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[added] Shooting practice event with Andrei at the swamp woods

pfffbft 5 år sedan
3 ändrade filer med 70 tillägg och 161 borttagningar
  1. 1 1
  2. 21 159
  3. 48 1

+ 1 - 1

@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'schedule':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'bring_food':
-    if hour >= 9 and hour < 17:
+    if (hunters_lunch = 1 or hunters_evening = 1) and rand(1,10) = 1:
         !TODO: Show the name of the hunter bringing the food. Also add variety besides rabbit
         cla & *clr
         '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/bunny_butcher.jpg"></center>'

+ 21 - 159

@@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'drink_with_hunters':
 if $ARGS[0] = 'chat_with_hunters':
-    act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard', 'fireside'
     *clr & cla
     minut += rand (30,90)
     pcs_mood += rand(10,20)
@@ -280,15 +279,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat_with_hunters':
     hunter_collective_opinion += 2
     gs 'stat'
-    act 'Finish chatting': gt 'swamp_yard', 'fireside'
+    act 'Finish chatting': gt 'swamp_yard'
     if $ARGS[1] = '':
         if boy_talk = 0 and hunters_drink = 1 and rand(1,10) = 1:
             gs 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters', 'boy_talk'
         elseif boy_talk = 1 and virginity_talk = 0 and hunters_drink = 1 and rand(1,10) = 1:
             gs 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters', 'virginity_talk'
-        elseif CloSkirtShortness > 0 and $pantyworntype = 'none':
+        elseif CloSkirtShortness > 0 and $pantyworntype = 'none' and rand(1,5) = 1:
             gs 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters', 'pantiless_flash'
+        elseif $clothingworntype = 'nude' and rand(1,2) = 1:
+            gs 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters', 'nude'
             gs 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters', 'generic'
@@ -319,12 +320,14 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat_with_hunters':
         '"So, Sveta, anyone special in your life?" Igor asks, slurring noticably'
         act 'Yes, actually':
+            act 'Finish chatting': gt 'swamp_yard'
             hunter_sexual_comfort -= 5
             hunter_collective_opinion += 1
             '"Yeah I have been seeing someone for a while", you answer'
             if hunter_sexual_comfort < 35 and hunter_collective_opinion > 40:
                 '"Now that''s a lucky guy heh." says Andrei. "Let us know if he dares upset you though, we  will show him"'
             elseif hunter_sexual_comfort > 50:
+                cla
                 '"Bet he is not as fun as us" says Andrei'
                 '"Can he fuck you in all your holes at the same time like we can?" asks Sergey before the hunters get up and approach you'
                 if hunter_collective_opinion > 40 and alko < 4: act 'Maybe another time boys, not feeling it now': gt 'swamp_yard'
@@ -333,14 +336,16 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat_with_hunters':
         act 'No, not really': 
+            act 'Finish chatting': gt 'swamp_yard'
             hunter_sexual_comfort += 1
             hunter_collective_opinion += 1
             '"No, I do not really have someone. At least no one special.", you answer'
             if hunter_sexual_comfort < 35 or hunter_collective_opinion > 40:
                 '"How come?" says Igor. "Those... uh... boys in your class musssss... be stipud" drunkenly slurs Igor'
             elseif hunter_sexual_comfort > 45 and hunter_collective_opinion > 30:
+                cla
                 '"Well guess it is better that way. You do not have someone to think about while having some fun" says Andrei'
-                '"Talking about fun, why don''t you get up and give us a little show" says Sergey before taking out his radio and putting out some music.'
+                '"Talking about fun, why don''t you get up and give us a little show" says Sergey before taking out his radio and putting on some music.'
                 gt 'hunter_interactions', 'dance_show'    
@@ -378,6 +383,10 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'chat_with_hunters':
+    if $ARGS[1] = 'nude':
+        !TODO: Fill this in
+    end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'meet_hunters':
@@ -469,161 +478,11 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'meet_hunters_after_rescue':
-!TODO: Revamp this
-if $ARGS[0] = 'shooting_practice':
-    if huntersKnowSlut = 0:
-        if shooting = 0:
-            act 'Ask to learn how to shoot the rifle':
-                *clr & cla
-                minut += 5
-                shootingday = daystart
-                gs 'stat'
-                '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/claps_eyes.jpg"></center>'
-                '"Can''t you guys teach me how to shoot a rifle?'
-                '"You''re a girl, why would you want to learn something like that <<$pcs_nickname>>?" Andrei said smiling. "You should pursue sewing or maybe a girly sport instead. Shooting is for boys."'
-                '"Pretty please." you look at them while making puppy eyes.'
-                if pcs_apprnc >= 60:
-                    shooting = 1
-                    if huntersAndreiQw < 20:huntersAndreiQw += 1
-                    if huntersIgorQw < 20:huntersIgorQw += 1
-                    if huntersSergeiQw < 20:huntersSergeiQw += 1
-                    '"Okay <<$pcs_nickname>>, we give up", they say smiling. "You''ve persuaded us, we''ll teach you how to shoot...'
-                else
-                    huntersAndreiQw -= 1
-                    huntersIgorQw -= 1
-                    huntersSergeiQw -= 1
-                    '"No, <<$pcs_nickname>>, that will not work." they answer. "And don''t assume that those puppy eyes will work on us.'
-                    'You frown your lips and turn your back on the men. "You guys are no fun, I''m leaving." you say angrily while moving away from the hunters.'
-                end
-                if shooting = 1:
-                    act 'Learn how to shoot the rifle (0:30)':
-                        *clr & cla
-                        minut += 30
-                        '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting.jpg"></center>'
-                        'The hunters explain how to hold the rifle, aim, and when to squeeze the trigger. You feel that you are ready and decide to take a...'
-                        gs 'stat'
-                        act 'Shot':
-                            *clr & cla
-                            minut += 1
-                            fingal +=  rand(1,3)
-                            shoot_exp += 1
-                            '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting1.mp4"></video></center>'
-                            'The recoil wasn''t at all as you expected it to be. You hear a loud bang, and the last thing you remember is something hitting you on the forehead...'
-                            gs 'stat'
-                            act 'Pass out':gt 'hunters', 'huntersgroupfaint'
-                        end
-                    end
-                else
-                    act 'Go':gt 'swamp_yard'
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            act 'Ask to shoot the rifle':
-                if fingal = 0:
-                    *clr & cla
-                    minut += 5
-                    shootingday = daystart
-                    gs 'stat'
-                    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/claps_eyes.jpg"></center>'
-                    'You approach the hunters sitting in a clearing. "Guys, could you give me the rifle? I want to try it out again." You ask the hunters.'
-                    if shooting = 1:
-                        shooting = 2
-                        '"Okay, <<$pcs_nickname>>, just don''t end up like the first time," Andrei said jokingly.'
-                    elseif pcs_shoot <= 10:
-                        '"Sure, <<$pcs_nickname>>, just be careful." Andrei said smiling.'
-                    else
-                        '"Here, <<$pcs_nickname>>, just don''t shoot too much, the bullets are expensive." Andrei said smiling.'
-                    end
-                    if pcs_shoot >= 1 and pcs_shoot <= 10:
-                        act 'Go shooting (1:00)':
-                            if (pcs_stren + pcs_shoot > 20) or (pcs_stren + pcs_shoot < 20 and rand(1,2) = 1):
-                                *clr & cla
-                                minut += 60
-                                shoot_exp += 1
-                                gs 'stat'
-                                '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting2.mp4"></video></center>'
-                                'You fire the rifle for an hour under the hunters watchful eyes.'
-                                act'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
-                            else
-                                *clr & cla
-                                minut += 5
-                                shoot_exp += 1
-                                gs 'stat'
-                                '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting1.mp4"></video></center>'
-                                'Everything went wrong just like the first time. You take a shot and got hit once again by the rifle on the forehead...'
-                                '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, are you still alive?" Igor asked you with some concern in his voice.'
-                                '"Yeah, I think so..." you reply, holding your bruised forehead.'
-                                '"I''m glad to hear that," Andrei said laughing. "Go get some rest, little Rambo".'
+if $ARGS[0] = 'shooting_bet':
-                                act'Further':
-                                    *clr & cla
-                                    minut += 1
-                                    gs 'stat'
-                                    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/tongue.jpg"></center>'
-                                    '"I''m not Rambo, I''m Lara Croft," you reply. Andrei, stands there looking confused not understanding the reference.'
-                                    act'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
-                                end
-                            end
-                        end
-                    else
-                        act 'Go shooting (1:00)':
-                            *clr & cla
-                            minut += 60
-                            shoot_exp += 1
-                            gs 'stat'
-                            '<center><video autoplay loop src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting2.mp4"></video></center>'
-                            'You fire the rifle for an hour under the hunters watchful eyes.'
-                            act'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
-                        end
-                    end
-                else
-                    *clr & cla
-                    minut += 5
-                    shootingday = daystart
-                    gs 'stat'
-                    '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/claps_eyes.jpg"></center>'
-                    'You approach the hunters sitting in a clearing. "Guys, could you give me the rifle? I want to try it out again." You ask the hunters.'
-                    '"You need to heal your forehead first." Andrei says smiling. "You have the spirit of an Amazon, you need to relax."'
-                    act'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        if huntslutsex = 0:
-            *clr & cla
-            minut += 5
-            shootingday = daystart
-            huntersexnude = 1
-            gs 'stat'
-            '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/claps_eyes.jpg"></center>'
-            'You approach the hunters sitting in the meadow. "Guys, let me shoot the rifle," you look at them with your puppy eyes.'
-            '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, come closer," replied Andrei. "If you want to shoot you need to repay us somehow."'
-            act'Approach':gt 'hunters', 'start'
-        else
-            *clr & cla
-            minut += 5
-            shootingday = daystart
-            gs 'stat'
-            '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/claps_eyes.jpg"></center>'
-            '"Please guys, I really want to shoot with the rifle."'
-            '"Don''t you worry <<$pcs_nickname>>, you have other talents that are more needed." Andrei replied.'
-            'He scoffs, pleased with the joke.'
-            act'Move away':gt 'swamp_yard'
-        end
-    end
 !Sexual interactions
 if $ARGS[0] = 'andrei_quick_fuck':
 	cla & *clr
@@ -659,9 +518,12 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'andrei_quick_fuck':
 				gs 'cum_call', 'breasts', 'A172', 1
 				gs 'cum_call', 'stomach', 'A172', 1
 				gs 'stat'
-				act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard'
-			end 
+                act 'Further':
+                    if $loc = 'swamp_yard': gt 'swamp_yard'
+                    if $loc = 'swamp_woods': gt 'swamp_woods', 'shooting_practice', 'practice'    
+                end
+            end 

+ 48 - 1

@@ -11,12 +11,17 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
 	gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
     gs 'stat'
+	gs 'hunter_ambient', 'schedule'
     cla & *clr
 	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/nearby_woods.jpg"></center>'
 	'You are in the woods near the hut. You can see it not too far in the distance.'
 	'You can also venture deeper into woods to circle around the swamp, granted you do not get lost trying.'
+	!TODO: Make schedule more dynamic e.g. more factors
+	if hunters_evening = 1:
+		'You hear some gunshots and see <a href="exec: gt ''swamp_woods'', ''shooting_practice'' ">Andrei</a> not too far in the distance shooting some bottles.'
 	act 'Go back to the hut': minut += 10 & gt 'swamp_yard'
@@ -135,4 +140,46 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
+if $ARGS[0] = 'shooting_practice':
+	cla & *clr
+	'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andrei_shooting.jpg"></center>'
+	'You approach Andrei shooting some bottles with his pistol. You think maybe he can teach you a few tricks'
+	act 'Walk away': gt 'swamp_woods'
+	act 'Ask if you can shoot too':
+		if hunter_collective_opinion > 40 and rand(1,4) = 1:
+			cla & *clr
+			'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andrei_shooting.jpg"></center>'
+			'"Sure thing! But say, how about we spice it up a bit? If you can hit that bottle over there in one shot, I will do anything you want" says Andrei'
+			'"And what if I cannot?" you ask.'
+			'"Well, in that case you get to do anything I ask for. It is only fair, right?" he asks with a smirk.'
+			'"I guess it is" you respond, slightly blushing thinking about what Andrei could ask you to do.'
+			act 'Take the bet':
+				cla & *clr
+				'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting.jpg"></center>'
+				'You line up your sights and aim at the bottle. You inhale and hold your breath before...'
+				act 'Pull the trigger': gt 'hunter_interactions', 'shooting_bet'
+			end
+			act 'Refuse':
+				cla
+				'Not liking the odds of likely spending the day naked or worse, "Maybe some other time" you respond before walking away.'
+				gt 'swamp_woods'
+			end
+		elseif hunter_collective_opinion > 30:
+			gt 'swamp_woods', 'shooting_practice', 'practice'
+		elseif hunter_sexual_comfort > 40:
+			!TODO: Add stuff here	
+		end
+	end
+	if $ARGS[1] = 'practice':
+		cla & *clr
+		minut += 60
+		shoot_exp += 2
+		'<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/shooting.jpg"></center>'
+		'"Alright I will show you a few tricks while you try" says Andrei. You spend about an hour practicing your shooting under Andrei''s guidance'
+		act 'Walk away': gt 'swamp_woods'
+	end	
 --- swamp_woods ---------------------------------