language-configuration.json 1009 B

  1. {
  2. // symbols used as brackets
  3. "brackets": [
  4. ["{", "}"],
  5. ["[", "]"],
  6. ["(", ")"]
  7. ],
  8. // symbols that are auto closed when typing
  9. "autoClosingPairs": [
  10. {"open": "{", "close": "}"},
  11. {"open": "[", "close": "]"},
  12. {"open": "(", "close": ")"},
  13. {"open": "\"", "close": "\"", "notIn": ["string"]},
  14. {"open": "'", "close": "'"}
  15. ],
  16. // symbols that that can be used to surround a selection
  17. "surroundingPairs": [
  18. ["{", "}"],
  19. ["[", "]"],
  20. ["(", ")"],
  21. ["\"", "\""],
  22. ["'", "'"],
  23. ["<<", ">>"]
  24. ],
  25. // indendation when writing code
  26. "indentationRules": {
  27. "increaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*(if|else|elseif|act|\\{|\\b.*:)\\s*$",
  28. "decreaseIndentPattern": "^\\s*(end|else|elseif|\\})\\b.*$"
  29. },
  30. "wordPattern": "(``((\\w*\\s?)\\s?)*``)|((\\w*')(\\w'?)*)|(-?\\d*\\.\\d\\w*)|([^\\`\\~\\!\\@\\$\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)\\=\\+\\[\\{\\]\\}\\\\\\|\\;\\:\\'\\\"\\,\\.\\<\\>\\\/\\s]+)"
  31. }