# npcview '
' 'rating <>' if i>0:'record <> Win - <> lesions - <>draws <> wins by submission/<> lesions surrender' if i = 0:'record <> Win - <> lesions - <>draws <> wins by submission/<> lesions surrender' '' '' 'power <>' 'flexibility <>' 'endurance <>' 'Moralnovolevye quality <>' '' 'throwing techniques <>' 'appliances hold <>' 'Protective equipment <>' '' if slut[i] > 0 and porno = 1:'Packed with a brand whore.' '' '' '' '<<$spisok[i]>>' 'test <>' act 'Go_Out':gt $loc if i!1: act 'To fight with you':gt 'beforeFW' end if i!1: if predlog > 0 and predlog!i and predlog2 = 0: act 'Suggest a fight with <<$nikname[predlog]>>': cls a = predlog 'In the red corner <<$nikname[a]>> <>-<>-<> <>/<>' !i = predlog2 'In the blue corner <<$nikname[i]>> <>-<>-<> <>/<>' gs 'Autofight' predlog = 0 predlog2 = 0 act 'further':gt $loc end end if predlog = 0: act 'offer battle':predlog = i & gt $loc end end --- npcview ---------------------------------