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[fixed] Files not updated to use the combined calculations for pain that is needed for setting stretching based reactions

Kevin_Smarts 1 mesiac pred
2 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 88 pridanie a 48 odobranie
  1. 12 4
  2. 76 44

+ 12 - 4

@@ -174,8 +174,12 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'vaginal_sex':
 	frost = 0 &! the sex heats
 	gs 'arousal','vaginal',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
-	vaginal_tightness = 5 + vgrdif + vltdif - pcs_horny / 10
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_vag, vaginal_slip, pain['vaginal'], dick, grange, silavag
+	vaginal_tightness = 5 + grdif + ltdif - pcs_horny / 10
 	arousal_modifier = 12 - vaginal_tightness
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and a bit of your period leaks from your vagina','')
 	if pcs_vag > 0:
 		if vaginal_tightness >= 30: 
@@ -395,16 +399,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'analsex':
 	*p iif(pcs_ass < 10,'when <<$xe>> tries inserting a third finger you groan in pain. ','<<$xe>> inserts a third finger, very slowly thrusting and wiggling to stretch your anus, ')
 	*p '<<$xe>> pulls <<$xyr>> fingers out of your ass and you feel <<$xyr>> <<$penis_desc>> pushing against your butthole. '
 	gs 'arousal','anal',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
-	*p iif(agrdif + altdif >= 20,'You scream and bite your lip from the sharp pain when <<$xe>> penetrates your ass, ','You moan when <<$xe>> penetrates your ass, ')
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_ass, anal_slip, pain['asshole'], dick, grange, silavag
+	*p iif(grdif + ltdif >= 20,'You scream and bite your lip from the sharp pain when <<$xe>> penetrates your ass, ','You moan when <<$xe>> penetrates your ass, ')
 	*p '<<$xe>> stops for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to <<$xyr>> cock in it. Then he starts to slowly move, pumping your anus.'
-	if agrdif + altdif >= rand(25,35):
+	if grdif + ltdif >= rand(25,35):
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		'You cry and bite your lip when the <<$penis_desc>> begins to thrust in and out of your ass. Your anus feels like it is going to tear apart and all you want is for this torture to be over quickly.'
-	elseif agrdif + altdif < rand(15,25):
+	elseif grdif + ltdif < rand(15,25):
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		'You savor <<$xyr>> cock moving inside you, lightly moaning in rhythm.'
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	$tmp = iif(sexcontra = 7,'sabotaged ','')
 	*nl 'After some time <<$boydesc>> groans and you feel <<$xyr>> cock pulsing inside you '+iif(protect<>1,'and a pleasant warmth filling your ass. ','and you realized that <<$xe>> ejaculated in the <<$tmp>>condom. ')
 	gs 'cum_call','anus',$boy,1, sexcontra

+ 76 - 44

@@ -23,16 +23,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_vag_sex_dildo':
 		'You bite your lip in pain while tears stream from your eyes when the dildo enters you, breaking your hymen. You cry out in pain and afterwards reveals a bloody bottle<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		gs 'arousal','vaginal_dildo',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
+		grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+		dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_vag, vaginal_slip, pain['vaginal'], dick, grange, silavag
 		$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and menstruation blood leaks from your vagina','')
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy. Tears flow from your eyes and between your legs feels as if you drove in a red-hot rod<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 20 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy.  You feel pain between your legs<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy. Tears flow from your eyes and between your legs feels as if you drove in a red-hot rod<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy.  You feel pain between your legs<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		if cycle <= 0: $temp_mens = ', even though' + $temp_mens
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 12 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 20: 'You flinch at the sudden pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy, but the pain between your legs slowly calms down and becomes quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while moving the <<dick>>cm dildo inside your pussy <<$temp_mens>>, you don''t want it to go out.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 7 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 12: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >=  2 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 7: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling subsides and feels nice until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= -3 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 2: 'You''re startled by a pleasant sensation, when your pussy ravishly starts taking the dildo. Between your legs becomes very warm, and you feel a pleasant sensation, when a strong <<dick>>cm dildo moves back and forth in your wet pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling descends on you and your entire body is covered in hot waves of orgasm. You start giving out involuntarily shouts of pleasure while ravishing the dildo.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) <  -3: 'You feel the dildo penetrating your pussy. Between your legs feels nice, but the <<dick>>cm dildo is a bit too small for your pussy. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling slightly subsides and remains steady until the end <<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 12 and (grdif + ltdif) < 20: 'You flinch at the sudden pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy, but the pain between your legs slowly calms down and becomes quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while moving the <<dick>>cm dildo inside your pussy <<$temp_mens>>, you don''t want it to go out.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 7 and (grdif + ltdif) < 12: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >=  2 and (grdif + ltdif) < 7: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling subsides and feels nice until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= -3 and (grdif + ltdif) < 2: 'You''re startled by a pleasant sensation, when your pussy ravishly starts taking the dildo. Between your legs becomes very warm, and you feel a pleasant sensation, when a strong <<dick>>cm dildo moves back and forth in your wet pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling descends on you and your entire body is covered in hot waves of orgasm. You start giving out involuntarily shouts of pleasure while ravishing the dildo.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) <  -3: 'You feel the dildo penetrating your pussy. Between your legs feels nice, but the <<dick>>cm dildo is a bit too small for your pussy. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling slightly subsides and remains steady until the end <<$temp_mens>>.'
 		gs 'arousal','vaginal_dildo',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
+		killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+		killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	killvar '$temp_mens'
@@ -41,16 +45,20 @@ end
 if $ARGS[0] = 'd_strapon_vag':
 	frost = 0
 	if pcs_vag > 0:
+		grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+		dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_vag, vaginal_slip, pain['vaginal'], dick, grange, silavag
 		$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and menstruation blood leaks from your vagina','')
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc>> penetrates you. Tears flow from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod into your vagina. You cry and moan while <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 20 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, it is very painful. You frown and moan in pain while <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc>> penetrates you. Tears flow from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod into your vagina. You cry and moan while <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, it is very painful. You frown and moan in pain while <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		if cycle <= 0: $temp_mens = ' even though' + $temp_mens
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 12 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 20: 'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, it hurts but gradually becames quite tolerable. You are trying to get aroused while fake <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>, but you did not succeed.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 7 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 12: 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretching when <<$boydesc>> enters you. It feels good when rubber <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >=  2 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 7: 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretching as <<$boydesc>> enters you. It feels good when <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter rubber dick fucks your pussy. Gradually, a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach, then the feeling decreases a little and remains like that until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= -3 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 2: 'You flinch from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by <<$xyr>> dick. It feels good when <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter fake dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach, then the feeling becomes unbearable and your entire body is covered with hot waves of orgasm as you scream with pleasure.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) <  -3: 'You feel <<$xyr>> fake penis enter your pussy. This gives you a nice tingling feeling between your legs, but <<$xyr>> <<dick>> cm rubber dick is significantly less than what your pussy needs. It is not big enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach. Then the feeling decreases a little and remaines like that until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 12 and (grdif + ltdif) < 20: 'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc>> enters you, it hurts but gradually becames quite tolerable. You are trying to get aroused while fake <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>, but you did not succeed.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 7 and (grdif + ltdif) < 12: 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretching when <<$boydesc>> enters you. It feels good when rubber <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >=  2 and (grdif + ltdif) < 7: 'You are startled by the feeling that your pussy is stretching as <<$boydesc>> enters you. It feels good when <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter rubber dick fucks your pussy. Gradually, a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach, then the feeling decreases a little and remains like that until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= -3 and (grdif + ltdif) < 2: 'You flinch from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by <<$xyr>> dick. It feels good when <<$xyr>> <<dick>> centimeter fake dick fucks your pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach, then the feeling becomes unbearable and your entire body is covered with hot waves of orgasm as you scream with pleasure.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) <  -3: 'You feel <<$xyr>> fake penis enter your pussy. This gives you a nice tingling feeling between your legs, but <<$xyr>> <<dick>> cm rubber dick is significantly less than what your pussy needs. It is not big enough for you. Gradually a pleasant warmth and some pulsations start building up in your stomach. Then the feeling decreases a little and remaines like that until the end<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		gs 'arousal','vaginal_strap',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
+		killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+		killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 		$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and menstruation blood leaks from your vagina','')
 		pcs_horny = 0
@@ -69,15 +77,19 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_vag_sex_bottle':
 	if pcs_vag > 0:
 		$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and menstruation blood leaks from your vagina','')
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy. Tears flow from your eyes and between your legs feels as if you drove in a red-hot rod<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 20 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy.  You feel pain between your legs<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+		dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_vag, vaginal_slip, pain['vaginal'], dick, grange, silavag
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30: 'You groan in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy. Tears flow from your eyes and between your legs feels as if you drove in a red-hot rod<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30: 'You bite your lip in pain when the <<dick>> cm dildo enters your pussy.  You feel pain between your legs<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		if cycle <= 0: $temp_mens = ', even though' + $temp_mens
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 12 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 20: 'You flinch at the sudden pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy, but the pain between your legs slowly calms down and becomes quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while moving the <<dick>> cm dildo inside your pussy <<$temp_mens>>, you don''t want it to go out.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 7 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 12: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >=  2 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 7: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling subsides and feels nice until the end of<<$temp_mens>>.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= -3 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 2: 'You''re startled by a pleasant sensation, when your pussy ravishly starts taking the dildo. Between your legs becomes very warm, and you feel a pleasant sensation, when a strong <<dick>> cm dildo moves back and forth in your wet pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling descends on you and your entire body is covered in hot waves of orgasm. You start giving out involuntarily shouts of pleasure while ravishing the dildo.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) <  -3: 'You feel the dildo penetrating your pussy. Between your legs feels nice, but the <<dick>>cm dildo is a bit too small for your pussy. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling slightly subsides and remains steady until the end of<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 12 and (grdif + ltdif) < 20: 'You flinch at the sudden pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your pussy, but the pain between your legs slowly calms down and becomes quite tolerable. You are trying to be excited while moving the <<dick>> cm dildo inside your pussy <<$temp_mens>>, you don''t want it to go out.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 7 and (grdif + ltdif) < 12: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >=  2 and (grdif + ltdif) < 7: 'You flinch, from feeling your pussy being stretched, with a thrust from a <<dick>>cm dildo. Between your legs feels a little nice, when you fuck yourself with the dildo. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling subsides and feels nice until the end of<<$temp_mens>>.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= -3 and (grdif + ltdif) < 2: 'You''re startled by a pleasant sensation, when your pussy ravishly starts taking the dildo. Between your legs becomes very warm, and you feel a pleasant sensation, when a strong <<dick>> cm dildo moves back and forth in your wet pussy<<$temp_mens>>. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling descends on you and your entire body is covered in hot waves of orgasm. You start giving out involuntarily shouts of pleasure while ravishing the dildo.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) <  -3: 'You feel the dildo penetrating your pussy. Between your legs feels nice, but the <<dick>>cm dildo is a bit too small for your pussy. Gradually, a warm and throbbing feeling grows in your lower abdomen, then the feeling slightly subsides and remains steady until the end of<<$temp_mens>>.'
 		gs 'arousal','vaginal_dildo',ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
+		killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+		killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 		$temp_mens = iif(cycle <= 0,' and menstruation blood leaks from your vagina','')
 		pcs_horny = 0
@@ -109,18 +121,22 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_analsex_dildo':
 	'You pull your fingers out of your ass and place the dildo near your hole.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip after a sharp pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your ass.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) <  20:'You moan when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your ass.'
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_ass, anal_slip, pain['asshole'], dick, grange, silavag
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip after a sharp pain when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your ass.'
+	if (grdif + ltdif) <  20:'You moan when the <<dick>>cm dildo enters your ass.'
 	'You stop for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to the dildo inside it, and then start to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 30:
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		'You feel like your anus is stretching when the dildo enters you. You start to moan rhythmically in unison with the <<dick>>cm dildo''s movements inside you.'
-	elseif (agrdif + altdif) >= 20 and (agrdif + altdif) < 30:
+	elseif (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30:
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		'You moan in pleasure while the dildo moves inside your ass.'
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	gs 'arousal','anal_dildo', ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
@@ -133,17 +149,21 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_strapon_anal':
 	if pcs_ass >= 10:'<<$xec>> starts to stretch your anus using three fingers.'
 	*p '<<$boydesc>> pulls <<$xyr>> fingers out of your ass and you feel '
 	if rand(0,1)=0: '<<$xyr>> fake cock near your hole.' else '<<$xem>> pushing <<$xyr>> fake cock into your hole.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) <  20:'You moan when <<$xyr>> <<dick>>cm rubber dick enters your ass.'
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_ass, anal_slip, pain['asshole'], dick, grange, silavag
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when <<$xyr>> fake <<dick>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
+	if (grdif + ltdif) <  20:'You moan when <<$xyr>> <<dick>>cm rubber dick enters your ass.'
 	'<<$boydesc>> stops for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to <<$xyr>> cock inside it. Then <<$xe>> starts to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 30:
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		'You cry and bite your lip when the <<dick>> centimeter fake cock begins to fuck your ass with full force!. Your ass feels like it is on fire and all you want is for this torture to be over quickly.'
-	elseif (agrdif + altdif) >= 20 and (agrdif + altdif) < 30:
+	elseif (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30:
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		'You feel like your anus is stretching when <<$xyr>> fake shaft enters you. You start to moan rhythmically in unison with <<$xyr>> fake cock''s movements inside of you.'
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	gs 'arousal','anal', ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
@@ -172,16 +192,20 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'd_analsex_bottle':
 	'You stopped for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to the bottle neck inside it, and then start to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when the bottle enters your ass.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) <  20:'You moan when the bottle enters your ass.'
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_ass, anal_slip, pain['asshole'], dick, grange, silavag
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20:'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when the bottle enters your ass.'
+	if (grdif + ltdif) <  20:'You moan when the bottle enters your ass.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 30:
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		'You feel like your anus is stretching when the bottle enters you. You start to moan rhythmically in unison with the bottle''s movements inside of you.'
-	elseif (agrdif + altdif) >= 20 and (agrdif + altdif) < 30:
+	elseif (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30:
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		'You moan in pleasure when the bottle moves inside your ass.'
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	gs 'arousal','anal_dildo', ARGS[1],$ARGS[2],$ARGS[3],$ARGS[4],$ARGS[5],$ARGS[6],$ARGS[7],$ARGS[8]
@@ -193,31 +217,39 @@ if $ARGS[0] = 'doublepenetration':
 	frost = 0
 	TotPain = 0
 	if pcs_vag > 0:
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 30: TotPain +=4 & 'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc1>> penetrates you, tears flow from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod into your vagina.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 20 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 30: TotPain +=3 & 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc1>> enters you, it is very painful.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 12 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 20: TotPain +=2 & 'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc1>> enters, it hurts but gradually it becomes quite tolerable.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= 7 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 12: TotPain +=1 & 'You are startled by the feeling of your pussy stretching when <<$boydesc1>> enters you.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >=  2 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 7: 'You are startled by the feeling of your pussy stretching as <<$boydesc1>> enters you.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) >= -3 and (vgrdif + vltdif) < 2: 'You flinch from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by <<$xyr1>> dick.'
-		if (vgrdif + vltdif) <  -3: 'You feel <<$xyr1>> penis entering your pussy. This gives you a nice tingling feeling between your legs, but <<$xyr>> <<dick>> cm dick is significantly smaller than what your pussy needs.'
+		grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+		dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_vag, vaginal_slip, pain['vaginal'], dick, grange, silavag
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30: TotPain +=4 & 'You groan in pain when <<$boydesc1>> penetrates you, tears flow from your eyes and it feels like someone drove a red-hot rod into your vagina.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30: TotPain +=3 & 'You bite your lip in pain when <<$boydesc1>> enters you, it is very painful.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 12 and (grdif + ltdif) < 20: TotPain +=2 & 'You wince at the sudden pain when <<$boydesc1>> enters, it hurts but gradually it becomes quite tolerable.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= 7 and (grdif + ltdif) < 12: TotPain +=1 & 'You are startled by the feeling of your pussy stretching when <<$boydesc1>> enters you.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >=  2 and (grdif + ltdif) < 7: 'You are startled by the feeling of your pussy stretching as <<$boydesc1>> enters you.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) >= -3 and (grdif + ltdif) < 2: 'You flinch from a pleasant feeling when your pussy is stretched by <<$xyr1>> dick.'
+		if (grdif + ltdif) <  -3: 'You feel <<$xyr1>> penis entering your pussy. This gives you a nice tingling feeling between your legs, but <<$xyr>> <<dick>> cm dick is significantly smaller than what your pussy needs.'
+		killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+		killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 		pcs_horny = 0
 		pcs_mood -= 15
 		TotPain +=4
 		'You bite your <<$pc_desc[''lips'']>> lips in pain and tears start to flow from your eyes when <<$boydesc1>> penetrates you, breaking your hymen.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 20: TotPain +=1 & 'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when <<$xyr2>> <<dick2>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) <  20:'You moan when <<$xyr2>> <<dick2>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
+	grange = dyneval('result=strpos(''skinny   slimx     well pr   thicker   thickx    massive   monstrous'',$ARGS[0])',mid($dick_girth+'x',1,6))/2
+	dynamic $get_hole_pain, pcs_ass, anal_slip, pain['asshole'], dick, grange, silavag
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 20: TotPain +=1 & 'You scream and bite your lip from a sharp pain when <<$xyr2>> <<dick2>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
+	if (grdif + ltdif) <  20:'You moan when <<$xyr2>> <<dick2>> centimeter dick enters your ass.'
 	'<<$boydesc2>> stops for a moment, giving your ass time to adjust to <<$xyr2>> cock inside it. He then starts to slowly move, stretching your anus.'
-	if (agrdif + altdif) >= 30:
+	if (grdif + ltdif) >= 30:
 		if pcs_makeup > 1:pcs_makeup = 0
 		'You cry and bite your lip when the <<dick2>>cm cock begins to fuck your ass.'
 		TotPain +=1
-	elseif (agrdif + altdif) >= 20 and (agrdif + altdif) < 30:
+	elseif (grdif + ltdif) >= 20 and (grdif + ltdif) < 30:
 		pcs_horny += 10
 		'You feel like your anus is stretching when <<$xyr2>> penis enters you. You start to moan rhythmically in unison with <<$xyr2>> cock''s movements inside of you.'
+	killvar '$get_hole_pain'
+	killvar 'grdif' & killvar 'ltdif'
 	if totPAIN = 0:
 		'Feelings merge together when you move inside two members in contact with each other through a thin opening sharing your vagina filled <<dick1>> centimeter and a member of your <<$anustipe>> anus filled <<dick2>> centimeter member. Your abdomen burns as if pleasant sunlight was spreading heat throughout your body.'