# shortgs !! smoker - handles all changes which happen when PC smokes one cigarette !! use : gs 'shortgs','smoker' if $ARGS[0] = 'smoker': siga -= 1 smoker += 1 smokeHour = hour smokeDay = daystart smokeminut = minut + 5 smokerNeed = 0 cumspclnt = 2 gs 'cum_cleanup' pcs_breath = 0 pcs_mood += 100 wipo += 100 if pcs_energy < 80: pcs_energy += 4 gs '$menu_obnovit' end &!--- smoker --- !! milk_me !! use href="exec:gt ''shortgs'', ''milk_me''" if $ARGS[0] = 'milk_me': minut += 15 if $location_type ! 'bathroom': 'You can''t use it here.' elseif lactatemv > 0 and pain['nipples'] < 60: '
> src="images/pc/body/tits/pump_lactating.jpg">
' 'You attach the pump to your breast and start rythmically squeezing the bulb until your breasts feel empty.
You give it a few more pumps and detach the pump.
You filled the bottle with <>ml of your milk.' breastcounter += 1 lactatemv = 0 if breastpumped = 1:pain['nipples'] += 10 & 'Your nipples are feeling sore.' breastpumped = 1 pcs_nips += rand(0,1) if bcream_used = 1:pcs_nips += 1 elseif lactate = 0 and pain['nipples'] < 60: if rand(1,100) + breastcounter >= rand(100,200): '
> src="images/pc/body/tits/lactate_start.jpg">
' 'As usual, you attach the pump but after a few pumps white liquid suddenly starts spurting from your nipples.
You started lactating!' lactate = 1 lactatemv = 0 lactatemm = 10 else '
> src="images/pc/body/tits/t<>.jpg">
' 'You attach the pump to your nipples and start squeezing the bulb. The vacuum feels good on your nipples.
A few droplets of liquid come out of your nipples but it is not milk.' breastcounter += 1 if breastpumped = 1:pain['nipples'] += 10 & 'Your nipples are feeling sore.' breastpumped = 1 pcs_nips += rand(0,1) if bcream_used = 1:pcs_nips += 1 end else 'Your nipples feel too sore to use the pump right now.' end act 'Finish':gt $locM, $metkaM end &! --- milk_me --- !! following function counts the number of guys which PC slept with. !! use func('shortgs','guy') or func('shortgs','guy',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC') if $ARGS[0] = 'guy': r_sht=0 if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1] :loop_shtty $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1) $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1) s_sht=0 :loop_shya if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"): s_sht += 1 if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] = 0,1,0) jump 'loop_shya' end if len($temptask) > 0:jump 'loop_shtty' end result = r_sht killvar 'r_sht' killvar '$temptask' killvar '$temptaskchar' killvar 's_sht' end &! --- guy --- !! following function counts the number of girls which PC slept with. !! use func('shortgs','girl') or func('shortgs','girl',X) for subset (X can be 'A','B','C','AB','AC','BC') if $ARGS[0] = 'girl': r_sht=0 if $ARGS[1] = '': $temptask = 'ABC' else $temptask = $ARGS[1] :loop_shttl $temptaskchar = mid($temptask,1,1) $temptask = mid($temptask,2,len($temptask)-1) s_sht=0 :loop_shl if s_sht<=dyneval("result = <<$temptaskchar>>arraynumber"): s_sht += 1 if npc_sex['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] > 0: r_sht = r_sht + iif(npc_gender['<<$temptaskchar>><>'] = 1,1,0) jump 'loop_shl' end if len($temptask) > 0: jump 'loop_shttl' result = r_sht killvar 'r_sht' killvar '$temptask' killvar '$temptaskchar' killvar 's_sht' end &! --- girl --- !! following procedure should be used when PC gets naked, but it should be paired with the reverse procedure !! use gs 'shortgs','undress' if $ARGS[0] = 'undress': gs 'clothing', 'strip' if tanga = 1:panties = 1 & tanga = 0 end &! --- undress --- !! reverse procedure, it can be modified for lose or stolen panties later. !! use gs 'shortgs','dress' if $ARGS[0] = 'dress': gs 'clothing', 'wear_last_worn' if panties = 1:tanga = 1 panties = 0 end &! --- dress --- --- shortgs ---------------------------------