import os import re from collections import defaultdict # made by Awesome # Get the main directory path where the tools folder is located main_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) qsrc_dir = os.path.join(main_dir, "locations") # Set the text_path to the main directory text_path = main_dir # Get the game directory from the user image_directory = input('Enter the game directory: ') # Ensure image_directory ends with a '/' if not image_directory.endswith('/'): image_directory += '/' # Check if the user entered the images folder path instead of the game directory if image_directory.lower().endswith('images/'): image_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(image_directory)) # Remove the 'images' subfolder from image_directory only if it's there if os.path.basename(image_directory.rstrip('/')).lower() == 'images': image_directory = os.path.dirname(image_directory.rstrip('/')) # Define keywords to exclude from media paths keywords_to_exclude = ['$pcs_haircol', 'pharma_picrand', 'mitkapicrand', '<>', '$_color', '<>', '$ARGS', '+iif', '<>', 'kamasutra_page', '<<$'] # Create a list to store missing media (images and videos) missing_media = [] # Function to evaluate and replace random expressions while preserving existing single quotes or '+' operators def evaluate_and_replace_random(expression): media_paths = [] # Define a regular expression pattern to find expressions like ' + rand(...) + ' or "'+rand(...)+'" or '<>' rand_pattern = r'(["\']?)\s*([\+\-]?)\s*(<<)?rand\s*\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)(>>)?\s*([\+\-]?)\s*(["\']?)' # Find all matching expressions in the input string matches = re.finditer(rand_pattern, expression) # Initialize the modified expression modified_expression = expression # Iterate through the matches and replace them for match in matches: start_quote, start_operator, _, min_value, max_value, _, end_operator, end_quote = match.groups() min_value = int(min_value) max_value = int(max_value) if min_value <= max_value: # Generate media paths for each number in the range for num in range(min_value, max_value + 1): # Create a copy of the modified expression temp_expression = modified_expression # Replace the 'rand' expression with the current number replacement = (start_operator if start_operator else '') + str(num) + (end_operator if end_operator else '') if start_quote and start_quote == end_quote: replacement = replacement.strip("'") replacement = replacement.strip("+") temp_expression = temp_expression[:match.start()] + replacement + temp_expression[match.end():] media_paths.append(temp_expression) # If no random evaluations were found, return the original expression if not media_paths: media_paths = [modified_expression] return media_paths # Function to evaluate and replace variables within a string def evaluate_and_replace_variables(expression, variables): variable_matches = re.findall(r'<<(\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zAZ0-9_]*)>>', expression) for variable_name in variable_matches: if variable_name.startswith("$"): variable_value = variables.get(variable_name[1:], None) else: variable_value = variables.get(variable_name, None) # Check if the variable value is a 'rand' function if isinstance(variable_value, str) and 'rand(' in variable_value: # Evaluate the 'rand' function variable_value = evaluate_and_replace_random(variable_value)[0] if variable_value is None: return None expression = expression.replace(f"<<{variable_name}>>", str(variable_value)) return [expression] # Initialize an empty dictionary to store variable values variables = {} # Iterate through .qsrc files in the specified directory and its subdirectories for file in os.listdir(qsrc_dir): if file.endswith(".qsrc"): qsrc_file = os.path.join(qsrc_dir, file) # Read the .qsrc file with open(qsrc_file, "r", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as script_file: script_content = script_file.readlines() # Initialize a dictionary to store the 'rand' variables and their expressions rand_variables = {} # Define a regular expression pattern to find 'rand' variable assignments rand_assignment_pattern = r'<<(\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zAZ0-9_]*)>>\s*=\s*(rand\(\d+,\s*\d+\))' # Iterate through the script content to find and store 'rand' variable assignments for line_number, line in enumerate(script_content, start=1): matches = re.findall(rand_assignment_pattern, line) for match in matches: variable_name, rand_expression = match rand_variables[variable_name.strip()] = rand_expression.strip() # Iterate through each line in the .qsrc file for line_number, line in enumerate(script_content, start=1): # Check if the line contains a variable assignment if "=" in line and "<<" in line and ">>" in line: # Find all matches of the regular expression in the line matches = re.findall(r'<<(\$?[a-zA-Z_][a-zAZ0-9_]*)>>\s*=\s*([\'"]?[^\'"]+[\'"]?)', line) # Check if there are any matches if matches: # Split the line into a variable name and value variable_name, variable_value = matches[0] # Check if the variable value contains a 'rand' function if "rand(" in variable_value: # Evaluate the 'rand' function variable_value = evaluate_and_replace_random(variable_value)[0] # Store the variable value in the dictionary with the filename and line number as the key variables[(qsrc_file, line_number)] = {variable_name.strip(): variable_value.strip("'\"")} # Use regular expressions to find media references in the script if line.strip().startswith('!') or '<>', media_reference) for variable_reference in variable_references: if variable_reference in rand_variables: rand_expression = rand_variables[variable_reference] media_reference = media_reference.replace(f"<<{variable_reference}>>", str(eval(rand_expression))) media_paths = evaluate_and_replace_random(media_reference) for path in media_paths: if any(keyword in path for keyword in keywords_to_exclude): continue absolute_path = os.path.join(image_directory, path) # Check if the path is a directory if os.path.isdir(absolute_path) and not os.listdir(absolute_path): missing_media.append((os.path.basename(qsrc_file), path, line_number)) elif not os.path.exists(absolute_path): missing_media.append((os.path.basename(qsrc_file), path, line_number)) # Specify the path to the "missing_media.txt" output file missing_media_file = os.path.join(text_path, "missing_media.txt") # Convert the list to a set to remove duplicates, then convert it back to a list missing_media = [i for n, i in enumerate(missing_media) if i not in missing_media[n + 1:]] # Create a dictionary to store the file name, media path and line numbers missing_media_dict = defaultdict(list) for qsrc_file, media_path, line_number in missing_media: # Use the file name and media path as the key, and append the line number to the list of values missing_media_dict[(qsrc_file, media_path)].append(line_number) # Write the dictionary to the "missing_media.txt" file with open(missing_media_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as file: for (qsrc_file, media_path), line_numbers in missing_media_dict.items(): # Join the line numbers with commas line_numbers_str = ", ".join(map(str, line_numbers)) file.write(f"From file: {qsrc_file}, lines: {line_numbers_str}\n") # Write the .qsrc filename and line numbers file.write(f"{media_path}\n\n") # Write the full media path and start a new line file.write(f"\nTotal missing media files: {len(missing_media_dict)}\n") # Write the count of missing media files at the end of the file file.write(f"this amazing script was made by Awesome (with help from chatGPT)\n") # Bragging print(f"{len(missing_media_dict)} Missing media files have been saved to 'missing_media.txt'.") pause = input("Press Enter to exit.")