IvanEv 12 KB

  1. # IvanEv
  2. if $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. cls
  4. numnpc = 3
  5. ivansportday = daystart
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. '<center><b><font color="maroon"><<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>></font></b></center>'
  8. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/3.jpg"></center>'
  9. if $loc = 'gdksport':
  10. 'When you enter Pavlovsk''s sports center, Ivan sees you come in. Even though he''s getting ready for a training and is only wearing his boxing shorts, he comes over for a quick chat.'
  11. '"Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>!" Ivan grins, happy to see you. "Here to do some training?"'
  12. 'You smile at him and nod. "Yeah, I am. What are you doing here?"'
  13. 'Ivan nods over at a hall and says. "I have been training for a boxing match. It''s coming up fast, I''m pretty excited about it!"'
  14. act 'Wish him luck and let him go train':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
  15. !!if kotovVSprohorov = 1:end
  16. if kotovVSprohorov = 0:
  17. 'Ivan pauses for a second, and then suggests. "Hey! I''m sparring with Vitek Kotov today. It''s part of my preparation for the big match. You can come watch if you''d like?"'
  18. act '"Sure, that sounds like fun!"':
  19. cls
  20. kotovVSprohorov = 1
  21. gs 'stat'
  22. 'That could be interesting! You follow Ivan into the hall where the local boxing club has their training sessions. It''s impossible to miss the smell of stale sweat and leather, but in a way it seems oddly fitting for a venue like this.'
  23. 'Several guys are hitting old punching bags, practicing their swings or working on speed bags. Others are practicing their punches in front of a mirror, studying their own patterns and looking for ways to improve. You''re the only girl in the hall, for some reason.'
  24. 'Vitek was already waiting in the ring when the two of you came in, dressed in boxing shorts, gloves and a headgear. He snarks: "Oh Prokhorov, you decided to show up after all! I was afraid you weren''t coming! I see you brought <<$pcs_nickname>>, plan to let her fight for you?"'
  25. 'Ivan smirks at him and quickly puts on his headgear and gloves, before getting in the ring to face Vitek. Most of the other guys leave their training and come over to watch them spar.'
  26. act 'Watch them':
  27. cls
  28. minut += 3
  29. pcs_dom += 1
  30. gs 'stat'
  31. 'One thing you immediately notice is how different their builds are; Ivan is much taller than Vitek, but Vitek is much broader in the shoulders and looks far more muscular.'
  32. 'The guys do the customary glove bump before the match and then go to their corners, receiving some last-minute advice from the trainer.'
  33. 'When the bell rings, Vitek furiously takes swings at Ivan, without much effect. While Vitek''s punches are quite powerful, Ivan manages to dodge them easily. He dances around Vitek, jabbing only once with his right arm. It''s a very precise jab, and it hits Vitek straight across the jaw. When Vitek realizes his tactic isn''t working, the roles reverse and he leaves the offensive to Ivan.'
  34. 'For the remainder of the round, Ivan keeps pressuring Vitek. Vitek''s stamina is not quite as good as Ivan''s, and towards the end of the round Vitek begins to make mistakes. One swing in particular makes it past his defenses, and Vitek''s head jerked to the side as Ivan gives him another direct hit on the jaw.'
  35. 'At that point, the round is over and the boxers go to their corners. Vitek is getting an earful from the trainer: "Damnit, Viktor! What the hell are you doing, you need to bob and weave, make him miss or block the hits better! Don''t separate your arms too far, you''re opening yourself up way too many times!"'
  36. 'Ivan just has a sip of water while he waits for round 2. He still looks fresh, while Vitek is sweating profusely already.'
  37. act 'Round 2':
  38. cls
  39. minut += 3
  40. pcs_dom += 1
  41. gs 'stat'
  42. 'The second round starts like the first one ended. Ivan is light on his feet, dancing around Vitek. Meanwhile, Vitek tries to keep his cover intact while he waits for a chance to strike. Ivan gets in some light blows with his left, but Vitek shrugs them off and moves in close for a combo. Ivan manages to block the blow to the head, but immediately after takes a devastating blow to the stomach.'
  43. 'It nearly knocks the wind out of him, and for the next few second Ivan tries to create distance between Vitek and him while he catches his breath. Vitek grins, this is the chance he had been waiting for! He keeps closing the gaps as fast as he can, and manages to get a few more good punches in, including a rather fierce one to the face. You wince in sympathy for Ivan and you''re unsure why you suddenly care about him getting punched in the face. Luckily for Ivan, the round ends and the guys go to their corners.'
  44. 'This time it''s Ivan who gets the majority of the instructions. The coach scolds him, while wiping the blood off his face: "Ivan, you need to keep your distance. Don''t let him get close!"'
  45. act 'Round 3':
  46. cls
  47. minut += 3
  48. pcs_dom += 1
  49. gs 'stat'
  50. 'In round 3 Ivan mostly focuses his energy on trying to dodge Vitek''s assault, hoping Vitek will get tired before he does. Both guys take a few punches here and there, but once more it''s not until close to the end of the round where Ivan suddenly finds an opening and lands a powerful hit onto Vitek''s stomach. Vitek falls backwards, and lands on his ass with a loud thud.'
  51. 'Even the trainer is impressed by that one, and lets out an appreciative whistle before he says: "Ivan, great hit! Viktor, are you okay to continue?"'
  52. 'Vitek gets back up and angrily looks at Ivan, but nods: "I''m alright."'
  53. 'The trainer nods: "Very well, carry on then."'
  54. 'After that hit, Vitek is noticeably more quiet and tries to dodge and evade Ivan''s blows more often, while Ivan tries to push his advantage and puts a lot of energy into trying to find an opening. When the third round ends, both of the guys are sweating and panting heavily. While you find yourself appreciating their sweat covered bodies, finding yourself mildly turned on.'
  55. act 'Round 4':
  56. cls
  57. minut += 3
  58. pcs_dom += 1
  59. gs 'stat'
  60. 'When the fourth round begins, Ivan is noticeably tired and not quite as agile any more. He''s still very accurate though, and both guys land some decent hits. Ivan lets his guard down one time too many, and immediately gets punished by Vitek. After he gets punched in the stomach again, he falls to his knees for a second clutching his abdomen.'
  61. 'The coach sighs and scowls him again: "Ivan, keep those arms closer together and move your feet more! You look like you''re asleep!"'
  62. 'Even though the fight goes on for another while, it''s obvious that Ivan will lose if this carries on much longer. Vitek lands another powerful combination of punches, first hitting Ivan in the stomach to make him buckle over and then landing an uppercut on his chin to send him flying backwards.'
  63. 'Just when Ivan was against the ropes and Vitek rushed in to finish the fight, the coach says: "Okay, that''s enough for today. Ivan, get some rest and work on your defense. You really need to cover your body better. That last round was very weak."'
  64. 'Vitek scowls at the coach. "What, did I do something wrong?" He''s clearly disappointed that Ivan gets all the attention.'
  65. 'The trainer just shrugs. "Whatever, Vitek. You know what you''re doing."'
  66. act 'Ask the coach who won':
  67. cls
  68. minut += 3
  69. gs 'stat'
  70. 'You approach the elderly coach and ask. "Sir, if you don''t mind me asking who won?"'
  71. 'He looks at you with a puzzled expression on his face, and finally says. "Won? It''s sparring, you can''t win. But if it were a real match, Ivan obviously won. In boxing the amount of hits you land are important for the scoring, it doesn''t matter how powerful they are. Ivan landed at least a dozen punches more."'
  72. 'Vitek overheard your conversation and comes over, snarking at the coach: "You''re kidding, right!? Ivan was done for! If you hadn''t ended the match when you did, he would''ve gone down for sure!"'
  73. 'The trainer lets out an exasperated gasp, and replies. "Kotov, this is not some back alley street brawl. We''re practicing a sport here, and that sport has rules. By those rules, you lost. You should learn to keep your cover up, maybe you''d do better."'
  74. 'Vitek angrily takes off his gloves and throws them away, before heading to the corner where the weights are. The coach sighs while he watches him walk away, and adds. "That boy is all muscle, and no brains. Such a shame, he could''ve been a good boxer with a better mindset."'
  75. act '"Can I try boxing too?"':
  76. cls
  77. minut += 3
  78. gs 'stat'
  79. 'This looks interesting! You ask the old trainer. "This looks like fun can I come and train with you too?"'
  80. 'The guy grins at you and waves his arm around the room as he says: "Look around you, girl do you see any other girls here? Who would you even face when you''re sparring? Without sparring there''s no point in coming, you wouldn''t learn anything."'
  81. 'You already noticed that. "Well how about if I spar with the guys?"'
  82. 'Several of the guys who heard you talking laugh, and the trainer can''t help but hold back a smile either. "You saw the fight, imagine what would happen if someone like Kotov hits you hard. It''s too dangerous, you''d run a very serious risk of getting injured! I can''t allow it, sorry. There''s a dancing school in the other hall, maybe that''s something for you?"'
  83. 'After that, he apologizes and says he has to get back to training. You nod understandingly, still feeling a bit dejected that he won''t even consider letting you train with them.'
  84. act 'Leave':gt 'gdksport', 'start'
  85. end
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  92. end
  93. end
  94. end
  95. if $ARGS[0] = 'School Chat':
  96. cls
  97. numnpc = 3
  98. minut += 5
  99. gs'stat'
  100. '<center><b><h4><font color="green"><<"Ivan Prokhorov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/ivan/school/ivan1.jpg"></center>'
  102. '<<$npc_notes[$static_num]>>'
  103. 'Ivan is part of the athletic clique in your school.'
  104. if npc_rel['A3'] < 20:'You and Ivan don''t get along at all.'
  105. if npc_rel['A3'] >= 20 and npc_rel['A3'] < 40:'You and Ivan don''t get along very well.'
  106. if npc_rel['A3'] >= 40 and npc_rel['A3'] < 60:'You and Ivan have a normal relationship.'
  107. if npc_rel['A3'] >= 60 and npc_rel['A3'] < 80:'You and Ivan have a good relationship.'
  108. if npc_rel['A3'] >= 80:'You and Ivan have a great relationship.'
  109. if pav_slut <= 50 and IvanShowerQW = 1:
  110. act 'Chat':gt 'nogorslut'
  111. elseif IvanShowerQW = 11:
  112. act 'Chat':
  113. cla
  114. if rand(0,4) = 0:
  115. 'You begin chatting with Ivan when he leans toward you then whispers in your ear. "Tell me you''re bored <<$pcs_nickname>>."'
  116. act 'Go with him':gt 'gdksport', 'Ivan_bored'
  117. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'afternoon'
  118. else
  119. act 'Tell Ivan you''re bored':gt 'gdksport', 'Ivan_bored'
  120. end
  121. end
  122. else
  123. act 'Chat':
  124. cls
  125. npc_rel['A3'] += rand(5,10)
  126. gs'stat'
  127. if npc_rel['A3'] < 20:
  128. 'You speak to Ivan about a number of random experiences you had. Ivan listens to you with a moderate amount of interest.'
  129. elseif npc_rel['A3'] < 80 and npc_rel['A3'] >= 20:
  130. 'You chat with Ivan, sharing multiple stories as Ivan happily listens and shares some thoughts on a number of them.'
  131. elseif npc_rel['A3'] >= 80:
  132. 'You chat with Ivan, sharing multiple stories as Ivan happily listens while sharing several new stories of his own.'
  133. end
  134. act 'Go to class':gt 'gschool_lessons', 'class'
  135. act 'Skip one of your classes':
  136. cls
  137. gs'stat'
  138. '<center><b><font color=#00eaff>School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  139. '<center><img src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  140. 'You don''t feel like attending all of your classes this morning. Surely no one will miss you if you skip one of your three morning classes.'
  141. act 'Go to girl''s bathroom':gt 'gschool_bathrooms', 'girls bathroom'
  142. act 'Go to boy''s bathroom':gt 'gschool_bathrooms', 'boys bathroom'
  143. end
  144. end
  145. end
  146. end
  147. --- IvanEv ---------------------------------