507_RoundStop 1.0 KB

  1. <<<<<<< 507_RoundStop
  2. gs 'fightStat'
  3. stoper = 0
  4. if crouch = 1 and croonce = 0:
  5. crouch = 0 & croonce = 1
  6. end
  7. if crouch = 0 and croonce = 0:
  8. crouch = 1 & croonce = 1
  9. end
  10. croonce = 0
  11. if crouch = 1:
  12. $text='Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  13. end
  14. if crouch = 0:
  15. $text='You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  16. end
  17. =======
  18. # RoundStop
  19. gs'fightStat'
  20. stoper=0
  21. if crouch=1 and croonce=0:crouch=0&croonce=1
  22. if crouch=0 and croonce=0:crouch=1&croonce=1
  23. croonce=0
  24. if crouch=1:$text='Stand your opponent on all fours, and you catch him from behind.'
  25. if crouch=0:$text='You get up on all fours, and your opponent to catch him from behind.'
  26. >>>>>>> 507_RoundStop
  27. 'The referee raises you with an opponent and commands. <<$text>>'
  28. <<<<<<< 507_RoundStop
  29. act 'Follow the instructions referees':
  30. gt 'FightCrouch'
  31. end
  32. =======
  33. act 'Follow the instructions referees':
  34. gt'FightCrouch'
  35. end
  36. --- RoundStop ---------------------------------
  37. >>>>>>> 507_RoundStop