicians were born. The Sidhe as the most powerful of the fae feared the increasing numbers of human magicians and cast a very powerful spell to bind the succubus to them, this prevented either from being able to reproduce without the other."' '"All magicians have some of that original fae blood in there bodies and it is through that that they are able to connect with the world of magic."' *nl 'The redhead adjusts her glasses. "Most of the world simply ignore magic or are protected from it by magic''s natural desire to remain hidden."' '"But last night there was a powerful burst of magical energy, strong enough to be clearly seen by any with magical connections. Can you guess where this surge came from? Yeah, that cave you found. Apparently the surge occurred when you opened the seal to the archive. Anyway, that was when we started to search, that source of power is desired by many, but it is extremely dangerous and in the wrong hands could do untold horrors."' 'She stops for a few seconds for you process that information. It seems really far fetched.' '"Reinhold wants to prevent the amulet being misused, he is tasked with maintaining order and will search for you."' act 'So, the whole world is just an illusion?': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"So magic exists and is used by all these people and creatures, but the rest of us just don''t see it, or convince ourselves it didn''t happen?" You ask.' 'The girl nods. "Yes. You''re a quick study. Machines, apartments, television and the Internet, all this really does exist and is in the form in which people see it. But if I say, hurl a fireball, then people might see that I threw a grenade or shot from a flamethrower. The human mind can''t process magic, so it blocks it as a way to protect the person from going crazy."' '"Hence such things as little green men, UFOs, poltergeists, spontaneous combustion, are when people encounter a difficult to hide phenomenon and the conclusion is flawed. In some cases, if someone''s mind can not cope with the spell they witness, they can be driven crazy and then no one believes them."' act 'And who are you?': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"And who are you?" you ask.' 'The girl smiled. "Me? I''m Tatiana, a young mage with an keen interest in magical phenomenon. I specialize in the treatment of mutations, and magic relating to the body. I have little combat skill, so I rely on the services of Gustav to provide some muscle. He''s a Mutant, his mutation is due to magical exposure and it gives him unmatched physical strength and he is a great tracker."' '"The two of us run a detective agency for cover and money, but our real objective is studying magic and its effects."' act 'What do you want form me?': cla *clr clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"What do you want form me?" you ask.' '"Hmm, well... the amulet obviously," Tatiana replies. "When I looked for you, I was hoping to get that object of power to study but the power transferred to you first. The amulet will now be pretty much useless."' '"But this is not good for you. You may think that since you have the amulets'' power, you can do anything. But in reality, you''re helpless without the skill to use it. Its power already knocked you out and I had to use magic to stabilize you."' act 'What is this amulet? Where did it come from?': cla *clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"And what is this amulet? Where did it come from?" you ask.' 'Tatiana thinks about it for a few moments. "It was made by the trickster Rikudo, one of the most powerful ancient magicians before he died, he taunted the only living mage who could control its immense power by cursing him to be stuck in a female form and making it only activate for a male mage."' '"Great. So I''ve been thrown into this mess by the dead owner of that ancient tomb. Hang on, I''m not male or a mage, how could the power be transferred to me?"' '"It seems that its long time underground has caused it to malfunction and its power has entered your body."' '"You are lucky to be a woman," Tatiana adds, "Rikudo''s power seems to only work if it is in a man''s body. Since you cannot harness its power you shouldn''t arouse suspicion."' act 'So what should I do?': cla *clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/karinpre.jpg">
' '"Lay low for now. Go on with your life. We will contact you if anything comes up. Gustav here will drop you off at your home."' act 'Follow Gustav': hour = 18 cla *clr '
> src="images/pre/ALT/gorodok.jpg">
' 'You give Gustav directions to your house and half an hour later he drops you off in front of your home.' act 'Continue': showstat 1 showobjs 1 if oldobjmenu = 0: gs 'obj_din', 'new' else gs 'obj_din', 'old' end gt 'pavResidential' end end end end end end end end end --- preALT ---------------------------------