454_autotraidF 10 KB

  1. # autotraidF
  2. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
  4. =======
  5. if $ARGS[0]='start':
  6. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  7. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  8. $loc = $CURLOC
  9. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  10. set minut += 5
  11. gs 'stat'
  12. =======
  13. set minut = minut + 5
  14. gs'stat'
  15. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  16. cla
  17. *clr
  18. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  19. '<center><B>Car</B></center>'
  20. '<center><img src="images\etogame\autotraid.jpg"></center>'
  21. 'Machine can only be bought if you have permission. And you can not have two cars.'
  22. if hour <= 17:
  23. if car > 0: act 'Approach to cornerer': gt 'autotraidF','manager1'
  24. act 'View cars put up for sale': gt 'autotraidF','car'
  25. end
  26. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  27. =======
  28. '<center><B>Car_market</B></center>'
  29. '<center><img src="pic/autotraid.jpg" ></center>'
  30. 'The machine can be purchased only at presence of the rights. And you can not have two cars.'
  31. if hour <= 17:
  32. if car > 0:act 'Approach to the buyer-':gt'autotraidF','manager1'
  33. act 'View cars for sale':gt'autotraidF','car'
  34. end
  35. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  36. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  37. end
  38. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  39. if $ARGS[0] = 'manager1':
  40. =======
  41. if $ARGS[0]='manager1':
  42. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  43. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  44. $loc = $CURLOC
  45. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  46. set minut += 5
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. =======
  49. set minut = minut + 5
  50. gs'stat'
  51. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  52. cla
  53. *clr
  54. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  55. '<center><B>Car</B></center>'
  56. '<center><img src="images\etogame\autotraid.jpg"></center>'
  57. gs 'avb'
  58. if cardrive = 9 and car > 0:
  59. 'Fence walked around the car and offered you for it <<bupay>> rubles'
  60. act 'Sell ​​for <<bupay>> (1:00)':
  61. cla
  62. set minut += 60
  63. money = money + bupay
  64. car = 0
  65. 'You sold your car.'
  66. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  67. end
  68. end
  69. if cardrive ! 9:
  70. 'Fence says that he needs to look at the car before you set a price, and if you want, it will call a tow truck for 2500 that would take your car to the market.'
  71. if money >= 2500:
  72. act 'Tow truck to market 2500rub (1:00)':
  73. cla
  74. set minut += 60
  75. set cardrive = 9
  76. set money -= 2500
  77. 'You gave the money and waited for an hour and when you bring a car, you will finally see her tow truck unloaded near the market.'
  78. act 'To cornerer': gt 'autotraidF','manager1'
  79. end
  80. end
  81. end
  82. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  83. =======
  84. '<center><B>Car_market</B></center>'
  85. '<center><img src="pic/autotraid.jpg" ></center>'
  86. gs'avb'
  87. if cardrive = 9 and car > 0:
  88. 'Fence walked around the car and asked you for it <<bupay>> rubles'
  89. act 'sell for <<bupay>> (1 h)':
  90. cla
  91. set minut = minut + 60
  92. money=money+bupay
  93. car=0
  94. 'You sold your car.'
  95. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  96. end
  97. end
  98. if cardrive ! 9:
  99. 'Fence says, that he needs to look at the car, before you put a price, and if you want, it calls for a tow truck 2500, that would deliver your car to the market.'
  100. if money >= 2500:
  101. act 'Tow truck to market 2500RUB (1 h)':
  102. cla
  103. set minut = minut + 60
  104. set cardrive = 9
  105. set money = money - 2500
  106. 'You gave money and waited for an hour and when you bring the car, Finally.'
  107. act 'For buyers-up':gt'autotraidF','manager1'
  108. end
  109. end
  110. end
  111. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  112. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  113. end
  114. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  115. if $ARGS[0] = 'car':
  116. =======
  117. if $ARGS[0]='car':
  118. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  119. $metka = $ARGS[0]
  120. $loc = $CURLOC
  121. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  122. set minut += 5
  123. gs 'stat'
  124. =======
  125. set minut = minut + 5
  126. gs'stat'
  127. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  128. cla
  129. *clr
  130. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  131. '<center><B>Car</B></center>'
  132. '<center><img src="images\etogame\autotraid.jpg"></center>'
  133. 'So many cars in the parking lot that you can spend a lifetime and never osmotrish all machines, even if the machines on the go, you can understand their technical condition, the machine moves is not a cat in a bag can be a bargain, and can be a waste money, and do not forget, you still deliver it to the service will need.'
  134. =======
  135. '<center><B>Car_market</B></center>'
  136. '<center><img src="pic/autotraid.jpg" ></center>'
  137. 'So many cars in the parking lot, that you can spend a lifetime and never osmotrish all cars, if still with the machines on the go , then the machine is not on the moves is a cat in a bag, may be a bargain, and can be a waste of money, and do not forget, you still deliver it to the service will need to be.'
  138. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  139. set carT = 0
  140. if hour <= 17:
  141. <<<<<<< 454_autotraidF
  142. act 'Inspect 2107 (on the go)':
  143. cla
  144. *clr
  145. '<center><B>2107 (on the move)</B></center>'
  146. '<center><img src="images\picar\car.jpg"></center>'
  147. set tehNT = 200
  148. set tehT = RAND(10, tehNT)
  149. set carT = 1
  150. gs 'avt'
  151. '<<$tehT>> The dealer wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  152. act 'Leave': gt 'autotraidF','car'
  153. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  154. act 'Buy <<bupay>>rubles':
  155. cla
  156. set money -= bupay
  157. set $car = '2107'
  158. set car = 1
  159. set benz = 3
  160. set cardrive = 9
  161. set teh = tehT
  162. set tehcar = 200
  163. set wrek = 0
  164. 'You pay <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Merchant put her near the market and warned that there is little gasoline.'
  165. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  166. end
  167. end
  168. end
  169. act 'Inspect 2107 (not move)':
  170. cla
  171. *clr
  172. set tehNT = 200
  173. set tehT = RAND(10, tehNT)
  174. set bupay = RAND(10000,50000)
  175. 'The machine is not on the move. Merchant wants to <<bupay>> rubles'
  176. act 'Leave': gt 'autotraidf','car'
  177. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  178. act 'Buy <<bupay>>rubles':
  179. cla
  180. set money -= bupay
  181. set $car = '2107'
  182. set car = 1
  183. set benz = 3
  184. set cardrive = 9
  185. set teh = tehT
  186. set tehcar = 200
  187. set wrek = 1
  188. 'You pay <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Merchant put her near the market.'
  189. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  190. end
  191. end
  192. end
  193. act 'Inspect GAZ 3102 (on the go)':
  194. cla
  195. *clr
  196. '<center><B>3102 GAS (on the move)</B></center>'
  197. '<center><img src="images\picar\car11.jpg"></center>'
  198. set tehNT = 1000
  199. set tehT = RAND(10, tehNT)
  200. set carT = 2
  201. gs 'avt'
  202. '<<$tehT>> The dealer wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  203. act 'Leave': gt 'autotraidf','car'
  204. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  205. act 'Buy <<bupay>>rubles':
  206. cla
  207. set money -= bupay
  208. set $car = 'GAZ 3102'
  209. set car = 11
  210. set benz = 5
  211. set cardrive = 9
  212. set teh = tehT
  213. set tehcar = 1000
  214. set wrek = 0
  215. 'You pay <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Merchant put her near the market and warned that there is little gasoline.'
  216. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  217. end
  218. end
  219. end
  220. act 'Inspect 3110 (on the go)':
  221. cla
  222. *clr
  223. '<center><B>3110 (on the move)</B></center>'
  224. '<center><img src="images\picar\car12.jpg"></center>'
  225. set tehNT = 800
  226. set tehT = RAND(10, tehNT)
  227. set carT = 2
  228. gs 'avt'
  229. '<<$tehT>> The dealer wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  230. act 'Leave': gt 'autotraidF','car'
  231. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  232. act 'Buy <<bupay>>rubles':
  233. cla
  234. set money -= bupay
  235. set $car = '3110'
  236. set car = 12
  237. set benz = 5
  238. set cardrive = 9
  239. set teh = tehT
  240. set tehcar = 800
  241. set wrek = 0
  242. 'You pay <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Merchant put her near the market and warned that there is little gasoline.'
  243. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. end
  248. act 'Leave': gt 'Nord'
  249. end
  250. =======
  251. act 'inspect VAZ 2107 (on the run)':
  252. cla
  253. *clr
  254. '<center><B>VAZ 2107 (on the run)</B></center>'
  255. '<center><img src="picar/car.jpg" ></center>'
  256. set tehNT = 200
  257. set tehT = RAND (10,tehNT)
  258. set carT = 1
  259. gs'avt'
  260. '<<$tehT>> trader wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  261. act 'Get_Away':gt'autotraidF','car'
  262. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  263. act 'Buy for <<bupay>> rubles':
  264. cla
  265. set money = money - bupay
  266. set $car = 'VAZ 2107'
  267. set car = 1
  268. set benz = 3
  269. set cardrive = 9
  270. set teh = tehT
  271. set tehcar = 200
  272. set wrek = 0
  273. 'you paid <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Trader put it near the market and warned, that there is little gasoline.'
  274. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  275. end
  276. end
  277. end
  278. act 'inspect VAZ 2107 (not on the move)':
  279. cla
  280. *clr
  281. set tehNT = 200
  282. set tehT = RAND (10,tehNT)
  283. set bupay = RAND (10000,50000)
  284. 'The machine is not on the move. trader wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  285. act 'Get_Away':gt'autotraidf','car'
  286. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  287. act 'Buy for <<bupay>> rubles':
  288. cla
  289. set money = money - bupay
  290. set $car = 'VAZ 2107'
  291. set car = 1
  292. set benz = 3
  293. set cardrive = 9
  294. set teh = tehT
  295. set tehcar = 200
  296. set wrek = 1
  297. 'you paid <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Trader put it near the market.'
  298. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  299. end
  300. end
  301. end
  302. act 'inspect GAS 3102 (on the run)':
  303. cla
  304. *clr
  305. '<center><B>GAZ 3102 (on the run)</B></center>'
  306. '<center><img src="picar/car11.jpg" ></center>'
  307. set tehNT = 1000
  308. set tehT = RAND (10,tehNT)
  309. set carT = 2
  310. gs'avt'
  311. '<<$tehT>> trader wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  312. act 'Get_Away':gt'autotraidf','car'
  313. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  314. act 'Buy for <<bupay>> rubles':
  315. cla
  316. set money = money - bupay
  317. set $car = 'GAZ 3102'
  318. set car = 11
  319. set benz = 5
  320. set cardrive = 9
  321. set teh = tehT
  322. set tehcar = 1000
  323. set wrek = 0
  324. 'you paid <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Trader put it near the market and warned, that there is little gasoline.'
  325. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  326. end
  327. end
  328. end
  329. act 'inspect GAS 3110 (on the run)':
  330. cla
  331. *clr
  332. '<center><B>GAZ 3110 (on the run)</B></center>'
  333. '<center><img src="picar/car12.jpg" ></center>'
  334. set tehNT = 800
  335. set tehT = RAND (10,tehNT)
  336. set carT = 2
  337. gs'avt'
  338. '<<$tehT>> trader wants <<bupay>> rubles'
  339. act 'Get_Away':gt'autotraidF','car'
  340. if car = 0 and prava = 1 and money >= bupay:
  341. act 'Buy for <<bupay>> rubles':
  342. cla
  343. set money = money - bupay
  344. set $car = 'GAZ 3110'
  345. set car = 12
  346. set benz = 5
  347. set cardrive = 9
  348. set teh = tehT
  349. set tehcar = 800
  350. set wrek = 0
  351. 'you paid <<bupay>> rubles and bought a car. Trader put it near the market and warned, that there is little gasoline.'
  352. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  353. end
  354. end
  355. end
  356. end
  357. act 'Get_Away':gt'Nord'
  358. end
  359. >>>>>>> 454_autotraidF
  360. --- autotraidF ---------------------------------