swamp_yard.qsrc 16 KB

  1. # swamp_yard
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'start' or $ARGS[0] = '':
  3. $loc = 'swamp_yard'
  4. $metka = ''
  5. $menu_loc = 'swamp_yard'
  6. $menu_arg = ''
  7. menu_off = 0
  8. $location_type = 'secluded'
  9. gs 'gadukino_event', 'sound'
  10. gs 'stat'
  11. !the chance of encountering hunters
  12. if week = 6 or week = 7:huntersrand = RAND(1,3)
  13. if week < 6:huntersrand = RAND(1,5)
  14. if huntersrand = 1:hunters = 1
  15. !the chance of hitting GG, if she`s a slut
  16. huntslutsexrand = rand(1,3)
  17. ! to remember were cowards or not
  18. !if lost_girl = 0:lost_girl += rand(40,60)
  19. if StoryLine = 1 and lost_girl = 0 and forest_lostday > 0: lost_girl=daystart+2
  20. swiss_army_random_number = rand(1,10)
  21. '<center><B>The yard in front of the hut</B></center>'
  22. if month >= 5 and month <= 9:
  23. if hour >= 6 and hour < 22:
  24. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard.jpg"></center>'
  25. else
  26. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_night.jpg"></center>'
  27. end
  28. else
  29. if hour >= 8 and hour < 18:
  30. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_winter.jpg"></center>'
  31. else
  32. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/swamp_yard_winter_night.jpg"></center>'
  33. end
  34. end
  35. 'The yard in front of the hut.'
  36. 'Behind the hut there is a <a href="exec: gt ''swampspring'' ">spring</a>, if you continue a little further down there is a small <a href="exec: gt ''backwater'' ">creek</a> with relatively clean water.'
  37. if findvel = 3:'On the side of the hut is an old <a href="exec:gt ''bicycle'',''swamp''">bike</a>.'
  38. if hunters_off = 0 and hunters_sleep = 0 and huntersKnow = 0:'You spot some unfamiliar people standing in front of the hut.'
  39. if hunters_off = 0 and hunters_sleep = 0 and huntersKnow = 1:'You notice the <a href="exec: gt ''hunters'', ''check_opinion'' ">hunters</a> standing in the front yard.'
  40. if hunters_off = 1 and huntersKnow = 1:'Hunters are probably off hunting. Maybe you can find stuff to do around in the meantime?'
  41. if hunters_sleep = 1 and huntersKnow = 1:'Hunters are in the hut sleeping. Maybe you should go to sleep too'
  42. if huntersknow = 1:
  43. act 'Go into the hut':
  44. minut += 2
  45. gt 'swamphouse'
  46. end
  47. end
  48. act 'Approach the firepit': gt 'swamp_yard', 'campfire'
  49. act 'Look around the nearby woods': minut += 10 & gt 'swamp_yard', 'nearby_woods'
  50. !Conditional acts
  51. if dirty_swamp_yard > 5: act 'Clean up the trash outside': gs 'hunter_favors', 'yard_cleanup'
  52. if hunter_collective_opinion < 10: act '<b>Escape to the swamp</b>': gs 'swamp_yard', 'swamp_escape'
  53. if hunterhelp = 1: gs 'swamp_yard', 'rescued_from_swamp'
  54. if hunterhelp = 2 and huntersKnow = 0:
  55. gs 'hunter_interactions', 'meet_hunters_after_rescue'
  56. elseif huntersKnow = 0:
  57. act 'Approach the men': gt 'hunter_interactions', 'meet_hunters'
  58. end
  59. gs 'hunter_ambient', 'schedule'
  60. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20: gs 'swamp_yard', 'daytime_flavor_events'
  61. if hour >= 20 and hour < 24: gs 'swamp_yard', 'nighttime_flavor_events'
  62. end
  63. !Code blocks for leaf events (events not calling other events)
  64. if $ARGS[0] = 'swamp_escape':
  65. !add chance to swamped by illume
  66. if hunters = 1:
  67. if hour >= 6 and hour < 21:
  68. minut += 5
  69. if rand(1,10)>9:
  70. gt 'swamp'
  71. else
  72. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  73. end
  74. else
  75. *clr & cla
  76. gs 'stat'
  77. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/igorhanter.jpg"></center>'
  78. 'As you start moving into the swamp Igor calls after you.'
  79. !TODO: Different line depending on opinion and slut
  80. '"<<$pcs_nickname>>, where are you going? You will get stuck in there!'
  81. act 'Turn back':gt 'swamp_yard'
  82. act 'Ignore him and keep going':
  83. minut += 5
  84. !TODO: Add skill clothing and temp check here instead of praying to RNGesus
  85. if rand(1,10)>8:
  86. gt 'swamp'
  87. else
  88. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  89. end
  90. end
  91. end
  92. else
  93. minut += 5
  94. !TODO: Here too, also see how to avoid duplicating. Maybe create a child event node?
  95. if (hour >= 6 and hour < 21) or rand(1,10)>7:
  96. gt 'swamp'
  97. else
  98. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  99. end
  100. end
  101. gt 'gadforestswamp','2'
  102. end
  103. if $ARGS[0] = 'rescued_from_swamp':
  104. *clr & cla
  105. minut += 5
  106. gs 'stat'
  107. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  108. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp.jpg"></center>'
  109. else
  110. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanterhelp1.jpg"></center>'
  111. end
  112. if $clothingworntype = 'nude':
  113. if huntersKnow = 0:
  114. if pcs_apprnc >= 100:
  115. '"Are you... a mermaid?" You hear one of the men blurt out before blushing'
  116. else
  117. 'What the hell happened to you? Are you alright?'
  118. end
  119. end
  120. if huntersKnow = 1 and huntersKnowSlut = 0:'"<<$pcs_nickname>>, what happened to you? Where are your clothes?" Andrei said concernedly.'
  121. if huntersKnow = 1 and huntersKnowSlut = 1:'Well isn''t this our favorite damsel in distress. And she''s even naked and ready for us so we can jump straight to the happy ending! Andrei grinned.'
  122. end
  123. if huntersKnow = 0:
  124. 'The hunters help you to a dry place. For some time you just sit there, staring blankly ahead, trying to catch your breath. After a while feeling better you decide to find out where you are and who it was that saved you.'
  125. act 'Look':hunterhelp = 2 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  126. else
  127. 'The hunters help you to a dry place. For some time you just sit there, staring blankly ahead, trying to catch your breath. After a short rest you go out to the yard.'
  128. act 'Further':hunterhelp = 0 & gt 'swamp_yard'
  129. end
  130. end
  131. !TODO: Move these to the interactions or favors files
  132. !TODO: Redo the events here after working on the other locations
  133. if $ARGS[0] = 'confronted_after_drunken_gangbang':
  134. if huntdanceslut = 1:
  135. cla
  136. *clr
  137. minut+=5
  138. gs 'stat'
  139. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/andreihanter.jpg"></center>'
  140. 'As soon as you walk into the yard, you immediately walk up to Andrei.'
  141. '"I need to talk to you, <<$pcs_nickname>>," he said. "Can you recall what happened last night?"'
  142. '"Well... uh... Yes, I think I can..." you reply, blushing, staring down at the ground.'
  143. '"I used to say that you look just like your mother," said Andrei looking at you. "After your little show yesterday, as it turns out, the resemblance doesn''t stop at just the looks."'
  144. 'Andrei paused looking at you while you try to collect your thoughts to understand what he''s trying to imply.'
  145. '"To be frank, you''re as slutty as your mother was in her youth, the apple doesn''t fall far away from the tree as they say..." he chuckles. "Take it as a compliment."'
  146. 'You look at Andrei, completely stunned by what you just heard.'
  147. '"And what are sluts best at?" he continues. "That''s right, to pleasure men. Don''t you agree?"'
  148. if pcs_dom > 0 and alko < 8:act'Refuse':huntdanceslut = 3 & gt 'hunters', 'start'
  149. act'Agree':huntdanceslut = 2 & gt 'hunters', 'start'
  150. end
  151. end
  152. !Assorted sex scenes specifically for the yard
  153. if $ARGS[0] = 'skirt_breeze':
  154. if CloSkirtShortness > 1 and $pantyworntype = 'none':
  155. *clr & cla
  156. hunter_sexual_comfort += 2
  157. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/no_tanga.jpg"></center>'
  158. 'You walk across the yard, when suddenly the wind lifts your skirt.'
  159. '"I forgot to put on panties...," you realize this seeing your bare pussy.'
  160. 'You nervously started looking around if anyone caught a glimpse of your little wardrobe malfunction...'
  161. 'You hoped that the men missed the opportunity seeing you exposed, however, Igor''s face had turned red and you see Andrei grinning, you realize quite quickly that your little show did not pass unappreciated.'
  162. gs 'arousal', 'flashlite', 1
  163. gs 'arousal', 'end'
  164. gs 'stat'
  165. act 'Further':gt 'swamp_yard'
  166. end
  167. end
  168. !Code blocks for branch events (events calling other events)
  169. if $ARGS[0] = 'campfire':
  170. !TODO: Add mechanic so that fire slowly goes through wood and extinguishes when there is no more left
  171. cla
  172. *clr
  173. menu_off = 1
  174. minut += 1
  175. gs 'stat'
  176. act 'Move away': gt 'swamp_yard', 'start'
  177. act 'Sit by the fire': gt 'swamp_yard', 'fireside'
  178. if campfire = 1:
  179. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  180. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_day.jpg"></center>'
  181. else
  182. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_night.jpg"></center>'
  183. end
  184. 'A nice, warm campfire you can sit and relax by. You can use it to cook something or heat up some water to bathe.'
  185. 'You can also put it out with the bucket if there is enough water in it'
  186. if bucket >= 3:
  187. act 'Put out the fire':
  188. cla & *clr
  189. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_put_out.jpg"></center>'
  190. 'You pour some water to extinguish the campfire'
  191. campfire = 0
  192. minut += 5
  193. bucket -= 3
  194. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard', 'campfire'
  195. end
  196. end
  197. if bucket > 0 and boletus > 0 and mushroom_soup = 0:
  198. act 'Cook some mushroom soup (0:30)': gs 'hunter_favors', 'mushroom_soup'
  199. end
  200. if bucket > 0 and raw_meat > 0 and meat_stew = 0:
  201. act 'Cook some meat stew (1:00)': gs 'hunter_favors', 'meat_stew'
  202. end
  203. if bucket >= 5 and hotwater = 0:
  204. act 'Heat up water (0:30)':
  205. cla
  206. *clr
  207. minut += 30
  208. bucket -= 5
  209. hotwater = 1
  210. water_heated += 1
  211. gs 'stat'
  212. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hotwater.jpg"></center>'
  213. *nl
  214. if water_heated > 5 and (inhibition < 85 or hunter_sexual_comfort > 25):
  215. '"It is too tedious to keep heatiing up water", you think to yourself.'
  216. else
  217. 'With the now heated water, you can bathe yourself in the tub.'
  218. end
  219. act 'Continue': gt 'swamp_yard', 'campfire'
  220. end
  221. end
  222. else:
  223. if hour >= 8 and hour < 20:
  224. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_out_day.jpg"></center>'
  225. else
  226. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_out_night.jpg"></center>'
  227. end
  228. 'You can use this firepit to light a fire, if you have some firewood available.'
  229. !TODO: Tie fire lighting to bushcraft, make hunters do it on their schedule or with Sveta asking
  230. if firewood >= 10:
  231. act 'Light fire':
  232. cla & *clr
  233. if $clothingworntype ! 'nude':
  234. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_light.jpg"></center>'
  235. else
  236. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/campfire_light_nude.jpg"></center>'
  237. end
  238. 'You use some chopped wood, dry branches and twigs to light a campfire in the firepit'
  239. firewood -= 10
  240. campfire = 1
  241. minut += 15
  242. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard', 'campfire'
  243. end
  244. elseif firewood > 1:
  245. *nl
  246. 'There is some wood and twigs by the pit but not enough to light a new fire'
  247. else
  248. 'You do not see any firewood nearby. You will probably need to collect some branches, chop some or ask a hunter to do so.'
  249. end
  250. end
  251. end
  252. if $ARGS[0] = 'fireside':
  253. cla & *clr
  254. act 'Get up':
  255. gt 'swamp_yard', 'start'
  256. end
  257. if hunter_breakfast = 1 or hunter_lunch = 1:
  258. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/hanters1.jpg"></center>'
  259. 'Hunters are also sitting around the campfire, talking and joking about all kinds of stuff before heading out hunting'
  260. act 'Chat (1:00)':
  261. gt 'hunter_interaction', 'chat_with_hunters'
  262. end
  263. !TODO: Flesh out the learning content here
  264. act 'Ask for some tips on how to survive in the woods (1:00)':
  265. hunter_lessons += 1
  266. *clr & cla
  267. if hunter_collective_opinion > 25:
  268. hunter_collective_opinion -= 1
  269. pcs_bushcraft += 1
  270. gs 'stat'
  271. minut += 60
  272. *nl
  273. 'Hunters talk to you about some of their experiences when they first started out'
  274. else
  275. if hunter_lessons > 10 AND hunter_sexual_comfort > 25:
  276. !TODO: Prototype implementation for the creekside event, to be revamped
  277. 'Sergei tells you to go by the creek for the next lesson about how to scope the area for a hunt.'
  278. hunter_lessons -= 8
  279. act 'Further': gt 'hunter_favors', 'creekside_gangbang_request'
  280. else
  281. minut += 20
  282. 'The hunters do not even bother to answer you. You simply sit in awkward silence for twenty minutes before getting to to other business'
  283. end
  284. end
  285. act 'Further': gt 'swamp_yard', 'campfire'
  286. end
  287. end
  288. if hunters_drink = 1:
  289. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/fireside_drink.jpg"></center>'
  290. 'Hunters are drinking and chatting loudly. You can join them for a chat, or maybe a drink or two if you would like'
  291. act 'Chat (1:00)':
  292. gt 'hunter_interactions', 'chat_with_hunters'
  293. end
  294. act 'Have a drink':
  295. gs 'hunter_interactions', 'drink_with_hunters'
  296. end
  297. end
  298. act 'Eat a meal':
  299. cla & *clr
  300. act 'Stop eating': gt 'swamp_yard', 'fireside'
  301. act 'Eat jerky and trail mix':
  302. !gs 'food', 'snack'
  303. *clr
  304. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/jerky_mix.jpg"></center>'
  305. 'You munch on some dried meat and trail mix. Not a full hot meal by any means but it''s better than nothing'
  306. pcs_hydra -= 15
  307. if pcs_energy >= 85:
  308. fat += 1
  309. pcs_energy += 20
  310. else
  311. pcs_energy += 30
  312. end
  313. gs 'stat'
  314. end
  315. if meat_stew > 0:
  316. act 'Eat meat stew':
  317. gs 'food', 'm_meal'
  318. *clr
  319. meat_stew -= 1
  320. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/soup.jpg"></center>'
  321. *nl
  322. if pcs_energy >= 100:
  323. fat += 5
  324. 'After having a healthy serving of meat stew, you feel stuffed.'
  325. elseif pcs_energy >= 80:
  326. fat += 3
  327. pcs_energy += 40
  328. 'You force yourself to have another sip of the meat stew.'
  329. else
  330. fat += 1
  331. pcs_energy += 30
  332. 'You''re enjoing some warm meat stew. Just what you needed.'
  333. end
  334. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  335. pcs_hydra += 10
  336. else
  337. pcs_hydra += 20
  338. end
  339. *nl
  340. if meat_stew > 0:
  341. 'There''s <<meat_stew>> '+iif(meat_stew > 1, 'servings','serving')+' of stew left in the pot'
  342. else
  343. 'You have finished the last of the stew, the pot is empty.'
  344. end
  345. gs 'stat'
  346. end
  347. end
  348. if mushroom_soup > 0:
  349. act 'Eat mushroom soup':
  350. gs 'food', 'm_meal'
  351. *clr
  352. mushroom_soup -= 1
  353. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/gadukino/hunters/soup.jpg"></center>'
  354. *nl
  355. if pcs_energy >= 100:
  356. fat += 3
  357. 'After having a healthy serving of mushroom soup, you feel stuffed.'
  358. elseif pcs_energy >= 80:
  359. fat += 1
  360. pcs_energy += 30
  361. 'You force yourself to have another sip of the mushroom soup.'
  362. else
  363. pcs_energy += 20
  364. 'You''re enjoing some warm mushroom soup. Just what you needed.'
  365. end
  366. if pcs_hydra >= 100:
  367. pcs_hydra += 20
  368. else
  369. pcs_hydra += 40
  370. end
  371. *nl
  372. if mushroom_soup > 0:
  373. 'There''s <<mushroom_soup>> '+iif(mushroom_soup > 1, 'servings','serving')+' of soup left in the pot'
  374. else
  375. 'You have finished the last of the soup, the pot is empty.'
  376. end
  377. gs 'stat'
  378. end
  379. end
  380. if bilberry > 0:
  381. act 'Eat berries':
  382. *clr
  383. minut += 20
  384. pcs_energy += 10
  385. pcs_hydra += 10
  386. bilberry -= 1
  387. pcs_willpwr += 5
  388. pcs_health += 5
  389. pcs_mood += 10
  390. gs 'stat'
  391. '<center><img src="images/locations/gadukino/forest/bilberry.jpg"></center>'
  392. 'You ate a few berries.'
  393. end
  394. end
  395. end
  396. end
  397. !Auxilliary locations
  398. if $ARGS[0] = 'nearby_woods':
  399. gt 'swamp_woods'
  400. end
  401. if $ARGS[0] = 'daytime_flavor_events':
  402. if rand(1,50) = 1:
  403. gs 'swamp_yard', 'skirt_breeze'
  404. elseif rand(1,20) = 1:
  405. gs 'hunter_favors', 'housekeeping_request'
  406. elseif rand(1,25) = 1:
  407. gs 'hunter_ambient' , 'yard_convo'
  408. elseif rand(1, hunter_sexual_comfort / 4 + 2) = 1:
  409. gs 'hunter_interactions', 'naked_encounter'
  410. elseif rand(1,15) = 1:
  411. gs 'hunter_ambient', 'bring_food'
  412. end
  413. end
  414. if $ARGS[0] = 'nighttime_flavor_events':
  415. !TODO: Add stuff here
  416. end
  417. --- swamp_yard ---------------------------------