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Merge branch 'master' of https://git.catrenelle.com/Kevin_Smarts/glife

Gwen 2 سال پیش
2فایلهای تغییر یافته به همراه8 افزوده شده و 9 حذف شده
  1. 4 5
  2. 4 4

+ 4 - 5

@@ -73,11 +73,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 						if fame['pav_sex'] > 10: gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', -10
 						'You hear the clattering of heels and turn to see Albina storming over, her furious gaze directed towards Vasily. "I distinctly remember telling you and the other tiny dick morons to fuck off and leave <<$pcs_nickname>> alone, or has your tiny dick brain forgotten that conversation?"'
 						'Vasily has already let go of you and bravely - or stupidly - lunged for Albina. "What did you call me, you buttslut whore? You want me to fuck you instead?"'
-						'Albina gives him her most charming smile and then, with lightning-fast reflexes, delivers a swift yet brutal kick to his crotch, causing the howling Vasily to fall to the floor. Albina then squats down beside him as he rolls back and forth in pain and sweetly says "If you approach <<$pcs_nickname>> or attack, insult or even look at me again, I''ll bury you alive where nobody will ever find you..."'
+						'Albina gives him her most charming smile and then, with lightning-fast reflexes, delivers a swift yet brutal kick to his crotch, causing the howling Vasily to fall to the floor. Albina then squats down beside him as he rolls back and forth in pain. "Leave <<$pcs_nickname>> alone or you''ll do more than regret getting on my bad side."'
-						'Vasily curls into a ball on the floor, nursing the pain in his crotch. Either he didn''t hear her or he doesn''t know when to stop, because the next thing he utters between incoherent moans of pain is clearly "Fuck you, you dirty anal-loving whore!" Albina rises to her feet and smiles. Then, without warning, she viciously stomps on his crotch and then painfully twists her heel into him. "You''re testing my fucking patience! Do you want me to burst your little balls in front of everyone?"'
-						*nl
-						'Vasily squeals pathetically in pain. "No!! I''m sorry! I''m sorry! Just please, stop!" A strangely satisified, almost erotic grin creeps onto Albina''s face and she squats down next to him again, patting his head like a dog while mocking him. "Who''s a good boy? You are! Yes you!" She then stands and looks at you. "You better leave before somebody sees you here, <<$pcs_nickname>>. With what people already think of you, you really don''t want them to think you did this."'
+						'Vasily curls into a ball on the floor, nursing the pain in his crotch. Either he didn''t hear her or he doesn''t know when to stop, because the next thing he utters between incoherent moans of pain is clearly "Fuck you, you dirty anal-loving whore!" Albina rises to her feet and smiles. Then, without warning, she viciously stomps on his crotch before painfully twisting her heel into him. "You''re testing my fucking patience! Do you want me to burst your little balls in front of everyone?"'
+						'Vasily squeals pathetically in pain. "No!! I''m sorry! I''m sorry! Just please, stop!" A strangely satisified, almost erotic grin creeps onto Albina''s face and she squats down next to him again, patting his head like a dog while mocking him. "Who''s a good boy? You are! Yes you!" She then stands and looks at you. "You better leave before somebody sees you, <<$pcs_nickname>>. With what people already think of you, you really don''t want them to think you did this."'
 						'Several of the other students are howling in laughter at Vasily''s humiliating misfortune, but more than a few take another look at you and seem to see you a little differently thanks to Albina coming to your aid. Seeing that you are not going to be left alone, you safely slip out while everyone is distracted by Vasily and Albina.'
 						gs 'stat'
@@ -983,7 +982,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'end':
 	*clr & cla
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/events/newyear/newyear.jpg"></center>'
 	'It seems time has flown by. Someone turns off the music and you hear one of the teachers say "Okay everyone, it is time to go home. Have a happy and safe holiday and I''ll see everyone back at school once the winter break is over."'
-	'The students begin to pick up their stuff and head for the door. All of a sudden, you hear Dimka yell out. "Hey everyone! My parents left for the New Year, so you know what that means! Party at my house! Come by at 18:00 on New Years Eve, you''re all invited!" Everyone cheers at the idea of a party without any adults around to make it boring. Dimka then looks at the outcasts. "Well everyone except you losers that is." he says with a laugh, which gets several of the other students to join in.'
+	'The students begin to pick up their stuff and head for the door. All of a sudden, you hear Dimka yell out. "Hey everyone! My parents left for the New Year, so you know what that means! Party at my house! Come by at 18:00 on New Years Eve, you''re all invited!" Everyone cheers at the idea of a party without any adults around to make it boring. Dimka then looks at the outcasts. "Well everyone except you losers that is," he says with a laugh, which gets several of the others to join in.'
 	if npc_grupTipe['A25'] = 5: 'He then smirks at Sonia. "You can come though. I''m sure you''ll show your gratitude one way or another."'
 	if NosovRevenge = 1: 'Dimka walks over to you and looks at the floor as he begins to talk. "<<$pcs_nickname>>, you and I have had some disagreements. I sincerely apologize for my behavior. I hope you will still come to my party."'
 	InvitationToDimkaNYparty = 1

+ 4 - 4

@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ end
 !!made changes here, to remove direct links to the kids in the apartment complex, make sure this will work with the code left.
 if Enable_tablemap = 0:
-	if DimaBeHomeOnce = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''dimaHome'', ''home''">Dimka Nosov</a>, one of your classmates, lives in one of the fancier houses in town.'
-	if (igor_history = 1 or IgorLoverQW > 0 or IgorQW['house_open'] = 1) and IdorBlock = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''IgorHome'', ''home''">Igor Kruglov</a>, one of your classmates, lives in one of the fancier houses in town.'
+	if DimaBeHomeOnce = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''dimaHome'', ''home''">Dimka</a> lives in one of the fancier houses in town.'
+	if (igor_history = 1 or IgorLoverQW > 0 or IgorQW['house_open'] = 1) and IdorBlock = 0:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''IgorHome'', ''home''">Igor</a> lives in one of the fancier houses in town.'
 	if katjaQW['QWstage'] >= 2 or mey_vika['mey_vika_qw'] >= 27 or mey_vika['key'] = 1: 'Nearby is a large house where the <a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt''mey_home'', ''door''">Meynold twins</a> live.'
-	if LariskaQW['story'] >= 6: '<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''LariskaHome'', ''front_door''">Lariska Gruzdev</a>, one of your classmates, lives about 10 minutes away from your parents.'
+	if LariskaQW['story'] >= 6: '<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''LariskaHome'', ''front_door''">Lariska</a> lives about 10 minutes away from here.'
 	if christinaQW['subpath'] >= 5: '<br><a href="exec: gt ''Zvereva_house'', ''front_door''">Christina</a> lives in an expensive house near here.'
-	if AlbinaQW['KnowsHouse'] = 1:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''albinahome'',''gate''">Albina Barlovskaya</a>, one of your classmates, lives in one of the few luxurious mansions Pavlovsk has to offer.'
+	if AlbinaQW['KnowsHouse'] = 1:'<a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''albinahome'',''gate''">Albina</a> lives in one of the few luxurious mansions Pavlovsk has to offer.'
 	st_count=0 & $show_table=''
 	if DimaBeHomeOnce = 1 and DimaRudeBlock = 0: gs'show_table','Fancier house of <a href="exec:minut += 10 & gt ''dimaHome'', ''home''">Dimka Nosov</a>','3'