# saunaroom $metka = '' $loc = 'saunaroom' $metkaBroom = '' $locBroom = 'saunaroom' $metkaM = '' $locM = 'saunaroom' $location_type = 'private' saunaYouRoom = 1 '
' '
> src="images/locations/city/residential/sauna/saunaroom.jpg">
' 'The room has a thread bare bed and a cheap wardrobe (where you can organize your clothes or pick something to wear).' 'Hanging on the wall is a dirty mirror' if money > 0 and workDolg > 0:workDolg -= money & money = 0 if workDolg > 0:'Your debt is <> ' act 'Go to the sauna':gt 'saunawork' if workDolg > 0: act 'Drink tea with cookies (0:05)': cla *clr minut += 5 workDolg += 50 pcs_health += 30 pcs_mood += 30 pcs_energy += 60 water += 60 fat += 3 frost = 0 gs 'stat' '
> src="images/shared/food/food.jpg">
' 'You drank tea with cookies, sweet and very bad for the figure, but so nice.' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'saunaroom' end act 'Borrow cosmetics': workDolg += 1000 kosmetica += 25 gt $curloc end end if water < 80: act 'Drink': cla minut += 5 water = 100 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_breath = 0 'You gladly drink a glass of water.' act 'Get up from the table':gt 'saunaroom' end end if npc_QW['A113'] = 1 and workDolg <= 0: cla *clr 'As you enter your room you see a familiar face. It''s Vadim Bely standing there with his brother. "Good news little whore, you''ve finally paid off your debt. You''re free to do whatever you want now."' 'You look at him with hate-filled eyes, "Do you know what you put me through here? You''re the most despicable man I''ve ever met in my life."' 'Vadim starts laughing loudly, "Choose you words carefully girl. I''m still in control of your future, maybe you haven''t payed off your debt yet?"' 'Not wanting to escalate the situation, you look down on the floor, "I''m sorry. I should know my place."' '"Good girl, now that you''re free wanna go party with us to celebrate your freedom?"' act 'No, thanks': '"No, I''m sorry but I just want to go home... Maybe some other time."' 'Vadim looks at you with a serious look, "You''re lucky I''m in a good mood today. I''ll let it slide this time." he says laughing.' 'You quickly gather your stuff before he has a change of heart and step outside the sauna.' act 'Leave':gt 'street' end end --- saunaroom ---------------------------------