Browse Source

Merge remote-tracking branch 'Kevin-upstream/master'

netuttki 7 months ago

+ 17 - 15

@@ -1285,24 +1285,26 @@ $cheatmenu['stats'] = {
 	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
 	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel += 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher+10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
 	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
 	if workPTU > 1:*pl'<a href="exec:teachlevel -= 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Reputation teacher-10: <<teachlevel>></a>'
-	if mid($start_type,1,2) = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
+	if $start_type['loc'] = 'sg' and SchoolAtestat = 0:
-		if class['school_math_grade'] < 100:*pl'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_rus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_lit_grade'] < 100:*pl'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_art_grade'] < 100:*pl'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_bio_grade'] < 100:*pl'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>'
-		if class['school_eng_grade'] < 100:*pl'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_geo_grade'] < 100:*pl'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_sci_grade'] < 100:*pl'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_his_grade'] < 100:*pl'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_shop_grade'] < 100:*pl'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_comp_grade'] < 100:*pl'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_mus_grade'] < 100:*pl'Music grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if class['school_pe_grade'] < 100:*pl'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> +10</a> <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']"> -10</a>'
-		if schoolprogul >= 0:*pl'<a href="exec:schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
+		*pl 'Math grade: <<class[''school_math_grade'']>> '      + iif(class['school_math_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_math_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''math'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Russian grade: <<class[''school_rus_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_rus_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_rus_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''rus'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Literature grade: <<class[''school_lit_grade'']>> ' + iif(class['school_lit_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_lit_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''lit'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Art grade: <<class[''school_art_grade'']>> '        + iif(class['school_art_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_art_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''art'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Biology grade: <<class[''school_bio_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_bio_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_bio_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''bio'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'English grade: <<class[''school_eng_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_eng_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_eng_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''eng'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Geography grade: <<class[''school_geo_grade'']>> '  + iif(class['school_geo_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_geo_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''geo'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Science grade: <<class[''school_sci_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_sci_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_sci_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''sci'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'History grade: <<class[''school_his_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_his_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_his_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''his'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Shop grade: <<class[''school_shop_grade'']>> '      + iif(class['school_shop_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_shop_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''shop'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'Computer grade: <<class[''school_comp_grade'']>> '  + iif(class['school_comp_grade'] < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', 10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_comp_grade'] > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''comp'', -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'History grade: <<class[''school_mus_grade'']>> '    + iif(class['school_mus_grade']  < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'',  10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_mus_grade']  > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''mus'',  -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		*pl 'P.E. grade: <<class[''school_pe_grade'']>> '        + iif(class['school_pe_grade']   < 100, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'',   10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">+10</a>', '') + iif(class['school_pe_grade']   > 0, ' <a href="exec:gs ''grades'', ''grade_award'',''school'', ''pe'',   -10 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">-10</a>', '')
+		if schoolprogul >= 0: *pl '<a href="exec: schoolprogul = 0 & dynamic $cheatmenu[''stats'']">Zero Absenteeism (School): <<schoolprogul>></a>'
 	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
 	*pl'<b>Skills</b> (values 0 - 100, and adjusted total by attributes):'
 	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'
 	*pl '<a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 100" >Max Skills</a>    <a href="exec:dynamic $cheatmenu[''setSkills''], 0" >Min Skills</a>'

+ 63 - 11

@@ -141,6 +141,52 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'best':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'therapist':
+	*clr & cla
+	$hotel = 'pav_hotel'
+	$locM_arg = 'therapist'
+	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
+	$loc_arg = 'therapist'
+	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	$prevloc = $loc
+	$menu_loc = 'HotelRoom'
+	$menu_arg = 'therapist'
+	menu_off = 0
+	hotelWiFi = 1
+	$location_type = 'private'
+	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
+	gs 'stat'	
+	gs 'internet_mobile', 'get_access', 'free'
+	'<center><b><font color = maroon>Your husband''s hotel room</font></b></center>'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
+	'Your hotel room is not very large, but it has everything you need and is quite stylish. The large <a href="exec:gt ''bed2''">double bed</a> takes up most of the room. A modern <a href="exec:gt ''wardrobe'', ''start''">wardrobe</a> (where you can choose outfits and organize your clothing) stands near the entrance of the room. Next to the door, you can find a <a href="exec:gt ''mirror'',''start''">mirror</a>. The door to the <a href="exec:gt ''hotelroom'',''shower1''">bathroom</a> is to the right.'
+	'Your hotel room also has a small flat-screen <a href="exec:gt ''HotelRoom'',''tv''">TV</a>'+iif(mc_inventory['tech_computer'] = 1, ' and your <a href="exec: gt ''Komp'',''start''">computer</a> is on the desk. The hotel offers all guests free Wi-Fi.', '.')
+	if $ml_guitar['location'] = $loc: 'Your guitar rests on its stand next to your bed.'
+	gs 'music_actions', 'music_icon'
+	act'Go to the hotel lobby':
+		if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
+			hotelWiFi = 0
+			gt 'pav_hotel'
+			killvar '$hotel'
+		else
+			msg'<b><font color = red>You need to get dressed before leaving your hotel room.</font></b>'
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
+		end
+	end
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] ! 0:
+		if money >= 100: act'Order room service (0:30) (100 <b>₽</b>)': gs 'food', 'h_food'
+		act 'Drink some water (0:01)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_wat'
+		act 'Have a coffee (0:05)': gs 'beverage', 'bev_cof'
+		dynamic $fatdel
+		dynamic $lekarstvo
+		dynamic $vitamin
+	end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	*clr & cla
 	*clr & cla
 	minut += 1
 	minut += 1
@@ -148,7 +194,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	$locM_arg = 'shower1'
 	$locM_arg = 'shower1'
 	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
 	$locM = 'HotelRoom'
 	$loc_arg = 'shower1'
 	$loc_arg = 'shower1'
-	$loc = 'HotelRoom'	
+	$loc = 'HotelRoom'
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
 	$location_type = 'bathroom'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
 	gs 'themes', 'indoors'
@@ -156,13 +202,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>The bathroom of your hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	'<center><b><font color = maroon>The bathroom of your hotel room</font></b></center>'
 	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
 	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A small and unpretentious bathroom, that is nevertheless quite stylish and has everything you need.'
-	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
+	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2 or therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A nice looking and spacious bathroom, with separate bath tub.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A nice looking and spacious bathroom, with separate bath tub.'
 	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
 	elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A very luxurious and spacious bathroom, fit for a king.'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/"></center>'&'A very luxurious and spacious bathroom, fit for a king.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
 			gt $hotel
@@ -172,11 +218,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'shower1':
 		act 'Return to your room':
 		act 'Return to your room':
 			hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  0
 			hotelmc_inventory['shampoo'] =  0
 			if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
 			if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 1:
-				gt'HotelRoom','normal'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 2:
-				gt'HotelRoom','better'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
 			elseif hotelRoom[$hotel] = 3:
-				gt'HotelRoom','best'
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'best'
+			elseif therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+				gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
@@ -188,17 +236,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'tv':
 	*clr & cla
 	*clr & cla
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv<<hotelroom>>.jpg"></center>'
+	if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv2.jpg"></center>'
+	else
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv<<hotelroom>>.jpg"></center>'
+	end
 	'You turn on the TV and make yourself comfortable on the bed.'
 	'You turn on the TV and make yourself comfortable on the bed.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
 			gt $hotel
 			killvar '$hotel'
 			killvar '$hotel'
-		act 'Get up from the bed':gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'
@@ -211,14 +263,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'watch_tv':
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv0,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/tv0,'+rand(0,4)+'.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are watching the country''s main television channel. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
 	'You are watching the country''s main television channel. None of their programs are really worth watching, but the distraction is welcome anyway.'
-	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom[$hotel] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 		act 'Return to lobby (It is past checkout time)':
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			hotelWiFi = 0
 			gt $hotel
 			gt $hotel
 			killvar '$hotel'
 			killvar '$hotel'
-		act 'Get up from the bed':gt $loc, $loc_arg
+		act 'Get up from the bed': gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'
 		act 'Watch TV (1:00)': gt 'hotelroom', 'watch_tv'

+ 25 - 1

@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ if ARRSIZE('train_station') < 1:
 	$train_station['dachi'] = "gt 'train', 'communal'"
 	$train_station['dachi'] = "gt 'train', 'communal'"
-if ARRSIZE('homes') < 16:
+if ARRSIZE('homes') < 17:
+	killvar '$homes'
 	$homes[] = 'city_apartment'
 	$homes[] = 'city_apartment'
 	$homes[] = 'parents_home'
 	$homes[] = 'parents_home'
 	$homes[] = 'village_cottage'
 	$homes[] = 'village_cottage'
@@ -29,6 +30,7 @@ if ARRSIZE('homes') < 16:
 	$homes[] = 'grandparents_house'
 	$homes[] = 'grandparents_house'
 	$homes[] = 'city_house'
 	$homes[] = 'city_house'
 	$homes[] = 'meynold_household'
 	$homes[] = 'meynold_household'
+	$homes[] = 'hotel_therapist'
 if ARRSIZE('home_name') < 4:
 if ARRSIZE('home_name') < 4:
@@ -150,6 +152,10 @@ if ARRSIZE('home_name') < 4:
 	$home_name['meynold_household'] = 'meynold_household'
 	$home_name['meynold_household'] = 'meynold_household'
 	$home_name['16'] = 'meynold_household'
 	$home_name['16'] = 'meynold_household'
 	$home_name['mey_home'] = 'meynold_household'
 	$home_name['mey_home'] = 'meynold_household'
+	!! HOTEL
+	$home_name['hotel_therapist'] = 'hotel_therapist'
+	$home_name['17'] = 'hotel_therapist'
 !!{ All the existing properties should be added here. 
 !!{ All the existing properties should be added here. 
@@ -520,6 +526,24 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'get_property_attr':
 		$property['bedroom_arg'] = 'guest_bedroom'
 		$property['bedroom_arg'] = 'guest_bedroom'
 		$property['type'] = 'temporary_residence'
 		$property['type'] = 'temporary_residence'
+		property['free_internet'] = 1
+	elseif $ARGS[1] = 'hotel_therapist':
+		property['id'] = 17
+		$property['code'] = $ARGS[1]
+		$property['name'] = 'Pavlovsk Hotel Room'
+		$property['display'] = 'husband''s hotel room'
+		$property['region'] = 'pav'
+		$property['town'] = 'pavlovsk'
+		$property['location'] = 'pav_residential'
+		$property['location_arg'] = ''
+		$property['entrance'] = 'pav_hotel'
+		$property['entrance_arg'] = ''
+		$property['bathroom'] = 'HotelRoom'
+		$property['bathroom_arg'] = 'shower1'
+		$property['bedroom'] = 'HotelRoom'
+		$property['bedroom_arg'] = 'therapist'
+		$property['type'] = 'temporary_residence'
 		property['free_internet'] = 1
 		property['free_internet'] = 1
 		gs 'homes_properties_attr', 'mod_property_query_hook'
 		gs 'homes_properties_attr', 'mod_property_query_hook'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'exit':
 	if hookup['fuckbuddy'] > 0:
 	if hookup['fuckbuddy'] > 0:
 		know_virgin[$boy] = hookup['virgin']
 		know_virgin[$boy] = hookup['virgin']
-		gs 'lover', 'add fuckbuddy',$boy
+		gs 'lover', 'add_fuckbuddy',$boy
 		npc_fuckbuddy[$boy] = 1
 		npc_fuckbuddy[$boy] = 1
 		npc_no_booty_call[$boy] = daystart
 		npc_no_booty_call[$boy] = daystart

+ 108 - 109

@@ -346,19 +346,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerd':
 	pcs_traits['nerd_lernHome']	= 5
 	pcs_traits['nerd_lernHome']	= 5
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 55
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   55
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  25	& ! 80
 if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Queen of the nerds</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Queen of the nerds</font></h4></center>'
@@ -414,16 +414,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 		npc_rel['A18'] = 1
 		npc_rel['A18'] = 1
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  75
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  75
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& ! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  -10	& ! 75
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -10	& ! 75
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   5		& ! 60
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -473,17 +473,17 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goodstudent':
 		pcs_traits['nerd_status'] = 3
 		pcs_traits['nerd_status'] = 3
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  10	& !90
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'computergeek':
 		npc_rel['A153'] += 10
 		npc_rel['A153'] += 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 95
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 10	& !95
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   10	& !65
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -572,10 +572,10 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'chessplayer':
 		chessmonth	= month
 		chessmonth	= month
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -5	! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -659,7 +659,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'jock':
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 10
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 10
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe', 40		& ! 95
 if $ARGS[0] = 'volleyball':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'volleyball':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Volleyball player</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Volleyball player</font></h4></center>'
@@ -746,8 +748,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'dancer':
 		AlbinaQW['Friends'] = 2
 		AlbinaQW['Friends'] = 2
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   95
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 25		& ! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -790,8 +791,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'runner':
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  75
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   95
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio', 20		& !75
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -839,9 +839,6 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'football':
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A149']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A149']	+= 10
-		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   95
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	act 'Return to starting options': gt 'intro_city_select', 'charselect'
 	act 'Return to starting options': gt 'intro_city_select', 'charselect'
@@ -906,7 +903,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cool':
 		npc_rel['A144']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A144']	+= 10
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
 if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Sociable</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Sociable</font></h4></center>'
@@ -951,18 +948,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 		npc_rel['A140']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A140']	+= 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  35	& ! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   10	& ! 65
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1015,18 +1012,18 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'beautiful':
 		gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 20
 		gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 20
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   5		& ! 60
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1087,8 +1084,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'anorexic':
 		!!----- RELATIONSHIPS -----!!
 		!!----- RELATIONSHIPS -----!!
 		npc_rel['A15'] += 30
 		npc_rel['A15'] += 30
 		npc_rel['A148'] += 30
 		npc_rel['A148'] += 30
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 	act 'Return to starting options': gt 'intro_sg_select', 'charselect'
 	act 'Return to starting options': gt 'intro_sg_select', 'charselect'
@@ -1169,19 +1165,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnik':
 	Gspassed = 0
 	Gspassed = 0
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 80
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   80
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 25	& ! 80
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   25	& ! 80
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnikstart':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnikstart':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Gopnik</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Gopnik</font></h4></center>'
@@ -1371,7 +1369,8 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'alternative':
 		stat['cuni_give']	+= 3
 		stat['cuni_give']	+= 3
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', -25	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  30	& ! 55
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1416,7 +1415,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'outcast':
 	npc_rel['A133'] += 20
 	npc_rel['A133'] += 20
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
 if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Friendless</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Friendless</font></h4></center>'
@@ -1446,8 +1445,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 		npc_rel['A11'] -= 20
 		npc_rel['A11'] -= 20
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  -30	& ! 25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  -30	& ! 25
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1492,8 +1491,8 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'uglyduckling':
 		gs 'npc_relationship', 'socialgroup_setting_boys', -10, -10, 0, -10, 0, 0
 		gs 'npc_relationship', 'socialgroup_setting_boys', -10, -10, 0, -10, 0, 0
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus', -30	& ! 25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  -30	& ! 25
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1548,16 +1547,16 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goodgirl':
 		church_moral = 40
 		church_moral = 40
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 25	& ! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1721,10 +1720,10 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goth':
 		pcs_traits['nerd_points'] = -10
 		pcs_traits['nerd_points'] = -10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   70
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  15		& ! 70
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 8 - 0

@@ -229,5 +229,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'set_base_sgrades':
 	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   55
 	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   55
+if $ARGS[0] = 'reset_sgclasses':
+	killvar 'class_list_institution'
+	killvar 'class_list_name'
+	killvar 'class'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'create_sgclasses'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
 --- intro_functions ---------------------------------
 --- intro_functions ---------------------------------

+ 120 - 117

@@ -422,19 +422,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerd':
 	pcs_traits['nerd_lernHome'] = 5
 	pcs_traits['nerd_lernHome'] = 5
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 55
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 85
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  80
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   55
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 30	& ! 85
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  25	& ! 80
 if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Queen of the nerds</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Queen of the nerds</font></h4></center>'
@@ -493,16 +493,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'nerdqueen':
 		npc_rel['A18'] = 1
 		npc_rel['A18'] = 1
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  75
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  75
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& ! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  -10	& ! 75
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', -5	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -10	& ! 75
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   5		& ! 60
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -554,17 +554,17 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goodstudent':
 		npc_rel['A29'] += 20
 		npc_rel['A29'] += 20
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  10	& !90
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -612,9 +612,9 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'computergeek':
 		npc_rel['A153'] += 10
 		npc_rel['A153'] += 10
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 95
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& !90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 10	& !95
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   10	& !65
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -652,10 +652,10 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'chessplayer':
 		chessmonth = month
 		chessmonth = month
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
 		!!----- School Grades -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -5	! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -747,8 +747,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'jock':
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 10
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 10
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe', 95
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe', 40		& ! 95
 if $ARGS[0] = 'volleyball':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'volleyball':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Volleyball player</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Volleyball player</font></h4></center>'
@@ -838,7 +839,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'dancer':
 		npc_rel['A144']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A144']	+= 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 25		& ! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -885,7 +886,7 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'runner':
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		npc_rel['A131']	+= 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio', 75
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio', 20		& !75
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -996,7 +997,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cool':
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 20
 	npc_rel['A129']	-= 20
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
 if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Sociable</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Sociable</font></h4></center>'
@@ -1041,18 +1042,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'socialite':
 		npc_rel['A140'] += 10
 		npc_rel['A140'] += 10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  90
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  65
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  35	& ! 90
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  10	& ! 65
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   10	& ! 65
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1111,18 +1112,18 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'beautiful':
 		gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 20
 		gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 20
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES ------!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES ------!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  60
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  5		& ! 60
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   5		& ! 60
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1272,19 +1273,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnik':
 	Gspassed = 0
 	Gspassed = 0
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 80
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  25
-	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   80
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 25	& ! 80
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  -30	& ! 25
+	gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   25	& ! 80
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnikstart':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnikstart':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Gopnik</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Gopnik</font></h4></center>'
@@ -1469,19 +1472,19 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'vitekgf':
 		stat['vaginal'] = 2
 		stat['vaginal'] = 2
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', -25	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  30	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',   -25	& ! 55
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1571,8 +1574,8 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'alternative':
 		stat['cuni_give']	+= 3
 		stat['cuni_give']	+= 3
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', 55
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'shop', -25	& ! 55
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus',  30	& ! 55
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1620,7 +1623,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'outcast':
 	npc_rel['A133']	+= 20
 	npc_rel['A133']	+= 20
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 	!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-	gs 'intro_functions', 'set_base_sgrades'
+	gs 'intro_functions', 'reset_sgclasses'		& ! set everything to 55
 if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Friendless</font></h4></center>'
 	'<center><h4><font color="maroon">Friendless</font></h4></center>'
@@ -1656,8 +1659,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'friendless':
 		npc_rel['A11'] -= 20
 		npc_rel['A11'] -= 20
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  -30	& ! 25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  -30	& ! 25
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1702,8 +1705,8 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'uglyduckling':
 		uglyduck_flag = 1
 		uglyduck_flag = 1
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus', 25
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus', -30	& ! 25
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  -30	& ! 25
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1755,16 +1758,16 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goodgirl':
 		church_moral = 40
 		church_moral = 40
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'math', 25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'rus',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'bio',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'eng',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'geo',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'sci',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'his',  25	& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'comp', 25	& ! 80
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
@@ -1946,10 +1949,10 @@ elseif $ARGS[0] = 'goth':
 		pcs_traits['nerd_points'] = -10
 		pcs_traits['nerd_points'] = -10
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
 		!!----- SCHOOL GRADES -----!!
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 80
-		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  70
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'lit', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'art', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'mus', 25		& ! 80
+		gs 'grades', 'grade_award', 'school', 'pe',  15		& ! 70
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg
 		gt $loc, $loc_arg

+ 27 - 3

@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'remove':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'add fuckbuddy':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'add_fuckbuddy':
 	if mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = 'C' :
 	if mid($ARGS[1],1,1) = 'C' :
 		gs 'npcpreservec', $ARGS[1]
 		gs 'npcpreservec', $ARGS[1]
 		gs 'boyStat', $npclastsaved
 		gs 'boyStat', $npclastsaved
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'add_sugar_daddy':
-if $ARGS[0] = 'remove fuckbuddy':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'remove_fuckbuddy':
 	gs 'telefon', 'DeleteContact', $ARGS[1]
 	gs 'telefon', 'DeleteContact', $ARGS[1]
 	$ex_fuckbuddy[] = $ARGS[1]
 	$ex_fuckbuddy[] = $ARGS[1]
 	$npc_rel_type[$ARGS[1]] = 'ex_fuckbuddy'
 	$npc_rel_type[$ARGS[1]] = 'ex_fuckbuddy'
@@ -190,7 +190,31 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'remove_sugar_daddy':
 	npc_sugar_daddy_price[$ARGS[1]] = 0
 	npc_sugar_daddy_price[$ARGS[1]] = 0
 	$ex_sugar_daddy[] = $ARGS[1]
 	$ex_sugar_daddy[] = $ARGS[1]
 	$npc_rel_type[$ARGS[1]] = 'ex_sugar_daddy'
 	$npc_rel_type[$ARGS[1]] = 'ex_sugar_daddy'
-	killvar '$fuckbuddy', arrpos('$fuckbuddy',$ARGS[1])
+	killvar '$sugar_daddy', arrpos('$sugar_daddy',$ARGS[1])
+if $ARGS[0] = 'clear_all':
+	:clear_lovers_loop
+	if arrsize('pcs_lovers') > 0:
+		gs 'lover', 'remove', 0
+		jump 'clear_lovers_loop'
+	end
+	:clear_fb_loop
+	if arrsize('$fuckbuddy') > 0:
+		gs 'lover', 'remove fuckbudy', $fuckbuddy[0]
+		jump 'clear_fb_loop'
+	end
+	:clear_sd_loop
+	if arrsize('$sugar_daddy') > 0:
+		gs 'lover', 'remove_sugar_daddy', $sugar_daddy[0]
+		jump 'clear_sd_loop'
+	end

+ 20 - 9

@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ gs'stat'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'skip_resepevent': jump 'skipresepevent'
 if $ARGS[0] = 'skip_resepevent': jump 'skipresepevent'
 if hour = 0 and hotresepQW_day ! daystart and (hotresepQW < 3 or (hotresepQW = 3 and rand(1,10) = 10)):
 if hour = 0 and hotresepQW_day ! daystart and (hotresepQW < 3 or (hotresepQW = 3 and rand(1,10) = 10)):
-	if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0:
+	if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 		'When you want to enter the hotel you notice the doors are closed.'
 		'When you want to enter the hotel you notice the doors are closed.'
 		'You try knocking on the door but nobody comes to open them.'
 		'You try knocking on the door but nobody comes to open them.'
@@ -101,9 +101,15 @@ if hour = 0 and hotresepQW_day ! daystart and (hotresepQW < 3 or (hotresepQW = 3
 						'You have seen enough and quietly go back to your room'
 						'You have seen enough and quietly go back to your room'
 						act 'Continue':
 						act 'Continue':
-							if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 1:gt'hotelroom','normal'
-							if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 2:gt'hotelroom','better'
-							if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 3:gt'hotelroom','best'
+							if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+								gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
+							elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 1:
+								gt'hotelroom','normal'
+							elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 2:
+								gt'hotelroom','better'
+							elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 3:
+								gt'hotelroom','best'
+							end
@@ -135,8 +141,8 @@ else
-if therapist_key = 2 and week = 6 and hour > 19 and pcs_traits['commando_lvl'] = 3 and therapist_key[1] ! daystart and therapistQW['escaped'] = 0:
-	therapist_key[1] = daystart
+if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 2 and week = 6 and hour > 19 and pcs_traits['commando_lvl'] = 3 and therapistQW['hotel_day'] ! daystart and therapistQW['escaped'] = 0:
+	therapistQW['hotel_day'] = daystart
 	gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 	gs 'willpower', 'misc', 'resist', 'medium'
 	act 'Visit the therapist': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'start'
 	act 'Visit the therapist': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'start'
@@ -205,11 +211,16 @@ if hour = 20 and IgorevnaBDSM >= 5 and IgorevnaBDSM < 9 and week < 3 and AnnaQW[
 	act 'Look for Anna':AnnaQW['daystart'] = daystart & gt 'hotel_anna', 'meeting'
 	act 'Look for Anna':AnnaQW['daystart'] = daystart & gt 'hotel_anna', 'meeting'
-if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] > 0:
+if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] > 0 or therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
 	act 'Go to your room':
 	act 'Go to your room':
 		$hotel = 'pav_hotel'
 		$hotel = 'pav_hotel'
-		if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 1: gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
-		if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 2: gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
+		if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3:
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'therapist'
+		elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 1:
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'normal'
+		elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 2:
+			gt 'HotelRoom', 'better'
+		end

+ 2 - 2

@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = '':
 			'<<$receptionName>> smiles at you and asks: "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>! Would you like to rent a room?"'
 			'<<$receptionName>> smiles at you and asks: "Hello <<$pcs_nickname>>! Would you like to rent a room?"'
-		if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] > 0:
+		if hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] > 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 			*clr & cla
 			*clr & cla
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 			'She looks in the computer: "I see you already have a room here. As it is already booked and paid for the only way to change it to a different room, would be to cancel your existing booking. To do so without notice would forfeit your payment, I would advise against this, but you may do so if you wish."'
 			'She looks in the computer: "I see you already have a room here. As it is already booked and paid for the only way to change it to a different room, would be to cancel your existing booking. To do so without notice would forfeit your payment, I would advise against this, but you may do so if you wish."'
 			act'Yes, cancel your booking': hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0 & gt'pav_hotel'
 			act'Yes, cancel your booking': hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0 & gt'pav_hotel'
-		elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0:
+		elseif hotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0 and therapistQW['hotel_key'] ! 3:
 			act 'Yes':
 			act 'Yes':
 				*clr & cla
 				*clr & cla
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'
 				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/hotel/resep.girl0,'+rand(0,10)+'.jpg"></center>'

+ 9 - 1

@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'work_clothes':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'is_default':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'is_default':
-	is_default = prostitute['clothingwornnumber'] = clothingwornnumber & prostitute['pantywornnumber'] = pantywornnumber & prostitute['brawornnumber'] = brawornnumber & prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = shoewornnumber
+	is_default = prostitute['clothingwornnumber'] = clothingwornnumber and prostitute['pantywornnumber'] = pantywornnumber and prostitute['brawornnumber'] = brawornnumber and prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = shoewornnumber and prostitute['currentpursenumber'] = currentpursenumber
@@ -431,6 +431,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'set_default_outfit':
 	$prostitute['shoeworntype'] = $shoeworntype
 	$prostitute['shoeworntype'] = $shoeworntype
 	prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = shoewornnumber
 	prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = shoewornnumber
+	!!-- Bag
+	$prostitute['currentpursetype'] = $currentpursetype
+	prostitute['currentpursenumber'] = currentpursenumber
 	prostitute['outfit_is_set'] = 1
 	prostitute['outfit_is_set'] = 1
@@ -449,6 +453,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'clearing_default_outfit':
 	$prostitute['shoeworntype'] = ''
 	$prostitute['shoeworntype'] = ''
 	prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = 0
 	prostitute['shoewornnumber'] = 0
+	!!-- Bag
+	$prostitute['currentpursetype'] = ''
+	prostitute['currentpursenumber'] = 0
 	prostitute['outfit_is_set'] = 0
 	prostitute['outfit_is_set'] = 0

+ 5 - 0

@@ -2526,6 +2526,11 @@ if temp_current_save_version < 00090200:
 	if Trainpass_day ! 0:	transportVars['trainpass_day'] = Trainpass_day	& killvar 'Trainpass_day'
 	if Trainpass_day ! 0:	transportVars['trainpass_day'] = Trainpass_day	& killvar 'Trainpass_day'
 	killvar 'train_event'
 	killvar 'train_event'
+	! Therapist
+	if therapist_key[1] > 0:	therapistQW['hotel_day'] = therapist_key[1]	& killvar 'therapist_key', 1
+	if therapist_key > 0:		therapistQW['hotel_key'] = therapist_key	& killvar 'therapist_key'
+	if ARRSIZE('homes') = 16:	$homes[] = 'hotel_therapist'

+ 8 - 2

@@ -840,6 +840,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'finish_sex':
 	sex_ev['finish_time'] = totminut
 	sex_ev['finish_time'] = totminut
 	if sex_ev['fucked_out'] > 0:
 	if sex_ev['fucked_out'] > 0:
 		'He just lays there, panting and wheezing in exhaustion.'
 		'He just lays there, panting and wheezing in exhaustion.'
+		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex1'
 	elseif sex_ev['orgasm_count'] = 0 and sex_ev['fake_orgasm_count'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck'] = 0 and npc_selfish[$boy] = 0 and (npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1 or rand(0,1) = 1):
 	elseif sex_ev['orgasm_count'] = 0 and sex_ev['fake_orgasm_count'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck'] = 0 and npc_selfish[$boy] = 0 and (npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1 or rand(0,1) = 1):
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'no_cum_end'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'no_cum_end'
 !!	elseif sex_ev['force_harden'] = 2:
 !!	elseif sex_ev['force_harden'] = 2:
@@ -1555,7 +1556,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_bathroom':
 			act'Take a shower':gs'sex_ev_shower', 'after_alone'
 			act'Take a shower':gs'sex_ev_shower', 'after_alone'
-		if sex_ev['morning_shower'] = 0 or $stat_cum_msg ! '':
+		if sex_ev['morning_shower'] = 0 or $stat_cum_msg ! '' or pcs_sweat > 0:
 			act'Take a shower':gs'sex_ev_morning', 'shower'
 			act'Take a shower':gs'sex_ev_morning', 'shower'
@@ -1885,6 +1886,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'plan_b2':
 			cla & *nl
 			cla & *nl
 			'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging.'
 			'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging.'
 			if LudaQW['free_condoms'] = 1 and LudaQW['luda_ma_pill'] = 0:
 			if LudaQW['free_condoms'] = 1 and LudaQW['luda_ma_pill'] = 0:
+				sex_ev['aunt_pill'] = 1
 				'"My aunt gave me this morning after pill for emergencies," you explain and pop it in your mouth before forcing it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"My aunt gave me this morning after pill for emergencies," you explain and pop it in your mouth before forcing it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"Morning after pill," you explain and pop it in your mouth before forcing it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"Morning after pill," you explain and pop it in your mouth before forcing it down with a dry swallow.'
@@ -1897,6 +1899,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'plan_b2':
 			cla & *nl
 			cla & *nl
 			'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and you can''t help but blush beneath his gaze.'
 			'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and you can''t help but blush beneath his gaze.'
 			if LudaQW['free_condoms'] = 1 and LudaQW['luda_ma_pill'] = 0:
 			if LudaQW['free_condoms'] = 1 and LudaQW['luda_ma_pill'] = 0:
+				sex_ev['aunt_pill'] = 1
 				'"My aunt gave me this for emergencies," you say shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"My aunt gave me this for emergencies," you say shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"The instructions say to take it as soon as possible for best effect," you smile shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow.'
 				'"The instructions say to take it as soon as possible for best effect," you smile shyly, blush intensifying as you put it in your mouth and force it down with a dry swallow.'
@@ -1928,6 +1931,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'plan_b3':
 		cla & *nl
 		cla & *nl
 		'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and into your mouth.'
 		'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and into your mouth.'
 		'"There," you say, forcing it down with a dry swallow. "Problem solved."'
 		'"There," you say, forcing it down with a dry swallow. "Problem solved."'
+		sex_ev['ma_pill'] = 2
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'
@@ -1936,6 +1940,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'plan_b3':
 		cla & *nl
 		cla & *nl
 		'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and you can''t help but blush beneath his gaze.'
 		'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pop the pill out of its packaging and you can''t help but blush beneath his gaze.'
 		'"Problem solved," you say, feeling your cheeks redden even further as you force it down with a dry swallow.'
 		'"Problem solved," you say, feeling your cheeks redden even further as you force it down with a dry swallow.'
+		sex_ev['ma_pill'] = 2
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'
@@ -1943,11 +1948,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'plan_b3':
 	act'Take it sexily':
 	act'Take it sexily':
 		cla & *nl
 		cla & *nl
 		'As <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pull the pill from its packaging, you stick out your tongue at him, popping the pill onto it and swallowing with a wide grin.'
 		'As <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> watches you pull the pill from its packaging, you stick out your tongue at him, popping the pill onto it and swallowing with a wide grin.'
-		if $sex_ev['last_cum'] = 'swallow':
+		if $sex_ev['last_cum'] = 'swallow' and totminut < sex_ev['finish_time'] + 5:
 			'"Chaser," you wink.'
 			'"Chaser," you wink.'
 			'"There," you smirk. "Problem solved."'
 			'"There," you smirk. "Problem solved."'
+		sex_ev['ma_pill'] = 2
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs 'medical_din', 'morning_after_pill_function'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'
 		gs'sex_ev_after', 'after_sex2'

+ 7 - 7

@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_talk':
 !!		:boy_talk_loop
 !!		:boy_talk_loop
 		if sex_ev['good_for_you'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
 		if sex_ev['good_for_you'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs 'sex_ev_favorite_part', 'boy_good_for_you'
+			gs 'sex_ev_favorite_part', 'boy_good_for_you'
 		elseif sex_ev['boy_pube_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
 		elseif sex_ev['boy_pube_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_pube_talk_start'
-		elseif sex_ev['no_kids'] = 1 and npc_know_no_kids[$boy] = 1 and sex_ev['no_kids_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
+			gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_pube_talk_start'
+		elseif sex_ev['no_kids'] = 1 and npc_know_no_kids[$boy] = 0 and sex_ev['no_kids_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_no_kids'
+			gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_no_kids'
 		elseif sex_ev['boy_shower'] = 0 and $sex_ev['loc'] ! 'house_party' and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
 		elseif sex_ev['boy_shower'] = 0 and $sex_ev['loc'] ! 'house_party' and rand(1,sex_ev['boy_topics']) = 1:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_take_shower'
+			gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_take_shower'
 !!		elseif sex_ev['no_swallow_talk'] = 0 and sex_ev['cum_mouth'] > 0 and sex_ev['swallow_count'] = 0 and rand(1,2) = 1:
 !!		elseif sex_ev['no_swallow_talk'] = 0 and sex_ev['cum_mouth'] > 0 and sex_ev['swallow_count'] = 0 and rand(1,2) = 1:
 !!			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'dont_swallow_talk'
 !!			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'dont_swallow_talk'
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'boy_talk':
 		elseif sex_ev['broken_condom'] >= 1 and sex_ev['broken_condom_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,2) = 1:
 		elseif sex_ev['broken_condom'] >= 1 and sex_ev['broken_condom_talk'] = 0 and rand(1,2) = 1:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_broken_condom'
+			gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_broken_condom'
 !!		elseif sex_ev['creampie_okay'] = 0:
 !!		elseif sex_ev['creampie_okay'] = 0:
 !!		elseif sex_ev['boy_no_kids'] = 0 and sex_ev['no_kids_talk'] ! 1:
 !!		elseif sex_ev['boy_no_kids'] = 0 and sex_ev['no_kids_talk'] ! 1:
 		elseif sex_ev['no_condom'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0 and npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0 and sex_ev['wish_no_condoms_talk'] = 0:
 		elseif sex_ev['no_condom'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0 and npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0 and sex_ev['wish_no_condoms_talk'] = 0:
-			act'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> has something to say':gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_hates_condoms'
+			gs'sex_ev_boy_pillow_talk', 'boy_hates_condoms'
 !!			cla & gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
 !!			cla & gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1532,7 +1532,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'cum_tits3':
 	$sex_ev['last_cum'] = 'tits'
 	$sex_ev['last_cum'] = 'tits'
 	gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', $boy, 1
 	gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', $boy, 1
 	gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy, 1
 	gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', $boy, 1
-	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/chest/tits3.mp4"></video></center>'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/cum/chest/tits4.mp4"></video></center>'
 	if sex_ev['he_ask'] > 0:
 	if sex_ev['he_ask'] > 0:
 		if sex_ev['condom'] = 1:
 		if sex_ev['condom'] = 1:
@@ -2620,7 +2620,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'what_now':
 		act'Let''s stop':
 		act'Let''s stop':
 			cla & *nl
 			cla & *nl
 			'"Probably best if we stop here," you say.'
 			'"Probably best if we stop here," you say.'
-			if npc_selfish[$boy] = 1 and sex_ev['cum_count'] < npc_sexdrive[$boy] + sex_ev['extra_cum']:
+			if npc_selfish[$boy] = 1 and sex_ev['cum_count'] < npc_sexdrive[$boy]/3:
 				'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> sighs in disappointment.'
 				'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> sighs in disappointment.'
 				'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> nods in somber agreement.'
 				'<<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> nods in somber agreement.'

+ 2 - 2

@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_sex_ev_invite':
 						'"Twice in one day might be a little bit too much for me," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> smiles back ruefully.'
 						'"Twice in one day might be a little bit too much for me," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> smiles back ruefully.'
 						gs'sex_ev_leave', 'dress_loop_code'
 						gs'sex_ev_leave', 'dress_loop_code'
-						'"Damn," you sigh disappointedly, continuing <<$sex_ev[''dress_describe'']>>'
+						'"Damn," you sigh in disappointment as you continue <<$sex_ev[''dress_describe'']>>'
 						gs'sex_ev_dress_talking', 'pc_sex_ev_invite_denied'
 						gs'sex_ev_dress_talking', 'pc_sex_ev_invite_denied'
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_sex_ev_invite':
 						'"Think I might be a little too tapped out from work," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> grunts.'
 						'"Think I might be a little too tapped out from work," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> grunts.'
 						gs'sex_ev_leave', 'dress_loop_code'
 						gs'sex_ev_leave', 'dress_loop_code'
-						'"Damn," you sigh disappointedly, continuing <<$sex_ev[''dress_describe'']>>'
+						'"Damn," you sigh in disappointment as you continue <<$sex_ev[''dress_describe'']>>'
 						gs'sex_ev_dress_talking', 'pc_sex_ev_invite_denied'
 						gs'sex_ev_dress_talking', 'pc_sex_ev_invite_denied'

+ 7 - 9

@@ -1721,8 +1721,8 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_cuni_fav1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_cuni_fav1':
 	if sex_ev['cuni_count'] > 0:
 	if sex_ev['cuni_count'] > 0:
 		act'He''d good at giving head':
 		act'He''d good at giving head':
-			cla & *clr
-			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/after/pillow_talk2.mp4"></video></center>'
+			cla & *nl
+			if $sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating':
 				'"That was my favorite part too," you grin. "When you ate me out. You''re just so good at it!"'
 				'"That was my favorite part too," you grin. "When you ate me out. You''re just so good at it!"'
 				'"I liked it when you ate me out ' + iif($sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating', 'too', '') + '," you grin. "A tongue playing with the little man in the boat drives me crazy. I love it."'
 				'"I liked it when you ate me out ' + iif($sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating', 'too', '') + '," you grin. "A tongue playing with the little man in the boat drives me crazy. I love it."'
@@ -1731,8 +1731,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_cuni_fav1':
 		if sex_ev['facesit_count'] > 0:
 		if sex_ev['facesit_count'] > 0:
 			act'Enjoyed sitting on his face':
 			act'Enjoyed sitting on his face':
-				cla & *clr
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/after/pillow_talk2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				cla & *nl
 				if $sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating':
 				if $sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating':
 					'"That was my favorite part too," you grin. "But specifically when I sat on your face. I bet you were practically drowning in my girl cum."'
 					'"That was my favorite part too," you grin. "But specifically when I sat on your face. I bet you were practically drowning in my girl cum."'
@@ -1743,8 +1742,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_cuni_fav1':
 		if sex_ev['creampie_eat'] > 0:
 		if sex_ev['creampie_eat'] > 0:
 			act'It was hot when he ate the creampie out of you':
 			act'It was hot when he ate the creampie out of you':
-				cla & *clr
-				'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/after/pillow_talk2.mp4"></video></center>'
+				cla & *nl
 				if $sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating':
 				if $sex_ev['boy_favorite'] = 'pussyeating':
 					'"When you ate the creampie out of my pussy," you grin, shuddering at the memory. "I know you love eating pussy, but holy fuck, that was so hot."'
 					'"When you ate the creampie out of my pussy," you grin, shuddering at the memory. "I know you love eating pussy, but holy fuck, that was so hot."'
@@ -1774,13 +1772,13 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_creampie_fav1':
 				if cum_loc['vagina'] > 0:
 				if cum_loc['vagina'] > 0:
 					'"I liked it when you came inside too," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum continues to leak from your pussy. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good."'
 					'"I liked it when you came inside too," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum continues to leak from your pussy. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good."'
-					'"I liked it when you came inside too," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum was leaking from your snatch just minutes ago. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good"'
+					'"I liked it when you came inside too," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum was leaking from your snatch just minutes ago. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good."'
 				if cum_loc['vagina'] > 0:
 				if cum_loc['vagina'] > 0:
-					'"I liked it when you came inside me," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum continues to leak from your pussy. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good"'
+					'"I liked it when you came inside me," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum continues to leak from your pussy. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good."'
-					'"I liked it when you came inside me," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum was leaking from your snatch just minutes ago. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good"'
+					'"I liked it when you came inside me," you smile warmly at <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> rubbing your wet thighs together where his cum was leaking from your snatch just minutes ago. "The way your cock <i>throbbed</i> inside me, I could feel your cum filling me up. It felt so good."'
 			if sex_ev['accidental_creampie_convo'] = 0 and npc_know_bc[$boy] < 1 and (npc_know_not_bc[$boy] = 1 or sex_ev['risky_creampie'] > 0 or npc_childfree[$boy] > 0) and sex_ev['safe_day'] ! 1 and sex_ev['probably_safe_day'] ! 1:
 			if sex_ev['accidental_creampie_convo'] = 0 and npc_know_bc[$boy] < 1 and (npc_know_not_bc[$boy] = 1 or sex_ev['risky_creampie'] > 0 or npc_childfree[$boy] > 0) and sex_ev['safe_day'] ! 1 and sex_ev['probably_safe_day'] ! 1:

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1790,6 +1790,7 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'makeout_dom3':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'makeout_dom3':
 	gs'arousal', 'kiss',rand(2,7), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
 	gs'arousal', 'kiss',rand(2,7), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
 	gs'arousal', 'hj',-rand(2,4), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
 	gs'arousal', 'hj',-rand(2,4), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
+	sex_ev['hj_count'] += 1
 	if rand(0,1) = 1:
 	if rand(0,1) = 1:
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/foreplay/makeout2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/foreplay/makeout2.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -1810,6 +1811,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'handjob_dom1':
 		gs'arousal', 'hj',rand(1,4), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
 		gs'arousal', 'hj',rand(1,4), 'no_orgasm_msg', $sex_ev['prostitution_flag']
 		$sex_ev['position'] = 'handjob'
 		$sex_ev['position'] = 'handjob'
+		sex_ev['hj_count'] += 1
 		cla & *clr
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hj2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/shared/sex/handjob/hj2.mp4"></video></center>'
 		if sex_ev['foreplay_change'] >= 1:
 		if sex_ev['foreplay_change'] >= 1:

+ 9 - 4

@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'break_up':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'break_up':
 	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'fuckbuddy':
 	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'fuckbuddy':
-		gs 'lover', 'remove fuckbuddy', $boy
+		gs 'lover', 'remove_fuckbuddy', $boy
 	elseif $npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'sugar_daddy':
 	elseif $npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'sugar_daddy':
-		gs 'lover', 'remove sugardaddy', $boy
+		gs 'lover', 'remove_sugar_daddy', $boy
 		gs 'lover', 'remove', $boy
 		gs 'lover', 'remove', $boy
@@ -117,13 +117,18 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'break_up':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fuckbuddy_add':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'fuckbuddy_add':
-	gs 'lover', 'add fuckbuddy', $boy
+	gs 'lover', 'add_fuckbuddy', $boy
 	npc_fuckbuddy[$boy] = 1
 	npc_fuckbuddy[$boy] = 1
 	npc_no_booty_call[$boy] = daystart
 	npc_no_booty_call[$boy] = daystart
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sugar_daddy_add':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'sugar_daddy_add':
-	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] ! 'fuckbuddy': gs 'sex_ev_leave', 'fuckbuddy_add'
+	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] ! 'fuckbuddy':
+		gs 'lover', 'add_sugar_daddy', $boy
+		npc_fuckbuddy[$boy] = 1
+		npc_no_booty_call[$boy] = daystart
+		sex_ev['sugar_daddy_count'] += 1
+	end
 	npc_sugar_daddy_price[$boy] = sex_ev['sugar_daddy_offer'] * 100
 	npc_sugar_daddy_price[$boy] = sex_ev['sugar_daddy_offer'] * 100
 	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] ! 'sugar_daddy':
 	if $npc_rel_type[$boy] ! 'sugar_daddy':
 		$npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'sugar_daddy'
 		$npc_rel_type[$boy] = 'sugar_daddy'

+ 14 - 11

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	if sex_ev['virgin'] = 1 and sex_ev['virgin_talk'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0:
 	if sex_ev['virgin'] = 1 and sex_ev['virgin_talk'] = 0 and sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0:
 		gs'sex_ev_virgin', 'first_time_talk'
 		gs'sex_ev_virgin', 'first_time_talk'
-		gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
+		gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topics'
 	gs'sex_ev_after', 'sore_pussy_msg'
 	gs'sex_ev_after', 'sore_pussy_msg'
@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'stop_talk':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'topic_route':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'topic_route':
-	if sex_ev['sex_over'] = 1:
-		gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topics'
-	else
-		gs'sex_ev_sex', 'break_time'
+	act'Keep talking':
+		if sex_ev['sex_over'] = 1:
+			gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topics'
+		else
+			gs'sex_ev_sex', 'break_time'
+		end
@@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'pillow_picture1':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'topics':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'topics':
+	cla
 	gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'stop_talk'
 	gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'stop_talk'
 	if sex_ev['unique_npc'] = 1:
 	if sex_ev['unique_npc'] = 1:
 		gs 'sex_ev_pillow_talk_<<$boy>>', 'topic_menu'
 		gs 'sex_ev_pillow_talk_<<$boy>>', 'topic_menu'
@@ -1161,10 +1164,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'love_going_bareback':
 			'"Yeah?" he grins back.'
 			'"Yeah?" he grins back.'
 			act'Feels good':
 			act'Feels good':
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
-				'"It just feels good," you say with deep satisfaction. "Condoms are all latexy. Bareback is better."'
+				'"It feels good so good to do it raw," you say with deep satisfaction. "Condoms get in the way. Bareback is better."'
 				if npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0:
 				if npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0:
 					if npc_know_bc[$boy] = 1:
 					if npc_know_bc[$boy] = 1:
-						'"Birth control is awesome..." <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> grins lewdly.'
+						'"Birth control is awesome..." <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> grins.'
 						'"You got that right," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> says.'
 						'"You got that right," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> says.'
@@ -1178,9 +1181,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'love_going_bareback':
 			act'Feels natural':
 			act'Feels natural':
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
-				'"It feels... natural," you say with deep satisfaction. "Your cock in my pussy and nothing in-between. Using condoms feels so artificial. Bareback feels <i>right</i>."'
+				'"Condoms feel... <i>latexy</i>," you say, scrunching your nose in disgust. "Artificial. It''s better when it''s just your cock in my pussy and nothing in-between. It feels <i>right</i>."'
 				if npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0:
 				if npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0:
-					'"That''s why I never use them," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> says smugly. "They''re bad for the environment."'
+					'"That''s why I never use condoms," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> says smugly. "They''re bad for the environment."'
 					if npc_humor[$boy] = 1:
 					if npc_humor[$boy] = 1:
 						'"Well they <i>are</i> technically artificial," he chuckles to himself. "I don''t think latex is a commonly occurring material in the wild."'
 						'"Well they <i>are</i> technically artificial," he chuckles to himself. "I don''t think latex is a commonly occurring material in the wild."'
@@ -1487,9 +1490,9 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'on_birth_control':
 			cla & *nl
 			cla & *nl
 			if npc_know_not_bc[$boy] = 1:
 			if npc_know_not_bc[$boy] = 1:
 				if tabletkishot > 0:
 				if tabletkishot > 0:
-					'"I forgot, I haven''t told you yet," you say. "I''m on the shot now. I''ll be fine."'
+					'"Oops, I forgot I haven''t told you yet," you say. "I''m on the shot now. I''ll be fine."'
 				elseif birth_control['think_safe'] = 1:
 				elseif birth_control['think_safe'] = 1:
-					'"I forgot, I haven''t told you yet," you say. "I''m on the pill now. I''ll be fine."'
+					'"Oops, I forgot I haven''t told you yet," you say. "I''m on the pill now. I''ll be fine."'
 				if tabletkishot > 0:
 				if tabletkishot > 0:

+ 1 - 1

@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'facial_happy_reacts':
 			sex_ev['react'] = 1
 			sex_ev['react'] = 1
 			'"So, how do I look?" you ask, with a cum glazed smile.'
 			'"So, how do I look?" you ask, with a cum glazed smile.'
-			if npc_abusive[$boy] > 0 and rand(0,1) = 1:
+			if npc_rough[$boy] > 0 and rand(0,1) = 1:
 				'"Like a walking cumdumpster," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> snickers.'
 				'"Like a walking cumdumpster," <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> snickers.'
 					cla & *clr
 					cla & *clr

+ 1 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'inserted_img':
 		elseif $sex_ev['position'] = 'doggy':
 		elseif $sex_ev['position'] = 'doggy':
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/doggy/2.jpg"></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/doggy/2.jpg"></center>'
 		elseif $sex_ev['position'] = 'cowgirl':
 		elseif $sex_ev['position'] = 'cowgirl':
-			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/cowgirl/1.jpg"></center>'
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/cowgirl/3.jpg"></center>'

+ 1 - 1

@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'after_alone':
 	dynamic $showerdin
 	dynamic $showerdin
 	sex_ev['start_shower'] = 1
 	sex_ev['start_shower'] = 1
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'stat'
-	'You slip into the bathroom and turn on the faucet. Hot water comes pouring out and you gratefully step under, rinsing the post-sex sweat from your body.'
+	'You slip into the bathroom and turn on the faucet. Hot water comes pouring out and you gratefully step under, rinsing the post-sex feeling from your body.'
 		cla & *clr
 		cla & *clr

+ 6 - 0

@@ -61,6 +61,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'save_stats':
 	!! number of times you have initiated or responded to a booty call
 	!! number of times you have initiated or responded to a booty call
 	npc_bootycalls[$boy] += 1
 	npc_bootycalls[$boy] += 1
+	!! number of times you have had jerked off an npc
+	if sex_ev['hj_count'] > 0: npc_hj_count[$boy] += 1
+	!! number of times you have had blown an npc
+	if sex_ev['bj_count'] > 0: npc_bj_count[$boy] += 1
 	!! number of times you have had sex with an npc
 	!! number of times you have had sex with an npc
 	if sex_ev['fuck'] > 0 or sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0: npc_fuck_times[$boy] += 1
 	if sex_ev['fuck'] > 0 or sex_ev['fuck_count'] > 0: npc_fuck_times[$boy] += 1

+ 37 - 35

@@ -253,17 +253,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'childfree_accidental_creampie1':
 				if $sex_ev['convo'] = 'used_all_condoms':
 				if $sex_ev['convo'] = 'used_all_condoms':
 					'"It''s a safe day," you nod. "I should be okay. This time anyways," you smile teasingly.'
 					'"It''s a safe day," you nod. "I should be okay. This time anyways," you smile teasingly.'
-					'"It''s a safe day, so I should be okay," you smile teasingly.'
+					'"It''s a safe day, so I should be okay," you smile.'
 				gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
 				gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
 		elseif stat['probably_safe_day'] = 1:
 		elseif stat['probably_safe_day'] = 1:
-			act'I think so':
+			act'I should be okay':
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
 				if $sex_ev['convo'] = 'used_all_condoms':
 				if $sex_ev['convo'] = 'used_all_condoms':
 					'"I think so," you say. "It <i>should</i> be a safe day for me as long as I''m keeping track of my cycle correctly..."'
 					'"I think so," you say. "It <i>should</i> be a safe day for me as long as I''m keeping track of my cycle correctly..."'
-					'"I think so," you say. "It <i>should</i> be a safe day for me as long as I''m keeping track of my cycle correctly..."'
+					'"It <i>should</i> be a safe day for me as long as I''m keeping track of my cycle correctly..."'
 				gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
 				gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'childfree_accidental_creampie1':
 			act'Need plan B':
 			act'Need plan B':
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
-				'"Not really," you grimace. "I''m definitely going to need some plan B tomorrow."'
+				'"I''ll get some plan B tomorrow," you say.'
 				if npc_childfree[$boy] = 1 or npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1:
 				if npc_childfree[$boy] = 1 or npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1:
 					gs'sex_ev_talk', 'morning_after_money'
 					gs'sex_ev_talk', 'morning_after_money'
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'childfree_accidental_creampie1':
 			act'Need plan B (safety)':
 			act'Need plan B (safety)':
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
-				'"I''ll get some plan B tomorrow just to be safe," you say.'
+				'"I should be okay but I''ll get some plan B tomorrow just to be safe," you say.'
 				if npc_childfree[$boy] = 1 or npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1:
 				if npc_childfree[$boy] = 1 or npc_caretaker[$boy] = 1:
 					gs'sex_ev_talk', 'morning_after_money'
 					gs'sex_ev_talk', 'morning_after_money'
@@ -419,39 +419,41 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'morning_after_money':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_have_morning_after':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'pc_have_morning_after':
-	if mc_inventory['morning_after_pill'] = 0:
-		act'I''ll buy a morning after pill':
-			sex_ev['plan_b_buy'] = 1
-			cla & *nl
-			if sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0:
-				sex_ev['ma_pill_tomorrow'] = 1
-				if npc_pay_for_ma_pill[$boy] = 1:
-					'"I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '," you murmur. "You''re paying for it, right?"'
-					'"Yeah," he replies. "I''ll give you the money when we''re done."'
-				else
-					'"It''s okay," you murmur reassuringly. "I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow. No big deal."', 'later today. No big deal."')
-				end
-			else
-				if npc_pay_for_ma_pill[$boy] = 1:
-					'"I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '," you murmur. "You''re paying for it, right?"'
-					'"Yeah," he replies. "I''ll give you the money when we''re done."'
+	if birth_control['think_safe'] = 0:
+		if mc_inventory['morning_after_pill'] = 0:
+			act'I''ll buy a morning after pill':
+				sex_ev['plan_b_buy'] = 1
+				cla & *nl
+				if sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0:
+					sex_ev['ma_pill_tomorrow'] = 1
+					if npc_pay_for_ma_pill[$boy] = 1:
+						'"I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '," you murmur. "You''re paying for it, right?"'
+						'"Yeah," he replies. "I''ll give you the money when we''re done."'
+					else
+						'"It''s okay," you murmur reassuringly. "I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow. No big deal."', 'later today. No big deal."')
+					end
-					'"It''s okay," you murmur reassuringly. "I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '. No big deal."'
+					if npc_pay_for_ma_pill[$boy] = 1:
+						'"I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '," you murmur. "You''re paying for it, right?"'
+						'"Yeah," he replies. "I''ll give you the money when we''re done."'
+					else
+						'"It''s okay," you murmur reassuringly. "I''ll get a morning after pill ' + iif(sex_ev['sleepover'] = 0, 'tomorrow', 'later') + '. No big deal."'
+					end
+				'He nods, seeming to relax a bit.'
+				gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
-			'He nods, seeming to relax a bit.'
-			gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
-		end
-	else
-		act'I''ve got a morning after pill':
-			sex_ev['ma_pill'] = 1
-			cla & *nl
-			'"It''s okay," you smile reassuringly. "I have a morning after pill. It''s no big deal."'
-			act'Continue':cla & gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
-			act'Take it now':
+		else
+			act'I''ve got a morning after pill':
+				sex_ev['ma_pill'] = 1
 				cla & *nl
 				cla & *nl
-				'"In fact..." you say, reaching down for your purse.'
-				gs'sex_ev_after', 'plan_b2'
+				'"It''s okay," you smile reassuringly. "I have a morning after pill. It''s no big deal."'
+				act'Continue':cla & gs'sex_ev_pillow_talk', 'topic_route'
+				act'Take it now':
+					cla & *nl
+					'"In fact..." you say, reaching down for your purse.'
+					gs'sex_ev_after', 'plan_b2'
+				end
@@ -1124,7 +1126,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'bareback_pill_expense':
 	act'Too expensive':
 	act'Too expensive':
 		cla & *clr
 		cla & *clr
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/after/pillow_talk3.jpg"></center>'
 		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/after/pillow_talk3.jpg"></center>'
-		'"That pill costs money you know," you say irritatedly. "I''m not willing to pay for that every time you forget to pull out."'
+		'"That pill costs money you know," you say irritably. "I''m not willing to pay for that every time you forget to pull out."'
 		if npc_finance[$boy] >= 1 and ((npc_selfish[$boy] < 1 and rand(1,3) = 3) or (npc_finance[$boy] = 2 and npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0 and npc_selfish[$boy] = 1)):
 		if npc_finance[$boy] >= 1 and ((npc_selfish[$boy] < 1 and rand(1,3) = 3) or (npc_finance[$boy] = 2 and npc_no_condoms[$boy] > 0 and npc_selfish[$boy] = 1)):
 			'"How about I pay for it then?" <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> asks. "Any time you need a morning after pill because of me, I''ll give you money to pay for it."'
 			'"How about I pay for it then?" <<$npc_firstname[$boy]>> asks. "Any time you need a morning after pill because of me, I''ll give you money to pay for it."'
 			'He grabs his wallet and pulls out a wad of notes.'
 			'He grabs his wallet and pulls out a wad of notes.'

+ 5 - 5

@@ -2084,17 +2084,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hypnoRandom':
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sex/schoolBlow<<rand(3,4)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sex/schoolBlow<<rand(3,4)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 			'As instructed, you use your mouth to clean off <i>Master''s</i> cock.'
 			'As instructed, you use your mouth to clean off <i>Master''s</i> cock.'
-			if therapist_key = 0:
+			if therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 0:
 				act 'Continue':
 				act 'Continue':
 					*clr & cla
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
-					therapist_key = 1
+					therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 1
 					'You finish getting dressed and the doctor hands you something. It''s a keychain with a single key, a tiny bunny plush, and a tag for the Hotel by Pavlovsk market with a room number on it. "I want you to show up to this room every Saturday night from 20:00. There you will find me, waiting for you. Once a week, you will be my wife. You will do whatever I ask of you and you will do it without question. This will all be automatic for you. You will not be under hypnosis for this and you will do it because you WANT to do it" he says. "Soon, you will be my wife for real and when that day comes, you must know what is expected of you, Understand?" he states.'
 					'You finish getting dressed and the doctor hands you something. It''s a keychain with a single key, a tiny bunny plush, and a tag for the Hotel by Pavlovsk market with a room number on it. "I want you to show up to this room every Saturday night from 20:00. There you will find me, waiting for you. Once a week, you will be my wife. You will do whatever I ask of you and you will do it without question. This will all be automatic for you. You will not be under hypnosis for this and you will do it because you WANT to do it" he says. "Soon, you will be my wife for real and when that day comes, you must know what is expected of you, Understand?" he states.'
 					act 'Yes, Master':
 					act 'Yes, Master':
 						*clr & cla
 						*clr & cla
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
 						'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
-						therapist_key = 2
+						therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 2
 						'"I understand, Master, I will be your wife every Saturday night and into Sunday morning"'
 						'"I understand, Master, I will be your wife every Saturday night and into Sunday morning"'
 						'"Thats my girl, Heres the key, See you soon" he then places a kiss on your lips. "But remember, if you come to the clinic, you will go under upon seeing me and wont remember anything" You nod as you walk out the door.'
 						'"Thats my girl, Heres the key, See you soon" he then places a kiss on your lips. "But remember, if you come to the clinic, you will go under upon seeing me and wont remember anything" You nod as you walk out the door.'
 						act 'Continue':	gt 'therapist', 'hypnoEnd'
 						act 'Continue':	gt 'therapist', 'hypnoEnd'
@@ -2117,12 +2117,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'hypnoRandom':
-			elseif therapist_key = 1:
+			elseif therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 1:
 				'You finish getting dressed and the doctor asks you something that you think you have heard before, "I want you to show up to this room every Saturday night. There you will find me, waiting for you. Once a week, you will be my wife. You will do whatever I ask of you and you will do it without question. This will all be automatic for you. You will not be under hypnosis for this and you will do it because you WANT to do it" he says. "Soon, you will be my wife for real and when that day comes, you must know what is expected of you, Understand?" he states.'
 				'You finish getting dressed and the doctor asks you something that you think you have heard before, "I want you to show up to this room every Saturday night. There you will find me, waiting for you. Once a week, you will be my wife. You will do whatever I ask of you and you will do it without question. This will all be automatic for you. You will not be under hypnosis for this and you will do it because you WANT to do it" he says. "Soon, you will be my wife for real and when that day comes, you must know what is expected of you, Understand?" he states.'
 				act 'Yes, Master':
 				act 'Yes, Master':
 					*clr & cla
 					*clr & cla
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
 					'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/clinic/therapist/sittingClothed.jpg"></center>'
-					therapist_key = 2
+					therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 2
 					'"I understand, Master, I will be your wife every Saturday night and into Sunday morning"'
 					'"I understand, Master, I will be your wife every Saturday night and into Sunday morning"'
 					'"Thats my girl, Heres the key, See you soon" he then places a kiss on your lips. "But remember, if you come to the clinic, you will go under upon seeing me and wont remember anything" You nod as you walk out the door.'
 					'"Thats my girl, Heres the key, See you soon" he then places a kiss on your lips. "But remember, if you come to the clinic, you will go under upon seeing me and wont remember anything" You nod as you walk out the door.'

+ 234 - 10

@@ -9,11 +9,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start':
 	menu_off = 0
 	menu_off = 0
 	$location_type = 'private_indoors'
 	$location_type = 'private_indoors'
 	minut += 5
 	minut += 5
 	gs 'stat'
 	gs 'stat'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/room.jpg"></center>'
 	'Upon entering the room you hear the shower running which gives you a moment to look around the large suite. To start off, it looks lived in. There is a small kitchen in the corner with a mini fridge and a small portable stove with a tea kettle on it letting off some steam, letting the owner of the room know the water is soon to be ready. There is a laptop, open, on the desk with lots of papers lying around it, as if someone is transcribing them into digital form. There is one book on the bed, open and face down, as if someone was reading it.'
 	'Upon entering the room you hear the shower running which gives you a moment to look around the large suite. To start off, it looks lived in. There is a small kitchen in the corner with a mini fridge and a small portable stove with a tea kettle on it letting off some steam, letting the owner of the room know the water is soon to be ready. There is a laptop, open, on the desk with lots of papers lying around it, as if someone is transcribing them into digital form. There is one book on the bed, open and face down, as if someone was reading it.'
 	'Suddenly the water in the shower stopped!'
 	'Suddenly the water in the shower stopped!'
 	act 'Wait': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event_switch'
 	act 'Wait': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event_switch'
@@ -34,8 +33,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event_switch':
 	elseif therapistQW['hotel_visits'] = 2:
 	elseif therapistQW['hotel_visits'] = 2:
 		gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event3'
 		gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event3'
-		if therapistQW['hotel_submit'] >= 4:
+		if therapistQW['hotel_submit'] >= 4 and therapistQW['hotel_submit'] < 10:
 			gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event5_submit'
 			gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event5_submit'
+		elseif therapistQW['hotel_submit'] = 10:
+			gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event6_submit'
 !!		elseif therapistQW['hotel_hypno_study'] >= 4:
 !!		elseif therapistQW['hotel_hypno_study'] >= 4:
 !!			gt ?????
 !!			gt ?????
@@ -308,10 +309,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event3':
 	act 'Yes Sir':
 	act 'Yes Sir':
 		*clr & cla
 		*clr & cla
 		minut += 2
 		minut += 2
-		'"Good" he says and snaps his fingers again and you come out of your trance. "My dear, thank you for coming over, I really hope you had a good day" he says and gives you a kiss, which you return. "Sorry about being a bad host. This place is a mess, I''ve not had time to clean up" he says and your mind triggers and you remove your clothes, fold them up nicely, place then on the bed, then begin to clean up the hotel room.'
-		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/hotel_clean.jpg"></center>'
 		$lastwornclothingtype['therapist'] = $clothingworntype
 		$lastwornclothingtype['therapist'] = $clothingworntype
 		lastwornclothingnumber['therapist'] = clothingwornnumber
 		lastwornclothingnumber['therapist'] = clothingwornnumber
 		$lastwornpantytype['therapist'] = $pantyworntype
 		$lastwornpantytype['therapist'] = $pantyworntype
@@ -319,6 +316,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event3':
 		$lastwornbratype['therapist'] = $braworntype
 		$lastwornbratype['therapist'] = $braworntype
 		lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
 		lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
 		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 		gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/hotel_clean.jpg"></center>'
+		'"Good" he says and snaps his fingers again and you come out of your trance. "My dear, thank you for coming over, I really hope you had a good day" he says and gives you a kiss, which you return. "Sorry about being a bad host. This place is a mess, I''ve not had time to clean up" he says and your mind triggers and you remove your clothes, fold them up nicely, place then on the bed, then begin to clean up the hotel room.'
 		if func('pcs_has_attr', 'OR', 'body_tits_big', 'body_tits_huge'):
 		if func('pcs_has_attr', 'OR', 'body_tits_big', 'body_tits_huge'):
 			'You sense his eyes on you the whole time. "I love watching your body move" he says and this compliment makes you feel happy. You feel like you might love this man, and he''s helped you so much with all your issues. "Thank you, I like to keep my body in healthy shape, I want you to be happy when looking at me" You tell him.'
 			'You sense his eyes on you the whole time. "I love watching your body move" he says and this compliment makes you feel happy. You feel like you might love this man, and he''s helped you so much with all your issues. "Thank you, I like to keep my body in healthy shape, I want you to be happy when looking at me" You tell him.'
@@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event3':
 			*clr & cla
 			*clr & cla
 			gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 35, 'sub'
 			gs 'arousal', 'cuni', 35, 'sub'
 			gs 'stat'
 			gs 'stat'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/kuni/kuni.jpg"></center>'
 			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/kuni/kuni.jpg"></center>'
 			'You finish cleaning up the hotel room and when you pick something up, you feel his hands on your bottom. He feels up your rear. This is what you want him to do, but you don''t move. It''s not long before he kneels down behind you and you feel his lips on your pussy and starts to make out with your lower hole. This causes you to moan out softly as he eats you out. This lasts for a few minutes before he pulls back and pushes you onto the bed and is quickly on top of you again.'
 			'You finish cleaning up the hotel room and when you pick something up, you feel his hands on your bottom. He feels up your rear. This is what you want him to do, but you don''t move. It''s not long before he kneels down behind you and you feel his lips on your pussy and starts to make out with your lower hole. This causes you to moan out softly as he eats you out. This lasts for a few minutes before he pulls back and pushes you onto the bed and is quickly on top of you again.'
@@ -456,7 +458,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event4':
 				gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype['therapist'], lastwornclothingnumber['therapist']
 				gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype['therapist'], lastwornclothingnumber['therapist']
 				gs 'panties', 'wear', $lastwornpantytype['therapist'], lastwornpantynumber['therapist']
 				gs 'panties', 'wear', $lastwornpantytype['therapist'], lastwornpantynumber['therapist']
 				gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['therapist'], lastwornbranumber['therapist']
 				gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['therapist'], lastwornbranumber['therapist']
 				gs 'stat'
 				gs 'stat'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_<<rand(1, 2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 				'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_<<rand(1, 2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
@@ -520,11 +521,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event5_submit':
 	lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
 	lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
 	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/hotel_undressed_knee.jpg"></center>'
 	'After another Saturday night in the hotel room, you feel flushed when you see your therapist. Your heart feels like it''s pounding a million miles a second. When he stands up in his robe, you see his cock and your mind goes blank. "Wife, welcome back." He walks up to you and kisses your lips and squeezes your chest. "Now, every time you come into this room, you will no longer enter a trance and you will stay, as my lover, you will be wet and ready as you want me but will wait for me to start anything. You will also strip down to nothing and will not want to wear clothing while you are here with me." He commands. "When I say the phrase, ‘My dear’, you will do whatever I command you while you are awake. Do you understand?" he asks, planting more triggers in your mind.'
 	'After another Saturday night in the hotel room, you feel flushed when you see your therapist. Your heart feels like it''s pounding a million miles a second. When he stands up in his robe, you see his cock and your mind goes blank. "Wife, welcome back." He walks up to you and kisses your lips and squeezes your chest. "Now, every time you come into this room, you will no longer enter a trance and you will stay, as my lover, you will be wet and ready as you want me but will wait for me to start anything. You will also strip down to nothing and will not want to wear clothing while you are here with me." He commands. "When I say the phrase, ‘My dear’, you will do whatever I command you while you are awake. Do you understand?" he asks, planting more triggers in your mind.'
 	'"Yes, sir." you respond.'
 	'"Yes, sir." you respond.'
 	'"All right, now undress and present yourself to me."'
 	'"All right, now undress and present yourself to me."'
-	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/hotel_undressed_knee.jpg"></center>'
 	'You strip down to your birthday suit and turn to show him your body. He pulls you into his lap and moves a hand over your legs before moving it between your legs, feeling you up. "Now, wake up and be my woman."'
 	'You strip down to your birthday suit and turn to show him your body. He pulls you into his lap and moves a hand over your legs before moving it between your legs, feeling you up. "Now, wake up and be my woman."'
@@ -590,8 +591,8 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event5_submit':
 						minut += 5
 						minut += 5
 						gs 'stat'
 						gs 'stat'
-						'He stops and kisses you and then pulls out of you and slowly gets dressed. “My dear, get up, clean up, then return the same time next week,” he says, leaving you alone to get dressed and cleaned up before leaving.'
 						'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_<<rand(1, 2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
 						'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/pc/activities/misc/dress_<<rand(1, 2)>>.mp4"></video></center>'
+						'He stops and kisses you and then pulls out of you and slowly gets dressed. “My dear, get up, clean up, then return the same time next week,” he says, leaving you alone to get dressed and cleaned up before leaving.'
 						act 'Continue':
 						act 'Continue':
 							*clr & cla
 							*clr & cla
 							minut += 15
 							minut += 15
@@ -633,6 +634,229 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'event5_submit':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'event6_submit':
+	menu_off = 1
+	minut += 2
+	therapistQW['hotel_visits'] += 1
+	$lastwornclothingtype['therapist'] = $clothingworntype
+	lastwornclothingnumber['therapist'] = clothingwornnumber
+	$lastwornpantytype['therapist'] = $pantyworntype
+	lastwornpantynumber['therapist'] = pantywornnumber
+	$lastwornbratype['therapist'] = $braworntype
+	lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
+	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+	dynamic $showerdin
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/hotel_shower1.mp4"></video></center>'
+	'You enter the hotel again, but this time it is different. The moment you walk in, you remove your clothes, folding them up before heading into the shower to get cleaned up.'
+	'In your mind, you know this phrase, "A Clean Wife has a Happy Husband" You spend time making sure everything about yourself is clean before you dry off and enter the hotel room.'
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 15
+		gs 'stat'
+		'You see your husband working on something at his desk. You kneel before him and wait for him to notice you. After some time, he turns to look at you.'
+		'"Wife, you look as beautiful as ever. I have something I want you to sign. You are my wife in all but name. Let''s make it official" he says and hands you a pen and a clip board.'
+		'You look at it. Giving a quick read you see it''s a marriage certificate. "You will sign it now, won''t you My Dear?" he commands. You look down again at the packet before you.'
+		*nl
+		'<center><font color="red">If you sign this, you will be his wife, any boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers, husbands, anything where you live with them will be null and void. From this point on, the therapist is your husband and he WILL NOT divorce you.</font></center>'
+		act 'Sign the paper':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 5
+			gs 'arousal', 'bj', 30, 'sub'
+			gs 'stat'
+			'You give the paper a signature and he smiles. "Good, I''ll take this to the city offices on Monday." He says and pulls out his cock and moves your head to it.'
+			'You start sucking on it without question. "Now, we are now married. This means you are to live with me, You will head home tonight, tell your family you are moving out, and you will live here with me until we find a place of our down, Do you understand?" he asks.'
+			act '"Yes Sir"':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'arousal', 'bj', 15, 'sub'
+				gs 'cum_call', 'mouth', 'A186', 2, 0, 15000, 60
+				gs 'stat'
+				'"Good, Now finish up with your current task so you can tell your parents or loved ones the news. Tell them whatever you want, but tell them you are moving out."'
+				'He says and cums into your mouth. You drink and swallow every drop. He lets you up and you get dressed. Without saying anything, you leave the motel and head home.'
+				act 'Continue': 
+					gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype['therapist'], lastwornclothingnumber['therapist']
+					gs 'panties', 'wear', $lastwornpantytype['therapist'], lastwornpantynumber['therapist']
+					gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['therapist'], lastwornbranumber['therapist']
+					gs 'stat'
+					gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event6_submit2'
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		act 'Don''t sign the paper':
+			'He helps you to your feet and tells you to get dressed and leave but tells you "I expect you to sign it the next time i see you" he says. You dress and leave.'
+			act 'Leave':
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype['therapist'], lastwornclothingnumber['therapist']
+				gs 'panties', 'wear', $lastwornpantytype['therapist'], lastwornpantynumber['therapist']
+				gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['therapist'], lastwornbranumber['therapist']
+				gs 'stat'
+				gt 'pav_market'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'event6_submit2':
+	minut += 45
+	gs 'lover', 'clear_all'
+	gs 'stat'
+	act 'Go to the hotel': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event6_submit3'
+	if func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'parents_home'):
+		cla
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/anya/home/sisboyqw_00.jpg"></center>'
+		'You return home and see your family watching TV. You head to your bedroom and see Anya on her bed reading a book. When you pull out your suitcase, she looks up from her book. "You going somewhere?" she asks.'
+		*nl
+		'"I''m moving out" you tell her.'
+		*nl
+		'"Oh, did you find a place for university?" she asks and helps you get your stuff together.'
+		*nl
+		'"Something like that" you tell her. "I found a place to live and I will be staying there" you tell her the truth but not the full truth.'
+		*nl
+		'"Well, make sure you come back from time to time" she says and gives you a hug before you head to the living room to tell your parents about the news.'
+		act 'Continue':
+			*clr & cla
+			minut += 20
+			gs 'stat'
+			'You enter the living room with your suitcase and just say, "<Mom>, Dad, Im moving out. I have found a place to stay and I will be living there" you say and <Mom> stands up looking confused. "What are you talking about?" she says.'
+			*nl
+			'"I''m moving out" you repeat.'
+			*nl
+			'"I heard that, but why?" she asks as Valdimer walks up behind her to keep her back.'
+			*nl
+			'"Dear, stop, she''s out of school and she''s old enough to live on her own now." He walks up to you and gives you a hug. "Just make sure you come home from time to time" he says and you can see your mother starting to cry.'
+			*nl
+			'"Does this mean I can get her bed?" Kolka says loudly and from the bed room, you can hear Anya yell back. "OH HELL NO" and this causes Kolka to slump back into the chair he was sitting on.'
+			*nl
+			'"Just promise us you will be careful" Valdimer says and you nod. "I''ll be ok." you say and grab your suitcase and then leave home to return to the hotel.'
+			act 'Go to the hotel': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event6_submit3'
+		end
+	elseif husband > 0:
+		! Divorce husband. Currently no dedicated function for this
+		husband = 0
+		divorced += 1
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/romance/misc/depart1.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You return home and head to the bedroom. You pull out your suitcase and start putting all your outfits into it. This takes you only a few minutes before you go to the living room to see your husband sleeping on the couch. You write up a quick note saying you no longer love him and have moved out. You remove your wedding ring and place it on the table with the note and you head back to the motel.'
+	!	Living with others:
+	elseif func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'maid_bedroom') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'niko_apartment') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'vasilyhome') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'university_dorm') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'hunters_lodge') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'shared_apartment') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'grandparents_house') or func('homes_properties', 'is_current_home', 'meynold_household'):
+		'You return home and head to the bedroom. You pull out your suitcase and start putting all your outfits into it. This takes you only a few minutes before you go to the living room to see no one is there. You write up a quick note saying you thank them for the times you spent together and will visit when they can. You take the key from your pocket and place it on the table with the note and you head back to the motel.'
+	else
+		'You return home and head to the bedroom. You pull out your suitcase and start putting all your outfits into it. You pull out your phone and cancel your rent payments and send a quick email to the agency saying the keys on the table and you have moved out. You take the key from your pocket and place it on the table and you head back to the motel.'
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'event6_submit3':
+	minut += 20
+	$lastwornclothingtype['therapist'] = $clothingworntype
+	lastwornclothingnumber['therapist'] = clothingwornnumber
+	$lastwornpantytype['therapist'] = $pantyworntype
+	lastwornpantynumber['therapist'] = pantywornnumber
+	$lastwornbratype['therapist'] = $braworntype
+	lastwornbranumber['therapist'] = brawornnumber
+	gs 'clothing', 'strip'
+	gs 'stat'
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/naked1.jpg"></center>'
+	'You return to the hotel room with your stuff. When you enter, you see the therapist waiting for you. "Welcome back, my wife. Looks like all went well" he says and you nod.'
+	'"Just put your stuff in the closet there and lay on the bed and wait for me." He says and you strip down, putting your clothes into the closet, then you lay on the bed, naked. You are glad the TV is on and you watch it.'
+	act 'Continue':
+		*clr & cla
+		minut += 90
+		gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 90, 'sub'
+		gs 'cum_call', 'vagina', 'A186', 2, 0, 15000, 60
+		gs 'stat'
+		'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/miss/old9.mp4"></video></center>'
+		'You spend the next hour or two, naked on the bed, watching TV before her comes to bed. He pushes you on your back and before you know it, he is inside you having sex with you.'
+		'You were already wet from being in his presence. He moves your hands above your head and spends the next few hours pumping in and out of you before you both pass out.'
+		act 'Sleep':
+			*clr & cla
+			gs 'sleep_simple', 'simple'
+			if hour < 7:
+				pcs_sleep += 15 * (6 - hour)
+				hour = 7
+				minut = 0
+				pcs_sleep = min(pcs_sleep, 100)
+				gs 'stat'
+			end
+			gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', -90, 'sub'
+			gs 'cum_call', 'vagina', 'A186', 2, 0, 15000, 60
+			gs 'stat'
+			'<center><video autoplay loop <<$set_imgh>> src="images/shared/sex/vag/miss/old8.mp4"></video></center>'
+			'You wake up the next morning and your legs are on his shoulders and he is still having sex with you.'
+			'He says nothing and you just lay there looking up at him. It takes him a bit and he cums deep inside you again. He stays inside you and looks down at you.'
+			'"Good Morning, Wife. Tell me, Do you love being woken up like this?"'
+			*nl
+			'"Yes, sir, I love it" you reply.'
+			*nl
+			'"Good, you will let me use your body anytime, anywhere, anyhow I want, wont you my dear?" he says pulling out of you slowly.'
+			*nl
+			'"Yes, sir, my body is yours." you say.'
+			*nl
+			'"Good, now stay there for a bit and let my cum find your eggs" he says and gets off the bed'
+			act 'Continue':
+				*clr & cla
+				minut += 5
+				gs 'stat'
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/resident/therapist/naked1.jpg"></center>'
+				'You lay there naked on the bed as he goes to get cleaned up. You lay there for a bit and when he exits the shower, you get up and go take one yourself. You wash up and return to him. "Now to make sure no one sees anything wrong with our pairing, you are free to leave and do whatever you want. But you will return here every night.'
+				'This is your home now. You will have all the same freedoms you did in any place you lived before, only the difference is that you will be naked at all times while in this room. At night, we will have sex and you will allow it, even if you are not in the mood, isn''t that right my dear?" he says.'
+				*nl
+				'"Yes, Sir, thank you" you reply.'
+				*nl
+				'He gives you a kiss. "Now go, do whatever it is you like to do" he says and you get dressed and head to the lobby.'
+				act 'Continue': gt 'therapist_hotel', 'event6_submit4'
+			end
+		end
+	end
+if $ARGS[0] = 'event6_submit4':
+	minut += 5
+	gs 'clothing', 'wear', $lastwornclothingtype['therapist'], lastwornclothingnumber['therapist']
+	gs 'panties', 'wear', $lastwornpantytype['therapist'], lastwornpantynumber['therapist']
+	gs 'bras', 'wear', $lastwornbratype['therapist'], lastwornbranumber['therapist']
+	gs 'stat'
+	HotelRoom['pav_hotel'] = 0
+	hotelRoomDays['pav_hotel'] = 0
+	therapistQW['hotel_key'] = 3
+	gs 'homes_preperties', 'set_home', 'hotel_therapist'
+	gt 'pav_hotel'
 --- therapist_hotel ---------------------------------
 --- therapist_hotel ---------------------------------