SgrupDisco 567 B

  1. # SgrupDisco
  2. !{ Change log
  3. March 25, 2016
  4. Fixed coach''s name
  5. }
  6. gs 'stat'
  7. $textgrup = ''
  8. $textgrup2 = ''
  9. i = 0
  10. :markgruploop
  11. i += 1
  12. if grupTipe[i] = 1:$textgrup += '
  13. ' + $npcGo[i]
  14. if grupTipe[i] = 4:$textgrup2 += '
  15. ' + $npcGo[i]
  16. if i < 47:jump 'markgruploop'
  17. 'Dancing on the dance floor <<$textgrup>>'
  18. ''
  19. 'In one corner stand <<$textgrup2>>'
  20. if hour >= 21 and hour < 23 and week=5: 'At the entrance stands <a href="exec:GT ''VolleyTrenerSpeak''">Coach Mikhail Nikolayevich</a>'
  21. act 'Move away':gt $loc, $metka
  22. --- SgrupDisco ---------------------------------