070_clener 16 KB

  1. # clener
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  3. cla
  4. *clr
  5. set minut += 5
  6. '<center><b><font color="maroon">office building</font></b></center>'
  7. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener.jpg"></center>'
  8. 'On the walls there are different ads, one of which says:"Cleaner Wanted".'
  9. 'Above one of the doors a sign says, Jacob Solomonovich Schneersohn, tailor, 7:00--15:00'
  10. clr
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. fcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
  13. bcolor = rgb(255, 255, 255)
  14. lcolor = rgb(106, 90, 205)
  15. act 'Leave':gt 'street'
  16. if SVqw >= 1:
  17. if hour >= 8 and hour <= 16 and week < 6:
  18. 'The door to the<a href="exec:gt ''torgpred''">Trade Mission</a> is open.'
  19. else
  20. 'The door of the trade mission is closed and the schedule is visible:Sat and Sun 8:00--16:00'
  21. end
  22. end
  23. if jouryQwNo = 1 and hour = 17:
  24. 'Yuri goes through the corridor (the same office worker who offered you walk, but you refused). He look at you and starts walking closer.'
  25. act 'Talk to Yuri':
  26. cla
  27. minut += 15
  28. gs 'stat'
  29. 'Yuri walks up to you and says, "<<$name>>, want to grab a cup of coffee?"'
  30. act 'No':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  31. act 'Drink coffee':
  32. cls
  33. minut += 30
  34. gs 'stat'
  35. 'You go to the café, where Yuri orders coffee. You sit down at the table and begin to drink. Yuri is painfully quiet. He has no sense of humor and is very stiff. Obviously he likes you, but he does not know what to do. When you are done with the coffee Yuri suggests (going with him?).'
  36. act 'No':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  37. dynamic $youriqwest
  38. end
  39. end
  40. end
  41. if borodachQW > 0 and borodachSex = 0 and hour >= 19:'The security guard, Sasha, nods at you.'
  42. if borodachQW > 0 and borodachSex > 0 and hour >= 19:'The security guard, Sasha, smiles and says:"Hi Svetsik!"'
  43. if borodachQW > 0 and hour >= 19:
  44. act 'Approach Sasha':
  45. cls
  46. minut += 5
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. if borodachSexDay = day:'You approach the security guard and say hello. You chat with him a bit, then Sasha was going to crawl and you´re away without becoming disturb him.'
  49. if borodachSexDay ! day:
  50. 'You approach the security guard and say hello. He winks at you, I stashed the bubble here, as you look at the cult of mass leisure?'
  51. act 'Come':
  52. cla
  53. minut += 5
  54. gs 'stat'
  55. 'Sasha takes you into his cubbyhole and pulls out a bottle of vodka from under the table. He then reaches into a drawer and pulls out a piece of liver sausage and some cheese. He pours some of the vodka out into two glasses.'
  56. act 'Have a drink':
  57. cla
  58. "You drink the shitty vodka and it burns your throat. Breath you perlo of shit and you quickly grabbed cheese zanyuhivat friendship. Sasha casually downs the glass and doesn't even blink. 'Ah, good one.'"
  59. 'While you are leaning over to eat the sausage, you feel a light touch as the guard pats you on the ass.'
  60. act 'Smile':
  61. cla
  62. minut += 15
  63. horny += 10
  64. gs 'stat'
  65. 'You smile and Sasha pours more vodka, not stopping from caressing your buttocks.'
  66. if horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo2
  67. dynamic $borodachDrink
  68. end
  69. act 'Put your hand on his pants':
  70. cls
  71. minut += 15
  72. horny += 10
  73. gs 'stat'
  74. borodachTimes += 1
  75. picrand = rand(0, 2)
  76. if picrand = 0:'<center><img src="images/qwest/ohrannik/hj.jpg"></center>'
  77. if picrand = 1:'<center><img src="images/qwest/ohrannik/hj1.jpg"></center>'
  78. if picrand = 2:'<center><img src="images/qwest/ohrannik/hj2.jpg"></center>'
  79. 'You put your hand on his crotch and feel his erection harden. Your thin fingers slide over his hardon and find the zipper. You unzip him and get his cock out of his pants. Sasha relaxes on the couch waiting for you to continue what you started.'
  80. dynamic $ohrhj
  81. dynamic $ohrbj
  82. end
  83. end
  84. end
  85. end
  86. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  87. end
  88. end
  89. if clenerT >= 3 and borodachQW = 0 and hour >= 19:
  90. 'On a chair in front of the guard sits with crosswords and painfully remembers something. He asks to see you. "Bad ending the case, and the second letter."'
  91. act 'Reply guard':
  92. cls
  93. borodachQW = 1
  94. '(You) - Fiasco'
  95. '(Guard) - Exactly what I think PIZDETS can not be the answer.'
  96. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  97. act 'Zasmeyatsya':
  98. cla
  99. borodachQW = 2
  100. 'You laughed at the security guard, he smiled and put aside crosswords. "I love you there is no longer seen. Cleaning lady work?"'
  101. 'You nodded, "yes, moonlighting, then pay that kind of money that would not call it work."'
  102. '(Guard) - by the way I´m Sasha, and you?'
  103. '(You) - My World.'
  104. '(Sasha) - Very nice. I´ve got a bottle and have zakus, sostavish business?'
  105. act 'Sorry, I have to go':gt 'clener', 'start'
  106. act 'Why not?':
  107. cla
  108. minut += 5
  109. gs 'stat'
  110. 'Sasha took you into his cubbyhole and took out a bottle of vodka under the table, reached into a drawer and pulled out a piece of liver sausage and cheese friendship. Took out a couple of glasses of vodka and poured there.'
  111. act 'Have a drink':
  112. cla
  113. 'You drank vodka give zhzhonoy rubber and booze. Breath you perlo of shit and you quickly grabbed cheese zanyuhivat friendship. Sasha habitually slammed the glass and not even pomorschalsya. "Ah, well gone."'
  114. 'While you are leaning to the table and nibbled zanyuhivali, you feel like a hand guard as if by chance, you stroking light touch on the ass.'
  115. act 'Hey! What are you doing?':
  116. cla
  117. minut += 15
  118. horny += 10
  119. gs 'stat'
  120. '(You) - Hey! What are you doing?'
  121. '"C´mon, I accidentally." Sasha began to mutter pouring more vodka. "Let´s have a drink."'
  122. if horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo
  123. dynamic $borodachDrink
  124. end
  125. act 'To pretend not to notice':
  126. cla
  127. minut += 15
  128. horny += 15 + SUB
  129. gs 'stat'
  130. 'You ate, trying not to pay attention to, as it were casual touch. Sasha poured more vodka and say "Between the first and second pereryvchik not great" knocked over a glass.'
  131. if horny < 50:dynamic $borodachNo
  132. dynamic $borodachDrink
  133. end
  134. end
  135. end
  136. end
  137. end
  138. end
  139. if hour >= 7 and hour <= 15:
  140. act 'Go to the tailor':
  141. cla
  142. *clr
  143. 'Elderly Jew makes a pattern at the table, he´s a bit down glasses and looking at you on top of the points.'
  144. act 'QUIT':gt 'clener', 'start'
  145. if portnoyQW > 0:
  146. 'Aah Svetochka, come, come again cut down?'
  147. if money >= 500:
  148. act 'Wear clothes to take in 500 rubles':
  149. cla
  150. *clr
  151. minut += 15
  152. money -= 500
  153. gs 'portnoi'
  154. 'You undressed and filed for shirmochka clothes Jacob Solomonovich it fifteen minutes ushil your clothes and returned to you.'
  155. act 'QUIT':gt 'clener', 'start'
  156. end
  157. end
  158. if money >= 500:
  159. act 'Take in different clothes':gt 'portnoi1', 'start'
  160. act 'Take in all the clothes':gt 'portnoi2'
  161. end
  162. end
  163. if portnoyQW = 0:
  164. 'Hello young lady. I am Solomonovich Jacob, for you simply Yasha. And what is your name?'
  165. act '<<$name>>':
  166. cla
  167. portnoyQW = 1
  168. '(You) - Lights up.'
  169. '(Yasha) - What pgekgasnoe name. <<$name>>, come, sit here on this chair. Any way than I can be useful to you?'
  170. act 'Can you tailor my clothes?':
  171. cla
  172. *clr
  173. minut += 15
  174. gs 'stat'
  175. '(You) - Can you tailor my clothes to fit me better?'
  176. "(Yasha) - Of course I can! Otherwise, what kind of tailor would I be? Here, let me see that you're wearing."
  177. 'Jacob Solomonovich you jumped smartly and flexible by removing the meter from the neck began obmeryat your chest, waist and hips.'
  178. 'Well Well, I can take in this product, you will be 500 rubles.'
  179. if money >= 500:
  180. act 'Take in 500 rubles':
  181. cla
  182. *clr
  183. minut += 15
  184. money -= 500
  185. gs 'portnoi'
  186. 'You undressed and filed for shirmochka clothes Jacob Solomonovich it fifteen minutes ushal your clothes and returned to you.'
  187. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  188. end
  189. end
  190. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  191. end
  192. end
  193. end
  194. end
  195. end
  196. if clener >= 10 and clenerT = 0:
  197. act 'Ask whether there is more work':
  198. cla
  199. 'You ask Boris Ivanovich whether he has more work for you. He says that he needs a cleaner for cleaning the toilets. You can work almost every day. Cleaning toilets for an hour gets you 100 rubles immediately on hand.'
  200. act 'Refuse and leave':gt 'street'
  201. act 'Agree to work':
  202. cla
  203. set clenerT = 1
  204. 'You agreed to work.'
  205. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  206. end
  207. end
  208. end
  209. if clener = 1:
  210. act 'Talk about available jobs':
  211. cla
  212. 'You go into the office that advertised the job. You meet a large man in a jacket. He tells you you can work almost every day. Office cleaning 100 rubles per hour, cash.'
  213. act 'Refuse and leave':gt 'street'
  214. act 'Agree to work':
  215. cla
  216. set clener = 2
  217. 'You agreed to work.'
  218. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  219. end
  220. end
  221. end
  222. if clener > 1 and clenday ! day:
  223. act 'Mop the floor in the office (1:00)':
  224. cla
  225. *clr
  226. !set clenday = day
  227. set minut += 60
  228. set clener += 1
  229. set manna -= 15
  230. set money += 100
  231. set sweat += 2
  232. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener1.jpg"></center>'
  233. if clener < 5:
  234. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:'You fill a bucket of water and go to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor.'
  235. end
  236. if clener >= 5 and clener < 10:
  237. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  238. jouryQw += 1
  239. 'You fill a bucket of water and go to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. One of the office workers, a man with blond hair and a red face looks at you and tries to hide it, but you feel his burning gaze.'
  240. end
  241. end
  242. if clener >= 10:
  243. if hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jouryQw < 7:
  244. jouryQw += 1
  245. 'You fill a bucket of water and go to the office with a mop. The office staff keeps out of the way while you clean the floor. One of the office workers, a man with blond hair and a red face looks at you and tries to hide it, but you feel his burning gaze.'
  246. end
  247. if jouryQw = 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16:
  248. cls
  249. gs 'stat'
  250. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener1.jpg"></center>'
  251. jouryQw += 1
  252. 'You scored in a bucket of water and went to the office with a rag mop capturing. All the staff went out of the office, except for a red-blond. He walked up to you and told you visibly nervous quiet "Hi. My name Jura. You loved me. Can converge to something after work?"'
  253. act 'No':
  254. cla
  255. jouryQwNo = 1
  256. 'After the work performed you come to the commandant of the building Boris Ivanovich. He gave you 100 rubles for the work.'
  257. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  258. end
  259. act 'Yes':
  260. cla
  261. minut += 15
  262. gs 'stat'
  263. 'Yuri said that he now exits and greet you at the entrance to the building.'
  264. 'After the work performed you come to the commandant of the building Boris Ivanovich. He gave you 100 rubles for the work.'
  265. 'Code you are out of the commandant at the entrance to the building was already waiting for you, Yuri. He´s pretty strong emotions and it seems as if he swallowed scrap. Not knowing what to say, he blurted out, "Maybe we´ll go to me, the movie´s look, drink champagne, we´ll talk."'
  266. act 'No':jouryQwNo = 1 & gt 'clener', 'start'
  267. dynamic $youriqwest
  268. end
  269. exit
  270. end
  271. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex = 0:'You scored in a bucket of water and went to the office with a rag mop capturing. Sotrudnikiki office parted and gave you clean the floor. Yuri looked at you groping look at your figure.'
  272. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex > 0:'You scored in a bucket of water and went to the office with a rag mop capturing. Sotrudnikiki office parted and gave you clean the floor. Yuri pretending not to notice you left the office.'
  273. end
  274. if hour < 9 or hour > 16:'In the office is unoccupied, you quietly washed the floor and wiped the floor in the office.'
  275. 'After the work performed you come to the commandant of the building Boris Ivanovich. He gave you 100 rubles for the work.'
  276. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  277. end
  278. end
  279. if clenerT >= 1 and clendayT ! day:
  280. act 'Clean toilets (1:00)':
  281. cla
  282. *clr
  283. set clendayT = day
  284. set minut += 60
  285. set clenerT += 1
  286. set manna -= 25
  287. set money += 100
  288. set sweat += 3
  289. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  290. if jouryQw > 7 and hour >= 9 and hour <= 16 and jourySex > 0 and jouryResult = 0:
  291. 'You entered the booth and began to scrub the toilet bowl. In tulet slammed the door and somebody came in, you looked out of the booth and saw George. He, too, saw you and came to you. "<<$name>>, do not come to me in the office, well, you know, the team does not understand what I´m meeting with the cleaner."'
  292. act 'You make me ashamed?':
  293. cla
  294. 'You come off the toilet and looked into the eyes of Yuri asked, "You stesnyaeshsya me?" Yuri stammered, "Well, not that that would be embarrassed, but you must understand, I am a manager, you lady. We must not be seen together. But I want you to continue on. You know where I live, came to see me after 4 pm."'
  295. act 'Fuck you.':
  296. cla
  297. dom += 1
  298. jouryResult = 1
  299. 'Such behavior has offended you and Yuri you without hesitation sent him. He turned and walked out of the closet.'
  300. 'You washed the floor in the toilet and kicked all the toilets and urinals to shine. After that you were given 100 rubles for his work.'
  301. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  302. end
  303. act 'Okay.':
  304. cla
  305. sub += 1
  306. jouryResult = 10
  307. 'Jury sees you only hole drya its members. But you put up with it and agreed to go to his home. Yuri nodded in satisfaction and walked out of the toilet.'
  308. 'You washed the floor in the toilet and kicked all the toilets and urinals to shine. After that you were given 100 rubles for his work.'
  309. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  310. end
  311. end
  312. exit
  313. end
  314. if StasikValera > 0 and SVqw = 0:
  315. 'You nadraivali toilet to shine in this moment heard the toilet as someone walked in, turned around you saw a man. Suddenly you´ve learned it, it Stasik, with him and his friend Valera you met at the beach. Stasik also apparently recognize you and come up to you, "Hi Svetsik thou is a cleaner work?"'
  316. act 'I earn the money needed.':
  317. cls
  318. gs 'stat'
  319. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  320. 'You shrugged. "I earn. I need the money." Stasik smiled "Well, for an attractive girl I can find a decent part-time job. I just need merchandisers."'
  321. act 'Can be more?':
  322. cls
  323. SVqw = 1
  324. gs 'stat'
  325. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  326. 'You asked about the details of Stas. Stasik you said "It´s very simple. In northern, central and residential areas are supermarkets. Thou shalt come to our office to take a job to work, then go to all these stores and arrange our products there charges according assignment. At the checkout take receipt confirming that that you were at work. Thereafter yavlyaeshsya you to our office and we will pay you compensation. 500 rubles. works you will have a few hours. Labour I´m not asking. So what? "'
  327. act 'Not interested':gt 'clener', 'start'
  328. act 'I agree.':
  329. cls
  330. SVqw = 2
  331. gs 'stat'
  332. '<center><img src="images/etogame/clener2.jpg"></center>'
  333. 'You agreed and Stas fairly nodded, then walked out of the toilet.'
  334. act 'Leave':gt 'clener', 'start'
  335. end
  336. end
  337. end
  338. exit
  339. end
  340. 'You washed the floor in the toilet and kicked all the toilets and urinals to shine. After that you were given 100 rubles for his work.'
  341. act 'Exit':gt 'clener', 'start'
  342. end
  343. end
  344. end
  345. --- clener ---------------------------------