495_beforeFW 4.4 KB

  1. # beforeFW
  2. $endurdin={
  3. Ken=(musle/100)*Kus/100
  4. if ken<=0:ken=1
  5. Kene=(musle[i]/100)*Kuse/100
  6. if kene<=0:kene=1
  7. KoefUder=RAND(Uder*20/100,Uder)
  8. KoefUderE=RAND(Udere*20/100,Udere)
  9. KoefBros=RAND(Brosok*20/100,Brosok)
  10. KoefBrosE=RAND(Brosoke*20/100,Brosoke)
  11. KoefProt=RAND(Zash*20/100,Zash)
  12. KoefProtE=RAND(Zashe*20/100,Zashe)
  13. }
  14. $uderdin={
  15. Kus=5
  16. Kuse=10
  17. dynamic $endurdin
  18. endur-=ken
  19. endurE-=kene
  20. Aktiv=(strenw/2)+agilw+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefUder
  21. Aktiv=Aktiv*endur/endurMax
  22. Passiv=(((strenwE+(agilwE/2))*koefE)/100)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefProtE
  23. Passiv=Passiv*endurE/endurMaxE
  24. }
  25. $uderdinE={
  26. Kus=10
  27. Kuse=5
  28. dynamic $endurdin
  29. endur-=ken
  30. endurE-=kene
  31. Aktiv=(strenwE/2)+agilwE+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefUdere
  32. Aktiv=Aktiv*endurE/endurMaxE
  33. Passiv=(((strenw+(agilw/2))*koef)/100)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefProt
  34. Passiv=Passiv*endur/endurMaxE
  35. }
  36. $brosdin={
  37. Kus=10
  38. Kuse=10
  39. dynamic $endurdin
  40. endur-=ken
  41. endurE-=kene
  42. Aktiv=strenw+(agilw/2)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefBros
  43. Aktiv=Aktiv*endur/endurMax
  44. Passiv=(((strenwE/2)+agilwE)*koefE/100)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefProtE
  45. Passiv=Passiv*endurE/endurMaxE
  46. }
  47. $brosdinE={
  48. Kus=10
  49. Kuse=10
  50. dynamic $endurdin
  51. endur-=ken
  52. endurE-=kene
  53. Aktiv=strenwE+(agilwE/2)+RAND(0,lustwE)+KoefBrosE
  54. Aktiv=Aktiv*endurE/endurMaxE
  55. Passiv=(((strenw/2)+agilw)*koef/100)+RAND(0,lustw)+KoefProt
  56. Passiv=Passiv*endur/endurMax
  57. }
  58. !power, throws
  59. !flexibility, protection,
  60. !speed, initiative
  61. !equipment,
  62. !endurance
  63. a=1
  64. point=0
  65. pointE=0
  66. $nameE=$nikname[i]
  67. $nameA=$nikname[a]
  68. strenw=musle[1]/10
  69. strenwE=musle[i]/10
  70. agilw=flex[1]/10
  71. agilwE=flex[i]/10
  72. lustMax=wipo[1]
  73. lustMaxE=wipo[i]
  74. lustw=lustMax
  75. lustwe=lustMaxe
  76. Brosok=Bteh[1]/10
  77. BrosokE=Bteh[i]/10
  78. Uder=Uteh[1]/10
  79. Udere=Uteh[i]/10
  80. Zash=Zteh[1]/10
  81. Zashe=Zteh[i]/10
  82. resultFight=0
  83. endurMax=stamina[1]/10
  84. endurMaxE=stamina[i]/10
  85. endur=endurMax
  86. endurE=endurMaxE
  87. croonce=0
  88. round=1
  89. rMin=8
  90. <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW
  91. stoper = 0
  92. Ku = 0
  93. Kb = 0
  94. Kz = 0
  95. KuE = 0
  96. KbE = 0
  97. KzE = 0
  98. =======
  99. stoper=0
  100. Ku=0
  101. Kb=0
  102. Kz=0
  103. KuE=0
  104. KbE=0
  105. KzE=0
  106. >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW
  107. !minus the endurance of fat
  108. !force depends on the endurance
  109. !speed depends on the endurance
  110. <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW
  111. if Formula = 0:
  112. Formula = 3
  113. end
  114. =======
  115. if Formula=0:Formula=3
  116. >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW
  117. '<center><b>before round</b></center>'
  118. <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW
  119. '<center><img src="images/pic/fight/bef.jpg" ></center>'
  120. =======
  121. '<center><img src="pic/fight/bef.jpg" ></center>'
  122. >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW
  123. 'you and <<$nameE>> greeted each other.'
  124. 'Referee required to start a fight on his hands.'
  125. !picture
  126. <<<<<<< 495_beforeFW
  127. act 'Fight on his hands':
  128. cls
  129. !picture
  130. '<center><img src="images/pic/fight/arm.jpg" ></center>'
  131. if strenw > strenwE:
  132. point + =1
  133. lustw + =1
  134. $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  135. 'You won the fight on his hands.'
  136. crouch = 1
  137. end
  138. if strenw < strenwE:
  139. pointE += 1
  140. lustwE += 1
  141. $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  142. 'You lost the battle on his hands.'
  143. crouch = 0
  144. end
  145. if strenw = strenwE:
  146. 'Quest on hand ended in a draw. The referee tossed the coin, that would determine the winner.'
  147. varrand = rand(0, 1)
  148. end
  149. if varrand = 0:
  150. crouch = 1 & $text = 'Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  151. end
  152. if varrand = 1:
  153. crouch = 0 & $text = 'You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  154. end
  155. 'Refferi stopped you and commanded <<$text>>'
  156. act 'Follow the instructions referees':
  157. gt 'FightCrouch'
  158. end
  159. end
  160. =======
  161. act 'Fight on his hands':
  162. cls
  163. !picture
  164. '<center><img src="pic/fight/arm.jpg" ></center>'
  165. if strenw>strenwE:
  166. point+=1
  167. lustw+=1
  168. $text='Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  169. 'You won the fight on his hands.'
  170. crouch=1
  171. end
  172. if strenw<strenwE:
  173. pointE+=1
  174. lustwE+=1
  175. $text='You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  176. 'You lost the battle on his hands.'
  177. crouch=0
  178. end
  179. if strenw=strenwE:
  180. 'Quest on hand ended in a draw. The referee tossed the coin, that would determine the winner.'
  181. varrand=rand(0,1)
  182. if varrand=0:crouch=1&$text='Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  183. if varrand=1:crouch=0&$text='You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  184. end
  185. 'Refferi stopped you and commanded <<$text>>'
  186. act 'Follow the instructions referees':
  187. gt'FightCrouch'
  188. end
  189. end
  190. --- beforeFW ---------------------------------
  191. >>>>>>> 495_beforeFW