286_vokzaltorg 2.5 KB

  1. # vokzaltorg
  2. $d_kachatprava={
  3. act 'swing right':
  4. cls
  5. money=0
  6. tovarL=0
  7. minut+=120
  8. manna=0
  9. gs'stat'
  10. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg" ></center>'
  11. 'You have decided to shake their rights, Police responded to what is to be expected, dragged you to the department, money seized and confiscated goods. Once you promuryzhili two o`clock, you still released.'
  12. act 'Get_Away':minut+=1&gt'vokzalGin'
  13. end
  14. }
  15. cls
  16. minut+=30
  17. gs'stat'
  18. prodskill=vnesh+will+dom
  19. if prodskill<20:prodskill=20
  20. if prodskill>150:minimumtov=3
  21. if prodskill>100 and prodskill<=150:minimumtov=2
  22. if prodskill<100:minimumtov=1
  23. tovarand=rand(minimumtov,prodskill/10)
  24. if tovarand>tovarL:tovarand=tovarL
  25. tovpay=tovarand*300
  26. money+=tovpay
  27. tovarL-=tovarand
  28. will+=rand(0,1)
  29. TorgVokzalTimes+=1
  30. dom+=1
  31. gs'stat'
  32. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/peron.jpg" ></center>'
  33. 'You managed vtyuhat <<tovarand>> One unit of product, while earning <<tovpay>> rubles.'
  34. act 'Get_Away':
  35. cls
  36. gs'stat'
  37. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg" ></center>'
  38. 'Near the platform you are already waiting for the police. "breach? Trade without proper papers?"'
  39. if money>=500:
  40. act 'pay 500 RUB':
  41. cls
  42. money-=500
  43. gs'stat'
  44. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg" ></center>'
  45. 'you paid 500 rubles police. He took the money and immediately lost interest to you.'
  46. act 'Get_Away':minut+=1&gt'vokzalGin'
  47. end
  48. end
  49. act 'persuaded to forgive':
  50. cls
  51. gs'stat'
  52. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg" ></center>'
  53. 'You started to persuade police captain forgive you and release.'
  54. if katalkinSexOnce>=1:
  55. if katalkinSexDay+7>=daystart:
  56. 'captain grinned "Well."'
  57. act 'Get_Away':minut+=1&gt'vokzalGin'
  58. end
  59. if katalkinSexDay+7<daystart:
  60. 'The captain frowned "You long ago to me did not come, avoiding?"'
  61. act 'No, what do you, simply no':
  62. cls
  63. gs'stat'
  64. '<center><img src="qwest/vokzal/katalkin.jpg" ></center>'
  65. 'You started arguing opravdyvatsya, that you just do not have enough time. captain grinned "Come then now the Department. Carry out bodily searches."'
  66. act 'Go to the police':minut+=5&katalkinNoexit=1&gt'katalkin'
  67. end
  68. end
  69. end
  70. if katalkinSexOnce=0:
  71. schtraf=500
  72. 'captain grinned "Come then now the Department. there shall understand."'
  73. act 'Go to the police':minut+=5&katalkinNoexit=1&gt'katalkin'
  74. end
  75. end
  76. dynamic $d_kachatprava
  77. end
  78. --- vokzaltorg ---------------------------------