gopnik_initiation.qsrc 86 KB

  1. # gopnik_initiation
  2. !2020/10/16
  3. if $ARGS[0] = 'initiation':
  4. *clr & cla
  5. menu_off = 1
  6. !!this should be a new option that shows up at the apartment complex garages at 20:00 hours if joining the gopniks triggered it. Once it is triggered it doesn''t show up again unless Sveta triggers the gopnik invite again for some reason.
  7. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/lenameet.jpg"></center>'
  8. 'You meet Lena where you were told to meet her after school by the apartment garages and find her and Lera already there squatting and smoking, while they wait for you. When you get close Lena stands up and asks. "You ready little bunny?" Before you can even answer, she starts off down the street with Lera in tow, talking as she goes. "We are going to that little liquor store in town."'
  9. 'You follow them, not sure what to say. You know this is likely going to be a test of some sort to join them, you are just not sure what it is.'
  10. killvar 'gopnik_initiation'
  11. killvar 'gopnik_initiation_day'
  12. gs 'stat'
  13. act 'Go to store':
  14. cla & *clr
  15. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  16. 'Lena stops at the corner of the building and leans against it. "Ok here''s the plan. Lera and I will go in first and then distract the owner. Then little bunny you follow us in and once the owner is good and distracted grab a couple bottles of vodka and then make your way out. We will follow shortly after you leave. Got it?" She gives you a hard look to make sure you understand what you are supposed to do, while Lera gives you a skeptical look, obviously not thinking you can or maybe will do it.'
  17. minut += 10
  18. gs 'stat'
  19. act 'Agree': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'agreesteal'
  20. act 'Refuse':
  21. cla & *clr
  22. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  23. 'You shake your head no. "You want me to steal? I can''t do that."'
  24. 'Lena goes a bit red with anger, "Then why the fuck are you wasting our time? If you weren''t serious about joining us you should have never said you would." She takes a deep breath. "You going to do this or not?"'
  25. gs 'stat'
  26. act 'Agree': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'agreesteal'
  27. act 'Offer to be a distraction':
  28. cla & *clr
  29. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  30. 'You notice they exchange looks and you know you are about to blow your chance to join the gopniks, but you don''t want to steal. You mother would kill you if you got caught stealing. Still maybe you can help out in some other way. "What if I was the distraction while you guys stole the stuff?"'
  31. 'Lera rolls her eyes. "Pussy!"'
  32. 'While Lena frowns, looks at you intently for a moment. "Fine, this time only though, but if you want to be one of us you are going to have to loosen up more and I don''t mean that chasm you call a pussy. This is what we do, so next time you''re doing it, got it?"'
  33. npc_rel['A20'] -= 5
  34. npc_rel['A21'] -= 5
  35. gs 'stat'
  36. act 'Got it':
  37. cla & *clr
  38. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  39. 'You are still not so sure about stealing but at least for now you don''t have to and when next time shows up you will cross that bridge when you come to it. Lena starts laying out the plan as you listen carefully.'
  40. '"Ok Bunny you and Lera go inside, stay with her and follow her fucking lead got it? No questions asked, just fucking do it, then I will come in and move to the back. Once you guys have everyone distracted I will nab the vodka and head out. Once I am out you guys follow. Got it?"'
  41. gs 'stat'
  42. act 'Nod':
  43. cla & *clr
  44. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstorein.jpg"></center>'
  45. 'You nod that you got it, and follow Lera inside. She walks up to a rack of cigarettes right by the cash register and starts looking at them, you follow her lead and do the same. A few moments later you see Lena walk in out of the corner of your eye and walks towards the back. Just then you feel a hand on your chin turning to your face to face Lera''s, she leans in to kiss you.'
  46. minut += 5
  47. gs 'stat'
  48. act 'Go with it':
  49. cla & *clr
  50. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/distraction.mp4"></center>'
  51. 'Your lips meet and you begin kissing each other. You can feel her hands roaming over your body. She is actually a really good kisser and soon you are really getting into it yourself. You loose yourself in the kiss and then suddenly she breaks it and you realize that Lena has left.'
  52. *nl
  53. 'Lera takes you by the hand and leads you towards the door, you manage to throw a quick glance at the guy behind the counter. "We need to go, at least we won''t need any condoms." She says giggling as she pulls you out the door. Then the two of you rush around the side of the building and find Lena with two bottles of vodka. Lena slips them back in her bag and then starts off running. "Lets go bitches, we got a party to get to." With that you follow them to the party.'
  54. minut += 5
  55. gs 'stat'
  56. act 'Go to the party': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'gopnik party'
  57. end
  58. end
  59. end
  60. act 'No':
  61. cla & *clr
  62. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  63. 'You shake your head no. "I can''t steal stuff, I''m just not going to do it."'
  64. 'Lena shoves you. "Then stop wasting our fucking time bitch and get lost." You know you are about to lose all standing with the gopniks.'
  65. gs 'stat'
  66. act 'Walk off': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'walkoff'
  67. act 'Ask if there is something else you can do': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'somethingelse'
  68. end
  69. end
  70. act 'Walk off': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'walkoff'
  71. act 'Ask if there is something else you can do': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'somethingelse'
  72. end
  73. end
  74. end
  75. if $ARGS[0] = 'walkoff':
  76. cla & *clr
  77. grupvalue[4] -= 200
  78. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', -10
  79. gs 'stat'
  80. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  81. 'You shake your head again. "Sorry I wasted your time then." With that you walk off, while Lena and Lera shout out all kind of names at you. You know you''ve made a target of yourself to the gopniks but you''re no thief. You don''t even know why you thought joining them was a good idea in the first place.'
  82. act 'Leave the gang': gt 'pav_residential'
  83. end
  84. if $ARGS[0] = 'somethingelse':
  85. cla & *clr
  86. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  87. 'You know you''re about to blow your chance to be a gopnik and you are feeling desperate now. "Maybe there is something else I can do, some other way to be useful to you guys?"'
  88. 'They look at you as you utter those words. Lena gives you a once over, while Lera gets a devious look on her face as she leans over and whispers something to Lena, who listens, laughs a bit then nods. "Ok slut, you want in that bad? Are you willing to do anything for the gopniks to become one of us?" You nod your head yes.'
  89. 'She crosses her arms and gives you a look of slight disdain. "Fine, then you can be the group bitch. We will take you to the party and you have to do anything anyone fucking tells you. If I tell you to lick my fucking boots, then you will lick my boots. If one of the guys tells you to suck his fucking dick, then you suck his fucking dick. If the guys decide to pull a train on you then you let them. Got it? You still want in that badly?" Lera is grinning like a wolf, as they wait for your reply.'
  90. gs 'stat'
  91. act 'Yes, I''ll do anything': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'doanything'
  92. act 'No': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'noslut'
  93. end
  94. if $ARGS[0] = 'agreesteal':
  95. cla & *clr
  96. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstorein.jpg"></center>'
  97. 'You nod your head. "Got it." Then you grin at them and add. "Lets go get some booze bitches."'
  98. 'Lena snorts a slight laugh and Lera smiles a bit, then they head inside. You wait a few minutes then follow them in.'
  99. gs 'stat'
  100. act 'Wait for distraction':
  101. cla & *clr
  102. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/distraction.mp4"></center>'
  103. 'You make your way towards the back, keeping an eye on Lena and Lera. Who are standing near the checkout and then they start making out. Lera seems to be really into it, pulling Lena back in for further kisses while her hands roam all over Lena''s body. Well it seems to have worked as the only other customer and the man behind the counter are both staring at them.'
  104. minut += 5
  105. gs 'stat'
  106. act 'Steal':
  107. cla & *clr
  108. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/steal.jpg"></center>'
  109. grupvalue[4] += 50
  110. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', 5
  111. minut += 5
  112. gs 'stat'
  113. LenaDis = 1 & LeraDis = 1
  114. if bag = 1:
  115. 'You grab a bottle of the most expansive vodka on the shelf and stuff it into your purse, then you grab another and do the same. You take a last look around making sure no one is watching you. You make your way to the door, you can feel your heart pounding inside your chest. You walk up to the doors and push them open walking out, expecting at any moment for someone to yell that you''re stealing. Yet no one does, once outside you rush around the side of the building and await your accomplices. A few moments later Lera and Lena join you all smiles, you show them the bottles and the whoop.'
  116. elseif defaultcoat ! 0 and temper < 0:
  117. 'You grab a bottle of the most expansive vodka on the shelf and hide it under your coat, then you grab another and do the same. You take a last look around making sure no one is watching you. You make your way to the door, you can feel your heart pounding inside your chest. You walk up to the doors and push them open walking out, expecting at any moment for someone to yell that you''re stealing. Yet no one does, once outside you rush around the side of the building and await your accomplices. A few moments later Lera and Lena join you all smiles, you show them the bottles and the whoop.'
  118. else
  119. 'You grab a bottle of the most expansive vodka on the shelf and hide it under your top, then you grab another and do the same. You take a last look around making sure no one is watching you. You make your way to the door, you can feel your heart pounding inside your chest. You walk up to the doors and push them open walking out, expecting at any moment for someone to yell that you''re stealing. Yet no one does, once outside you rush around the side of the building and await your accomplices. A few moments later Lera and Lena join you all smiles, you show them the bottles and the whoop.'
  120. end
  121. 'Lena with a big grin starts to take off. "Come on they''re waiting for us by now." With that she takes off running with Lera right behind and you bringing up the rear.'
  122. act 'Go to the party': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'gopnik party'
  123. end
  124. end
  125. act 'Change your mind':
  126. cla & *clr
  127. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  128. 'Your heart is pounding so hard it feels like it is going to come out of your chest. You look around and decide that you can''t do this. So you turn and walk outside. A few minutes later Lena and Lera join you, they are looking at you. Obviously trying to see where you got the bottles hidden. You blush slightly and look down. "Sorry I couldn''t do it."'
  129. 'Lena goes red with rage and crowds you, pushing you up against the side of the building. "Are you fucking kidding me? You fucking useless bitch, why are you even here if all you''re going to do is waste our time. I should beat your fucking ass!" She looks around and notices some people are watching what''s going on with her yelling. She then looks back at you. "You''re fucking lucky bitch, stay the fuck away from us from now on or I will give you an epic ass beating." With that she turns and leaves, with Lera smirking at you, obviously looking forward to pick on you from now on.'
  130. gs 'stat'
  131. act 'Stay silent':
  132. cla & *clr
  133. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  134. 'You stay silent and watch them walk away. You know you just painted a target on your back to the gopniks, but you just couldn''t bring yourself to steal. Sighing you walk back out to the street.'
  135. grupvalue[4] -= 200
  136. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', -10
  137. gs 'stat'
  138. act 'Leave the gang': gt 'pav_residential'
  139. end
  140. act 'Beg for another chance':
  141. cla & *clr
  142. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  143. 'As they start to walk off you catch up real quick. "Wait please, give me another chance."'
  144. 'Lera gives you a slight push away, while Lena says. "You had your chance and you blew it."'
  145. 'Feeling desperate you say. "Please! I''ll do anything!" you beg.'
  146. 'Finally they stop at those words and turn to look at you again. Lena gives you a once over, while Lera gets a devious look on her face then she leans over and whispers to Lena, who listens, laughs a bit then nods. "Ok slut, you want in that bad? And you''re willing to do anything for the gopniks to become ones of us?" You nod your head yes.'
  147. 'She crosses her arms and gives you a look of slight disdain. "Fine, then you can be the group bitch. We will take you to the party and you have to do anything anyone fucking tells you. If I tell you to lick my fucking boots, then you will lick my boots. If one of the guys tells you to suck his fucking dick, then you suck his fucking dick. If the guys decide to pull a train on you then you let them. Got it? You still want in that badly?" Lera is grinning like a wolf, as they wait for your reply.'
  148. minut += 5
  149. gs 'stat'
  150. act 'Yes, I''ll do anything': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'doanything'
  151. act 'No': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'noslut'
  152. end
  153. end
  154. end
  155. if $ARGS[0] = 'doanything':
  156. cla & *clr
  157. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  158. 'You nod your head yes. "Ok I''ll do anything, I will be anything you guys want me to be."'
  159. 'They exchange looks and then finally Lena shrugs and says to Lera. "You were right." Then she looks at you, "Well come on then slut." With that she turns and leads you toward the party as she texts something on her phone.'
  160. gs 'stat'
  161. act 'Go to the party': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'gopnik slut'
  162. end
  163. if $ARGS[0] = 'noslut':
  164. cla & *clr
  165. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/events/gopnikinvite/liqstoreout.jpg"></center>'
  166. 'You shake your head no. "I''m not a slut."'
  167. 'They turn around and start walking away again. "Then fuck you bitch!" and with that they leave you behind. You know you are a target for the gopniks now, but better than being their personal slut. You turn and make your way back to the street.'
  168. grupvalue[4] -= 200
  169. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', -10
  170. gs 'stat'
  171. act 'Leave the gang': gt 'pav_residential'
  172. end
  173. if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnik party':
  174. *clr & cla
  175. menu_off = 1
  176. grupvalue[1] -= 500
  177. grupvalue[2] -= 300
  178. grupvalue[3] -= 500
  179. if grupTipe = 1 or grupvalue[1] < 0: grupvalue[1] = 0
  180. if grupTipe = 2 or grupvalue[2] < 0: grupvalue[2] = 0
  181. if grupTipe = 3 or grupvalue[3] < 0: grupvalue[3] = 0
  182. grupTipe = 4
  183. grupTipe['joined_gopnik'] = 1
  184. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', 10
  185. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/hall.jpg"></center>'
  186. 'You follow Lena and Lera who talk the whole way about how awesome that was and about how you did a good job. Upon arriving at old school, Lena and Lara slip through the busted front door, down the main hallway. Straight to see Vitek, who is waiting in the old school offices, with the rest of the gopniks.'
  187. minut += 10
  188. gs 'stat'
  189. act 'Join the party':
  190. cla & *clr
  191. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/main.jpg"></center>'
  192. 'You walk into the main office and you can spot out some old furniture placed in the middle of this huge room.'
  193. 'Lena tells you to wait at the entrance while she approaches the group that''s occupying the sofas. After a little while you can see her returning with Vitek, both of them are grinning.'
  194. '"I heard you had something for me." Vitek eyes you.'
  195. 'Lera who''s standing next to you gives you a little subtle nudge as you quickly reveal the bottles. Vitek looks pleased at you as he invites you over to join the others.'
  196. gs 'stat'
  197. act 'Walk over':
  198. *clr & cla
  199. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/party.jpg"></center>'
  200. 'You happily walk over to the rest of the group. As they see that Vitek is carrying several bottles of Vodka with him, they begin to yell and holler, all excited over the loot.'
  201. 'Vitek proudly proclaims, "Didn''t I promise you all that I would deliver? Never doubt me again!"'
  202. 'Lena quickly chimes in eagerly, "Well its all thanks to our new friend, <<$pcs_nickname>>. She really proved herself today."'
  203. 'The rest of the group all cheer as they impatiently wait for the bottles to get opened. "Tell us how you managed to pull this one off?" some of them ask.'
  204. minut += 5
  205. gs 'stat'
  206. act 'Tell them the story':
  207. *clr & cla
  208. minut += 5
  209. gs 'stat'
  210. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/party.jpg"></center>'
  211. 'You begin telling them all about the plan that Lena and Lera cooked up. On how the two of you would distract the store clerk while the third would quickly walk in and out.'
  212. if LenaDis = 1 and LeraDis = 1:
  213. !!if Lana and Lera were the distraction
  214. *nl
  215. '"So we decided on that Lena and Lera would be the distraction while I was supposed to grab some bottles."'
  216. 'You continue on, "Well, so in they went and I followed shortly thereafter. I walked passed them and as soon as a reached the liquor they started making out in front of the clerk." The boys start to cheer as Lena and Lera blush a little.'
  217. 'After everyone settled down you continue, "While they''re making out I easily take couple of bottles and then simply walk out without anyone noticing me." you wink at Lena and Lera.'
  218. 'Excited by your story Vitek crack opens a bottle and offers you a drink, "You''ve earned the right to have the first drink."'
  219. killvar 'LenaDis'
  220. killvar 'LeraDis'
  221. act 'Drink':
  222. *clr & cla
  223. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/drinkvodka.jpg"></center>'
  224. 'You take a sip from the cup and you immediately feel you throat burn. You begin coughing as the others start laughing, "Not much of a drinker, eh?"'
  225. 'As it quiets down everyone goes back to what they were doing and you''re free to explore the grounds as you''re now one of the trusted hanger on, kinda a member but not fully expected yet, but soon.'
  226. gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'vodka', 1
  227. gs 'stat'
  228. act 'Start exploring': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  229. end
  230. else
  231. *nl
  232. '"So we decided on that Lera and I would be the distraction while Lena was supposed to grab some bottles."'
  233. 'You continue on, "Well, so in we go and Lera and I stop in front of the clerk..." as you take a dramatic pause. "And Lera leans in and starts making out with me!" The boys start to cheer as you blush a little.'
  234. 'As everyone cheers on Lera chimes in, "<<$pcs_nickname>> is really a good kisser. Just wanted the information to be out there in case." she winks at you.'
  235. 'Excited by your story Vitek crack opens a bottle and offers you a drink, "Since you''re new, here, have the first drink."'
  236. act 'Drink':
  237. *clr & cla
  238. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/drinkvodka.jpg"></center>'
  239. 'You take a sip from the cup and you immediately feel you throat burn. You begin coughing as the others start laughing, "Not much of a drinker, eh?"'
  240. 'As it quiets down everyone goes back to what they were doing and you''re free to explore the grounds as you''re now one of the trusted hanger on, kinda a member but not fully expected yet, but soon.'
  241. gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'vodka', 1
  242. gs 'stat'
  243. act 'Start exploring': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  244. end
  245. end
  246. end
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  250. if $ARGS[0] = 'explore':
  251. $menu_loc = 'gopnik_initiation'
  252. $menu_arg = 'explore'
  253. $location_type = 'public_indoors'
  254. menu_off = 0
  255. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/party.jpg"></center>'
  256. 'Once your story has been told and everyone took a drink or more of the vodka, the large crowd scatters around and smaller cliques have formed instead. Those left in the main office are <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tVitek''">Vitek</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tLavrenti''">Lavrenti</a> who are discussing something, while <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tDan''">Dan</a> is sitting on the sofa with a drink in his hand carefully listening to the discussion.'
  257. 'You can see <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''Niko''">Niko</a> leaning against a wall, chatting with Roman. <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tVasily''">Vasily</a> is standing nearby pouring himself a drink. <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tLena''">Lena</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tLera''">Lera</a> are standing a bit farther away talking to each other while, <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tPauline''">Pauline</a> is standing by the window smoking a cigarette.'
  258. gs 'stat'
  259. act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  260. act 'Go to the old principal office': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'office'
  261. act 'Go to the old teacher''s lounge': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  262. end
  263. if $ARGS[0] = 'tVitek':
  264. menu_off = 1
  265. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big9.jpg"></center>'
  266. 'As you approach Vitek he stops talking to Lavrenti and turns to you, "Good job on fixing the booze! You, my sister and Lera make a good team I look forward to see what more fun things you girls get into."'
  267. '"Thanks! Hopefully it will be something as fun as this little adventure." you confidently answer.'
  268. '"I''m sure my sister will find something exciting for you to do. She always does something stupid and I have to come to her rescue."'
  269. minut += 2
  270. gs 'stat'
  271. act 'Does that happen a lot?':
  272. *clr & cla
  273. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big9.jpg"></center>'
  274. '"Does she really run into trouble a lot?" you ask.'
  275. 'Vitek scoffs, "How much time do you have... There are many stories about me having to save my sister out of trouble. She thinks she''s tough but I know better."'
  276. '"I bet some of those stories are really juicy." you reply.'
  277. 'Vitek begins to laugh loudly with his other friends following suit, "You''re fun, I''m glad my sister persuaded me to give you a chance."'
  278. 'You smile and make a bit more small talk with him.'
  279. minut += 2
  280. gs 'stat'
  281. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  282. act 'Be flirty':
  283. *clr & cla
  284. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big9.jpg"></center>'
  285. '"I''m sure you can show me a fun time." you teasingly say.'
  286. 'Vitek turns around to his friends, "Did you hear that boys? No whore can resist me." as he turns back he all of a sudden lunges towards you and begins grabbing your ass.'
  287. 'You quickly react and push him away.'
  288. 'Vitek begins to laugh, "Look at that boys, the little kitty cat got sharp claws. Best you better be careful what you ask for."'
  289. 'The rest of the guys are grinning as you quickly move away from them. As you''re moving away from them you hear Vitek yell out, "If you ever want a round two come see me."'
  290. minut += 2
  291. npc_rel['A9'] += 1
  292. gs 'stat'
  293. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  294. end
  295. end
  296. end
  297. if $ARGS[0] = 'tDan':
  298. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big10.jpg"></center>'
  299. 'As you walk past Dan you can overhear him comment on how he would have gotten the booze, "I''m fairly sure I would''ve been able to get more booze than the girls, their approach was completely whack!"'
  300. 'Something strikes a nerv in you as you can''t let him off the hook, wanting to confront him. But you are also new to the gopniks, maybe you should just let it go.'
  301. minut += 2
  302. gs 'stat'
  303. act 'Ignore it': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  304. act 'What'' wrong with our approach?':
  305. *clr & cla
  306. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big10.jpg"></center>'
  307. 'A bit annoyed you ask, "How would''ve you done it?"'
  308. 'Dan grins as he had expected you to react in that way, "Well, let me explain why your method was sloppy."'
  309. 'He continues, "Having two girls make out in front of a man is the oldest trick in the book. There''s no finesse to it. It lacks originality."'
  310. 'Dan really is getting under your skin and all you want to do is to punch his smug little face.'
  311. minut += 2
  312. gs 'stat'
  313. act 'How would''ve you done it?':
  314. *clr & cla
  315. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big10.jpg"></center>'
  316. 'You''re quite annoyed by his implications, "How would''ve you done it instead smartass?"'
  317. '"Well..." he stops and thinks for a moment, "If I were in your shoes I would''ve used one of you and flirted with the man at the counter that way two of you would have been able to grab double as many bottles..."'
  318. minut += 2
  319. gs 'stat'
  320. act 'That''s actually pretty smart':
  321. *clr & cla
  322. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big10.jpg"></center>'
  323. 'You''re a bit surprised that he was able to come up with something better, "I got to give you that''s a pretty good idea."'
  324. 'Dan grins, "See, I told you that I had a superior idea. Now you know that you shouldn''t question me the next time."'
  325. 'Even if you don''t want to acknowledge him you admit to defeat as you nod and quickly move away from him.'
  326. minut += 2
  327. npc_rel['A10'] += 1
  328. gs 'stat'
  329. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  330. end
  331. act 'I don''t think so':
  332. *clr & cla
  333. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big10.jpg"></center>'
  334. 'You begin to scornfully laugh, "That''s your bright idea. That''s so stupid, do you think the guy behind the counter was the only person in the store? What was one of us suppose to flirt with all of them at once? Yeah that''s not suspicious." You say as you roll your eyes. "The only way to pull it off was the way we did it."'
  335. 'Dan frowns at you, "You left that out that there was other people in the store, you little slut."'
  336. 'You laugh at that. "Well I didn''t think I need to point out the obvious that people shop in stores all the time." That makes Lavrenti and Vasily laugh as well.'
  337. 'Then Vasily rubs a bit of salt in the wound. "She has a point Dan, I have never seen that place empty" Dan turn and gives Vasily a dirty look before turning it on you again, but he doesn''t say anything more.'
  338. 'You stick out your tongue as you move away from him, feeling very satisfied that you managed to put Dan in his place. You know you scored some points with some of them, even if it pissed off Dan, but he''ll get over it.'
  339. minut += 2
  340. grupvalue[4] += 1
  341. npc_rel['A9'] += 1
  342. npc_rel['A10'] -= 1
  343. npc_rel['A11'] += 1
  344. npc_rel['A155'] += 1
  345. gs 'stat'
  346. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  347. end
  348. end
  349. end
  350. end
  351. if $ARGS[0] = 'tVasily':
  352. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big11.jpg"></center>'
  353. 'You approach Vasily as he''s pouring himself a drink. He''s quite a bit tipsy and is having a hard time pouring the liquor into the cup.'
  354. '"Do you need some help?" you ask him.'
  355. 'Looking at you he mumbles something incomprehensible and then wraps his arm around your shoulders, "Want to have some fun <<$pcs_nickname>>?" he asks you.'
  356. minut += 2
  357. gs 'stat'
  358. act 'What do you have in mind':
  359. *clr & cla
  360. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big11.jpg"></center>'
  361. 'Intrigued by his question you nod, "What do you have in mind?"'
  362. 'He gives you this sneaky smile, "Watch this."'
  363. 'He trips away towards Lavrenti, sneaks up to him from behind and pulls down his pants.'
  364. minut += 2
  365. gs 'stat'
  366. act 'Laugh':
  367. *clr & cla
  368. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/pantsed.jpg"></center>'
  369. 'As Lavrenti''s private parts are exposed, all the people start to laugh with you joining in. Lavrenti is blushing and you can see his eyes tear up...'
  370. 'Vasily runs back to you with a big grin on his face, "Did you like that?"'
  371. 'You nod as you can feel tears running down your face, "That was great! I can''t believe you did that."'
  372. 'Vasily confidently answers, "Well, you wanted to see something fun, didn''t you."'
  373. '"Thanks you for this!" you say, "I really needed this!"'
  374. minut += 2
  375. npc_rel['A11'] += 1
  376. gs 'stat'
  377. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  378. end
  379. act 'Don''t laugh':
  380. *clr & cla
  381. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big11.jpg"></center>'
  382. 'As Lavrenti''s private parts are exposed, all the people start to laugh while you stand there in dismay. Lavrenti is blushing and you can see his eyes tear up...'
  383. 'You begin to yell at Vasily, "What the hell is wrong with you?"'
  384. 'Vasily shrugs his shoulders, "What? You said you wanted some fun." he tries to deflect.'
  385. '"Yeah, but not at someone else''s expense. This was a low-blow even for someone like you." you reply...'
  386. minut += 2
  387. gs 'stat'
  388. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  389. end
  390. end
  391. end
  392. if $ARGS[0] = 'tLavrenti':
  393. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big155.jpg"></center>'
  394. 'You approach Lavrenti who''s discussing something with Vitek, "This is some good Vodka, the girls grabbed the good stuff!"'
  395. '"Thank you." you answer, "We tried to do our best. It was stressful for a while there but we managed to handle it."'
  396. 'Lavrenti begins to laugh, "I can understand that. It must''ve been a stressful situation. Either way it was nice to have someone else provide the booze this time."'
  397. minut += 2
  398. gs 'stat'
  399. act 'Oh?':
  400. *clr & cla
  401. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big155.jpg"></center>'
  402. '"Really? Why''s that?" you tilt your head.'
  403. 'Lavrenti smiles, "Well, I''m the richest here so they usually use me as their personal bank... But that''s okay, beats being alone anyway."'
  404. '"Sounds a bit sad." you reply, "If they were your real friends they wouldn''t do that to you."'
  405. 'Lavrenti begins to shakes his hands, "No, no. I don''t mind, we have lots of fun so I don''t really mind."'
  406. minut += 2
  407. gs 'stat'
  408. act 'I still feel...':
  409. *clr & cla
  410. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big155.jpg"></center>'
  411. 'You continue to push on the topic and just as you''re about to say something more Lavrenti cuts you off, "I told you it''s okay! So just drop it!" he says annoyed.'
  412. '"I-I''m sorry I didn''t want to make you upset." you apologize.'
  413. '"Don''t worry. These people are my friends now. After the falling out they were the only one that took me in."'
  414. minut += 2
  415. gs 'stat'
  416. act 'What happened?':
  417. *clr & cla
  418. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big155.jpg"></center>'
  419. '"Why''s that?" you curiously ask.'
  420. '"You know that Dimka and I had a falling out. And that it was pretty ugly. Dimka ruined my with most of the school and for awhile got me outcast, but I proved myself, to these guys and they took me in."'
  421. 'Lavrenti continues, "And I know they mostly tolerate me because my family is rich, but I don''t care. They at least always have my back when push comes to shove."'
  422. '"Well as long you don''t mind and are happy who am I to judge." you say, "It was great talking to you but I need to continue on."'
  423. minut += 2
  424. npc_rel['A155'] += 1
  425. gs 'stat'
  426. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  427. end
  428. end
  429. end
  430. end
  431. if $ARGS[0] = 'tLena':
  432. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big20.jpg"></center>'
  433. 'You approach Lena and Lera and apologize to Lera as you need to talk to Lena real quick.'
  434. 'Lera happily nods and moves away, while Lena asks what''s up.'
  435. minut += 2
  436. gs 'stat'
  437. act 'Thank her':
  438. *clr & cla
  439. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big20.jpg"></center>'
  440. '"I just wanted to thank you for giving me the chance to show the group that I''m worthy..." you say.'
  441. '"Don''t be silly <<$pcs_nickname>> there''s no need for that, you did good and proved yourself." Lena replies'
  442. ' You can''t help but smile. "You''re going to make me blush."'
  443. 'Lena continues, "I''m sure everyone will make you feel welcome, after all you''re the hero for day."'
  444. minut += 2
  445. gs 'stat'
  446. act 'Blush':
  447. *clr & cla
  448. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big20.jpg"></center>'
  449. '"You''re making me blush now..." you reply.'
  450. '"Just be yourself and don''t worry about anything and if anyone is bothering you come talk to me and I''ll take care of it, okay?" Lena smiles.'
  451. '"I''ll keep that in mind." you tell her.'
  452. '"Yeah, the guys can be pretty rowdy sometimes, so you better be careful." she says.'
  453. minut += 2
  454. gs 'stat'
  455. act 'In what way':
  456. *clr & cla
  457. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big20.jpg"></center>'
  458. '"In what way?" you worringly ask her.'
  459. '"Well, they can be pretty hands on when it comes to sex. Luckily or rather unluckily I have Vitek that ''protects'' me for the rest of them. So yeah, don''t be surprised if someone makes a move on you and won''t take no for an answer." she says.'
  460. 'You begin getting cold feet, "Maybe this group isn''t for me..."'
  461. 'Lena begins shaking her head, "No, no, no. I am saying, you might have to force them to back down. Do what you got to, even if it makes kicking them in the balls. Eventually they will learn how far they can push you, just don''t let them push you further than you want to go."'
  462. 'You thank for the advice and give her a hug before moving away from her.'
  463. minut += 2
  464. npc_rel['A20'] += 1
  465. gs 'stat'
  466. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  467. end
  468. end
  469. end
  470. end
  471. if $ARGS[0] = 'tLera':
  472. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big21.jpg"></center>'
  473. 'You approach Lena and Lera and apologize to Lena as you need to talk to Lera real quick.'
  474. 'Lena happily nods and moves away, while Lera asks what''s up.'
  475. minut += 2
  476. gs 'stat'
  477. act 'I had fun today':
  478. *clr & cla
  479. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big21.jpg"></center>'
  480. 'You tell her that you had lots of fun today and thank her for giving you the opportunity to prove yourself.'
  481. '"Don''t be silly <<$pcs_nickname>> it was fun helping, you proved you belong here today." she says.'
  482. minut += 2
  483. gs 'stat'
  484. !if acted as a distraction with Lera
  485. if npc_rel['A21'] > 20:
  486. act 'Talk about the kiss':
  487. *clr & cla
  488. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big21.jpg"></center>'
  489. '"It was pretty wild kissing like that." you say.'
  490. 'Lera shrugs her shoulders, "It''s not the first time Lena and I pulled something like that off. We mostly do it to tease the guys as it makes them go crazy. You''re not a bad kisser <<$pcs_nickname>>. Hopefully it wasn''t the last time we do that." Lera slyly winks at you.'
  491. 'Immediately you start blushing as Lera starts to laugh, "Relax, we tease each other all the time. It''s what we do, you will just have to get use to it." she teases you.'
  492. 'You mumble something and quickly move away from her...'
  493. minut += 2
  494. npc_rel['A21'] += 1
  495. gs 'stat'
  496. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  497. end
  498. else
  499. act 'Talk about her':
  500. *clr & cla
  501. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big21.jpg"></center>'
  502. '"You''re pretty brave doing all these crazy things." you tell her.'
  503. '"Why''s that?" she curiously asks.'
  504. '"Your father is the teacher at the school so he''s well-known aren''t you afraid he might find out what you''re up to?" you ask.'
  505. 'She tilts her head, "Nothing to worry about, he''s always busy with the school work so I get away pretty much with murder." she smiles.'
  506. minut += 2
  507. gs 'stat'
  508. act 'Tell a joke':
  509. *clr & cla
  510. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big21.jpg"></center>'
  511. '"Good to know, if I ever need to put a hit on anyone, I know who to call." you jokingly say.'
  512. 'Lera begins to loudly laugh, "Good one, who knew we have a comedian joining us."'
  513. 'You continue to joke around for a while and you''re still not able to stop laughing as you''re moving away from her.'
  514. minut += 2
  515. npc_rel['A21'] += 1
  516. gs 'stat'
  517. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  518. end
  519. end
  520. end
  521. end
  522. end
  523. if $ARGS[0] = 'tPauline':
  524. minut += 2
  525. gs 'stat'
  526. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  527. 'You approach Pauline as she angrily turns towards you and asks what the hell you want.'
  528. if smoker >= 20:
  529. 'Surprised by her reaction, you bend your head down and quietly ask her, "I saw you were having a smoke so I wanted to ask if I could have one?"'
  530. 'Pauline sighs and hands over a pack of cigarettes.'
  531. act 'Thank her':
  532. *clr & cla
  533. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  534. 'You gladly grab hold of the pack and take out a cigarette, light it and inhale deeply. You feel the smoke fill your lungs as you breathe the smoke out.'
  535. 'Pauline observes you for a while, "You really needed one, eh?"'
  536. 'You nod, "Every time I have something to drink I get this urge for a cigarette."'
  537. '"I know the feeling, I usually always get that feeling after kicking someones ass." she says.'
  538. minut += 2
  539. pcs_mood += 10
  540. gs 'shortgs','smoker'
  541. gs 'stat'
  542. act 'Sounds like a bad habit':
  543. *clr & cla
  544. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  545. '"Both of those things sound like a bad habit." you jokingly say.'
  546. 'Pauline gets a smile on her face, "Heh, true. I should kick them both to the curb, but I don''t want to live like a prude. Nothing beats kicking someone''s ass, that feeling is even better than having sex."'
  547. '"Well, you''ve got quite the reputation. You even have the boys scared of messing with you."'
  548. 'All of a sudden she gets this serious look...'
  549. minut += 2
  550. gs 'stat'
  551. act 'Did I say something wrong?':
  552. *clr & cla
  553. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  554. 'The lack of reaction makes you a bit uneasy as you ask, "I''m sorry, did I offend you in some way?"'
  555. 'Pauline is still looking seriously at you, but all of a sudden she starts to laugh, "I can''t keep it up anymore. Did I scare you? I wanted to see how you would react."'
  556. 'You start laughing, "Yeah, you had me scared, I didn''t know what I should do."'
  557. '"No need to worry, you''re all good <<$pcs_nickname>>." she says between the laughing attacks.'
  558. '"I''m glad everything is good." you tell her. You keep talking for a short while you finish your cigarette.'
  559. minut += 2
  560. npc_rel['A24'] += 1
  561. gs 'stat'
  562. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  563. end
  564. end
  565. end
  566. else
  567. 'Surprised by her reaction, you bend your head down and quietly tell her, "I didn''t want to disturb, I just wanted to hang out for a while, and you seemed to be lonely..."'
  568. '"Well I''m not I just want to be left alone, understand?" she sharply replies.'
  569. act 'Walk away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  570. act 'What a bitch':
  571. *clr & cla
  572. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  573. '"Sheesh, no need to be such a bitch..." you tell her as you''ve forgotten that Pauline got a short fuse.'
  574. 'Without any hesitation her eyes go black, "What did you say whore?"'
  575. 'Realizing what you''ve done, you must quickly find a way to backtrack as you don''t want your ass to be beaten.'
  576. minut += 2
  577. gs 'stat'
  578. act 'I was only joking':
  579. *clr & cla
  580. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  581. 'Your lips tremble as you say, "I''m sorry, I was only joking."'
  582. 'Pauline spits in front of you, "You havn''t earned that right, just because you stole a couple of bottles of vodka doesn''t make you one of us. The others might let you think that, but you got a lot more to prove before you are one of us. So get lost before I beat your ass bitch."'
  583. 'Dejected, you tell her that you''re sorry once again and move away from her...'
  584. minut += 2
  585. npc_rel['A24'] -= 1
  586. gs 'stat'
  587. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  588. end
  589. act 'Double down':
  590. *clr & cla
  591. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big24.jpg"></center>'
  592. '"You heard what I was said!" you confidently say.'
  593. 'Pauline smirks, "You know what, both of us had a drink or two and I don''t want to destroy the others buzz so I''ll let you off the hook this time, but I won''t be as forgiving the next time."'
  594. 'Feeling you played your hand correctly you let out a relieving sigh...'
  595. '"I got to give it to you, you''ve got some balls. I didn''t think you had it in you." Pauline commends you.'
  596. 'You nod approvingly as you turn your back to her and move away from her.'
  597. minut += 2
  598. npc_rel['A24'] += 1
  599. gs 'stat'
  600. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  601. end
  602. end
  603. end
  604. end
  605. if $ARGS[0] = 'Niko':
  606. '<center><b><h4><font color=#E400FF><<"Nikolai [Niko] Volkov">></font></h4></b></center>'
  607. gs 'stat'
  608. if NikoGOPParty = 0:
  609. NikoGOPParty = 1
  610. if NikoFightDay = daystart and NikoPayback > 0:
  611. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev2/bruised2.jpg"></center>'
  612. 'As you approach Niko, he slowly turns to you and says, "What? Did you come here to gloat? Why don''t you just celebrate somewhere else?" And before you can say anything, Niko grabs two vodka bottles then walks to the other side of the room.'
  613. elseif NikoPayback > 0:
  614. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
  615. 'As you approach Niko, he quickly turns to you and says, "So the little slut decides to join the tough guys huh? You must enjoy being treated like the whore that you are, don''t you? Because you will never truly be an equal here. I will make sure of it." Niko then presses a bottle of vodka against the table then slams his hand down on it, popping the top off the bottle before drinking the vodka while he leans back. Realizing that he has nothing more to say, you cautiously walk away.'
  616. elseif NikoVolkovQW >= 5 and NikoEv > 0:
  617. gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'vodka', 1
  618. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
  619. 'As you approach Niko, he slowly turns to you and says, "Hey <<$pcs_nickname>> How are you enjoying the party?" You give Niko a smile as he reaches out for your hand then guides you toward the seat next to him then wraps his arm around your neck before kissing up your neck. Niko then presses a bottle of vodka against the table then slams his hand down on it, popping the top off the bottle before handing it to you.'
  620. act 'Have a drink':
  621. cla & *clr
  622. '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/fedor/fedorev/caress.mp4"></center>'
  623. 'As you begin drinking, a few drops fall down your chin and onto your shirt. Niko leans forward then begins licking the vodka off of your neck while caressing your breasts while you continue drinking. After you finish the vodka, you place the bottle down just as Niko gives you a passionate kiss before saying, "How about we slip away for some private time..." Just as he says that dan Accidentally knocks over an open bottle, causing some vodka to spill on Niko''s leg. Niko shouts, "Watch what your fucking doing you shithead!" dan flips off Niko before they both begin shoving each other, as you slip away, not wanting to get involved.'
  624. gs 'stat'
  625. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  626. end
  627. elseif NikoIntro > 0:
  628. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
  629. 'As you approach Niko, he slowly turns to you and says, "Hello there, <<$pcs_firstname>> Welcome to the party. Here, have a drink." Niko then presses a bottle of vodka against the table then slams his hand down on it, popping the top off the bottle before handing it to you.'
  630. gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'vodka', 1
  631. act 'Have a drink':
  632. cla & *clr
  633. gs 'stat'
  634. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
  635. 'As you begin drinking, a few drops fall down your chin and onto your shirt. Niko quickly grabs a napkin then begins slowly whipping the drops off of your shirt as he says, "Careful there, we wouldn''t want to ruin that lovely shirt you''re wearing." You pause drinking to give him a light smile before saying, "Charmer are we?" Niko replies, "Only for one as beautiful as you." You shake your head before getting up and saying, "Well maybe we can do this again sometime." Niko gives you a wink before replying, "I''m looking forward to it."'
  636. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  637. end
  638. else
  639. gs 'drugs', 'alcohol', 'vodka', 1
  640. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/avatars/<<week>>.jpg"></center>'
  641. 'As you approach Niko, he slowly turns to you and says, "Hello there, <<$pcs_firstname>> is your name right? Welcome to the party. Here, have a drink." Niko then presses a bottle of vodka against the table then slams his hand down on it, popping the top off the bottle before handing it to you.'
  642. act 'Have a drink':
  643. cla & *clr
  644. gs 'stat'
  645. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikoev/smile2.jpg"></center>'
  646. 'As you begin drinking, a few drops fall down your chin and onto your shirt. Niko quickly grabs a napkin then begins slowly whipping the drops off of your shirt as he says, "Careful there, we wouldn''t want to ruin that lovely shirt you''re wearing." You pause drinking to give him a light smile before saying, "Charmer are we?" Niko replies, "Only for one as beautiful as you." You shake your head before getting up and saying, "Well maybe we can do this again sometime." Niko gives you a wink before replying, "I''m looking forward to it."'
  647. act 'Head back': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  648. end
  649. end
  650. else
  651. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/boy/niko/nikomisc/brother/upset.jpg"></center>'
  652. 'Niko seems to be resting while having a smoke, You take a look at him then think to yourself, <font color=#FF00FF>It''s probably best not to disturb him</font>.'
  653. end
  654. if NikoGOPParty = 0:
  655. act 'Wave and walk away':gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  656. else
  657. act 'Walk away':gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  658. end
  659. end
  660. if $ARGS[0] = 'office':
  661. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/princoff.jpg"></center>'
  662. 'You open the door to the old principal office, it seems to been completely emptied out as you can''t spot anything inside, there is no lights beyond a bit of moonlight coming through some of the boarded up windows.'
  663. 'All of a sudden you hear some silent noises coming from the inside. At first you jump back a little but then you gather some courage and stick your head back in.'
  664. minut += 2
  665. gs 'stat'
  666. act '"Anyone in here?"':
  667. *clr & cla
  668. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/princoff.jpg"></center>'
  669. 'You gather some courage, clear your throat and ask if anyone is in the room. At first there''s nothing, total silence, then suddenly you hear some movement again.'
  670. 'Frightened, you say, "Listen, if anyone is here make yourself known or else I''ll go and get my friends and they''ll beat your ass!"'
  671. 'You can hear some light breathing and then a male voice speaks up, "Is that so? Go get them, I''m not afraid of any of them... Tell you what why don''t you join me I''m sure we could have fun in the darkness."'
  672. minut += 2
  673. gs 'stat'
  674. act 'Return to the others': npc_rel['A157'] -= 1 & gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  675. act 'Try to spot out the figure':
  676. *clr & cla
  677. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/princoff.jpg"></center>'
  678. 'Before answering back, you stop and listen after giveaways as you try to figure out where this mysterious figure is standing.'
  679. '"Don''t bother with that!" he says, "I''ll let you see me when I decide it''s time."'
  680. 'By now you''re screaming on the inside as you should run away and get your friends but you decide to keep your cool and instead interrupt him, "I don''t have time for this, I''ll be heading back and getting my friends!"'
  681. 'There''s silence again and then you hear laughter, "Fine fine, wait..." as you hear footsteps approach the lit part of the room.'
  682. minut += 2
  683. gs 'stat'
  684. act 'See who it is':
  685. *clr & cla
  686. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big157.jpg"></center>'
  687. 'You squint your eyes as the shadowy figure approaches you. Finally you''re able to make sense of who it is, it''s Roman.'
  688. 'He stands there with this stupid grin pleased with himself that he was able to frighten you, "Can''t wait to tell the others about this or do you want to run and get your big bad friends that will teach me a lesson?" he winks.'
  689. 'You begin to blush as you stand there, "By the way what were you doing all alone in the room?"'
  690. '"You looked fucking good tonight so I went away to rub one out." he answers while laughing.'
  691. 'Not sure what to say to that. "Oh... ok sorry to have bothered you then."'
  692. 'He laughs so more. "The real reason I''m here is that Vasily was pissing me off and I was about to cave his face in. Vitek always gets upset when I do that, so I came in here to cool off."'
  693. minut += 2
  694. gs 'stat'
  695. act 'Oh':
  696. *clr & cla
  697. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big157.jpg"></center>'
  698. '"I didn''t know that. Sorry to bother you." you answer.'
  699. '"It''s ok, you distracted me a bit but then I thought I would play a little prank on you to see if you could take it." he answers while smiling.'
  700. '"At first I didn''t know how to react, what if you would''ve been someone else. I would''ve freaked out." you seriously answer.'
  701. 'Roman begins to laugh loudly, "It was really your lucky day then! You stood your ground though that''s impressive. Most other girls would''ve run away. I thought you would be a pussy but you''re pretty cool actually."'
  702. *nl
  703. '"Thanks, I guess." you answer, "Well, I should head back to the others and hang there."'
  704. 'Roman nods, "Sure thing, I''ll be somewhere around here, walking around."'
  705. minut += 2
  706. npc_rel['A157'] += 1
  707. gs 'stat'
  708. act 'Return to the main office': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  709. end
  710. end
  711. end
  712. end
  713. end
  714. !!Location = Old teachers lounge
  715. !!Radomir, Valentin, Arkady, Anushka, Alyona and Ekaterina can be found here
  716. !!Introducing a new stat, narkweed
  717. if $ARGS[0] = 'lounge':
  718. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/teachloung.jpg"></center>'
  719. 'Upon entering the teachers lounge you are struck by the strong scent of marijuana. It is so strong think you already have a contact buzz. Through the smoky haze you see <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tRadomir''">Radomir</a> intensely explaining something to <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tValentin''">Valentin</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tArkadi''">Arkadi</a> by a makeshift table, as they''re pouring themselves a drink.'
  720. '<a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tAnushka''">Anushka</a> and <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tAlyona''">Alyona</a> are sitting on a sofa looking spaced out, passing a joint back and forth, while <a href="exec:gt ''gopnik_initiation'', ''tEkaterina''">Ekaterina</a> is standing in one of the corners all by herself, deep in her own thoughts.'
  721. minut += 2
  722. gs 'stat'
  723. act 'Return to the main office': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'explore'
  724. act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  725. end
  726. if $ARGS[0] = 'tRadomir':
  727. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  728. 'As you walk past Radomir you hear him tell a story to the guys, "You should''ve seen this hottie I hooked up with this last weekend after our gig. I had her sucking on my cock within minutes."'
  729. 'The guys feed his ego by giving him encouraging nod and chuckles. As he sees you, he points and says, "And there we have my next ''conquest''. She''s probably good in bed what do you think guys."'
  730. minut += 2
  731. gs 'stat'
  732. act 'Maybe':
  733. *clr & cla
  734. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  735. 'You look him up and down. "Yeah maybe or maybe not." You tell him.'
  736. 'He steps over and wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close. "Maybe always means yes."'
  737. 'You turn towards him and put your hand on his chest bitting your lip as you look up at him, then you shove him away. "Like I said maybe, but not tonight." Then you turn and walk off, behind you, you can hear Valentin and Arkadi laughing.'
  738. minut += 2
  739. gs 'stat'
  740. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  741. end
  742. if npc_sex['A154'] ! 0:
  743. !!this one only shows up if Sveta has had sex with Radomir while cutting class in the bathrooms.
  744. !! it is not perfect at the moment because the variable is not set yet and on the other hand it can be set in other part.
  745. act 'We already did':
  746. *clr & cla
  747. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  748. 'You roll your eyes at him. "We already did, remember, cutting class in the bathroom?"'
  749. 'He looks at you long and hard like he is trying hard to remember. "Oh yeah... yeah, you were a fine piece of ass. I remember now, well damn and here I thought I was going to get a new piece of pussy." He sighs and turns back to the guys looking disappointed and doesn''t even glance back at you, as he continues his graphic story to the guys.'
  750. 'Mildly annoyed you move off, what a jack ass.'
  751. minut += 2
  752. gs 'stat'
  753. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  754. end
  755. end
  756. act 'Not that kind of girl':
  757. *clr & cla
  758. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  759. 'You look at him with a confused look, "I''m sorry but I''m not that kind of girl."'
  760. 'Radomir burst out in laughter, "They all say that at first but we all know that you''ll be on your back screaming my name."'
  761. 'He continues on, "Look at the people you''re hanging out with here. They all have one thing in mind and that''s fucking the new girl."'
  762. minut += 2
  763. gs 'stat'
  764. act 'Is that so?':
  765. *clr & cla
  766. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  767. 'You look around as you''re a bit disgusted and answer, "Hmm interesting. Too bad you would be the last one here I would have sex with."'
  768. 'Radomir scoffs, "This little kitty got some spunk in her. I''m not too worried though, you''ll come around and beg me to give you a real good fuck."'
  769. 'You cross your arms a bit irritated by now, "Hell would need to freeze over before I would have sex with you."'
  770. '"Funny enough that''s what the other girls said, but in the end who wouldn''t want to have sex with a rock star like me."'
  771. minut += 2
  772. gs 'stat'
  773. act 'Answer him':
  774. *clr & cla
  775. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big154.jpg"></center>'
  776. '"You''ll excuse me but I need to go and throw up." you answer.'
  777. '"Don''t play hard to get <<$pcs_nickname>>. Go and ask the other girls here about how good of a fuck I am." Radomir confidently tells you.'
  778. '"Yeah, I''m not going to do that, you creep. As a matter of fact I don''t want to partake in this conversation anymore." you angrily say.'
  779. 'As you turn around and walk away from him, you can hear him yell out, "I''ll be seeing you soon again <<$pcs_nickname>>, but next time I would prefer seeing you without a thread on you."'
  780. minut += 2
  781. npc_rel['A154'] += 1
  782. gs 'stat'
  783. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  784. end
  785. end
  786. end
  787. end
  788. if $ARGS[0] = 'tValentin':
  789. *clr & cla
  790. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big158.jpg"></center>'
  791. 'You approach Valentin. He smiles and greets you, "Hi <<$pcs_nickname>>. Are you enjoying yourself?"'
  792. 'You smile back and greet him back, "Hi Valentin. Yeah, it''s been pretty fun so far."'
  793. minut += 2
  794. gs 'stat'
  795. !if Sveta knows that Valentin works on motorcycle
  796. if anushkaFirstvisit = 1:
  797. act 'How''s the work on the motorcycle going':
  798. *clr & cla
  799. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big158.jpg"></center>'
  800. 'You''re pretty curious on how the work on the bike is progressing so you ask him, "Last time I saw you, you were working hard on your motorcycle."'
  801. 'He lets out a nervous laugh, "Well, I''ve hit a snag and Eduard''s been busy as of late so I''m waiting on him to help me out."'
  802. '"I hope you manage to get past the issue." you say as Valentin begins to ramble on about his motorcycle, "Hopefully I''ll be done soon so I can finally go for a ride, can''t take not having my baby around."'
  803. minut += 2
  804. gs 'stat'
  805. act 'Maybe you''ll invite me for a ride':
  806. *clr & cla
  807. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big158.jpg"></center>'
  808. '"Maybe I can come along for a ride after you''ve finished." you say teasingly.'
  809. 'Valentin excitingly answers, "Sure thing, I would love to take you on a ride someday."'
  810. '"She means your bike not you dick." Radomir says.'
  811. 'Valentin shakes his head slightly. "Like she would ride anything of yours"'
  812. 'You ignore Radomir''s comment and interject before they keep going. "It''s a deal then." you reply, "I should be on way now. But yeah don''t forget about your promise." you say as move away from Valentin.'
  813. minut += 2
  814. npc_rel['A158'] += 1
  815. gs 'stat'
  816. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  817. end
  818. end
  819. else
  820. act 'Boast':
  821. *clr & cla
  822. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big158.jpg"></center>'
  823. 'You continue on, "I''m pretty happy that we were able to pull it off. I wasn''t too sure we would at first, but in the end it felt pretty good hearing the roars from the people when I pulled out the bottles."'
  824. 'He chuckles, "Yeah, it was a nice change of pace. Usually they make me go and get the booze as I look older than everyone else."'
  825. '"Must be annoying." you say.'
  826. '"Not really, I don''t mind. Plus adults take me more serious, since most of them think I am in my twenties." Valentin replies.'
  827. minut += 2
  828. gs 'stat'
  829. act 'I would mind':
  830. *clr & cla
  831. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big158.jpg"></center>'
  832. '"I would mind." you say, "I''m not trying to stir up anything here but the others are just using you."'
  833. '"Maybe, but with my rugged manly looks and fake id, helps me get into places I usually wouldn''t be able to enter so it has its advantages too." he replies. "Besides, you will learn everyone uses everyone sometimes. We all use each other and help each other, because at the end of the day all we have is each other and we stand up for each other."'
  834. '"I guess so." you continue to prod on.'
  835. 'He laughs a bit. "Yeah, not to mention it helps me pick up college chicks and older women. Who are lot more experienced, with huge sexual appetites"'
  836. 'You roll your eyes slightly. "I think that''s enough for now..." you cut him off, "I''ll be seeing you around." you say as you move away from him.'
  837. minut += 2
  838. npc_rel['A158'] += 1
  839. gs 'stat'
  840. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  841. end
  842. end
  843. end
  844. end
  845. if $ARGS[0] = 'tArkadi':
  846. *clr & cla
  847. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big156.jpg"></center>'
  848. 'You notice Arkadi doesn''t seem to be all that happy, as he listens to Radomir. You approach him, wanting to cheer him up, "What''s up?" you ask.'
  849. 'Arkadi looks at you, spits on the side and says, "Nothing much. Just another boring day here in Pavlovsk. Man this place sucks monkey balls."'
  850. minut += 2
  851. gs 'stat'
  852. act 'Don''t say that':
  853. *clr & cla
  854. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big156.jpg"></center>'
  855. 'Trying to cheer him up you say, "Look I know you just moved here and it''s not like in the city but I''m sure..."'
  856. 'Arkadi cuts you off, "I see what you''re trying to do but it''s not going to work. This place sucks and nothing here can compare to the city."'
  857. '"What''s missing?" you ask as you''re genuinely curious as to what he can be missing here in Pavlovsk.'
  858. 'Arkadi thinks about it for a short while and finally answers, "Freedom to do whatever. Every day here is the same... In the city there was always something different happening."'
  859. minut += 2
  860. gs 'stat'
  861. act 'All this talk about the city':
  862. *clr & cla
  863. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big156.jpg"></center>'
  864. '"Isn''t there anything you like here?" You ask him.'
  865. 'He shrugs a bit. "It is nice playing with the band, but I wish we were doing it in the city, hell I can''t wait till school is over and we can all move to the city."'
  866. 'You sigh, "All this talk about the city. You know if you focused on what is here, maybe you could make things better here."'
  867. '"You''re right, I shouldn''t think too much about it. It''s just that I miss my friends back in the city. They''re quite the rowdy bunch."'
  868. '"They sound like fun." you say, "It would be fun to meet them."'
  869. '"I''m sure they would like that too." he replies, "Who knows if an opportunity presents itself I might take you to meet them someday."'
  870. '"Really?" you smile, "I would like that. It would be fun meeting your old friends too." you say as he nods approvingly. You chat for a while longer before you decide it''s time to move on.'
  871. minut += 2
  872. npc_rel['A156'] += 1
  873. gs 'stat'
  874. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  875. end
  876. end
  877. end
  878. if $ARGS[0] = 'tAnushka':
  879. *clr & cla
  880. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big144.jpg"></center>'
  881. 'You sit down on the sofa next to Anushka. She gives you a big grin, "Hiya <<$pcs_nickname>> what have you been up to?" You notice a blunt that''s been placed on the table.'
  882. 'You shrug your shoulders, "Nothing much. Been talking to people, having fun."'
  883. '"Good, I hope none of the guys tried to hump your leg. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes." she says.'
  884. '"No, no, they''ve all been very welcoming." you answer as you eye the blunt again.'
  885. '"I see that you''ve been eyeing that blunt for a while now. Want a smoke?" Anushka asks as she looks in the direction of the blunt.'
  886. minut += 2
  887. gs 'stat'
  888. act 'No thanks':
  889. *clr & cla
  890. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/smokemakeout.jpg"></center>'
  891. 'You shake your head, "No, no I''m not in the mood for that. I was just surprised there was anything of it left unsmoked."'
  892. 'Anushka smiles, and if to prove you right. Lites it up and takes a long drag off it. Then she grabs Alyona and they kiss or share smoke, or a bit of both for a bit."'
  893. 'Feeling a bit akward watching it you decided to leave. "Well, I should go mingle, you girls have fun." You are not even sure if they heard your or even care.'
  894. minut += 2
  895. gs 'stat'
  896. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  897. end
  898. act 'Sure':
  899. *clr & cla
  900. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/smoking.jpg"></center>'
  901. 'You happily nod your head. Anushka smiles and reaches for the blunt. She wraps her lips around it, lights it and inhales the smoke by taking a deep breath. As she exhales she passes it over to you.'
  902. 'You excitingly grab hold of the blunt and repeat what Anushka just did. You inhale the smoke deeply and you can feel your lungs fill up with smoke. You can almost instantly feel the weed kick in as you start to feel a bit light-headed.'
  903. 'You pass it on to Alyona who also inhales deep and shotguns the smoke to Anushka. After a while you begin to relax and start talking about nothing and everything with Anushka and Alyona. You''re laughing almost all the time and sometimes you''re even having a hard time to catch a breath.'
  904. 'All of a sudden Anushka says, "Let me show you something fun <<$pcs_nickname>>".'
  905. minut += 10
  906. npc_rel['A144'] += 1
  907. narkweed += 1
  908. pcs_mood += 10
  909. gs 'stat'
  910. act 'Sounds interesting':
  911. *clr & cla
  912. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/smokekiss.jpg"></center>'
  913. 'You nod intrigued by what Anushka wants to show you.'
  914. 'Anushka takes a hit of the blunt and holds the smoke in her mouth while she signals you to near her. As you come closer she immediately presses her lips onto yours and opens her mouth and exhales while you begin to suck the smoke in.'
  915. 'You feel your lungs fill up with smoke again as your lips are still pressed together. As there is no more smoke to exhale Anushka moves her head back with a smile, "Did you like it?"'
  916. 'You nod, "Yeah, that was amazing..." you reply. You sit there spaced out for a while, as Alyona and Anushka trade smoke and by the look of it, tongues. A bit later you feel the need to get up and move around.'
  917. minut += 10
  918. gs 'stat'
  919. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  920. end
  921. end
  922. end
  923. if $ARGS[0] = 'tAlyona':
  924. *clr & cla
  925. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/party/nushaly.jpg"></center>'
  926. 'You sit down on the sofa next to Alyona, while Anushka smiles at you and takes another long hit of the joint she is smoking. "So I''ve heard about that little adventure of yours earlier today. Must''ve been excited."'
  927. 'You nod, "Yeah, it was very fun. It was a pretty wild thing to do."'
  928. '"I would''ve gone in and knocked the clerk out to be honest." Alyona looks at you seriously, "He wouldn''t dare to report it. Think about it a man getting beaten by a girl. The police would have laughed at him."'
  929. minut += 2
  930. gs 'stat'
  931. act 'That''s a bit too violent for me':
  932. *clr & cla
  933. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big143.jpg"></center>'
  934. 'You''re taken a back a little by Alyona''s statement, "Yeah if I tried that, he would have likely beat my ass."'
  935. 'She laughs, "I guess so... Your way works as well." She goes silent for a moment as she''s thinking to come up with something then she looks up and says, "I need to tell Lena that we need to do a bigger score next time."'
  936. minut += 2
  937. gs 'stat'
  938. act 'You should ask Lena':
  939. *clr & cla
  940. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big143.jpg"></center>'
  941. 'You try to encourage Alyona, "You should tell her, I''m sure she would be up for a bigger score."'
  942. 'Alyona shines up, "Yeah maybe I should, be more exciting than waiting around for it."'
  943. '"Yeah, I don''t think there''s a reason why she should say no... I mean as long as you don''t go and knock down anyone." you wink.'
  944. 'Alyona begins to laugh and the two of you sit on the sofa and chat a while before you get up and move away from her.'
  945. minut += 10
  946. npc_rel['A143'] += 1
  947. gs 'stat'
  948. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  949. end
  950. end
  951. end
  952. if $ARGS[0] = 'tEkaterina':
  953. *clr & cla
  954. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big145.jpg"></center>'
  955. 'Seeing Ekaterina standing by herself you walk over to her thinking about to check up if everything is alright with her.'
  956. '"Is everything okay?" you ask as you come close.'
  957. 'Ekaterina looks your way and nods, "Yeah I was just thinking about this poor quality vodka you brought back with you."'
  958. minut += 2
  959. gs 'stat'
  960. act 'Is that so':
  961. *clr & cla
  962. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big145.jpg"></center>'
  963. 'You''re a bit surprised by her brashness, "W-We did our best to grab the best they had, this was the best stuff the shop carried." you answer.'
  964. 'Ekaterina looks coldly at you, "Don''t get me wrong. It''s enough to get drunk on, but to be honest it tastes like horse piss."'
  965. '"Do you know what trouble we went through to get hold of it for the party?" you unsettlingly answer.'
  966. '"Yeah I heard the story. Couple of girls making out, while another steals it. Yeah sound terrifying." she answers nonchalantly.'
  967. minut += 2
  968. gs 'stat'
  969. act 'Leave her alone': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  970. act 'Why don''t you bring it the next time':
  971. *clr & cla
  972. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big145.jpg"></center>'
  973. 'Against your better judgment you decide to press on, "Well the next time you can bring the liquor and the rest of us can decide if it''s good enough."'
  974. 'Ekaterina shrughs her shoulder, "Sure, my father got lots of it at home and I''m sure he doesn''t even notice when I take some."'
  975. '"I look forward to it." you sourly answer.'
  976. '"Either way, it''s enough to get drunk so it will suffice this time." she continues as she takes a drink.'
  977. minut += 2
  978. gs 'stat'
  979. act 'Thanks, I guess':
  980. *clr & cla
  981. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/shared/photos/big145.jpg"></center>'
  982. '"Hmmph, it still sounds like you''re really condescending." you tell her.'
  983. 'Ekaterina begins to smile, "Oh, you must''ve misunderstood me. I''m quite pleased, there''s booze here and the guys here are fine even though they aren''t the lookers but they''ll do."'
  984. 'As she says that you relax a bit and the two of you chat for a while.'
  985. minut += 2
  986. npc_rel['A145'] += 1
  987. gs 'stat'
  988. act 'Move away': gt 'gopnik_initiation', 'lounge'
  989. end
  990. end
  991. end
  992. end
  993. if $ARGS[0] = 'gopnik slut':
  994. *clr & cla
  995. menu_off = 1
  996. minut += 10
  997. gs 'stat'
  998. gopnik_slut = 1
  999. grupvalue[1] -= 500
  1000. grupvalue[2] -= 300
  1001. grupvalue[3] -= 500
  1002. if grupTipe = 1 or grupvalue[1] < 0: grupvalue[1] = 0
  1003. if grupTipe = 2 or grupvalue[2] < 0: grupvalue[2] = 0
  1004. if grupTipe = 3 or grupvalue[3] < 0: grupvalue[3] = 0
  1005. grupTipe = 4
  1006. gs 'gopnik_initiation', 'group_rel_change','gopniks', 5
  1007. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/hall.jpg"></center>'
  1008. 'You follow Lena and Lera who don''t really talk to you during the walk to the old school, you get the feeling you might have made a mistake. But you agreed to be the party slut and you are not sure they would even let you backout now. Once at the old school they slip through the busted front door, down the main hallway, that leads to the old offices and teachers lounge.'
  1009. act 'Join the party':
  1010. cla & *clr
  1011. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/main.jpg"></center>'
  1012. 'As you get closer, you can already hear music playing and people talking loudly. Once inside you see all the gopniks from school, along with a few you don''t know. Some are from the other years class and others you think have already graduated or dropped out. Many of them cast hungery eyes on you, as the new girl. You are far less sure about this, but also you know it was way to late to change your mind. You are pretty sure you choices are go along with it willingly or unwillingly. If you go along with it, maybe it won''t be to bad.'
  1013. *nl
  1014. 'Lena walks over to her brother Vitek, while Lera motions for you to stop. You do and look around the room. It seems the gopniks have been busy, several of the windows have been busted out and covered with boards, graffiti covers the walls, though much of it is pretty good. A large potbellied stove is near one of the boarded up windows with a pipe going out between two boards. Several tables in varies styles and condition litter the room, along with a motley crew of chairs and even a couple of old couches. Candles seem to be all over as the main source of light, while an old boombox plays music. A couple of doors lead off the main room, you suspect to the teachers lounge and principals office, or what they use to be.'
  1015. gs 'stat'
  1016. act 'Party favor':
  1017. cla & *clr
  1018. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/1.jpg"></center>'
  1019. 'As you look around you notice Vitek giving you a hard look now, apparently Lena filled him in on your unwillinginess to steal and your deal to still join. He doesn''t looks remotely pleased, after a moment he walks over to you and roughly grabs and hand full of your hair. He pushes you forward, guiding you painfully by your hair as he talks. At some point someone cut the music and his voice carries clearly around the room.'
  1020. '"It seems little <<$pcs_nickname>> is to good to steal or even help steal." You hear a chorus of boo''s, hisses and threats about why you are here then.'
  1021. gs 'pain', 2, 'hair', 'twist'
  1022. gs 'stat'
  1023. act 'In position':
  1024. cla & *clr
  1025. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/2.jpg"></center>'
  1026. 'He pushes you painfully up against the larges sturdiest of the tables, then lifts you by your hair, forcing you to crawl up on the table. Once on the table he makes you get down on your hands and knee''s before he turns to address the crowd. "I know, I know. I wondered why my sister brought her as well, but it turns out that our little <<$pcs_nickname>> might not want to be one of us, she is willing to show us all a good time. She has offered herself up to be the party slut, if we will take her in. We can do any and everything we want to her. So what do you say guys?"'
  1027. 'For a few moments there is silence, a couple say things like beat her ass or throw her out, but most, especially the guys roar with approval. You overhear comments like It would be nice to have party slut to liven things up and such.'
  1028. gs 'pain', 2, 'hair', 'twist'
  1029. gs 'stat'
  1030. act 'The rules':
  1031. cla & *clr
  1032. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/3.jpg"></center>'
  1033. 'Vitek listens a moment more. "The ayes have it." He walks around behind you and roughly rips at your clothes until your ass and pussy are on fully display to the whole room. Then he moves back up around near your face, he grabs you hard by the neck choking you as he does. His grip so tight you can''t hardly breath as he leans in close to you and whispers in your ear.'
  1034. '"Ok slut here''s the rules. You are our personal fuck doll, you will happily do anything we like and you will like it or at least pretend too and not complain. Or I will make this a living nightmare for you. Understand?" You nod your head unable to speak as your eyes begin to water. He grins at you. "Good girl."'
  1035. gs 'pain', 2, 'neck', 'bind'
  1036. gs 'stat'
  1037. act 'Display':
  1038. cla & *clr
  1039. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/4.jpg"></center>'
  1040. 'With that taken care of Vitek lets go of you and walks away. The music starts back up, plastic cups are passed around and the vodka and other drinks are shared. You stay just as you are as the party happens around you, with your ass and pussy on full display. Yet it seems most people are not paying a lot of attention to you, at least not yet. Occasionally someone takes a look or slaps your ass, but mostly they ignore you and just have a party. Maybe this won''t be so bad after all.'
  1041. gs 'arousal', 'flash', 5, 'group', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1042. gs 'arousal', 'flash', -5, 'group', 'sub', 'humiliation'
  1043. gs 'stat'
  1044. act 'Learning your place':
  1045. cla & *clr
  1046. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/5.jpg"></center>'
  1047. 'Of course that is about the time Lena comes over holding a switch, she takes a few practice swings with it, Lera takes off your top. Then she moves around behind you, followed by a stinging sensation on your ass as she strikes you. Which makes you yelp out loud, which elicits laughs from those around. Lena spanks you several more times before Lera wants a turn, eventually most or all of the girls come over to take a turn. Most use the switch but a few use their hands. Either way before long your ass is cherry red and hurting like crazy.'
  1048. *nl
  1049. 'As the girls take turns spanking you, Vitek jumps up on the table and pulls his dick out of his pants. He roughly grabs you hair and shoves his dick balls deep in your mouth and down your throat. He starts fucking your face, barely letting up enough for you to breath, while the girls keep spanking you.'
  1050. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'group', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1051. gs 'arousal', 'bj', -10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'deepthroat'
  1052. gs 'pain', 10, 'asscheeks', 'spank'
  1053. gs 'stat'
  1054. act 'Getting you loose':
  1055. cla & *clr
  1056. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/6.jpg"></center>'
  1057. 'Fucking your face, Vitek doesn''t even try and hold back. He fairly quickly blows his load down your throat, giving you no choice but to swallow his sperm. With that done, he tucks his dick back in his pants and jumps off the table. The girls have stopped spanking you at least as well, you feel fingers rubbing against your slit, as Lena says. "We need to get you wet and loosed up." With that she slides a couple of fingers in you, once you get a bit wetter she slides all her fingers in. Shortly after she shoves her whole hand up your vagina and starts fisting you.'
  1058. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_fist', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism'
  1059. gs 'pain', 5, 'vaginal', 'stretch'
  1060. gs 'stat'
  1061. act 'Full display':
  1062. cla & *clr
  1063. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/7.jpg"></center>'
  1064. 'After several minutes of fisting you, Lena pulls her hand out. Her and Lera grab the rest of your clothes and completely strip you naked, pulling you off the table they lead you over to a pillar. They stand you against the pillar, with your back too it. "Stay right her bunny and don''t move." Lera says with a laugh, with that they both walk off to get another drink.'
  1065. *nl
  1066. 'You stand in place completely naked, some people check you out, others laugh. Then one of them takes his phone out and takes some pictures of you. This makes more of them start doing the same, soon everyone is taking pictures while you stand there naked.'
  1067. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 10, 'group', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1068. gs 'stat'
  1069. act 'The boys':
  1070. cla & *clr
  1071. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/8.jpg"></center>'
  1072. 'Once they get bored taking your picture, a couple of the guys come over and start fondling your naked body. One of them pinches your nipple hard. Soon the guys are taking turns fingering your pussy roughly, squeezing your tits and pinching your nipples. After awhile you''ve lost track of how many guys have manhandled you.'
  1073. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1074. gs 'pain', 5, 'nipples', 'pinch'
  1075. gs 'stat'
  1076. act 'Lena':
  1077. cla & *clr
  1078. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/9.jpg"></center>'
  1079. 'Lena comes back over and drives the guys off. "My turn boys." She reaches down and pinches your clit hard. She alternates between rubbing your clit and making it feel good, slipping her finger into you to finger bang you, to pinching your clit. The switching between pleasure and pain is maddening.'
  1080. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism'
  1081. gs 'pain', 5, 'clitoris', 'pinch'
  1082. gs 'stat'
  1083. act 'Lera':
  1084. cla & *clr
  1085. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/10.jpg"></center>'
  1086. 'Once Lena gets bored with you, Lera takes a turn. At first she rubs your clit and really starts to get you turned on, then she starts finger banging you, while she sucks on your nipples. Followed by her biting your nipples, as she keeps finger banging you.'
  1087. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal_finger', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'lesbian', 'exhibitionism'
  1088. gs 'pain', 5, 'bite', 'pinch'
  1089. gs 'stat'
  1090. act 'On your back':
  1091. cla & *clr
  1092. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/11.jpg"></center>'
  1093. '"Enough already, I want to fuck her." Roman pushes Lera aside, who shoves him back. Which only gets her shoved harder, almost knocking her to the floor. For a moment you think a fight might break out before Vitek''s voice cuts through. "Enough you two!"'
  1094. *nl
  1095. 'With that Roman drags you over to the table again and pushes you down on it. As you lay on your back he raises your legs and spread them apart, just moments before you feel his cock plunge balls deep into your twat. Yet you can''t even call out, as another cock is shoved into your mouth. Before long there is a line of guys taking turns fucking your pussy or your mouth, never getting enough time to blow your load, so jerk themselves to keep themselves hard as they wait for their turn again. You can''t even keep up with who all is fucking you.'
  1096. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'exhibitionism'
  1097. gs 'arousal', 'bj', -10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'deepthroat'
  1098. gs 'stat'
  1099. act 'Flipped over':
  1100. cla & *clr
  1101. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/12.jpg"></center>'
  1102. 'Then you see Vasily make his way up, he takes one look at you and roughly grabs you, flipping you over onto your stomach, so you are bent over the table. "I don''t want to look at the sluts face. Now this is the view every bitch should show you." With that said he plunges his dick into your pussy and starts pounding away, while another cock is shoved in your mouth and it is back to the guys standing in line taking turns.'
  1103. gs 'arousal', 'vaginal', 10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'exhibitionism'
  1104. gs 'arousal', 'bj', -10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'deepthroat'
  1105. gs 'stat'
  1106. act 'Vitek''s claim':
  1107. cla & *clr
  1108. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/13.jpg"></center>'
  1109. 'The non-stop gangbang is interupted as Vitek''s voice cuts through. "All right back off, I am ready for round two." The other guys stop and make space for him. He moves up behind you and you find a few moments where you are not being fucked in someway by some guy. The moment doesn''t last long though, Vitek rubs his dick against your asshole, apparently he lubed himself up already, because he shoves his cock up your ass and it slides in surprisingly easy.'
  1110. anal_slip += 4
  1111. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 10, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1112. gs 'pain', 5, 'asshole', 'tear'
  1113. gs 'stat'
  1114. act 'Anal train':
  1115. cla & *clr
  1116. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/14.jpg"></center>'
  1117. 'Some time later Vitek pulls out and walks around the table, as he does he says. "Next!" Hardly before he finishes saying it, before you fill another cock shoved up your ass. As who ever the next guy is starts pounding your ass, Vitek holds you by the hair facing him and he jerks off on your face. Coating your face with his sperm, once again the guys take turns.'
  1118. gs 'arousal', 'anal', 20, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'gangbang', 'exhibitionism'
  1119. gs 'stat'
  1120. act 'Cum dumpster':
  1121. cla & *clr
  1122. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/15.jpg"></center>'
  1123. 'Most of the guys seem to be having trouble holding out much longer, so you are drug off the table and forced to kneels by Lena. She slaps you slightly across the face. "Open your mouth slut and stick out your tongue, you''re going to play cum dumpster." The guys line up, a couple facing you at a time as they jerk off on your face. A few can''t wait and they end up jerking off on the table where you just pulled a train.'
  1124. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1125. gs 'stat'
  1126. act 'Clean up':
  1127. cla & *clr
  1128. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/oldschool/gophangout/slut/16.jpg"></center>'
  1129. 'Once the last guy has either cummed on your face, in your mouth or on the table, Lena grabs you again. She pulls you over to the table and makes you lick up ever last drop of cum from the table, she makes you lick the whole thing clean.'
  1130. *nl
  1131. 'By the time you finish licking the table clean, you notice just about everyone has left and soon it is just Lena, Lera and you left. "Well you got what you wanted slut, I hope you''re happy, because this is your new life." Lena says to you, you look a bit shocked you thought this was a one time thing.'
  1132. '"Look at the bright side bunny, at least you are only the gopniks slut, at least for now." she adds with a laugh. Then Lena and Lera leave as well, leaving you to clean yourself up and try and salavage your ripped up clothes. You do your best to get dressed again before leaving yourself, wondering if you didn''t just make the biggest mistake of your life.'
  1133. pav_sex += 25
  1134. gs 'arousal', 'foreplay', 5, 'group', 'rough', 'sub', 'humiliation', 'exhibitionism'
  1135. gs 'stat'
  1136. act 'Leave': gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  1137. end
  1138. end
  1139. end
  1140. end
  1141. end
  1142. end
  1143. end
  1144. end
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1147. end
  1148. end
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. end
  1152. end
  1153. end
  1154. end
  1155. --- gopnik_initiation ---------------------------------