gschool_lessons.qsrc 32 KB

  1. # gschool_lessons
  2. if $ARGS[0] = 'morning':
  3. *clr & cla
  4. $menu_loc = 'gschool_lessons'
  5. $menu_arg = 'morning'
  6. menu_off = 0
  7. if $breaktype ! 'first':
  8. schoolprogul -= 1
  9. school_lunch = 0
  10. if lernHome = 0: pcs_grades += 2
  11. if lernHome > 0: pcs_grades -= 1
  12. if pcs_grades > 100: pcs_grades = 100
  13. if pcs_grades < 0: pcs_grades = 0
  14. lernSkill += 1
  15. lernHome += 1
  16. if schoolSorev = 1: schoolSorev = 0
  17. gs 'gschool_socialchg', 'test'
  18. if detention_set = 1 and week = 1:
  19. detention_set = 2
  20. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/characters/pavlovsk/school/head/50.jpg"></center>'
  21. 'The principal is waiting for you in the hall, and with a simple curl of a finger, she summons you to follow her to her office.'
  22. *nl
  23. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'uniform_check'
  24. act 'Follow': gt 'gschool_office', 'principal'
  25. else
  26. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  27. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  28. 'Walking down the halls, you barely notice the poor state of the school anymore, having grown used to it. Approaching your locker, you see several of your classmates who you wave to.'
  29. gs 'gschool_gossip', 'morning'
  30. *nl
  31. gs 'gschool_lessons', 'uniform_check'
  32. gs 'gschool_schedule'
  33. act 'Go to first period': school_period = 0 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  34. act 'Skip first period': school_period = 1 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'skip'
  35. act 'Use water cooler': $breaktype = 'first' & gt 'gschool_break', 'watercooler'
  36. act 'Go to the girls restroom': $breaktype = 'first' & gt 'gschool_break', 'girls_restroom'
  37. act 'Go to the boys restroom': $breaktype = 'first' & gt 'gschool_break', 'boys_restroom'
  38. end
  39. else
  40. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  41. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  42. 'Walking down the halls, you barely notice the poor state of the school anymore, having grown used to it. Approaching your locker, you see several of your classmates who you wave to.'
  43. act 'Go to first period': school_period = 0 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  44. act 'Skip first period': school_period = 1 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'skip'
  45. end
  46. end
  47. if $ARGS[2] = 'uniform_check':
  48. if PCloInhibit <= 10:
  49. grupvalue[3] += 1
  50. grupvalue[5] += 1
  51. grupvalue[1] -= 1
  52. grupvalue[2] -= 1
  53. grupvalue[3] -= 1
  54. '<font color="blue">This uniform is very conservative.</font>'
  55. elseif PCloSkirt < 5 and PCloThinness < 5 and PCloBra = 0:
  56. if PCloQuality = 4:
  57. grupvalue[1] += 1
  58. grupvalue[2] += 1
  59. '<font color="blue">This uniform complies with the regulations and is of good quality.</font>'
  60. else
  61. '<font color="blue">This uniform complies with the school regulations on skirt length.</font>'
  62. end
  63. elseif PCloSkirt = 5 and PCloThinness < 5 and PCloBra = 0:
  64. if PCloQuality = 4:
  65. grupvalue[1] += 1
  66. grupvalue[2] += 1
  67. grupvalue[4] += 1
  68. '<font color="blue">This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length and is of good quality.</font>'
  69. else
  70. grupvalue[4] += 1
  71. '<font color="blue">This uniform slightly breaches the school regulations on skirt length.</font>'
  72. end
  73. else
  74. grupvalue[1] -= 1
  75. grupvalue[2] -= 1
  76. grupvalue[3] -= 1
  77. grupvalue[5] -= 1
  78. demerit += 5
  79. gs 'fame', 'pav', 'sex', 1
  80. '<font color="red">This uniform makes a mockery of the school uniform regulations.</font>'
  81. end
  82. end
  83. if $ARGS[0] = 'short_break':
  84. killvar '$breaktype'
  85. menu_off = 1
  86. gs 'stat'
  87. if school_period = 1:
  88. if hour = 6:
  89. minut += 165-minut
  90. elseif hour = 7:
  91. minut += 105-minut
  92. elseif hour = 8 and minut < 45:
  93. minut += 45-minut
  94. elseif hour = 8 and minut < 50:
  95. 'Time to move to next class'
  96. else
  97. school_period = 2
  98. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  99. end
  100. elseif school_period = 2:
  101. if hour = 8:
  102. minut += 95-minut
  103. elseif hour = 9 and minut < 35:
  104. minut += 35-minut
  105. elseif hour = 9 and minut < 55:
  106. 'Time to move to next class'
  107. else
  108. school_period = 4
  109. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  110. end
  111. elseif school_period = 3:
  112. if $ARGS[1] = '':
  113. if hour = 9 and minut < 55:
  114. minut += 55-minut
  115. 'Time to move to next class'
  116. else
  117. school_period = 4
  118. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  119. end
  120. else
  121. if hour = 9 and minut < 46:
  122. minut += 46-minut
  123. end
  124. end
  125. elseif school_period = 4:
  126. if hour = 9:
  127. minut += 100-minut
  128. elseif hour = 10 and minut < 40:
  129. minut += 40-minut
  130. elseif hour = 10 and minut < 45:
  131. 'Time to move to next class'
  132. else
  133. school_period = 5
  134. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  135. end
  136. elseif school_period = 5:
  137. if hour = 10:
  138. minut += 90-minut
  139. elseif hour = 11 and minut < 30:
  140. minut += 30-minut
  141. elseif hour = 12 and minut < 25 and minut > 20:
  142. school_period = 6
  143. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  144. elseif (hour = 12 and minut > 25 ) or hour > 12:
  145. school_period = 6
  146. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  147. end
  148. if NikoVolkovQW = 10 and NikoEv = 12: school_lunch = 1 & school_period = 6 & gt 'NikoDreams', 'Classroom Dream'
  149. elseif school_period = 6:
  150. if $ARGS[1] = '':
  151. if hour = 10:
  152. minut += 145-minut
  153. elseif hour = 11:
  154. minut += 85-minut
  155. elseif hour = 12 and minut < 25:
  156. minut += 25-minut
  157. else
  158. school_period = 7
  159. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  160. end
  161. end
  162. elseif school_period = 7:
  163. if hour = 11:
  164. minut += 130-minut
  165. elseif hour = 12:
  166. minut += 70-minut
  167. elseif hour = 13 and minut < 10:
  168. minut += 10-minut
  169. elseif hour = 13 and minut < 15:
  170. 'Time to move to next class'
  171. else
  172. school_period = 8
  173. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'short_break'
  174. end
  175. elseif school_period = 8:
  176. if hour = 13: minut += 60-minut
  177. end
  178. gs 'stat'
  179. if school_period = 2:
  180. if $ARGS[1] ! 'nopict':
  181. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  182. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  183. nl
  184. gs 'gschool_schedule'
  185. end
  186. act 'Time for morning break': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  187. elseif school_period = 5:
  188. if $ARGS[1] ! 'nopict':
  189. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  190. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  191. nl
  192. gs 'gschool_schedule'
  193. end
  194. act 'Time for lunch break': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  195. elseif (school_period < 8):
  196. if $ARGS[1] ! 'nopict':
  197. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  198. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  199. gs 'gschool_gossip', 'gossip'
  200. nl
  201. gs 'gschool_schedule'
  202. end
  203. act 'Move to next class': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  204. act 'Skip next class': school_period += 1 & gt 'gschool_lessons', 'skip'
  205. elseif Kuznecov_shop_punishment = 1:
  206. Kuznecov_shop_punishment = 0
  207. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  208. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  209. act 'Go to Kuznecov''s study': gt 'gschool_lessonsev2','shop punishment'
  210. act 'Leave the school': gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  211. else
  212. gt 'gschool_lessons', 'schedule'
  213. end
  214. end
  215. if $ARGS[0] = 'skip':
  216. killvar '$breaktype'
  217. *clr & cla
  218. $menu_loc = 'gschool_lessons'
  219. $menu_arg = 'skip'
  220. menu_off = 0
  221. '<center><b><font color="maroon">School Hallway</font></b></center>'
  222. '<center><img <<$set_imgh>> src="images/locations/pavlovsk/school/building/gschool_hall0<<Rand(0,2)>>.jpg"></center>'
  223. 'You don''t feel like attending all of your classes this morning. Surely no one will miss you if you skip one of your three morning classes.'
  224. act 'Go to girl''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_girls_bathroom', 'start'
  225. act 'Go to boy''s bathroom': gt 'gschool_boys_bathroom', 'start'
  226. !! act 'Go to old school building': gt
  227. end
  228. if $ARGS[0] = 'schedule':
  229. killvar '$breaktype'
  230. gs 'stat'
  231. if school_period = 0:
  232. school_period = 1
  233. if hour >= 8:
  234. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math_late'
  235. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'literature_late'
  236. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math_late'
  237. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'literature_late'
  238. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math_late'
  239. else
  240. if hour = 7: minut += 60 - minut
  241. if hour = 6: minut += 120 - minut
  242. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math'
  243. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'literature'
  244. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math'
  245. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'literature'
  246. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'math'
  247. end
  248. elseif school_period = 1:
  249. school_period = 2
  250. if hour = 8 and minut < 50: minut += 50 - minut
  251. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'russian'
  252. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'geography'
  253. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'russian'
  254. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'geography'
  255. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'russian'
  256. elseif school_period = 2:
  257. school_period = 3
  258. gt 'gschool_lunch', 'break'
  259. elseif school_period = 3:
  260. school_period = 4
  261. if hour = 9 and minut < 55: minut += 55 - minut
  262. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'english'
  263. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'science'
  264. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'biology'
  265. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'science'
  266. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'english'
  267. elseif school_period = 4:
  268. school_period = 5
  269. if hour = 10 and minut < 45: minut += 45 - minut
  270. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'art'
  271. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'shop'
  272. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'history'
  273. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'shop'
  274. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'art'
  275. elseif school_period = 5:
  276. school_period = 6
  277. gt 'gschool_lunch', 'lunch'
  278. elseif school_period = 6:
  279. school_period = 7
  280. if hour = 12 and minut < 25: minut += 25 - minut
  281. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'biology'
  282. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'computer'
  283. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'computer'
  284. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'computer'
  285. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons1', 'history'
  286. elseif school_period = 7:
  287. school_period = 8
  288. if hour = 13 and minut < 15: minut += 15 - minut
  289. if week = 1: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'pe'
  290. if week = 2: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'music'
  291. if week = 3: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'pe'
  292. if week = 4: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'music'
  293. if week = 5: gt 'gschool_lessons2', 'pe'
  294. else
  295. school_period = 0
  296. gt 'gschool_grounds', 'main'
  297. end
  298. end
  299. !!{ Probably can be deleted
  300. if $ARGS[0] = 'npc_data':
  301. !!$npc_firstname[i] - npc given name stored since MGX
  302. !!$npc_nickname[i] - npc nick name stored since MGX
  303. !!$npc_lastname[i] - npc surname name stored since MGX
  304. !!$npc_usedname[i] - npc usual used name stored since MGX
  305. !!$npc_notes[i] - npc character description stored since MGX
  306. !!npc_rel[i] - npc relationship stored since MGX
  307. !!npc_love[i] - npc lust for PC stored since MGX
  308. !!npc_gender[i] - 0 - male, 1 - female stored since MGX
  309. !!npc_rel['A<<i>>'] - Starting relationship
  310. !!npcPol[i] - sex, 0 - male, 1 - female
  311. !!grupTipe[i] - social group
  312. !!1 - cool kids
  313. !!2 - jocks
  314. !!3 - nerds
  315. !!4 - Gopnik
  316. !!5 - outcasts
  317. !!6 - teachers
  318. !!
  319. !!===========================Male Students=======================
  320. !!
  321. !!Dimka Nosov
  322. $school_static_num[1] = 'A1'
  323. npcPol[1] = 0
  324. grupTipe[1] = 1
  325. $npcGo[1] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 1 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>></a>'
  326. $npcSelfie[1] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 1 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A1'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A1'']>></a>'
  327. !!Artem Chebotarev
  328. $school_static_num[2] = 'A2'
  329. npcPol[2] = 0
  330. grupTipe[2] = 3
  331. $npcGo[2] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 2 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>></a>'
  332. $npcSelfie[2] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 2 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A2'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A2'']>></a>'
  333. !!Ivan Prokhorov
  334. $school_static_num[3] = 'A3'
  335. npcPol[3] = 0
  336. grupTipe[3] = 2
  337. $npcGo[3] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 3 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>></a>'
  338. $npcSelfie[3] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 3 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A3'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A3'']>></a>'
  339. !!Igor Kruglov
  340. $school_static_num[4] = 'A4'
  341. npcPol[4] = 0
  342. grupTipe[4] = 1
  343. $npcGo[4] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 4 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>></a>'
  344. $npcSelfie[4] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 4 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A4'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A4'']>></a>'
  345. !!Fedor Kozlov
  346. $school_static_num[5] = 'A5'
  347. npcPol[5] = 0
  348. if fedormasha = 1: grupTipe[5] = 5
  349. if fedormasha = 0: grupTipe[5] = 2
  350. $npcGo[5] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 5 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>></a>'
  351. $npcSelfie[5] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 5 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A5'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A5'']>></a>'
  352. !!Petka Klyuyev
  353. $school_static_num[6] = 'A6'
  354. npcPol[6] = 0
  355. grupTipe[6] = 3
  356. $npcGo[6] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 6 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>></a>'
  357. $npcSelfie[6] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 6 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A6'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A6'']>></a>'
  358. !!Lesco Tsarev
  359. $school_static_num[7] = 'A7'
  360. npcPol[7] = 0
  361. grupTipe[7] = 5
  362. $npcGo[7] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 7 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>></a>'
  363. $npcSelfie[7] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 7 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A7'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A7'']>></a>'
  364. !!Svyatoslav Voinov
  365. $school_static_num[8] = 'A8'
  366. npcPol[8] = 0
  367. grupTipe[8] = 2
  368. $npcGo[8] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 8 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>></a>'
  369. $npcSelfie[8] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 8 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A8'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A8'']>></a>'
  370. !!Vitek Kotov
  371. $school_static_num[9] = 'A9'
  372. npcPol[9] = 0
  373. grupTipe[9] = 4
  374. $npcGo[9] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 9 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>></a>'
  375. $npcSelfie[9] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 9 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A9'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A9'']>></a>'
  376. !!Dan Ryzhov
  377. $school_static_num[10] = 'A10'
  378. npcPol[10] = 0
  379. grupTipe[10] = 4
  380. $npcGo[10] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 10 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>></a>'
  381. $npcSelfie[10] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 10 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A10'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A10'']>></a>'
  382. !!Vasily Shulgin
  383. $school_static_num[11] = 'A11'
  384. npcPol[11] = 0
  385. grupTipe[11] = 4
  386. $npcGo[11] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 11 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>></a>'
  387. $npcSelfie[11] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 11 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A11'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A11'']>></a>'
  388. !!Marcus Larson
  389. $school_static_num[27] = 'A146'
  390. npcPol[27] = 0
  391. grupTipe[27] = 1
  392. $npcGo[27] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 27 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>></a>'
  393. $npcSelfie[27] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 27 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A146'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A146'']>></a>'
  394. !!Andrey Aleksandrov
  395. $school_static_num[28] = 'A147'
  396. npcPol[28] = 0
  397. grupTipe[28] = 1
  398. $npcGo[28] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 28 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>></a>'
  399. $npcSelfie[28] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 28 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A147'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A147'']>></a>'
  400. !!Mefodiy Utkin
  401. $school_static_num[29] = 'A148'
  402. npcPol[29] = 0
  403. grupTipe[29] = 1
  404. $npcGo[29] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 29 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>></a>'
  405. $npcSelfie[29] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 29 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A148'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A148'']>></a>'
  406. !!Lazar Utkin
  407. $school_static_num[32] = 'A149'
  408. npcPol[32] = 0
  409. grupTipe[32] = 2
  410. $npcGo[32] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 32 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>></a>'
  411. $npcSelfie[32] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 32 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A149'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A149'']>></a>'
  412. !!Erast Vagin
  413. $school_static_num[33] = 'A150'
  414. npcPol[33] = 0
  415. grupTipe[33] = 2
  416. $npcGo[33] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 33 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>></a>'
  417. $npcSelfie[33] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 33 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A150'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A150'']>></a>'
  418. !!Evgeny Kuznetsov
  419. $school_static_num[35] = 'A151'
  420. npcPol[35] = 0
  421. grupTipe[35] = 3
  422. $npcGo[35] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 35 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>></a>'
  423. $npcSelfie[35] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 35 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A151'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A151'']>></a>'
  424. !!Feofan Krupin
  425. $school_static_num[36] = 'A152'
  426. npcPol[36] = 0
  427. grupTipe[36] = 3
  428. $npcGo[36] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 36 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>></a>'
  429. $npcSelfie[36] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 36 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A152'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A152'']>></a>'
  430. !!Gerasim Vasilyev
  431. $school_static_num[37] = 'A153'
  432. npcPol[37] = 0
  433. grupTipe[37] = 3
  434. $npcGo[37] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 37 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>></a>'
  435. $npcSelfie[37] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 37 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A153'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A153'']>></a>'
  436. !!Radomir Popov
  437. $school_static_num[39] = 'A154'
  438. npcPol[39] = 0
  439. grupTipe[39] = 4
  440. $npcGo[39] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 39 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>></a>'
  441. $npcSelfie[39] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 39 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A154'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A154'']>></a>'
  442. !!Lavrenti Romanov
  443. $school_static_num[40] = 'A155'
  444. npcPol[40] = 0
  445. grupTipe[40] = 4
  446. $npcGo[40] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 40 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>></a>'
  447. $npcSelfie[40] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 40 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A155'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A155'']>></a>'
  448. !!Arkadi Fyodorov
  449. $school_static_num[41] = 'A156'
  450. npcPol[41] = 0
  451. grupTipe[41] = 4
  452. $npcGo[41] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 41 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>></a>'
  453. $npcSelfie[41] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 41 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A156'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A156'']>></a>'
  454. !!Roman Yakovlev
  455. $school_static_num[42] = 'A157'
  456. npcPol[42] = 0
  457. grupTipe[42] = 4
  458. $npcGo[42] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 42 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>></a>'
  459. $npcSelfie[42] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 42 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A157'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A157'']>></a>'
  460. !!Valentin Bogdanov
  461. $school_static_num[43] = 'A158'
  462. npcPol[43] = 0
  463. grupTipe[43] = 4
  464. $npcGo[43] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 43 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>></a>'
  465. $npcSelfie[43] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 43 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A158'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A158'']>></a>'
  466. !!Petia Alkaev
  467. $school_static_num[47] = 'A159'
  468. npcPol[47] = 0
  469. grupTipe[47] = 5
  470. $npcGo[47] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 47 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>></a>'
  471. $npcSelfie[47] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 47 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A159'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A159'']>></a>'
  472. !!Vanya Yanka
  473. $school_static_num[59] = 'A165'
  474. npcPol[59] = 0
  475. grupTipe[59] = 2
  476. $npcGo[59] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 59 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>></a>'
  477. $npcSelfie[59] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 59 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A165'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A165'']>></a>'
  478. !!Nikolai Volkov
  479. $school_static_num[61] = 'A189'
  480. npcPol[61] = 0
  481. grupTipe[61] = 4
  482. $npcGo[61] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 61 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>></a>'
  483. $npcSelfie[61] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 61 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A189'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A189'']>></a>'
  484. !!
  485. !!===========================Female Students=======================
  486. !!
  487. !!Julia Milov
  488. $school_static_num[12] = 'A12'
  489. npcPol[12] = 1
  490. grupTipe[12] = 3
  491. $npcGo[12] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 12 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>></a>'
  492. $npcSelfie[12] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 12 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A12'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A12'']>></a>'
  493. !!Lariska Gruzdeva
  494. $school_static_num[13] = 'A13'
  495. npcPol[13] = 1
  496. grupTipe[13] = 2
  497. $npcGo[13] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 13 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>></a>'
  498. $npcSelfie[13] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 13 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A13'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A13'']>></a>'
  499. !!Katja Meynold
  500. $school_static_num[14] = 'A14'
  501. npcPol[14] = 1
  502. grupTipe[14] = 1
  503. $npcGo[14] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 14 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></a>'
  504. $npcSelfie[14] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 14 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A14'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A14'']>></a>'
  505. !!Vicky Meynold
  506. $school_static_num[15] = 'A15'
  507. npcPol[15] = 1
  508. grupTipe[15] = 1
  509. $npcGo[15] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 15 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>></a>'
  510. $npcSelfie[15] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 15 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A15'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A15'']>></a>'
  511. !!Natasha Belova
  512. $school_static_num[16] = 'A16'
  513. npcPol[16] = 1
  514. grupTipe[16] = 3
  515. $npcGo[16] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 16 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>></a>'
  516. $npcSelfie[16] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 16 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A16'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A16'']>></a>'
  517. !!Inna Devyatova
  518. $school_static_num[17] = 'A17'
  519. npcPol[17] = 1
  520. grupTipe[17] = 1
  521. $npcGo[17] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 17 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>></a>'
  522. $npcSelfie[17] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 17 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A17'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A17'']>></a>'
  523. !!Christina Zvereva
  524. $school_static_num[18] = 'A18'
  525. npcPol[18] = 1
  526. if zverSlutQW >= 2:
  527. grupTipe[18] = 0
  528. else
  529. grupTipe[18] = 2
  530. end
  531. $npcGo[18] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 18 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>></a>'
  532. $npcSelfie[18] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 18 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A18'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A18'']>></a>'
  533. !!Lina Starov
  534. $school_static_num[19] = 'A19'
  535. npcPol[19] = 1
  536. grupTipe[19] = 2
  537. $npcGo[19] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 19 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>></a>'
  538. $npcSelfie[19] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 19 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A19'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A19'']>></a>'
  539. !!Lena Kotova
  540. $school_static_num[20] = 'A20'
  541. npcPol[20] = 1
  542. grupTipe[20] = 4
  543. $npcGo[20] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 20 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>></a>'
  544. $npcSelfie[20] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 20 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A20'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A20'']>></a>'
  545. !!Lera Tsarev
  546. $school_static_num[21] = 'A21'
  547. npcPol[21] = 1
  548. grupTipe[21] = 4
  549. $npcGo[21] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 21 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>></a>'
  550. $npcSelfie[21] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 21 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A21'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A21'']>></a>'
  551. !!Bella Artamonov
  552. $school_static_num[22] = 'A22'
  553. npcPol[22] = 1
  554. grupTipe[22] = 2
  555. $npcGo[22] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 22 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>></a>'
  556. $npcSelfie[22] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 22 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A22'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A22'']>></a>'
  557. !!Albina Barlovskaya
  558. $school_static_num[23] = 'A23'
  559. npcPol[23] = 1
  560. grupTipe[23] = 1
  561. $npcGo[23] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 23 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>></a>'
  562. $npcSelfie[23] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 23 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A23'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A23'']>></a>'
  563. !!Pauline Sebagotulina
  564. $school_static_num[24] = 'A24'
  565. npcPol[24] = 1
  566. grupTipe[24] = 4
  567. $npcGo[24] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 24 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>></a>'
  568. $npcSelfie[24] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 24 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A24'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A24'']>></a>'
  569. !!Sonia Ivanko
  570. $school_static_num[25] = 'A25'
  571. npcPol[25] = 1
  572. if soniaPS > 0:
  573. grupTipe[25] = 5
  574. else
  575. grupTipe[25] = 1
  576. end
  577. $npcGo[25] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 25 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>></a>'
  578. $npcSelfie[25] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 25 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A25'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A25'']>></a>'
  579. !!Stasya Pavlov
  580. $school_static_num[30] = 'A139'
  581. npcPol[30] = 1
  582. grupTipe[30] = 1
  583. $npcGo[30] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 30 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>></a>'
  584. $npcSelfie[30] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 30 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A139'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A139'']>></a>'
  585. !!Lizaveta Petrov
  586. $school_static_num[31] = 'A140'
  587. npcPol[31] = 1
  588. grupTipe[31] = 1
  589. $npcGo[31] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 31 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>></a>'
  590. $npcSelfie[31] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 31 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A140'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A140'']>></a>'
  591. !!Veronika Sokolov
  592. $school_static_num[34] = 'A141'
  593. npcPol[34] = 1
  594. grupTipe[34] = 2
  595. $npcGo[34] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 34 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>></a>'
  596. $npcSelfie[34] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 34 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A141'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A141'']>></a>'
  597. !!Zinaida Alkaev
  598. $school_static_num[38] = 'A142'
  599. npcPol[38] = 1
  600. grupTipe[38] = 3
  601. $npcGo[38] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 38 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>></a>'
  602. $npcSelfie[38] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 38 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A142'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A142'']>></a>'
  603. !!Alyona Alkaev
  604. $school_static_num[44] = 'A143'
  605. npcPol[44] = 1
  606. grupTipe[44] = 4
  607. $npcGo[44] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 44 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>></a>'
  608. $npcSelfie[44] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 44 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A143'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A143'']>></a>'
  609. !!Anushka Konstantinov
  610. $school_static_num[45] = 'A144'
  611. npcPol[45] = 1
  612. grupTipe[45] = 4
  613. $npcGo[45] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 45 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>></a>'
  614. $npcSelfie[45] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 45 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A144'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A144'']>></a>'
  615. !!Ekaterina Maksimov
  616. $school_static_num[46] = 'A145'
  617. npcPol[46] = 1
  618. grupTipe[46] = 4
  619. $npcGo[46] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 46 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>></a>'
  620. $npcSelfie[46] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 46 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A145'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A145'']>></a>'
  621. !!
  622. !!===========================Teachers=======================
  623. !!
  624. !!Anatoly E. Tsarev
  625. $school_static_num[26] = 'A26'
  626. npcPol[26] = 0
  627. grupTipe[26] = 6
  628. $npcGo[26] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 26 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>></a>'
  629. $npcSelfie[26] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 26 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A26'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A26'']>></a>'
  630. !!Ilya Yenotin
  631. $school_static_num[48] = 'A130'
  632. npcPol[48] = 0
  633. grupTipe[48] = 6
  634. $npcGo[48] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 48 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>></a>'
  635. $npcSelfie[48] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 48 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A130'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A130'']>></a>'
  636. !!Viktor Pavlovich
  637. $school_static_num[49] = 'A131'
  638. npcPol[49] = 0
  639. grupTipe[49] = 6
  640. $npcGo[49] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 49 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>></a>'
  641. $npcSelfie[49] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 49 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A131'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A131'']>></a>'
  642. !!Aleksandrina Volkov
  643. $school_static_num[50] = 'A134'
  644. npcPol[50] = 1
  645. grupTipe[50] = 6
  646. $npcGo[50] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 50 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>></a>'
  647. $npcSelfie[50] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 50 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A134'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A134'']>></a>'
  648. !!Yeva Sokoloff
  649. $school_static_num[51] = 'A135'
  650. npcPol[51] = 1
  651. grupTipe[51] = 6
  652. $npcGo[51] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 51 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>></a>'
  653. $npcSelfie[51] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 51 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A135'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A135'']>></a>'
  654. !!Serafim Ivanov
  655. $school_static_num[52] = 'A129'
  656. npcPol[52] = 0
  657. grupTipe[52] = 6
  658. $npcGo[52] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 52 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>></a>'
  659. $npcSelfie[52] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 52 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A129'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A129'']>></a>'
  660. !!Olga Aleksandrov
  661. $school_static_num[53] = 'A136'
  662. npcPol[53] = 1
  663. grupTipe[53] = 6
  664. $npcGo[53] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 53 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>></a>'
  665. $npcSelfie[53] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 53 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A136'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A136'']>></a>'
  666. !!Raven Braakman
  667. $school_static_num[54] = 'A137'
  668. npcPol[54] = 1
  669. grupTipe[54] = 6
  670. $npcGo[54] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 54 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>></a>'
  671. $npcSelfie[54] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 54 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A137'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A137'']>></a>'
  672. !!Arina Orlov
  673. $school_static_num[55] = 'A138'
  674. npcPol[55] = 1
  675. grupTipe[55] = 6
  676. $npcGo[55] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 55 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>></a>'
  677. $npcSelfie[55] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 55 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A138'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A138'']>></a>'
  678. !!Ruslan Kuznetsov
  679. $school_static_num[56] = 'A132'
  680. npcPol[56] = 0
  681. grupTipe[56] = 6
  682. $npcGo[56] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 56 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>></a>'
  683. $npcSelfie[56] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 56 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A132'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A132'']>></a>'
  684. !!Makar Vasilyev
  685. $school_static_num[58] = 'A128'
  686. npcPol[58] = 0
  687. grupTipe[58] = 6
  688. $npcGo[58] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 58 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>></a>'
  689. $npcSelfie[58] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 58 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A128'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A128'']>></a>'
  690. !!Rolan Matveev
  691. $school_static_num[57] = 'A133'
  692. npcPol[57] = 0
  693. grupTipe[57] = 6
  694. $npcGo[57] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 57 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>></a>'
  695. $npcSelfie[57] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 57 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A133'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A133'']>></a>'
  696. !!Mikhail Nikolaevich
  697. $school_static_num[60] = 'A69'
  698. npcPol[60] = 0
  699. grupTipe[60] = 6
  700. $npcGo[60] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 60 & gt ''Snpc''"><<$npc_firstname[''A69'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A69'']>></a>'
  701. $npcSelfie[60] = '<a href="exec:numnpc = 60 & gt ''phone_selfies'', ''schoolselfies''"><<$npc_firstname[''A69'']>> <<$npc_lastname[''A69'']>></a>'
  702. end
  703. }
  704. --- gschool_lessons ---------------------------------